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New Zealand College of Mental Health Nurses (Inc.) PROGRAMME Wednesday 1 April – Pre Conference Workshops Workshop # 1 - Reverend Dr Je Kan Adler-Collins Workshop # 2 - Duly Authorised Officer Civic Suite, Wellington Town Hall Workshop # 3 – Dr Daryle Deering “Bridging The Divide By Expanding Your Kete” (A skills based workshop on improving treatment for people

Microsoft word - miami childrens rotation tips kern.doc

Helpful Tips for Your Anesthesia Rotation at Miami Childrens From: Shawn T Kern, SRNA Class of 2005 I get there about 545am, most days you don’t know what room you are in, cases, or which anesthesiologist you are with til that day, it will be on the schedule board. You will clock in and out at volunteer office, they will show you the first day when you get your badge made, and hand in the o


Physician Information Depo-Provera®Contraceptive Injectionmedroxyprogesterone acetateinjectable suspension, USP Patients should be counseled that this product does not protect against HIV infection (AIDS) and other sexually transmitted diseases. DESCRIPTION DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive Injection containsmedroxyprogesterone acetate, a derivative of proges-terone, as its active ingredient

Microsoft word - leukocel_package_insert.doc

LEUKOCEL Hydroxyurea capsules, USP 500 mg Each capsule contains Hydroxyurea Excipients DESCRIPTION LEUKOCEL (Hydroxyurea capsules, USP) is available for oral use as capsules providing 200 mg, 300 mg, and 400 mg Hydroxyurea. Inactive ingredients: citric acid, gelatin, lactose, magnesium stearate, sodium phosphate, titanium dioxide and capsule colorants: FD&C Blue

Investigación en terapia sistémicaparapublicar.pdf

La investigación en TFP (Terapia Familiar y de Pareja) O haga Ud. mismo su propia investigación Médico-Psiquiatra, Terapeuta Sistémico Unidad de Terapia de Pareja Instituto Chileno de Terapia Familiar Unidad de Investigación en Terapia de Pareja, Facultad de Psicología, Universidad del Desarrollo Docente Unidad de Psicoterapia. Departamento Psiquiatría Facultad de Medicina PUC



Title 8

HEALTH AND SAFETY Chapters: Fire Restrictions/Outdoor Burning Sale of Pseudoephedrine Products Reasonable Accommodation for Persons with Disabilities Chapter 8.04 FIRE RESTRICTIONS/OUTDOOR BURNING Sections: 8.04.010 Guidelines. 8.04.020 Definitions. 8.04.030 Burning restrictions. 8.04.040 Emergency restrictions. 8.04.050 Exceptions. 8.04.060 V

Weekly report - november 28 - december 4, 201

ACCIDENTAL PROPERTY DAMAGE (11-6136) On November 28th, this department was contacted by the manager of Drakeshire Apartments. The manager advised that a tenant had parked her vehicle on the grass, just outside her apartment, and had gotten her vehicle stuck in the process. In an attempt to retrieve her vehicle, the woman caused damage to the lawn. The manager had the vehicle towed and w

Public health guidance for residential institutions

Public Health guidance for planning for human infections with the Influenza A (H1N1) in residential educational institutions. Boarding schools, secondary schools with hostels, summer colleges, English language colleges, Childcare residential units, and residential centres for children with learning difficulties/special needs. These recommendations are based on current information and

Debate over exposing chemical risks

Debate over exposing chemical risks Industry cites terror fears; environmentalists want word out By Ann Davis THE WALL STREET JOURNAL SOUTH KEARNY, N.J., May 30 C In the next two months, Greenpeace plans to post on the Internet a color map showing how a terrorist attack on the Kuehne Chemical Co. bleach plant here could unleash a lethal cloud of chlorine vapor over New York City. NOT


Vorsichtsmaßnahmen für die Anwendung: Bei anhaltenden, unklaren, periodisch oder neu auftreten- den Beschwerden, Fieber oder schweren Störungen des Allgemeinbefindens sollte umgehend ein Tierarzt auf- Pharmazeutischer Unternehmer und Hersteller: gesucht werden. Eine Injektion dieses Arzneimittels sollte nur von Tierärzten oder anderen Personen durch -Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH,

Microsoft word - 170.302.d_medicationlist_v1.1.doc

Test Procedure for §170.302.d Maintain Active Medication List  APPROVED Version 1.1  September 24, 2010   Test Procedure for §170.302 (d) Maintain Active Medication List This document describes the test procedure for evaluating conformance of complete EHRs or EHR modules1 to the certification criteria defined in 45 CFR Part 170 Subpart C of the Final Rule for Health Info


Health, Beauty and Baby cont. Ice Cream Chilled Pasta and Sauce Kraft Singles Dairy Cheese Slices Range .205g - 500gNivea For Men Extreme Comfort Balm .100mlLatina Filled Pasta Range .200g and 625g Nivea Visage Oxygen Power Day or Night . 50mlKraft Phili Cream and Phili Pour Overs Range .250gNyal Day And Night Tablets Cold Flu Fighter .24pkBulla Creamy Classic Ice Cream Range .2l


Peak experience: Higher W ith his thick african accent, Mount McKinley. It provided some comfort our pilot instructs the cabin knowing that when answering the question, crew to prepare for landing. I “What is the use in climbing mountains?”, legen-gaze out at the glistening snow-dary British explorer George Mallory replied, “It capped peak I’ve dragged my girlfriend, Mia, is no


DENTAL SYRINGEA dental syringe is a syringe used by dentists for the injection of an anesthetic. It consists of a breech-loading syringe fitted with a sealed cartridge containing anesthetic solution. Maximum convenience, safety and economy, for use with capsules and dental needles. Autoclavable. • Large see-through window makes it easy to remove the • Ergonomic, contemporary design

Time management in an online world

Time Management in a Connected World Making a Telephone Call 1993  Look up Number in Rolladex  Call Person Send person email that you want to call them Person sends days and times that work for them Create calendar entry in Outlook for call, including When the day and time arrives, hopefully you Why Time Management ?  Lack of time causes stress  Life satisfaction  Mon

Evidence of gerard vincent wain

BRIEF OF EVIDENCE FOR THE MINISTERIAL INQUIRY INTO THE UNDER-REPORTING OF CERVICAL SMEAR ABNORMALITIES IN THE GISBORNE REGION Dr Gerard V. Wain 1. My name is Gerard Vincent Wain. I am currently the Director of Gynaecological Oncology atWestmead Hospital in Sydney and a Senior Lecturer in Gynaecological Oncology at the Universityof Sydney. I am a gynaecological oncologist and hold the Ce

Microsoft word - case90_health_beyond_medicine_en

Health beyond Medicine This article introduces a creative approach to health management as one of the 100 innovations that shape "The Blue Economy". This article is part of a broad effort to stimulate entrepreneurship, competitiveness and employment. The Market The world market for antibiotics is expected to grow worldwide from $26 billion in 2002 to $40.3 billion

Microsoft word - ley orgánica.docx

LA ASAMBLEA LEGISLATIVA DE LA REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA LEY ORGANICA DEL COLEGIO DE PROFESIONALES Se crea el Colegio de Profesionales en Informática y Computación, como un ente no estatal de derecho público, con plena personalidad jurídica y patrimonio propio. Su domicilio legal será la ciudad de San José. El Presidente de su Junta Directiva, con carácter de apoderado legal, ejercerá la re

Microsoft word - testimonials-eng_1st oct 2012.doc

ShuJie, Taiwan I used it on my abdomen and my back for an hour and it felt like I was having a super relaxing and soothing sunbath. The very day I started using this belt, I could sleep soundly at night. I would find time every day to use it (while I am in my car, I will use it on my thighs with the help of the car adapter) and after a week, I was surprised to find myself feeling extremely

Microsoft word - m.sc. bio che.doc

M.SC BIO CHEMISTRY Syllabus & Regulations Governing ‘M.SC BIO CHEMISTRY 1. Title of the Program: M.SC BIO CHEMISTRY 3. Nature of the Program: SEMESTER System 5. Allocation of Credits – Total --79--- Credits The distribution of marks for evaluation in each subject shall be as follows – Internal assessment ( for each practical) Minimum for pass :32 marks per course in theory and

Word pro - intercessions 11 december 2011 pdf

INTERCESSIONS 11 December 2011 CHRIST CHURCH, VIENNA Third Sunday of Advent THE NATIONS OF THE WORLD: Cape Verde, The Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau and Senegal DIOCESAN CALENDAR: Archdeacon of the Eastern Archdeaconry, 714 89 00 (office)Vocations to the ministry and ordinands in training PRAYER CONCERNS: Those living in places of conflict, esp. children CHRIST CHURCH



Codex-non-wash calcium dye kitl

Technical Data Sheet Codex ACTOne™ Non-Wash Calcium Dye Kit Product Information Catalog Number: Codex Calcium Dye, 10 vials, lyophilized (Part No: 80500-110) 10X Calcium Dye Signal Enhancer, 10 ml (Part No: 80500-112) Description The Codex ACTOne™ Non-Wash Calcium Dye Kit allows homogeneous measurement of intracellular calcium changes caused by activation of G-protein coupled receptors or

Ceg progress note sheet ceg

“Medical Wellness & Life Balance”Client Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ____________I am on the following medication: Birth Control_______________ Is there a Chance you are pregnant?_____ If on CARBATROL, TRILEPTAL, or DEPAKOTE and female, what birth control method do you use?_________________________________________________________________________________

Cached cha policy calling abortion established pregnancy

CHAUSA: The Catholic Health Association of the United StatesThis is G o o g l e 's cache of http://www.chausa.org/Pub/MainNav/whatwedo/Ethics/resources/rapetreatment/considerations.htm as retrieved on Aug 3, 2007 00:28:53 GMT. G o o g l e 's cache is the snapshot that we took of the page as we crawled the web. The page may have changed since that time. Click here for the current p

Microsoft word - purim fundraiser letter.2014

Chabad of Bradenton & Lakewood Ranch This year more people will experience the joy of Purim! Purim is one of the most joyous and fun holidays on the Jewish calendar. On Purim, we emphasize the importance of Jewish unity and friendship by sending gifts of food to friends and family. This Purim mitzvah is called Mishloach Manot. This year Chabad is sponsoring shared Mishloach Manot gift boxes

Microsoft word - einbau_js.doc

JavaScript-Variablen Die drei Variablen ADC_UID, ADC_WSID und ADC_Coreg_HASH dienen zur Authentifizierung. ADC_Coreg_HASH ist ein MD5-Hash auf UID (PubID von ADCocktail.com), WSID (Angelegte WerbemittelID bei ADCocktail.com) und hash (geheimer Hash, der bei ADCocktail.com erzeugt wird), also md5($UID . $WSID . $hash). Coregs_FORM ist die ID des Formulars, das die Felder beinhaltet, die nach ADCock


Evaluating C++ Design Pattern Miner ToolsLajos F¨ul¨op, Tam´as Gyovai and Rudolf FerencUniversity of Szeged, Department of Software Engineering { flajos|ferenc } @inf.u-szeged.huvery important that these definitions were informal, becausethis way a pattern can be used in a wider context. Due to Many articles and tools have been proposed over the the imprecise pattern definitions the imple

Microsoft word - reglamento_ley_045.docx

PRESIDENTE CONSTITUCIONAL DEL ESTADO PLURINACIONAL DE BOLIVIA Que el Parágrafo II del Artículo 14 de la Constitución Política del Estado, establece que el Estado prohíbe y sanciona toda forma de discriminación fundada en razón de sexo, color, edad, orientación sexual, identidad de género, origen, cultura, nacionalidad, ciudadanía, idioma, credo religioso, ideología, filiación pol

Microsoft word - consumer group submissions_final_february 24.doc

Sent Via Email Director General, Therapeutic Products Directorate Health Products and Food Branch, Department of Health Re: Regulations Amending the Patented Medicines (Notice of Compliance) Regulations Canada Gazette , Part I Notice Dated December 11, 2004 Re: Regulations Amending the Food and Drug Regulations (1390 – Data Protection) Canada Gazette


edited by Beth Notzon and Edith Paal If you’re editing a manuscript on prophylac-tion for “basal metabolic rate”; its definition tic surgery and need to check the meaning is then provided under basal metabolic rate. of oophorectomy , if you’re watching a news Abbreviations about health-care manage-story on recent drugs used to treat Parkinson disease and can’t remember its sympto

Hotline protocol documentation

By Virtual1, PDF'd by Wade Tregaskis (aka Sys)You can download the latest version of this document from the 2100 Software web site (http://2100sw.8m.com/), as well as the Pacific Media & Design Hotline server, hotline://pmd.dhs.org/This guide was generated during several days of intense use of OTSessionWatcher, to get the protocol figured out in preparation for the development of HotSocket

(microsoft word - d\351fience_en_ghb.docx)

Alcohol & Alcoholism Vol. 42, No. 5, p. 506, 2007 doi:10.1093/alcalc/agm058 Advance Access publication 1 August 2007 GAMMA-HYDROXYBUTYRATE (GHB)-DEFICIENCY IN ALCOHOL-DEPENDENCE? 23 rue du Depart—BP 37—7 5014 Paris, France (Received 10 January 2007; first review notified 17 January 2007; in revised form 3 March 2007; accepted 28 March 2007; advance access publication 1 August 2007) J


Yttrium-90 radiation synovectomy in knee osteoarthritis:a prospective assessment at 6 and 12 monthsDimitrios Chatzopoulosa, Efstratios Moralidisc, Pavlos Markoudand Vassilios MakrisbObjective To assess the outcome of yttrium-90 radiation(P = 0.850). The probability of a favourable therapeuticsynovectomy at 6 and 12 months in patients withresult was inversely related to the severity of radiog


The N Engl J Med image of the week shows an endoscopic view of a distal esophagus. You are offered adenocarcinoma, candidiasis, Dieulafoy’s lesion, Schatzki’s ring, and systemic sclerosis. We go over all of these conditions. HIV virus enters CD4 lymphocytes via CD4 and the co-receptor, CXCR5. About 1 in 1000 persons are knockouts for CXCR5 and are resistant to HIV. A Berlin HIV patient dev


Review: Current Perspective Principles for National and Regional Guidelines on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention A Scientific Statement From the World Heart and Stroke Forum* Sidney C. Smith, Jr, MD; Rod Jackson, MBChB, PhD; Thomas A. Pearson, MD, MPH, PhD;Valentin Fuster, MD, PhD; Salim Yusuf, MBBS, DPhil; Ole Faergeman, MD, DMSc;David A. Wood, MSc; Michael Alderman, MD; John Horgan


The Carriwell Maternity Support Band has been tested by leading midwife Sister Lilian and has been found to dramatically reduce ligament pain, back ache and abdominal pressure during pregnancy. An expectant mom’s mid-section is extremely prone to aches and pains during pregnancy, and these are as many and varied in nature as the woman herself. The reasons for this discomfort include incr

Microsoft word - bromides applied in pharmaceuticals production in china_sample page_.doc

Note: Key data/information in this sample page is hidden, while in the report it is not. 2 Overview of bromides in pharmaceutical industry Figure 2-1 Share of bromine consumption in pharmaceutical field by product in China Figure 2-2 Estimation for share of bromine consumption in pharmaceutical field by product in 3 Main applications in pharmaceutical 3.1 Dibromo aldehyde 3.1.1

Revista 1 2007 carta definitiva.cdr

Eficacia analgésica y tolerancia de piroxicam/ ß-ciclodextrina comparado con piroxicam, paracetamol y placebo en el tratamiento del dolor post extracción dental. Introducción Resultados Los grupos de tratamiento eran homogéneos tanto por las E l dolor postoperatorio agudo es una experiencia común en la características demográficas de los pacientes como por la

Microsoft word - article

Of Percentage Fees and Prevacid: Or What Part of Commitment Don’t You Understand The song asks, “What’s it all about?” (Alfie). Ethical dilemmas are almost always encountered first in the pit of one’s stomach. So when we hear that something is unethical yet can’t quite figure out why, it may be appropriate to Why does the Association for Fundraising Professionals (AFP),


Arbejde eller pension - processer på arbejdsmarkedet for SiDere August 2001 Finn Kenneth Hansen og Henning Hansen Arbejde eller pension - processer på arbejdsmarkedet for SiDere August 2001 Finn Kenneth Hansen og Henning Hansen Center for Alternativ Samfundsanalyse Centre for Alternative Social Analysis Linnés


November 2, 2013 Gathering Praise & Worship Bad Religion: Buildings Over People Response Handerson & Marlene Pontel, Omar Hernandez, Bob Directory Pictures - Jackie and Brenda will be taking pictures this phone calls. If you are interested, Sabbath, next Sabbath ( Novemeber 9 ), and November 23 . at the church office. They will also h


Mood-Diet Questionnaire Please circle the points given to each description if it fits how you have felt for the current month or longer at least half of the time. Please total all sections. 4 Sensitivity to emotional (or physical) pain; cry easily4 Eat as a reward or for pleasure, comfort, or numbness4 Difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep3 Difficulty with focus, attention deficits


Glaxo Agrees to Pay $3 Billion in Fraud Settlement Published: July 2, 2012 The New York Times In the largest settlement involving a pharmaceutical company, the British drugmaker GlaxoSmithKline agreed to plead guilty to criminal charges and pay $3 billion in fines for promoting its best-selling antidepressants for unapproved uses and failing to report safety data about a top diabetes drug, feder


All appointments: 1.877.CIVA.NOW (1.877.248.2669) Referring physicians: PLEASE FAX TO 214.361.2153 civadallas.com Patient . Cardiovascular Diagnosis . Patient SSN . Patient Ph . Date of Birth . (Parent or guardian MUST accompany patients under 18 yrs. Please check which CIVA physician you are referring the patient to: [ ] Jack W. Spitzberg, MD, FACP, FACC, FCCC [ ] Charles B. Levin

#48 pregnancy guidelines8-27

THE CLINIC FOR WOMEN Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Please call DURING OFFICE HOURS so your chart will be available for review. An AFTER-HOURS call should be reserved for EMERGENCY only. Should you call with a problem, please keep your phone line open until the doctor or nurse returns your call. ALL MINOR PROBLEMS CAN BE REPORTED TO THE NURS

Mpa21109 707.712

The Pathologic Classification of Neuroendocrine TumorsA Review of Nomenclature, Grading, and Staging SystemsDavid S. Klimstra, MD,* Irvin R. Modlin, MD, PhD,Þ Domenico Coppola, MD,þRicardo V. Lloyd, MD, PhD,§ and Saul Suster, MD||another system. It would be of great benefit for the prediction ofAbstract: Neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) arise in most organs of theoutcome and the determinatio

Miguel inácio cv

Luís MIGUEL Bernardo de Albuquerque INÁCIO Rua Padre José da Felicidade Alves, 7 – 3ºesq – 1495 Cruz Quebrada Escola Superior de Arte e Design das Caldas da Rainha (1º ano) Faculdade de Belas Artes de Lisboa (1º ano) Téc. de Realização Plástica – I.F.I.C.T. Téc. de Construção Plástica – E.S.B.A.L. Artes e Técnicas Gráficas – António Arroio Realizador Fofi, D.O.P.

Microsoft word - public vs[1]. private final- atula.doc

Public vs. Private: TRIPs and its Implications for the Third World Atula Samarakoon October 2007 Position Paper 1 IGD Project SPARC, Faculty of Arts University of Colombo Introduction This essay intends to shed some lights on the debate over the public-private ownership in the context of an emerging universal trade related legislative and legal mechanism. A bet


SECUNDARIA LISTA DE LIBROS 2012-2013 SEXTO INGLÉS  Keystone level A, Student Book , Ed.Longman (se renta en el colegio).  Keystone level A, Workbook , Ed.Longman  Reader “Wilderness” (Roddy Doyle), Ed. Pearson SOCIALES  Sociales Para Pensar, Número 6, Ed. Norma MATEMÁTICAS Se trabajará con textos de la biblioteca de salón. HISTORIA DEL

Castle chemicals letter updated

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Chloroprene GW 1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND COMPANY Castle Chemicals Ltd, Peak House6 Oxford Road, Altrincham, Cheshire WA14 2DY 2. HAZARD IDENTIFICATION The product is not classified as dangerous according to Directive 1999/45/EC and its amendments. See section 11 and 12 for more detailed information on health and ecological effects.


Becario ALFA: Sandra Lisdee Benítez Uzcátegui INFORME TÉCNICO (Re sumen general de actividades realizadas) La becaria Sandra Benítez realizó durante su estancia de investigación en la Universidad de Murcia estudios sobre gestión de conocimiento en organizaciones relacionadas con dominios clínicos, particularmente en la Unidad de Oncología del Hospital “Virgen de la Arrix

Microsoft word - dpgr_16_01.rtf

DECRETO DEL PRESIDENTE DELLA GIUNTA REGIONALE 16 novembre 2001, n. 16/R Regolamento regionale recante: “Disposizioni in materia di procedimento di valutazione d’incidenza” Visto l’articolo 121 della Costituzione come modificato dalla legge costituzionale 22 novembre 1999, n. 1; Viste le direttive CE 43/92 e 42/2001 Visto il decreto del Presidente della Repubblica 8 settembre 19

Microsoft word - 42037d01-1ade-186193.doc

PARTICIPANT CONSENT, RELEASE AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK CAMPTOWN adventure programs involve a variety of activities. Some programs may include rigorous physical activities such as backpacking, paddling, climbing, biking, whitewater rafting, swimming or hiking. These activities are designed to be within the physical, mental and emotional limits of a person in reasonably good health. The level


STATISTICAL META-ANALYSIS WITH APPLICATIONS Joachim Hartung Dortmund University of Technology Guido Knapp Dortmund University of Technology Bimal K. Sinha University of Maryland, Baltimore County A JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC., PUBLICATION Introduction Various Measures of Effect Size Effect Size Based on ϕ Coefficient and Odds Ratio Combining Independen


Desde hace algunos años, cuando me piden una recomendación o cuando envío algún paciente con colegas suelo decirles, “es ético y, además, es bueno”. Con o sin ironía, en medicina, es fundamental regresar a la ética. El arte de urdir enfermedades o exagerar las ya existentes ( disease mongering), por parte de la industria farmacéutica y sus aliados, los medios informativos, es ot


Mental Health and Addiction Services: Brief/Social Detox Unit OPIOID WITHDRAWAL PROTOCOL Clinical Features of Opioid Withdrawal - detected & monitored using the Opioid Withdrawal Scale (OWS) Physical signs/symptoms Lacrimation, rhinorrhea, yawning Dilated pupils, nausea/vomiting Diaphoresis, chills, piloerection, mild tachycardia and/or hypertension Myalgias, abdominal cra


Executive Summary In-licensing occurs when a company buys the rights either to develop and market a compound another company has discovered, or to market a compound that another company has discovered and developed. Biotech companies fit the bill, becoming the R&D goldmines of the industry as pharma firms acquire, or in- license the rights to promising new drugs. Biotechnolog


Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement. (Incorporated in Bermuda wit

June 08 fv enews

(920)738-3131 (800)280-4102 www.save3lives.org Common Eligibility Questions Flu or Pneumonia shot – If symptom- Common Cold – Eligible to donate if common donor eligibility questions. This Tetanus Shot – If the shot is given as a intended to be used as a guideline only, Upper Respiratory or Flu – Eligible to a tool to help you with recruitment. It is


Publications 1. Tverdislov, V.A., El Karadaghi , S., Martsenyuk, O.V., Gerasimova, E.N. (1980). Lipoproteins of the blood plasma as modifiers of ionic permeability of artificial lipid membranes. Biophysika (Moscow) 25 , 841-847. 2. Tverdislov, V.A., Martsenyuk, O.V., El Karadaghi , S., Perova, N.V., Gerasimova, E.N. (1982). Peculiarities of interactions of human plasma lipopro


QUICK QUOTE FOR ALCOHOL AND DRUG USAGE CLIENT : NAME ____________________________________ /  M  F / DOB __________ AGE ______ / HT ______ WT _____ / STATE ______ AMT. REQUESTED $ _______________ / MAX. ANNUAL PREMIUM $ ___________________ / TYPE OF INS.  UL  TERM YRS. LVL _______ TOBACCO USE  NO  YES, TYPE ______________________ / REPLACEMENT  YES  NO / CURRENT A

Microsoft word - website-mrsa.doc

MRSA infection Introduction Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection is caused by Staphylococcus aureus bacteria — often called "staph." Decades ago, a strain of staph emerged in hospitals that was resistant to the broad-spectrum antibiotics commonly used to treat it. Dubbed methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), it was one of the first germs to

Microsoft word - publicaciones cociente con if e hi

Publicaciones en las que COCIENTE S.L. ha participado en su redacción. Ordenadas por factor de impacto (2011) de la revista [Carta] Rico-Villademoros F, Calandre EP. Confounding by indication and the risk of hyperlipidemia in observational studies of antipsychotics. [Carta] Rico-Villademoros F, Calandre EP. Reasons for prescription of serotonin receptor 2A–blocking antidepressants may conf

Microsoft word - age factsheet.doc

What are the issues around the age of a child? The main issues around the age of a child are: • The age until which children should fall under the provisions of the Bill; • The minimum age for prosecution of a child; • The age until which criminal incapacity is presumed but may be rebutted; and • Problems around determining the age of a child. The Child Justice Bill establi


Kendall A, Dowsett M, Folkerd E, Smith I. Caution: Vaginal estradiol appears to be contraindicated in postmenopausal women on adjuvant aromatase inhibitors. Ann Oncol 2006 17(4):584-7. PMID: 16443612 Laumann EO, Nicolosi A, Glasser DB, Paik A, Gingell C, Moreira E, Wang T; GSSAB Investigators' Group. Sexual problems among women and men aged 40-80 y: prevalence and correlates identified in the Glob

Microsoft word - pcrrthandoutfinal.doc

PCRRT Protocol: Perioperative Cardiac Risk Reduction Therapy Art Wallace, M.D., Ph.D. 1. All patients who either have coronary artery disease (CAD), peripheral vascular disease (PVD), or two risk factors for coronary artery disease (age > 60, cigarette smoking, diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol > 240 mg/dl) should be on perioperative beta blockade unless they have a specific intole

Aok 11 tender round: stada takes top active ingredients

Corporate News AOK 11 tender round: STADA takes top active ingredients Awards for omeprazole, risperidone, simvastatin and mirtazapine, among others Bad Vilbel, February 5, 2013 – Following 18 awards in the tenth tender round of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse (AOK) in the middle of January, Germany's largest association of statutory health insurance organizations has now once a

Microsoft word - naltrexone and alcoholism treatment test

Naltrexone and Alcoholism Treatment Test Following your reading of the course material found in TIP No. 28. Please read thefollowing statements and indicate the correct answer on the answer sheet. A score of 32correct must be obtained to pass the course (you may miss 13) . Following payment, thetest may be taken as many times as necessary to obtain a passing grade. Your score andthe status of

Genetic and expression analyses reveal elevated expression of syntaxin 1a ( stx1a) in high functioning autism

International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, Page 1 of 12. Copyright f 2008 CINPGenetic and expression analyses reveal elevatedexpression of syntaxin 1A (STX1A) in highfunctioning autismKazuhiko Nakamura1*, Ayyappan Anitha1*, Kazuo Yamada2*, Masatsugu Tsujii3,4,Yoshimi Iwayama2, Eiji Hattori2, Tomoko Toyota2, Shiro Suda1, Noriyoshi Takei1,Yasuhide Iwata1, Katsuaki Suzuki1, Hideo Matsuzak

Cam in review may 2013 +

Health Insights Today A SERVICE OF CLEVELAND CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE CAM in Review When reading reports on new research, it is important to remember that no single study should be seen as providing the whole truth. The following reports offer helpful clues but in most cases further research is needed before firm conclusions can be drawn. Multicenter Study Finds Acupuncture Effec


BSMS/BSUH 7th Annual Research Symposium – Sexual Health Thursday 1st October, 9.00 – 5.00pm, Audrey Emerton Building Morning Session Programme Registration and Tea & Coffee Introduction Professor Jon Cohen, Dean, Brighton and Sussex Medical School Plenary Lecture – STI & HIV Prevention for Improved Population Sexual Health Professor Graham J Hart Ph


Einstein Bros. License Parter Ingredients Plain Bagel (enriched bleached flour (wheat flour, malt barley flour, niacin, ferrous sulfate, thiamine mononitrate, riboflavin, folic acid), water, high fructose corn syrup, salt, yeast, molasses, wheat gluten, malt barley flour, soy oil, contains less than 2% ascorbic acid, enzyme, L. Cysteine (an amino acid). Processed in a facility which also p

Microsoft word - $asqsccr_20_10sp.doc

Comité Permanente de Derecho de Autor y Derechos Conexos Vigésima sesión Ginebra, 21 a 24 de junio de 2010 Propuesta de la Delegación de Estados Unidos de América La Asamblea de la Unión de Berna,i la Asamblea del Tratado de la OMPI sobre Derecho deAutor y la Asamblea General de la Organización Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual (OMPI), Considerando las cláusulas del Co

The limits to patient compliance with directly observed therapy for tuberculosis: a socio-medical study in pakistan

international journal of health planning and managementInt J Health Plann Mgmt 2002; 17: 249–267. Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI: 10.1002/hpm.675The limits to patient compliance with directlyobserved therapy for tuberculosis: asocio-medical study in PakistanH. Meulemans1*, D. Mortelmans1, R. Liefooghe2, P. Mertens1,S. Akbar Zaidi3, M. Farooq Solangi4


Copyright Pulsus Group Inc – Do not copy SPECIAL ARTICLE Contrast echocardiography in Canada: Canadian Cardiovascular Society/ Canadian Society of Echocardiography position paper George Honos (chair) MD FRCPC FACC1, Robert Amyot MD FRCPC2, Jonathan Choy MD FRCPC3, Howard Leong-Poi MD FRCPC4, Greg Schnell MD FRCPC5, Eric Yu MD FRCPC6 G Honos, R Amyot, J Choy, H Leong-Poi, G Schnell

Effect of craniosacral therapy on lower urinary tract signs and symptoms in multiple sclerosis

Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 15 (2009) 72–75Complementary Therapies in Clinical PracticeEffect of craniosacral therapy on lower urinary tract signs and symptomsin multiple sclerosisGil Raviv ,,Shai Shefi , Dalia Nizani Anat Achiron a Urology Department, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, Affiliated to the Sackler School of medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israelb Multipl

Microsoft word - effects of alcohol intoxication.doc

BLOOD ALCOHOL CONCENTRATION Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) is the amount of alcohol in the bloodstream. It is measured in percentages. For instance, having a BAC of 0.10 percent means that a person has 1 part alcohol per 1,000 parts blood in the body. In studies of alcohol-related crashes, reaction time, tracking ability, concentrated attention ability, divided attention performance, informati

Microsoft word - purim_print-friendly.doc

Canfei Nesharim Eco-Friendly Mishloach Manot Packages Green Purim Sameach! Canfei Nesharim has developed a selection of five eco-friendly and fun Mishloach Manot themed package ideas for you or your group to prepare and distribute to your constituents on Purim. The packages include “Lunch Break,” “Health Nut,” “Cold Kit,” “Pesach Welcome Kit,” and “The Blessing of the Sun -


Emad Mohammad Masuadi, M.Sc. Instructor Statistics College of Business & Economics Academic Background M.Sc. , IRBID, JORDAN, STATISTICS, --N/A-- B.Sc. Yarmouk University, IRBID, JORDAN, Statistics (Computer minor), 1993 Work Experience Academic Experience Instructor, UAE University (August, 2006 - Present). Lecturer of statistics at the department of statistics. Am

Cas graves d’entéropathies associés avec l’olmésartan médoxomil

Point d’Information Cas graves d’entéropathies associés avec l’olmésartan médoxomil L’olmésartan (Alteis, Alteisduo, Axeler, Olmetec, CoOlmetec, Sevikar) appartient à la famillle des inhibiteurs du récepteur de l’angiotensine II (ARA II) et est indiqué dans le traitement de l’hypertension artérielle seul ou en association avec d’autres traitements antihypertense



Produits ménager mars 2014x

LDS SERVICES- Rue des Etangs - BP21 - 76340 - Blangy-sur-Bresle Tel:(0)9 64 22 05 39/ Fax:(0)2 35 94 64 55/ Mob:(0)6 07 46 80 12/ ldsservices@orange.fr Bon de Commande Mars 2014 livraisons a partir de début Avril FOURNITURES HYGIENE & ENTRETIEN 1 24(8 x 3) Rouleaux essuie tout double feuille bonne qualité 122 24(2x12) Rouleaux papier toilette bonne qualité blanc dou

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CENTRAL ELECTRICITY REGULATORY COMMISSION NEW DELHI Coram 1. Dr. Pramod Deo, Chairperson 2. Shri R.Krishnamoorthy, Member 3. Shri S.Jayaraman, Member 4. Shri V. S. Verma, Member Petition No 106/2009 ( Suo-motu ) In the matter of Maintenance of Grid Discipline – Non -compliance of provisions of the Indian Electricity Grid Code by Tamil Nadu Electricity Board.


vril 2010 - n°16 LE DOSSIER PHARMACEUTIQUE D’UNE LA SÉCURITÉ ET LA QUALITÉ DES SPÉCIALITÉ GÉNÉRIQUE : MÉDICAMENTS GÉNÉRIQUES UN DEGRÉ D’EXIGENCE IDENTIQUE À CELUI DE TOUS LES MÉDICAMENTS. Au même titre que les autres médicaments, le dossier pharmaceutique d’une spécialité En 2009, de nouvelles générique doit réunir tous les éléments

Art hicks chem torture binoy k

David Hicks.and US chemical torture One sensed they were out to get him from the start. David Hicks, a misguided, foolish man, who found himself at a paramilitary camp in Afghanistan, had to be punished. Since the Australian authorities struggled to find a basis to get the former Guantánamo inmate for his participation on the wrong side of ‘terror’, they did so vicariously. Hicks, detained


EmblemHealth Pharmacy Benefit Services 2013 Small Group Formulary Summary This is a list of the most commonly prescribed preferred drugs for members of small group (if your employer has 50 or less employees eligible for health benefits) plans with prescription drug coverage. Make sure to ask your doctor to prescribe generic drugs whenever appropriate; this may lower your out-of-pocket exp

Codelink 1278feb.pdf

President’s Report With another festive season behind us it’s hard to believe another year has passed and all of us will soon be looking forward to the 4th edition of ICD-10-AM training in the earlier part of 2004. For the past year I had the opportunity of working at the Sheikh Khalifa Medical Center (SKMC) in Abu Dhabi, one of the United Arab Emirates. That year gave me the opportunit


Tanyard Medical Practice 2 Tanyard, Cumnock Side Effects of Warfarin Things to Remember 01290 421157 01290 422723 There are a number of possible side effects with Dental Treatment anticoagulants, with the major side-effect of al being Tel your dentist that you take warfarin, for some dental treatments you may be required to temporarily stop your warfarin. Your GP/INR Nurse


Understanding Pain for Improved Quality of LifeGood pain management improves quality of life. Managing pain to live life fully is possible! It is important that the treatment of your pain is based on your diagnosis, stage of disease, response to pain and treatments, and personal likes and dislikes. Pain can be safely managed at home in a partnership between you and your medical provider. Beco


Hemolymphatic/Oncology Blood Parasites in the Dog and Cat: Haemobartonellosis: Haemobartonella sp. are gram negative, non-acid fast, epicellular parasites of erythrocytes. Haemobartonella canis and Haemobartonella felis are the species that affect dogs and cats, respectively. Experimentally, cats have been reported to have a subclinical infection with H. canis . Haemobartonella organi


Case 1:10-cv-01005-RBJ-KMT Document 80 Filed 03/26/12 USDC Colorado Page 1 of 14Civil Action No. 10-cv-01005-RBJ-KMT TROY ANDERSON, Plaintiff, v. STATE OF COLORADO, DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS, SUSAN JONES, in her official capacity as warden of the Colorado State Penitentiary, and ARISTEDES W. ZAVARAS, in his official capacity as the Executive Director of the Colorado Department of Corrections, Def


Accred Qual Assur (2003) 8:179–183DOI 10.1007/s00769-003-0609-9 D. Brynn Hibbert Abstract An Australian case study Keywords Forensic science · Received: 23 October 2002Accepted: 17 February 2003of abuse were acquitted on appealbecause of shortcomings in the prosecution’s case that establishedthe identity of the material seized. The need to have proper standard operating procedures t

Microsoft word - scheda rochira.doc

VINCENZO ROCHIRA Ricercatore Universitario Confermato SSD MED/50 Endocrinologia, Centro Nalin , Largo del Pozzo 71 Modena IGIENE DENTALE Breve Curriculum Vitae Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia nel 1994 presso l’Università di Modena, specializzazione in Endocrinologia e Malattie del Ricambio presso l'Universita' di Modena nel 1999, Dottorato di Ricerca in Scienze Endocrino-Metabol


Recomm andations Empfehlungen z u r H a u t p f l e g e Recommendations R e c o m m e n d at i o n s Various innovative medical solutions are suggested, to answer your needs and expectations in the world of aesthetic medicine; however, in order to optimize the result of the proposed treatment and make sure your skin heals in the best possible conditions, your skin must


Slices of Pie January 2010 This is an e-mail newsletter about Pie in a Cup members and the events they’re involved in. Have news to share with your Pie in a Cup friends? Please send information and updates to Blake Leland at <mailto:blake.leland@lcc.gatech.edu>blake.leland@lcc.gatech.edu. Our e-mail newsletter is sent out at the beginning of each month, so please sen

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CAMBRIAN SCHOOL DISTRICT GOVERNING BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES OF REGULAR BOARD MEETING CLOSED SESSION AGENDA Closed Session The Board convened in Closed Session at 6:34 p.m. to discuss the following: 1.1 Negotiations with Cambrian District Teachers’ Association and California School Employees’ Assoc., Local 641 Public Employee Evaluation – Superintendent (Govt Code 54957)

Spina bifida2009.xls

Bambini con spina bifida a scuola (I): un manuale per gli insegnantiProtocollo diagnostico terapautico per il mielomeningoceleSequele e problematiche del bambino e dell'adolescente con spina bifidaProceeding of the 3° A.S.M.International Symposium on Birth Defects 1° Incontro per famiglie e portatori di spina bifida - Bardolino 23 e 24 ottobre 1993Uno e trino (profitti devoluti F.A.I.S.B.I.


Veterinary Usage of Neways Products James W. Ratliff, III, DVM, BS and Senior Diamond Ambassador, Neways Mineral Solution/Maximol : All dogs and cats need one or the other of these – the decision factor being age and health challenges as applied in humans. The best way to obtain intake is to add to the water supply. A general rule of thumb is to add one capful to two liters of water–

Planning applications listing by ward

CITY OF CALGARY - DEVELOPMENT & BUILDING APPROVALS Page 1 of 25 DP, LOC AND SB APPLICATION REGISTER Date: April 12, 2011 FOR April 02, 2011 TO April 08, 2011 For Ward: N/A Application Date: DP2011-1197 Address: CANCELLED Applicant: Proposed Use: Community: Description: Gross Building Area (M2): For Ward: 01 Application Date: 2011/04/04 DP2011-11


Specifications 1/2.3-in. type CCD; approx. 16.44 million total pixels4.6-23.0mm (angle of view equivalent to that of 26-130 mm lens in 35mm [135]format)Up to 4x (angle of view equivalent to that of approx. 520 mm lens in 35mm [135]format)reduction Autofocus (AF) Autofocus (AF)Focus range (from [W]: Approx. 50 cm (1 ft 8 in.) to infinity, [T]: Approx. 80 cm (2 ft 8 in.) tolens)infinity Macr

“see now”anti-hcv cassette test

Cod FPO 7.3.1 2/ 10 First Romanian rapid tests manufacturer ! Holding the sample dropper vertically, add 5 drops (0.2 ml) of specimen “See Now” Amphetamine Strip/Cassette Test without air bubbles into the sample well . For strip test, immerse the strip into the urine cup and take out the strip For in vitro Diagnosis Use after 10 sec. Lay the strip on a flat, clean,

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2014_lista sostanze e metodi proibiti

LA LISTA DELLE SOSTANZE E METODI PROIBITI 2014 STANDARD INTERNAZIONALE Il testo ufficiale della Lista è depositato presso la WADA ed è pub-blicato in Inglese e Francese. In caso di disparità tra la versione In-glese e quella Francese, farà fede la versione Inglese. (www.wada-ama.org, 2014 Prohibited List.pdf) Questa Lista è in vigore dal 1° Gennaio 2014 LA LI

Microsoft word - the senate house.doc

The University of London is one of the world's leading academic institutions, internationally recognised as a centre of excellence. The University of London is a federal university made up of 31 affiliates: 19 separate university institutions, and 12 research institutes. As such, the University of London is the largest university in the UK by number of full-time student

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INTERNATIONAL MOUNTAIN GUIDES HIGH ALTITUDE TREKKING PERSONAL EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST The equipment list is meant to help you compile your personal gear for a high altitude trekking trip likeKilimanjaro or Everest Base Camp. Most items are required, while a few are optional. Please considereach item carefully and be sure you understand the function of each piece of equipment before yousubstitute or


Clinical audit of the management of patients in an anticoagulant primary care clinic in Ireland Sarah Molony1, Dr. David Molony2 , Dr. Aisling O’Leary1. 1. School of Pharmacy, Royal College of Surgeons Ireland. 2. The Red House Family Practice, Mallow Primary Healthcare Centre. Introduction • 778,973 prescriptions for warfarin in Ireland (2008) Aim of study Audit to assess

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Dirigir é um evento: cuide da vida! Mais um feriado natalino se aproxima; logo teremos outros: fim de ano, carnaval, Páscoa, Corpus Christi e, com eles, a dura realidade das tragédias no trânsito. Milhares de pessoas perderam a vida em 2010 e a carnificina infelizmente vai continuar em 2011. Vidas abruptamente ceifadas; jovens, crianças e adultos vão perecer em alguma avenida, rua ou

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Certain hospital wastes are regulated under Part 111, Hazardous Waste Management, Michigan CompiledLaws (MCL) 324.11101 et seq. (Part 111) of Michigan’s Natural Resources and Environmental ProtectionAct; 1994 PA 451, as amended, and Subtitle C of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976,as amended (RCRA), and any administrative rules or regulations promulgated pursuant to these act


SECTION 1: IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/MIXTURE AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING1.2. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised againstPreservation of exterior timber surfaces. Applied by brush. See container for details. Not recommended for interior use on large surface areas or in confined spaces without suitable respiratory protection. 1.3. Details of the s


No conviene tomar el poder. Si uno quiere hacer un mundo mejor, no hay quetomar el poder. Un grupo de personas accede al sillón de Rivadavia y al juego de sillas quecompletan el lote y se sientan con la esperanza de darle a ese poder unrumbo nuevo. Enseguida se advierte que, como en los mejores cuentos deterror, no son ellos los que mandan. El que manda es el sillón. ¿Qué pasa?Es que en ese si

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COLLECTIVE INVESTMENT SCHEMES LAW EXPLANATORY NOTE INTRODUCTION The draft Collective Investment Schemes Act (the " Act ") is intended to introduce into Maldives law provisions relating to the establishment, operation, promotion and sale of collective investment schemes. The Act further provides for the regulation of all persons who act as manager or depositary of collectiv

Microsoft word - practice guideline 18

Practice Guideline 1: Confidentiality in Mediation These Guidelines are based on the Good Practices in Confidentiality adopted in Dublin, on 7-10 September 2007, by the UIA Forum of Mediation Centres. These Guidelines complement, and should be read in conjunction with, the Mediation Rules of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, in particular Rule 12, which provides: 12. Confidentiality

Slants & trends

Vol. 16 No. 3 March 2006 Does New ADA Lawsuit Put Campuses Inside This Issue In No-Win Situation for Suicide Policies? Liberty U. Accused of Clery Violations .Page 19 Over the past few years, schools have increasingly worried about being sued over a student Man Sues Accuser for $1.85 Million.Page 21 committing suicide. Now, the other side of the issue has em

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- TARLAL - - Tarceva And Radiotherapy in Locally Advanced Lung cancer - Concomitant Tarceva® and irradiation in patients in local-regionally advanced non-small cell lung cancer. A phase II study. Version 1.24- 19.3.2009 Protocol committee Olfred Hansen, Dept. Oncology, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark Tine Schytte, Dept. Oncology, Odense University Hospital, Od

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You receive a midmorning call for a child with an altered mental state. The patient's mother tells you her 8-year-old son stayed home from school because his allergies were making him sick. Although he's been taking Benadryl, he seems to be getting worse. The boy began complaining of blurred vision 15 minutes ago. He is confused and resists help. His skin is very hot and dry to the touch, and y


Les médicaments ototoxiques Les médicaments ototoxiques sont des produits pharmaceutiques qui ont l'inconvénient de pouvoir léser les structures de l'oreille interne (atteinte cochléaire ou vestibulaire) ou du nerf auditif. Il n'y a jamais atteinte de l'oreille externe ni de l'oreille moyenne. Plus de 130 médicaments et produits chimiques ont été répertoriés comme étant ot

Columbia university medical center renal transplant program

– Nephrologists– Surgeons– Pathologists– Tissue Typing– Consultants– Living Donor– Pre-Transplant– Post-Transplant– List maintenance• Administrator• Social Work• QA/PI• “Desensitization Team”– 4 Full-time transplant Nephrologists– 4 other Nephrologists participate in the care of transplant patients– 7 transplant surgeons, 5 also participate in Liver transpla

Pii: s0304-3940(98)00302-4

Neuroscience Letters 247 (1998) 147–150 Characterization of a plasma membrane zinc transporter in rat brain Department of Biological Sciences, Program in Neurobiology, Ohio University, Athens OH 45701, USAReceived 19 February 1998; received in revised form 26 March 1998; accepted 31 March 1998 Abstract Many studies now show that zinc plays a critical and unique role in central nerv

Cmr 03 a 05

RECIDIVA DE ENCEFALITIS HERPÉTICA (HSE): REPORTE DE UN CASO Centro Integral de Rehabilitación APREPA Resumen El virus del herpes simple (HSV) es causa común de encefalitis víricas. La recurrencia es poco frecuente. Se pre- senta el caso clínico de un paciente con recidiva de encefalitis herpética (HSE), con déficits neurológicos severos, ingresado para tratamiento neurorrehabilitad

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Call for Expressions of Interest: ARC Network for Early European Research-sponsored Postgraduate Advanced Training Seminar Latin Clinic for Medievalists and Early Modernists Organisers: Yasmin Haskell (University of Western Australia) and Date: 13 November 2009 Venue: Centre for Classical and Near Eastern Studies of Australia, Madsen Building, University of Sydney, NSW Ration

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Charissa M. Urbano Professor Science Division, Delta College University Center, MI 48710 EDUCATION 1985-1988 Doctor of Education from Ball State University Major in Biology with emphasis in human biology and genetics, research concentration in developmental toxicology and genetics. Physiology and Educational Psychology minor. 1983-1984 Masters of Arts in Educati


Bio. 317 – Sept. 26, 2013 Principles of Ecology Lab Constructing a Life Table for a Human Population Objectives: We will use mortality and survivorship data to construct life tables and to compute vital statistics of a human population. Introduction: A summary of mortality, survivorship and expectation of further life, by age, is called a life table. The most straightforward type of life t


Clinica Chimica Acta 355 (2005) 205 – 210Pediatric reference intervals for FSH, LH, estradiol, T3, free T3,cortisol, and growth hormone on the DPC IMMULITE 1000Offie P. Soldina,b,c, Eve G. Hoffmanc, Michael A. Waringc, Steven J. Soldina,c,d,e,f,g,TaDivision of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Georgetown University School of Medicine, Washington D.C., United StatesbDivision of Cancer Geneti

Microsoft word - enlieng.docx

Curriculum Vitae Name: En-lieng Lau Address: 5F.-3, No.3, Aly. 4, Ln. 32, Sec. 1, Xinguang Rd., Wenshan Dist., Taipei E-mail: enlieng@ntou.edu.tw Birth Date: May 15, 1968 Birthplace: Taiwan Citizenship: Taiwan Sex: Male Marital Status: married Education: 1991 B.S. in Microbiology (SoochowUniversity, Taipei, Taiwan) 1993 M.S. in Aquaculture (National Taiwan Ocean

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Microsoft word - document2

April 15, 2007 The Power of Green By THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN One day Iraq, our post-9/11 trauma and the divisiveness of the Bush years will all be behind us — and America will need, and want, to get its groove back. We will need to find a way to reknit America at home, reconnect America abroad and restore America to its natural place in the global order — as the beacon of progress, h

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Microsoft word - document2

Case Reports From Medistem Given the rationale that autologous SVF cells have a reasonable safety profile, and contain both immune modulatory and regenerative cell populations, a physician-initiated compassionate-use treatment was explored in 3 patients. Here we describe their treatments and histories. #CR-231 In 2005, a 50-year-old man was diagnosed with Relapsing-remitting MS, present

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January 1, 2002 is "E-Day," the date when 300 million people embark on what's been described as "the greatest peacetime logistical effort in Europe's history." That's the date when -- for 10 points -- what currency unit officially replaces 12 national currencies? ANSWER: EUROS © 2001 , COLLEGE BOWL CO., INC. -- ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [MPDR-55GRQE] CB CP 01-02 #04; T-01 TEA

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Recomendaciones de expertos sobre el diagnóstico y tratamiento de la hepatitis C crónica en el medio penitenciario AUTORES: Pablo Saiz-de-la-Hoya Zamácola1 Andrés Marco touriño2, Gerardo Clemente Ricote3, Joaquín Portilla Sogorb4, Vicente Boix Martínez4, Oscar Nuñez Martínez3, Sergio Reus Bañuls4, Nuria Teixido i Pérez2. 1Servicios Médicos. Centro Penitenciario Alicante I. 2Servicio

Short cv

Short CV. Claus Cornett… Claus Cornett, Ph.D., Lektor/associate Professor Scientific career: Master of Science/Cand. Scient, chemistry line, University of Copenhagen, August 1985. Adjunkt/Assistant professor, Danish University of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Department of Lektor/Associate professor, Danish University of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Department of Medicinal Chemistry, 1992. Tran

Proposed arv regimens

THE SOUTH AFRICAN ANTIRETROVIRAL TREATMENT GUIDELINES The South African Antiretroviral Treatment Guidelines Goals of the programme Achieve best health outcomes in the most cost-efficient Decentralise service delivery to PHC facilities Integrate services for HIV, TB, MCH, SRH and Prevent new infections among children, adolescents, Objec

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OCIDAN- D Composition : Each ml contains : Ofloxacin Dexamethasone 0.02 mg Benzalkonium Chloride USP Description : Ocidan is a fluorinated 4-quinolone anti-biotic . It is bactericidal in action . It is thought to exert a bactericidal effect on susceptible bacterial cells by inhibiting DNA gyrase , an essential bacterial enzyme which is a critical catalyst

Eman ibrahim wassef

Medical report Name: Eman Ibrahim Wassef date of admission: 1/1/2011 Age : 48 years discharge: still in ICU treating doctors: prof. Hatem Amin Attala Concultant of anaethesiology prof. Magdy akel prof. Amin malty Consultant of ophthalmology prof. Hossam Elkafrawy Consultant of plastic surgery dr. Ehab naeem Consultant of ENT The patient was admitted to our hospital after the explosion acc

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Features • Truly compact: 4.60” diameter – same as a CD! • UV ranges simultaneously– UVA, UVB, UVC, UVV Applications • Measure UV curing system performance • Establish UV level for proper curing radiometer, the operator can immediately quantify the process. After product is cured satisfactorily, the operator exposes the radiometer to the same UV process. The UV le


l ctric Cycle und ist ein Fahrrad mit Trethilfe durch einen Elektro-motor. Je nach Kraftaufwand, mit dem geradelt wird, schaltet sich der Motor zu und unter-stützt beim Treten. Ohne Treten gibt der Motor keine Leistung ab. Mit diesem „eingebauten Rückenwind“ erreichen auch Ungeübte Durchschnittsgeschwindigkeiten jenseits der 20km/h, Bergfahrten werden auf diesen Bikes mühelos gemeist

Resources to guide effective professional practice: jognn special reports new resources for evidence-based practice, carol sakala, phd, msph, january/february 2004

SPECIAL REPORTS Resources for Evidence-Based Practice, January/February 2004 Carol Sakala Published simultaneously in Journal of Midwifery Comment: Continuous labor support has no and Women’s Health (2004); 49(1). known downsides and can help women have a satis-fying childbirth experience and avoid risks associat-This column highlights new and recently updateded with cesare

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__________________ Fatigue extrême, douleurs articulaires et musculaires aigües et invalidantes sont les principaux symptômes de cette nouvelle maladie au nom barbare qui touche environ huit cents personnes en France : la myofasciite à macrophages. Cause établie : la présence dans les muscles d'hydroxyde d'aluminium, adjuvant des vaccins contre l'hépatite A et B, et le tétanos.


INSTRUCTION AND RECIPE Sandwich Grill For your safety and continued enjoyment of this product, always read the instruction book carefully before using. TABLE OF CONTENTS 14. Always attach plug to appliance first, then plug cord into the wall outlet. To disconnect, remove plug NO USER SERVICEABLE PARTS ARE INSIDE. SAVE THESE IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS SAFEGUARDS FOR HO


Patient Name: ___________________________________________ DOB: ___________ Appt. Date: __________ Appt. Time: __________Patient Phone: _________________ Referring Physician: ______________________________ SPECIAL REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS:J E R E M Y N . W I E R S I G M . D . , P. A . Addl. Referring Physicians: _______________________________________________________❑ Films with Report to Offic

Recomendaes para jejum pr operatrio em crianas

Recomendações para jejum pré-anestésico (Consenso de jejum pré-anestésico da Sociedade de Anestesiologia do Estado de São Paulo - Jornada Paulista de Anestesiologia 2001 - Jornada de Anestesiologia do Sudeste Brasileiro 2001) Dr. Antonio Vanderlei Ortenzi - coordenador A aspiração do conteúdo gástrico no período intraoperatório é um evento raro, mas uma das complicações mais

Microsoft word - dermatomycoses--fact sheet #15.doc

DERMATOMYCOSES [Ringworm (Dermatophytosis, Tinea, Trichophytosis, Microsporosis, Jock Itch, Athlete's Foot)] SPECIES: Dogs, cats, rodents, domestic animals AGENT: Organisms are subclassified into: 1. Geophilic - inhabit soil 2. Zoophilic - parasitic on animals 3. Anthropophilic - Primarily infects humans. All can produce disease in humans. Grouped in three genera 1. Microsporum

Microsoft word - document3

www.christchurchpsychology.co.nz 16 lessons about behaviour management Child behaviour problems are unlikely to have only one cause. Many things can affect children’s behaviour. At least four areas are important to think about: 1.   PARENTS’ CHARACTERISTICS Parents differ in many ways that can affect their parenting. For example:  their own experience of childhood and being

Cfy wtc 2013.02.28

WTC PRESENTS LUNCH CONCERT Thursday February 28, 2013 at 12:30 p.m. in the Central Hall BACH with STEFANIE TRUE soprano & MUSICA AD RHENUM Jed Wentz – traverso flute, Igor Rukhadze & Sara DeCorso violins, Örzse Adam – viola, Job ter Haar – violoncello, Tomoki Sumiya – double bass and Marijn Slappendel - harpsichord Cantata “Ich habe Genug” (I ha


conflict & communication online, Vol. 3, No. 1/2, 2004 Media Peace Discourse: Constraints, Concepts and Building Blocks Kurzfassung: Normative, fachliche und akademische Voraussetzungen bestimmen die Diskussion sowohl über die Wichtigkeit als auch überdas Fehlen eines Friedensdiskurses in den Medien ebenso wie über die Notwendigkeit und die Möglichkeit, einen solchen Diskurs anzusto-


Currently, over 60 percent of all prescriptions filled Most prescription drug plans, including the Christian in the United States are for generic medications.1 Brothers Employee Benefit Trust plan, have a lower These medications treat conditions from high blood co-payment for generic medications because the cost pressure, high cholesterol, heartburn and stomach of generic medications are

Microsoft word - lougou wcs final report 121211 _2_.doc

Rotary District 5580 Grants Subcommittee World Community Service Final Report (updated Dec. 28/03) A. Project District 5580 Project # 11.4.18 TRF-MG #: ___________CRCID-MG#__________ Location: Lougou, Haiti Brief description/objectives: Install 100 Sawyer Water Filter Systems so villagers in Lougou, Haiti have clean, safe water for drinking, cooking, and bathing. Urgency t

Microsoft word - go wild 7 parent letter.docx

Thursday, April 12th, 2012 Dear Grade 7 Parents To complement our grade 7 science and outdoor education curriculum and to conduct a grade 7 leadership retreat, a visit to Gambier Island has been planned for Tuesday May 8th to Friday May 11th. Located in Howe Sound, off the coast of Gibsons, the Sea to Sky Outdoor School at Camp Fircom offers the optimum environment in which your daughte


South and West Yorkshire Journal Club - February 2011 If you read any useful articles, please send the reference to charlotte.davies@leeds-medics.sja.org.uk, preferably with a one line summary too - and then it will be included. The aim is to send a bulletin every month, after the HCP training session. Comments and feedback welcomed. Articles are randomly included in here- inclusion does not


Exelon plugs into $7.9 billion power dealStory URL: http://news.medill.northwestern.edu/chicago/news.aspx?id=185608 Story Retrieval Date: 5/12/2011 10:51:46 AM CST Exelon/MEDILLExelon plants, such as Mountain Creek Generating Station in Texas, will be joined by five nuclear reactors if the Constellation acquisition goes through. Exelon plugs into $7.9 billion power deal by KATE SPRIN


Clinical Pearls 1. Nitroglycerin: Use the 0.125% NTG ointment liberal y, particularly with patients with anal sphincter spasm, pelvic floor spasm, and painful hemorrhoids in addition to anal fissures. Caution the patient to lie down when applying the ointment, and if they are hesitant to use their finger to administer the ointment into the anal canal, let them place the pea-sized amount of


SIL Electronic Working Papers 1996-003, September 1996 Document URCopyright © 1996 George L. Huttar and Summer Institute of Linguistics, Inc. Epenthetic -mi in Ndyuka: a Transitive Contents: Abstract: In the creole languages of Suriname, epenthetic -m(i) is obligatorily inserted between certain verbs and certain objects. Phonological and syntactic features of both verb and


CITY OF LEXINGTON REGULAR PARK BOARD MEETING August 6th, 2012 – 6:30 P.M. 9180 Lexington Avenue Lexington, MN 55014 1. Call to Order A. Roll Call Chairperson Mitlyng called to order (at the water garden) the Regular Park Board Meeting of the City of Lexington of August 6th, 2012. Commissioners Present: Ames, Cummings, Feider and Hylton. Also Present: Administrat


CSE 4153 / 6153, Fall 2008, Assignment 7 Solutions 1. A satellite serving 100 stations can receive a maximum of 10,000 packets per second. If the channel is being utilized optimallyI. What is the average number of packets sent by every station? (for plain and slotted ALOHA) II. How many packets (per second) suffer collisions? (for plain and slotted ALOHA)Plain ALOHAThe efficiency is 18% when

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Articles linked to Sem opções, e profundamente desiludidos com o cinismo dos políticos, a grande maioria destes eleitores MOZAMBIQUE 133 terá melhores coisas para fazer no dia do voto do que ir legitimar aquilo que será, de facto, uma autêntica LOCAL ELECTIONS Nenhum ser humano é perfeito. E certamente que Comiche deve ter os seus próprios defeitos. Um desses defeitos po

Argumentation and evidence

ABSTRACT. This essay explores the role of informal logic and its application in thecontext of current debates regarding evidence-based medicine. This aim is achievedthrough a discussion of the goals and objectives of evidence-based medicine and a reviewof the criticisms raised against evidence-based medicine. The contributions to informallogic by Stephen Toulmin and Douglas Walton are explicated a


Thirteen years experience in computer systems and network analysis, design and administration on a wide varietyof server and workstation systems. Hands-on experience and extensive knowledge of UNIX, networking, VoIP,languages, databases, architectures, training and day-to-day operations. Emphasis on problem solving, innovativeanalysis and design. Brings an end-to-end perspective to all work. •

Nursing booklet

N AT I O N A L C O N S E N S U S S TA N DA R D S F O R T H E N U R S I N G M A N AG E M E N T O F C YS T I C F I B R O S I S U K C y s t i c F i b r o s i s May 2001 N u r s e S p e c i a l i s t G r o u p C y s t i c F i b r o s i s T r u s t R e g C h a r i t y N o 1 0 7 9 0 4 9 R e g C o m p a n y N o 3 8 8 0 2 1 3 UK Cystic Fibrosis Nurse Specialist Group Workin


Cooley Alert ! News from our Government Contracts Group The Significant Risk to SBIR Program Participants Under the False Claims Act based on incorrect statements of fact, and as the basis for his qui tam action. After nies, the U.S. Government’s Small Business a lengthy investigation, the United States Innovation Research (“SBIR”) Program is ment for performance of that co


fusion avec PSEG, s’il était couronné desuccès, pourrait contribuer à ouvrir lavoie à une redéfinition des frontières,des zones d’influence et des capacités Les origines Après avoir présenté un panorama du secteur électrique aux États-Unis (voir Flux n°56/57), nous consacrons ce portrait d’entreprise à l’une des plus anciennes américain, qui joua un rôle central


Bioinformatics refers to the study of biological data using methods from mathematics,statistics, and computer science. In particular, functional genomics experiments producemassive amounts of high-dimensional data that need to be analyzed and understood [7, 8]. Recently developed methods such as oligonucleotide arrays and DNA chips (microarrays)can be used to measure the activity or expression lev


The Visual Matrix: The case of Mimar Sinan Project Site Bilkent University, Turkeyhttp://www.art.bilkent.edu.tr/iaed Abstract. This paper introduces a web-based ‘visual reference system’ model for archi-tectural education and research. The system utilizes visualization to aid in spatial com-prehension and comparative analysis of abstract architectural concepts. The systemestablishes a


LEGI, DECRETE, HOTÃRÂRI ªI ALTE ACTE Ñ Lege privind acordarea de facilitãþi persoanelorLege pentru aprobarea afilierii Centrului decare au domiciliul în localitãþile rurale aflate în Formare ºi Inovaþie pentru Dezvoltare în Carpaþi(CEFIDEC) la Asociaþia ”EuromontanaÒ, precum ºi 323. Ñ Decret pentru promulgarea Legii privind acor-darea de facilitãþi persoanelor ca

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STUDENT ALLERGY/ANAPHYLAXIS CARE PLAN Student Name _____________________ D.O.B. _________ Teacher ______________ Student School Nurse ______________________________ Phone Number ___________________ Health Care Provider ____________________ Preferred Hospital __________________ History of Asthma No Yes (Higher risk for severe reaction) ALLERGY : (check appropriate) TO

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Cowboy’s Rest PO Box 1081 Elko, NV 89803 ◊ (775) 934-9806 ◊ www.cowboysrest.org 2013 Activity Permission & Medical Release Form Please complete and sign this form. You may mail it to Cowboy’s Rest or bring it with you when you drop off your camper. We must receive this form in order for your child to participate and remain at Cowboy’s Rest. Camper Agreement (must be s

Project management – underpinning success in the biopharmaceutical industry

Next Page Project Management underpinning success in the biopharmaceutical industry G.O Regester, E. Johnstone, S. Milner GroPep Limited, PO Box 10065 Adelaide SA, 5000 Corresponding Author : Dr G. Regester, Project Management Office, GroPep Limited, PO Box 10065, Adelaide, South Australia 5000. Email : geoff.regester@gropep.com Summary : Once the domain of construction a


Recently, a case has come before the Honourable Alastair Nicholson, Chief Justice of the Family Court in Australia, in the judge authorized that a 13 year-old child with a condition known as gender identity dysophoria (GID) receive treatment as part of a sex Here, sexologist and CASE faculty member, Dr Patricia Weerakoon, comments on the Alex is a classic case of “Gender Identity Dysphor

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Material Safety Data Sheet according to EC Directive 1907/2006/EC changed: 04.10.2011 1. Identification of the substance / mixture and company 1.1 Identification / product name chemagic Lysis Buffer Tissue (art. No. 805) 1.2 Use of the substance/ mixture Product for analytical use (RIP 3.2 Codes: SU 0-2, PC 21, PROC 15, AC 0) 1.3 Manufacturer Arnold-Sommerfeld-Ring

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Cheyenne Business Monthly - Feb 2008 By: Charlene Boner, 307.214.2043 Plan for Success: Why a Business Plan is Key to Continued Success Welcome to the beginning of 2008! With the new year you have either recently completed yourstrategic and tactical planning projections for the coming year(s), or you are now finalizing thatprocess. One of the key factors for continued success is also having


(Actos cuja publicação é uma condição da sua aplicabilidade) REGULAMENTO (CE) N.o 1662/2006 DA COMISSÃO de 6 de Novembro de 2006 que altera o Regulamento (CE) n.o 853/2004 do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho, que estabelece regras específicas de higiene aplicáveis aos géneros alimentícios de origem animal (Texto relevante para efeitos do EEE) consumo humano. O óleo de p


A Hybrid Neural Network and Virtual Reality System for Spatial Language Processing Guillermina C. Martinez1, Angelo Cangelosi1, Kenny R. Coventry2 1School of Computing and 2Department of Psychology Drake Circus, Plymouth PL4 8AA, UK guille@usitmail.com, acangelosi@plymouth.ac.uk, kcoventry@plymouth.ac.uk Abstract shape) play an important role in the comprehension ofspatial prepositi

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If you would like an English copy instead, please go to our website. Rietstrasse 25 8700 Küsnacht Tel. 044 400 90 51 Email: jen@bluewin.ch www.tanzschulekuesnacht.ch PROBEPLAN FÜR SONNTAG 6. MÄRZ 1. Wo: Heslihalle (Untere Heslibachstr. 33, 8700 Küsnacht). Haupteingang. 2. Der unten aufgeführte Probeplan zeigt wann die verschiedenen Klassen Probe haben. Mann muss nur 3. Bitte


SAFETY DATA SHEET 1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/MIXTURE AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING +46 (0) 40 466 077 (Monday-Friday 8.00-16.00) 2. HAZARD IDENTIFICATION Health hazards The objective of applying a hapten on the patient’s skin is the diagnosis of contact allergy. Localized dermal allergic reaction may occur at test site. Signs and symptom of exposure Dermal irrit

Material safety data sheet

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Lithium Shock Section 01 - Product And Company Information Product Identifier ……………………. Lithium Shock Product Use …………………………. Bacteria and algae control in swimming pools Supplier Name ……………………….…. ClearTech Industries Inc. Prepared By .…………….…. ClearTech Industries Inc. Technic


VOTING OPENS FOR THE COSTA SHORT STORY AWARD! Over 1800 entries received Submissions were judged anonymously Winner to be voted for by public at www.costabookawards.com and announced at Costa Book Awards ceremony Voting opens today and closes at midday on Wednesday 23rd January 2013 Tuesday 27th November 2012 : Voting has opened today for the inaugural Costa Short Story

Colloid solutions for fluid resuscitation

Colloid solutions for fluid resuscitation (Review) Bunn F, Trivedi D This is a reprint of a Cochrane review, prepared and maintained by The Cochrane Collaboration and published in The Cochrane Library 2012, Issue 11 Colloid solutions for fluid resuscitation (Review) Copyright © 2012 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [Intervention Review] Colloi

Safety data sheet

SIGMA-ALDRICH sigma-aldrich.com SAFETY DATA SHEET according to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 GENERIC EU MSDS - NO COUNTRY SPECIFIC DATA - NO OEL DATA IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/MIXTURE AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Product identifiers Product name Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against : Laboratory chemicals, Manufactu

Eosinophil blood count and anemia are associated with trypanosoma cruzi infection reactivation in chagas' heart transplant recipients

International Journal of Cardiology xxx (2009) xxx–xxxj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s e v i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / i j c a r dEosinophil blood count and anemia are associated with Trypanosoma cruzi infectionreactivation in Chagas' heart transplant recipientsTatiana A.D. Theodoropoulos, Achilles Gustavo Silva, Reinaldo B. Bestetti Division of Cardiology, Hospital de Base,


Causes severe irritation of eyes, skin and mucous membranes. Harmful to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquaticAvoid breathing vapors or mists of this product. Inhalation of vapors or mists of the productmay be irritating to the respiratory system. Ingestion is not expected to be a primary route of exposure for this product under normal usePotential routes of e


BETEGTÁJÉKOZTATÓ: INFORMÁCIÓK A FELHASZNÁLÓ SZÁMÁRA Bicalutamid-Cremum 150 mg fi lmtabletta Mielőtt elkezdené alkalmazni ezt a gyógyszert, olvassa el az alábbi betegtájékoztatót. • Tartsa meg a betegtájékoztatót, mert a benne szereplő információkra a későbbiekben is szüksége lehet. • További kérdéseivel forduljon orvosához vagy gyógyszerészéhez. • Ez


March 2004 NEWSLETTER 612-788-7609 Celebrating our 12th Year in Business! Landscape Showcase Spotlight – Make Money We recently installed a beautiful Aquascape brand pond at 8906Make money with our referral program. You will getBeard Avenue S. in Richfield. This back yard pond dropped downpaid for referring your friends and associates to usfour feet from the waterfall t

Effect of methylphenidate andor levodopa coupled with physiotherapy on functional and motor recovery after stroke a randomized, doubleblind, placebocontrolled trial

Acta Neurol Scand 2011: 123: 266–273 DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0404.2010.01395.xEffect of methylphenidate and⁄or levodopacoupled with physiotherapy on functionaland motor recovery after stroke – arandomized, double-blind,placebo-controlled trialLokk J, Salman Roghani R, Delbari A. Effect of methylphenidate and ⁄ orlevodopa coupled with physiotherapy on functional and motor recoveryafter str

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Levetiracetam and piracetam provide inhibitory action on epileptiform discharges in CA-1 Biology Department, Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, University str., 0143 Tbilisi, Georgia Epilepsy is one of the most common serious neurological disorders affecting, approximately 1% of the world population. Despite of the great variety of antiepileptic drugs, they are effective in only about

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POST OPERATIVE INSTRUCTIONS CARPAL TUNNEL SURGERY Carpal tunnel syndrome is a disorder of the hand which can result in characteristic symptoms of waking at night with pain and tingling (usually the thumb, index and middle fingers), loss of feeling in the hand, clumsiness and difficulty with manual Description of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome The carpal tunnel is a narrow tunnel formed by


Créatine Autre nom : Monohydrate de créatine (Cr.H2O) Une recherche de PROTEUS Description La créatine est un élément non essentiel de l'alimentation qui se trouve en abondance dans la viande et le poisson. On le dit non essentiel parce que notre organisme produit naturellement, à partir des aliments que nous consommons, les quantités dont il a besoin, soit de un à deux gram

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Global Perspective – n°40 Investors are worried about the possibility of a US economic slowdown. The US economy is indeed slowing down, but that is GOOD news ! It is GOOD news for stocks and bonds. 1. The economy and corporate profits If you look at the broad picture, for the last three years, the world economy has systematically performed better than generally expected.

Notice pension adalat-1 for website

Controller of Communication Accounts NO/CCA/MPTC/Admn/XI1th PensionAdalat/ Dated:-13/12/2013 To 1. The CGMT, BSNL, MP CIrcle,Bhopal. 2. The CGMT, Telecom Factory, Ridge Road, Jabalpur 3. The CGMT, T&D Circle, Jabalpur 4. The CGMT, BRBRAIT, Jabalpur. Subject: XII th Pension Adalat to be held on 29-01-2014 This office is conducting the XIIth "Pension Adalat" on 29-01-201

Pals pretest

a. some color improvement, some chest rise, and an oxygen saturation (per pulse oximetry) b. auscultation of breath sounds over the lateral chest bilaterally and presence of inspiratory sounds over the abdomen during assisted manual ventilation c. presence of mist in the tracheal tube d. presence of exhaled CO2 after delivery of 6 positive-pressure breaths 33. You are assisting at a statewide


PATIENT INFORMATION SHEET What are the signs and symptoms of swine flu in people? The symptoms of swine flu (influenza) in people are similar to the symptoms of regular seasonal human flu and include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. Some people have reported diarrhoea and vomiting associated with swine flu. Severe illness (pneumonia and respiratory fai

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2011 me 13christopherh

SAUFLEY, C.J., and ALEXANDER, LEVY, SILVER, MEAD, GORMAN, and JABAR, JJ. [¶1] Christopher H. appeals from a judgment entered in the Superior Court (Cumberland County, Cole, J .) affirming the judgment of the District Court (Portland, Eggert, J .) ordering his involuntary commitment pursuant to 34-B M.R.S. § 3864 (2009). Christopher H. contends that his due process rights were violated bec


EX/134/10 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE One hundred and thirty-fourth meeting EBRD Offices, London, 11-14 September 2007 PROJECT TO DETERMINE THE PHYSICAL, CHEMICAL AND ORGANOLEPTIC PARAMETERS TO DIFFERENTIATE BETWEEN FINE AND BULK COCOA PROJECT COMPLETION REPORT (PCR) Note by the Secretariat: The attached document is a summary of the Project Completion Report submitted by the P

Sixth national consultancy congress on “global partnering in consultancy”

A Newsletter of Technical Consultancy Development Programme for Asia & the Pacific (TCDPAP) April 2010 TCDPAP ANNUAL CONFERENCE ‘New Approaches and Solutions for • Forthcoming TCDPAP Annual Consultancy Business Conference- April 14-16, 2010 at Hanoi, Vietnam Innovation’ • TCDPAP Member Activities April 14-16, 2010 Hanoi, Vietnam o Banglades


Secretary: Joy Woodward P O Box 53219, Kenilworth 7745, South Africa. Editorial Team: Mick Dower with Coen Calitz, Johan Schoombee and John Winter (The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the Cape Cliivia Club) The year end meeting was held at Kirstenbosch, followed by the traditional braai. Over a 100 members attended and enjoyed Johan Scho


Total Health Care CSHCS Preferred Drug Formulary April 2013 Total Health Care’s (THC) Preferred drug formulary is a list of drugs that contains some of the most commonly prescribed medications within selected therapeutic classes. The list contains drugs that are considered to be safe and effective. Drugs listed in bold have FDA approved generic equivalents available, and becau


PO Box 653, ManotickOntario K4M 1A6contact: 613-882-5549email: julie.communicate@gmail.com Communications Barista Professional skills Personal attriButes Results-oriented strategy development: Develops clear, results-oriented innovative: communications strategies to meet senior leadership objectives that include lead generation, employee engagement, change management, public awarene


Renée Isaacs Langdon, BSc (Hons), MSc, ND CCNM Integrated Healthcare Centre, 1255 Sheppard Avenue East Toronto, ON M2K 1E2, Phone: (416) 498-8265 Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire pt.: ____________________________________________ DOB: _______________ M F Date: _______________ Please list your four major health concerns in order of importance: 1. ________________________


TOSHIBA B-EP Series Compact and stylish, the cool black EP range of 2 and 4 inch portable thermal printers is the ultimate in wireless functionality and reliability on the move. Ultra-compact and contemporary rugged design Operator keypad with a backlit LCD information display Superior print speed, with 'peel and present' labelling Largest media capacity with quick and simple media


Experience with the use of a first-line regimen ofstavudine, lamivudine and nevirapine in patients in theTREAT Asia HIV Observational DatabaseJ Zhou,1 NI Paton,2 R Ditangco,3 Y-MA Chen,4 A Kamarulzaman,5 N Kumarasamy,6 CKC Lee,7 PCK Li,8 TP Merati,9P Phanuphak,10 S Pujari,11 A Vibhagool,12 F Zhang,13 J Chuah,14 KR Frost,15 DA Cooper1 and MG Law1 on behalf ofthe TREAT Asia HIV Observational Databa

“playgroup can be missional” part three

“PLAYGROUP CAN BE MISSIONAL” PART THREE The principles to playgroup being missional have been instrumental in many of the testimonies I have heard from community people who have come into a relationship with Jesus through playgroup. I am also encouraged by the increasing number of churches of all denominations who are not only seeing the impact possible, but who are also actively wo

Relevé pipelle de cornier

Sommaire : Pipelles Partie I : de 1982 à 1996 1982 : . Une nouvelle technique pour le prélèvement histologique de l’endomètre en consultation externe : la pipelle. E. Cornier, M.J. Feintuch, D. Delafontaine, R. Thouvenin, L. Boucara. Gynécologie, 1982, 33, 3, pp. 169-171. . Un nouvel instrument : la pipelle. Gyn. Obs., 15 juin 1982. 1984 : . Les cancers de l’endomè


Aerial oxidation of substituted aromatic hydrocarbons catalyzedKala Nair, Dhanashri P. Sawant, G.V. Shanbhag, S.B. Halligudi *Inorganic Chemistry and Catalysis Division, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune 411 008, IndiaReceived 31 July 2003; received in revised form 1 November 2003; accepted 1 November 2003Aerial oxidation of substituted aryl aromatic hydrocarbons were carried out using Co


Acta chir belg , 2006, 106 , 647-653 Liposuction : Review of the Techniques, Innovations and Applications O. Heymans, P. Castus, F. X. Grandjean, D. Van Zele Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, University Hospital Sart-Tilman Liège, Belgium Key words. Liposuction ; lipoplasty ; aesthetic surgery. Abstract. Liposuction is currently the most frequently performe

Délibération de la cre du 11 décembre 2013 portant décision d’approbation du programme d’investissements de rte pour 2014

Délibération Délibération de la Commission de régulation de l’énergie du 11 décembre 2013 portant décision d’approbation du programme d’investissements de RTE pour 2014 Participaient à la séance : Olivier CHALLAN BELVAL, Hélène GASSIN et Jean-Pierre SOTURA, commissaires En application des dispositions du 2° de l’article L. 134-3 du code de l’énergie, le gestionnai

Development and implementation of bridge management system in aomori prefectural government

Development and Implementation of Bridge Management System in Aomori Prefectural Government Abstract Aomori Prefecture is located at the north end of Main Island of Japan, surrounded by sea on three sides and known as one of the heavy snow area in Japan. In the western region facing to Nippon Sea, severe salt damage has been observed on the bridges on the coastal roads due to the sa

Content 18.doc

The responsible conduct of research. The normative frameworks Chapter 18. Emerging responsibilities in neuroscience1 Éric Racine2,3 _______________________________________________________________________________ Summary Introduction: Neuroethics First scenario: Incidental finding of abnormalities in neuroimaging research Second scenario: Improving human capabilities using neurotec

Deliberazione della giunta comu

COMUNE DI ALBIGNASEGO Verbale di deliberazione della Giunta Comunale N. 19 del 27/01/2000 L'anno duemila , addì ventisette del mese di gennaio , alle ore 18,20 , nella Residenza Municipale di Villa Obizzi , si è riunita sotto la presidenza del Sindaco Lanfranco Casale la Giunta Comunale. Partecipa all'adunanza ed è incaricato della redazione del presente verbale Il Segret


International Journal of Impotence Research (2003) 15, 329–336& 2003 Nature Publishing Group All rights reservedCross-cultural adaptation and validation of the English version ofthe International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) for use inMalaysiaTO Lim1*, A Das1, S Rampal1, M Zaki2, RM Sahabudin3, MJ Rohan4 and S Isaacs51Clinical Research Centre, Kuala Lumpur Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, Mal


Continuació de la pàgina anterior La línia de l’AVE facilitarà el transport de mercaderies Pensa vostè que la construcció de la línia de l’AVE de la meva indústria (% respostes) (Barcelona-Madrid, Barcelona-França), facilitarà el transport de mercaderies de la vostra empresa? (empreses industrials) Núm. 5 · Maig de 2007 Aquest Informe s’ha elaborat per

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DATA SHEET 01.07.2010 Page 1 of 2 Product Code LC00355 CORROLESS CCI 355 CORROSION INHIBITOR (HEAVY DUTY GREASE) DESCRIPTION A vapour phase corrosion inhibiting (VCI), extreme pressure, lithium grease which can be applied directly onto surfaces requiring continuous lubrication, in areas subject to heavy or shock loading. • Protects by both contact and vapour action. FEATUR

Abortion phone line: more information, fewer risks

CIP Americas The Americas Program http://www.cipamericas.org Abortion Phone Line: More Information, Fewer Risks According to the Ministry of Health, on the average we women abort twice in our lifetimes, including spontaneous and induced abortions. In Argentina, between 460,000 and 700,000 abortions are performed annually. Abortion is an undeniable reality. But in this country abortion


Dr. Kongkiat Laorwong Dr. Kongkiat Laorwong is a Family Physician who totally committed to hair restoration using the most advanced, state-of-the-art techniques in hair transplant surgery to replace hair and re-establish hair lines. He is a Graduate Fellow in Hair Restoration Surgery certified by ISHRS which successful completed in fellowship training in 2007 and an active member of Hair Re

Francigena e buon cibo tradizioni locali, stagionalità, tipicit

FRANCIGENA E BUON CIBO Tradi zi o ni locali, s tagio nalità, tipicità. Co m e attuali z zare u n lo ntan o pa s sat o attra v er s o appro cci o n e sti di c ultura ali m e ntare Q u e s t o o t t o b r e, a Fire n z e, co m e in m ol te alt r e citt à italia n e, Col dir e t ti h a o rg a ni z z a t o la Bio d o m e nica e h a p r e s e n t a t o a n c h e la “Spe s a a k m z


Seamless Maternity Light Support Top Sister Lilian, leading pregnancy and parenting advisor and author, writes about progesterone, pregnancy aches and pains and the seamless maternity light support top’s therapeutic use: The predominantly female hormone, progesterone, plays a significant role throughout a woman’s life, especially during her reproductive years. Increased progesterone


Introduction Cholera is an acute diarrhoeal disease caused by the gram negative bacillus Vibrio cholerae . Although more than 100 serogroups exist, only two cause human disease: V. cholerae O1, of which there are two biotypes (Classical and El Tor) and V. cholerae O139 which emerged in 1992. Cholera is known to cause worldwide pandemics. V. cholerae O1, biotype El Tor accounts for most c

Muira puama

Muira puama is the Viagra of the herbal world. It has a long history as aBrazilian folk remedy for impotence and clinical trials support this exotic Supplement Facts plant's role as a sexual stimulant. Furthermore, European and Brazilianphysicians have used muira puama to successfully treat menstrualcramps, premenstrual syndrome, rheumatism, stress, dysentery, central Amount Per Serving ne

Carolina skin care, p

Carolina Skin Care, P.A. (In relation to your visit today) Allergies: Any non medication allergies, history of hives, itching, etc. □No □Yes explain ___________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Cardiovascular: Any problems with your heart such as palpitations, murmurs,


Medication Administration Policy We are happy to assist students who need medication at school. For safety reasons, we ask for the utmost compliance and cooperation regarding very specific provincial/CNABC requirements. Most medications, even those scheduled for three times per day, can usually be given outside of school hours. If your child requires “Emergency Medications” (i.e.

Your age:_______first name: _______________last name:________________file #:________

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March 2, 2005

Health and Human Services Building 1805 Ford Avenue North, Suite 100 (320) 484-4330 (Toll-Free from Hutchinson, MN) April 3, 2013 RE: Request for Proposal Dear Provider: McLeod County Social Services is currently requesting proposals for a 2-bed corporate Foster Care site to be licensed in McLeod County, preferably in Hutchinson. The home will be required to be licensed for Child Foster


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Views on possible improvements to emissions trading and the project- based mechanisms Submission of the Climate Action Network International March 2009 The Climate Action Network International (CAN) welcomes the opportunity to provide input on discussions about the future of the flexible mechanisms. CAN is a coalition of more than 450 environmental and development non-government


El cambio climático antropogénico Adaptación y mitigación vs. preparación y reversión No es mi intención disertar aquí sobre el cambio climático y sus causas. Pienso que existen estudios científicos suficientes que demuestran no solo las causas, sino las consecuencias desastrosas para el futuro de la vida en el planeta. La divulgación de estos estudios, deber de todos los que ya

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Anexo aos Estatutos e Regulamento de Funcionamento da Formação Regulamento Do Curso de Acupunctura Via E- Learning Artº 1 - O Curso de Medicina Tradicional Chinesa é composto por quatro Artº 2 - O Programa Curricular da cada Módulo consta dos seguintes itens: MÓDULO I - Teoria Básica MÓDULO II - Estrutura de Meridianos MÓDULO III - Técnicas de Acupunctura MÓD


The SEN reforms: what schools need to know and what they need to do SEN and Part 3 of the Children and Families Bill1 The Children and Families Bill is expected to receive Royal Assent by early February 2014 and the Department for Education will be publishing a revised SEN Code of Practice by April 2014. Changes to the operation of the SEN framework will be implemented from September 20


County of Santa Cruz HEALTH SERVICES AGENCY POST OFFICE BOX 962, 1080 EMELINE AVENUE SANTA CRUZ, CA 95061-0962 (831) 454-4000 FAX: (831) 454-4488 TDD: (831) 454-4123 PUBLIC HEALTH DIVISION Press Release For Immediate Release: Contact: Dinah Phillips, Public Information Officer DATE: May 22, 2009 Email: First Probable Cases of H1N1 2009 (Swine Flu) in Sant


2000 Utilidades do WD-40: Carros, Motos e Aviões Feito para conservar carros, motos e aviões, WD-40 protege desde as dobradiças até o motor, também facilitar a retirada de parafusos, revigora plásticos e as áreas cromadas. Pode ser usado em todo tipo de veículo sem agredir borrachas e a pintura. Após a lavagem, aplique WD-40 no motor e nas partes móveis, ele mantém o seu veículo



In der diskussion: der mdr-1 defekt

In der Diskussion: Der MDR-1 Defekt Im Sommer diesen Jahres erhielten bestimmt Einige von Euch genau wie ich die Information, dass die Universität Giessen das Geheimnis der Ivermectin (u.a.)-Empfindlichkeit der Col ieartigen enträtselt hat und al en Besitzern von Hunden der betroffenen Rassen kostengünstig einen entsprechenden Test anbietet. Hier ist zunächst für al e Interessierten noch


Patient Information The radiation dose is very small, and reactions are Your doctor has referred you to us for a Nuclear virtually unknown. This liquid will be rapidly excreted by Medicine captopril renal isotope scan. This is a simple your kidneys. The images of this excretion are recorded test which is usually carried out to determine whether hypertension (high blood pressure) is c


American Association of Orthodontists MEDICAL DENTAL HISTORY FORM – ADULT Patient's Last Name: ___________________________ First Name: _____________________________ I Prefer To Be Called: _______________________ S.S.N./S.I.N.: _______________ Home Phone No.: (E-mail address: ___________________________________________ Cell phone number: ____________________ Pager number:_________


The experts' guide to menopause (and they should know . they've all been there) | Mail Online The experts' guide to menopause (and they should know . they've all been there) By Angela Epstein Last updated at 8:56 PM on 14th March 2009 A vanishing waistline, hot flushes and mood swings that have the family heading for the door - most women associate the menopause and its symptoms with dre

La notificacin en el mbito administrativo

La notificación en el ámbito administrativo La notificación en el ámbito administrativo Por María José HIERRO ROMERO Publicaciones de Derecho Administrativo LA LEY Diario La Ley, Nº 6937, Sección Dossier, 2 May. 2008, Año XXIX, Editorial LA LEY LA LEY 703/2008Sobre las notificaciones administrativas existe una abundante y rica jurisprudencia cuyas líneas básicas no han variado sustanc

Microsoft word - terminosycondiciones.cc.doc

POR FAVOR LEA ESTOS TÉRMINOS Y CONDICIONES CON CUIDADO. Estos Términos y Condiciones (el “Acuerdo”) establecen los términos legalmente vinculantes para usar el sitio de Internet http://www.comedycentral.la (“Sitio”, “nosotros”, “nos”, y “nuestro”) en coordinación con el canal Comedy Central Latinoamérica (“Canal Comedy Central”) ambos operados por MTV Networks Lati

Microsoft word - e_cola_t_en.doc

ACIDIC COLA Determining phosphoric acid concentration in Author Péter Kele, Petrik Lajos Vocational School H- 1146 Budapest, Thököly út 48; kelep@elte.hu Languages available English, Hungarian Summary Food grade phosphoric acid is used to acidify foods and beverages such as various colas, but not without controversy about its health effects. Phosphoric acid, used in ma


Authorization for Medication Return form to school with Parent and Health Care Provider signatures Student Name ______________________________________________________ Date of Birth Parent’s Name Phone (home) Emergency Contact Name Phone (home)________________Cell___________________ When the district has received written orders from the student's physician and writt

Complete paths.pdf

Looking back on ten years of democracy, one of theRepublic of South Africa (1996) is the product of athings that most distinguishes the Mandela governmentnegotiated settlement, which, even whilst it allowedfrom the Mbeki government is the emergence of afor majority rule, left pre-1990 class relations largelymore focused and visible left opposition to some ofundisturbed. Rather than producin

Microsoft word - documento

Vesícula A vesícula biliar é um órgão sacular, com paredes finas, como se fosse uma bexiga (Foto) que se encontra junto ao fígado. A bile é uma substância produzida pelo fígado e que é em parte armazenada e concentrada na vesícula. A função da bile é digerir gorduras quando em contato com os alimentos no intestino. Quando nos alimentamos, a vesícula biliar é estimulada a em


Allard, R., Marshall, M., Plante, M-C. (1992). Intensive follow-up does not decrease the risk of repeat suicide attempts. Suicide and Life threatening behaviour, 22(3), 303-314. Andersen, U.A, Andersen, M., Rosholm, J.U., & Gram, L.F. (2001). Psychopharmacological treatment and psychiatric morbidity in 390 cases of suicide with special focus on affective disorders. Acta Psychiatrica Scand

Rosp ge cpn 20 decembre 2012 2.ppt

Rémunération sur objectifs de santé publique Gastro-entérologie et hépatologie Patientèle dite « correspondante » Définition • Ensemble des patients avec au moins 2 actes cliniques et / ou techniques ( hors actes exclus*) réalisés par le même gastro-entérologue sur une période de 2 ans * actes techniques facturés et exclus – actes dont la fréquence


http://dx.doi.org/10.5805/SFTI.2013.15.1.095Profiling Customer Engagement with “Snuggie” Experience in Social MediaHaeJung Kim , JiYoung Kim, and Kiseol YangCollege of Merchandising, Hospitality & Tourism, University of North Texas; Denton, TX U.S.A. Abstract : In order to understand meaningful customer experience in social media, this study profiles customer engage-ment by exposing th


25 ™ Warning! High power motor systems can be very dangerous! High currents can heat wires and batteries, causing fires and burning skin. Follow the wiring directions carefully! Models equipped with high power motors can cause serious injury. Even though this controller is equipped with a safety arming program, you should still use caution when connecting the main battery and always check


ROTARY CLUB DO TATUA Posição de: 20/05/2008 Pág: 001 Sistema SevenShop - INV104 - Inventário: 0072 Geração: 20/05/2008 09:52:05 (D) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Código Descrição Estoq Código Descrição Estoq 049026 A A S INFANTIL C/10 CP _____ 1 264288 ALCACHOFRA 60 CAPS _____ 1 1434 AAS PROTE


DIARIO DE LOS PODER LEGISLATIVO DEL ESTADO LIBRE Y SOBERANO DE CHIHUAHUA LX LEGISLATURA NUMERO 64 Decimoctava Sesión del Segundo Período Ordinario de Sesiones, dentro del Segundo Año de EjercicioConstitucional, celebrada la mañana del Día 6 de Mayo de 2003, en el Recinto Oficial del PalacioLegislativo. 1.- LISTA DE ASISTENCIA Y APERTURA DE SESION. 2.- ORDEN DEL DIA. 3.- ACTA DE


FOSTER KIDS ON MIND- ALTERING DRUGS? http://www.woai.com/troubleshooters/story.aspx?content_id=168321B6- Note from Pastor Kevin Lea: We have recently posted other articles about the drugging of America with mind control drugs. Now we see that 70% of the foster children in Texas are medicated in some cases with Radiologists giving mind drugs to three year olds. We are clearly living at a ti


ALVARO GARZA, M.D., M.P.H. HEALTH OFFICER SAN BENITO COUNTY MARIA C. CORONA INTERIM DIRECTOR PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES Healthy People in Healthy Communities FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Allison Griffin, PHN September 10, 2012 Communicable Disease Nurse, (831) 637-5367 To: Primary Healthcare Providers, OB/GYNs, Community Clinics & Emergent Care Heal

Joint formulary comment

Unless stated all guideline doses are for adults. Please refer to BNF for children’s doses. GASTRO-INTESTINAL TRACT INFECTIONS Indication Duration Helicobacter • H. pylori can be diagnosed initial y using carbon-13 urea breath test or stool First Choice pylori eradication • Helicobacter test and treat strategies wil benefit patients with ulcer disease, 8% Clari

Microsoft word - approvazione in consiglio.doc

OGGETTO: Approvazione del Piano Urbanistico Attuativo di iniziativa privata, relativo all’A.I.U. C2/3 – via Caselle nella frazione di Piovega, ai sensi dell’art. 20 della L.R. 11/2004 Cede la parola al Sig. Sindaco che riferisce: con deliberazione n. 2652 del 27 aprile 1990, la Giunta Regionale del Veneto, approvava con modifiche d’ufficio la variante generale al Piano Regolatore Gen


An ecologically valid study of categorisation by designers Thomas C. Ormerod, Ryan RummerLancaster University Abstract This paper reports the use of ethnographic and experimental methodologies to investigatethe conceptual representation of design expertise. An ethnographic study was firstconducted in a commercial software development group. This study yielded a wide rangeof data, from which


1. The photographers represented in the eighth CCP Documentary Photography Award have worked in series format exploring different themes. Make a list of the themes addressed by photographers in this exhibition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


INFORMATIONS MÉDICALES AVANT RÉALISATION D’UNE FIBROSCOPIE BRONCHIQUE La fibroscopie bronchique est une exploration visuelle de l’arbre trachéobronchique. Cet examen est indispensable en complément des examens radiologiques (radios pulmonaires, scanner et/ou IRM) pour une analyse plus fine des bronches et la réalisation de prélèvements. L’examen dure 10 à 20 minutes. COM


For inquiries between 8am-10pm and for emergencies 24 hours call: 1-888-511-6222 Ambulatory Care Pharmacists: 604-806-8151 Please call two weeks in advance to book your pharmacy appointments with the receptionist at 604-806-8060. DELAVIRDINE (Rescriptor  ) What is Delavirdine? • A non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI) used to inhibit the replication of the HIV


Dr. Mok the “Pet Doc” COASTAL ANIMAL VETERINARY CLINIC Email: coast Prednisone This week’s article covers a widely known universal prescription drug: PREDNISONE. In use over fifty years within the human and animal medical fields, it has the distinction of being a savior or a killer, depending on the circumstances. This article covers some of the myths and realities of this medication


Bouillon mit Einlage (frische Flädli oder Ei) Hausgemachte Bündner Gerstensuppe Bruschetta mit einer hausgemachten, pikanten Tomatenvariation auf getoastetem Brot Cordon bleu (vom Schwein) ca. 380-400 gr. mit Vorderschinken, Bergkäse und Pommes frites Lady Cordon bleu (vom Schwein) ca.200-250 gr. mit Vorderschinken, Bergkäse und Pommes frites Schnitzel nach Wiene

Metabolic differences between asian and caucasian patients on clozapine treatment

Hum. Psychopharmacol Clin Exp 2007; 22: 217–222. Published online 13 April 2007 in Wiley InterScience(www.interscience.wiley.com) DOI: 10.1002/hup.842Metabolic differences between Asian and Caucasian patientson clozapine treatmentMythily Subramaniam1*, Chee Ng2, Siow-Ann Chong1, Rathi Mahendran1, Tim Lambert2,Elaine Pek1 and Chan Yiong Huak31Institute of Mental Health and Woodbridge Hospital,




Pharmacokinetics of sertraline in relation togenetic polymorphism of CYP2C19 Objective: Our objective was to evaluate the relationship between the disposition of sertraline and the pres- ence of the CYP2C19 gene and to define the contribution of cytochrome P450 2C19 (CYP2C19) to ser- traline N -demethylation. Methods: A single oral 100-mg dose of sertraline was administered to 6


Collecting +++ Processing +++ Archiving +++ Managing +++ Marketing +++ Searching +++ Distributing +++ Purchasing Price List Provider: picturemaxx AG Contact: picturemaxx Sales Team About picturemaxx As a specialized supplier of Software as a Service (SaaS), picturemaxx™ develops and licenses highly efficient Media Asset Management (MAM) software as well as Ente


A randomized controlled trial of R-salbutamol for topicaltreatment of discoid lupus erythematosusG.B.E. Jemec, S. Ullman,* M. Goodfield,  A. Bygum,à A.B. Olesen,§ J. Berth-Jones,– F. Nyberg,**M. Cramers,   J. Faergemann,àà P. Andersen,§§ A. Kuhn–– and T. Ruzicka***Department of Dermatology, Health Sciences Faculty, University of Copenhagen, Roskilde Hospital, Køgevej 7-13, DK-400

Anexo i - conteúdo programático

CODECA – Companhia de Desenvolvimento de Caxias do Sul EDITAL 012/2010 – PROCESSO SELETIVO 001/2010 ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL INCOMPLETO Auxiliar de Limpeza, Auxiliar Geral, Capinador II, Carpinteiro, Lavador, Operador de Máquinas Pesadas, Operador de Rolo Compactador, Pedreiro, Servente para Construção LÍNGUA PORTUGUESA - Leitura e Interpretação de texto; - Ortografia ofici

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Survival Cooking Vikki & Patrick Cauldwel May 2006 There are three main things to consider when dealing with “survival cooking”, at least as What are you planning for? We are going to consider three different scenarios in which survival or emergency Your CERT team has been deployed If you are deployed as part of a CERT team, you will need to be prepared to provide your o

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Email Delivery Are my emails reaching the intended audience? If you send regular emails to your customers and/or prospects the bad news is that not all of your emails are making it to your intended recipients, even if you have accurate email addresses. Chances are that ISP SPAM filter software, SPAM-blocking email servers, and email content filters are roadblocks to your emails.


La cambiale di matrimonio FARSA GIOCOSA IN UN ATTO DI G. Interpreti: ROSA MORANDI , NICOLA (Tobia Mill in veste da camera, berretto Personaggi da notte, che porta con una mano un mappamondo e nell'altra tiene una TOBIA MILL, negoziante: basso comico (prende la lettera e, riconoscendo SLOOK, negoziante americano: basso CLARINA, cameriera di Fanny: soprano.

Per usare le parole del salmo, che poco fa abbiamo pregato, certamente dobbiamo dire che lui, francesco, è stato uno dei poveri che hanno cercato dio con tutte le loro forze

Monastero “S. Maria del Monte Carmelo” – Concenedo di Barzio (LC) Rimandati a quegli inizi dove tutto è partito, da quel bordo del lago e la barca e le reti da riassettare, ma sopratutto Lui, imprevisto, totalmente sconosciuto, e non solo un incontro ma un incontro che assume da subito il volto del a chiamata, dell'invito forte a tal punto che la sequela nasce da lì, da lì nasce il co


Aspectos genéticos e sociais da sexualidade empessoas com síndrome de DownGenetic and social aspects of Down syndrome subjects’ sexualityLaboratório de Genética Humana e Citogenética, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA). Salvador, BA, BrasilAs representações que pais e educadores fazem da sexualidade de pessoas com a síndrome de Down (SD)referem, muitas vezes, a

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22 september 2006 • Pharmaceutisch Weekblad nr. 38Farmakundigen passen in een maatschapApothekers moeten investeren in ondernemerschap. Volgens minister Hoogervorst kan de farmakundige daarbij ondersteunen. Veertig farmakundigen zijn inmiddels afgestudeerd. Ze werken bij apotheekketens, zorgverzekeraars en in de industrie, maar niet in de apotheek. De gemiddelde apotheek blijkt te klein, maar

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MAGNESIO Este macromineral es componente del sistema óseo, de la dentadura y de muchas enzimas. Participa en la transmisión de los impulsos nerviosos, en la contracción y relajación de músculos, en el transporte de oxígeno a nivel tisular y participa activamente en el metabolismo energético. El 60% de las necesidades diarias se depositan en los huesos, el 28% en órganos y músculos, y

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C.CLIN Sud-Est – Septembre 2004 Conduite à tenir en cas d’une épidémie de gale en établissement de santé Définition : la gale est une ectoparasitose (parasite externe) à Sarcoptes scabiei variété hominis qui vit dans l’épiderme humain, à l’origine d’une dermatose très prurigineuse et contagieuse. I. Contexte épidémiologique Le sarcopte a un aspec


Yesterday we talked about the loop product and the associated Gerstenhaber andBV structures on the loops space of the manifold. I’m going to put the equivariantpart of the story on hold for a little bit and come back to it. Since the first papers of Chas-Sullivan, others have taken these ideas and madethem more rigorous. To my knowledge, Cohen-Jones was the first one. This usesthe language of

List of all challenge substances

List of all Challenge substances This table represents the composition status of the substances in each batch as of the 26 December 2009 launch of Batch 12. The composition of each Challenge batch is confirmed 3 months before it is launched in the Canada Gazette Part 1. Substance Name Challenge Categorization Batch no. Decision Finalized Challenge Batches (as of the


HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS (HSV ) SOMMAIRE 1 GENERALITES 1.1 AGENT PATHOGENE, RESERVOIR, SOURCE • Herpes simplex virus (HSV) : virus à ADN de la famille des herpesviridae . Espèce humaine : seul réservoir de l’HSV. Transmission interhumaine. • Deux types : HSV1 (oro-faciale en particulier), et HSV2 (partie inférieure du corps). Mais HSV1 et HSV2 peuvent infecter toute ré

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Poudre de rénovation de la vaisselle en machine PULSAR RENOVA PILOT contient : Agents dégraissants alcalins,Agent de blanchiment chloré, Agent inhibiteur de corrosion, Systèmetensioactivé peu moussant. Corrosif- Dangereux pour l'environnement. Contient du métasilicate dedisodium, du sodium metasilicate, pentahydrate. Provoque des brûlure

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CILT’s Volunteer Vibes Volume 6 Issue 2 September 2004 Welcome New Volunteers We are fortunate in that we have had a number of fantastic additions to ourvolunteer team. Please join me in welcoming Suzanne Curran, Debra Hunt and Rita Grotsky to CILT. We are very pleased to have them working with us. Thinking About Today’s Older Adult Volunteer Excerpted from "Why Volunteer?

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MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET JRS PHARMA LP 2981 Route 22, Suite 1, Patterson, NY, USA 12563-2359 Tel: + (845) 878-3414; Fax: + (845) 878-3484 Church House, 48 Church Street, Reigate, Surrey, RH2 OSN, U.K. Tel: +(44) 1737 222323; Fax: +(44) 1737 222545 1. PRODUCT Pruv® Sodium stearyl fumarate, NF 2. PRODUCT INFORMATION 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION May be harmful if in


R e v i s t a E s p a ñ o l a d e I n v e s t i g a c i ó n C r i m i n o l ó g i c a Editorial José Cid Editor Jefe REIC Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona Balance del 2012 y retos de futuro Al abrir el número 11 de nuestra revista me gustaría compartir con los socios de la Sociedad Española de Investigación Criminológica y con los lectores de la revista los resul

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This medical record is confidential and will not be released to anyone except as may be required by law. St. Croix County DHHS-Public Health Dept. 1445 N 4th Street, New Richmond, WI 54017 Name _____________________________________________________ Date of Birth ___________________ Age _____________ Last First M Reason for visit: ____________________________________________ Phone # to contact yo

No job name

J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2000, 122, 11212-11218 Highly Enantioselective 1,2-Addition of Lithium Acetylide-EphedrateComplexes: Spectroscopic Evidence for Reaction Proceeding via a2:2 Tetramer, and X-ray Characterization of Related Complexes Feng Xu,* Robert A. Reamer,* Richard Tillyer, Jordan M. Cummins, Edward J. J. Grabowski, Paul J. Reider, David B. Collum,† and John C. Huffman‡ Cont

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ELENCO FARMACI EROGABILI A TOTALE CARICO DEL S.S.N. AI SENSI DELLA LEGGE 648/96 E RELATIVE INDICAZIONI TERAPEUTICHE PRINCIPIO ATTIVO INDICAZIONE TERAPEUTICA GAZZETTA UFFICIALE Trattamento adiuvante del neuroblastoma stadio 3° e 4° ad alto rischio, con remissione di malattia dopo Trattamento di pazienti con uveite severa refrattaria correlata ad Artrite Idiopatica Giovanile, che


HIGHBIO - INTERREG NORTH 2008 - 2011 The ash content increases considerably when needles and bark in the mixture is increased or if extraneous material, e.g. metals and minerals Refining of Novel Products by Biomass Gasification EUROPEAN UNION from sand and soil, have contaminated the raw material. The needles and bark mainly affects the ash content by increase of Ca, K, P a


Préparation intestinale en chirurgie colique 1. Rappel : anatomie et physiologie du côlon Le côlon fait suite à l’intestin grêle et se termine au niveau du rectum. Il forme un cadre, appelé cadre colique, et se divise en quatre parties : ۰ Côlon ascendant : rétropéritonéal, monte le long du côté droit de ۰ Côlon transverse : pas rétropéritonéal ; traverse l’abdomen de dro

Acts 10:1-48

MS_ClipArt_Gallery.2 0105000002000000150000004d535f436c69704172745f47616c6c6572792e320000000000000000008e020000ffe0f50501015370656369616c204f63636173696f6e7300433a5c50524f4752414d2046494c45535c434f4d4d4f4e2046494c45535c4d4943524f534f4654205348415245445c41525447414c52595c446f776e6c6f6164656420436c6970735c534f30313635315f2e776d6600e45f7581a4ccac0250a3d0d1a8966200fea0f7bf17b3f7bf00004000000000007508

Declaración de los derechos del hombre y del ciudadano de 1789

Declaración de los Derechos del Hombre y del Ciudadano de 1789 Los Representantes del Pueblo Francés, constituidos en Asamblea Nacional, considerando que la ignorancia, el olvido o el menosprecio de los derechos del Hombre son las únicas causas de las calamidades públicas y de la corrupción de los Gobiernos, han resuelto exponer, en una Declaración solemne, los derechos naturales, in

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Travis R. Smith 405 East College Street 208 Saluki Apartments Carbondale, IL 62901 Telephone: (608) 449-4822 E-mail: smithtr@siu.edu EDUCATION: A.S. Gogebic Community College , Ironwood, MI University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire , Eau Claire, WI Southern Illinois University – Carbondale , Carbondale, IL Department: Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Behavior Analysis Southe

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BLINDING DISEASE AND RARE KIDNEY DISEASE HAVE GENETIC LINK,REPORTS INTERNATIONAL GROUP OF SCIENTISTS(Santa Barbara, Calif.) ––Alterations in a gene involved in the body's immunesystem dramatically increase the likelihood of developing a blinding disease late in life,according to new findings by an international team of scientists. Similar alterations in thesame gene were found to be associ


FIDELITY FUNDS GLOBAL PROPERTY FUND – A-USD Syftar till att skapa en kombination av intäkt och långsiktig kapitaltillväxt primärtgenom investeringar i värdepapper i företag som huvudsakligen verkar ifastighetsindustrin och andra investeringar i fastighetssektorn. FONDKARAKTÄRPortföljförvaltarens primära mål är att åstadkomma en värdeökning genomaktieurval, där sektorsfördeln

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christinestraley@gmail.com ~ www.rootedinnutrition.comName: ________________________________ Date: _________________________Section A:For each “yes” answer in section a put a check mark_____Have you taken tetracycline’s (Sumycin, Panmycin, Vibramycin, Minocin, and so forth) or other antibiotics for the acne for one month (or longer)?_____Have you, at any time in your life, taken other “

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Ácido alfa lipoico (AAL) El “Antioxidante Universal” Por: Dr. Alejandro Sánchez Almanza El ácido alfa lipoico es una molécula pequeña compuesta de una cadena de ocho átomos de carbono y un radical disulfuro colocado en su parte final, actúa como un cofactor en diversas reacciones orgánicas favoreciendo que las células incrementen su producción de energía y se fac

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Rijgevaarlijke geneesmiddelen Inleiding Het Centraal Bureau Rijvaardigheidsbewijzen (CBR) is een Zelfstandig Bestuursorgaan (ZBO) dat door de overheid is aangewezen om bepaalde wettelijke taken uit te voeren. Het CBR is zelf geen overheid, maar een stichting die zijn eigen inkomsten genereert uit door de Minister van Verkeer en Waterstaat goedgekeurde tarieven. Het CBR is vooral beken

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Application and experience of CAN as a low cost OBDH bus system MAPLD 2004, Washington D.C. USA, 8th – 10th September, 2004 Surrey Satel ite Technology Ltd, University of Surrey, Guildford, GU2 7XH, UK. Abstract This paper gives an overview of Surrey Satel ite Technology Ltd. (SSTL) use of CAN bus on its recent missions. It gives a description of the SSTL CAN topology and goes i

Jason carroll_cv

CURRICULUM VITAE Office Address: Cancer Research UK/Cambridge Research Institute Place of Birth: Date of birth: Education: B.Sc. (Molecular Biology) University of Melbourne (1st Class Honours), Melbourne, Australia Ph.D. (Cancer Research) The Garvan Institute and University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia Professional Experience: Research Assistant, Genomi


Marcin KOSTRZEWA*, Mohamed BAKAR*, Jowita SZYMAÑSKA*, Zbigniew PAWELEC** Marcin KOSTRZEWA*, Mohamed BAKAR*, Jowita SZYMAÑSKA*, Zbigniew PAWELEC*** Politechnika Radomska, Katedra Technologii Materia³ów Organicznych, Radom** Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji PIB, RadomW³aœciwoœci mechaniczne i termiczne kompozytów na bazie ¿ywicy epoksydowejzmodyfikowanej nanocz¹stkami Streszczenie.

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BÖRSENBRIEF 29. November 2010 Sehr geehrte Anlegerinnen und Anleger Heute nehmen wir uns eines Themas an, womit der eine oder andere Leser selbst damit konfrontiert wird. Seit längerem befinden sich nun die Zinsen auf vorher noch nie gesehenen Niveaus und man mag sich zu Recht auch die Frage gestel t haben, ob man sich doch lieber ein Eigenheim (Haus oder Wohnung) anschafft,

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Tell a colleague! To keep you safe in your massage practices, which would you prefer: An obsolete, incomplete reference you got from school, or the Up-to-Date resources brought to you by The Essential Massage Companion? The Essential Massage Companion has been dubbed “ the PDR for the massage profession .” It’s the only quick-reference guide covering massage-


“ A Miracle or Common Sense?” by Margie Reese February 23, 2008 Published in the Filipino Press, San Diego, CA Like most of us in this day of modern medicine we tend to trust opinions of experts without question. Most of us forget to ask the right questions and may not be fully aware of the important questions to ask. Since it is our health and our body, it is only common sense to


sécurité alimentaire en Afrique Synthèse des principaux résultats et recommandations. Contexte Devant le poids écrasant des famines qui à faire face à de nombreux défis, tels que les L’évaluation a été conduite dans trois pays de ont frappé l’Afrique subsaharienne dans les difficultés constantes de l’agriculture africaine trois régions d’Afrique subsaharienne

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Bringing You The Latest Word In Natural Healthcare Dr. Marla O’Brien’s Breakthrough Patient Newsletter. Keeping YOU At The Leading Edge In Healthcare Hilltop Family Chiropractic 1460 Yankee Doodle Road, Eagan, MN55121 651-452-7141 fax: 651-452-7255 www.Dr.Marla.com Dear Patient and Friend, Who can benefit from chiropractic care? Children certainly can. Wi


Le développement durable en Lorraine Abbaye des Prémontrés à PONT-A-MOUSSON- AmphithéâtreMEDDE/DREAL Lorraine: Richard MARCELET (Animateur de la conférence, représentant du COREG))MEDDE/CGDD: Valéry LEMAITRE (Bureau de la SNDD)MEDDE/CETE Est (Isabelle KLIPFEL) (Ambassadrice SNDD)Ville de Neufchâteau (88): Eric DELETANG (Directeur des Affaires sociales)Chambre des métiers et de l'art

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CC-GRAND PRIX AUSTRIA 2012 - Endrangliste A-Tournament CC-GRAND PRIX AUSTRIA 2012 Endrangliste A-Tournament Pseudonym Wertung BHZ Spiele Punkte PODGORSEK, SKRBINEK, Joze TROBEC, Toni KORES, Jirka jun. KORES, Jirka sen. HABÁSKO, Michal ´ZLI´Z, Wioletta Z´LI´Z, Andrzej ZLI´Z, Jedrzej NAGY, László BORBENYI, Zsalt TÓTH, Tamás VLADIMIR, SOBOLI


The facts about SYPHILIS What is syphilis? Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection caused by a bacterium (bug) called Treponema pallidum. It enters the body through tiny breaks in the skin- mainly in the genital area or the mouth. How do you get syphilis? Syphilis is very infectious and is usually caught by having close sexual contact with an infected person. This m


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Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2004; 32 : 368–372 Original Article _____________________________________ Five-year follow up of selective laser trabeculoplasty in Chinese eyes Jimmy SM Lai FRCOphth, 1 John KH Chua FRCS, 2 Clement CY Tham FRCS 2 and Dennis SC Lam FRCOphth 2 1Department of Ophthalmology, United Christian Hospital, and 2Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sci


Collective Agreement 2002 COMPETENCE PACK Circulars regarding The Agreement Regarding Strategic and Systematic Competence Development in Government Institutions The Agreement Regarding the Continuation of the Centre for Development of Human Resources and Quality Management The Agreement Regarding the Change and Development Fund The Agreement Regarding the Competence Fund 2002

La teorÍa de los actos de habla

LA TEORÍA DE LOS ACTOS DE HABLA ✓ J.L. Austin o cómo hacer cosas con palabras -Fundamentos filosóficos: -la teoría del lenguaje corriente -Punto de partida: -la falacia descriptiva(a)enunciados constatativos / (b)enunciados realizativos (b)No sólo describen o informan sino que realizan una acciónSe manifiestan como oraciones declarativas en 1ª p. del s. del presente de indicat


C. G. Bhakta Institute of Biotechnology(CGBIBT) Maliba Campus, Bardoli, Surat(District),Gujarat,India-394 350 Designation :-Director,CGBIBT,Uka Tarsadia University Dean,Faculty of Science,Uka Tarsadia University Residence :- +91261-2666972;Office : +912625-254122 U.G.:- B.Sc., University of Madras(1981) P.G.:- M.Sc., University of Madras(1983) Ph. D.:- Ph.D., M.S. University of Barod

Microsoft word - bladder tumors_link to transitional cell carcinoma.doc

BLADDER TUMORS IN DOGS Background Bladder tumors are uncommon in dogs and cats. Like most tumors in animals and people, we do not know why they occur. Tumors typically arise from the lining of the bladder or urethra, and can also involve the prostate in male dogs. Clinical Signs The most common presenting complaints for animals with bladder tumors are increased frequency an


LEGGE REGIONALE 11 luglio 1986, n. 28 1 Ricezione turistica all'aria aperta. (BUR n. 43 del 18 giugno 1986) 1. La presente legge disciplina i campeggi, i villaggi turistici ed i villaggi -camping, in attuazionedella legge n. 217 del 17 maggio 1983. 2. Sono campeggi i complessi ricettivi aperti al pubblico, a gestione unitaria su aree recintate per lasosta ed il soggiorno di turisti provvisti


UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL DE PONTA GROSSA SECRETARIA MUNICIPAL DE GESTÃO DE RECURSOS HUMANOS CONCURSO PÚBLICO PARA MÉDICO ESPECIALISTA – PSIQUIATRA 08 DE NOVEMBRO DE 2009 1. Verifique se este caderno tem 20 questões e observe se ele apresenta algum tipo de defeito. Em caso de qualquer 2. As questões desta prova apresentam 5 (cinco) alternativas, assinaladas com os números 0

Reglamento de la cuenta de ahorro activa

BANCO CITIBANK DE NICARAGUA REGLAMENTO DE LA CUENTA DE AHORRO NORMAL Nosotros, BANCO CITIBANK DE NICARAGUA, SOCIEDAD ANÓNIMA , sociedad de este domicilio, constituida originalmente bajo la denominación social de BANCO DE LA EXPORTACIÓN, SOCIEDAD ANÓNIMA (BANENXPO), mediante Escritura Pública Número Cincuenta y Siete, otorgada en la ciudad de Managua, a las seis y cuarenta de la ta


esTABLIsHeD PATIenT LeveL-Iv (99214) vIsIT worksHeeT Think level IV if you do any of the following at a patient visit:• See a new problem with uncertain prognosis (e.g., lump in breast);• See a complicated injury (e.g., fall with loss of consciousness);• Spend more than 25 minutes with a patient. To confirm that it’s a level-IV visit, check the requirements below. DOCUMENTATION-BA

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COURSE SYLLABUS OUTLINE CNS 688 Professional School Psychology Spring 2012 Educational Studies, Leadership and Counseling Mardis Dunham, Ph.D., 3217 Alexander Hall, 809-6466 Monday through Thursday 8 am to 2 pm; before and after class as needed, or by DEPARTMENT: EDUCATIONAL STUDEIES, LEADERSHIP, & COUNSELING COURSE PREFIX: CNS COURSE NUMBER: 688 CREDIT HOUR: 3 I. TI

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Þizofrenide Klasik Antipsikotiklerle Prof. Dr. Seher SOFUOÐLU* 1. KONVANSÝYONEL ANTÝPSÝKOTÝK Klorpromazinin bir antipsikotik ajan olduðu ÝLAÇLARIN KEÞFÝ keþfedildikten sonra onun aksiyon mekanizmasýnýÝlk antipsikotik (AP) ilaç 1950'lerde rastlantý anlamak üzere eksperimental araþtýrmalarsonucu keþfedilmiþ olan ve antihistaminikyapýlýrken hayvanlarda "neu

Crescenzo g.p. notarile

PARADIGM TALENT AGENCY Attn: Frank Balkin 360 North Crescent Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90210 CRESCENZO NOTARILE, A.S.C. T: (310) 288-8000 DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY F: (310) 288-2000 EM:FBalkin@ParadigmAgency.com FEATURES TIME COP 2: THE BERLIN DECISION Universal Prod: Mike Elliot Dir: Steve Boyum TURNAROUND Strange Fruit Prods Prod: Regina King, D’Angela S


Cellule Marchés Publics - 109, avenue du Petit Barthelémy 1.1. Objet de la procédure 1.2. Objet des fournitures 1.3. Lieu de livraison des fournitures 1.4. Divisions en lots et en tranches 1.5. Forme du marché 1.6. Délai de livraison 1.7. Maintenance ou suivi Article 2. Conditions de la consultation 2.1. Personne publique contractante 2.2. Organisation de la personne publique 2.3. Etendue

Microsoft word - building trust and managing risk ppp&l.doc

BUILDING TRUST AND MANAGING RISK: A LOOK AT A FELONY MENTAL HEALTH COURT Carol Fisler, J.D. Center for Court Innovation Director, Mental Health Court Programs Fisler, C. (2005). Building trust and managing risk: A look at a felony mental health court. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 11, 587-604. This article may not exactly replicate the final version published in the APA journal. I


THIS NOTICE DESCRIBES HOW MEDICAL INFORMATION ABOUT YOU MAY BE USED AND DISCLOSED AND HOW YOU CAN GET ACCESS TO THIS INFORMATION. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY The following is the privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) of FemCare PLLC (“Covered “Entity”) as described in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 and regulations promu


RECOMENDACIÓN POSTOPERATORIAS PARA BYPASS GASTRICO PAUTAS DE ALIMENTACIÓN. Es muy importante que siga el plan nutricional (dieta) que le ha entregado la nutricionista para evitar molestias gástricas, proteger la integridad del saco gástrico grapado y suturado. El programa nutricional está compuesto por cuatro etapas a fin de reiniciar gradualmente su estomago a las comidas de consi

¿¡apoyo familiar a los ancianos

¿¡Apoyo familiar a los ancianos!? (Universidad Central “Marta Abreu”de Las Villas) Resumen El estudio constituye un acercamiento a un área tan sensible, como es el apoyo que nuestra familia brinda a los ancianos de hoy, grupo al que algún día perteneceremos. Está enfocado además en un interés especial en las organizaciones del gobierno en la provincia de Villa Clara y s


NAME YOUR TEAM CONTEST Ontario Pro Soccer, LLC "Name the Team" Contest OFFICIAL RULES NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. The object of the "Name the Team" contest ("Contest") is to submit a name for a professional indoor soccer team in Ontario, California ("Team Name"). Ontario Pro Soccer, LLC ownership and management ("Judges") will e


COLLABORATIVE INTERNATIONAL PESTICIDES ANALYTICAL COUNCIL LIMITED Commission Internationale des Méthodes d'Analyse des Pesticides (CIMAP) Long lasting insecticidal nets (LN) are becoming more and more important in the control and prevention of diseases like malaria. In order to meet an urgent need for methods to characterise LN, CIPAC provides selected methods as download. By downloading these

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Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited (A group Company of IndianOil) Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited (CPCL), is a Public Sector Undertaking and a Group Company of Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., in the field of Hydro-carbon processing with a refining capacity of 12 MMTPA, having Refineries located in Chennai and Nagapattinam, in Tamil Nadu. CPCL invites applications from bright

The caregiver resource center's services 2014

Case Management & Advocacy Services Serving the Community since 1990 © 2000 - 2014 Employee Assistance Professionals, Inc. DBA The Caregiver Resource Center Table of Contents What is a Board Certified Case Manager The Role of a Board Certified Case Manager Linda Ziac, LPC, LADC, BCPC, CEAP, CCM The Caregiver Resource Center Benefits of Our Services The Caregiver Res


Scientific Programming 13 (2005) 277–298Interpreting the data: Parallel analysis withSawzallRob Pike, Sean Dorward, Robert Griesemer and Sean Quinlan Google, Inc. CA, USA Abstract Very large data sets often have a flat but regular structure and span multiple disks and machines. Examples include telephone call records, network logs, and web document repositories. These large data sets are no


Original Paper Received: November 14, 2001Accepted: December 25, 2001 Natural Plasmid Transformation in Escherichia coli Suh-Der Tsena Suh-Sen Fanga Mei-Jye Chena Jun-Yi ChienaaDepartment of Microbiology, Graduate Institute of Microbiology and Immunology, National Yang-Ming Universityand bTaipei American School, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC Key Words mids, a most frequent sequence was identified.

Reglement farmacie

REGLEMENT FARMACIE _________________________________________________________________________________ Reglement Farmacie geldig vanaf 1 januari 2013 REGLEMENT FARMACIE _________________________________________________________________________________ INHOUDSOPGAVE INHOUDSOPGAVE .2 Reglement Farmacie 2013 .3 Algemeen .3 1. Geneesmiddelen van Bijlage 2 Regeling zorgverze


Election Commission of India AC's Wise Candidates Details Uttarakhand Sl.No. Candidate Name Sex Category Complete Address Party Name Party Symbol Election Commission of India AC's Wise Candidates Details 2 Yamunotri Sl.No. Candidate Name Sex Category Complete Address Party Name Party Symbol Bhandarsyaun Tehsil - Chinyalisaur , Dist - Uttarkashi

Cc: jr is a 47 year old white male who is admitted to the hospital for the first time for fainting this afternoon

Very Good (from first rotation) CC: JR is a 47 year old white male who is admitted to the hospital for the first time for fainting this afternoon. Source: JR and his wife JR and his wife were attending an outdoor company picnic earlier this afternoon. As the patient was eating a BBQ lunch and drinking beer (three in total); he began to feel that his surroundings were spinning. He reports

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Curso de Inglés Irlanda-Agosto 2013 “4 to 1” Intensivo Dirigidos por: COLEGIO CLARET Organización Técnica: AVANTYA in Education Avda. Padre Claret, 3 C/ Santa Bernardita 3 40003 Segovia - Tel.: 921 420 300 28023 Madrid - Tel.: 91 435 25 22 CENTRO DE ENSEÑANZA CENTRE FOR ENGLISH STUDIES Mercy College St. Brendan’s Drive Tel. 00-353 1 8480


Cystic neoplasms of the pancreas: conservativeor operative treatment?B. Akan, K. Sahora, H. Puhalla, M. Gnant, R. Jakesz, P. GötzingerDivision of General Surgery, Department of Surgery, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, AustriaReceived November 17, 2007; accepted after revision July 15, 2008Zystische Tumore des Pankreas: Konservative oderof diagnosis. 33 (78%) underwent operative treatme

Osteoporosis is a disease of the bone that commonly affects older adults

What You Should Know About Osteoporosis Kristen B. Schnurman, PA-S Overview Osteoporosis is a bone disease that commonly affects older adults; post-menopausal women and elderly men are most often at risk. Osteoporosis means that your bones do not have the strength they used to have. This might be from not having enough bone or not enough minerals in your bone. Your bones go through a natural proce

Cardio-greffes haute-normandie

CARDIO-GREFFES HAUTE-NORMANDIE Association régie par la loi du 1er juillet 1901Siège social : C.H.U. de ROUEN - Pavillon DerocqueService de chirurgie cardio-vasculaire - 76031 ROUEN Tel/Fax : 02 35 10 63 60 – Site Internet : http://cghn.voila.net COMPTE-RENDU DE L'ASSEMBLEE GENERALE DU 16 MARS 2013 A L'ESAT D'YVETOT Etaient présents ou représentés :J. Altmann, F. Barq, A.M. Be


A joint publication of the Ohio University College of Osteopathic Medicine and the Ohio Osteopathic Foundation Projection Dorsal root ganglion glutamate, substance P glutamate, Spinal Nerve substance P Spinal Cord Path of DRR excitation from peripheral input Nociception: NewUnderstandings andTheir Possible Relation toSomatic Dysfunction andIts TreatmentAbstract Effort


LA DEPRESIÓN NOTA IMPORTANTE La depresión es un tema tan amplio y tenemos tan poco tiempo, que obviamente tendremos que resumir y condensar a muchas ideas. OBSERVACIONES PRELIMINARES I. La consejería bíblica no es para los “expertos”. Es para cada hijo de Dios que desea ser obediente y ayudar a otros a que también lo sean (Romanos 15:14). II. En la consejería, el que acon


Preventing and Controlling Emerging and Reemerging Transmissible Diseases in the Homeless Sékéné Badiaga, Didier Raoult, and Philippe Brouqui CME ACTIVITY Medscape, LLC is pleased to provide online continuing medical education (CME) for this journal article, allowing clinicians the opportunity to earn CME credit. Medscape, LLC is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Con


Controversias en Psicoanálisis de Niños y Adolescentes Mesa Redonda: DEL ACTO A LA PALABRA. DISCURSOS SOBRE LA ACCIÓN EN EL PSICOANÁLISIS CON NIÑOS Y ADOLESCENTES Clara London : En nombre de la revista Controversias online agradezco al Departamento de Niñez y Adolescencia el espacio que nos ha brindado en esta jornada. Los participantes de esta Mesa Redonda son la Lic. Aída


Pilot RCT of SSRI vs Bupropion: Effects on Suicidal Behavior, Ideation and Mood in MDD with Past Attempt or Current Ideation Michael F. Grunebaum; Steven Ellis; Naihua Duan; Ainsley Burke;This poster is presented in columns for online reading. You may also see the poster in it Pilot RCT of SSRI vs Bupropion: Effects on Suicidal Behavior, Ideation and Mood in MDD with P

Pages from j301v04n02_sample-10.pdf

ABSTRACT. Research was conducted to understand the effect of har- vesting method and postharvest temperature on fruit quality of ‘Bright- well’ and ‘Tifblue’ rabbiteye blueberries ( Vaccinium ashei Reade). Mass loss, firmness and fruit respiration were measured under refriger- ated (1°C) and ambient (22°C) conditions for both machine harvested (MH) and hand harvested (HH) berries of e


Product Data Castrol Olit CLS Range Description Castrol Olit™ CLS Range are extremely water-resistant highperformance semi-fluid greases on a lithium/calcium basis. Excellent rheological properties in combination with an optimum low-temperature behavior ensure a wide range ofapplications. The Olit CLS greases feature an excellent corrosion protection as well as a high resistance to

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PSYCHOTROPIC MEDICATIONS Schizophrenia Depression Anxiety Disorders* Typical antipsychotics: Tricylics: Ativan (lorazepam) Haldol (haloperidol) Anafranil (clomipramine) BuSpar (buspirone) Haldol Decanoate Injection Asendin (amoxapine) Klonopin (clonazepam) Loxitane (loxapine) Elavil (amitriptyline) Librium (chlordiazepoxide) Mell


You have opted to use medical management in the treatment of your miscarriage. Other options incllude surgical evacuation of your uterus and expectant management. Medical management is 80-90% effective when used correctly. Studies have shown that women who use medical management are highly satisfied because they feel that they have some control of the process. They are able to avoid a surgical p

Assessment of mould spoilage of packaging materials

Bactericidal activity of GAMA Healthcare Ltd. biocide determined using the European Standard Test method BS EN 1276:1997 against: Klebsiella pneumoniae NCTC 13368 (ATCC 700603) March 2007 Author: P. Humphreys Tests Carried Out By: University of Huddersfield Huddersfield Microbiology services School of Applied Sciences Queensgate Huddersfield HD1 3


sess its effect on major adverse cardiac events.1 Rates of1. Davidson KW, Rieckmann N, Clemow L, et al. Enhanced depression care forany cardiac hospitalization were 5% in the interventionpatients with acute coronary syndrome and persistent depressive symptoms:coronary psychosocial evaluation studies randomized controlled trial. Arch group vs 16% in the usual care group. The approxi- Intern M

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Utilisation du nouveau système Anti Spam Principe de L’Anti Spam. 3 Les scores . 4 Utilisation du rapport de Spam . 5 Liste noire et liste blanche . 7 Consultation des dossiers Spams et Quarantaine . 8 Contact . 9 Introduction L'objectif de ce document est d'aider à comprendre le système de gestion du rapport anti Spam que vous recevez tout les matins. Qu’est ce qu

Microsoft word - pgx highlights-volume 4 issue 1 march 2012.doc

PGx Highlights – A PGx Focus Group Newsletter, AAPS Volume 4; Issue 1, March 2012 Highlight 1 Regulatory Affairs: New FDA Draft Guidance -2011: Clinical Pharmacogenomics: Premarketing Evaluation in Early Phase Clinical Studies E. Jane Mitchell, PhD, RAC Regulatory Operations, Optum Insight E-mail: Jane.Mitchell@optum.com In February 2011, FDA published a new Draft 1. “ Ident


Sadly, suspected adverse reports to energy drinks have increased with the popularity of these drinks over the years. November 1999 - Ross Cooney 18, from Limerick Ireland, died of sudden adult death syndrome hours after drinking Red Bull. He collapsed and died during a basketball match in Dublin. Cause of death could not be ascertained. November 2004 -“Energy drinks-Ingredients and


Name: ________________ ( ) Chem!stry Class: _______ Date: ____ / ____ / ____ Masses of Reacting Solids Two essential things to remember: Converting a mass in grams into a number of moles: Converting a number of moles into a mass in grams: mass of substance (g) = amount of substance (in moles) × relative molecular mass of substance The diagram shown below i


TOM OTIENO ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE • Associate Dean , College of Arts and Sciences, Eastern Kentucky University, Responsible for various College activities related to the administration of the College including promotion and tenure, strategic planning, policies and procedures, and faculty development. Assists with faculty appointments, chairperson appointments and other administrat


Information Sheet No 22 Bleaching Treatment & What to Expect What To Expect During Your Bleaching TreatmentYour dentist will give you a bleaching kit to take home with you together with your bleaching trays. It is es-sential that you follow the instructions given by your dentist and the manufacturers’ instructions in wearing the trays and applying the bleaching agent. This depends on

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Hacia una estética del análisis de códigos poéticos California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo Para explicar el razonamiento que trasfonda el análisis poético, propongo establecer un punto integrativo entre lo teórico y lo práctico. El problema de la relación del lenguaje poético al lenguaje no-poético ha venido a crear dos escuelas opuestas en pensamiento sobre lo q


III CONGRÉS D’EDUCACIÓ DE LES ARTS VISUALS B a r c e l o n a , 3 , 4 i 5 d e S e t e m b r e d e 2 0 0 9 PRESENTACIÓN De esta manera, podemos decir que el diálogo entre las artes ha estado y está contribuyendo a visualizar y dar salida a esta tan especial complejidad del mundo contemporáneo. El desarrollo de la cultura, de la innovación y de la capacidad crítica de una sociedad,


Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, March 10-12, 2010, p. 29-32A note on degree of theta pairs of finite groupsDepartment of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences, Malayer University, Malayer, Iran. Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences, Malayer University, Malayer, Iran. Let M be a maximal subgroup of a finite group G. A pair of subgroups (C, D) of G is calleda θ-pair of M if it satisfies th


Chapter 1. Antibiotics: What They Are and How to Use Them When used correctly, antibiotics are extremely useful and important medicines. They fight certaininfections and diseases caused by bacteria. Well-known antibiotics are penicillin, tetracycline, strep-tomycin, chloramphenicol, and the sulfa drugs, or sulfonamides. Cuando se usan correctamente, 10s antibioticos son medicinas rnuy cjtiles

Primeras páginas del libro políticas de comunicações. um estudo comparado: brasil, espanha, estados unidos, méxico e venezuela. isbn: 978-84-15544-24-

O que faz de um laboratório, um laboratório? O imaginário do senso comum remete a pipetas, tubos de ensaio, forte cheiro de reagentes químicos, fumaça saindo de experimentos que mudam de cor e, eventualmente, até explodem. Pode remeter também a jalecos brancos, à assepsia de ambientes que não podem ser contaminados por agentes externos. Em uma versão repaginada, o laboratório pode se

Review of adverse events related to chinese medicines

Review of Adverse Events Related to Chinese Medicines in Hong Kong, July 2004 - June 2005 Dr Anna Wong 1 Dr Constance Chan 2 Introduction Investigation on Chinese medicine-related adverse events is important for monitoring the safety of Chinese medicines. At present, the Department of Health (DH) receives reports of adverse events suspected to be related to the use of Chinese


PRODUCT DATA SHEET UZIN PE 480 Epoxy resin primer as a moisture barrier on very damp substrates Description: 2-component epoxy resin as a barrier- and primer- coat onabsorbent and non-absorbent substrates with very highresidual moisture prior to floor covering, wood flooring andtiling work. For interior and exterior use. 3 as a barrier primer on cement-based, moisture-resis- tant su

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Connecticut Landmarks Main Office 255 Main Street 4th Floor Hartford, CT 06106 (860) 247-8996 www.ctlandmarks.org Contact: Jamie-Lynn Fontaine, Marketing & Development Associate (860) 247-8996 x.23, jamie.fontaine@ctlandmarks.org April First Thursday at the Butler-McCook House & Garden in Hartford In This House World Premiere Evening in Hartford Hart

Mobile phase optimization method for steroids separation

Applied Medical Informatics Original Research Vol. 18, No. 1, 2/2006, pp: 17-24 Mobile Phase Optimization Method for Steroids Separation Carmen Elena Stoenoiu1, Sorana Daniela Bolboacă2, Lorentz Jäntschi1 1 Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Romania 2 „Iuliu Haţieganu“University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Abstract - The paper


- KOBAYASHI ZEIN DP - Zein is a major component of corn proteins, called a prolamine soluble in aqueous ethanol. Zein is extracted from gluten meal separated under corn starch production. The acquisition of deodorized and decolourised zein is attained by Kobayashi’s method. It is called “KOBAYASHI ZEIN DP”. We supply “KOBAYASHI ZEIN DP” to be used for food processing, cosmeti

Radioprotective effect of moderate wine consumption in patients with breast carcinoma



Barbara Heath / Malcolm Enright - Gem stock 2004 Studio Stock - Page One Garnet, (Birthstone for January) Large family of gemstones Ð Flawless Sky blues Ð Cushion cuts, brilliant cuts and stepwhich occur in every shade except blue. The most popularvarieties are in the pyrope (red), almandine (brownish-red),Ð Flawless Sky blues Ð Faceted and carved briolettesand rhodolite (pink-violet).

A review of enhanced recovery for thoracic anaesthesia and surgery

A review of enhanced recovery for thoracic anaesthesia andsurgeryN. L. Jones,1 L. Edmonds,2 S. Ghosh1 and A. A. Klein11 Consultant, Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 2 Library and Knowledge Services Manager, Papworth Hospital,Cambridge, UKSummaryDuring the past decade, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of thoracic surgical procedures carried outin the UK. The current financial cli


De Zabou Breitman avec Nina Rodriguez, Marie-Julie Parmentier, Zabou Breitman, Bernard Campan. Pour préparer un exposé sur les SDF, une jeune lycéenne de 13 ans choisit d'interviewer No, une jeune vagabonde qu'elle a repérée à la gare. Au fil des rencontres, Lou va s'attacher à No et décide de l'aider. mercredi 26 janvier à 20h00, jeudi 27 à 20h00, samedi 29 à 17h30, lundi 31 à

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DOC OYING By Gerald Tejada DOC OLIVER despised being a doctor. He felt, his parents pushed him to take up medicine even though he hated it. His interest actually lies in singing, for he has always dreamed of becoming like his inspiration, Rico J. Puno. To Doc Oliver, what’s worse than being a doctor was probably being a government doctor -- which he was. He had to survive piles of pati

Place arrow square 9 year old with adhd/concentration problems

9 Year old with ADHD/Concentration Problems According to figures released by the National Association of Teachers, over 35% of all school aged children have been diagnosed and labeled disabled (including physical, mental and emotional disorders and learning disabilities.) Millions of children are being drugged every day before going to school. These children need an opportunity to be t


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Description Matrix of transition probabilities for any time-inhomogeneous multistate model with finite state spaceMaintainer Arthur Allignol <arthur.allignol@uni-ulm.de>abortion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . clos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


127 Razones para no consumir Azúcar (Lectura de interés para educadores y padres de familia) Adaptado por EDILO. Además de alterar la homeostasis del cuerpo, el exceso de azúcar puede tener muchas otras consecuencias importantes. Lo que sigue es una lista de algunas de las consecuencias metabólicas de consumir azúcar, tomadas de distintas publicaciones médicas y científica

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