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Microsoft word - vincennes university 2013 tobacco surcharge.doc

Vincennes University Tobacco User Surcharge Vincennes University's greatest asset is the well-being of its employees. The institution's wellness initiatives are designed to prevent illness, improve quality of life and decrease health care costs. Effective January 1, 2013, tobacco users on the Vincennes University health care plan will pay a $25 biweekly surcharge. It is important that em

Bp 5141.33 head lice

Students HEAD LICE The Governing Board believes that the district’s head lice management program should emphasize the correct diagnosis and treatment of head lice in order to minimize disruption of the education process and to reduce the number of student absences resulting from infestation. In consultation with the school nurse, the Superintendent or designee may establish a routine scr

Microsoft word - att00013.doc

Nádházi Mária A tűzoltói beavatkozások során kialakulhat pánik A tűzoltói beavatkozás az egyik olyan tevékenység, amely során nincs helye pániknak. Ennek ellenére kialakulhat pánik a mentendő személyek között és a mentő tűzoltó egységben egyaránt. A tűzoltó bármikor kerülhet olyan helyzetbe, amely pánik kialakulásához vezethet. Melyek ennek sajátosság


ACTA DE SESSIÓ DEL PLE DE L'AJUNTAMENT Identificació de la sessió Núm. : 04/2004 Caràcter : ordinari Data : 16 de març de 2004 Horari : de 20,04 a 23,15 hores Lloc : saló de sessions de la casa de la vila Hi assisteixen : ALCALDE-PRESIDENT: Il.lm. Sr. Marcel Esteve i Robert REGIDORS I REGIDORES (per ordre alfabètic): - Àngela Agramunt i Andreu - Francisco Álvarez


Cardiac Diseases & Conditions - Explained Just like their owner, the heart of our pet is often the first thing that wears out. But our pets do not develop plaques in the blood vesicles of their heart (arteriosclerosis, coronary artery disease) so they do not get the heart attacks we do. Like al mammals, dogs and cats have a four-chambered heart. It consisting of a left and right


So sehen Sieger aus: Die Gewinner des ispo European Ski Award 2011 Blizzard, Fischer, Toray und Ortovox gehören zu den glücklichen Gewinnern Evolutionäre Technologien und hochfunktionel e Produkte begeistern die Jury Mit dem ispo European Ski Award zeichnet die ispo auch in diesem Jahr wieder die besten Produktinnovationen für die kommende Saison aus dem Bereich des Skisports aus. Eine int


loss. A spinal tap yielded an opening pressure of 17 cm Intracranial Pressure Returns to Normal H2O. Acetazolamide treatment was discontinued and fol- About a Month After Stopping low-up examinations showed eventual resolution of the Tetracycline Antibiotics Case 2 . An 18-year-old woman received minocyclinefor 2 months. This was stopped when she developed head- T etracyclineantib


Author's personal copy Mathematical and Computer Modelling 52 (2010) 1023–1029Contents lists available at ScienceDirectjournal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/mcmA network model for the short-term prediction of the evolution ofcocaine consumption in SpainFrancisco-José Santonja a,∗, Iván-C. Lombana b, María Rubio b, Emilio Sánchez c,Javier Villanueva da Departamento de Estad


European Journal of Neurology 2004, 11: 83–89S P E C I A L A R T I C L E / C M E A R T I C L EEFNS task force – therapy of nystagmus and oscillopsiaA. Straubea, R. J. Leighb, A. Bronsteinc, W. Heided, P. Riordan-Evae, C. C. Tijssenf, I. Dehaenegand D. StraumannhaDepartment of Neurology, University of Munich, Munich, Germany; bDepartment of Neurology, Case Western Reserve University,Clevela


Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD) Announces Voluntary Worldwide Withdrawal of VIOXX MSD today announced a voluntary worldwide withdrawal of VIOXX (rofecoxib), its arthritis and acute pain medication. The Company’s decision, which is effective immediately, is based on new, three year data from a prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial, the APPROVe [Adenomatous Polyp Preven


Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care 19(2) 2009, pp 158–164Use of human immunoglobulin in addition toglucocorticoids for the initial treatment of dogswith immune-mediated hemolytic anemiaMegan F. Whelan, DVM, DACVECC; Therese E. O’Toole, DVM, DACVIM; Daniel L. Chan, DVM,DACVECC, DACVN, MRCVS; Elizabeth A. Rozanski, DVM, DACVECC, DACVIM; Armelle M. deLaforcade, DVM, DACVECC; Sybi


PATIENT REGISTRATION elcome to Valley Dental Associates! Please complete all parts for our records. This information is strictly kept confidential . GETTING TO KNOW YOU CITY                                                                                   STATESINGLE      MARRIED     D

Microsoft word - discours du president chávez a mar de plata.doc

Presidente Chávez ¡Qué algarabía! ¡Qué vivan los pueblos de la América Latina y el Caribe! Asistentes ¡Viva! Presidente Chávez ¡Qué viva la Argentina! Asistentes ¡Viva! Presidente Chávez Un abrazo bolivariano, sanmartiniano, guevarista, peronista, evista… ¡Qué viva Eva Perón! Asistentes ¡Viva! Presidente Chávez Ya se va el agua, me dijo nuestra amiga Blanca Chancoso que había


FOR FOALS AND YEARLING HORSES. FOR FOALS AND YEARLING HORSES. FOR FOALS AND YEARLING HORSES. GUARANTEED ANALYSIS GUARANTEED ANALYSIS GUARANTEED ANALYSIS Crude protein, minimum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.00%Crude protein, minimum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.00%Crude protein, minimum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Chemwatch msds 6597-83

MIROTHANE PU 5747 HARDENER Chemwatch Material Safety Data Sheet Issue Date: 19-Mar-2007 CHEMWATCH 6597-83 CC317SCP Version No:2 CD 2007/1 Page 1 of 9 Section 1 - CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME MIROTHANE PU 5747 HARDENER SYNONYMS PROPER SHIPPING NAME RESIN SOLUTION, flammable RESIN SOLUTION PRODUCT USE Hardener for polyurethane coati

Microsoft word - favorite chavurah tips.doc

1. Pick a Representative. Pick one or two people who will be the representatives of your Chavurah so theTemple or others know whom to contact for information. These people do nothave any more “power” than anyone else in your Chavurah, but are willing tocommit to the work of communications for the group. These roles should changefrom year to year so that everyone has the opportunity to serve as

Microsoft word - 475stsvz_deutsch.doc

Eidgenössisches Volkswirtschaftsdepartement EVD Staatssekretariat für Wirtschaft SECO Schweizerische Akkreditierungsstelle SAS Akkreditierungsnummer STS STS-Verzeichnis Prüfstelle für forensische Sprengstoffuntersuchungen Forensisches Institut Zürich Geltungsbereich der Akkreditierung per Oktober 2012 Produkte- oder Stoffgruppe, Messprinzip 2) Prüfverfah

Surgery oral examination reviews

SURGERY ORAL EXAMINATION REVIEWS, JASON FISHER BREAST MASSES SAMPLE QUESTION  A 42 year-old woman comes into your office with the chief complaint of feeling a mass in her left breast while showering. Describe your workup. • Take a history designed to flush out HPI and identify any RF’s for breast CA. • Perform physical exam looking for: --Character of the mass (sm

Microsoft word - nsaids.doc

Veterinary Surgical Services A WARNING CONCERNING ARTHRITIS MEDICATION Etogesic (etodolac) tablet, Rimadyl (carprofen) caplet, chewable tablet or injection, Deramaxx (deracoxib) chewable tablet, Metacam (meloxicam) oral drop or injection, Zubrin (tepoxalin) disintegrating tablet, Previcox (firocoxib) chewable tablet and Novox (generic carprofen) caplet all belong to a class of

Form 34qr asperger-february2007.pub

Note: The data below are based on cases identified as “Asperger Syndrome” N=1,199 PARENT RATINGS OF BEHAVIORAL EFFECTS OF BIOMEDICAL INTERVENTIONS Autism Research Institute ● 4182 Adams Avenue ● San Diego, CA 92116 The parents of autistic children represent a vast and important reservoir of information on the benefits—and adverse effects— of the large variety of drugs and


Gesundheits-Umfrage Nr. 6 – zum Thema «Sehen & Hören» Fragen 1 – 9: Zum Thema «Sehen & Hören» & Fragen 10 – 12: Allgemein Fragen zum Vista Magazin 1. Wo informieren Sie sich primär, wenn Sie an Augenbeschwerden leiden? Leiden oder litten Sie an trockenen, gereizten Augen? Nein ((Weiter zu Frage 3)) Womit haben Sie Ihre trockenen, gereizten

Heart failure treatment options faq b100-0812-final

A: Heart failure is a widespread condition that develops when the heart muscle weakens and is unable to pump sufficient amounts of blood throughout the body. Heart failure is a chronic condition that worsens over time and is typical y caused by persistent high blood pressure, heart attack, valve disease and other forms of heart disease or birth defects. Left untreated, the lack of adequate blood


Hovon 95 - bestemd Stap 1: VCD (inductie) (3x) → Mobilisatie + Stamcelferese Stap 2: 1e loting: Chemotherapie + stamceltransplantatie of VMP (4 x) Stap 3: 2e loting: VRD (2 x) of gelijk door naar onderhoud met lenalidomide Stap 4: Lenalidomide onderhoud VCD (Inductie) 1e cyclus 2e cyclus 3e cyclus Elke cyclus duurt 3 weken. Op dag 1, 4, 8 en 11 Dagbehandeling Da

B12 1240t

N O N - M E D I C I N A L I N G R E D I E N T SI N T E R A C T I O N S & C O N T R A D I C T I O N SP H A R M A C E U T I C A L C O M M E N T A R Y Vitamin B12 Cyanocobalamin Ingredients (alphabetical) Medicinal: CyanocobalaminNon-medicinal: Cellulose, magnesium stearate vegetable grade (lubricant) Allergens Supplemental vitamin B12 is used primarily to ensure sufficient cyanoco


Adipose tissue tumor necrosis factor and interleukin-6expression in human obesity and insulin resistancePHILIP A. KERN, SUBRAMANIAN RANGANATHAN, CHUNLING LI,LINDA WOOD, AND GOURI RANGANATHAN Division of Endocrinology, Department of Medicine, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciencesand the Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System, Little Rock, Arkansas 72205 Received 1 August 2000; accept


Kogelafsluiter Robinet à tournant sphérique Válvulas de bola E R S S O N H Y D A L I T Y S Y S T E Technische beschrijving Caractéristiques techniques Caracteristicas técnicas Toepassingsgebied: Tapwater- en ver- Applications: Aplicaciones: Domésticas, en warmingsinstallaties, leidinginstallatiesautres canalisations d’air, d’huile, debutane et autres


Bullying has claimed our attention as Youth Advocates over the past two years as we attempt to bring updated education to schools in Vermont. Sandra Brauer was one of the first to become familiar with and committed to the Olweus Method , attending a weeklong training in Portland, Maine and then working with various schools in her district. I interviewed her recently to glean her wisdom on

Microsoft word - scientific_fraud.doc

Scientific Fraud - Why Animal Experiments are Useless Guinea Pigs SCIENTIFIC FRAUD - The Animal Victims The types of experiment that animals are used for are: Toxicology · Medical · Psychology/behavioural · Warfare Toxicology Toxicity tests are experiments that are carried out to test new products that are going to be released onto the market. Products such household cl


Submission form Genetics Dog/Cat Business Hours: Mo - Fr: 8:00 - 19:00 h, Sa: 9:00 - 13:00 h_________________________________________________I have checked the animals identity and assure that samples are taken from the animals mentioned below. ________________________________________________-_ :__________________________________________-Patient-ID:____________________________________

Pii: s0014-2999(00)00358-7

Mechanisms of vasoinhibitory effect of cardioprotective agent,Koichi Sato a, Nobuhiro Satake b, Shoji Shibata b,), Yuichiro Adachi c, Hideaki Karaki da Radio Isotope Center, Graduate School of Agriculture and Life Sciences, The Uni Õ ersity of Tokyo, Bunkyo-Ku, Tokyo 113-8657, Japan b Department of Pharmacology, Uni Õ ersity of Hawaii, School of Medicine Honolulu, Honolulu, HI 96822, US


Groot, krachtig, substantievol, in goede verhou- 2e ZG Mike vom Emkendorfer Park (Omen v. ding, expressief , goed gepigmenteerd, vaste rug, goed liggende croupe, zeer goede achterhands-Ruim middelgroot, middelkrachtig, krachtige hoeking, voor nog goed gehoekt, zeer goede ruim expressieve kop, hoge schoft, vaste rug, lange uitgrijpende gangen, moet iets correcter gaan in nadrukk

Verdier eye center

Refractive Surgery Evaluation Patient Information Form PATIENT INFORMATION: Name: _________________________________________ DOB: ________ Age:_______Address: ________________________________________________________________Email: __________________________________________________________________Employer: _______________________________________________________________Emergency Contact:

Kosmetik produkte

Schlankheitsmittelliste (Stand 11. 1. 2011) Hinweis: Suchen Sie bestimmte Produkte? Dann tippen Sie den Namen in das Suchfeld oben rechts in Ihrem pdf-Dokument und drücken Sie auf Enter. Eine weitere Möglichkeit ist, dass Sie die „Strg“-Taste + die „F“-Taste drücken. Auch so können Sie Ihr gesuchtes Wort eingeben und die Suche starten. Appetithemmer auf chemischer Basis

Microsoft word - managing_international_projects.doc

Managing international projects Improve your ability to manage cultural differences and learn how to optimize communication using virtual project rooms. This course provides you with a tool-kit for understanding and handling cultural differences and will prepare you to work more effectively in multicultural teams and multi-site international projects. Participants Project managers or


JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH Volume 19, Number 3, 2004 Published online on December 22, 2003; doi: 10.1359/JBMR.0301245 © 2004 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research Effect of 6-Month Whole Body Vibration Training on Hip Density,Muscle Strength, and Postural Control in Postmenopausal Women:Sabine MP Verschueren,1 Machteld Roelants,2 Christophe Delecluse,2 Stephan Swinnen,1 A


Zwangerschap en vaccinatie tegen Nieuwe Influenza A (H1N1) GRIP OP GRIEP Zwangerschap en vaccinatie tegen Nieuwe Influenza A (H1N1) Als u probeert zwanger te worden én u wordt ieder jaar opgeroepen voor Nieuwe Influenza A, ook wel Mexicaanse griep genoemd, geeft bij de griepprik, dan komt u in aanmerking voor de vaccinatie tegen Nieuwe zwangere vrouwen meer kans op gezondh


Gericht: Aktenzeichen: Sachgebiets-Nr: Rechtsquellen: Hauptpunkte: Leitsätze: Die Beschränkung der Beihilfefähigkeit auf den in der Gesetzlichen Krankenversiche-rung geltenden Festbetrag in § 22 Abs. 3 BBhV i. V. m. Nr. 22.3 BBhV-VwV ist un---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Regensburg, den


For reprint orders, please contact:reprints@futuremedicine.com Lawrence Shih-Hsin Vita Genomics, Inc., centered in Taiwan and China, aims to be a premier genomics-based Wu S biotechnological and biopharmaceutical company in the Asia–Pacific region. The company Ellson Che focuses on conducting pharmacogenomics research, in vitro diagnosis product †Author for correspon

Augmented indoor modeling for navigation support for the blind

Augmented Indoor Modeling for Navigation Support for the Blind Andreas Hub Joachim Diepstraten Thomas Ertl Visualization and Interactive Systems Group University of Stuttgart, Universitätsstraße 38 70569 Stuttgart, Germany Abstract - In this paper we present a concept for a wide-ranging indoor navigation support for the blind and people with impaired vision. Parts o

Reisverslag peru

REISVERSLAG PERU opgesteld door Cléa van zondag 20 april - maandag 12 mei 2003 Deelname van: Jan Kuppens Egide en Christiane Langhendries Yvonne en Amand Buytaert Clea en Francis Demoustier o.l.v. Marcus en Yvonne De Vos Paaszondag 20 april 2003 Na een gastvrije ontvangst met overnachting hij zus Betty en schoonbroer Jan in Brasschaat, werden we gewekt om 5

Microsoft word - 410baf.doc

ALTA FLORESTA’S CRISTALINO JUNGLE LODGE AUGUST 6 – 16, 2010 Alta Floresta features a south-bank (south of the Amazona) avifauna, with a number of localized, regional endemics and more widespread bamboo-specializing species. This is the richest known site in terms of avian species diversity in Brazil, with well over 500 species recorded. Most of our time will be spent in a single f

Microsoft word - aerotet forte.doc

SAFETY DATA SHEET Virbac New Zealand Limited Aerotet Forte Section 1: Identification of the Substance and Supplier Product name: Aerotet Forte Recommended use: For the treatment of topical superficial infections of the skin and open wounds due to tetracycline sensitive organisms. Company details: Address: 30 – 32 Stonedon Drive, East Tamaki Auckland T


VUB Technology Offer Demand for human- relevant hepatic in vitro models for safety Human-relevant hepatic system testing of drugs derived from adult stem cells A protocol was established based on the state of the art knowledge of liver development and epigenetic mechanisms of gene regulation. Accordingly, to obtain human hepatocyte-like cells, postnatal stem c


NAVIGATING THE HEALTH CARE SYSTEM BY PAULETTE JOHNSON Have you ever had a family member admitted to the hospital, hospice, or skilled nursing facility, and you had no idea what to do to make sure that person received adequate medical In the past five years, I’ve spent innumerable hours with family members who have required all three (hospital, skilled nursing, hospice). As a result,


DIE SÜDOSTSCHWEIZ AM SONNTAG | 10. JULI 2011 7 168 Schüler schlossen die EMS ab Schiers . – An der Evangelischen Mit- Neugierig, ungestüm und Maturazeugnisse, 22 Fachmittelschul- gross – aber nicht aggressiv ein Apero serviert. (so) Matura Gymnasium B almer Frédérick-Kersten, Tarasp; Barfuss Adriana, Landquart; Buchli Stefanie, Safien-Gün; BäderMike, Untervaz;


THE EU VISA PRACTICES IN 2012: ARE THERE ANY CHANGES? Information agency “Ukrinform”, Kyiv, 8 / 16 B. Khmelnytskogo str. Event organizer: Europe without Barriers at support of the European Programme of the International Renaissance Foundation 11.10 – 11.30 Registration 11.30 – 11.55 Welcome and opening remarks Positive and Negative tendencies for Ukraine in the

Prevention of cognitive changes in the senior dog patient

CANINE COGNITIVE DYSFUNCTION Dr. Jill Cline Research Nutritionist Nestle Purina PetCare More and more dogs seen in practice are of the older, more mature variety than ever before. Mirroring the human population, the average age of dogs in developed countries has increased- over 25% of dogs in Europe are considered senior. Also mirroring the human population, increased age in dog

Vit-#166988-v1-010 illman.doc

VICTORIAN INSTITUTE OF TEACHING DECISION AND REASONS OF THE FORMAL HEARING REGISTERED TEACHER: PANEL MEMBERS: ATTENDANCE: The teacher Ms Gail Hubble, Counsel Assisting DATE OF HEARING: DECISION OF THE PANEL: On 24 December 2004 the Panel decided that the teacher remains fit to teach . EFFECT OF THE DECISION: The effect of the decision is that the teacher


FIRST AID ON BOARD Introduction : In coming times, for the health of all merchant seamen and others at sea, the world has been changing significantly. Continual “real-time” communication, more sophisticated tele-medicine capabilities, including video and audio components, as well as internet and satellite communication have greatly expanded the immediately available knowledge base. Alt

Microsoft word - dean murphy - lifeblood vol1 no1 page 3 december 2001 - wh…

What options do you have if you think you've exposed yourself to risk of HIV infection? Chances are that many people reading this will be hearing about HIV post exposure prophylaxis (PEP) for the first time. Recent informed speculation suggests that if you are a gay man in southern Queensland there is an eight in ten chance that you have never heard about PEP. So, what is it? In an at


Economic Evaluation of ASCOT-BPLA: Antihypertensive treatment with an amlodipine-based regimen is cost-effective compared to an atenolol-based regimen Peter Lindgren, Martin Buxton, Thomas Kahan, et al. Updated information and services can be found at: Published online October 4, 2007 in advance of the print journal. Email alerting Receive free email alerts when new articles cite this


Application Note VL0801 Which UV transilluminator should be used for preparative DNA work? Armin Günther and Reinhold Horlacher, Trenzyme GmbH, Konstanz, Germany, www.trenzyme.comKarin Widulle, Vilber Lourmat Deutschland GmbH, Eberhardzell, Germany, widulle@vilber.deKeywords: transilluminator, multiband, UV, gel documentation, image acquisition, cloning efficiencyStichworte: UV-Tisch, Mul

Treatment of primary immunemediated hemolytic anemia with mycophenolate mofetil in two cats

Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care 21(1) 2011, pp 45–49Treatment of primary immune-mediated hemolyticanemia with mycophenolate mofetil in two catsLenore M. Bacek, DVM and Douglass K. Macintire, DVM, MS, DACVIM, DACVECCObjective – To describe the use of oral mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) as an adjunctive therapy in 2 cats withprimary immune-mediated hemolytic anemia. Case Serie


Videx Limited Warranty on Hardware Videx, Inc. (“Videx”), warrants its new hardware products against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of the original retail purchase. The one year warranty period begins when the new product is received by the customer. Videx warrants its remanufactured products and non-warranty repair to hardware from defe


CURRICULUM VITAE BIELLI DATI PERSONALI Luogo e data di nascita: Angera (VA) 31/03/1965 Residenza: Via Adriatico, 23 28100 Novara (NO) Per qualsiasi comunicazione scritta scrivere presso: Ambulatorio Veterinario, V.le M. Buonarroti, 20/a 28100 Novara. Contatti: 0321/624480 (ambulatorio Novara) 335/6687471 (portatile) e-mail SCOLARITA’ Maturità scientifica conseguita presso il Liceo


Centre for Institutional Performance Democratizing Luxury and the Contentious ‘Invention of the Technological Chicken’ in Britain Andrew Godley University of Reading, UK December 2007 CIP Working Paper No. 2007-054 a.c.godely@reading.ac.uk www.reading.ac.uk/cip Democratizing Luxury and the Contentious ‘Invention of the Technological Chicken’ in Britain 1 In 1950 p

Pm-off-label 020502

Jakobikirchhof 920095 HamburgTel. 0 40-33 09 09Fax 0 40-33 57 44E-Mail: jungck.hh@t-online.deInternet: vdaea.de PRESSEMITTEILUNG Zum Verhalten einiger Krankenkassen bei „off-label-Verordnung“ für Schmerzpatienten Das Bundessozialgericht (AZ B I KR 37/00) hat kürzlich entschieden, daß Medikamente außerhalb des Anwendungsbereiches, auf das sich die Zu- lassung erstreckt, nicht bz


3rd U.S. Army Medical Command Bauer’s Raiders (ODS)prepared for National Academy of Science – Institute of MedicineThe anticipated endemic diseases and other health problems based on medical intelligence reports- AFMIC- that could have been dispersed by various pests led those of us who were members of the 12th Preventive Medicine Command; the theater command and professional staff for occu

Abdul ghaffur (akhund) saidu baba of swat: life, career and role

ABDUL GHAFFUR (AKHUND) SAIDU BABA OF SWAT : LIFE, CAREER AND ROLE Akhund Abdul Ghaffur1 (Akhund 'Abd al-Ghafur), now known as Saidu Baba, '''was born at Jabrai (in Shimizai), a small shepherd's hamlet in Bar (Upper) Swat, about the year 1794."2 His father's name was Abdul Wahid3 (Abd al-Wahid). Born of Gujar4 parents, Abdul Ghaffur began life as a herd boy.5 "His early

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