Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, J¨agerstr. 22/23, 10117 Berlin, Germany
ontology, ontology development, ontology evaluation, rigidity, type, role, WordNet
In this paper we present Rudify, a set of tools designed for the semi-automatic evaluation of ontologicalmeta-properties based on lexical realizations of these meta-properties in natural language. We describe thedevelopment of Rudify, provide an evaluation of initial output, and describe how this output can be used inconjunction with OntoClean (Guarino and Welty, 2002) to produce clean ontological hierarchies. In particularwe show how a Rudify evaluation of concepts for the meta-property of rigidity can facilitate modelling typesand roles.
Section 4 discusses the meta-property of rigidity andits relation to the type–role distinction. Section 5 dis-
Developing an ontology requires paying especial at-
cusses the development of Rudify. In section 6 the
tention to the hierarchical relations.
notion of base concepts is briefly introduced. A set
lar, taking into consideration certain meta-properties
of base concepts was used for the evaluation of the
of the concepts modelled in the ontology can help
Rudify output (section 7). Finally, section 8 provides
the developer avoid formal contradiction and un-
specific examples of how Rudify output can be used
sound inheritance of properties (Guarino and Welty,
to “clean up” hierarchical relations within an ontol-
2004). However, manually determining ontological
meta-properties of concepts within large ontologiesis time consuming and has been shown to producea low level of agreement amongst human annotators
(V¨olker et al., 2005). A further difficulty around theannotation of meta-properties is that evaluating themeta-properties of concepts can be difficult for non-
The Kyoto project is a content enabling system that
ontologists while evaluating technical concepts from
performs deep semantic analysis and searches and
a specific domain may be difficult for ontologists who
that models and shares knowledge across different do-
mains and different language communities. Seman-
In this paper we present Rudify, a set of tools
tic processors are used for concept and data extrac-
for the semi-automatic determination of ontological
tion, and the resulting knowledge can be used across
meta-properties. Rudify has been used for ontology
the different linguistic communities. A wiki environ-
development within the Kyoto project (Herold et al.,
ment allows domain specialists to maintain the sys-
tem. Kyoto is currently being targeted toward the en-
Section 2 of this paper provides an overview of the
vironmental domain and will initially accommodate
Kyoto project with particular emphasis on the role of
seven languages, namely, English, Dutch, Spanish,
the ontology. Section 3 contains a brief description
Italian, Basque, Chinese, and Japanese. The system
of OntoClean, a method for evaluating hierarchical
depends on an ontology that has been linked to lex-
relations in an ontology (Guarino and Welty, 2002).
ical databases (wordnets) for these languages. The
role of the ontology is to provide a coherent, stable
tween types and roles, since every type is a rigid con-
and unified frame of reference for the interpretation
cept and every role is a non-rigid concept. Second, it
of concepts used in automatic inference. For more
is relatively easy to find lexical patterns for rigidity.
information on the Kyoto project see (Vossen et al.,
The lexical patterns are a crucial prerequisite for the
2008) and
programmatical determination of meta-properties as
Kyoto should be able to accommodate, not only a
done by Rudify (see section 5). Third, AEON (V¨olker
variety of languages and domains of knowledge, but
et al., 2008) also concentrated on rigidity, so there is
also changes in scientific theories as both the world
and our knowledge of the world change. We, there-fore, require an ontology that is not idiosyncratic, butrather one that can accommodate
1. a variety of languages and their wordnets,
The notion of rigidity relies on the philosophical no-tion of essence. An essential concept is one that nec-
essarily holds for all of its instances. For example,
being an animal is essential to being a cat since it is
5. can serve as the basis of sound, formal reasoning.
impossible for a cat to not be an animal, while beinga pet is not essential because any cat can, in theory,
Because the end users will be able to maintain and
roam the streets and, thereby, not be a pet. The idea
extend the ontology, it is crucial that the ontology is
of essence contains an idea of permanence; Fluffy the
extended in a clean and consistent manner by non-
cat is an animal for the entire duration of his life.
However, the notion of essence is stronger than per-
With this aim in mind we have developed Ru-
manence. While Fluffy can be a pet for his entire life,
dify. We are using Rudify in conjunction with Onto-
it nevertheless remains possible for him to cease be-
Clean in order to build and maintain a clean ontology.
By evaluating the ontological meta-properties of con-
Armed with the notion of essence, we can now
cepts, Rudify facilitates a major step in the construc-
define rigidity. A rigid concept is a concept that is es-
tion and maintenance of clean hierarchies.
sential to all of its possible instances, i. e., every thingthat could be a cat is in fact a cat. Therefore, “cat” is arigid concept. However, “pet” is a non-rigid concept
since there are individual pets that do not have to be apet.
OntoClean (Guarino and Welty, 2002) is a method for
Non-rigidity further subdivides into two meta-
evaluating ontological taxonomies. It is based on on-
properties: semi-rigidity and anti-rigidity. Those con-
tological meta-properties of the concepts that appear
cepts that are essential to some, but not all, of their
in the ontological hierarchy. These meta-properties –
instances are semi-rigid, while those that are not es-
namely, rigidity, unity, identity, and dependence – are
sential to any of their instances are anti-rigid. We do
both highly general and based on philosophical no-
not focus on this distinction in our work although Ru-
tions. Although OntoClean uses meta-properties to
dify can be used to evaluate these meta-properties as
evaluate ontological taxonomies, it is not intended
to provide a way of determining the meta-propertiesthemselves. Instead it shows the logical consequences
of the users modelling choices, most notably on-tological errors that may result in taxonomies af-
We are currently using Rudify to develop a central on-
ter modelling choices have been made (Guarino and
tology, to separate type- and role-hierarchies in On-
toWordNet (Gangemi et al., 2003), and also to help
automatically assigning meta-properties to concepts
the end user keep type- and role-hierarchies in the do-
based on how the concepts are expressed in natural
main ontology separate. This section provides a dis-
cussion of the relation between rigidity and type–role
Of the four types of ontological meta-properties
used by OntoClean, we focus on rigidity. There are
Types and roles are the two main subdivisions of
several reasons for this choice. First – and most im-
sortal concepts. A sortal concept is a concept that
portant in the context of the Kyoto project, the no-
describes what sort of thing an entity is.
tion of rigidity plays a large role in the distinction be-
ample “cat,” “hurricane,” and “milk” are sortal con-
cepts while “red,” “heavy,” and “singing” are not. In
to the maintenance stop of the originally implemented
an ontology, sortal concepts are those concepts that
one by Google, and a more flexible input facility was
carry the meta-property identity (for a discussion of
needed instead of the purely OWL based one.
identity, see (Guarino and Welty, 2004)). Further-
In the following technical description and discus-
more, sortals usually correspond to nouns in natural
sion of Rudify we focus on the meta-property of rigid-
language. We work on the assumption that the con-
ity as this has been the most important property in the
cepts represented in the noun hierarchy of WordNet
context of the Kyoto project so far.
(Fellbaum, 1998, see also section 6) are sortal terms,
The first step in the Rudify process is the identi-
since this is generally the case. Types are rigid sor-
fication of adequate LRs for the concepts that are to
tals, while non-rigid sortals are generally roles. Fur-
be tagged. Due to polysemeous word forms there is
thermore, roles cannot subsume types.
no one to one mapping between concepts and LRs.
In order to see that roles should not subsume
Also, the actual number of recorded senses for a given
types, we can consider the following (erroneous) hi-
LR may vary across lexical databases and across ver-
sions of a specific lexical database. The results re-ported here are based on the English WordNet (Fell-
baum, 1998) version 3.0. A further complication are
concepts that do not have LRs at all. Typically, this
applies mostly for concepts of the top levels of ontolo-gies, although there are some (rare) examples like themissing English antonym for “thirsty” meaning “not
According to this hierarchy, if Fluffy ceases to be a
thirsty” which constitutes a lexical gap.
pet, then Fluffy also ceases to be a cat, which is im-
A set of linguistic patterns that represent positive
or negative evidence for a single meta-property needs
From this last point in conjunction with the above
to be developed. Each pattern specifies a fixed se-
assumption that nouns usually represent sortals, it fol-
quence of word forms. For little inflecting languages
lows from the OntoClean principles that amongst sor-
like English with relatively fixed word order this ap-
tal terms, non-rigid sortals should not subsume rigid
proach works reasonably well. Further refinement of
sortals. In other words, non-rigid nouns generally
the patterns will be needed for languages with more
should not subsume rigid nouns. There are excep-
free word ordering. For rigidity, we found only pat-
tions to this rule. However, this general conclusion
terns representing evidence against rigidity. Thus, the
allows us to evaluate concepts only for rigidity and
default assumption when tagging for rigidity is that
non-rigidity, which in turns saves us the computation-
rigidity applies. A concept C is considered non-rigid
ally expensive task of evaluating non-rigid terms as
only if enough evidence against rigidity has been col-
either semi- or anti-rigid over large sets of concepts.
lected for C. Obviously, sparse data for occurrencesthe LR for C will distort the results and produce askew in the direction of rigidity.
For rigidity, a typical pattern reads “would make
a good X” where X is a slot for a concept’s LR. This
The general idea behind Rudify is the assumption that
may be a single token, a multiword or even a com-
a preferred set of linguistic expressions is used when
plex syntactic phrase (as is frequently the case in Ro-
talking about ontological meta-properties. Thus, one
mance languages). Over-generation of patterns is pre-
can deduce a concept’s meta-properties from the us-
vented by enumerating and excluding extended pat-
age of the concept’s lexical representation (LR) in
terns. The non-rigid pattern “is no longer (—/a/an) X”
natural language. This idea has been developed and
over-generates phrases like “there is no longer a cat
programmatically exploited first in the AEON (Au-
(in the yard/that could catch mice/. . . )” from which
tomatic Evaluation of ONtologies) project (V¨olker
we cannot deduce non-rigidity for “cat.”
et al., 2008). AEON was developed for the auto-
Another frequent over-generation is found for LRs
matic tagging of existing ontologies in terms of Onto-
that occur as part of a more complex compound noun
Clean meta-properties. The Kyoto project decided to
as in “is no longer an animal shelter” where animal
rewrite the software based on the principles published
is not an instance of the concept “animal.” As the re-
by (V¨olker et al., 2005) for several reasons: there
sults returned from web search engine are often mere
was no active development of the tool any more and
fragments of sentences such instances can only be ex-
the software was released as a development snapshot
cluded based on part-of-speech tagging and not based
only, the web service interface had to be changed due
From a linguist’s point of view, the first three of theseproblems are discussed in more detail by (Kilgarriff,
Rudify currently uses 25 different patterns as evi-
dence against rigidity. The results of the web search
Rudify now is a highly configurable modular tool
queries based on these patterns form a feature vector
with parameter sets developed for English and Dutch.
for each LR that is then used for classification, i. e.
Work is under way for the development of parame-
the mapping from the feature vector to the appropri-
ter sets for the remaining European languages of the
ate rigidity tag. Technically this is a ternary decision
Kyoto consortium (Italian, Spanish, Basque). The
between rigid, non-rigid and uncertain.
software is written in Python and NLTK (Bird et al.,
All classifiers were trained on a hand crafted and
2009) is used as the linguistic backend. Classifier cre-
hand tagged list of 100 prototypical LRs of which 50
ation, training and application is done using Weka 3
denote rigid concepts and 50 denote non-rigid con-
(Witten and Frank, 2005), but can be easily delegated
cepts. They cover a broad range of domains and are
to any software suite capable of manipulating ARFF
recorded as monosemeous (having a single sense) in
files. Rudify will be released as free and open source
Four different algorithms have been used for clas-
• decision tree (J48, an implementation ov C4.5)
• multinomial logistic regression
(Rosch et al., 1976) empirically showed the presence
• nearest neighbor with generalization (NNge)
of basic level concepts (BLC) in human cognition. In
a conceptual taxonomy, for each concept C its subor-
locally weighted learning, instance based
dinate concepts Cn are typically more specific than C.
In evaluating the output we considered the results of
The increase in specificity is due to at least one added
all four classifiers and ranked the results according the
feature for Cn that is compatible with C but allows for
degree of consensus amongst them (see section 6 for
discrimination between all Cn. BLCs mark the border
between the most general concepts comprising only
Both Rudify and AEON rely on the World Wide
few features and the most feature rich concepts.
Web as indexed by Google as the hugest repository of
Base concepts (BC) are described by (Izquierdo
utterances that is accessible to the research commu-
et al., 2007) as those concepts within a semantically
nity. This is done in order to minimize sparse data
structured lexical data base that “play the most im-
effects. We are aware of the theoretical implications
that data extracted from Google or other commercial
vague notion is effectively a rephrase of the BLC.
web search engines entails. The most crucial prob-
BCs, though, are conceived as a purely computation-
ally derived set based on semantic relations encoded
in hierarchical lexical databases. BCs are those con-
Results are unstable over time. The indexing pro-
cepts that are returned by the following algorithm:
cess is rerun regularly and results retrieved at any
for each path p from a leaf node (a node with no
given point in time may not be exactly repro-
hyponym relation to other nodes) up to a root node
(a node with no hypernym relation to other nodes)
• The query syntax may be unstable over time and
choose the first node C with a local maximum of
implements boolean searches rather than linguis-
specific relations to other nodes as a BC. This al-
gorithm can be adapted by defining the set of spe-
cific relations (e. g. only hyponymy, all encoded re-
There are arbitrary limitations of the maximum
lations including lexical relations) and by defining a
number of results returned and of the meta-data
minimally required number of subsumed concepts a
possible BC must contain. BC sets depend from the
specified parameters and the hierarchical structure of
• The data repository is in principle uncontrolled as
the lexical database. Thus, different sets are com-
write access to the World Wide Web and other
puted for different versions of WordNet and for other
parts of the Internet is largely unrestricted. Com-
national wordnets. Software and data for comput-
mercial search engines work as additional filters
ing BCs from WordNet are freely available online at
on the raw data with their filter policy often left
undocumented and subject to changes as well.
WordNet (Fellbaum, 1998) is an electronic lex-
and also frequently used in figurative language (exam-
in terms of semantic relations including synonymy
(“car”–“automobile”), hyponymy (the relation among
• “Mount Si High School teacher Kit McCormick
general and specific concepts, like “animal” and
“cat,” that results in hierarchical structures), and
(generalization from a school mascot to a school
meronymy (the part-whole relation, as between “cat”
and “claw”). Linking words via such relations resultsin a huge semantic network. • “Also the 400 CORBON is no longer a wildcat.”
We have added a set of BCs to the middle level
of the Kyoto ontology thereby providing the ontol-
• “He nearly gave in and became a Wildcat before
ogy with a generic set of concepts that can be used
finally deciding to honor his original commitment
for inter-wordnet mappings and wordnet to ontology
Rudify was evaluated on the set of BCs derived
from WordNet 3.0 considering only hypernym rela-
• “For example, the dog is no longer a wolf, and is
tions and with a minimum of 50 subsumed concepts
for each BC (BC-50). These parameters result in a
(example discusses changing relations between
set of 297 concepts. Inspecting the BC-50 set we
found LRs that are highly unlikely BLCs though they
• “For four years, the space agency had been plan-
fulfill the formal criteria for BCs. A striking exam-
ning, defining, or defending some facet of what
ple is “moth.” In WordNet, much effort was spent
to record a high number of different insects as dis-
tinguished concepts thus effectively shifting the basiclevel downwards in the taxonomic tree. (Tanaka and
• “Others figuring prominently in the county’s his-
Taylor, 1991) report on a similar effect of basic level
tory were Edward Warren, who established a trad-
shifts for BLCs that can be shown for experts in their
ing post near what is now Apollo [. . . ]”
• “The patron of the city is now Apollo, god of light,
We tested Rudify on four different English language
• 50 region terms (handcrafted by environmental
We classify the Rudify output on the BC-50 set ac-
cording to the agreement amongst the four classifiersused. We refer to those cases in which all four clas-
• 236 Latin species names (selected by environmen-
sifiers reached agreement as decisive. Rudify yielded
decisive output for 215 BCs. Whenever there is dis-
• 201 common species names (selected by environ-
agreement amongst the classifiers, we refer to this
output as difficult. There are 82 difficult cases thatsubdivide into two further cases. When three out of
• 297 basic level concepts (BLC-50)
four classifiers reached agreement, we refer to thisoutput as indecisive. Rudify yielded indecisive out-
put for 56 BCs. When two classifiers evaluate a termas rigid and two as non-rigid, we refer to this as un-
Classifiers correctly classified all region terms and all
decided. Rudify is undecided with respect to 26 BCs.
Latin species names as rigid concepts. This holds also
These figures are summarized in table 1.
for the common English species names with three ex-
An evaluation of Rudify output for the 215 deci-
ceptions: “wildcat” was misclassified as denoting a
sive cases indicates that Rudify produces a high level
non-rigid concept by all four classifiers and “wolf”
of accuracy for decisive cases (see table 2). 85 % of
and “apollo” (a butterfly) were mis-classified by all
the terms evaluated as rigid were correctly evaluated,
classifiers except NNge. This mis-classification is due
and 75 % of the terms evaluated as non-rigid are cor-
to the fact that those LRs are not monosemeously de-
rectly evaluated. Many of the Rudify errors either
noting a single concept (a species) but are polysemous
came from high level concepts, e. g., “artifact” and
Table 1: General overview of the classification on the BC-
Table 2: Overview of the decisively classified BC-50 con-
“unit of measurement,” which are ordinarily dealt
with manually, or else they dealt with polysemouswords, which was an anticipated difficulty (see sec-
In 3 % of the decisive output we used Rudify to de-
termine whether a concept is rigid or non-rigid, e. g.
for “furniture.” Since not every concept is ontologi-
cally clear cut, and since some concepts lie within ar-eas of ontology in which the alternative theories havenot yet been properly worked out (e. g., the ontol-
ond uses Rudify in conjunction with OntoClean prin-
ogy of artefacts), we have determined that Rudify can
be occasionally helpful in making modelling choicesbased on the common sense uses of the concepts in
language. For these cases the evaluation remains un-clear.
We consider BCs that can reasonably be considered
For 56 concepts Rudify yielded indecisive output.
amouts of matter. Amounts of matter are generally re-
Exactly 50 % of these cases are incorrect (28 out of
ferred to by mass nouns; ‘milk,’ ‘mud,’ and ‘beer’ are
56). For this reason we do not regard the indecisive
a few examples. Once again we begin by provision-
ally modelling the concepts taken from WordNet as
The decisive Rudify output on the BCs within the
the upper level concept “amount-of-matter” into the
OWN hierarchy yields five OntoClean errors, if we
following hierarchy, which includes rigidity assign-
count the hypernyms, and 22 errors if we count in-
ments from Rudify. R+ indicates a rigid concept, R−
stances of hypernym relations. This is based only on
the Rudify output prior to evaluating the correctnessof this output, but it gives us an idea of the OntoClean
results if we uncritically use Rudify to evaluate con-
cepts in the ontology (for more details, see (Herold
et al., 2009b)). In short, Rudify output coupled with
the OntoClean methodology provides a useful tool for
drawing attention to problems in the backbone hierar-
In summary, our evaluation of Rudify output on
Using the Rudify data, we can clean up this hierar-
BCs is that Rudify is successful with respect to the
chy. First we notice that Rudify has evaluated “nutri-
decisive output. It produces decisive output with a rel-
ment” as non-rigid. This indicates that it is probably
atively high degree of accuracy (83 %) and an overall
a role rather than a type. In order to verify this, we re-
accuracy on the BC-50 set of 69 % (table 3). Further-
fer to the definition taken from WordNet: “a source of
more, Rudify has also proven useful in deciding how
materials to nourish the body.” That is, the milk in my
refrigerator is a nutriment only if it nourishes a body. If you bathe in milk, like Cleopatra, it is a cosmetic. “Nutriment,” therefore, is a role that milk can play, so
it does not belong in the type hierarchy. We therefore,move it to the role hierarchy as subclass of “amount of
In this section we illustrate with two examples how
matter role.” We pause to notice that in this case, the
Rudify results can be used to inform ontology design.
decision was made using Rudify results and human
The first example uses Rudify independently, the sec-
verification of the output. This case does not invoke
OntoClean, i. e., there would be no OntoClean errors
2008) for human inter-annotater agreement. For spe-
if “nutriment” were subsumed by “amount of matter.”
cialized domain terms, agreement was substantially
This contrasts with the second example, which yields
higher: only 3 out of 201 English species terms had
a formal error within the hierarchy itself.
The evaluation of the results reported here shows
potential for further improvement. Word sense disam-biguation will increase the accuracy for polysemeouswords. First experiments involving hypernyms of LRs
Notice that Rudify evaluates “drug” as non-rigid, and
in the retrieval of evidence for or against ontological
“antibiotic” as rigid. However, the current hierarchy
meta-properties give already promising results.
subsumes the rigid concept under the non-rigid con-
For future reference and stability of the results it
cept. This results in a formal error in the hierarchy.
will be beneficial to use a controlled linguistic corpus
Because “drug” and “antibiotic” are both sortal terms,
of appropriate size instead of commercial web search
this means a role subsumes a type, which, as we have
seen above leads to inconsistency. Consider the an-tibiotic penicillin. Penicillin is only a drug if it is ad-ministered to a patient, but it is always an antibioticdue to its molecular structure. By subsuming “an-
tibiotic” under “drug,” the ontology erroneously statesthat if some amount of penicillin is not administered
The development of Rudify and its application to the
to a patient, then it is not an antibiotic. The solution
Kyoto core ontology has been carried out in the EU’s
then, is to move “drug” out of the type hierarchy and
7th framework project Knowledge Yielding Ontolo-
into the role hierarchy. “Drug” then becomes a “sub-
gies for Transition-based Organizations (Kyoto, grant
stance role,” and an antibiotic is subclass of “amount
of matter” that can play the role “drug.”
The authors would like to thank Christiane Fell-
Because “chemical compound” and “oil” are both
baum for many fruitful discussions and the Kyoto
evaluated as rigid we do not need make any changes
members for their kind collaboration.
The result is the following hierarchy fragments
under “amount of matter” and “amount of matter
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Prodotti naturali e Tecnologie per la Bioedilizia, la Bioarchitettura, il Risanamento Ecologico ed il Risparmio Energetico Il sughero Il sughero è un tessuto vegetale epidermico di origine secondaria, che ri-veste il fusto e le radici delle piante legnose nelle quali sostituisce l’epidermide, che viene lacerata dall'accrescimento secondario (diametri-co) dell'organo. Particolarm
VINCENZO ROCHIRA Ricercatore Universitario Confermato SSD MED/50 Endocrinologia, Centro Nalin , Largo del Pozzo 71 Modena IGIENE DENTALE Breve Curriculum Vitae Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia nel 1994 presso l’Università di Modena, specializzazione in Endocrinologia e Malattie del Ricambio presso l'Universita' di Modena nel 1999, Dottorato di Ricerca in Scienze Endocrino-Metabol