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Medical history questionnaire

Section: Athletic Training Services Subject: Medical History Questionnaire Purpose: To define the form to be used for the Medical History of an SBU student-athlete. Policy: The following form must be filled out prior to any student-athlete participation in any practice or game at SBU. MEDICAL HISTORY QUESTIONNAIRE TODAY’S DATE_________________ Name:__________________________________


Medien-Box Drogen und Sucht Stadtbücherei Soest Das Angebot von thematisch zusammengestellten Medien-Boxen, die von der Bücherei über einen längeren Zeitraum an Kindergartengruppen bzw. einzelne Schulklassen ausgeliehen werden, stellt eine Form der Zusammenarbeit mit dem Kindergarten bzw. der Schule dar, von der beide Seiten in großem Maße profitieren. Das Ausleihen eine


Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 336 (2005) 1144–1149Induction of tamoxifen resistance in breast cancer cellsRainer Girgert a,*, Hartmut Schimming b, Wolfgang Ko¨rner c, Carsten Gru¨ndker a,a Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Go¨ttingen, D-37099 Go¨ttingen, Germanyb Facility for Electronic Equipment, University of Ulm, D-89075 Ulm, Germanyc Bava


artigo originaL / research report / artícuLo Detection of antimicrobial-resistant gram-negative bacteria in hospital effluents and in the sewage treatment station of Goiânia, Brazil Detección de bacterias gram negativas resistentes a antimicrobianos en efluentes hospitalarios y en la estación de tratamiento de aguas residuales de Goiânia, Brasil Detecção de bactérias


ALL THE INFO FOR THE JOURNEY: What to Bring: Comfortable walking shoes/boots as well as cool sandals for in the camp. Clothing: We are moving towards the end of South Africa’s Summer, but it is still very warm during the day and slightly cooler at night. There may be an occasional thunder shower. Sun block, hat and sunglasses. Mosquito repellent: Timbavati is a Malaria area. If you fee

Microsoft word - suspension trauma.doc

SUSPENSION TRAUMA Suspension trauma, or orthostatic intolerance, is a natural human reaction to being upright and immobile, where a complex combination of blood pooling in the legs and cardiorespiratory restriction leads to unconsciousness. It can be caused by suspension in a harness (deliberate or accidental), when trapped in a confined space, when secured to a vertical stretcher or litter -

Ab ralf ihl

Ginkgo Biloba – E rgebnisse und me thodische Beurteilung klinischer S tudien zur Demenzbe handlung P r o f . D r . m e d . D i p l . - P s y c h . R a l f I h l U n i v e r s i t ä t D ü s s e l d o r f , K l i n i k f ü r Ps y c h i a t r i e u n d Ps y c h o t h e r a p i e u n d Al e x i a n e r K r e f e l d G m b H , M a r i a - H i l f - K r a n k e n h a u s , K l i

13_062_ass12-monde_smeco-int:mise en page

Tarifs de remboursement À L’ÉTRANGER EN FRANCE (OPTION CONFORT) Remboursements Sécu + complémentaire santé (1) dans le cadre du parcours de soins coordonné HospitalisationHospitalisation (chirurgie et médecine)Forfait journalier (13,50€/jour et 18€/jour) (2)Frais médicauxConsultation généraliste et spécialiste Chirurgie sans hospitalisationVisite à domicile Phar


Sports Illustrated Dec 4, 1989 v71 n23 p97(7) The shadows of the sea: people fear shark, but they are vital to the sea. © COPYRIGHT 1989 Time, Inc. hertz). Polynesian shark fishermen traditionally pound the gun-wales of their boats with clubs to draw schools of the THE SHADOWS OF THE SEA On Sept. 13, 1988, Susan predators. During the attack, Barnes and Segrest had Barnes, Jon Marti


STH releases w/c 20/05/2013 SIGCD009 Spill - Calibre Signature CD Spill - This one took a little longer than expected Every year for a while I've churned out the collected Consequently After such a time I required a step back A quiet pause-----to define. - I suppose it's just about the floor But I've always wanted more I find it hard to articulate What it means to dedicate If anything means


"zetmail" <zetmail@teleweb.at> Early Life Patricia Cornwell was born as Patricia Daniels on June 9, 1956 in Miami, Florida. Cornwell's parents separated when Patricia was five. Cornwell told the New York Times (3/23/97) that her father left the family on Christmas Day in 1961 to join his secretary, whom he had made pregnant. After her parents divorced, when Patricia was


One of the primary roles of Emergency Medical Ser-vices is to provide emergency care for life-threatening medical events. This section reviews clinical and system considerations in the EMS care of these time-critical conditions. Altered Mental Status/Altered Level of Consciousness INTRODUCTION patient as possible from the scene. Because the patient often cannot provide an adequate history, fi


My Dog is Broken! A Case Study in Cell Signaling Lynn Diener T-dog: Melody it’s me, Tessa. Are you at your computer? DrM: Yeah, I just fi nished with my meeting, what’s up? T-dog: I’m feeling a little depressed lately. You know how much money I spent on my new champion Yorkshire terrier, Akira Edelweiss? DrM: I still think you’re crazy for spending that much on a


Apoio matricial e equipe de referência: uma metodologia para gestão do trabalho interdisciplinar em saúdeMatrix support and reference team: a methodology for the interdisciplinary in health work management Gastão Wagner de Sousa Campos 1Ana Carla Domitti 1 The authors discuss a theoretical and concep- Os conceitos de apoio matricial e equipe de re- tual management methodology based on re

Xiameter® ls-70 fluorosilicone rubber

XIAMETER® LS-70 Fluorosilicone Rubber General-purpose 70 durometer rubber FEATURES APPLICATIONS  XIAMETER® LS-70 Fluorosilicone Rubber is used for making molded, extruded, and calendered rubber goods. TYPICAL PROPERTIES Specification Writers: These values are not intended for use in preparing specifications. Please contact your local XIAMETER® sales representativ

Sp - réhabilitation et sevrage

sont requis pour visionner cette image. • 5éme cause de mortalité dans le monde • Principale cause de handicap • Altération non complètement réversible des débits aériens….sauf précision contraire, la terminologie admet implicitement son origine tabagique • > 80 % des BPCO sont des fumeurs2 • La principale intervention recommandée par Obstructive Lung Disease »

Glothera informed consent1.doc

INFORMED CONSENT FOR CHEMICAL EXFOLIATION TREATMENT Please read and initial after each paragraph. I have been given the Skin Care History Questionnaire and have read and answered the questions thoroughly. I have discussed any further questions and or concerns that I may have with my Skin Care Specialist. My Skin Care Specialist has answered any questions I have regarding my post care.

Microsoft word - literaturverzeichnis.doc

LITERATURVERZEICHNIS A. Originalarbeiten (Englisch) 1. Feldmann S, Minne HW, Parvizi S, Pfeifer M, Lempert UG, Bauss F, Ziegler R. Antiestrogen and antiandrogen administration reduce bone mass in the rat. Bone Miner 1989;7:245-264. 2. Pfeifer M, Pollähne W, Minne HW. Ultrasound analyses of the calcaneus predict relative risk of the presence of at least one vertebral fracture and re

Microsoft word - ipexerciseshee

InterActive Physiology  Exercise Sheets Below is a table display showing you the eight modules and topics covered in the IP ExerciseSheets, which begin on the next page. Neuromuscular JunctionSliding Filament TheoryContraction of Whole MuscleIon ChannelsMembrane PotentialThe Action PotentialIon ChannelsSynaptic TransmissionSynaptic Potentials and Cellular IntegrationIntrinsic Conduction

Microsoft word - slnmas 09 med support to demining.doc

SLNMAS 09 Second Edition Medical support to demining operations in Sri Lanka National Steering Committee for Mine Action Ministry of Economic Development 177 Galle Road Colombo Sri Lanka E-mail: This document is current with effect from the date shown on the cover page. As the Sri Lankan National Mine Action Standards (SLNMAS) are subject to regular review and revision, users should con

Wf 1-2006.indd

2006 Stockholm Water Prize Laureate Challenges the Global Status Quo on Water Professor Asit K. Biswas, a tireless water proponent who constantly challenges XVI Gustaf of Sweden is the Patron of the the “status quo“ and who helped foster a critical re-think among United Nations and presented annually to an individual, agencies, national governments, profes- organisation


I, _______________________________, have read the below information and initialed each section to indicate that I fully understand what to expect. If I have any questions or concerns, I will address these with my skin therapist. I give permission to my therapist, ________________________, to perform the chemical treatment we have dis-cussed and will hold her and her staff harmless from any liabili


Club Olympien Riu Funana & Garopa Resort 5* - Sal Cap Vert | 8 jours / 7 nuits | Tout Compris * prix TTC le plus bas au départ de Paris/pers. sur la base d'une chambre double partagée. A proximité de la petite ville côtière de Santa Maria, dans un superbe écrin de sable doré et d’eaux claires, le Riu Funana & Garopa est un club de qualité. Ses équipements de loisirs raviront


Outcomes after Transplantation of Cord Blood or Bone Marrow from Unrelated Donors in Adults with LeukemiaMary J. Laughlin, M.D., Mary Eapen, M.B., B.S., Pablo Rubinstein, M.D., John E. Wagner, M.D., Mei-Jei Zhang, Ph.D., Richard E. Champlin, M.D., Cladd Stevens, M.D., Juliet N. Barker, M.D., Robert P. Gale, M.D., Ph.D., Hillard M. Lazarus, M.D., David I. Marks, M.D., Ph.D., Jon J. van Rood, M.

Atlantic city sweep press release

For Immediate Release: January 31, 2013 The Atlantic City Police Department Special Investigations Section, along with the New Jersey Treasury Department Office of Criminal Investigation SIU and the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs Enforcement Bureau recently completed an investigation into several local convenience stores for various criminal offenses including the sale of pres


Patient Information Patient Information Name:______________________________________________________________ Address:_____________________________________________________________ Sex:________________________ Medical History If your patient has any of the following conditions or is Exam Date:_________________ Dominant Eye: OD / OS taking the listing of medications, please circ


PERSONAL: DATE OF BIRTH: February 14, 1961 ADDRESS : 1880 Dove Mountain Court Reno, Nevada 89523775-453-2490 IGHER EDUCATION : UNDERGRADUATE: Pennsylvania State UniversityUniversity Park, PAB.S. 1978-1981 GRADUATE : Jefferson Medical CollegeThomas Jefferson UniversityPhiladelphia, PAM.D. 1979-1983(Integrated Medical Program with Pennsylvania State University) POST-DOCTORAL TRA

New patient packet

SOUTHERN PAIN & ANESTHESIA CONSULTANTS DATE: ________________ PATIENT NAME: _______________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________ CITY: _______________________ STATE:_________ ZIP CODE: _____________ HOME PHONE: ________________________ CELL PHONE:__________________ DATE OF BIRTH: ___________________


COMO SEGUIR AS PACIENTES COM CÂNCER DE MAMA ? Dr. José Luiz B. Bevilacqua DECLARAÇÃO DE CONFLITOS DE INTERESSE COMO SEGUIR AS PACIENTES COM CÂNCER DE MAMA ? • Novos estadiamentos são necessários?• Qual o benefício do diagnóstico precoce de • Exames ou conversa: o que as pacientes Follow-up em Ca de mama – Aspectos da Abordagem • Sintomas comuns associados ao t


FOLLETO DE INFORMACION MEDICA TRANSTEC Buprenorfina (DCI) Sistema terapéutico transdérmico DESCRIPCION: Sistemas Terapéuticos Transdérmicos (STT) color piel con esquinas redondeadas identificados como: TRANSTEC 35 mcg/h, buprenorfina 20 mg TRANSTEC 52,5 mcg/h, buprenorfina 30 mg TRANSTEC 70 mcg/h, buprenorfina 40 mg COMPOSICION: TRANSTEC 35 mcg/h: Un sistema terapéutico


Acisclo M Marxuach, MD Evaluation and Management Service Patient Name: JUAN ADORNO ROSARIO EMR Record No: 180-5296 Visit Date: 26-Feb-2013 11:26:00AM Reference#: 60972 Center Record No: 15306 Closing Date: 26-Feb-2013 2:28:48PM Visit Type: Regular Visit (New) Chief Complaint: 31 y/o male with HcvAb+ for the first time in Janb 18, 2013 and claims previous ones have


Aum Muruga Spiritual Publication No. 1/Soma itj;jpa fyhepjp f. NrhkRe;juk;> nuhwd;Nuh> fdlh. kdJ Mir nrh&gkhdJ. Mir ahf tbntLf;fpwJ. kdpjd; Jhz;lg; ngw;W mJ vz;zTk;> Mirfisg; ngUf;fpf; nfhz;L czuTk; nra;fpd;wJ. kdk; xLq;fpa epiyapy; Mir ,y;iy. vd;gJ Nfs;tp. Mir xLq;fpa epiyapy; kdk; tpwFf; fl;ilfs; Nghl;L vhpf;fpd;w ,y;iy. kdpjDf;Fr; rj;JUtha; jPiaj; jpUg;jpg;gLj;j KbahJ. ,Ug;

Glossary of cardiovascular terminology

Glossary of Cardiovascular Terminology Abdomen - The area of the body between the bottom of the ribs and the top of the thighs. Abdominal aorta - The portion of the aorta in the abdomen. Ablation - Elimination or removal. ACE (angiotensin-converting enzyme) inhibitor - A drug that lowers blood pressure by interfering with the breakdown of a protein-like substance involved in bloo


Schulungsverein Diabetes e.V. 18. Infobrief Sommer 2009 Liebe Mitglieder des Schulungsvereins,der Infobrief „Sommer 2009“ ist fertig gestellt und enthält für Sie aktuelle Termine und Informationen über die Aktivitäten des Schulungsvereins. Bitte reichen Sie den Brief an das Schulungspersonal weiter. Termine zum Vormerken: Offener Qualitätszirkel Diabetes in Sindelfingen: Mittw

Combining alzheimer’s drugs may offer sustained benefits

Combining Alzheimer’s Drugs May Offer Sustained Benefits Physicians often prescribe an Alzheimer’s drug for patients newly diagnosed with the disease. A new study shows that combining two kinds of Alzheimer’s drugs may provide the greatest benefits in helping to delay the progression of symptoms. Alzheimer’s drugs like Aricept, Exelon and Razadyne were approved by the Food and Drug Adm

Programme at a glance: wednesday 22nd june 201

SOUTH AFRICAN SOCIETY FOR MICROBIOLOGISTS Session type Wine bugs: From ancient wisdom to opening new vistas with frontier scienceDarwins invertebrate’s, an oasis for soil anaerobesDrake – University of Boyreuth, GermanyEvolution and recognition of species in Fusarium and other fungi Streptococcus agalactiae (Group B Streptococcus (GBS), Global situation versus AfricaBacterial S

Sing lee_e_gm cir.indb

THIS CIRCULAR IS IMPORTANT AND REQUIRES YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this circular, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of

Microsoft word - hopes and dreams_pt3_updatenov29

CONTEST RULES All in a Day Hopes and Dreams Part Two (“Contest”) from 3:00 p.m. on Friday, November 29, 2013 EST to 11:59 a.m. on Thursday, December 5, 2013 EST (“Contest Period”) Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (“CBC”) and Shepherds of Good Hope (“Sponsor”) 1. HOW TO ENTER No purchase required . To enter the Contest, go to the Shepherds of Good Hop


Dr. Michael Hood of Clemson University has developed a beekeeping calendar for the upstate of South Carolina. You can use this calendar as a guide for all of South Carolina by simply remembering that each of the seasons begin in the low country, progresses through the midlands, and then visits the upper state. There are no hard and fast rules but generally, each season comes three or four wee


Ramadhaan – A Date with Dr. Zakir Episode - 23 Ramadhaan - The Month of Self-Improvement & (Duration - 50 minutes) Yusuf Chambers: Dear brothers and sisters in Islam and Humanity, Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh, may the peace, mercy & the blessings of Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) be on all of you. Welcome to the show ‘Ramadhaan - A Date with Dr. Zakir


The problem of pain after SCIPain is a serious problem for many people with spinal cord injuries (SCI). Pain after SCI can occur in parts of the body where there is normal sensation (feel-ing) as well as areas that have little or no feeling. The pain is very real and can have a negative impact on quality of life. A person in severe pain may have dif-fi culty carrying out daily activities or partic


J Clin Endocrin Metab. First published ahead of print April 30, 2013 as doi:10.1210/jc.2012-3893 Molecular Diagnosis of 5 ␣ -Reductase Deficiency in 4 Elite Young Female Athletes Through Hormonal Screening for Hyperandrogenism Patrick Fénichel, Françoise Paris, Pascal Philibert, Sylvie Hiéronimus, Laura Gaspari,Jean-Yves Kurzenne, Patrick Chevallier, Stéphane Bermon, Nicolas Chevalie medikamenten-info.indd

Klinik Sonnenhalde AG • Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie • Gänshaldenweg 28 • CH-4125 RiehenTelefon +41 61 645 46 46 • Fax +41 61 645 46 00info@sonnenhalde.ch • www.sonnenhalde.ch Richtig angewandt ist das Medikament in der Psychiatrie ein Mittel der BefreiungFranco BasagliaMedikamente sind aus einer zeitgemässen Psychiatrie nicht mehr wegzudenken. Psychopharmaka – Präparate

Microsoft word - northwood.doc

Incorporated: 1773 Origin: This territory was first settled in 1763, and known as the North Woods, a parish of Nottingham. It was incorporated as a separate town upon agreement with Nottingham in 1773. In 1791, the General Court of New Hampshire authorized a committee to survey and lay out a road between Durham and Concord, which became the First New Hampshire Turnpike. The ro


Pastor: Ron Hovick (619) 632-7709 St. Marks Lutheran Church Office (619) 427-5515 Have a Heart – Give Life! Cold, fever, flu, sore throat, cough – Share the blessings of Easter by joining You can donate after the following immunizations, if you feel well – Cold sore, fever blister – wait until gone Celebration of Life barbeque and blood Dental work –

Microsoft word - 2012fedbudget.docx

In this Issue: 2012 Federal Budget Business GST/HST International Individual The Optimizer 2012 Federal Budget    Out with the austerity and in with the prosperity  Finance Minister Jim Flaherty delivered a "penny-pinching” budget designed to give Canadians confidence and a fresh sense of hope. The budget projects deficits of $24.9 billion in 2012, $21.1 billion in 2

Microsoft word - pr december 2008 1.doc

COMED INC. 14 REDGATE COURT, SILVER SPRING, MD 20905-5726 LANDMARK STUDY: AUTISM RECOGNIZED AS MEDICALLY TREATABLE PRESS RELEASE CONTACTS: CoMeD President [Rev. Lisa K. Sykes (Richmond, VA) 804-364-8426] CoMeD Sci. Advisor [Dr. King (Lake Hiawatha, NJ) 973-263-4843] WASHINGTON, DC – In April of 2008, the American College of Medical Genetics (ACMG), an AMA-recognized


Optical parametric generation at extremely low pump irradiance in a long periodically poled Lithium Niobate Shy Accoa, Pinhas Blaua, Shaul Pearla, Ady Arieb bDepartment of Electrical Engineering - Physical Electronics, Faculty of Engineering, Tel Aviv ABSTRACT Optical parametric generator (OPG) is a very attractive optical down-conversion configuration since it is a single pass proc


New Quinolone Oral Antibiotic Avelox®: Sales Rights Transfer Bayer Yakuhin, Ltd. (Bayer) - headquarters: Osaka; President and Representative Director: Jean-Luc Lowinski - and Shionogi & Co., Ltd. (Shionogi) - headquarters: Osaka; President and Representative Director: Isao Teshirogi – announced today their agreement to transfer to Bayer the sales rights of the New Quinolone oral antibi

2012-1187-1-interim brochure-v1 noc2_2004_592_1_brochure_v1.qxd

PLEASE NOTE: THIS DOCUMENT HAS CHANGED. PLEASE SEE THE BACK COVER FOR DETAILS Student Injury and SicknessInsurance Plan Designed Especially for Students of Savannah State University IMPORTANT: Please see the Notice on the first page of this plan material concerning student health insurance coverage. Notice Regarding Your Student Health Insurance Coverage Your stu

Microsoft word - common ailments in pregnancy

South Sound Women’s Center Common Ailments in Pregnancy and Their Treatments 1. Morning sickness Eat small frequent meals that include complex carbohydrates such as dry cereal and crackers Stay hydrated with gatorade, popsicles, ginger ale or warm jello OTC Dramamine of like non-brand Peppermint lozenges Raspberry or chamomile tea Vitamin B6 50mg three times a day – OTC Motion sic

Microsoft word - 2011.2

New Farm State School Fete -19th June Address: Cnr James St & Heal St, NEW FARM SHOW 1 – ARRIVE BY 10AM - Show time: 11.05 – 11.25 AM Compulsory Rehearsal Saturday 18th June 10 – 11:30am Music (Advanced Teens) Costume: Black leotards, S.H.A.K.E. shirts, Legwarmers, Black Shorts, Cowboy Hats Rehearsals: Saturday 2:30 – 4pm (During class) Tea for Two (Bebe & E

Lithium iodide solution

SECTION 1 IDENTIFICATION OF THE PRODUCT AND OF THE SUPPLIER Product Name Lithium Iodide Solution OtherName Manufacturer Scancia IN CASE OF EMERGENCY 955 av. St-Jean-Baptiste Call CANUTEC at 613-996-6666 (24h) Québec, Qc G2E 5J5 SECTION 2 HAZARD IDENTIFICATION May be irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin. SECTION 3 COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGRE


D O I 1 0 . 1 1 1 1 / j . 1 3 6 5 - 2 1 3 3 . 2 0 0 5 . 0 6 8 9 3 . xBritish Association of Dermatologists guidelines for use ofbiological interventions in psoriasis 2005C.H. Smith, A.V. Anstey,* J.N.W.N. Barker, A.D. Burden,  R.J.G. Chalmers,à D. Chandler,§ A.Y. Finlay,–C.E.M. Grifitths,à K. Jackson, N.J. McHugh,** K.E. McKenna,   N.J. Reynoldsàà and A.D. Ormerod§§ (Chair ofGuidelin


Dechra Veterinary Products Limited (A business unit of Dechra Pharmaceuticals PLC) Sansaw Business Park Hadnall, Shrewsbury Shropshire SY4 4AS Tel: 01939 211200 VOMEND ® 5 MG/ML SOLUTION FOR INJECTION diately and show the package leaflet or the label to FOR DOGS AND CATS Qualitative and quantitative composition pyramidal effects (agitation, ataxia, abnormal posi-Metoclopramide (as

Dm 284 2 jul 2008

THE NEWSLETTER OF THE SHERLOCK HOLMES SOCIETY OF LONDON Roger Johnson, Mole End, 41 Sandford Road, Chelmsford CM2 6DE e-mail: rojerjohnson@yahoo.co.uk You can receive the DM electronically free of charge, as a PDF hundred years apart from each other’. [*I enjoyed the Kolchak films and attachment or as plain text. Please contact me by e-mail. For a postal TV series, much m

Relato sngpc site dez2008

Abaixo algumas orientações em relação ao SNGPC, discutidas na Comissão de Implantação e Acompanhamento do SNGPC junto à Anvisa. Esperamos estar contribuindo para o seu dia-a-dia e nos mantemos a disposição para recebimento de novas demandas e esclarecimentos de dúvidas. Solicitamos que no caso de envio de alguma mensagem de erro ou divergência no registro do Ministério da Saúde (MS

Contra costa public health

BOARD OF EDUCATION Mr. Jack Dilles Mr. Aaron Hinde Mr. Arnold Levine Mrs. Kathy Mann Mr. Vic Marani Mr. Dana M. Sales Mr. George “Bud” Winslow Michael C. Watkins, Superintendent • 400 Encinal Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 • 831-466-5600 • FAX 831-466-5607 • www.santacruz.k12.ca.us Dear Parents and School Community Members: The Santa Cruz County Office

Gesundheitsamt ist gerüstet und warnt vor panikmache

pld – Pressedienst der Schweinegrippe Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf Herausgegeben vom Gesundheitsamt ist gerüstet und warnt vor Panikmache Ärzte untersuchen am Flughafen Passagiere aus Mexiko und den USA/Aufklärung ein wichtiger Aspekt Das Gesundheitsamt der Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf hat die erforderli-chen Vorkehrungen getroffen, um hier die Ausbreitung der Schw


Cancer Chemother Pharmacol (1996) 38: 81 — 87Andrew G. Ellis · Nicholas A. CrinisLorraine K. WebsterInhibition of etoposide elimination in the isolated perfused rat liverby Cremophor EL and Tween 80Received: 5 January 1995/Accepted: 25 August 1995Abstract Cremophor EL, a surfactant used in the clini-tion was 0.8 mg/ml, which previous studies have showncal formulation of cyclosporine and p

Microsoft word - hydrogen fluoride-1015.doc


Sample new patient questionnaire

Durrell “Buddy” Smith, D.D.S. Kyle M. Smith, D.D.S. - Family Dentistry - Patient Information Chart # (For Office Use Only) _____________________ Patient Name: ____________________________________________________________ Date ________________ Last First MI (Preferred Name) Male Female Married Single Child Other _____________ Birth Date:____/____/________ Social Security #: __

Il sughero

Prodotti naturali e Tecnologie per la Bioedilizia, la Bioarchitettura, il Risanamento Ecologico ed il Risparmio Energetico Il sughero Il sughero è un tessuto vegetale epidermico di origine secondaria, che ri-veste il fusto e le radici delle piante legnose nelle quali sostituisce l’epidermide, che viene lacerata dall'accrescimento secondario (diametri-co) dell'organo. Particolarm

Microsoft word - c091410.doc.docx

Minutes of the City Council The regular meeting of the City Council was held Tuesday, September 14, 2010. President Edward R Podmanik called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM. THE INVOCATION WAS GIVEN BY: Council Chaplin, Kay Fantauzzi, who, then led in the Pledge of Allegiance. ********************** ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS ******************* Present: Podmanik, Rosso, Smith, Kovach, Bri


Smoking reduction and cessation for people with schizophrenia Identify smokers 1 Many people with schizophrenia smoke and smoke heavily, resulting in significantRoyal Australian College of General Practitionershealth and lifestyle problems. Smoking reduction and cessation is complicatedbecause smoking may alleviate some of their psychiatric symptoms and lessen theside-effects o

Microsoft word - polviljeinriktn _sjd förebygg_ till svn.doc

Slutförslag Politisk viljeinriktning för tillämpning av sjukdomsförebyggande metoder i Uppsala- Örebroregionen, baserad på Socialstyrelsens Nationella riktlinjer Antagen av Samverkansnämnden 2012-02-17 Samverkansnämndens rekommendationer och beslut i sammanfattning Samverkansnämnden rekommenderar landstingen att • utveckla hälso- och sjukvårdens sjukdomsfö


Journal of Personality and Social Psychology© 2010 American Psychological AssociationFalse Fame Prevented: Avoiding Fluency Effects Without Judgmental CorrectionThree studies show a way to prevent fluency effects independently of judgmental correction strategies byidentifying and procedurally blocking the sources of fluency variations, which are assumed to beembodied in nature. For verbal stim

Microsoft word - important mom to be information.doc

Mom-to-Be Info We are pleased that you have chosen Southeast Women’s Center to work as a partner with you in providing your prenatal care. Good prenatal care is extremely important for a healthy, safe and happy pregnancy. It requires your knowledge and cooperation as well as the know-how and vigilance of your caregivers. You play the most important part in the health and well-being of bo

Microsoft word - biodata recent3-1-2012.docx

CURRICULUM VITAE Dr. M. Ravishankar 47, 3rd Cross Thiru Nagar. Moolakulam Pondicherry 605 010 INDIA Professor and Head, Dept. of Anaesthesiology Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute Pondicherry 607402, INDIA Qualifications: Experience in Faculty Position: 1. Junior Anaesthetist (Specialist), Dept. of Anaesthesiology, JIPMER from 5.2.79 to 2. Assistant Professor,


MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Environmental Lubricants Manufacturing, Inc. 1307 Badger Avenue Plainfield, IA 50666 SoyGrease™ Multi-Purpose EP Health - 0, Fire - 0, Reactivity - 0 Date Issued : 7/14/99 Emergency Phone Number: (319) 276-4801 Date Revised: 11/15/02 Product Name: SoyGrease™ Multi-Purpose EP Percent Volatile by Volume: 0 Product Class: Formulate

Microsoft word - reserve funding and the risk mitigation matrix

Members American Institute of Certified Publi Reserve Funding and the Risk Mitigation Matrix By: David T. Schwindt, CPA RS PRA Reserve studies involve two distinct phases – the physical analysis and the funding analysis . The physical analysis includes, but is not limited to, determining the association’s legal responsibility of repairing, replacin

Uc rusal_20100111_eng

THIS ANNOUNCEMENT IS NOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION IN OR INTO THE UNITED STATES Press release UC RUSAL ANNOUNCES ITS INTENTION TO LIST ON THE HONG KONG STOCK EXCHANGE Hong-Kong, 11 January 2010 – United Company RUSAL Limited (“UC RUSAL” or the “Company”), the world’s largest aluminium and alumina producer, announces today its intention to list or

Clasification of laguage vise ntdl.xls

Clasification of Language Vise Reg.No. Name Language Renewed upto end of year Sevana', 27, St. Jude's Mw., Dalugama, KelaniyaMr.Henadhira Pathirage Bandula Munidasa PereaMr.Karunaratne Hette Arachchige Wimal Kularatne 42/5, Asiri Place, Pahala Biyanwila, Mahara, Kadawatha 31, Premachandra Watta,Divulapitiya Rd., Thibirigashaluwa, NegoGerman64/12, Kurunduwatta Rd., Kotte, Pita

Microsoft word - t.toxina_marleny

Medellín, octubre 26 de 2009 No.0983 Señor JUEZ CIVIL MUNICIPAL. (Reparto). Medellín Referencia: ACCIÓN DE TUTELA Interesado: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Contra: EPS COOMEVA Yo, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX , ciudadana colombiana mayor de edad, vecina de esta ciudad, identificada con la cédula de ciudadanía, cuyo número y lugar de expedición aparecen con mi firma, actuando en mi nombre


Nº 105, quinta-feira, 31 de maio de 2012Metronidazol, 100MG/G creme vaginal Prati DonaduzziEnvelope Sais para reidratação oral, envelope con- Prati DonaduzziBisnaga Sulfadiazina de Prata 1%, Creme c/ Prati DonaduzziOBSERVAÇÃO: A descrição completa do produto encontra-se disponível na Secretaria Municipal de DESPACHOS DO PREFEITO AVISO DE LICITAÇÃO(*) EXTRATO DO CONTRATO No-


ampicillin, amoxicillin, cloxacillin, dicloxacillin, ORAL------------------------------------------------------------------ amoxicllin w/ potassium clavulanate, penicillin multiple generic options (ex. Apri, etc.) Cephalosporins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miscellaneous Antiinfectives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cefaclor, cefadroxil, cefd

Microsoft word - dec 2013 synd.docx

PANJAB UNIVERSITY, CHANDIGARH Minutes of the meeting of the SYNDICATE held on Thursday, 5th December 2013 at 5.00 p.m., in the Syndicate Room, Panjab University, Chandigarh. S. Gurdev Singh Ghuman Director Higher Education, Punjab Registrar Dr. Dinesh Talwar, Professor Nandita Singh, Shri Satish Kumar and Shri Sandeep Hans, Director Higher Education, U.T. Chandigarh could not attend the mee

Praveen rao p

Research Publications Review articles Tarek Mohamed, Praveen P N Rao Alzheimer’s disease: Emerging trends in small molecule therapies. Curr. Med. Chem. 18, 4299-4320, (2011). Tarek Mohamed, Praveen P N Rao Current and emerging at-site pain medications: A review. Journal of Pain Research (2011) In Press Praveen P N Rao, Saad, N. Kabir, Tarek Mohamed. Nonste

Nombre del paciente:______________________________________________

SkylineDental Leland L. Yee, DDS NOMBRE DEL PACIENTE:______________________________________________ DECLARACIÓN DE LA HISTORIA MÉDICA Y CONSENTIMIENTO PARA PROCEDER: Yo certifico que las respuestas al cuestionario médico son correctas y veridicas a mi conocimento. Porque un cambio en la historia médica ó medicamentos puede afectar mi tratamiento dental, yo comprendo la importan

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Boletim Semanal do Sistema de Informação de Mercados Agrícolas da Publicação da Direcção Provincial da Agricultura Telef. 26213308; Fax 26214177 e-mail: jvarimelo @ teledata.co.mz Edição No. 269 Nampula , 18 de Março de 2008 Destaque da Semana com vista ao melhoramento da espécie da mandioca que será utilizada na produção do Mandioca na Panificação


ATP-sensitive Kϩ channel blocker glibenclamideand diaphragm fatigue during normoxia and hypoxiaERIK VAN LUNTEREN, MICHELLE MOYER, AND AUGUSTO TORRES Departments of Medicine and Neurosciences, Case Western Reserve University,and Cleveland Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Cleveland, Ohio 44106 Van Lunteren, Erik, Michelle Moyer, and Augusto may potentially account for some of the discrepant


There are many motives driving people to come to Israel, from the purely religious to the awakening of a desire to discover its vast and ancient historical and artistic heritage. But you're reading Finisher, and there can be only one reason for our visit: a Luis Torrente Eilat is Israel's southernmost city, globally renowned as a favorite destination for lovers of water sports, for its pleasa


RUCHA B. TRIVEDI M.Pharm (Quality assurance) Permanent Address: Contact No- +91-9726894888 D1-Vishwaroop Soc., Mail – trivedi_rucha15@yahoo.com Opp. C.N. Vidhyalay, Ahmedabad OBJECTIVE I am looking for working environment where I can refine up my knowledge and skills further. I would like to work for an organization where I will get an opportunity to prove my


SERMACS 2013 Careers in Chemistry Undergraduate Symposium Speaker Biographies Dr. Dennis C. Liotta is the Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of Chemistry at Emory University. Prof. Liotta received his Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry in 1974 from The City University of New York under the direction of Dr. Robert Engel and completed his post-doctoral training at The Ohio State University unde

The semantics of <emphasis type="italic">together</emphasis>

T H E S E M A N T I C S O F T O G E T H E R *The semantic function of the modifier together in adnominal position has generally beenconsidered to be that of preventing a distributive reading of the predicate. On the basisof a new range of data, I will argue that this view is mistaken. The semantic function ofadnominal together rather is that of inducing a cumulative measurement of the grouptha

Microsoft word - exploratory ek web content.doc

Exploratory Enzyme Inhibition Analysis Enzyme inhibition data is analyzed with the Exploratory Enzyme Kinetics option in SigmaPlot. The direct linear plot, secondary plots and a numeric report are created to help determine if Michaelis-Menten kinetics are satisfied and to elicit the type of inhibition. This analysis provides excellent qualitative and quantitative information prior to fit


The Logic behind CDC and NIOSH Recommendations for Postal Workers It is obvious that the authorities are uncertain about what to say and what to do about the biological attack on America. It is a balance between responsible reporting to avoid panic and appropriate precautions to protect the public. As we all know, anthrax has been found in the postal system, exposing postal workers. The

Nfl infectious disease news – summer 2009

NFL Infectious Disease News – January 2014 Duke Infection Control Outreach Network (DICON) Volume 5, Number 1 The Changing Epidemiology of Staphylococcus aureus : Recent Trends in Antibiotic The antimicrobial susceptibility of S. aureus began to change soon after penicillin was discovered in the early 1940’s. Although some staphylococci had become resistant to penicillin b

South texas project selects sargent & lundy as owner's engineer

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Kelly Cripe SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT SELECTS SARGENT & LUNDY AS OWNER’S ENGINEER STP moves forward on construction of two additional nuclear reactors Wadsworth, Texas (May 14, 2007) – On track to be among the first nuclear construction in the United States in nearly 30 years, The South Texas Project selected Sargent & Lundy LLC, a

Ocr document

Alzheimer's & Dementia 2 (2006) 314-321 Factors associated with use of medications with potential to impair cognition or cholinesterase inhibitors among Alzheimer's Edward D. Huey,*, Joy L. Taylor,C, Pauline Luu, John Oehlert, Jared R. Tinklenberg "Cognitive Neuroscience Section, National Institute of Neurological disorders and Stroke, Building 10, Room 5C205, MSC 1440, National


SABRINA WANG PROFILE Full Name: Sabrina Wang XiuyiBLK 122C Sengkang East Way #06-37 Address: Date of Birth: Nationality: Contact No.: Facebook: YouTube: Instagram: Twitter: Driving License: EXPERIENCE(S) FAIMS Media Pte. Ltd. Social Media Project Manager Basic Salary  Manage project development from initiation to closure.  Be accountable for project res


The Southern Cross Group Promoting Mobility in the Global Community Australian-born Maltese and their Children - Family Profiles The Schembri Family Mario Schembri, 45, born in Melbourne, is extremely disappointed that his two Maltese-born children Darryl , aged 15, and Yasmin , aged 10, are being denied access to Australian citizenship under the Australian Citizenship Bill


Elfenau Park Jahresprogramm 2014 Jan 1.Konzert Feb 7.Konzert April 12.Konzert Do 02.01. / 10.30 Uhr und 12 Uhr Sa 22.02. / So 23.02. / 17 Uhr Sa 05.04. / So 06.04. / 17 Uhr Neujahrskonzert Mozart KV301/ Ravel / Bartók Beethoven op.102 Nr.2/ 2.Rhapsodie/ Mozart KV481 Musici Volanti Salonorchester Martinů H.290/ Prokofiev op.119 Mátyás

Ureteroscopy and laser lithotripsy

 Ureteroscopy and laser lithotripsy is a safe and effective operation to treat kidney stones. This is a minimally-invasive procedure where kidney stones are destroyed with a special laser, without the need for any incisions. Compared to extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (the destruction of stones with sound waves), ureteroscopy and laser lithotripsy is more effective with a lower need fo

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4th Asian Championship (Air events, Adults) 2 BINDRA Abhinav; SINGH Satyendra; NARANG Gagan; 3 AHMAD Mahdi; BAGHERI KLAHROODI Hossein; PARASTI Saber; 4 MAJCHACHEEP Varavut; CHAISAWAT Weerawat; PONGLAOKHAM Pavonnut; 5 YURKOV Yuriy; KLEIMYONOV Alexey; PIREKEYEV Igor; 6 AL-ANAZI Khalid; AL ANAZI Faiz; ALHARTHI Nasser; 7 ALSOBAIE Khalid; ALHARBI Abdullah; ALRASHIDI Muhammad; 3 YUNUSMETOV Rashid

Weils disease i leptospirosis

Weils Disease I Leptospirosis Leptospirosis is a disease that can be passed from animals to humans. Leptospirosis is caused by bacteria of the genus Leptospira, (referred to as Leptospires) which infect a variety of wild and domestic animals. The animals can then spread the Leptospires in their urine. Common animal reservoirs (maintenance hosts) include rodents, cattle and pigs. Human i


Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is characterized by abnormal sugar metabolism causing hyperglycemia ( high blood sugar ). Chronichyperglycemia adversely affects the body. In the vascular system, there can be events such as strokes and heart attackscaused by atherosclerosis. There can also be renal disease, peripheral neuropathy, and blindness. In the United States,DM is a lead

LÖg skÍÐasambands Íslands

KEPPNISREGLUR FYRIR SKÍÐAGÖNGU EFNISYFIRLIT 338 Þjálfun í brautum og lokun brauta 341 Starfsmenn og aðrir meðan á keppni stendur 372 Tæknilegur útbúnaður og undirbúningur 373 Mótaskrá-undirbúningur brauta-flokkaskipting 374 Skiptisvæðið 300 Skíðagöngukeppnir Skipulag 301 Mótsstjórn (organisesjons). 301.1. Fyrir stærri keppnir skal mótshaldari s

Microsoft word - faqs about h1n1 flu.doc

Frequently Asked Questions About H1N1 Flu (Swine Flu) What should parents do to protect their children from the swine flu? • Wash hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Wash hands for 20 seconds, which is about as long as it takes to sing the “Happy Birthday” song twice. Alcohol-based hand cleaners also work well. • Alternatively, cover your nose

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BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Employment Research Assistant, Violence Prevention Project, University of California at San Francisco, San Francisco, CA Pre-doctoral Research Fellow, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD Aug. 1998-Nov. 2000 Research Specialist, University of Illinois, School of Public Health, Chicago, IL Nov. 2000-Aug. 2003 Program Associate, Populat


Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 49(2), 2013, pp. 338–346REVERSIBLE IMMOBILIZATION OF FREE-RANGING SNOWLEOPARDS (PANTHERA UNCIA) WITH A COMBINATION OFMEDETOMIDINE AND TILETAMINE-ZOLAZEPAM¨ rjan Johansson,1,2,3,8 Jonas Malmsten,4,5 Charudutt Mishra,3,6 Purevjav Lkhagvajav,7 andTom McCarthy21 Grimso¨ Wildlife Research Station, Department of Ecology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, S

Practical exercises in english

Practical Exercises in English THEY, THEM, THEMSELVES. 1. ---- and their children have left town. 2. We shall soon be as poor as ----. 3. Yes, it was ----. 4. I do not know whether the Macdonalds are Scotch or Irish but I thought the Scotch family alluded to might be ----. 5. The mischievous boys you speak of could not have been ---- for ---- were at home. VII. WHO, WHOM, WHOEVER, WHOMEVER. 1

Erectile dysfunction and the da vinci code.

From Max Sutherland’s Weblog: www.sutherlandsurvey.com Erectile Dysfunction and The Da Vinci Code. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dr. Max Sutherland’s column is published monthly and posted on the web at e an advance copy by email - x Sutherland is author of the book hed in 8 languages) a

Maquette palliative flash 2009 2 articles

Numéro 21: Septembre 2009 Soins palliatifs au quotidien DOULEUR NEUROPATHIQUE a) sont consécutives à une lésion du système nerveux périphérique Conclusions : Les DN sont souvent d’intensité élevée, de longue durée et difficiles à traiter (environ 30% b) d’origine cancéreuse sont rarement associés à d’autres types de sont résistantes à l

Traktandenliste gl fmi 2004

spitäler fmi ag fachgruppe palliative care forum palliative care oberland ost/frutigland  Nausea Erbrechen Definitionen  Nausea Unangenehmes Gefühl bis hin zum Erbrechen. Bei einer Dauer von über ein bis zwei Wochen spricht man von chronischer Nausea. Erbrechen Reflex, bei dem der Mageninhalt durch den Mund entleert wird; entsteht durch Relaxation von distalem

Microsoft word - altacor sds 20100413 es.rtf

FICHA DE DATOS DE SEGURIDAD de acuerdo el Reglamento (CE) No. 1907/2006 ALTACOR® Esta Ficha de Seguridad observa los estandares y requisitos reguladores de España y puede que no cumpla con los requisitos reguladores de otros países. 1. IDENTIFICACIÓN DE LA SUSTANCIA/MEZCLA Y DE LA COMPAÑÍA O EMPRESA Información del Producto Avda. Diagonal, 561 E-08029 Barcelona Españ


Prefectura Naval Argentina ORDENANZA Nº 7/98 (DPMA) __________________ "REGIMEN PARA LA PROTECCION DEL MEDIO AMBIENTE" ==================================================================== PREVENCION DE LA CONTAMINACION CON ORGANISMOS ACUATICOS EN EL LASTRE DE LOS BUQUES DESTINADOS A PUERTOS ARGENTINOS DE LA CUENCA DEL PLATA Visto lo informado por la Direcció

Northern land council

11. References Aboriginal Communities of the Northern Territory (1993). Traditional Aboriginal Medicines in the Northern Territory of Australia. Conservation Commission of the Northern Territory, Darwin. Adair, R.J., & Groves, R.H. (1998), Impacts of Environmental Weeds on Biodiversity: A Review and Development of a Methodology , National Weeds Program, Environment Australia. Anon.


Temporal Existentials and the Amount Perfect This paper examines new data concerning the Perfect aspect and its modification by since clauses. Past analyses of such adverbials have argued that the complement of since can be a clause expressing an event, but that the event must be unique (Iatridou 2003); and that the complement can be a Universal Perfect, but not an Existential Perfect (von Fin


Aetna considers the following injections or procedures medically necessary for the treatment of back pain; provided, however, that only 1 invasive modality or procedure will be considered medically necessary at a time.  Epidural injections of corticosteroid preparations (e.g., Depo-Medrol), with or without added anesthetic agents, are considered medically necessary in the outpatient setting


CONSIDERAZIONI SULL’USO DEGLI IMMUNOSOPPRESSORI EQUIVALENTI DOPO TRAPIANTO D’ORGANO SOLIDO Introduzione I pazienti portatori di un trapianto d’organo solido (rene, fegato, cuore, polmone, pancreas, intestino) devono assumere quotidianamente farmaci immunosoppressori per la prevenzione del L’uso di questi farmaci ha rappresentato, e rappresenta tutt’ora, uno degli


Indian J.Pharm. Educ. Res. 41(2), Apr – Jun, 2007 Estimation and pharmacokinetics of metformin in human volunteers D. Bhavesh*, G. Chetan, K. M. Bhat1 and Shivprakash Synchron Research Services Private Limited. Ahmedabad – 380 054 1Department of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance, Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Manipal 576 104 E – mail : bhavesh@synchron

(ami-1) aspirin at arrival

CORE MEASURES JCAHO, CMS, The American Hospital Association, Leapfrog and other industry groups interested in improving and recognizing quality in healthcare organizations have adopted a set of population specific, evidence-based quality measures. These are mainly process measures or interventions which have been proven to result in better outcomes when followed. Standardized definitio

Microsoft word - rstdcv2007final.doc

La Biographie: Roger St-Denis is a multidisciplinary artist who arrived in Toronto from Montréal by Voyageur Colonial Bus Line in 1980 with very little English and nothing but a tooth brush and an extra T-shirt in his knapsack. He had been groomed to be a Concert Pianist from the age of eight and had just finished his Post Secondary Music Studies at CEGEP St-Laurent, (Montréal), Universit

Microsoft word - zitahli spa menu 2012

zita “a small planet that revolves around the sun” li “a faraway place” Conceptualised from pre‐Olympian mythology, drawing from natures two great divinities, the sun and the moon. After her brother, Helios finishes his journey across the sky, Selene, freshly washed in the waters of the earth‐circling ocean, begins her own journey. As night falls upon the earth we

Capitolo decimo

Capitolo 10° PROFEZIA La manciata di giorni, notti, ore e minuti di fine d’anno passarono ovattati senza fare rumore; poi, allo stesso modo, in alleanza col silenzio, arrivò il mattino del trentun dicembre: il giorno di Profezia. Un giorno importante che una volta in scena viziò il silenzio e prese a fare cigolare il passaggio delle ore e dei minuti togliendo l'ovatta ai rumori e r

Microsoft word - 02144802.doc

GRANT PROGRESS REPORT SUMMARY 01602: Longitudinal Study Investigating the Progression and Pathogenesis of Atypical Hyperadrenocorticism in Scottish Terriers Principal Investigator: Research Institution: Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine Grant Amount: Start Date: 1/1/2012 End Date: 12/31/2013 Progress Report: Mid-Year 2 Report Due: Receiv

Newsletter - trimline

S PIG CHAT L E T T E R Volume 12 No 8 - Aug 31, 2009 From the office of George R. Charbonneau DVM & Steven D Wolfgram DVMYou should not have eaten, drunk, or smoked anythingin at least the previous fifteen to twenty minutes before Barn Entry Requirements: taking your temperature. Body temperature normally "No Fever Please!" fluctuates during the day, with the lowes

Deal doer notes:

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 2013 Natural Gas Pipeline Capacity Top 20 Trading Company Rankings Boston, MA – December 9, 2013 . Capacity Center released its annual Top 20 natural gas pipeline capacity trading company rankings report today. For the fourth year in a row, the total volume of pipeline capacity traded by the Top 20 showed an increase. 2013 capacity traded by the Top


1. Herrmann MK, Kertesz T, Gsänger T, Bloch E, Pollul G, Bouabdallaoui M, Strauss A, Herrmann M, Christiansen H, Wolff HA, Hess CF, Hille A . Gold marker displacement due to needle insertion during HDR-brachytherapy for treatment of prostate cancer: a prospective cone beam computed tomography and kilovoltage on-board imaging (kV-OBI) study. Radiat Oncol. 2012 Feb 20;7:24. 2. Schirmer MA,

Microsoft word - sc_zd_final.docx

CONFIDENTIAL: PSYCHOEDUCATIONAL EVALUATION City Community Schools Name: Sam * Date(s) of Evaluation: 11/18/2010 Date of Birth: Age: 2 years, 10 months Grade: Preschool Parent: Mrs. Mother Telephone: Address: Examiner: Sarah Connolly, M.A. Supervisor: Dr. Psychologist, Ph.D. * Name and other information have been changed to protect the identity of

Microsoft word - ovaplant article.doc

EVALUATING SPAWNING INDUCTION IN CHANNEL CATFISH Ictalurus punctatus USING s GnRH a AND DOMPERIDONE COMPOUNDS Jeffrey Silverstein*, Jim Powell, and Anita Kelly Spawning success of channel catfish in ponds generally ranges from 30-50 %. This low spawning rate requires the maintenance of a large surplus of broodfish. To improve spawning success and predictability of spawning w

Smartlite webquiz sql

SmartLite WebQuiz SQL Edition SmartLite WebQuiz SQL © 2008 SmartLite Software All rights reserved. No parts of this work may be reproduced in any form or by any means - graphic, electronic, ormechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems - without thewritten permission of the publisher. Products that are referred to in this docume


Gruppterapi Ahlin, G. (1996). Exploring Psychotherapy Group Cultures. Akademisk Avhandling, Stockholm: Karolinska Institutet. Burlingame, G. M., MacKenzie, K.R., Strauss, B. ( 2004). Small-group treatment: Evidence for effectiveness and mechanisms of change. I Lambert, M. J. (Ed.) Bergin and Garfield’s Handbook of Psycho- therapy and Behavior Change . New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Microsoft word - cough and cold assessment report.doc

OVERVIEW – RISK: BENEFIT OF OTC COUGH AND COLD MEDICINES IN CHILDREN 1. INTRODUCTION Following concerns about the safety of over-the-counter (OTC) cough and cold medicines in young children which were initially raised in the USA, the purpose of this review is to evaluate all available evidence on risk:benefit relevant to UK use. There are four main categories of pharmacological


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SOPULITIEN ELÄINLÄÄKÄRIASEMASopulitie 2 B, 00800 Helsinkip. (09) 784713 Kissojen krooninen munuaisten vajaatoiminta on etenevä ja palautumaton sairaus, joka johtaa munuaisten toimintakyvyn täydelliseen menetykseen. Se on yleisin sairastumiseen ja kuolemaan johtava syy vanhemmilla kissoilla. Vajaatoimintaa esiintyy joka kolmannella yli 12- vuotiaalla kissalla. Munuainen on korvaamaton el

Microsoft word - libromaque.doc

Actas II Congreso Andaluz de Neuropsicología Autor/es: Salguero Alcañiz, María Pilar; Lorca Marín, José Andrés; Alameda Bailén, José Ramón. Título: Independencia funcional del conocimiento numérico léxico y la representación de la cantidad: evidencia de doble disociación. Introducción: En este trabajo se estudia el procesamiento numérico y el cálculo en dos pa

Schedule of accreditation

As an accredited laboratory, this laboratory is entitled to use the following accreditation symbol. ISO 15189 ML 017-01 Accreditation Scheme for Medical/Clinical Laboratories Product(s) / Specific tests performed Test Method / Range of testing/ Uncertainty Material of test Standard against Limits of detection Sri Lanka Accreditation Board for Conformity Asse


The following treatment guidelines are based on the results of clinical studies and are provided for information purposes only. It is the operating ophthalmologists’ responsibility to familiarize themselves with the latest recommended techniques. One of the key elements in achieving good Selective Laser The treatment regime is evolving and protocols vary Trabeculoplasty (SLT) results is selec


Rx Rehmanniae Conquitae / Shu Di Huang Fructus Corni Officinalis / Shan Zhu Yu Rhizoma Dioscoreae / Shan YaoCortex Moutan Radicis / Mu Dan PiSclerotium Poriae Cocos / Fu Ling Rhizoma Alismatis Orientalis / Ze XieFructus Zizyphi Jujubae Red / Hong Da Zao Radix Achyranthis Bidentatae / Huai Niu Xi Fructus Lycii / Gou Qi ZiCortex Eucommiae / Du Zhong Radix Polygalae Tenuifoliae / Yuan Zhi Fructu

Microsoft word - app - nwla 7-09.doc

Texas Life Insurance Company Administrative Office: Level Death Benefit 100 Centerview, Suite 100 Nashville, Tennessee 37214 DESCRIPTION OF INFORMATION PRACTICES To Our Policyholders, Applicants and Insured’s: This description of the Information Practices of Texas Life Insurance Company and your agent is being provided in accordance with the requirement of the Insurance Informatio

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OCORRÊNCIA DE HORMÔNIOS ESTROGÊNICOS NA BACIA HIDROGRÁFICA DO CÓRREGO RICO, JABOTICABAL, SP LOPES, L. G.1 Química com Atribuições Tecnológicas (FFCLRP – USP), Especialização em Engenharia do Saneamento Básico (DECiv – UFSCar), Mestrado em Microbiologia (FCAV – UNESP), Docente (IQ - UNESP), Mestrado e Doutorado em Química (IQ – USP). Docente (FCAV – UNESP), Espe

Chörliöbeli 2012

Chörliöbeli, 30. Juni 2012 Rückblick auf’s Jahr 2011 Im 2011 sin mir uff 16 Ufftritt ko, bi 5 hän mir kai Gaasche übercho. Mir nämme das sehr gelasse, obwohl mir bald Ebbe hän in dr Kasse. Dr Börny meint „so ka das nit wytter go, mit was söll ich denn uff Thailand go? Museumsnacht, Freitag, 21.01.2011 D’Silvia schmunzlet und sait „tschüss mitenand y hauss husc

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Agenzia stampa su "Cessione di ramo d'azienda Pfizer". I sindacati si ribellano: "I lavoratori corrono il rischio del ricatto occupazionale" La casa del Viagra taglia 440 informatori medico-scientifici Pfizer Italia riorganizza la propria struttura attraverso la cessione di un ramo d'azienda - La Pfizer Italia riorganizza la propria struttura di informazione medico-scientifica,

Microsoft word - ps title page.doc

MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE ECONOMICS DISCUSSION PAPER NO. 07-14 TEE TESTS: PLAYING WITH TIGER TEE TESTS: PLAYING WITH TIGER Tiger Woods is arguably the best golfer ever on the Professional Golf Association (PGA) Tour. In 2006, he was first among money leaders. In that year, he also ranked 1st in scoring average, 1st in birdie average, 1st in greens in regulation, and 1st among par breakers.

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Povidone-Iodine Combined With Antibiotic Topical Irrigation to Reduce Capsular Contracture in Cosmetic Breast Augmentation : A Comparative Study Salvatore Giordano, Hilkka Peltoniemi, Peter Lilius and Asko SalmiThe online version of this article can be found at: can be found at: Aesthetic Surgery Journal Additional services and information for Aesthetic Surgery Journal O

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G/SPS/N/TPKM/303 Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures NOTIFICATION Notifying Member: THE SEPARATE CUSTOMS TERRITORY OF TAIWAN, PENGHU, If applicable, name of local government involved: Agency responsible: Ministry of Health and Welfare Products covered (provide tariff item number(s) as specified in national schedules deposited with the WTO; ICS numbers should


O vinho verde marca a sua diferença por ser um vinho leve e fresco, produzido na região demarcada dos vinhos verdes, no noroeste de Portugal. Tem baixo teor alcoólico e por isso é menos calórico. É um vinho frutado, fácil de beber, óptimo como aperitivo ou em harmonização com refeições leves e equilibradas: saladas, peixes, mariscos, carnes brancas, tapas, sushi, sashimi e outros pr

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Honeywell Temperature & Humidity Sensor with INTRODUCTION PRODUCT OVERVIEW Thank you for selecting the Honeywell Temperature and Humidity FEATURES Sensor with LCD. This device register, display and transmits • Remote temperature and humidity transmission to the main temperature and humidity from the remote location to the designated • Temperature and Humidity LC


Use of the Internet and E-mail for Health Care Information Results From a National Survey Context The Internet has attracted considerable attention as a means to improve health and health care delivery, but it is not clear how prevalent Internet use for healthcare really is or what impact it has on health care utilization. Available estimates of useand impact vary widely. Without accurate e

Atrofia de werdnig hoffmann

Residente de tercer año de Pediatría, HIGA San José de Pergamino Lactante de sexo masculino de dos meses de edad, que ingresa a nuestra sala de Pediatría con diagnóstico de atelectasia masiva. Refiere cuadro de 72 hs de evolución caracterizado por dificultad respiratoria e hiporexia. Antecedentes personales: fruto de un embarazo controlado, G1 P1, parto eutócico, RNT de 40 semanas de ge


Emergency Department Empiric Antibiotic Recommendations:  Uncomplicated urinary tract infections in women  Complicated urinary tract infections  Intra-abdominal infections Restricted antimicrobials now stocked in the ED (but continue to require ID oversight): Cefepime (Maxipime) Ampicillin-Sulbactam (Unasyn)  Daytime (9am- 6pm) call the Antimicrobial Assistance Prog


Limits of the Therapy Relationship: What Clients Should Know Psychotherapy is a professional service I can provide to you. Because of the nature of therapy, our re-lationship has to be different from most relationships. It may differ in how long it lasts, in the topics wediscuss, or in the goals of our relationship. It must also be limited to the relationship of therapist andclient only. If we

A fall can be a life changing event

Your Pills, the Heat and Sun of Summer By Lynn Harrelson, R.Ph., FASCP Senior Pharmacy Solutions Medication Therapy Management Services Everyone is eager for the warmer, sunny months of summer. We can’t wait for the warmth of spring and then, in a blink, we have the hotter, sunnier summer months. Our bodies adjusted better to these changes when we were y

Kliniska riktlinjer;

Kliniska riktlinjer - Att förebygga och handlägga metabol risk hos patienter med allvarlig psykisk sjukdom. Svenska Föreningen för Barn- och Ungdomspsykiatri Introduktion Allvarlig psykisk sjukdom – såsom bipolärt syndrom, schizofreni eller annan psykotisk sjukdom - kan ha en förödande inverkan på den drabbades livssituation. Obehandlade eller bristfälligt behandlade medf

Microsoft word - ct cardiac referrer information sheet 092009.doc

390 Victoria Street Darlinghurst NSW 2010 Australia CARDIAC CT T + 61 2 8382 1111 F + 61 2 9332 4142 Information for referring physicians, January 2010 SERVICES OFFERED: CT Coronary Angiogram (includes Calcium Score) Coronary Calcium Score Only (excludes CT Coronary Angiogram) Workup for left atrial ablation procedures PRICE : The final price may be variable , and

Version 7, 07/2005

BIJSLUITER: INFORMATIE VOOR DE GEBRUIK(ST)ER COVERSYL PLUS arg 5mg/1,25mg, filmomhulde tabletten Lees de hele bijsluiter zorgvuldig door voordat u start met het innemen van dit geneesmiddel. - Bewaar deze bijsluiter. Het kan nodig zijn om deze nog eens door te lezen. Heeft u nog vragen, raadpleeg dan uw arts of apotheker. Dit geneesmiddel is aan u persoonlijk voorgeschreven. Geef


double-kayaks for paddling up close to the hundreds of adorable Adélie penguins that march up and down at the water’s edge. You also get to go ashore two or three times a day—often riding the surf in a Zodiac for a “wet landing” on a beach—unlike with larger ships which simply add on a spot of sightseeing to a South American cruise. Nor is comfort forgotten. The Explorer has a


Immunization and Coumadin Nurse . Salina Family Healthcare Center has an opening for a full-time Immunization and Coumadin Nurse. This position reports to the Nursing Supervisor and requires employees to work collaboratively with all of our healthcare providers and other staff on the assigned team. Job duties include, but are not limited to:  Facilitates all coumadin clinics (perform

Microsoft word - veterans article for off our backs

Veterans in an Unnamed War: Hidden Abuse, Truth-telling, Resistance and Recovery Laura Prescott is the president and founder of Sister Witness International Inc, a new organizationof formerly institutionalized women, girls, and their allies. She is also a recovering addict,psychiatric ex-patient, and survivor of childhood abuse. The following article is an edited version ofa keynote address

Department of biotechnology

Department of Biotechnology Dr. Paresh N. Kundu Professor Educational Qualification Experience Teaching: 03 years Industry : 25 years R&D: 11 years of R & D Industrial Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Genetic Interest Engineering, Environmental Science, Renewable energy List of Publications: Papers Published in National and International Journals: 1.

21 piccoli dopati crescono

“Piccoli dopati crescono” Si comincia prestissimo. A volte ancora bambini. Studiosi ed esperti lanciano l'allarme sull'uso di sostanze proibite per giovanissimi atleti. “Ho visto ragazzi ciclisti in gara fare salite ripide con rapporti durissimi filando come dei treni, con gli occhi fissi, e una volta tagliato il traguardo continuare a pedalare come automi perché non se ne e

Microsoft word - summer_act_book_1

7 DIFFERE CES BETWEE THE SAT / ACT MATH 1. Unlike the SAT, the ACT does OT penalize you for incorrect answers. You should answer every problem. Statistically, you would get 12 correct answers (out of 60) if you randomly guessed. You have nothing to lose, and much to gain, if you guess! Psychotically forcing students to guess on the most important tests of their lives is oddly sadisti

Microsoft word - p2004-04.doc

CRITICAL ISSUES IN HEALTH ECONOMICS B. J. Dooley, Louisiana State University at Eunice Arthur Schroeder, Louisiana State University at Eunice Fred Landry, Louisiana State University at Eunice Edwin Deshautelle, Louisiana State University at Eunice Cynthia Darbonne, , Louisiana State University at Eunice ABSTRACT The healthcare industry faces critical issues including co-pay


DEFLEX® Materialeigenschaften und chemische Beständigkeiten 2 Material properties and chemical resistances BESAPLAST® DEFLEX® Materialeigenschaften Material properties BESAPLAST® Material/ Nitriflex®, nach DIN 18541/ Prüfmethode/ material Nitriflex®, to DIN 18541 test method Reißdehnung bei 23 °C/elongation at tear at 23 °CLängenausdehnung/lin

Microsoft word - j3-21c.doc

XXVII Congresso Brasileiro de Espeleologia S ociedade B rasileira de E speleologia LEVANTAMENTO DA FAUNA DE INVERTEBRADOS DA GRUTA DOS ECOS (GO) DURANTE A ESTAÇÃO CHUVOSA: DADOS PRELIMINARES PARA ELABORAÇÃO DO PLANO DE MANEJO ESPELEOLÓGICO (PME) Franciane S. JORDÃO Centro Nacional de Estudo, Proteção e Manejo de Cavernas - CECAV/BAMA Av. L4 Norte – SAIN, CEP

Overall go-kit 3-24-03.xls

GO - KITS LISTING OF POTENTIAL ITEMS Basic Items Water -- Minimum gallon per dayFood / Protein barsHard candyGumHot / Cold cupIndividual drink mix -- Coffee, tea, hot chocolateSalt / Pepper / Sweetener Canned food items -- Eat cold or hot Peanut butterPuddingDried fruitTrail mixMRE's -- Military survival rations Cooking Equipment Cooking kit -- Pots, kettle, larger stirring spoons, etc

Microsoft word - dealing with the new flu.doc

Dealing with the new flu Influenza A, H1N1, swine flu If flu strikes your household, there are some practical steps you can take to look after a patient and to keep your household are free as possible from germs. Signs and symptoms of the new flu are similar to the symptoms of seasonal flu and can • fever (a temperature of, or over, 38 °C) Looking after babies and children Care


INcreaSed WhIte cell couNtS compiled by dr N holland JulY 2012 This newsletter deals with an approach to increased toxic granulation and vacuolation, the presence white cell counts. All reference levels mentioned of dohle bodies and left shift. Rarely, organisms can be visualised within the neutrophils. In cases which are not clear, reactive markers such as CRP, Is an increased wh


STATE OF THE EVIDENCE What is the Connection Between Chemicals and Breast Cancer? Breast cancer now strikes more women than any other type of cancer, the result of adramatic increase that has taken place in the industrialized world during the past halfcentury. Whereas one in 22 women were diagnosed with breast cancer in the 1940s, nowthe incidence is one in eight. Of all women who die of


Non-Allergic Rhinitis – Frequently Asked Questions. What is non-allergic rhinitis? Non-al ergic rhinitis is a group of conditions characterised by inflammation of the nasal lining unrelated to the al ergic pathway of the immune system. What are the symptoms? The main symptoms are nasal blockage or congestion, a runny nose, sneezing and nasal itching. Postnasal drip (mucus dripping

Knowledge and inequality

Knowledge and Inequality 1) Introduction “Knowledge is like light. Weightless and intangible, it can easily travel the world, enlightening the lives of people everywhere. Yet billions of people still live in the darkness of poverty - unnecessarily. Knowledge about how to treat such a simple ailment as diarrhea has existed for centuries - but millions of children continue to die from

Microsoft word - issue1-stress.doc

THE STRESS RESPONSE You've got a big presentation in an hour, but you've hardly had a chance to prepare. Urgent e-mails keep popping onto your display screen, each one sending a stab of anxietythrough your chest. As minutes tick by, you search frantically for slides and handouts,knowing your boss will summon you any second. Your heart races and your head pounds. Modern life is full of time p

Microsoft word - aqha multiple medication violation system _mvs_.docx

AQHA MULTIPLE MEDICATION VIOLATION SYSTEM (MMVS) 1. The AQHA Multiple Medication Violations System (MMVS) sets forth penalties for trainers, owners and horses subject of positive drug tests, and, in particular, is designed to assess penalties against trainers, owners and horses subject of multiple positive drug tests. This system is for AQHA’s use only and is not intended to be a subst


Brief Original Article Ribavirin therapy for Chikungunya arthritis Rajan Ravichandran, Manju Manian. Madras Institute of Nephrology, Vijaya Heath Centre, N.S.K Salai, Chennai-600026, India. Abstract Background: Chikungunya is an acute viral infection presenting with a febrile episode and severe arthralgia, swelling of soft tissues, especially around the ankles. Many pati


Slimex-Beste für Gewicht verlieren www.slimexkaufen.de – Silmex 15mg hydrochloride Monohydrate sind eine Methode, die Fettleibigkeit zu bekämpfen.Die Wirkung tritt durch Beeinflussung der Neurotransmitter im Gehirn ein.Neurotransmitter sind natürliche, im Körper vorkommende Substanzen, die sich in den Nervenzellen befinden und dort Einfluss auf die Übertragung von Nerv


Monografia parzialmente tratta dal Convegno omonimo MIGRANTI: TRANSCULTURALITÀ ED ESPERIENZA IMMAGINATIVA a cura di Alberto Passerini e Maurizio Talamonipresso l’Università degli Studi di PaviaScuola Internazionale di Specializzazione con la Procedura Immaginativa srlwww.sispi.eu – segreteria@sispi.eu – t/f 02 76390359in collaborazione con l’Università degli Studi di Pavi

Microsoft word - kat plast naast de bak.doc

Het plassen en sproeien door katten in huis is zeer ongewenst gedrag en een zeer vervelend probleem voor hun eigenaren. Maar ook voor de katten zelf is het geen goede situatie omdat dit gedrag vaak voortkomt uit stress bij de kat. Gelukkig kunnen we het ontstaan van sproeigedrag vaak vermijden door de katten op een leeftijd van 6 maanden te castreren en steriliseren. Soms blijkt dit echter nie

Microsoft word - arnaiz53.doc

¿Qué es la Filosofía Práctica? Gabriel Arnaiz Normalmente, cuando se hace referencia al término Philosophical Practice1 ,que podríamos traducir en español como “Filosofía Práctica”2 , el público más o menosespecializado suele entender que estamos hablando fundamentalmente de Philosophical Counseling , esto es, de Orientación Filosófica 3. De hecho, cuandoAchenbach intro

D12451 formula

Product Data - D12451 PackagingProduct is packed in 12.5 kg box. Formulated by E. A. Ulman, Ph.D., Research Diets, Inc., 8/26/98*Typical analysis of cholesterol in lard = 0.72 mg/gram. Research Diets, Inc. © 2006 Research Diets, Inc. All rights reserved. D12451--2-13 References - D12451 D12450B, D12451, D12492 The "Original High Fat Diets"32. Hancock, A.A. et al. An


Interactive Effects of Chemicals in Wistar Rats’ Diets. (60 points) An experiment wasperformed (Groten et al. 1997) to find out interactive effects on nine chemicals in Wistar Rats’diets. The data can be found in: “http://www.stat.sinica.edu.tw/fredphoa/teaching/data/ASAT.txt”. The response is the concentration of aspartate aminotransferase (ASAT) in rats’ blood. Thenine chemicals in thi

Lagmerkblatt2 blau 4seitig1.pdf

Landesarbeitsgruppe Borreliose und FSME Baden-Württemberg e.V. c/o Landesgesundheitsamt, Wiederholdstraße 15 70174 Stuttgart Merkblatt 2 Antibiotische Prophylaxe nach Zeckenstich - ja oder nein? Grundlagen Nach bisherigen Schätzungen (Literatur: Magid) hat man angenommen, dass nur einmal pro 100 bis 400 Zeckenstiche eine Borrelieninfektion übertragen wird. Dabei wurde nicht unters

Ridomil 2g [bag]

Approved Bag for RIDOMIL GOLD 1G Fungicide 26612 08-11-28 Page 1 of 7 4 FUNGICIDE RIDOMIL GOLD  1G FUNGICIDE GRANULAR AGRICULTURAL Systemic fungicide for the control of Cavity Spot in Carrots, Damping Off and Stunt in Head Lettuce and Phytophthora Root Rot caused by P hytophthora cactorum in ginseng GUARANTEE: Metalaxyl-M and S-isomer . 1% READ THE LABEL BEFORE


Sun Discount Pharmacy SunDiscount Pharmacy BETTER CARE. FOR A BETTER COMMUNITY FULL SERVICE PHARMACY Sun Discount Pharmacy FREE HOME DELIVERY 941-556-9622 2817 BEE RIDGE RD SARASOTA, FL 34239 FAX: 941-556-9623 MON. - FRI. 9am-7pm SAT. 9am-2pm Sun Discount Pharmacy sunrxpharmacy@gmail.com Bob Patel WHY WAIT HOURS BACTRIM/SEPTRA DS/SS


A few simple things to remember that will If you have already had a stroke or a transient ischaemic attack (TIA), the use of the blood pressure lowering drug The National Stroke Foundation is a not-for-profit perindopril in combination with indapamide has been organisation that works with the public, government, • Drop the salt! and cut down on takeaway foods and shown to reduce the ch

Utarbetad av:_bac_godkänd av:_Åb_giltig från:_97

CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY POLICY (CSR) Policy för företagets sociala ansvarstagande, Corporate Social Responsibility Policy (CSR) Vi är skyldiga att möta organisationers behov överal t, samtidigt som vi skall minimera vår påverkan på människor och miljö, att främja social skälighet och att försäkra vår ekonomiska vitalitet. Syftet med vår Corporate Social Respo

Newsletter 051127b

Inside this issue: Greetings to all and welcome to issue three of the YDPSA newsletter. The YDPSA has progressed tremendously since the elections of this current committee. This new committee hopes to achieve the unity and goals of the tawheed faith. To do this we have organised certain events for the term of this committee. Some of the forthcoming events include a trip to the Riverland


Vanoxide® HC Lotion (benzoyl peroxide 5%, hydrocortisone 0.5%) FOR TOPICAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR OPHTHALMIC, ORAL OR INTRAVAGINAL USE. DESCRIPTION: Each mL of VANOXIDE® HC LOTION contains, as dispensed, 50 mg benzoyl peroxide and 5 mg hydrocortisone in a water washable vanishing lotion of BHA/BHT, caprylic/capric triglyceride, cetyl alcohol, decyl oleate, dibasic sodium phosphate, dical-

Clipping semerj 20-10-11.pub

Clipping 20/10/2011 Fontes: Agência Brasil, MEC, O Globo e UOL. SEMERJ, visite nosso site Projeto da Consolidação da Legislação Educacional Brasileira e descubra as vantagens permanece sem avanços na Câmara dos Deputados Mantenedoras do Estado Um dos mais importantes projetos de lei que versam sobre a educação - o Projeto de Lei 678, de 2007 - permanece sem ava

Exercise in rheumatoid disease

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic condition characterised by pain, swelling and stiffness in multiple joints, often with systemic involvement. Non-specific symptoms, and in particular fatigue, are common. The disease affect 0.5-1% of the general adult population and an increasing incidence with age is noted, with an annual incidence in females: of 36/100000 and in males 14/100000. The disea

Microsoft word - phoebus_kvartalsrapport_1-2005.doc

Seligson & Co Phoebus Kvartalsrapport 1 / 2005 andelens Phoebus och jämförelseindex 10.10.2001 - 31.3.2005 (i euro) Avkastning och risk Jämförelseindex 31.12.2004 Kostnader, nyckeltal 1.1.-31.3.2005 Under det första kvartalet sålde jag aktier för 1,4 miljoner euro (knappt 10% av fonden). Volymen motsvarar tre fjärdedelar av alla försäljning

Vaginal thrush

Vaginal Thrush Many women have an occasional bout of vaginal thrush. It is due to an infection with a yeast germ called Candida. Treatment options include a tablet that you can take by mouth, or anti-thrush pessaries that you can insert into the vagina. There is also anti-thrush cream that you can rub onto the skin around the vagina (the vulva) if needed. Treatment usually works well. However,



March 28, 2006

Protective I ntellectual Property Services, LLC Trade Secret MAXIMIZING THE VALUE OF YOUR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY BY TRATEGIC INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT This newsletter contains current news about US patents and the US Patent and Trademark Office, current intellectual property (IP) court cases, domestic and international IP news and IP information of general interest t

What is diabetes is.

Diabetes: What You Need to Know Diabetes Overview Over sixteen million people in the United States have diabetes. About 90-95% of people with diabetes develop it as an adult. We call this Type 2 diabetes. Less than 10% of people with diabetes have Type 1 or insulin dependent diabetes. Diabetes is a chronic illness that will not go away. While we cannot cure diabetes, we can contro

Microsoft word - lfhcf.doc

EAGLE II™ Lender Funds Management Reports Release 4 School Auto-Debit Notification Report Purpose The School Auto-Debit Notification Report provides schools with a list of disbursements and the total dollar amount associated with the auto-debit initiated on the date indicated. Schools use this report to reconcile the funds auto-debited from their accounts. The Lender Funds M

Malaria methods and protocols download

Malaria Methods and Protocols download Last Updated: 12.09.2013 03:29 GMT Author: Barbeau Downloads: 1270 File Name: Malaria Methods and Protocols File Size: 3667 K Format: pdf/doc Download links: The pro comments leave it kind of which away more assured a surprisingly stay. And minutes leftfastest route so were and to say done. And part-time insists lives. Which had a t


Eric Konigsberg, “Made in the Shade,” New Yorker, 1/22/2007, Vol. 82 Issue 46, p42-49, 8p, 1c How wasabi became the new black, and other tales from the color industry You could say that Leslie Harrington owes much of her success to the rise of wasabi green. Harrington is a color consultant who helps manufacturers determine the palette of their products and packages. Her clients have includ


(1) (2.5 marks) The weight (pounds) of n = 8 female wolves captured in theYukon-Charley National Reserve are {57, 84, 90, 71, 77, 68, 73, 72}. As-suming that the weight distribuiton of female wolves is normally distributedconstruct a 95% confidence interval for the population mean. (2) (3 marks) The weekly demand for the common antibiotic Amoxicillin (in1000’s of pills) at a pharmacy is a ran

Microsoft word - affiliation agreement _6.02.11_.doc

2011-2012 WESTWOOD ONE NFL FOOTBALL AFFILIATION AGREEMENT I. BROADCASTING A. Except as otherwise provided herein, BROADCASTER (see Exhibit A) shall broadcast the Programs (as defined below) in their committed entirety on “STATION” (see Exhibit A) without deletions or alterations, including commercials furnished by Westwood One Radio Networks, Inc. (“NETWORK”) (the “NE

Microsoft word - patient information gastroscopy armidale general surgery.rtf

Armidale General Surgery Patient Information regarding Gastroscopy Gastroscopy Gastroscopy (also called endoscopy or OGD) is an examination of the inner lining of the oesophagus (gullet), stomach and duodenum using a thin flexible telescope (called an endoscope). A computer chip in the end of the endoscope sends the images to a monitor (TV screen). Air is blown into the stomach to

Microsoft word - eos1210i-man-a123-en.doc

Hyperion EOS 1210i Charger User’s Manual for 1210I-A with A123 Mode Specifications: 2-Line, 16-Char, Blue Backlit LCD Data Display Charge/Discharge 1 to 12 cells Lithium Batteries Charge/Discharge 1 to 12 A123 Brand cells Charge/Discharge/Cycle 1-30 cell NiCd/Ni-MH Charge/Discharge 2-12v Lead Acid Batteries Balancer Safe - 55V max out on open circuit 0.1A -10.0A Charg

Anabolic signal

Anabolic Signal [CMI Nutrition] Anabolic Signal is de meest krachtige anabolische, testosteron-booster en anti-estrogeneformule verpakt in een potje. Anabolic Signal vertegenwoordigt een modelverandering enenige wetenschappelijke vooruitgang in doeltreffende prestatiesupplementatie. Dit is metafstand het sterkste en wettelijke Anabolisch en Testosteron verhogend product die dewetenschap ooit

Microsoft word - article 07-10 newman statin.doc

Carcinogenicity of Lipid-lowering Drugs Journal of the American Medical Association January 3, 1996;275(1):55-60 Newman TB, Hulley SB. Department of Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine, University of California,San Francisco, USA. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Fibrates: Bezafibrate (e.g. Bezalip) Ciprofibrate (e.g. Modalim) Gemfibrozil (e.g. Lopid) Fenofibrate (e.g. TriCor) Statin Bran


REKLISTAN 2010 75 rEKommENdErAd FySISK AKtIvItEt vId ArtroS, LåNGvArIG SmÄrtA uNS och FIbromyALGI ArtroS Träningen bör inledningsvis ske som anpassad träning under ledning av sjukgymnast. Styrketräning kompletterad med rörlighet, balans och koordinationsfrämjande träning bör vara individuellt avpassad och ske 3 gånger/v. Konditionsfrämjande träning av mått-lig intensi


Referral Criteria – Minor Oral Surgery Accepted Rejected Third Molar Removal Accepted for minor oral surgery for teeth meeting NICE guidelines Rejected – Treatment to be undertaken by GDPs Wisdom teeth meeting NICE criteria that are impacted requiring a flap procedure • Impacted wisdom teeth free from disease and bone removal and/or surgical division i.e. wisdom teeth

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STUDIES ON DENTALCARIES BACTERIAL FLORA AND ITS CONTROL BY PHYTO DERIVATIVES LINCHU KURUVILLA Dept. of Botany, S.B. College, Changanacherry - 1, Kerala. ABSTRACT Dental caries is an infectious disease which damage the structures of teeth.Antibiogramstudies were an alternative method for preventing enzymatic degradation of carbohydrates toacid for the prevention of bacterial growth and m

Studiens namn

O rganization to S trategies in Acute I schemic S yndromes Overall Efficacy of Fondaparinux vs Enoxaparin in VTE Prevention: Meta-analysis Fondaparinux better Enoxaparin better P = 0.000000000000000001 % odds reduction Overall odds reduction for proximal DVT = 57.4% [CI: 72.3 - 35.6]; p = 10-6Turpie et. al. Arch Intern Med 2002: 162: 1833-40 Baseli


A pilot study on a specific measure for sleep disorders in Parkinson’s disease: SCOPA-Sleep P. Martínez-Martín a, E. Cubo-Delgado a,b, M. Aguilar-Barberà c, A. Bergareche d, S. Escalante c, A. Rojo c, J. Campdelacreu c, B. Frades-Payo a, S. Arroyo a, on behalf of the ELEP Group e A PILOT STUDY ON A SPECIFIC MEASURE FOR SLEEP DISORDERS IN PARKINSON'S DISEASE: SCOPA-SLEEP Summary.

Medical release & consent

Strasburg, CO 80136 www.specialvacations.us Medical Release & Consent This must be filled out and signed by the traveler’s Physician. Please print clearly. Special Vacations must have this original form along with copy of medical insurance card. Traveler’s Name: ______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________

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**FOR COLONOSCOPY PROCEDURE ONLY** THIS DIET SHOULD BE STARTED THE MORNING OF THE DAY PRIOR TO YOUR PROCEDURE YOU WILL NEED TO PURCHASE: Miralax, 238g bottle, (4) Dulcolax 5mg, Laxative Tablets, Crystal Light Drink Mix or G2 by Gatorade 64 ounces. Any sugar free flavoring is acceptable. (If using a drink mix follow directions on the package to mix enough drink solution to


Natura Tiershop Helen Roggli Beatusstrasse 2 3600 Thun 033/222 02 50 www.getreidefrei.ch WOLFSBLUT SENSITIV / ALLERGY LINE DARK FOREST - 37% Fleischanteil 18% Protein, 9% Fett Süßkartoffel, frisches Wildfleisch, getrocknetes Wildfleisch, Kartoffeln, Lammfett, Leinsamen, Erbsen, mediterrane Kräuter, Lammleber, Aronia, Holunderbeeren, schwarze Johannisbeeren, Heidelbeeren, Brombeeren,

Microsoft word - jurnal bs no. 2 agt 2006 yusring _2_.doc

THE PREVERBAL NEGATION PARTICLES IN ARABIC Yusring Sanusi Baso 1 Abstract: This article discusses the use of negative particles in Arabic, specifically the so-called "Modern Standard Arabic" (MSA). This vari- ant of Arabic is commonly used in written form in newspapers, maga- zines, and journals; and in oral form in academic seminars and formal meetings. Results of analysi

Relazione mariotti.convegno2010

ALLEVAMENTO: Riproduzione e sanità Con il mio intervento al convegno SIAYT ho cercato di chiarire alcuni punti pratici al fine di ottimizzare le fasi dall’accoppiamento, fino allo svezzamento dei cuccioli. Punto principale è l’individuare il giorno in cui la femmina in fase estrale è maggiormente feconda, in modo da aumentare sia le probabilità di gravidanza, sia il numero di ovuli f


CRUCIBLE online If chance favours the prepared mind, what can we do to prepare those minds? ««« By Peter Child, PhD Peter Child has a BSc. in chemistry (McMaster) and a PhD in biochemistry (Toronto). He has been on faculty at the Department of Medical Biophysics at the University of Toronto then moved into the environmental field in the late 1980s. In 1991, he co-founded Investigative S


Catalogue The Contents of this Catalogue This catalogue contains the wide range of our products, available through Sirius > Products. We have put the productsinto one of the following categories, to make it easier for you to find exactly what you are looking for:ECSTACY: 100% Herbal, Natural, Safe and Legal!!!!MOOD SUPPLEMENTS (Smart Pills & Capsules)GUARANA BOTANICAL AND HISTORICA

Ijcp_492 447.452

d o i : 1 0 . 1 1 1 1 / j . 1 3 6 8 - 5 0 3 1 . 2 0 0 5 . 0 0 4 9 2 . xThe participation of health professionals in a smoking-cessationprogramme positively influences the smoking cessation advicegiven to patientsP . M . J . P U S K A , 1 M . B A R R U E C O , 2 C . R O U S S O S , 3 A . H I D E R , 4 S . H O G U E 5National Public Health Institute,1 Helsinki, Finland, Salamanca University,2 Sa

Microsoft word - english_med_rc_0406.doc

WOMEN’S INTERAGENCY HIV STUDY ENGLISH VERSION MEDICATION RESPONSE CARDS RESPONSE CARD D1 1. Rarely 2. Sometimes Form 22MED: Medication Use, Question B7b RESPONSE CARD D2 2. Some of the time 3. About half of the time 4. Most of the time 5. All of the time RESPONSE CARD D3 1. I am HIV negative 2. My CD4 was too high / my viral load was too low


Rectusdiastase in der Rückbildung von Annatina Schorno-Pitsch, dipl. Physiotherapeutin, dipl. Bewegungspädagogin BGB, Geburtsvorbereiterin BirthCare® BGB Einleitung hintere Anteil bildet zusammen mit der Aponeurose des Trans-versus abdominis (c) das hintere Blatt der Rectusscheide. Die Rectusdiastase ist eine Problematik, welche Frauen nach2. Unterhalb der Linea arcuata verlaufen die Apo

Firazyr, inn-icatibant acetate

B. BIJSLUITER BIJSLUITER INFORMATIE VOOR DE GEBRUIKER Firazyr 30 mg oplossing voor injectie, voorgevulde spuit Lees de hele bijsluiter zorgvuldig door voordat u start met het gebruik van dit geneesmiddel. - Bewaar deze bijsluiter. Het kan nodig zijn om deze later nog eens door te lezen. Heeft u nog vragen, raadpleeg dan uw arts of apotheker. Dit geneesmiddel is aan u persoonli

Untitled 2

Answer the following questions to determine the likelihood that you have a Candida problem CANDIDA QUESTIONNAIRE NAME_____________________________________ DATE______________ This questionnaire is designed for adults. It lists factor sin your medical history which promote the growth of Candida Albicans (Section A), and symptoms commonly found in individuals with yeast connected illne


Circulating the latest Intellectual Property, FDA, legal and business news as it relates to the biotech, chemical, agricultural and pharmaceutical industries. ~~ IMPAX Laboratories, Inc . (Hayward, CA) announced, August 26, 2002, that the U.S. District Court for the North- ern District of California has issued an order granting IM- 6,441,274 -- Cahoon , Rebecca E. et al . PAX's Mo

Microsoft word - scientific review glucose for diabetes final for posting 1_7_12

ARC SAC Scientific Review Oral Glucose for Diabetic Emergencies Questions to be addressed: Should lay rescuers be taught how and when to assist patients with administering glucose (sugar) during a diabetic emergency? Additional questions addressed with this review: What is the incidence of hypoglycemia in diabetics? What is the mortality/morbidity associated with hypoglycemia?


Selected parameters of insulin sensitivity in hypertensive patients after the change in therapy from angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors to angiotensin II type I receptor blockers. Branislav Zagrapan (General Medicine, Year 2) Supervisors: MUDr. Richard Imrich, PhD., Ing. Štefan Zórad, PhD. Institute of Experimental Endocrinology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava Introduct


Polish J. of Environ. Stud. Vol. 15 No. 4A (2006), 59-61 About the Interaction of Human Serum Albumin with Nevirapine and Azidothymidine A. Kluczewska1, K. Michalik1, Z. Drzazga1, M. Kaszuba2 1University of Silesia, A. Cheákowski’ Institute of Physics, Department of Medical Physics, Uniwersytecka 4, 40-007 Katowice, Poland 2Medical University of Silesia, Department of Prosthetic

Patienten 10/2005 erstellt 17.11.2005

Abteilung Anästhesie/Intensivmedizin Dr. Klaus Lang Chefarzt Anästhesie Frau Dr. Christa Brenig Leitende Ärztin Anästhesie Dr. Urs Denzler Leitender Arzt Intensivstation CH-8208 Schaffhausen, 23. November 2005 , La Perioperativer Umgang mit vorbestehenden Dauermedikationen Patienten nehmen vielfach chronisch Medikamente ein, welche potentiell mit Anästhetika interagieren

F:\2, setek\2,会议\2, 2011硒会议\2012 program schedules.doc

2012 PROGRAM SCHEDULES October 23, 2011 (Sunday) October 24, 2011 (Monday), Academic Hall, Ren Min University Opening Ceremony Chairs: G.S. Bañuelos & X.B. Yin Guest Speech The Functional Agriculture in China: Present and Future Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Session 1 Selenium in Soils and the Need for Biofortification of CropsSources and Transformations of Selen


Red leaves, insects and coevolution: a red herring?H. Martin Schaefer1 and David M. Wilkinson21Institute for Biology 1, Albert Ludwigs-Universita¨t, Hauptstr. 1, 79104 Freiburg, Germany2School of Biological and Earth Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, Byrom St, Liverpool, UK L3 3AFW.D. (Bill) Hamilton proposed that coevolution betweendefensive strength enables well defended individua

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des FC 1945 Ober-Rosbach – SOMA e.V . beschlossen von der Gründungsversammlung am 13.11.2009 in Rosbach. § 1 NAME, SITZ, GESCHÄFTSJAHR (1) Der Verein führt den Namen FC 1945 Ober-Rosbach – SOMA - mit dem Namenszusatz (2) Sitz des Vereins ist in 61191 Rosbach (3) Die Geschäftsstellenadresse ist mit der des jeweiligen 1. Vorsitzenden identisch (4) Das Geschäftsjahr ist das Kalende


Case report Clin Ter 2013; 164 (3):e207-209. doi: 10.7417/CT.2013.1570 A case of sensitization to Alitretinoin T. Grieco, V. Faina, L. Dies, M. Milana, L. Alei, E. Silvestri, S. Calvieri Department of Dermatology, “Sapienza” University of Rome, Italy Abstract Case report Alitretinoin is a unique retinoid authorised for the treatment of adults with severe chronic hand eczem

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For the use of a Registered Medical Practitioner, Hospital or Laboratory Clinical Pharmacology Endogen-HP administered for 7 to 12 days produces ovarian follicular growth in women who do not have primary ovarian failure. Treatment with Endogen- Endogen HP HP in most instances results only in follicular growth and maturation. When sufficient follicular maturation has occurred, hCG (Pubergen J


CURRICULUM VITAE INFORMAZIONI PERSONALI Data di nascita Qualifica Amministrazione Incarico attuale Responsabile - UOSDI RACCOLTA E PRODUZIONEEMOCOMPONENTI DIPARTIMENTO MEDICINATRASFUSIONALE LAZIONORD Numero telefonico dell’ufficio Fax dell’ufficio E-mail istituzionale TITOLI DI STUDIO E PROFESSIONALI ED ESPERIENZE LAVORATIVE Titolo di studio Altri tit

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Dr. Baughman : It's only gotten worse, since the book was published in '06. It just continues to get worse, as more and more children, and more and more civilians, layman throughout the nation and, in fact, the world, are being deceived and made to think that they should be taking these things. It all comes about very simply, very basically, through the disease lie. David Cutler : Can you


CURRENT STATUS Acute Complicated Diverticulitis Managed by Laparoscopic Lavage Mahdi Alamili, M.S. • Ismail Go¨genur, M.D. • Jacob Rosenberg, M.D., D.Sc. Department of Surgery D, Herlev Hospital, Herlev, Denmark PURPOSE: The classic surgical treatment of acute patients underwent elective sigmoid resection withcomplicated sigmoid diverticulitis with peritonitis isoften a two-

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Hepatitis C Screening and Medical Care Hepatitis C Treatment Clinic for Veterans Locations Nevada Health Centers, Inc., Clinics: Veterans may call for both medical and counselingservices eligibility. The VA provides a wide range ofmedical, counseling and support services. Hepatitis C Support Groups 2031 McDaniel St., Suite 210 North Las Vegas, NV 89030 Community Counseling Cen

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4th Sunday Advent A “ GOD IS WITH US ” “ Let the Lord enter! He is the king of glory ” (Ps.23:7.10) KERYGMA: During Advent we sing “ O come, O come, Emmanuel .” Who is Emmanuel? He is Jesus Christ in our midst, as the Risen Lord. “ O come, O come Emmanuel, and ransom captive Israel, that mourns in lonely exile here until the Son of God appear. Rej

Bibliography mind without brain cipro conference

For Morse ML: Mind Without Brain: A Scientific Analysis of Near Death Experiences With Special Attention to Those In Children. A New Scientific Paradigm of Consciousness. Annais do 4th CIPRO Congresso International of Consciousness and Conscientiology. International Journal of Consciousness Vol 11 no 41 pp 183-208 August 2008 1. Morse ML, Perry, P. Parting Visions: Uses and Meanings of Pre-Dea


Prescription Drug Depletion Chart “Are You Sure. you’re protecting yourself when taking medications?” Drug category and members (brand name in parenthesis) Nutrients Depleted Ephalosporin antibiotics: Cefprozil (Cefzil), Cefuroxime (Ceftin), Loracarbef (Lorabid) Macrolide antibiotics: Azithromycin (Zithromax), Clarithromycin (Biaxin), Erythromycin Penicillin antibiotics:

Sem título-2

Digestive adaptation: A new surgical proposal to treat obesity ORIGINAL ARTICLE Digestive adaptation: A new surgical proposal to treat obesityAdaptação digestiva: Uma nova proposta cirúrgica para tratar a obesidade com base emSérgio Santoro 1, Manoel Carlos Prieto Velhote 2, Carlos Eduardo Malzoni 3, Alexandre Sérgio Gracia Mechenas 4, ABSTRACT omentectomia e enterectomia que mantém


Men’s body contouring after massive weight loss What is it? Massive weight loss is generally described as being in the order of more than 50 kilograms. Such dramatic weight reduction is usually as a result of modern weight loss surgery, such as the insertion of lap bands. However, some people have managed weight reductions of this size on their own. Unfortunately, in obese people, the s

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EUGEN SEITZ Hard-Ematal surface treatment for solenoid valves Hard-Ematal coating High resistance to wear The surface of aluminium and its alloys isThe Ematal coating exhibits high wear re-In its the final state the Ematal coating isisolating aluminium oxide coating, with in-(breakdown voltage approx. 35 . 50 Vper m). Treatment takes place in a special elec-trolyte via anodic s

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Confédération Générale du Travail FORCE OUVRIERE au Comité Central Hygiène et Sécurité Monsieur le Ministre Mesdames, Messieurs La FNEC FP FO vous a saisi à deux reprises sur le sujet qui nous intéresse aujourd’hui. Nous attendons de cette réunion qu’elle réponde à nos interrogations et donc à celles des personnels. Tout d’abord, la FNEC FP FO entend rappeler son a

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What is Pushtimarg? Pushtimarg(The Path Of Grace) is one of the many sects in the Hindu religion. Pushtimarg was founded by Shrimad Vallabhacharya Mahaprabhu. Shri Vallabhacharya is one of the five main Acharyas of the Hindu Religion. The other four being (1)Shankaracharya (2)Shri Ramanujacharya, (3)Shri Madhavacharya (4)Shri Nimbarkacharya. These acharyas have a very significant co


DE LA SECRETARÍA DE GOBERNACIÓN, CON LA QUE REMITE CONTESTACION A PUNTO DE ACUERDO APROBADO POR LA COMISIÓN PERMANENTE Secretarios de la Comisión Permanente Del Honorable Congreso de la Unión Presentes En respuesta del oficio número D.G.P.L. 61-II-4-2263, signado por el diputado Heliodoro Carlos Díaz Escárraga, vicepresidente de la Mesa Directiva de la Comisión Permanen

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International Research Journal of Biochemistry and Bioinformatics (ISSN-2250-9941) Vol. 3(5) pp. xxx-xxx, May, 2013 Available online http://www.interesjournals.org/IRJBB Copyright © 2013 International Research Journals The (+)-adrenaline and skydiving as a solution to psychogenic symptoms and a possible prevention of psychosomatic diseases 1José Paulo de Oliveira Filho, 2Mauro S


Accueil > Classifications > Groupe 1 Evaluations Globales de la Cancérogénicité pour l'Homme Liste des Evaluations Groupe 1 : Cancérogènes pour l'homme D'après les Volumes 1 à 100A des monographies du CIRC Cette liste énumère tous les dangers pour la santé évalués à ce jour, selon le type de danger et le type d'exposition. Lorsqu'il y a lieu, la référence du C

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Hvad kan sociologien bruge kritiske studier af seksualitet til? Trækplaster Seksualiteten er ikke kun forbeholdt ” privaten” - nye muligheder for lyst er blevet givet, hvor spillet mellem det offentlige og private er centralt. Det er nu muligt, at finde sin kæreste, elsker eller sit one-night stand på internettet via eksempelvis dating.dk, engangsknald.dk, scor.dk m.fl. - og det e

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SANTA MONICA HIGH SCHOOL Authorization for Emergency Medical Care (Waiver) Student I.D.#_______________SPORT(S) ≤Fall Season: ≤Winter Season: ≤Spring Season: PURPOSE: To enable parents and guardians to authorize the provision of emergency treatment for student athletes who become ill or injured while under schoolauthority when parent or guardian cannot be reasonably reached?NAME (LAST) (FI

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Department of Reproduction, Obstetrics, and Herd HealthFaculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ghent University RISK FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH TETRACYCLINE RESISTANCE IN LACTOSE-POSITIVE ENTERIC COLIFORMS FROM FATTENING PIGS Timmerman T., Dewulf J., Catry B., Duchateau L., de Kruif A., Maes D. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ghent University, Salisburylaan 133, 9820 Merelbeke, Belgium Introd

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Species Reactivity: The antibody recognises poly(ADP-ribose) synthesised by a wide range of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerases like human, mouse, rat or drosophila PARP enzymes. >95 % as determined by SDS-PAGE. The antibody was purified from bioreactor supernatant using protein A affinity chromatography. 0,1 ml solution containing 50 mM HEPES, 100 mM NaCl, 1% BSA and 0.02 % sodium azide, pH 7.4 S


CURRICULUM VITAE Prénoms : TITRES ET FONCTIONS 1989 : Doctorat en médecine et mémoire de psychiatrie Praticien Hospitalier temps plein. Service de Psychiatrie et de Psychologie médicale (Pr M. Ferreri) Hôpital Saint-Antoine, Paris DEA de psychopathologie fondamentale et de psychanalyse (option biologie) Inscription Thèse de troisième cycle (Directeur d’Ec


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Safety of intravenous nitroglycerin after adminis- Though the Viagra group tolerated less nitroglycerin than the tration of sildenafil citrate to men with coronary placebo group, the difference was less dramatic than might have artery disease: A double-blind, placebo-con- been feared, and cases of hypotension were short-lived upon dis-continuation of the nitroglycerin. In the Viagra g


The Treatment of Acne V ulgaris using a Novel, Synchronous Intense Pulsed Blue Light and RadioFrequency Energy system Lisa M. Kellett, M.D. and R. Stephen Mulholland, M.D. Toronto, Ontario, Canada ABSTRACT form of cleansers, creams, gels, lotions andmasks. These consist of salicylic acid, vitaminimprovements in lasers that have enabled theirA/tretinoin, benzoyl peroxide and antibiot


The SpanishFlu WebJournal of Art presents the 4th International SpanishFlu Mail Art Biennial entitled Debrecen, University of Debrecen, October 2012The International Mail Art Colony of HernádkakThe Department of Economics and International Affairs at the University of Debrecen We would be honoured to see you among the participants of the exhibition. The technique of collage,


Volume 364 Number 9435 August 21–27, 2004 The Lancet – London Editorial Articles 637 How complicit are doctors in abuses of detainees?665 Comparison of lumiracoxib with naproxen and ibuprofenin the Therapeutic Arthritis Research and GastrointestinalEvent Trial (TARGET), reduction in ulcer complications675 Comparison of lumiracoxib with naproxen and ibuprofen The Lancet

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INGLÊS – 1ª SÉRIE TAREFA DA SEMANA DE 09 DE SETEMBRO – 15ª SEMANA TEXT Aspirin Danger Wonder-drug it may be, but aspirin is not suitable for children under the age of 12. Doctors have warned for years that if children take aspirin they risk developing a serious, sometimes fatal condition called Reye’s syndrome. But despite their warnings, a recent research project showed that

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Student Injury and Sickness Insurance Plan for Allegheny College 2013-2014 Allegheny College is pleased to offer an Injury and Sickness Insurance Plan underwritten by UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company. Eligibility Statement: All undergraduate students will be automatically enrolled in this plan unless proof of comparable coverage is furnished. This plan is underwritten by UnitedHealthc

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Research Profile Priv. Doz. Dr. med. Johann Bauersachs PD Dr. med. Johann Bauersachs Medizinische Klinik I Universitätsklinikum Josef-Schneider-Str. 2 97080 Würzburg 2.) Scientific career 22.04.66 Study of medicine at the University of Freiburg Residency at the Dept. of Internal Medicine IV (Cardiology/Nephrology), University Hospital Frankfurt Research fellowship at the Center of Ph

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Departement Soziales Alter und Pflege Med./Therapeutischer Dienst/Tagesklinik Subkutane Infusions- und Medikamentenverabreichung Dieses Arbeitspapier thematisiert theoretische und praktische Grundlagen zur subkutanen Gabe von Flüssigkeit und Medikamenten im Rahmen der Rehydratation oder palliativen Pflege. Indikation - Intermittierende, bolusweise oder kontinuierliche Infusions

Cv-legeay jan2009

Jean-Christophe LEGEAY EXPERIENCES PROFESSIONNELLES • Technicien d’analyse (HPLC, CPG, UV, IR), GlaxoSmithkline (Mayenne, France) ( 1999-2000 ). • Technicien de laboratoire : formulation d’engrais pour applications industrielles, CBB Développement (Rennes, France) ( 1999-2000 ). STAGES • Janvier à Mars 2002 : Catalyse enzymatique : synthèses d’esters d

Section 17

20 - Health Education and Wellness The Health Education and Wellness (HEW) Division believes that education is an integral part of preventative health. We provide programs dedicated to improve the lifelong wellness of your patients. We recognize that wellness is a never-ending process involving physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual health. Our goal is to prevent illness and to


manifiesto que he leído y entendido las condiciones generales del contrato de seguro que forma parte del presente documento, por lo que en base a las mismas SOLICITO a SISA, VIDA, S.A., SEGUROS DE PERSONAS, del domicilio de Santa Tecla, que emita una póliza de SEGURO DE GASTOS MÉDICOS, de acuerdo a lo siguiente:Nombre:Lugar y Fecha de Nacimiento:Edad: Máximo Vitalicio: $2,000,000.00Deducib

SjÖfs 2000:2

Sjöfartsverkets författningssamling SJÖFS 2000:21 Sjöfartsverkets föreskrifter och allmänna råd om sjukvård och apotek på fartyg; Sjöfartsverket föreskriver1 följande med stöd av 5 kap. 21 §, 6 kap. 13 §och 7 kap. 4 och 5 §§ fartygssäkerhetsförordningen (1988:594) och beslutarallmänna råd enligt bilaga 1 . 1 KAP. INLEDANDE BESTÄMMELSER 1 § Dessa föreskr

Week 5: october 25-28, 1999

GOALS AND INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES By the end of the week, the second quarter student will have an in-depthunderstanding of the diagnoses listed under Primary Diagnoses and SecondaryCommon Diagnoses. The second quarter student will accurately perform an appropriate history andphysical exam on a patient or patient model presenting with one of thecardiovascular diagnoses listed under Primary Dia

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Antares Pharma, Inc. (ATRS- NASDAQ ) January 16, 2014 ABOUT ANTARES PHARMA Antares Pharma focuses on patient self-administered parenteral (injectable) pharmaceutical products and topical gel-based medicines. The Company has received marketing approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for OTREXUP ™ (methotrexate) injection for the treatment of adults with severe a

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For Immediate Release: Sept. 15, 2011 Contact: Julie Hain Conference & Event Manager 609-689-1051 ext. 314 julie@sculpture.org __________________________________________________________________ The International Sculpture Center Announces the 2011 Outstanding Student Achievement in Contemporary Sculpture Award Competition Recipients ___________________________________


Aviso Importante: Laboratorios Suiphar interpreta que internet es un medio de comunicación global, sin embargo es importante considerar que la Industria Farmaceútica está regida por un marco regulatorio específico de cada país. La sección de productos está exclusivamente dedicada a satisfaccer necesidades de información de los profesionales de la salud, para uso adecuado de lo


Roswitha Dickerhoff1 Heterozygote Elisabeth Kohne3 Hämoglobin-S-Anlage Klinische und genetische Bedeutung der Trägerschaft Zusammenfassung Die Trägerschaft oder Heterozygotie für Hämo- globin S (HbS) hat keinen Krankheitswert. Sie Weltweit sind Millionen von Nur einige wenige klinische Manifesta- führt nicht zu den bei der Sichelzellerkrankung ten Trägern oft mitgeteilt, sie h

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THE SIGMA PANEL Insight Blast 9 Promoting a reduction in poppers use during receptive anal intercourse The use of poppers (volatile nitrite inhalants) is thought to increase the probability of HIV transmission when unprotected intercourse occurs between an HIV positive insertive partner and an HIV negative receptive partner. Making It Count identifies a population level target of

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FÉDÉRATION INTERNATIONALE DE GYMNASTIQUE Decision by the FIG Presidential Commission Ms. DOS SANTOS Daiane (BRA), antidoping test performed on 2 July 2009, Nr. 3020542 A Facts: Ms. DOS SANTOS Daiane, born on 10 February 1983 and competing for the National Federation (« NF ») of Brazil (« BRA »), underwent an out of competition antidoping test. The urine sample Nr. 30205


Introducción A lo largo de los últimos 10-20 años se ha obtenido información nueva respecto a los efectos de la nutrición sobre las enfermedades psiquiátricas y neurológicas. Los efectos de los diferentes alimentos sobre el sueño se investigaron durante las décadas de 1960 y 1970, pero sorprendentemente aún todavía existe muy poca información acerca de los efectos de los aliment

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with analgesics until symptoms disappear. For the use only of a Registered Medical Practitioner or a Hospital or a LaboratoryMalaise and low-medium grade fever and/ or a flu like syndrome. These symptoms usually occur after 4 hours of instillation and disappear within 24-48 hours. RARE ADVERSE EFFECTS: Fever more than 39°C. The fever resolves within 24-48 hours with antipyretics and flui

Excommunication was the commonest punishment in church courts

Shropshire Archives ASPECTS OF MEDIEVAL LIFE AS ILLUSTRATED BY SOME DOCUMENTS IN THE LILLESHALL COLLECTION Excommunication was the commonest punishment in church courts. It took two forms: lesser, merely excluded the individual from church services; greater, theoretically imposed social death. The punishment was rarely meant to punish but to enforce the judgment of the court and acceptan

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Gary Swan, Ph.D. Director, Center for Health Sciences SRI International Curriculum Vitae Education B.S., Psychology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington M.A., Psychology, State University of New York at Stony Brook, New York Ph.D., Psychology, State University of New York at Stony Brook, New York Academic Positions / Employment Clinical Instructor, Dept. of Psychia


For a video enhanced, resource rich version of this press release clic Connecting to Create the Jewish Future Young Social Innovators Will Collaborate at Global Summit in Jerusalem to Transform the Jewish World and Beyond Jerusalem -- (June 2, 2011) As cyber-activism and Facebook revolutions sweep the Middle East, 150 Jewish social and business entrepreneurs, technology whizzes, thi


Section 2.10 Transportation Submitter Name/ Plan Provision Summary of Submission Decision Requested Submission No. and Point C E Henderson Support generally the Section 32 analysis. Request more government funding for Southlands „Roads of National Importance‟. To Request retention of Objectives and Policies. maintain safety and resilience, also restoration

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STANDARD Stepped Therapy Agents ~ 2010 The following drugs will require prior authorization if the condition is not met when the pharmacist would attempt to transmit a prescription claim. Your doctor will coordinate this approval for you. If the prescription is approved, Coventry Health Care will cover the cost. You will be responsible for the copayment. If the request is not approved, i


IBEW NECA Sound and Communications Trust Fund Health Reimbursement Account (HRA): What’s Eligible? The IRS defines eligible health care expenses as amounts paid for the diagnosis, cure, mitigation or treatment of a disease, and for treatments affecting any part or function of the body. The expenses must be primarily to alleviate a physical or mental condition or illness. This list is not

Scientific program

30th Cardiovascular Surgical Symposium – CSS 15.30 – 18.30 Interactive Cardiovascular Training for Residents 15.30 – 16.00 Aortic valve disease: the view of the cardiologists 16.00 – 16.30 Aortic valve disease: the view of the surgeon S. Folkmann, T. Fleck, M. Grabenwöger (Vienna) Wetlab: Aortic valve replacement and coronary artery bypass grafting 18.30 Welcome Reception at the c

Sexual function/dysfunction/andrology: medical and non-surgical therapy (i)

SEXUAL FUNCTION/DYSFUNCTION/ANDROLOGY: MEDICAL AND NON-SURGICAL THERAPY (I) The association between erectile dysfunction and cardiovascular disease has been well established. It has been suggested that patients with newly diagnosed ED should undergo evaluation for other risk factors for CAD. On the other hand, the question was raised if sildenafil, an effective drug for erectile as well


anbieten können, ist es wichtig, deren Merk- Betreuung der motorischen Störungen male genau zu kennen. Jede motorische Störung kann als primäre, direkte Folge von cerebral gelähmten Kindern der zu grunde liegenden Krankheit oder als sekundäre, indirekte Folge langfristiger Ske-lettveränderungen betrachtet werden. Übersetzung: Rudolf Schlaepfer, La Chaux-de-Fonds und Beat Knech


A N I N T R O D U C T I O N T O I N D U S T R I A L F O R E S T R Y G I S S Y S T E M S A N D O B J E C T I V E S Associate Professor, Forest Inventory and GIS Geographic Information Systems applications by industrial forestry organizations share many features in common with other natural resources applications of GIS. Organizational constraints, data complexity, multi-user environments, and g

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HOW TO COME BACK ALIVE! CONTENTS 1 Be wise - immunise ! 11 AIDS - What you need to know Further copies of this booklet can be obtained from - Intedrnational Teams, 102 Javelin Avenue, Castle Vale, Birmingham B33 7LW Tel/Fax 0121 441 3028 INTRODUCTION The information and advice in this booklet is drawn from publications by Inter-Health, Tear Fund and our own re


Poultry Engineering, Economics & Management The NEWSLETTER Critical information for Improved Bird Performance Through Better House and Ventilation System Design, Operation and Management Auburn University, in cooperation with the U.S. Poultry & Egg Association Feature article How to Control Rats, Mice and Darkling Beetles The worst pests in poultry houses are dark


! Agriculture and Forestry Research, Special Issue No 362 (Braunschweig, 2012) ISSN 0376-0723 Download: www.vti.bund.de/en/startseite/vti-publications/landbauforschung-special-issues.html Comparison of two different dairy cow types in an organic, low input milk production system under Alpine conditions MARCO HORN1, ANDREAS STEINWIDDER2, LEOPOLD PODSTATZKY2, 1 University of Natural Re


trecento 5 CAPITOLO I DALLE ORIGINI AL TRECENTO 1.1 DALLA LINGUA LATINA ALLA LINGUA VOLGARE. INTRODUZIONE Con la caduta dell’Impero romano d’Occidente (476 d. C.) l’unità creata da Roma non era più politica ma essenzialmente culturale e linguistica. Infatti, soprattutto in Italia, dove si segnalò un forte ritardo della nascita della lingua italiana, il latino continuò ad e

Ucapan rapat hari kebangsaan dalam bahasa melayu, ahad 16 ogos 2009

NATIONAL DAY RALLY SPEECH 2009, SUNDAY, 16 AUGUST 2009 Friends and fellow Singaporeans, this is a significant year for Singapore. It is the 50th anniversary of our self-government. It is also the year when we have been hit by the most serious recession in half a century. Day to day we watch keenly the economic numbers - growth data, unemployment data, trade data, all the statistics. It is l


Lori R. Swenson, MD Please read ALL instructions carefully. The exam cannot be performed if your colon is not properly cleaned out. If you have severe allergies to Soy Beans and Eggs, please contact us immediately. If you have any questions after reading these instructions, please contact our office. ONE DAY BEFORE PROCEDURE: You may have a light breakfast as long as it is before 9:00 a.m. D

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St. Christopher Summer Camp Permission Form Complete Parts A, B & C and return by April 26, 2013 to: St Christopher Summer Camp Health Form, 2810 Seabrook Island Rd, Johns Island, SC 29455 Office (843)768-1337 Nurse: (843) 768-8519 Nurse Email: pmcbride@stchristopher.org PART A Reasonable precaution is exercised to ensure that St. Christopher is a safe place for your child. It is possible

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Ausgabe: Januar 2006 zuletzt geändert und ergänzt: März 2007 Technische Regeln Arbeitsplatzgrenzwerte Gefahrstoffe Die Technischen Regeln für Gefahrstoffe (TRGS) geben den Stand der Technik,Arbeitsmedizin und Arbeitshygiene sowie sonstige gesicherte wissenschaftlicheErkenntnisse für Tätigkeiten mit Gefahrstoffen, einschließlich deren Einstufung undKennzeichnung, wieder. Sie w


http://www.jtbaker.com/msds/englishhtml/C2915.htmMSDS Number: C2915 * * * * * Effective Date: 07/02/09 * * * * * Supercedes: 05/04/07Synonyms: Trichloromethane; Methyl trichloride; Methane trichlorideCAS No.: 67-66-3Molecular Weight: 119.38Chemical Formula: CHCl3Product Codes:J.T. Baker: 9174, 9175, 9180, 9181, 9182, 9183, 9184, 9186, 9187, 9188, 9257Mallinckrodt: 1473, 2175, 4432, 4434, 4439,

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The Sudan J. Vet. Res. (2011), 26 : 83-86. With 2 tables in the text. www.sudanjve.net Antibiotics Susceptibility Reaction of Pasteurella multocida and Mannheimia haemolytica to Selected Eight Antibiotics Sabiel, Y. A1; Musa, M. T1. and Hadya E Ahmed2 (1)Veterinary Research Institute, P.O. Box 8067 (Al-Amarat), Khartoum, Sudan. E. mail: sabiel- sd@hotmail.co.uk. (2) Anim

Microsoft word - cri06_dec_04.doc

Déc. 2004 Feuille d’informations du SNJ France 3 Editorial Témoignage Chronique d’un plan social annoncé CDD : si Papet savait… 0 000 euros. C’est le prix du licenciement Il y a ceux qui, en désespoir de cause, ont jeté d’un CDD à France 3. C’est en tout cas le le gant et ont fini par trouver le chemin des 3 prix calculé et propo

Eurobasket 2009 f-d-i - text comm. presse

COMMUNIQUE DE PRESSE 18 février 2008 EUROBASKET 2009 LES ADVERSAIRES DE LA SUISSE CONNUS La Suisse connaît les adversaires qu’el e devra affronter dans sa campagne de qualification pour l’accession dans le groupe A. Effectué samedi à Venise, le tirage au sort a désigné le Bélarus, Chypre, la Roumanie et l’Albanie comme adversaires des joueurs de Manu Schmitt qui se retro


10_TTManual_2008/09_Master_Sect_9:Layout 1 9/8/08 10:20 AM Page 9.28 11 Ethylenediamine Dihydrochloride – Patient Information Your T.R.U.E. TEST results indicate that you have a contact allergy to ethylenediamine. Ethylenediamine (EDD)in contact with your skin may result in dermatitis.This contact allergy may cause your skin to react when it isexposed to this substance, although it may take s

State level environment

STATE LEVEL ENVIRONMENT Dr. R.ANNAMALAI,I.F.S., IMPACT ASSESSMENT AUTHORITY, TAMILNADU, Lr.No.SEIAA/TN/EC/5(f)/006 /F-197/2009 Dated: 11 .09.2009 To The General Manager, M/s. Aurobindo Pharma Limited, B2, SIPCOT Industrial Complex, Kudikadu Village, Cuddalore 607 005. Sir, Sub: SEIAA, Tamilnadu - M/s. Aurobindo Pharma Limited, Plot No. B2, SIPCOT Industri


2014 Custom Rx TBD for Sheet Metal, Air, Rail, and Transportation Workers - LPPO & RPPO Group Plus Formulary Effective Date: 01/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Subject to CMS Approval 30 Day Supplies 30 Day Retail from $0 to 30 Day Retail Cost Sharing Out of Pocket that Rx Option Plan/Option Catastrophic (1) from Catastrophic to triggers Unlimited Catastro


Enregistré à la Présidence du Sénat le 19 novembre 2009 au nom de la commission des affaires sociales (1) sur le projet de loi de finances pour 2010 , ADOPTÉ PAR L’ASSEMBLÉE NATIONALE , ACTION MISSION INTERMINISTÉRIELLE DE LUTTE CONTRE LA DROGUE ET LA TOXICOMANIE (MILDT) ( 1 ) C et t e c o m mi s s i o n e s t c o m p o s é e d e : M me M u g u e tt e D in i , p r é

Microsoft word - 500-08.doc

Date Submitted: Date Reviewed: SOMERSET COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Subject: Date Approved: January 17, 2006 February 17, 2009 Date Revised: December 13, 2005 December 16, 2008 Date Effective: December 14, 1999 To establish curriculum program uniformity PHILOSOPHY A. The Board of Education recognizes the need for students to acquire basic skills and higher o


Esta noche hay eclipse de sol. Obra de teatro en tres actos en la que se analiza si es posible cambiar este mundo y también porque nos cuesta tanto hacerlo. 1º Acto. Mi marido me ha pegado. Pero yo sé que "otro mundo es posible". En la empresa en que trabajo quieren hacer reducción de plantilla. Pero yo sé que "otro mundo es posible". La lluvia ha decidido que no dejar

Lithium ion cgr17500

LITHIUM ION BATTERIES: INDIVIDUAL DATA SHEET CGR17500 CGR17500: Cylindrical Model Discharge Characteristics Charge Conditions: Constant voltage/constant current, 4.2 V, 550 mA (max.), 2 hours, 20˚C. Discharge Conditions: Constant current up to 3.0V at 20˚C. Charge Conditions: Constant voltage/constant current, 4.2 V, 550 mA (max.), 2 hours, 20˚C. Discharge Conditions: Con


peruanoclandestino@email.it / settembre2mila5 / newsletter #2______________________________(Distacchi) donde no nace, noNon troppo, ma è stata come una libera uscita, riappropriarsi di uno spazio; più mentalmenteche fisicamente. Ci fa bene all’anima avere gente attorno, altrimenti finiremmo sempre a parlaredel Progetto, a pensare di lavoro; ma non è bello dover far girare i Nirvana ogn

Microsoft word - introductiebrochure f2.doc

introductiebrochure voor studenten verpleegeenheid F2 Voorwoord Wij willen je graag als student opnemen op onze afdeling. Wij willen ons inzetten zodat je een aangename stageperiode tegemoet gaat. Met deze brochure willen we je wegwijs maken op onze afdeling. Het is een beknopte begeleiding die je steeds kunt raadplegen. Een brochure kan niet allesomvattend zijn, daarom staan zowe

Newsletter sept 2011.indd

22 Tahora Ave, Remuera, Auckland | (09) 522 4000 | samsaramedispa@xtra.co.nz | www.samsaramedispa.co.nz Welcome to Samsara Medispa’s Spring Newsletter In This Issue. Samsara Medispa provides the ultimate experience for our clients which helps empower them to achieve their goalsIt’s fi nally spring and we can hopefully say goodbye to these freezing cold temperatures we

Some type of interview with authors about a general subject, co

Silica, Nature’s Surgeon Experts believe higher blood serum levels lead to hardening of the arteries, which can cause heart attacks. The authors of the study called for We all want to be beautiful, live longer, be a rethink on giving people calcium supplements healthier and feel better, but how do you know for bone health. "Serum calcium levels have what to do to achieve this? How of


PROTOCOLO CLINICO DE LA PÉRDIDA GESTACIONAL PRECOZ RÉGIMEN MIFEPRISTONA-MISOPROSTOL PRIMERA VISITA Primer día -Explicar detenidamente a la paciente el proceso -Consentimientos informados - Analítica: hemoglobina y Rh -Administrar MIFEPRISTONA (dosis de 200 mg ) -Se dan instrucciones para volver en 2 días. -Entre 1-6% se produce la expulsión de los productos de la concepción. SEG

Microsoft word - arsenaleridag.doc

Förändring i kärnvapenarsenaler Även om det tar tid, så pågår en löpande nedrustning av kärnvapenstaternas arsenaler. Tyvärr pågår parallellt med minskningen i antal en utveckling av kapacitet och finess av existerande kärnvapen. Ett problem som uppmärksammats både av fredsrörelsen och av flera icke-kärnvapenstater är tendensen att utveckla taktiska kärnvapen, avsedda att anvä


use of synthetic antimicrobial peptides to facilitate the our laboratory identified molecules having the ability to boost the effectiveness of anti-infective agents. these molecules have themselves anti-infective properties (antibacterial and antifungal) and are able to increase the effectiveness of antibiotics already commercially available. We study the effect of different synthetic peptides

Microsoft word - res conj sms_previ-rio 42_2007.doc

RESOLUÇÃO CONJUNTA SMS/PREVI-RIO N° 42 DE 25 DE MAIO DE 2007 Dispõe sobre a concessão de Auxílio- Medicamento aos segurados do Instituto de Previdência e Assistência do Município do Rio de Janeiro - PREVI-RIO. O SECRETÁRIO MUNICIPAL DE SAÚDE E A PRESIDENTE DO INSTITUTO DE PREVIDÊNCIA E ASSISTÊNCIA DO MUNICÍPIO DO RIO DE JANEIRO - PREVI-RIO, no uso de suas

Microsoft word - skolinfo med gul logga, vers 3.doc

Information och råd om Nya influensan A(H1N1)v Smittskyddsenheten, Dalarna Till personal, elever och föräldrar i förskola/skola Bakgrund Varje år är vi vana vid att influensan dyker upp, som regel på vinterhalvåret. Befolkningen insjuknar i mer eller mindre omfattning och tidvis blir frånvaron hög i skolor och på arbetsplatser. Dessa återkommande influensaepidemier är vi van


The practice of Hand Surgery continues to evolve inthe light of new research and technology. It still is of specialinterest to not only to full time Hand Surgeons but also toOrthopaedic and Plastic surgeons as well. This is especiallyso in areas of the distal radius and carpus. In the interestof continuity, we in the organising committee have decidedto look further distally from last year into th

Anticoagulation competency

Warfarin Interactions With Drugs, Herbals, Foods And Labs Drug-Drug Interactions Interacting Medication Adverse Effect Management Severity Mechanism Concurrent administration contraindicated. Do not give within 7 days of Abciximab (Reopro) Excessive bleeding Major Rapid Additive anticoagulation abciximab use unless PT time is less than

Sagene june 15

Sagene Pharmaceuticals Announces Issuance of US Patent for Erectile Dysfunction Oldsmar, FL, June 15, 2010 – Sagene Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a biopharmaceutical company focused on developing combinations of FDA- approved drugs to treat diseases associated with aging, today announced that the United States Patent and Trademark Office has issued US Patent 7,737,147 covering methods an

Microsoft word - ordenanzas.doc.docx

ORDENANZAS POR LAS QUE SE HA DE REGIR LA COFRADÍA DE NUESTRO PADRE JESÚS NAZARENO Artículo 1°.- Esta Cofradía, como desde su fundación, continúa denominándose de NUESTRO Artículo 2°.- La Cofradía radica en la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Paz, adscrita a la Parroquia de Santa María la Mayor, de la ciudad de Daimiel (Ciudad Real), Iglesia que hasta 1982, pertenecía al Convento d

Microsoft word - permission and releases.doc

Special Needs Schools of Gwinnett, Inc Permissions & Releases Form We would like to welcome you and your child to Special Needs Schools of Gwinnett, Inc. (SNS). Please read over the following releases, initial each one on the line provided beside each one, and sign and date at the bottom of the page. Accident Policy _____ Although I understand that Special Needs Schools of Gwin

Rap bardwell

BLEACHING In vitro evaluation of tooth colour modifications using differing hydrogen peroxide concentrations By David Bardwell DMD, MS, Aikaterini Papathanasiou, DDS & Simone Deliperi, DDS Much of bleaching is still an unknown sci- techniques include the dentist-prescribed in-office booster, ence. In this study, the authors look at the home-applied tray delivery system,

Microsoft word - mayo_ar_finaledit_aug2007.doc

Connections Between Communication and Math Abilities Rachelle Mayo Math in the Middle Institute Partnership Action Research Project Report Department of Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education Connections Between Communication and Math Abilities Abstract In this action research study of my Class I School’s 5th and 8th grade mathematics, I investigated students’

Microsoft word - ris n 63.doc

RISOLUZIONE N. 63/E Roma, 28 marzo 2007 Direzione Centrale Normativa e Contenzioso ______________ OGGETTO : Istanza d’interpello. Articolo 167, comma 5, del D.P.R. 22 dicembre 1986, n. 917 Il soggetto controllante in oggetto ha richiesto la disapplicazione delle disposizioni contenute negli articoli 167 del Testo Unico delle imposte sui redditi, approvato co


MK GRATULIERT. A Aebi Birte, Zürich; Albisser Brigitte, Luzern; Anschlag Anne, Win- bach; Murat Marija, Zürich; N Näf Jeremias, Unterägeri; Näf Tobias, terthur; B Baumgartner Christian, Neftenbach; Bisang Bruno, Luter- Elsau; Nafzger Pascale, Frauenfeld; Nater Serge, Zürich; Noser Ste-bach; Bleiker Rolf, Zürich; Bunk Michael, Kirchberg; C


Fachinformation Bezeichnung des Arzneimittels 2. Qualitative quantitative Zusammensetzung Die vollständige Auflistung der sonstigen Bestandteile siehe Abschnitt 6.1. Darreichungsform Sprühlösung zur Lokalanästhesie, Pumpspray 4. Klinische 4.1 Anwendungsgebiete - Oberflächliche Betäubung und Desinfektion der Mundschleimhaut vor einer - Oberflächliche Betäu


Poster Sessions Abstracts Index PEROXIDASE USING DIFFERENT METHODS OF CO-SPREADING IN LIPID FILMS AT THE AIR-WATER Symposium I David Sotero do Santos Jr (Windsor University), Luciano Caseli (IFSC-USP), Thaís Fernandes Schmidt (IFSC-USP) and Osvaldo Novais de POSTER SESSION PI1- Wednesday October 11 The interaction of horseradish peroxidase (HRP), an enzyme that catalyzes the hydroge

10th september 2005

Dear Parents/Carers and members I would like to take this opportunity to welcome all new members into BSTWO and to welcome back some of last year’s members. Please find enclosed with this introductory letter a rehearsal schedule for the forthcoming academic year and an acceptance of conditions sheet that should be returned as soon as possible. Please make a note of the dates on the sch

2012-300-1 prelim fly v5_benefit summary

Blanket Student Accident and Sickness Insurance Plan for The University of Tennessee 2012-2013 The University of Tennessee is pleased to offer an Accident and Sickness Insurance Planunderwritten by UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company. All international students attendingUniversity of Tennessee at Chattanooga, Knoxville, Martin and Tullahoma are automaticallyenrolled in this plan on a


GUIDELINEs ON MALE sEXUAL DYsFUNCTION: Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation E. Wespes, E. Amar, I. Eardley, F. Giuliano, D. Hatzichristou, K. Hatzimouratidis, F. Montorsi, Y. Vardi Eur Urol 2002;41(1):1-5 Eur Urol 2006;49(5):806-15 Definition, Epidemiology and Risk factors Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the persistent inability to attain and maintain an erection suffic

Omnis 7

FICHE DE DONNEES DE SECURITE PHOBI GUEPES 1 IDENTIFICATION DE LA SUBSTANCE / PRÉPARATION ET DE LA SOCIÉTÉ / ENTREPRISE Nom commercial Type de produit Responsable de la mise sur le marché : LODI N° de téléphone en cas d'urgence 2 COMPOSITION / INFORMATIONS SUR LES COMPOSANTS Composants / Impuretés Nom de la substance Contenance Numéro index Classificati

Eufeps 2006 poster cipro in comprimised patients secured

Physiologically-based pharmacokinetic simulations of ciprofloxacin in obese and renally impaired individuals Stefan Willmann 1), Walter Schmitt 1), Heino Stass 2), Gertrud Ahr 2), Andrea N. Edginton 1) 1) Systems Biology, Bayer Technology Services GmbH, Leverkusen, Germany2) Clinical Pharmacokinetics, Bayer HealthCare AG, Wuppertal, Germany INTRODUCTION Ph


Dr Michael Fountoulakis, Chemical Engineer Affiliation and official address Technical Educational Institute of Crete Stavromenos , GR-710 04, Iraklio, Crete, Greece Telephone/Fax : +30 2810 379482 E-Mail : mfountoul @staff.teicrete.gr Date and place of birth: 12 January 1978, Iraklio, Crete (GREECE) Nationality: Greek Education Diploma in Chemical Engineering. Dept.


Emergency Medical Treatment Release Form To Whom It May Concern: As a parent/guardian, I do hereby authorize the treatment of a qualified and licensed Medical Doctor in an emergency which, in the opinion of the attending physician, may endanger his/her life, cause disfigurement, physical impairment, or undo discomfort if delayed. This authority is granted only after a reasonable effort has bee


Optimization in Multi-implant Placement for Immediate Loading in Edentulous Arches Using a Modified Surgical Template and Prototyping: A Case Report Sérgio J. Jayme, DDS, MScD1/Valdir A. Muglia, DDS, MScD, DSc2/Rafael R. de Oliveira, DDS, MScD3/Arthur B. Novaes Jr, DDS, MScD, DSc4 Immediate loading of dental implants shortens the treatment time and makes it possible to give thepa

Microsoft word - nsg353.doc

H.C. is a 66-year-old woman diagnosed with fibromyalgia syndrome [FMS] in 2007 as a secondary complication from Lyme disease. In the beginning, she was not concerned because she knew little about the condition and how painful it can be. Eventually the symptoms worsened, she described having parasthesia, painful pressure, and generalized ache. It affects mostly her neck and left shoulder, which

Microsoft word - normative aziende 112009.doc

C.F. MSTLGU48M08F631R - P.IVA 041834209699 – REA 1731503 E-MAIL: GECOSRL@GECO.191.IT MASTROMATTEI LUIGI ELABORAZIONE DATI CONTABILI INFORMATIVA N. 11/2009 Cusano M.no, 11.11.2009 NORMATIVE AZIENDE Anche quest’anno questo Studio predisporrà mensilmente la rubrica “ Normative Aziende ”. “Normative Aziende” è destinato al a clientela del o

Microsoft word - document

INFORMED CONSENT FOR MICROPEEL TREATMENT I, _______________________________________, consent to and authorize the certified staff of BIOAesthetics Skin Enhancement and Rejuvenation, LLC to perform professional skin exfoliation and chemical peel (MicroPeel). I understand the purpose of a MicroPeel is to help improve the vitality and texture of my skin through superficial remova

Form 5-code of conduct-players-rules

SOUTH AFRICAN SCHOOLS HOCKEY BOYS SECTION Form 5: Player code of conduct CODE OF CONDUCT PLEASE forward a copy to each team member, prior to the Tournament. Players are to sign acknowledgment of receipt of this document on the letter of consent. 1. No player will be allowed to smoke, drink alcohol or use drugs, both on and off the field. 2. Unsupervised visits to p

Microsoft word - followup visit form.docx

Form 2. Follow-up Visit Form Patient’s Name: ______________ Please specify any seizure you had over the past week. Describe step by step, the first thing that happened, the next thing, etc. List what you experienced and then list what others observed. Please also attach your seizure calendar. Date Description How many seizures occurred over the past month?: ____________________ ; How many i

Nonsignificance plus high power does not imply support for the null over the alternative

Nonsignificance Plus High Power Does Not Imply Support for the NullOver the AlternativeThis article summarizes arguments against the use of power to analyze data, and illustrates a key pitfall: Lackof statistical significance (e.g., p O .05) combined with high power (e.g., 90%) can occur even if the datasupport the alternative more than the null. This problem arises via selective choice of para

D:\munkák\munkak\szociologia\2003-szeptember\angol\tordelt\lászló letenyei.vp

Review of Sociology Vol. 9 (2003) 2. 151–159 THE NETWORK SAGA* Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public AdministrationBudapest, Fõvám tér 8. H-1093; e-mail: llet@bkae.huBarabási, Albert-László: Linked. The New Science of Networks. Cambridge MA: PerseusA Hungarian sociologist has two good reasons to be proud nowadays. First, as a Hungarian, since on the other side of th

Media release

Media Release Synthes and Lilly Sign Development and Collaboration Agreement West Chester (PA) and Indianapolis (IN), USA, June 9, 2011 Synthes, Inc. (SIX: SYST.VX) and Eli Lilly and Company (NYSE: LLY) today announced the signing of an exclusive worldwide collaboration agreement to address the needs of patients who are cared for by orthopedic surgeons, including those with ost


Hepatitis B Hepatitis B is one of the major diseases of mankind and is a serious global public health problem. It is preventable with safe and effective vaccines that have been available since 1982. Of the 2 billion people who have been infected with the hepatitis B virus (HBV), more than 350 million have chronic (lifelong) infections. These chronically infected persons are at high risk of dea


OBSTETRICS, GYNAECOLOGY & UROLOGY Guidelines on the management of erectile dysfunction • British Society for Sexual Medicine • Epidemiology and risk factors – other urological symptoms (past or present)• Erectile dysfunction (ED) has been defined as the persistent inability to attain and/or maintain an • A digital rectal examination (DRE) of the erection sufficient fo

Curriculum vitae

CURRICULUM VITAE Brief Resume PAUL STANLEY LIETMAN, M.D., PH.D. Director of the Division of Clinical Pharmacology (a division of the Department of Medicine and the Department of Pharmacology and Molecular Science) and holder of the Wellcome Chair in Clinical Pharmacology for 29 years (1972-2001). During this time the Division of Clinical Pharmacology developed unparalleled strength in

Microsoft word - new_ijmms-10-039__autosaved_.docx

RIF 1(5):218-223 (2010) ISSN:1837-6746 Evaluation of the efficacy of directly observed treatment short course (DOTS) in patients with tuberculosis and HIV Co-infection in Kano, Nigeria. Mukhtar M. Dauda (Ph.D) Department of Biological Sciences, Microbiology Programme, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria Corresponding author: mukhtardauda03@gmail.com Abstract Background: A prospe

Quinolones: a comprehensive review -- american family physician

Quinolones: A Comprehensive Review CATHERINE M. OLIPHANT, PHARM.D., University of Wyoming School of Pharmacy, Casper, Wyoming GARY M. GREEN, M.D., Kaiser Permanente, Santa Rosa Medical Center, Santa Rosa, California With the recent introduction of agents such as gatifloxacin and moxifloxacin, the traditional gram-negative coverage of fluoroquinolones has been expanded to include specific gram-

7037ma - 7037 lithium grease - united states 2008-8-14.pmd

PRODUCT: Crown Lithium Grease aterial Safety Data Sheet SECTION III - PHYSICAL / CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS BOILING POINT: N/A SPECIFIC GRAVITY (H20=1, @70 ° F): 0.66 VAPOR DENSITY: Heavier than air SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Negligible EVAPORATION RATE: Slower than Ether APPEARANCE AND ODOR: Tan / Hydrocarbon Odor TO: MSDS USERSPlease find below the material safety data sh

Microsoft word - dimosinu.doc

Status of Introduced Plants in Southern Arizona Parks Dimorphotheca sinuata D.C. William L. Halvorson, Principal Investigator U.S. Geological Survey / Southwest Biological Science Center Table of Contents: Dimorphotheca sinuata D.C. . 3 African daisy, cape marigold, sun marigold, Star of the Veldt, glandular cape marigold .3 synonymous names of the species:. 3 species

Microsoft word - reagan author approved edits 12-7-05 _h__p_.doc

REAGAN AUTHOR APPROVED EDITS 12-7-05 (H)(P) 9/12/2006 9:56:03 AM THE HUNT FOR SEALED SETTLEMENT AGREEMENTS There is substantial concern over courts sealing settlement agree-ments.1 This article describes how the Federal Judicial Center conducted some research on the matter as it pertains to federal civil cases at the re-quest of a United States senator and the Civil Rules Advisory Committee.2 W


BRIEF REPORT–EPIDEMIOLOGY AND SOCIAL SCIENCEA Descriptive Analysis of HIV Risk Behavior Among MenHaving Sex With Men Attending a Large Sex Resort Richard Crosby, PhD*† and Aaron Mettey, MPH* study of MSM attending a bathhouse in Portland Oregon.4 Un- Summary: This study assessed the prevalence of various HIV- fortunately, studies of MSM specifically attending sex resortsassociated risk


Endocrinology. First published ahead of print June 25, 2012 as doi:10.1210/en.2012-1422 Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals and Public Health Protection: A Statement of Principles from The Endocrine Society R. Thomas Zoeller, T. R. Brown, L. L. Doan, A. C. Gore, N. E. Skakkebaek,A. M. Soto, T. J. Woodruff, and F. S. Vom SaalBiology Department and Molecular and Cellular Biology Program (R.T.Z.),


Nº 227, sexta-feira, 22 de novembro de 2013A busca foi atualizada em 05/09/2013. Na base de dados- Grave - medula óssea com menos de 25% de celularidade,Medline/Pubmed, utilizando-se os termos "Anemia, Aplastic"[Mesh]ou com menos de 50% de celularidade e em que menos de 30% dasAND "Therapeutics"[Mesh] e, como filtros, meta-análises, ensaioscélulas são precursores hemat


Answer Key to Password Readers Missing in Cornwall Chapter 1 pages 4–5 (1) pages 8–9 (3) go / are / Scottish / school / is / pupil / sees / father / star / likes / her Settings (pages 10–11) (page 10, top to bottom): 4, 1, 8 (page 11, top to bottom): 2, 6 (left), 3 (right), 5 (left), 7 (right) Chapter 2 pages 12–13 (1) 1. K 2. R 3. R 4. K 5. R 6. R 7. K

Microsoft word - dermisil scabies instrcutions-1.doc

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE OF You may bathe again using the same routine as the day before outlined above. You may want to use Aveeno oatmeal soap/liquid and Benadryl tablets to help with DERMISIL® S TOPICAL SCABIES TREATMENT the itching and irritation. It is OK to use it along with the Dermisil® S Liquid. Always Patch Test an Area Before Starting Ful Treatment Regiment The damage lef


Giulia Mollica Curriculum vitae PhD in Chemical Sciences Laboratoire Chimie Provence, équipe SACS Case 512 Campus Scientifique St Jérôme Université de Provence Avenue Escadrille Normandie Niémen PERSONAL Born June 27th 1978 in Livorno, Italy. One child. EDUCATION • PhD, Chemistry (Physical Chemistry), Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (Solid State NMR) , January 20

Microsoft word - nt_election_flyer 140812 final

NT public sector Jobs and services matter Public sector jobs are essential to the Territory: for our members in those jobs and for the broader community who rely on the services they provide. What is the ALP saying? Right around Australia, Liberal state Governments are making massive cuts to public sector jobs and services. These cuts have happened despite “We


LAS ENSEÑANZAS DE KRYON El Grupo de Kryon Kryon canalizado por Mario Liani El Grupo de Kryon es la denominación que Mario Liani emplea para canalizar la amorosa energía de Kryon, la cual no representa a una entidad aislada, sino a un grupo de conciencias superiores de ascendencia angelical que opera sin individualidades y bajo una absoluta sincronía. Kryon está siendo canaliz

Microsoft word - calculs de doses

1. Le médecin a prescrit à Mr X. une injection de vitamine K en intraveineuse directe. Vous disposez d’ampoules de vitamine K de 1 ml contenant 50 mg de produit actif. Quel volume (en ml) devez-vous injecter ? 2. Vous devez injecter par voie intramusculaire 250 mg de vitamine B1 par jour, en une seule fois. Vous disposez d’ampoules de 2 ml de vit. B1 dosées à 100 mg. Quel volume (en ml)

Health history.xlsx

REASON FOR VISIT: List in order of importance to you. ALLERGIES: List any allergies to medications and / or foods MEDICINES you are taking NOW. Include herbs, prescriptions, over-the-counter drugs, and vitamins. Medication CURRENT SYMPTOMS: Do you have any of the following symptoms? Please complete ALL If yes , how often? (circle one) OTHER SYMPTOMS NOT LISTED: IMMUNIZATI

Student health

Student Emergency Card and Student Health Inventory For the protection of the health and welfare of all students, parents shall provide current emergency information (Education Code Section 49408), and health information. Immunization Requirements The California Health and Safety Code requires that every student enrolled in a California public school be immunized according to regulation


REVIEW ARTICLE Osteoporosis: Beyond Bone Mineral Density (Part II) John Neustadt, ND, and Steve Pieczenik, MD, PhD Primary osteoporosis occurs with bone loss as people age, and life-shortening fractures in patients. Early detection and while secondary osteoporosis is caused by other factors such as treatment of risk factors for osteoporosis and osteoporotic frac-medications and medical condit


1. NAAM VAN HET GENEESMIDDEL FOLAVIT 4 , 4 mg tabletten. 2. KWALITATIEVE EN KWANTITATIEVE SAMENSTELLING Voor een volledige lijst van de hulpstoffen, zie rubriek 6.1. 3. FARMACEUTISCHE VORM De breukstreep is alleen om het breken te vereenvoudigen zodat het inslikken makkelijker gaat en niet voor de verdeling 4. KLINISCHE GEGEVENS 4.1 Therapeutische indicaties Behandeling


Journal of Fish Diseases 2002, 25, 733–736Identification of Edwardsiella ictaluri from diseasedfreshwater catfish, Pangasius hypophthalmus (Sauvage),M Crumlish1, T T Dung2, J F Turnbull1, N T N Ngoc2 and H W Ferguson11 Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling, Stirling, UK2 Aquaculture and Fisheries Science Institute, CanTho University, CanTho, VietnamKeywords: Edwardsiella ictaluri

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