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Pressezentrum Dokument: FEM_2_265 Themenbereich 1: Wie können wir glauben? Feministisch-theologische Basisfakultät: Das Erbe der Sklaverei im Leben von Mädchen und Frauen überwinden – ein Thema für die Der lange Schatten der Sklaverei über dem Leben von Mädchen und Frauen Am 8. Oktober 1865 machte eine weiße Frau der amerikanischen Südstaaten namens El a Gertrude Cla


NOTE: Pages in each section start with #1. Therefore, the pages go section 1 page 1, section 1 page 2, etc. Section 1 PROTOCOL ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND AUTHORIZATION Standing Medical Orders and Treatment Protocols . 1.2 Section 2 ADVANCED CARDIAC LIFE SUPPORT GUIDELINES Asystole . 2.2 Bradycardia (Heart rate < 60 beats per minute). 2.4 Tachycardia (heart rate > 100 beats per minute


Subclinical hypothyroidism may be much more common thanmost people think. It is estimated to occur in a significantpercentage of the adult American population. One sideeffect of thyroid deficiency is high cholesterol. It is CONSEQUENCES OF HYPOTHYROIDISM very possible that many people are being prescribed The vast majority of the thyroid hormone produced by thecholesterol-lowering stati


BIZTONSÁGI ADATLAP A Kiadás dátuma: 2004. 11. 26. Aktualizálás dátuma: 2005. 02. 06. Termék: DIFFUSIL KULLANCSRIASZTÓ AEROSZOL 1. Az anyag/készítmény és a vállalat/üzem azonosítója A készítmény kereskedelmi megnevezése: DIFFUSIL KULLANCSRIASZTÓ AEROSZOL RUHÁZATRA Gyártó: Lybar, a.s. Címe: Velvìty 33, 415 01 Teplice, Czech Republic Telefonszáma:

Mit beginn der dekolonisations-behandlung: handtücher, bett- sowie unterwäsche bei mindestens 60 °c waschen, pflege- und hygieneutensilien (z

Behandlungsplan: MRSA-Besiedlung bei Kindern Mit Beginn der MRSA-Sanierung: Handtücher, Bett- sowie Unterwäsche bei mindestens 60 °C waschen, Pflege- und Hygieneutensilien (z.B. Zahnbürste, Duschgel, Creme, Taschentücher, Feuchttücher etc.) entsorgen. Zudem häufig genutzte Gegenstände wie z. B. Spielzeug, Kinderwagen, Türklinken, Telefonhörer, Fernbedienung desinfizieren. Stoffti

Pro domo

Einige dieser unangenehmen Zeitgenossen haben sich schon länger bei uns eingenistet, andere werden sich wieder einnisten, vor allem in Krisen- und Notzeiten, wenn alles Lebensnotwendige knapp wird und Hygiene nicht mehr umfassend betrieben werden kann. Bandwurm: Bandwürmer nisten sich im Darm von Mensch und Tier ein und werden einige Meter lang. Klassische Krankheitssymptome treten in der

Microsoft word - march_2011.pdf

It is with gratitude and a sense of accomplishment that I announce the debut of the new www.KamalaHealth.com webpage. While the old one represented the support of a community of instructors that helped me grow into the therapist I am today, the new one represents the direction of the business. Thanks to the real clients who posed for treatment pictures, and my friend who patiently worked

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TALLINNA TEHNIKAÜLIKOOL Läbi vaadatud: Kliinilise meditsiini instituudi nõukogus 6.02.2009 ja kinnitatud otsusega nr 1/09 Ruth Sepper 06.02.2009 TEADUS- JA ARENDUSTEGEVUSE AASTAARUANNE 1 KMI üldiseloomustus 1.1 Struktuur ja koosseis Kliinilise Meditsiini Instituut (KMI) loodi 2007. a 23. jaanuaril Tehnomeedikumi instituudina. KMI koosseisu kuulub kaks õppeto

Pediatric intake questionnaire2.xlsx

Keweenaw Holistic Family Medicine Pediatric Intake FormParents marital status (circle): Married / Separated / Living Together / Other:Current Grade in School:Please indicate the severity of your symptoms by checking the box that applies to each symptom (sx). Part I: ENT - Allergy Symptoms Mild Moderate Severe Moderate Severe Moderate No Sx Mild Sx No Sx Mild Sx Severe Sx


RESIDENT CENSUS AND CONDITIONS OF RESIDENTSTHIS FORM IS TO BE COMPLETED BY THE FACILITY AND REPRESENTS THE CURRENTCONDITION OF RESIDENTS AT THE TIME OF COMPLETIONThere is not a federal requirement for automation of the 672 form. The facility may continue to complete the 672 withmanual methods. The facility may use the MDS data to start the 672 form, but must verify all information, and in some

Living in the twilight zone

LIVING IN THE TWILIGHT ZONE What does it feel like to be surrounded by countries intent on wiping you off the face of the map? How do you cope with daily incitement of hate, chal enges to your legitimacy, threats of boycotts, slanderous accusations and the attitude of fair weather friends? Imagine how it feels to be an Israeli tourist in a foreign land, knowing that lurking somewhere out there


gemäss Verordnung 1907/2006/EG, Artikel 31Produktname: Insect Kill HomeAnwendung: InsektizidAngaben zum LieferantenKochdesign GmbH Erlenstrasse 44 2555 Brügg SwitzerlandTelefon +41 32 333 15 75 Fax +41 32 333 15 79NotrufnummerCentre suisse d‘information toxicologique, Zurich+41 44 251 51 51 ou 145 (depuis la Suisse)Schweizerisches Toxikologisches Informationszentrum, Zürich+41 44 251 51 51

Obstetrics & gynecology this month

Obstetrics & Gynecology The Green Journal This Month Current Issue ACOG News Recent Issues © 1999 by The American College of Obstetricians and GynecologistsObstetrics & Gynecology: Vol. 94, No. 1, July 1999 Obstetrics & Gynecology Table of Contents Volume 94 / Number 1 / July 1999 1 Amniotic Fluid Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 Levels in Women With


Neurodermitis im Kindesalter Die frühzeitige Therapie ist matchentscheidendMARC PLEIMES, PETER SCHMID-GRENDELMEIER, LISA WEIBEL, ZÜRICH Eine grundsätzliche Heilung der Veranlagung zur atopischen Derma- titis ist nicht möglich. Die genetische Disposition besteht lebenslang. Entgegen gängigen Vorstellungen bestehen weiterhin nur bei einem ekzematösen Entzündungsreaktionen.

Indiana state department of health

HIV MEDICAL SERVICES PROGRAM Indiana ADAP Covered Pharmaceuticals Generics are preferred. “▲” indicates generic only. “■” indicates a specified recipe and cost. Additions and deletions made since the previous edition of this formulary are listed in RED and RED, respectively. Refer to the DHHS Prescribing Guidelines at www.aidsinfo.nih.gov/guidelines for information reg


Product list PHARMACEUTICALS Product Name adrenaline 1 mg/ml 1 ml ampoule (one end)aminophylline 25 mg/ml 10 ml ampoule (one end)amoxycillin 125 mg/5 ml dry suspension/syrup 100 ml bottleamoxycillin 125 mg+clavulanic acid 31.25 mg/5 ml 100 ml bottleamoxycillin 250 mg/5 ml dry suspension/syrup 100 ml bottleamoxycillin 250 mg+clavulanic acid 62.5 mg/5 ml 100 ml bottleamoxycillin 500 mg+cl

Performance schedule urinetown

Friday 12/6 @ Saturday 12/7 @ Saturday 12/7 @ Sunday 12/8 @ Sunday 12/8 @ Tuesday 12/10 @ Wednesday Thursday 12/12 @ Friday 12/13 @ Saturday 12/14 @ Saturday 12/14 @ Sunday 12/15 @ 12/11 @ 7pm BOBBY STRONG LOCKSTOCK Tyler Lynch Tyler Lynch Tyler Lynch Tyler Lynch Tyler Lynch Tyler Lynch Alexa Joseph Alexa Joseph Alexa Joseph Alexa Joseph


Dritter Teil: Gentechnikrecht im internationalen Überblick § 15 GENTECHNIK UND TIERSCHUTZ IN HUMANMEDIZIN UND PATENTRECHT . 329 I. Gentechnik und Humanmedizin: weitere Beispiele zum Umgang mit Tieren . 329 1. Keine Nebensache: kopflose Tiere . 329 2. Vom Tierembryo zum Menschenklon . 330 3. Tiere zwischen Forschungsfreiheit und Wirtschaftsinteressen . 331 II. Tierschutz und Patentrecht: Argu

Microsoft word - fdm_atr_drug_index.txt

(c) 2002-2003, Fiveash Data Management, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Acetaminophen Sigma 77C-0092 NSAmobarbital Sigma 121C-1650 C-IIL-Amphetamine Sulfate K&K Laboratories 75309 C-IID-Amphetamine Sulfate K&K Laboratories 83567 C-IIDL-Amphetamine Sulfate K&K Laboratories 99752 C-IIAprobarbital Sigma 59C-0208 CIIIAtropine ICN 15100 CVAmobarbital Na Binkmann CIIAspirin (Acetylsalicylic Acid)

Pii: s1090-5138(00)00063-5

Evolution and Human Behavior 22 (2001) 61±69Second to fourth digit ratio and male ability in sport:implications for sexual selection in humansaPopulation and Evolutionary Biology Research Unit, School of Biological Sciences, University of Liverpool,bFootball Research Unit, Department of History, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 3BX, UKReceived 14 July 2000; accepted 16 October 2000

Microsoft word - mortin abbreviated crisis plan.docx

Abbreviated Crisis Plan Response to Advertisement Campaign (Mother’s Day 2011) Crisis Team In the case of a crisis, contact immediately in the order they appear below: • Caroline Early, email: cearly@motrin.com, phone: 315.596.0380 • John Magee, email: jmagee@motrin.com, phone: 585.905.5638 • Karla Santiago, ksantiageo@motrin.com, phone: 787.374.6793 • Yu Su, ysu@motrin.co

Kwajalein atoll international sportfishing club (kaisc)

CONTENTS KWAJALEIN ATOLL INTERNATIONAL SPORTFISHING CLUB CONSTITUTION 11 December 2013 REVISIONS Revision Date Description ARTICLE I - NAME AND PURPOSE The organization shal be known by US Army Kwajalein Atoll (USAKA), the community and its members as the Kwajalein Atoll International Sportfishing Club (KAISC). ARTICLE II - OBJECTIVES The objectives of the


Bianco - Nero Vademecum per vivere al meglio l’esperienza Cos’è il Kenya? Lingua: Kiswahili, inglese e altre 42 lingue etniche Presidenti: Kenyatta, Moi e Kibaki (dal 2001) Mortalità infantile (primo anno di vita): 77 bambini morti su 1.000 nati Mortalità infantile (primi cinque anni di vita): 120 bambini morti su 1.000 nati Debito estero pro-capite: 205 €


Summarized from Koi Health and Disease , by Erik L. Johnson, DVMThis material was excerted by Spike Cover and if it's messed up, it's his fault <grin> Fish Length11 Injectible medication dose (cc @ given strength) Trade Name Amikacin1 Sterile Saline2 Azactam3 Baytril4 Cefotan5 Chloramphenicol6 Dexamethasone7 Gentamicin1 Rocephin10 generic name See n


LAW LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ARGENTINA HAGUE CONVENTION ON INTERNATIONAL CHILD ABDUCTION Introduction The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction adopted on October25, 1980, during the 14th Session of the Hague Conference on Private International Law, was ratified byArgentina1 effective June 1, 1991. On May 31, 1998, pursuant to article 45 of the Convention,


Date of the report: 07.05.2002 Report number: 12 Veterinary drugs in poultry and rabbit – secondary investigation Joint campaign by the cantons Basel Country and Basel City (main laboratory) Background Antibiotics are used in cattle, pigs and poultry to promote performance (faster growth and improved feed conversion) as well as in the prophylaxis and treatment of infectious diseases. W


Technical Bulletin Delvotest® SP Test Sensitivity or Detection levels Introduction Delvotest® SP broad-spectrum antibiotic residue test system offers the possibility to verify the presence in milk of a multitude of different antimicrobial substances. Delvotest® SP may be used in milk quality payment programs. An indication of the sensitivity of the Delvotest® SP has been given i

Microsoft word - chemistry_mandatory_disclosure_of_chemistry


July 2, 2007

France : Post-electoral tristesse PARIS. Beach-bound or dawdling at home, the French slowly recover from late spring’s presidential and legislative elections. These handed power to the Ritalin president, Nicolas Sarkozy [Ritalin: “a medication prescribed for individuals (usually children) who have attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)]. Bouncing from topic to event to photo-op t

Microsoft word - nofe-program.doc

Den 16. norske epidemiologikonferansen Bergen 11.-12. november 2008, med forkurs 10. november Mandag 10. november, 13:00-17:00 Kurs: Usikkerhet og sannsynlighet. En filosofisk tilnærming. Kursansvarlig: Roger Strand, professor i vitenskapsfilosofi, UiB Varighet: 13:00-17:00 Sted: Kalfarveien 31, Bergen, Institutt for Samfunnsmedisinske fag 17:00 Get-together (


By Helen Clarke, 3 Counties Canine Massage Therapy About 80 years ago the first experiments in training greyhounds to chase an artificial hare, developed into the spectator sport of greyhound racing, with 5 or 6 greyhounds pursuing a mechanically driven hare anti-clockwise around a track in The greyhound commences his/her career at 15 months of age and after running introductory trials arou

Kopie van onderzoek-overzicht 1978-2014.xls

ERIBA: De rol van aneuploïde in kinderkankerInsights to VEGFC antibody induced myelomonocytic differentiation in acute myeloid leukemiaIdentifications of miRNA-target gene interactions relevant for the pathogenesis of Burkitt lymphomaInfluencing cell fate decisions in neuronal cancer stem cells to treat paediatric neuronal tumoursProspective longitudinal assessment of cardiovascular toxicity

Microsoft word - handbuch chartersegler _arial_.doc

Inhaltsverzeichnis Einleitung .3 An- und Abreise .3 Das Segelrevier .4 Zeitlicher Ablauf des Törns.5 Ausrüstung .8 Schaden oder Verlust an privaten Dingen .10 Da s Bordleben.11 Steuermann, Navigator, Wetterbeobachter .13 Hygiene und Ordnung an Bord .14 Medizin an Bord .15 Rechtliches .17 Literaturhinweise.18 1 Einleitung Es geht also bald auf Törn! Vielleicht

Microsoft word - sp_10_health_form

KEIO ACADEMY OF NEW YORK SUMMER PROGRAM 2010 HEALTH REPORT FORM Health history must be filled out by parents/guardian. Health exam must be completed by a licensed medical personnel . Name: ________________________________________________________ Birth Date: ______________________ Home Address: _______________________________________________________________________________

Ken470 520.527

Advance Access publication 24 December 2008Analgesic effects of treatments for non-specific low back pain:a meta-analysis of placebo-controlled randomized trialsL. A. C. Machado1, S. J. Kamper1, R. D. Herbert1, C. G. Maher1 and J. H. McAuley2Objective. Estimates of treatment effects reported in placebo-controlled randomized trials are less subject to bias than those estimatesprovided by other s

Guías de práctica clínica de la sociedad española de cardiología sobre el desfibrilador automático implantable

Guías de práctica clínica de la Sociedad Española de Cardiología sobre el desfibrilador automático implantable Julián Pérez-Villacastín (coordinador), José Ramón Carmona Salinas, Antonio Hernández Madrid, Emilio Marín Huerta, José Luis Merino Llorens, José Ormaetxe Merodio y Ángel Moya i Mitjans amiodarona / análisis clínicos / angiografía coronaria / antiarrítmicos / arr

Microsoft word - accumetrics.doc

Accumetrics Closes 2010 With Positive Outlook Pharmaceutical collaboration, GRAVITAS clinical trial results, distribution agreements, and capital financing position Company for continued growth in 2011 December 7, 2010, San Diego, Calif. – Accumetrics, Inc., a privately-held developer and marketer of the VerifyNow® System, the first rapid and easy-to-use point-of-care system for

Markblatt hepatitis c

Medizinische Klinik II Schwerpunkt Gastroenterologie, Hepatologie, Endokrinologie Chefarzt: Dr.med.H.J.Schmeck-Lindenau, FEBG Schiffdorfer Chaussee 29, 27574 Bremerhaven Telefon: e-mail:HJ.Schmeck@kliniken-wesermuende.de Erforderliche Diagnostik: Leberpunktion (mind. 2 cm lange Stanze) zum Staging und Grading Labor vor Therapieeinleitung: HCV-RNA mit Genotypbestimmung, HCV-Viruslast, Blutbild

Ka returning student admissions package 2013-2014c

Kingdom Academy ______________________________ of Bluffton, Inc. Admission Package Any parent who is interested in enrolling a child in Kingdom Academy of Bluffton, Inc. should request an Admission Package from the school. The package contains the following materials: 1. Admission Procedures 2. School Registration Form 3. Student Application Form 4. Statement of Parents or Guardian

Kyalin factsheet_carbetocin 3

Kyalin  Biosciences  Inc.   Intranasal  Carbetocin  Fact  Sheet         Kyalin Biosciences, Inc. lead asset, a highly optimized, intranasal delivery form of carbetocin, represents a potential breakthrough treatment for the core deficits that characterize the autistic spectrum disorders. Intranasal carbetocin leverages the natural biology of oxytocin, the 'trust horm

Microsoft word - patientinfo_bre.doc

Benign Rolandic Epilepsy (BRE) Benign Rolandic Epilepsy is an epilepsy syndrome. It is called “Benign” because it has a good outcome - nearly all children will “outgrow” this syndrome around puberty - and “Rolandic” because that is the area of the brain where the seizures occur syndrome. It is classified as a partial seizure syndrome because the seizures occur in a part of t

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Gebrauchsinformation: Information für den Anwender CALCITRIOL KYRAMED 0,25 µg Weichkapsel Wirkstoff: Calcitriol Lesen Sie die gesamte Packungsbeilage sorgfältig durch, bevor Sie mit der Einnahme dieses Arzneimittels beginnen. Heben Sie die Packungsbeilage auf. Vielleicht möchten Sie diese später nochmals lesen. Wenn Sie weitere Fragen haben, wenden Sie sich an Ihren Arzt ode

Microsoft word - resultaat-speciale-2008

TERVUEREN - TREVUERENSE REU - MALE Mr Y DAMBRAIN (BEL) Reuen-Mâles Chiots/Welpjes ( 3 à 6 m ) 1. Houral of the Smart Spirit ABS AFW LOSH en Attente 23.01.2008 Van de Pillendijk Darco X Eden of the Smart Spirit FE Glibert Laurent EP Charlent Solange 2. Hotis of the Smart Spirit ABS AFW LOSH en Attente 23.01.2008 Van de Pillendijk Darco X Eden of the Smart Spirit FE Gli


L-3 Lost in TranslationTheStreet.com - 1 hour agoL-3 Communications (LLL - commentary - Cramer's Take)slid 6% early Monday after cutting financial targets to adjust for a lost translation contract. . Today's lesson is teach immigrants EnglishScotsman, United Kingdom - 1 hour agoIT shouldn't surprise anyof us that the public cost of translation services for immigrants is now standing at around

Microsoft word - clima 2010 - paper 1002.doc

Impact of boundary conditions on the development of the thermal plume above a sitting human body Daria Zukowska1,*, Zbigniew Popiolek2 and Arsen Melikov1 1International Centre for Indoor Environment and Energy, (www.ie.dtu.dk), Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark. 2Department of Heating, Ventilation and Dust Removal Technology, Silesian University of *Co


Giardia intestinalis Giardia är en tarmparasit som kan drabba både djur och människor och det är samma art som ger infektion hos både människa och andra däggdjur. Det finns olika genotyper hos olika djurslag men smitta kan ske mellan människa och djur. Giardia är vanligt och förekommer hos både friska och sjuka djur. Internationellt är Giardia en av de vanligast förekommande

Microsoft word - ntx_patienteninformation.doc

Liebe Patientin, lieber Patient, Sie haben ein neues Organ erhalten und stehen kurz vor Ihrer Entlassung. Ein völ ig komplikationsfreies Leben ist mit der Einpflanzung des Organs nicht unbedingt garantiert. Aber sicherlich ist Ihnen bekannt, dass Sie selbst sehr viel dazu beitragen können, um mit Ihrem neuen Organ möglichst lange ein nahezu normales Leben führen zu können. Wenn Sie wei


Safety data sheet according to 1907/2006/EC, Article 31 1 Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking · Product identifier · Trade name: CLEARFIL NEW BOND ; CATALYST · Article number: 022-C · Registration number Not applicable · Application of the substance / the preparation Dental bonding material · Details of the supplier of the s


Minister for Gender Equality’s 2002 Perspective and Action Plan Edition, number printed:First edition 1,500 copies. ISBN 87-87904-93-4Lay-out/graphic design:Montagebureauet ApSAvailable while stocks last from:Department of Gender EqualitySkindergade 38, 2. Postboks 40DK-1002 Copenhagen KTel. +45 33 92 33 11Fax 33 91 31 15E-mail: lige@lige.dkThe Minister for Gender Equality’s 2002 Pers


NAME Eamon O´Kane WORK TITLE Professor 100 %, visuell kunst, KU-leder EDUCATION 2001 MFA (Design Technology), Parsons School of Design, New School University, New 1998-99 Research Fellowship (Painting), Cheltenham & Gloucester College of Higher 1998 Master of Fine Art Degree (with Distinction), University of Ulster, Belfast 1996 B.A. Joint Honours Degree in History of Art and Fine

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Christine Kohut make up + hair Advertising Roots, Holt Renfrew, Harry Rosen, The Body Shop, De Beers, Hazelton Hotel, Bluenotes, Randy River, Tall Girl, The Bay, Levi’s, Santana Jeans, Jean Machine, Coca Cola, Hennessey V.S.O.P, Petro Canada, Sunoco, Basic Red, Telvest Mutual Funds, TD Canada Trust, IBM, Linda Lundstrom, Samsung, Woodbine, Sunwing Vacations, KIA, Loblaws, Movieline.

Chem 51

A. Ersin ACAR 2011 Spring Semester Course Content: A) Modification of functional groups 1. Reduction 1. Heterogeneous catalysis 2. Homogeneous catalysis 3. Hydrogenation of C=C by diimide 4. Asymetric hydrogenation of acids (esters)-acylaminoacrylics 1.2. Hydrogenolysis of C-O, C-S, C-X, N-O, O-O bonds 1. H2/Pd (Pt, Ni) 2. Hydrogenolysis of C-Het at α position of C=O 1. Re

Sermon 12 may 2013

Sermon 12 May 2013 Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 Old Testament Intro – Historical, Poetry and Wisdom Books Let me start with some reminders… a summary of where we have been over the past month in our overview of the Old Testament. We need to remember always that the Old Testament is not just one book, but a collection of books (and even some individual books show signs of more than one author, a


column van kokswijk Katten, honden en baby’s zijn spraakmakers, maar wij ges op het normale spraakver-functioneren vanaf het kindmoment als onmondige keer inzakken en de groei in praatpalen. Gooi een kat in een wachtkamer en ieder- de verkoop van nieuwe abon-een praat ineens poes-poes-poes en hoopt op kopje-knor . Zet twee nementen stilvalt. Het is te-vreemde honden bij elkaar en de ba


Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, J¨agerstr. 22/23, 10117 Berlin, Germany ontology, ontology development, ontology evaluation, rigidity, type, role, WordNetIn this paper we present Rudify, a set of tools designed for the semi-automatic evaluation of ontologicalmeta-properties based on lexical realizations of these meta-properties in natural language. We describe thedevelopme


Balance GESUNDHEIT im Laufe der Sitzungen heraus. Die Berliner Pädagogin zum Beispiel will sich künftig an Neurodermitis: die WHO-Empfehlung für Frauen halten: am Abend nicht mehr als eine Flasche Bier oderein Glas Wein, das sind 20 Gramm Alkohol. Außerdem nimmt sie sich zwei alkoholfreie riskante Salben Tage pro Woche vor. Das klappt nicht immer, aber immer besser: „Wenn ich b

Nessundorma dossier ita

KINKALERI 2009-2010 PROGETTO D’INFANZIA NESSUN DORMA Fiaba teatrale liberamente tratta dalla Turandot di G. Puccini KINKALERI Raggruppamento di formati e mezzi in bilico nel tentativo via s .c hiara 38/ 2 - 59100 prat o - it alia - t /f +39. (0)574. 448212 www. k ink aleri.it inf o@k ink aleri. it f b K ink aleri P rato Nessun Dorma / PROGETTO D’INFANZIA Per il 20

Microsoft word - design_paper_final feb 2004.doc

Questions on the Design of a Deposit Insurance System Summary of Responses February 2004 The Research and Guidance Committee of the International Association of Deposit Insurers undertook some investigations into the design of deposit insurance systems and the factors surrounding their introduction in a number of countries. Questions were developed and responses were received from Arg

Microsoft word - keystone utilities industry partnership march 2009 update 4-21-09

Keystone Utilities Industry Partnership A Statewide Joint Partnership to Meet the Needs of Pennsylvania’s Utilities Workforce Funded by the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry March 2009 Update Industry Partnership Survey We thank the KUIP Survey Committee - Jane Cuff, Donna Clark, Mike Love, Mike Welsh, Jan Lauer, Colleen Suscewicz, Suzanne Noll, and Carr

Microsoft word - kupers declaration .doc


Microsoft word - dokument

Teilnehmerübersicht ALTENBERND,NILS RSV Essen e.V. 20/2: 1, 21/1: 1, 0423 Winzerin PNR:0513094 260 DE 331311305396 0273 Luis Figo DE 441410839801 BAAR,VERONIKA RFV Bochum-Stiepel e.V. 10: 1, PNR:#500378 0431 Alegro-Charly DE 441411429900 BAHRFECK,THOMAS RFV Velbert e.V. 17: 1, 18: 1, 21/1: 1, 22: 1, PNR:0218849 0211 Kamiro B DE 304041789092 0421 Wiltink NLD003NL0313249 BAMBERG

Microsoft word - faq on animal science

ANIMAL SCIENCE Q 1: What are the breeds of cattle which are good for milk production and their milk production? Ans:-Jersey and Holstein Friesian are the best exotic breeds of cattle which can thrive well in Sikkim condition. Jersey is small; brown in colour and produces 11 liters of milk per day. Holstein is black and white in colour, bigger than Jersey and will produce 20 liters of milk pe

Über kyocera

Press Release Generating and storing energy and heat from the sun and from gas KYOCERA presents its new, highly-efficient Energy Management System at the Intersolar 2012 Kyoto / Neuss, 28 March 2012 – Owing to the lower feed-in tariffs, private solar energy system operators benefit increasingly less from feeding their self-generated power from photovoltaic plants into t


ALBENDAZOLE _______________________________________________________ Panduan Pengubatan Kendiri Sila baca risalah ini sebelum mula menggunakan ubat anda. Rujuk kepada ahli farmasi atau doktor sekiranya terdapat sebarang kemusykilan berkaitan ubat anda. 1. Nama generik atau Bahan Aktif : 2. Kegunaan : Terdapat dalam bentuk ubat biji dan sirap untuk membasmi cacing atau parasit da

Microsoft word - medical history.doc

William D Kenfield DDS LLC Patient Information Patient Name_____________________________________________ Phone# ( )____________Cell# ( )_____________ Address ______________________________________ City ________________________State ____ Zip ________________ Social Security #_______________________Birth Date__________________ Male [] Female [] Marital Status__________ Parent/Guardian

Nerve disease and bladder control

National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse For the urinary system to do its job, muscles and nerves must work together to hold urine in the bladder and then release it at the right time. Nerves carry messages from NATIONAL the bladder to the brain to let it know when INSTITUTES the bladder is full. They also carry messages OF HEALTH from the brain to th

Paperout � artikel

Samstag, 15.12.2001 Nr.292 93 Der Tod geht durch den Körper hindurch Notizen zum Leben und Sterben im Altersheim von Martina Hügli (Text) und Katharina Vonow (Bilder) Sieben Uhr dreissig. Ich klopfe nach einem letzten Gähnen ener-Erichli schwärmt sie, ihrer grossen Liebe. Der ist mit ihr schon inKlo?»), kriegt auch sie ein halbes Dipiperon. Die diensthabendegisch an die Tür und


Clinik Dr. Baumstark Questionnaire I For admission – Medical history Dear Patient, In the course of your examination at admission, you will be asked questions about previous illnesses, surgical procedures and accidents. We would ask you to complete the questionnaire calmly and completely and to return it to us or bring it with you. That will ensure that sufficient time is ava


Members of the American Association of Equine Practitioners 201 Taylor Avenue, Gordonsvil e, VA 22942 540-832-3030 Greg R. Schmidt, DVM Mark H. Foley, DVM Rebecca W. Kramer, DVM Martha A. Mellish, DVM Variations in each horse’s immune system and management situation should be reflected in its individ-ual de-worming program. Many horses, especially if kept at an appropriate numbe


Examples of phytoalexins and their properties The examples below are just a few of the many thousands of phytoalexins produced by plants, but serve to highlight the potential benefits of including them as part of a healthy diet, and perhaps the drawbacks of not doing so. The ailments that may respond to these compounds include acne, arthritis, bacterial infections, cancer, diabetes, fu


Request For Quotation 01-08-2012 : O & M Directorate - King Khalid Military City RFQ # 2012 - 4 - 1015 - 10 - 0 Reqt. Qty. Total Price Unit Price Item Unit Item Desc POWDER CARPET PERFUMED AND ROOM FRESHNER. (567 GM. (20 OZ.)/CAN). Mfg. Part # FUNGICIDE 500 SC (1 LI./CAN). Mfg. Part # POWDER SCOURING WITH BLEACH. (595 GM.(21 OZ)/CAN). Mfg. Part # I

Microsoft word - waldt et al. pdf

African Journal of Business Management Vol.3 (9), pp. 444-452, September, 2009 Available online at http://www.academicjournals.org/ajbm ISSN 1993-8233 © 2009 Academic Journals Ful Length Research Pape r Attitudes of young consumers towards SMS advertising D. L. R Van der Waldt*, T. M. Rebello and W. J. Brown Department of Marketing and Communication Management, University o

Microsoft word - tse39x.doc

TSE392, TSE397, TSE399 TSE392, TSE397 and TSE399 One Component RTV Adhesive Sealants/Coatings Product Description TSE392, TSE397 and TSE399 adhesive/sealants/coatings are one component RTV’s that cure quickly by reacting with atmospheric moisture forming a soft dielectric silicone rubber. These materials incorporate a newly developed crosslinking chemistry and are non-corros

Frank goehre

Frank Göhre. Bibliografie 1968 Mit Hubert Brill (Literarische Werkstatt Gelsenkirchen) VW-Bus nach Alicante und Benidorm. GEGEN DIE DUMMHEIT . Straßentheater. Texte zusammen mit Rainer Horbelt und Detlef Marwig, Volkshochschule Gelsenkirchen. BELEBTE GRAFIK VON HERMANN OBER . Kunstkritik. In: „Die Kunst und das schöne Heim“. UNBEQUEME ZEICHNUNGEN VON ENTLARVENDER OFFENHEIT . Die G

Microsoft word - kinectrics - society health & dental brochure jan, 2008 final.doc

FOR SOCIETY REPRESENTED EMPLOYEES, PENSIONERS AND ELIGIBLE DEPENDENTS Dental Plan - Excluding Orthodontic Benefits Limitations of Benefits Provided Outside Ontario Benefits Coverage for Employees Working Outside Ontario OVERVIEW SECTION 1.0 The Extended Health Benefits Plan provides eligible employees, pensioners, and their dependents comprehensive medical services that are among the very be

Microsoft word - urodynamic testing

Keil Urogynecology 4500 E. 9th Ave. Ste. 420 Denver, CO 80220 Urodynamic Appointment: _________________________ Special Instructions: 1. Please come to our office with a full bladder. 2. If you have had a knee replacement, have mitral valve prolapse, or must take antibiotics prior to any dental or medical procedure, please take these antibiotics prior to your testing. Please notif


Current Perspective Coronary Heart Disease: Reducing The Risk A Worldwide View Gerd Assmann, FRCP; Rafael Carmena, MD; Paul Cullen, FRCPI; Jean-Charles Fruchart, PhD;Fabrizio Jossa, MD; Barry Lewis, FRCP; Mario Mancini, MD; Rodolfo Paoletti, MD;for the International Task Force for the Prevention of Coronary Heart DiseaseWorldwide, cardiovascular diseases are now the most risk increases

1. gesetzliche vorgaben für vertragsregelungen

Empfehlung für regionale Vereinbarungen über die Prüfung der Wirtschaftlichkeit in der vertragsärztlichen Versorgung auf der Grundlage von Richt-größen für Arzneimittel und Heilmittel ab dem Jahre 2000 - Empfehlung zu Richtgrößen - (Anlage 2 + 3 zuletzt aktualisiert am 30.09.2001)Empfehlung zu Richtgrößen vom 21.02.2000 mit Ergänzungen Stand 08.12.2000 und Stand 25.09.2001)

Met427 haq health history

HEALTH HISTORY Name __________________________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth _______________ Today’s Date ______________Occupation ______________________________________________________________________ Age ______ Height ______ Sex ______ Number of Children ______Are you recovering from a cold or flu? ____________ Are you pregnant? ____________ ______

Nomenclature worksheets.pdf

Monatomic Ions Ions are atoms that have either lost or gained electrons. While atoms are neutral, ions are charged particles . Ø A loss of electrons results in a positive ion or cation (pronounced “cat-eye-on”). Ø A gain of electrons results in a negative ion or anion (pronounced “an-eye-on”). Although ions and elements have similar chemical symbols, they are ent


The new england journal of medicinepuzzling that the authors repeatedly state that Two new books offer long answers for the obesity is a biologic rather than a behavioral char­ treatment of obesity, and each comes from a dif­acteristic, that adolescents and young women are ferent perspective. Treatment of the Obese Patient, a vulnerable to the psychosocial impact of nega­ well­ref

Advanced leaders’ reading

Advanced Leader’s Reading 1 Unit 1 The Common Cold If you’re like most people, you catch a cold at least once a year. It’s the most ________________? In fact, there are around 200 different viruses that cause a cold, and those 200 viruses are constantly changing. That’s why we can’t find a cure for the cold or _________________________. It’s not really one disease. Most o


What is chemotherapy? Treatments can be given at home, at the doctor’s Chemotherapy is the use of anti-cancer drugs office or in the hospital — depending on the type to treat cancer. It can be used to treat cancer by stopping the growth of cancer and by killing cancer cells that have spread to other parts of the When is it given? body. Chemotherapy is given after surgery (called Ch

Keh669 939.947

BSR guidelines for prescribing TNF- a blockersin adults with ankylosing spondylitis. Report of aworking party of the British Societyfor RheumatologyA. Keat, N. Barkham1, A. Bhalla2, K. Gaffney3, H. Marzo-Ortega1,S. Paul4, F. Rogers5, M. Somerville3, R. Sturrock6 and P. Wordsworth7on behalf of the BSR Standards, Guidelines and Audit Working GroupTwo TNF-blocking drugs are now licensed for the


Organ derDeutschenOphthalmologischenGesellschaftD. Mojon, St. GallenD. Pauleikhoff, MünsterT. Kohnen, Frankfurt a. MainKatarakt und LinseRüdigerstraße 14D-70469 StuttgartPostfach 30 11 20D-70451 Stuttgart1863 von Karl Wilhelm v. Zehender imZusammenwirken mit Theodor Sämischund Albrecht von Graefe gegründet, umden Bedürfnissen des am Patienten tätigenAugenarztes in Klinik und Praxis zu d


Gemeinschaftspraxis Dr. D. Thron-Kämmerer / Renate Bachmayer Heilig-Geist-Gasse 411 - 84228 Landshut Tel.: 0871-27 66 8-0 - Fax: 0871-27 66 8-10 ADHS (Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-Hyperaktivitätsstörung) bei Erwachsenen D ie ADHS bei Kindern ist eine Störung, die Ablenkbarkeit mittlerweile in der Bevölkerung weitläufig bekannt und anerkannt ist. Sie wird durch die Die erhöhte

First schedule.pdf

FIRST SCHEDULE ( EXEMPTED GOODS ) Agricultural implements manually operated or animal driven Axes, bill hooks, and similar hewing tools 8201.40.00 Secateurs and similar one-handed pruners 8201.50.00 Hedge shears, two-handed pruning shears 8201.60.00 and similar two-handed shears Other hand tools of a kind used in 8201.90.00 Agricultural sprayers operated by hand and its parts

Microsoft word - shakti prana 23 july 2013 (2).doc

SHAKTI PRANA -CELEBRATE YOUR INNER FLOW mit HP Helen Levant & LSB Karin Roth Retreat 18.- 20. Oktober 2013 / Seminarhaus Die Lichtung IN WO Shakti ist das Sinnbild für schöpferische Kraft, göttliche Weiblichkeit und die Manifestation wahren Reichtums. Shakti Energie ist fein, verbunden mit Schönheit, Intuition und Weisheit. Der weibliche Körper unterliegt aus yogischer Sicht b

Lebenszeichen 4_01 fuer druck2.qxd

NEUES AUS FORSCHUNG UND PRAXIS Toxische Leberschäden durch Arzneimittel Medikamente die verschiedenen Or-gane erreichen, um dort ihre Wirkungauszuüben. Häufig werden die Arz-neimittel erst bei der späteren, wie-derholten Zirkulation durch die Leberentsprechend umgewandelt. Viele Medikamente können auch dieAktivität von Enzymen steigern, diefür den Abbau der Arzneimittel zu-ständig


4e Symposium Duizeligheid “Behandeling van duizeligheid” Garderen, 29 maart 2012 De organisatie van dit symposium is mede mogelijk gemaakt door: GlaxoSmithKline ALK-Abelló MediTop Medical Products B.V. Veenhuis Medical Audio B.V. Programma Leven met en zonder werkende evenwichtsorganen: functie, dysfunctie en compensatie Prof. Dr. H. Kingma, vestibuloloog, MUM

Working paper no 3

Propensity towards risk: one or many? Tadeusz Tyszka1 Centre for Market Psychology of Leon Kozminski Academy of Entrepreneurship and Artur Domurat2 Faculty of Psychology, Warsaw University 1 Correspondence address: Jagiellońska 59, PL 03-301 Warszawa, Poland. Tel. +48 22 5192189; Fax +48 22 8112022 E-mail: tt@psychpan.waw.pl 2 Correspondence address: Stawki 5/7, PL 00-183 Warszawa,

medical & dental history

Esthetic Dental Medical & Dental History Name____________________________________________ Today’s Date _______________ Last MI First Age _____ Date Of Birth ____________Height ______Weight ______Rate Health 1-10______ Do you have or have you had any of the following diseases, conditions or medical procedures? (First read all conditions in the list, then circle either “Yes


29 March 2012 Antibiotic contamination of soils mapped across Europe A new study provides an approach for estimating the risk of antibiotic contamination associated with different soils and different antimicrobial products. The researchers estimated and mapped soil contamination risk across Europe and suggest that their methods could be used to inform antibiotic resistance mo

Ausgabe märz

Kleintierpraxis Kapellen Dr. Dirk Nösler Neusser Straße 24 Grevenbroich Punkt Tel. 02182 / 88 60 80 www.kleintierpraxis-kapellen.de Lesen Sie in dieser Ausgabe: √ Kein Zwinger – trotzdem Zwingerhusten √ Buchtipp: Grundschule für Vierbeiner √ Blick-Punkt: Überraschung im Garten √ Meerschweinchen: Achtung vor praller Sonne Permethrin: Fit

Microsoft word - 1$nt01!.doc

Application and experience of CAN as a low cost OBDH bus system MAPLD 2004, Washington D.C. USA, 8th – 10th September, 2004 Surrey Satel ite Technology Ltd, University of Surrey, Guildford, GU2 7XH, UK. Abstract This paper gives an overview of Surrey Satel ite Technology Ltd. (SSTL) use of CAN bus on its recent missions. It gives a description of the SSTL CAN topology and goes i


AP Statistics: Chapter 12.2: Inference for TWO ProportionsIn two-sample problems, we want to compare responses ot two independent samples. In chapter 11, we compare two means using a two-sample t procedures. In chapter 15, we will compare two standard deviations using an F statistic. In a two-sample proportion problem (this section) we want to compare two populations or the responses of two

Microsoft word - mall_publikaitonsliste.doc

Prof. Dr. V. Mall Publikationsliste in print 1. Jung NH, Delvendahl I, Pechmann A, Gleich B, Gattinger N, Siebner HR, Mall V . Transcranial magnetic stimulation with a half-sine wave pulse elicits direction-specific effects in human motor cortex. BMC Neuroscience 2. Jung NH, Janzarik WG, Delvendahl I, Münchau A, Biscaldi M, Mainberger F, Bäumer T, Rauh R, Mall V . Impaired in


MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET ALSAN TRAFIK HP 510 LO PROTECTIVE CLOTHING TRANSPORT OF DANGEROUS GOODS NOT REGULATED SECTION I: CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Waterproofing polyurethane primer single-component. Formula number: Manufacturer: Soprema Distributors: Soprema 1675 Haggerty Street 44955 Yale Road West 310 Quadral Driv

Halflytely bowel prep instructions

HALFLYTELY BOWEL PREP INSTRUCTIONS Procedure Date/Time___________________ Registration Time____________ St. Joseph East Office Park Ky Surgery Center GI Care Center BGCH Dr. Laurie Haas Dr. Kathleen Martin Dr. Daniell Hill PLEASE READ CAREFULLY THIS ENTIRE SHEET BEFORE YOU BEGIN PREP DAY (The day before the procedure)Do NOT eat any solid food this day. CLEAR LIQUIDS ONLY. A clea

Microsoft word - gesundheitsbote briefkopf neu.doc

Warum Soja vermieden werden sollte Privatinstitut für ganzheitliche Medizin, Deutsch Evern/Lüneburg Wenn man bedenkt, dass noch vor ein paar Jahrzehnten selbst in Asien die Sojabohne als Nahrungsmittel ungeeignet galt, ist die Propaganda, die Soja zum Verkaufschlager gemacht hat, wirklich bemerkenswert. Zu Zeiten der Chou-Dynastie (1134-246 v.Chr.) wurde die Sojabohne neben Gerste, Weizen,


Information für Patienten mit Marcumar-Therapie (Sintrom, Falithorm und Coumadin sind ähnlich wirksame Medikamente) Sehr geehrte Patientin, sehr geehrter Patient, bei Ihnen wurde eine gerinnungshemmende Therapie mit Marcumar eingeleitet. Wir möchten Sie über wichtige Punkte dieser Therapie informieren: Störbeeinflussung im Alltag Marcumar ist ein Vitamin- K-Gegenspieler. Vitam


Newsletter Juni 2012 Mein Tier trinkt viel Übermäßiges Trinken fällt dem Tierbesitzer meist nicht sofort auf, insbesondere, wenn mehrere Tiere im Haushalt leben. Auffällig ist häufig das extrem nasse Katzenklo oder auch der Hund, der unsauber wird oder nachts raus muss. Als grober Richtwert des normalen Wasserbedarfs pro Tag können bei einem Hund mit 10 Kilogramm Körper

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