The caregiver resource center's services 2014

Case Management & Advocacy Services
Serving the Community since 1990
2000 - 2014 Employee Assistance Professionals, Inc. DBA The Caregiver Resource Center Table of Contents
What is a Board Certified Case Manager
The Role of a Board Certified Case Manager
The Caregiver Resource Center
Benefits of Our Services
The Caregiver Resource Center’s Process
Phase 2 - Case Management and Advocacy Services The Caregiver Resource Center’s Menu of Services
Comprehensive In-Home Clinical Assessment Development of an Individualized Care Plan Insurance Claims Research & Assistance Research & Selection of Community Resources 2000 - 2014 Employee Assistance Professionals, Inc.
Menu of Services
Screening, Arranging for and Monitoring of Needed Emergency Medical Advocacy (while in the ER or hospital) Research, Selection, Evaluation, and Transition to (e.g. medical, legal, financial professionals) The Caregiver Resource Center’s References
Additional Information
2000 - 2014 Employee Assistance Professionals, Inc.
What is a Board Certified Case Manager
A board-certified case manager must hold a current, active, and unrestricted licensure orcertification in a health or human services discipline that within its scope of practice allowsthe professional to conduct an assessment independently and/or a baccalaureate or graduatedegree in social work, nursing, or another health or human services field that promotes thephysical, psychosocial, and/or vocational well-being of the persons being.
After preparing for and passing the national Certified Case Manager (CCM®) examination,board-certified case managers demonstrate they have the expertise, knowledge andprofessional experience to provide the right services to patients across the continuum of care.
They are committed to uphold the highest professional and ethical standards.
To maintain their CCM credential, a board-certified case manager must comply with the Codeof Professional Conduct for Case Managers, which is enforced by the Commission. In addition,a certified case manager must apply for recertification every 5 years, which requires a minimumof 60 hours of continuing education credits.
The Role of a Board Certified Case Manager
Seniors, people with special needs, caregivers, or professionals who are feeling uncertain as towhat to do, are increasingly using the services of a certified case manager (CCM) to assess andimplement plans that address a client’s day to day needs. CCMs provide a consistent contactfor family members, and they can do everything from creating an overall care plan to interveningin case of a crisis or emergency.
CCMs are specialists who assist seniors, people with special needs and their families; inplanning for and implementing ways to allow for the greatest degree of health, independence,safety and quality of life.
CCMs meet with the client and /or family members to assess their needs, develop a Care Team,and work with members of the Team to formulate a comprehensive Care Plan (a road map).
Once a plan is in place, CCMs are available to serve as the point person to monitor andcoordinate services, and revise the plan as needed. The CCMs' role is similar to the conductorof an orchestra; ensuring that there is good communication, teamwork, and that everyoneremains focused on the desired goals.
Case management is a collaborative process that consists of four steps: 2. Development of a Care Plan (based on the unique needs of the client) 3. Implementation & Monitoring of the Plan 4. Ongoing Evaluation of the Plan’s Effectiveness, and Plan Modification as Needed 2000 - 2014 Employee Assistance Professionals, Inc.
Linda Ziac
Linda Ziac, LPC, LADC, BCPC, CEAP, CCM is the owner and founder of Employee AssistanceProfessionals, Inc. a CT corporation located in Greenwich CT; which has been serving thecommunity since 1990. The Caregiver Resource Center is a division of Employee AssistanceProfessionals, Inc.
Ms. Ziac has more than 38 years of experience in the health and mental health field as alicensed professional counselor, licensed alcohol and drug counselor, nationally board certifiedprofessional counselor, nationally certified case manager, and a nationally certified employeeassistance professional. In addition, Ms. Ziac has 15 years of experience coordinating carefor her own parents.
Ms. Ziac assists seniors, people with special needs and their families; in planning for andimplementing ways to allow for the greatest degree of health, safety, independence, and qualityof life. Ms. Ziac meets with individuals and family members to assess their needs, and developa Care Team, while working with members of the Team to formulate a comprehensive CarePlan (a road map). Once a plan is in place, Ms. Ziac is available to serve as the point personto monitor and coordinate services, and revise the plan as needed. This role is similar to theconductor of an orchestra; ensuring that there is good communication, teamwork, and thateveryone remains focused on the desired goal.
The Caregiver Resource Center
The Caregiver Resource Center offers a spectrum of case management and advocacy serviceswith flexible options to help plan for a client’s current and evolving needs.
We are specialists who assist seniors, people with special needs and their families in planningfor and implementing ways to allow for the greatest degree of independence, safety and qualityof life.
Our mission is to assist seniors, people with special needs, and their families in understandingcare issues, facilitating open communication; and providing information, support and guidancethrough the care process.
Our services strive to plan for and implement ways to allow for the client’s greatest degree ofhealth, safety, independence, and quality of life.
Some Benefits of Our Services
• Well respected company serving the community since 1990 • Assistance for seniors, people with special needs, and families; who are dealing with health • All services are individually designed to meet the unique needs of the client & their family • We are available 7 days a week by appointment, and 24/7 for emergencies • Our services are provided onsite (home, ER, hospital, assisted living facility, LTC facility) 2000 - 2014 Employee Assistance Professionals, Inc.
The Caregiver Resource Center’s Process
The Caregiver Resource Center’s services are individually designed to meet the unique needsof the client and their family.
All services are available on a request basis, and all services are billed on a fee for servicebasis.
The Caregiver Resource Center services are available 7 days a week by appointment, and weare available 24/7 for emergencies.
Phase 1 - Initial Consultation
When a client and/or their family are interested in The Caregiver Resource Center’s services,the first step is to schedule an initial consultation meeting. There is a fee for the initialconsultation.
Initial Consultation
The case manager would provide an on-site initial consultation with the client and their familymember(s) if available, at the client’s current place of residence. The case manager and theclient would discuss and agree to a set fee for the initial consultation meeting, prior to thismeeting taking place. The client and/or their family would be asked to read and sign an InitialConsultation Meeting Agreement, prior to the start of this meeting.
This meeting would include an introduction of the services of The Caregiver Resource Center,a discussion regarding the client’s abilities, concerns, needs and wishes; as well as the family’sconcerns and wishes. The case manager would also review topics such as needs assess-ments, care plans, healthcare proxies, advance directives, power of attorney, estate planning,etc.
There is no obligation for the client or their family to work with The Caregiver Resource Centerbeyond the initial consultation.
If the client and their family request to retain the services of The Caregiver Resource Center,appropriate release of information forms would be obtained; and the case manager, client andfamily member (if appropriate) would discuss and determine the desired services, execute anInformed Consent - Client Services Agreement, and establish a plan of action moving forward.
Phase 2 - Case Management and Advocacy Services
Each human being is unique, and as a result each person experiences aging differently. Someindividuals may experience mental and physical limitations that limit their level of functioning,while others will remain relatively high functioning.
The Caregiver Resource Center’s role is to work with the client, their family and healthcareprofessionals; to help assess, plan for and implement ways to allow for the greatest degree ofhealth, independence, safety and quality of life.
This process involves identifying a client’s abilities and needs, and helping to design a care planthat is composed of a spectrum of services, that best meets the unique needs of this client.
A client and their family select the services that they want, and they only pay for those services.
2000 - 2014 Employee Assistance Professionals, Inc.
Menu of Service Options
All services of The Caregiver Resource Center are individually designed to meet the uniqueneeds of the client and their family.
The Caregiver Resource Center services are available 7 days a week by appointment, and weare available 24/7 for emergencies.
When a client or their legal representative decides to retain the services of The CaregiverResource Center, the client or representative would be asked to read and sign an InformedConsent - Client Services Agreement.
This Agreement would clearly outline the agreed upon services, confidentiality, fees, payments,commencement of services, references, cancellation of services, etc.
The following service options are available on a request basis, and all services of The CaregiverResource Center are billed at an hourly rate, in 6 minute increments  Comprehensive In-Home Clinical Assessment
The case manager would meet in the client’s home in order to conduct a comprehensive, on-site evaluation of the client’s strengths, needs and preferences.
This step may require more than one visit, depending on the need and stamina of the client.
This assessment process would include a medical history, functional status, and a psycho-social evaluation.
After obtaining the necessary release forms and with permission, the case manager would alsospeak with the client’s family, doctors, and other care providers; in an effort to gather as muchinformation (pieces of the puzzle) as possible.
Home Evaluation Audit
Seniors age 65 and people with special needs are twice as likely to be killed or injured by fallsor fires, compared to the general population. This number jumps to three times that of thegeneral population for seniors who reach age 75, and four times for those who reach age 85.
A home evaluation audit would explore potential fire and fall risks, as well as modifications andrepairs that can be implemented to help reduce or minimize accidents, as well as improve theclient’s overall quality of life.
Once the home evaluation audit has been completed, the case manager would create a writtenreport for the client and/or their family, highlighting areas of concern, as well as suggestions.
The case manager would be available to assist the client and/or their family, in arranging forhome modifications; which may range from replacing cabinet doorknobs with pull handles, to theaddition of assistive devices, to full scale construction projects that require installing wheelchairramps and widening doorways. The client is responsible for the full cost of all modifications  Development of an Individualized Care Plan
A comprehensive Care Plan is similar to a roadmap.
To follow is a sampling of what a care plan would look like.
2000 - 2014 Employee Assistance Professionals, Inc.
The case manager would meet with client and family members to assess their needs, developa Care Team, and work with members of the Team (e.g. primary care physician, specialists)formulate a comprehensive Care Plan. If the client is residing in a facility (e.g. SNF), this careplan would be developed in partnership with facility care team members.
Once a plan is in place, the case manager would be available to serve as the point person tomonitor and coordinate services, and revise the plan as needed. The case manager’s role issimilar to the conductor of an orchestra; ensuring that there is good communication, teamwork,and that everyone remains focused on the desired goal.
Household Management
The case manager is available to help coordinate and arrange for home maintenance andrepairs, lawn maintenance, snow removal, house cleaning, and pet care. The case manageris also available to research licensed and qualified vendors and oversee projects if requested.
Healthcare Coordination
Clients often feel overwhelmed by the number of doctors they have, the scheduling ofappointments, filling multiple prescriptions, and navigating through the often chaotic andconfusing healthcare maze.
The case manager is available to help monitor and coordinate services through the transitionsof home, emergency room visit, hospital admission, short term rehab, home, assisted living,nursing home, or hospice care.
• schedule appointments for the client with their primary care doctors, specialists, and other • arrange for the client’s transportation to medical appointments • communicate with healthcare providers and family members about health care issues and • help the client understand the doctor’s recommendations, treatment plan, and options • participate in family and healthcare provider meetings while providing guidance and support • attend hospital and rehab facility care planning meetings and discharge planning meetings 2000 - 2014 Employee Assistance Professionals, Inc.
Insurance Claims Research & Assistance
Understanding and navigating the insurance claims process can be confusing, overwhelmingand time consuming. The case manager is available to help research and explain the client’sMedicare Summary Statements and insurance forms, and contact Medicare and Insurancecompanies should there be any questions, or need to request an appeal.
Research and Selection of Community Resources
The Caregiver Resource Center is familiar with and collaborates with a wide spectrum of careproviders in the community. The case manager is available to assist a client and their familyin researching desired services, scheduling informational meetings, and helping to conductreference checks on perspective vendors.
Bill Paying and Paperwork Management Assistance
We are available to help assess and develop a plan that would meet the client’s unique needs.
This may include organizing client bills and records, preparing checks for the client’s signature,reconciling bank statement with computerized check register reports, or assisting a client withissues that require a call to a vendor (e.g. doctor’s office, utility company, insurance company.)  Team Communication and Coordination
A care team is developed based on the unique needs of the client. Team members may consistof the client, family members, primary care physician, medical specialists (e.g. cardiologist,psychiatrist), rehab providers (e.g. physical therapist, occupational therapist, speech therapist),homecare agencies, or a registered nurse to name a few.
Once a plan is in place, the case manager is available to serve as the point person to monitorand coordinate services, and revise the plan as needed. The case manager's role is similar tothe conductor of an orchestra; ensuring that there is good communication, teamwork, and thateveryone remains focused on the desired goals.
Screening, Arranging for and Monitoring of Needed In-Home Care Services
The case manager is available to assist the client and their family in researching availableservices, scheduling interviews, helping check references, and helping to oversee homecareservices in the home or in a facility such as an assisted living facility or SNF.
Emergency Medical Advocacy
If it’s necessary for the client to seek immediate medical attention, the client and/or their familyneed to call 911 for assistance. In a situation such as this, the case manager can be reached24/7 after 911 has been called.
The case manager is available to meet the client at the emergency room to ensure that theattending physician has all of the medical history and current medications, as well as to providethe hospital staff with the proper family contact information.
The case manager would be available to provide comfort and support to the client, help facilitatethe care process with medical professionals, communicate with family members who may be ata distance, and help the client understand the events as they are unfolding in the ER.
2000 - 2014 Employee Assistance Professionals, Inc.
Research, Selection, Evaluation, and Transition to Alternative Living Options
A person may decide that they would like to explore other housing options for a variety ofreasons; such as they no longer need as much space, potential lower housing expenses thedesire to move closer to family, proximity to needed services, more social contact, reducedresponsibility for maintenance, or the need for greater day to day assistance.
The case manager is available to help research assisted living facilities, rehabilitation centers,hospitals, and nursing home facilities. The case manager can also arrange for tours of variousfacilities, and be available to accompany the client and a family on the tour. If desired, the casemanager would be available to create a list of questions that can be asked during the initial visit,as well as assist the client in completing an application.
Referrals to Specialists (e.g. medical, legal and financial professionals)
Since 1990, The Caregiver Resource Center has been building working relationships witha network of medical professionals, elder law attorneys, financial planners & advisors, andinsurance professionals whom we can help you speak with for guidance and services.
Family Support & Counseling
The case manager is available to provide education, support, guidance, and counseling for theclient, for a family member, or for the family as a whole.
Healthcare Advocacy
 Healthcare can often feel overwhelming and confusing. The case manager is available to: • assist the client in researching appropriate medical professionals • arrange transportation for the client to medical appointments • accompany the client to medical appointments if desired  Prior to a medical appointment the case manager would be available to: • meet with the client to compile a written list of symptoms the client may be experiencing, the longevity of symptoms, and questions that the client may have for their doctor  During an appointment the case manager would be available to: • provide the doctor with the client’s written list of symptoms, longevity of symptoms, and questions that the client may have for their doctor • take notes of the medical appointment for the client, and request a doctor’s summary prior • provide the client (and family) with the written notes and doctor summary, and review the information with them to ensure a clear understanding of the information The case manager is also available to provide hospital advocacy while a person is in thehospital, which would include communication with all medical personnel, and participation in thehospital’s discharge planning meetings.
2000 - 2014 Employee Assistance Professionals, Inc.
Eldercare Issue Mediation
We all have our own unique perspective on things, and as a result we often believe that weknow what’s best. In a family situation, this may lead to disagreements and conflict.
The case manager would be available to facilitate family meetings, assist family members incommunicating their concerns and wishes, and helping to resolve conflict; while buildingconsensus on what is the best course of action for the client’s health, safety, independenceand quality of life.
When requested, a list of professional references would be provided to perspective clients andtheir family members.
Additional Information
For more information, or to request an initial consultation, please contact: Linda Ziac, LPC, LADC, BCPC, CEAP, CCMThe Caregiver Resource CenterGreenwich, CT 2000 - 2014 Employee Assistance Professionals, Inc. DBA The Caregiver Resource Center 2000 - 2014 Employee Assistance Professionals, Inc.



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LITERATURVERZEICHNIS A. Originalarbeiten (Englisch) 1. Feldmann S, Minne HW, Parvizi S, Pfeifer M, Lempert UG, Bauss F, Ziegler R. Antiestrogen and antiandrogen administration reduce bone mass in the rat. Bone Miner 1989;7:245-264. 2. Pfeifer M, Pollähne W, Minne HW. Ultrasound analyses of the calcaneus predict relative risk of the presence of at least one vertebral fracture and re

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