School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering
Dr. Sci. Tech. Process Engg. ETH Zurich, Switzerland
M.Engg. Chem. Engg. National University of Singapore, Singapore
B.E Chem. Engg. Annamalai University, India
Nanyang Technological University, SingaporeAssistant Professor, School of chemical and biomolecular engineering
SPIC Fertilizer Complex, Naptha based Ammonia plant, IndiaEngineering Management Trainee.
• Honoured at the 2010 annual convocation for providing “inspirational mentorship” to Zhang Chunyan,
recipient of Koh Boon Hwee Scholar’s award.
“This award gives recognition to the influence of inspirational teaching, and the enduring bondsthat are forged between teachers and students. Top NTU students who win this award will haveachieved excellent academic performance, displayed strong leadership ability and demonstratedpotential for contributing to society. Each winner will acknowledge an NTU faculty memberand a teacher from his/her former junior college, polytechnic, or equivalent institution, who hasinspired and contributed significantly to his/her education”. The mentors are honored by thePresident of the Republic of Singapore at the annual convocation.
• Nanyang Award for excellence in teaching, 2009
The Nanyang awards are give as “ the highest recognition to individual faculty who haveexhibited excellent teaching practice and enriched the learning experiences of their studentsthrough their enthusiasm, care and close rapport. ”. Every year, the teaching awards arepresented to about 1% of about 1600 faculty members in the university.
• Pacifichem 2010 Young Scholar’s Award.
Competitive travel grant to attend Pacifichem 2010 - The International Chemical Congress ofPacific Basin Societies, Honolulu, USA, Dec 2010. Applications are requested from researchersin the pacific rim countries and a travel grant and cash awards are given to the winners.
• Best paper award, Particle technology forum, American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual
The presentation “Three Dimensional Microparticle Characterization Using Digital Holography”was adjudged as the best paper among 70 presented in the sessions under the category “ParticleProduction and Characterization” at the AIChE Annual Meeting, Nashville.
• AUETTA prize for outstanding achievements in academic, social, literary and leadership activities, 1997.
This prize is awarded to one of 800 graduating students from the Faculty of EngineeringandTechnology, Annamalai University, India.
• RM. Sethunarayanan endowment prize for academic excellence, 1996.
This prize is awarded to 6 of 2400 students in the Faculty of Engineering and Technology,Annamalai University, India.
• Honors received by students supervised
• Zhang Chunyan (URECA and Final Year project student), Koh Boon Hwee Scholar’s award for having
“excellent academic performance, displayed strong leadership ability and demonstrated potential forcontributing to society”, 2010. The award, along with the Lee Kuan Yew gold medal is the highesthonour awarded to graduating students.
• Taslima Khanam (PhD student), best student presentation, 9th International symposium on Laser
• International Adsorption Society (IAS) (2007-)
• American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) (2007-)
• Large scale industrial chromatography: Supercritical Fluid Chromatography (SFC) and Simulated Moving
• Particle characterization and monitoring of crystallization
Previous and current grants awarded in related areas
• NTU-Principal investigator, Carbon capture and utilization thematic research program (TSRP), Agency for
science technology and research(A*STAR) , Singapore, Development and demonstration of an adsorption-based system for post-combustion carbon capture, SGD 729,685.25 (Total Grant: SGD 1.77 million).
• Principal investigator, Academic research fund (AcRF), Ministry of Education , Singapore, RG 25/07Monitoring of crystallization processes through digital holography, SGD 250,000.00.
• Principal investigator, Academic research fund (AcRF), Ministry of Education , Singapore, RG 38/05Preparative chiral separations by supercritical fluid chromatography, SGD 65,119.15.
• Principal investigator, Supplementary equipment project (SEP), Nanyang Technological University, Mea-surement of solubilities for supercritical fluid chromatography, SGD 44,383.90.
• Principal investigator, Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Engineering Cluster SEED grant, Nanyang Techno-
logical University, Designing adsorptive membranes for protein purification using confocal laser scanningmicroscopy, SGD 10,000.00.
• Principal investigator, Research outcome award and recognition, Nanyang Technological University, Funding
• Special edition of Adsorption- The journal of the international adsorption society, featuring papers presented
at the 5th Pacific basin conference on adsorption science and technology, 16 (1-2), 2010.
• Technology disclosure, “Apparatus and method for digital holographic microscopy measurement of particles
and crystals in solution”, submitted to NTU Innovation and Enterprise Office.
• Total number of publications in refereed journals: 28
• Total number of publications in submission/revision: 2
• Total number of refereed publications in conference proceedings: 6
• Total number of presentations in conferences: 58
• Total citations: 237 (non-self citations: 197)
• h-index: 9 (i.e. 9 papers have been cited at least 9 times)
Publications in refereed journals with NTU affiliation (* indicates corresponding author)
1. A. Majumdar, V. Kariwala*, S. Ansumali and A. Rajendran.
dimensional Population Balance Models in Crystallization. Chem. Engg. Sci., minor revision requested.
2. T. Khanam, M. Nurur-Rahman, A. Rajendran* , V. Kariwala, and A. K. Asundi Accurate characterization
of needle-shaped particles using digital holography Chem. Engg. Sci., 66:2699-2706, 2011.
3. W. Chen, R. Haghpanah, A. Rajendran* and M. Amanullah Optimization of isocratic supercritical
fluid chromatography for enantiomer separation. J. Chromatogr. A., 1218:162-170, 2011.
4. A. Rajendran* and M. Mazzotti. Local equilibrium theory for the binary chromatography of species
subject to a generalized Langmuir isotherm. 2. Wave interactions and chromatographic cycle Ind. Engg. Chem. Res., 50:352-377, 2011.
5. M.A. Khan, A. Rajendran* and Z.P. Lai*. Ni − SiO2/Silicalite-1 Core-Shell Micromembrane Reactors:
A Highly Shape Selective Bi-functional Catalyst. Ind. Engg. Chem. Res., 49:12423-12428, 2010.
6. A. Majumdar, V. Kariwala*, S. Ansumali and A. Rajendran. Entropic Lattice Boltzmann method for
crystallization processes. Chem. Engg. Sci., 65:3928-3936, 2010.
7. A. Majumdar, V. Kariwala*, S. Ansumali and A. Rajendran. Fast High Resolution Method for Solving
Multi-dimensional Population Balances in Crystallization. Ind. Engg. Chem. Res.,49:3862-3872, 2010.
8. G. J. Chin, Z. H. Chee, W. Chen, and A. Rajendran*. Solubility of flurbiprofen in CO2 and CO2+methanol. J. Chem. Engg. Data, 55:1542-1546, 2010.
9. E. Darakis, T. Khanam, A. Rajendran*, V. Kariwala, T. Naughton and A. Asundi.
characterization by digital holography Chem. Eng. Sci., 65:1037-1044, 2010.
10. W. Chen and A. Rajendran* Enantioseparation of flurbiprofen by supercritical fluid chromatography J.Chromatogr. A, 1216:8750-8758, 2009.
Binary retention time method for rapid determination of Langmuir
adsorption isotherm parameters. Sep. Purf. Technol., 67:344-354, 2009.
12. M. Kempkes, E. Darakis, T. Khanam, A. Rajendran*, V. Kariwala, M. Mazzotti, T. Naughton and
A. Asundi. Three dimensional digital holographic profiling of micro-fibers Opt. Express, 17:2938-2943,2009.
13. A. Rajendran, G. Paredes, and M. Mazzotti* Simulated moving bed chromatography for the separation
of enantiomers. J. Chromatogr. A,1216:709-738, 2009, Invited review article for the special issueon ‘Editor’s choice III’.
14. A. Rajendran*, V. Kariwala and S. Farooq. Correction procedures for extra-column effects in dynamic
column breakthrough experiments. Chem. Engg. Sci, 63:2696–2706, 2008.
15. A. Rajendran*, T. Gilkison and M. Mazzotti. Effect of pressure drop on solute retention and column
efficiency in supercritical fluid chromatography. 2: Modified carbon dioxide as mobile phase. J. Separ. Sci., 31:1279-1289, 2008.
16. A. Rajendran*. Equilibrium theory based design of simulated moving bed processes under reduced purity
requirements: Linear isotherms. J. Chromatogr. A, 1185:216–222, 2008.
17. R. Pini, S. Ottiger, A. Rajendran, G. Storti and M. Mazzotti* Near-critical adsorption of CO2 on 13X
zeolite and N2O on silica gel: lack of evidence of critical phenomena. Adsorption, 14:133-141, 2008.
18. S. Guntuka, S. Farooq* and A. Rajendran A- and B- substituted lanthanum cobaltite perovskite as high
temperature oxygen sorbent. 2. Column dynamics study. Ind. Engg. Chem. Res., 47:163-170, 2008.
19. S. Ottiger, J. Kluge, A. Rajendran, and M. Mazzotti* Enantioseparation of 1-phenyl-1-propanol on
cellulose-derived stationary phases by supercritical fluid chromatography 2. Non-Linear isotherm. J. Chromatogr. A, 1162:74-82, 2007.
20. R. Pini, S. Ottiger, A. Rajendran, G. Storti and M. Mazzotti* Reliable measurement of near critical
adsorption by gravimetric method. Adsorption, 12:393-403, 2006.
Publications in refereed journals with non-NTU affiliation
21. B. Bonavoglia, G. Storti, M. Morbidelli, A. Rajendran and M. Mazzotti*.
semicrystalline polymers in supercritical CO2. J. Polym. Sci., Part B: Polym. Phys., 44:1531-1546,2006.
22. A. Rajendran, O. Krauchi, M. Mazzotti*, and M. Morbidelli. Effect of pressure drop on solute retention
and column efficiency in supercritical fluid chromatography. J. Chromatogr. A, 1092:149–160, 2005.
23. A. Rajendran, S. Peper, M. Johannsen, M. Mazzotti*, M. Morbidelli, and G. Brunner. Enantioseparation
of 1-phenyl-1-propanol by Supercritical Fluid - Simulated Moving Bed (SF-SMB) Chromatography. J. Chromatogr. A, 1092:55-64, 2005.
24. A. Rajendran, M. Mazzotti*, and M. Morbidelli. Enantioseparation of 1-phenyl-1-propanol on Chiralcel-
OD by supercritical fluid chromatography 1. Linear isotherm. J. Chromatogr. A, 1076:183–188, 2005.
25. A. Rajendran, B. Bonavoglia, N. Forrer, G. Storti, M. Mazzotti*, and M. Morbidelli. Simultaneous
measurement of swelling and sorption in supercritical CO2 - Poly(methylmethacrylate) system. Ind. Engg. Chem. Res., 44:2549–2560, 2005. Listed on the top 20 cited articles published in 2005 bythe journal.
26. T. Hocker, A. Rajendran, and M. Mazzotti*. Measuring and modeling supercritical adsorption in porous
solids. Carbon dioxide on 13X zeolite and on silica gel. Langmuir, 19(4):1254–1267, 2003.
27. A. Rajendran, T. Hocker, O. Di Giovanni, and M. Mazzotti*.
depletion: Nitrous oxide adsorption on silica gel. Langmuir, 18(25):9726–9734, 2002.
28. G. Biressi, A. Rajendran, M. Mazzotti, and M. Morbidelli*. The GC-SMB separation of the enantiomers
of isoflurane. Sep. Sci. Technol., 37(11):2529–2543, 2002.
29. R. Arvind, S. Farooq*, and D. M. Ruthven. Analysis of a piston PSA process for air separation. Chem.Eng. Sci., 57(3):419–433, 2002.
Publications in refereed conference proceedings
1. T. Khanam, E. Darakis, A. Rajendran, V. Kariwala, A. K. Asundi, T. J. Naughton. On-line digital
holographic measurement of size and shape of microparticles for crystallization processes, In C. Quan,A. K. Asundi, Proc. SPIE, 7155 (2008) art. 71551K.
2. E. Darakis, T. Khanam, A. Rajendran, V. Kariwala, A. K. Asundi, T. J. Naughton. Processing of digital
holograms for size measurements of microparticles, In C. Quan, A. K. Asundi, Proc. SPIE, 7155 (2008)art. 715524.
3. B. Bonavoglia, A. Rajendran, G. Storti, M. Morbidelli and M. Mazzotti. Measurement of sorption and
swelling of fluorinated polymers in supercritical CO2 In G. Kreysa, editor,8th International workshop onpolymer reaction engineering, Hamburg Germany, 2004.
4. A. Rajendran, M. Mazzotti, and M. Morbidelli. Analysis of supercritical fluid chromatography. In C-H.
Lee, editor, The 3rd Pacific Basin Conference on Adsorption Science and Technology, Kyongju, Korea,2003.
5. T. Hocker, A. Rajendran, M. Mazzotti, and M. Morbidelli. Experimental and theoretical investigation
of adsorption at high pressures. In A. Bertucco, editor, 4th International Symposium on High PressureTechnology and Chemical Engineering, Venice, Italy, 2002. AIDIC.
6. O. Di Giovanni, T. Hocker, A. Rajendran, W. Doerfler, M. Mazzotti, and M. Morbidelli. Measuring and
describing adsorption at supercritical conditions. In K. Kaneko, H. Kanoh, and Y. Hanazawa, editors,7th International Conference on Fundamentals of Adsorption, Chiba, Japan, 2001. IK International.
1. A. Majudmer, V. Kariwala, and A. Rajendran, The Lattice Boltzmann method for the solution of
chromatographic equations. Comp. Chem. Eng., To be submitted.
2. S. Jermann, A. Rajendran and M. Mazzotti, Experimental and theoretical evidence of a delta-shock in
nonlinear chromatography J. Chromatogr. A, To be submitted.
3. A. Rajendran, A theoretical study of injection strategies in supercritical fluid chromatography J. Chro-
4. J. Di, A. Rajendran*, V. Kariwala, and, A. K. Asundi, Accurate measurement of size and shape of
near-micron particles Chem. Eng. Sci, To be submitted.
1. A. Rajendran, Injection strategies in SFC, International Symposium, Exhibit and workshops on prepara-tive and process chromatography (PREP), Boston, USA, Jul. 2011.
The PREP meeting is North America’s largest forum for large-scale chromatography.
2. A. Rajendran, To mix or not to mix - A theoretical study of injection strategies in SFC, InternationalConference on Supercritical Fluid Chromatography, Stockholm, Sweden, Sep. 2010.
The SFC conference is the world’s largest forum of SFC practitioners.
3. A. Rajendran. Large scale chromatography using green solvents, ERC International symposium on
bioseparations, Inha University, Incheon, Korea, Feb 2009.
4. A. Rajendran. Optimized chiral separations by supercritical fluid chromatography, Merck Research Labs,
5. A. Rajendran. Preparative chiral separations by large-scale chromatography, Orchid Chemicals and
Pharmaceuticals, Chennai, India, June 2008.
Orchid is one of India’s top pharmaceutical company involved in manufacture of APIs andgenerics.
6. A. Rajendran. Design of preparative SFC separations, International conference on supercritical fluid
chromatography, Sep 2007, Pittsburgh, USA.
7. A. Rajendran. Preparative chiral separations by large-scale chromatography, Dr. Reddy’s laboratories,
Dr. Reddy’s is India’s second largest pharmaceutical company with annual revenues of US$546million.
1. W. Chen, R. Haghpanah, A. Rajendran , M. Amanullah, Rational design of preparative supercritical fluid
chromatography, Pacifichem 2010, Hawaii, Dec 2010.
2. A. Majumder, V. Kariwala, S. Ansumali, A. Rajendran, Efficient Solution of Multi-Dimensional Pop-
ulation Balance Equations Using Lattice Boltzmann Method, American Inst. of Chemical Engineers(AIChE) Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City USA, Nov 2010.
3. T. Khanam, N. R. Mohammad, A. Rajendran, V. Kariwala, A. K. Asundi, Direct Measurement of
Length and Orientation of Microfibers in Solution, American Inst. of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City USA, Nov 2010.
4. A. Majumder, V. Kariwala, S. Ansumali, A. Rajendran, Lattice Boltzmann method for multi-dimensional
population balance equations, 4th International Conference on Population Balance Modelling, Berlin,Germany, Sep. 2010.
5. A. Majumder, V. Kariwala, S. Ansumali, A. Rajendran,Efficient high resolution method with coordinate
transformation for multidimensional crystallization processes, 4th International Conference on PopulationBalance Modelling, Berlin, Germany, Sep. 2010.
6. W. Chen,R. Haghpanah,A. Rajendran ,M. Amanullah, Optimization of isocratic and gradient supercrit-
ical fluid chromatographic enantioseparations, International Symposium on Preparative and IndustrialChromatography and Allied techniques (SPICA), Stockholm, Sweden, Sep. 2010.
7. M. Mazzotti, A. Rajendran, Experimental and theoretical evidence of a delta-shock in nonlinear chro-
matography, International Symposium on Preparative and Industrial Chromatography and Allied tech-niques (SPICA), Stockholm, Sweden, Sep. 2010.
8. R. Haghpanah, A. Rajendran, M. Amanullah, S. Farooq, I. A. Karimi, Model-independent adsorption
isotherms from breakthrough experiments, International Symposium on Preparative and Industrial Chro-matography and Allied techniques (SPICA), Stockholm, Sweden, Sep. 2010.
9. A. Majumder, V. Kariwala, S. Ansumali, A. Rajendran, The Lattice Boltzmann method: An efficient
numerical technique for solution of chromatography equations, International Symposium on Preparativeand Industrial Chromatography and Allied techniques (SPICA), Stockholm, Sweden, Sep. 2010.
10. T. Khanam, J. Di, A. Rajendran, V. Kariwala, A. K. Asundi, Digital holography: A novel tool for
characterization of nearmicron sized particles, The 9th international conference on Crystal Growth ofOrganic Materials , Singapore, Aug 2010.
11. R. Hagpanah, A. Rajendran, M. Amanullah, S. Farooq, I. A. Karimi, Model-Independent Discretized
Adsorption Isotherms from Dynamic Column Breakthrough Experiments, 9th International Conferenceon Fundamentals Of Adsorption, Kobe Japan, May 2010.
12. A. Majumder, V. Kariwala, A. Rajendran, Efficient Numerical Simulation of Chromatographic Processes,
9th International Conference on Fundamentals Of Adsorption , Kobe Japan, May 2010.
13. A. Rajendran, M. Mazzotti, Equilibrium Theory of Chromatography for the Generalized Langmuir
Isotherm: From Fundamentals to Process Design, 9th International Conference on Fundamentals OfAdsorption, Kobe Japan, May 2010.
14. M.F. Hassan, S. Farooq, I. A. Karimi, M. Amanullah, A. Rajendran, Optimization of a VSA process for
CO2 Captureand concentration, 9th International Conference on Fundamentals Of Adsorption, KobeJapan, May 2010.
15. R. Hagpanah, A. Rajendran, S. Farooq, Kinetically Controlled CO2 Capture from Post-Combustion Flue
Gas on a Carbon Molecular Sieve, 9th International Conference on Fundamentals Of Adsorption, KobeJapan, May 2010.
16. A. Rajendran, M. Mazzotti, Local Equilibrium Theory for the Binary Chromatography of Species Subject
to a Generalized Langmuir Isotherm: Wave Interactions, American Inst. of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)Annual Meeting, Nashville USA, Nov 2009.
17. W. Chen, A. Rajendran, M. Amanullah, Optimization of Supercritical Fluid Chromatography for Enan-
tioseparations, American Inst. of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting, Nashville USA, Nov2009.
18. T. Khanam, E. Darakis, A. Rajendran, V. Kariwala, A.K. Asundi, Two and Three Dimensional Micropar-
ticle Characterization Using Digital Holography, American Inst. of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) AnnualMeeting, Nashville USA, Nov 2009.
19. A. Majumder, V. Kariwala, A. Rajendran, Lattice Boltzmann Method: An Efficient Technique for Solving
Population Balance Equations, American Inst. of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting, NashvilleUSA, Nov 2009.
20. A. Rajendran, Equilibrium Theory Based Design of Simulated Moving Bed Processes under Reduced
Purity Requirements: Linear Isotherms, American Inst. of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting,Philadelphia USA, Nov 2008.
21. A. Rajendran, W. Chen. Binary retention time for rapid determination of competitive Langmuir isotherm
parameters, American Inst. of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting, Philadelphia USA, Nov2008.
22. A. Rajendran, M. Mazzotti, Local equilibrium theory for the binary chromatography of species subject to a
generalized Langmuir isotherm: Wave interactions and chromatographic cycle , International Symposiumon Preparative and Industrial Chromatography and Allied techniques (SPICA), Zurich Switzerland, Oct. 2008
23. A. Rajendran, Equilibrium Theory Based Design of Simulated Moving Bed Processes under Reduced
Purity Requirements: Linear Isotherms, International Symposium on Preparative and Industrial Chro-matography and Allied techniques (SPICA), Zurich Switzerland, Oct. 2008
24. A. Rajendran, W. Chen. Binary retention time for rapid determination of competitive Langmuir isotherm
parameters, International Symposium on Preparative and Industrial Chromatography and Allied tech-niques (SPICA), Zurich Switzerland, Oct. 2008
25. W. Chen, A. Rajendran, M. Amanullah. Optimized Preparative Supercritical Fluid Chromatography:
Enantioseparation of Flurbiprofen, International Symposium on Preparative and Industrial Chromatog-raphy and Allied techniques (SPICA), Zurich Switzerland, Oct. 2008.
26. W. Chen, A. Rajendran. Supercritical Fluid Chromatography Enantioseparation of Flurbiprofen: Deter-
mination of Non-linear Isotherms, International Symposium on Preparative and Industrial Chromatogra-phy and Allied techniques (SPICA), Zurich Switzerland, Oct. 2008
27. M. Kempkes, E. Darakis, T. Khanam, A. Rajendran, V. Kariwala, M. Mazzotti, A.K. Asundi, T.
Naughton. Three dimensional size measurement of needle shaped particles by digital holography, 17thInternational Symposium on Industrial Crystallization (ISIC), Maastricht Netherlands, Sept 2008
28. T. Khanam, E. Darakis, A. Rajendran, V. Kariwala, A.K. Asundi, T. Naughton. Online digital holo-
graphic measurement of size and shape of microparticles for crystallization processes, 9th InternationalMeeting on Laser Metrology, Singapore, Jun 2008.
29. E. Darakis, T. Khanam, A. Rajendran, V. Kariwala, A.K. Asundi, T. Naughton. Processing of digi-
tal holograms for size measurement of microparticles, 9th International Meeting on Laser Metrology,Singapore, Jun 2008.
30. W. Chen, A. Rajendran. Enantioseparation Of Flurbiprofen By Supercritical Fluid Chromatography,
American Inst. of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting, Salt lake city USA, Nov 2007.
31. A. Rajendran, S. Farooq, V. Kariwala. Effect Of Detector Response On Dynamic Column Breakthrough
Experiments, American Inst. of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting, Salt lake city USA, Nov2007.
32. A. Rajendran, S. Farooq. A High Temperature Adsorption Process For Air Separation, American Inst.of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting, Salt lake city USA, Nov 2007.
33. A. Rajendran, T. Gilkison, M. Mazzotti. Pressure drop effects in supercritical fluid chromatography, 1stInternational Conference on Supercritical Fluid Chromatography, Pittsburgh USA, Sept 2007
34. W. Chen, A. Rajendran. Optimization of binary separations in supercritical fluid chromatography, 1stInternational Conference on Supercritical Fluid Chromatography, Pittsburgh USA, Sept 2007
35. W. Chen, M. Aman Ullah, A. Rajendran. Chiral separation of flurbiprofen by supercritical fluid chro-
matography, 1st International Conference on Supercritical Fluid Chromatography, Pittsburgh USA, Sept2007
36. A. Rajendran, S. Farooq, V. Kariwala. Blank correction in dynamic column breakthrough experiments,
9th International Conference on Fundamentals Of Adsorption, Sicily Italy, May 2007
37. A. Rajendran, T. Gilkison, M. Mazzotti. Pressure drop effects in supercritical fluid chromatography, 9thInternational Conference on Fundamentals Of Adsorption, Sicily Italy, May 2007
38. W. Chen, A. Rajendran. Chiral separations by preparative supercritical fluid chromatography; Enan-
tioseparation of ibuprofen and flurbiprofen, 9th International Conference on Fundamentals Of Adsorption,Sicily Italy, May 2007
39. A. Rajendran, B. Bonavoglia, G. Storti, M. Mazzotti, M. Morbidelli. Mesurement of sorption and
swelling of supercritical carbon dioxide in polymers, 9th International Conference on Fundamentals OfAdsorption, Sicily Italy, May 2007
40. S. Ottiger, R. Pini, A. Rajendran, B., G. Storti, M. Mazzotti, M. Morbidelli. Measurement of near-critical
adsorption on different adsorbents by gravimetric method, 9th International Conference on FundamentalsOf Adsorption, Sicily Italy, May 2007
41. S. Ottiger, J. Kluge, A. Rajendran and M. Mazzotti. Enantionseparation of 1-phenyl-1-propanol by su-
percritical fluid chromatography at non-linear conditions, 9th International Conference on FundamentalsOf Adsorption, Sicily Italy, May 2007.
42. S. Ottiger, J. Kluge, A. Rajendran and M. Mazzotti. Enantionseparation of 1-phenyl-1-propanol by
supercritical fluid chromatography: non-linear isotherm, International Symposium on Preparative andIndustrial Chromatography and Allied techniques (SPICA), Innsbruck Austria, Oct. 2006
43. S. Ottiger, R. Pini, A. Rajendran, G. Storti and M. Mazzotti. Near-critical adsorption of CO2 on 13X
zeolite, activated carbon and coal , 7th International Symposium on the Characterization of PorousSolids, Aix en Provence France, May. 2005
44. S. Ottiger, R. Pini, A. Rajendran, G. Storti and M. Mazzotti. Study of adsorption of supercritical carbon
dioxide on carbon-based adsorbents, International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids (ISSF), OrlandoUSA, May. 2005.
45. A. Rajendran, M. Mazzotti and M. Morbidelli. Enantioseparation by supercritical fluid simulated moving
bed (SF-SMB) process. Recent advances in separation and purification techniques for biological andpharmaceutical products development., Singapore, Feb 2005.
46. A. Rajendran, S. Peper, M. Mazzotti, M. Johannsen and M. Morbidelli. Supercritical Fluid Simulated
Moving Bed (SF-SMB) enantioseparation of 1-phenyl-1-propanol, International Symposium on Prepar-ative and Industrial Chromatography and Allied techniques (SPICA), Aachen Germany, Oct. 2004.
47. A. Rajendran, J. Kluge, S. Ottiger, M. Mazzotti and M. Morbidelli. Enantionseparation at non-linear
conditions in supercritical fluid chromatography, International Symposium on Preparative and IndustrialChromatography and Allied techniques (SPICA), Aachen Germany, Oct. 2004
48. B. Bonavoglia, A. Rajendran, G. Storti, M. Morbidelli and M. Mazzotti. Measurement of sorption and
swelling of fluorinated polymers in supercritical CO2 8th International workshop on polymer reactionengineering, Hamburg Germany, Oct. 2004.
49. B. Bonavoglia, A. Rajendran, S. Ottiger, G. Storti, M. Mazzotti and M. Morbidelli. Study of sorption and
swelling of polymers in supercritical CO2 8th International Conference on Fundamentals Of Adsorption,Sedona USA, May 2004
50. A. Rajendran,M. Mazzotti and M. Morbidelli. Design of supercritical fluid chromatographic processes. 8th International Conference on Fundamentals Of Adsorption, Sedona USA, May 2004.
51. A. Rajendran, B. Bonavoglia, N. Forrer, G. Storti and M. Mazzotti. Simultaneous measurement of
swelling and sorption of supercritical-CO2 poly(methylmethacrylate). American Inst. of Chemical Engi-neers (AIChE) Annual Meeting, San Francisco USA, Nov. 2003.
52. A. Rajendran, M. Mazzotti and M. Morbidelli. Analysis of supercritical fluid chromatography, The 3rdPacific Basic Conference on Adsorption Science and Technology, Kyongju Korea, May 2003
53. A. Rajendran, M. Mazzotti and M. Morbidelli. Analysis of supercritical fluid chromatography, Inter-national Symposium on Preparative and Industrial Chromatography and Allied techniques (SPICA),Heidelberg Germany, Oct. 2002.
54. T. Hocker, A. Rajendran, M. Mazzotti and M. Morbidelli. Experimental and theoretical investigation of
adsorption at high pressures, 4th International Symposium on High Pressure Technology and ChemicalEngineering, Venice Italy, Sept. 2002
55. T. Hocker, A. Rajendran, M. Mazzotti and M. Morbidelli. Experimental and theoretical study of super-
critical adsorption in porous sorbents near bulk critical conditions. Fourth International Symposium onEffects of Surface Heterogeneity in Adsorption and Catalysis on Solids (ISSHAC IV), Cracow Poland,August 2001.
56. O. Di Giovanni, T. Hocker, A. Rajendran, W- Doerfler, M. Mazzotti and M. Morbidelli. Measuring
and describing adsorption at supercritical conditions, 7th International Conference on Fundamentals OfAdsorption, Chiba Japan, May 2001.
57. T. Hocker, A. Rajendran, M. Mazzotti and M. Morbidelli. Measuring and describing adsorption at
supercritical conditions, American Inst. of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting, Reno USA,Nov. 2001.
58. R. Arvind, S. Farooq, and D. M. Ruthven. Analysis of a piston driven PSA process. American Inst. of
Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting, Los Angeles USA, Nov. 2000.
• Developed the undergraduate course: Unit Operations I (4 Academic units).
• Co-developed an undergraduate general elective course: Introduction to Chemical and Biomedical Industries
• Co-developed undergraduate unit operations laboratory (4 Academic Units).
• Co-developed undergraduate course: Chemical Engineering Plant Design (4 Academic Units).
• Service as reviewer for international journals
• Adsorption, AIChE Journal, Atomization and Sprays, Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Chemi-
cal Engineering Science, Computers and Chemical Engieering, Food and Bioproducts Processing, Indus-trial and Engineering Chemistry Research, Journal of Chromatography A, Journal of Process Control,Journal of Separation Science, Journal of Supercritical Fluids, Powder Technology, Separation Scienceand Technology, Separation and Purification Technology.
• Service as reviewer for international conferences
• Symposium on Preparative and Industrial Chromatography (SPICA), Sep 2010, Stockholm, Sweden.
• 9th International Conference on the Fundamentals of Adsorption, 2007, Sicily, Italy.
• Symposium on Preparative and Industrial Chromatography (SPICA), Oct 2008, Zurich, Switzerland.
• Service as member of organizing/scientific committee of international conferences
• Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress, APCChE 2012, Singapore.
• 11th International symposium on process systems engineering, PSE 2012, Singapore.
• Symposium on Preparative and Industrial Chromatography (SPICA), Sep 2010, Stockholm, Sweden.
• 5th Pacific Basin conference on Adsorption Science and Technology, May 2009, Singapore.
• Symposium on Preparative and Industrial Chromatography (SPICA), Sep 2008, Zurich, Switzerland.
• International conference on Supercritical Fluid Chromatography, Sep 2007, Pittsburgh, USA.
• Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering, Dec 2006, Singapore.
• Recent advances in separation processes for pharmaceutical and biological product development, Feb
• Service as session chairman/co-chairman at international conferences:
• American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, 2011, Minneapolis, USA.
• International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Pacifichem 2010, Hawaii, USA.
• International conference on packed column supercritical fluid chromatography, Sep 2010, Stockholm,
• Symposium on Preparative and Industrial Chromatography (SPICA), Sep 2010, Stockholm, Sweden.
• 9th International workshop on crystal growth of organic materials, Aug 2010, Singapore.
• American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, 2009, Nashville, USA.
• 9th International Conference on the Fundamentals of Adsorption, 2007, Sicily, Italy.
• Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering, Dec 2006, Singapore.
• Recent advances in separation processes for pharmaceutical and biological product development, Feb
• Indian Institute of Technology (India)
• Workshop on ”Toolbox to understand Simulated Moving Beds”, Symposium on Preparative and Indus-
trial Chromatography (SPICA), Sep 2004, Aachen, Germany.
• Workshop on ”Toolbox to understand Simulated Moving Beds”, Symposium on Preparative and Indus-
trial Chromatography (SPICA), Sep 2008, Zurich, Switzerland.
• Workshop on ”Supercritical fluid chromatography”, Symposium on Preparative and Industrial Chro-
matography (SPICA), Sep 2010, Stockholm, Sweden.
Specifications 1/2.3-in. type CCD; approx. 16.44 million total pixels4.6-23.0mm (angle of view equivalent to that of 26-130 mm lens in 35mm [135]format)Up to 4x (angle of view equivalent to that of approx. 520 mm lens in 35mm [135]format)reduction Autofocus (AF) Autofocus (AF)Focus range (from [W]: Approx. 50 cm (1 ft 8 in.) to infinity, [T]: Approx. 80 cm (2 ft 8 in.) tolens)infinity Macr
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