One of the primary roles of Emergency Medical Ser-vices is to provide emergency care for life-threatening medical events. This section reviews clinical and system considerations in the EMS care of these time-critical conditions.
Altered Mental Status/Altered Level of Consciousness
patient as possible from the scene. Because the patient often cannot provide an adequate history, fi eld person-
The patient presenting to the out-of-hospital care pro-
nel may seek additional information from alternate
vider with an altered level of consciousness (ALOC,
sources, such as bystanders, family, and the physical
also referred to as altered mental status or AMS) is one
surroundings. Important questions may include the
of the most common encounters in EMS. Many of the
patient’s baseline health, the rapidity of the onset of
conditions causing ALOC have the potential to cause
the symptoms, and any complaints voiced or signs ex-
signifi cant morbidity and mortality. It is essential that
hibited by the patient. One particularly useful question
proper care be initiated in the fi eld, often before the
is whether or not the patient ever had a complete loss
diagnosis is completed. In most instances, this treat-
ment should be instituted in conjunction with attempts
EMS personnel should search common locations
to determine the underlying cause. In addition, the
such as bathrooms, medicine cabinets, bedrooms,
out-of-hospital care of these patients must address
nightstands, and kitchens for clues about underlying
possible complications such as cervical spine injury
illnesses or possible ingestion. A medical alert bracelet
and aspiration. The challenges are to rapidly identify
or necklace should be sought. Other household mem-
and treat potentially reversible problems in the fi eld
bers exhibiting similar complaints or the presence of
sick or deceased pets may point to carbon monoxide (CO) exposure.
If a drug overdose or poisoning is suspected, EMS
personnel should gather further pertinent information, including the route of exposure, the type of substance
The differential diagnosis for the patient with an
involved, and the time and amount of exposure. In the
ALOC is extremely long and complex. Although the
majority of cases, overdoses will occur by ingestion. If
ultimate treatment for many of these causes falls out-
the exact amount of exposure or ingestion is not known,
side the scope of practice of the prehospital care pro-
personnel should try to establish the maximum possible
vider, EMS personnel should focus on conditions that
quantity. Personnel should also note any actions taken
may be effectively treated in the fi eld. A simple and
by the patient or bystanders, including the administra-
useful mnemonic for the potential causes of ALOC is
tion of any “antidotes.” Empty pill containers, liquor
bottles, syringes, and other drug paraphernalia can
Once scene safety is assured, EMS personnel of
greatly aid later treatment decisions, and if possible,
all levels should provide BLS interventions. Once the
should be brought to the emergency department.
ABCs are adequately addressed, additional history,
Another important route of ingestion, especially in
physical examination, and fi eld fi ndings may prove
teenagers and young adults, is “huffi ng” or “sniffi ng.”
useful in developing an appropriate treatment plan.
Huffi ng is the use of any chemical vapor to
As the situation permits, EMS personnel should
achieve an ALOC.1 Sniffi ng is specifi cally huff-
systematically obtain as much information about the
ing volatile gases for a similar effect. The data from
Mnemonic for Causes of Altered Level Glasgow Coma Scale. A Score of Less than of Consciousness 9 Indicates Severe Neurological Impairment.
Infection: meningitis, encephalitis, brain
the 2000 Monitoring the Future Study show that
inhalants rank fourth behind alcohol, cigarettes,
and marijuana in the abused substances list. Adults
tend to huff nitrates more than other substances pri-
marily for the effect of enhancing sexual experience. With any inhalant there is a risk of sudden sniffi ng death caused by an irregular heart rhythm leading to heart failure. Suffocation, asphyxiation, and aspira-
that paramedics can give GCS scores that correlate
tion are also risks inherent to this form of substance
well with those of emergency physicians.2
The directed and focused secondary survey can
With respect to the physical examination, the fi rst
aid in determining the origins for the ALOC.
task is to determine the degree of the ALOC. Unfor-tunately, a variety of inexact terms are commonly
HEENT: The head should be examined for any
used to describe ALOC. Descriptive terms such as
obvious outward signs of trauma, such as
stuporous, comatose, semicomatose, obtunded, con-
scalp and facial lacerations, abrasions, and
fused, and delirious are poorly defi ned and may lead
contusions. The pupils should be observed
to different interpretations by bystanders, providers,
for symmetry and light reactivity. If they are
and direct medical oversight (DMO) physicians. In
dilated bilaterally this may indicate cerebral
general, it is best for the level of consciousness to be
hypoxia or barbiturate overdose, whereas
described on the basis of the response that the patient
pinpoint pupils often suggest an opioid over-
makes to a given stimulus. Field providers can use the
dose. Unequal pupils may be found in normal
variants, but they could also indicate impend-ing herniation from trauma or a spontane-
A ϭ the patient is alert.
ous intracranial hemorrhage. Any odor on
V ϭ the patient responds only to loud verbal
the patient’s breath (acetone, bitter almonds,
ethanol, or volatile agent) should be noted.
P ϭ the patient responds only to painful stimuli.
U ϭ the patient is unconscious.
which may indicate seizure activity, or swell-
EMS personnel may also use the Glasgow Coma
ing, indicating anaphylactic shock, which is
Scale (GCS; Table 1.2). A study done with paramed-
an unlikely cause for ALOC unless there is
ics scoring videotaped patients with ALOC confi rmed
NECK: Any upper airway stridor should be
Noninvasive transcutaneous glucose measurement
documented, and plans to care for a partially
may soon be available for fi eld use.
or soon-to-be obstructed airway must take precedence. CHEST: The respiratory rate, pattern, and depth MANAGEMENT
should be noted. Again, any outward signs of trauma should be identifi ed.
The focus of a care protocol for the patient with
ABDOMEN: A pulsatile mass in a patient with
ALOC is to identify and treat reversible conditions.
In addition, the provider must use general support-
dominal aortic aneurysm. In these situations
ive measures to protect the patient from harm due to
the EMS crew may consider transporting the
the loss of protective refl exes (such as the gag refl ex).
patient to a medical facility capable of caring
Appropriate BLS measures, such as spine immobili-
zation and basic airway management, should be insti-
NEUROLOGIC: In addition to pupillary fi nd-
tuted before any attempt is made to gather a complete
ings, any focal neurologic signs suggesting
history or perform a detailed physical examination.
stroke or increased intracranial pressure, such as extremity fl accidity, should be noted and
recorded as a baseline for possible progres-sion. Altered speech patterns may also be
The fi rst priority is to assess and maintain an adequate
elicited with the aid of bystanders. EMS
airway. If the patient is apneic or hypoventilating,
personnel should screen for stroke using an
respirations should be assisted by bag-valve-mask
established stroke scale; for example, the
(BVM) or endotracheal intubation. In the patient with
Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale (CPSS),
adequate respirations, a nasal or oropharyngeal airway
the Los Angeles Prehospital Stroke Screen
with non-rebreather mask oxygen may be appropriate.
If the patient lacks a gag refl ex, intubation is probably
warranted. Should the patient become agitated, it may
SKIN: The skin may be used to determine
be more prudent to use supportive airway measures in-
temperature (increased in infection or heat
stead. If no contraindication exists, the lateral decubi-
illness, decreased in exposure, dehydration, or
tus position may be advantageous for many patients.
alcohol or barbiturate overdose); rashes (infection or allergic reaction); track marks
Vital Signs
(possible narcotic overdose); or signs of previ-ous suicide attempt (healed wrist scars).
Once the airway is secured, the next step is to moni-tor and frequently reassess the patient’s pulse, blood
The measurement of serum glucose level in the
pressure (BP), pulse oximetry, and cardiac rhythm.
fi eld is traditionally accomplished through the use
Although not a standard part of EMS assessment,
of reagent test strips (Chemstrip, Dextrostix). How-
identifi cation of a fever or hypothermia may prove
ever, several studies question the accuracy of these
helpful in determining the etiology for the ALOC. A
devices, with small but signifi cant numbers of false-
common serious mistake is the failure to recognize
positives and false-negatives.6–10 Problems may oc-
cur with the interpretation of the color change by prehospital personnel. Old test strips, strips stored in unsealed containers, or those exposed to temperature
Glucose Evaluation and
extremes may yield inaccurate readings.11,12 Devices
that measure glucose, giving a digital readout of the serum glucose level from a single drop of the patient’s
The next order in most protocols calls for the establish-
blood, are currently in widespread prehospital use
ment of IV access while concurrently drawing blood
and do not require interpretation of results. The dis-
samples. The blood obtained may then be tested for a
advantage of the digital units is the need for frequent
serum glucose level, with exogenous glucose adminis-
calibration, which can be costly and time consuming.
tration based on the result. Although the level at which
CHAPTER 1 Altered Mental Status/Altered Level of Consciousness 5
glucose is given to the patient may vary from system to
administration protocol (0.4 mg intramuscularly or
system, most use a level of greater or equal to 80 mg/dl
intravenously), which may reverse the life-threaten-
when accompanied by appropriate signs and symptoms
ing respiratory depression of opiate overdose but not
of hypoglycemia. This method of testing is generally
the full effects of the drug without precipitating the
preferable to the blind administration of exogenous glu-
violent “emergence” from opioid sedation that occa-
cose to all patients with an ALOC. Studies have shown
sionally accompanies full and rapid reversal. Some
that only 25% of those patients with ALOC are hypo-
authors have argued for a more selective use of nal-
glycemic. The common assumption that an ampule of
oxone, limiting the drug to patients with a respiratory
dextrose 50% in water (D50W) “won’t hurt anyone” has
rate less than 12 breaths/min, miosis, and circum-
come under attack; exogenous glucose may result in
stantial evidence of opioid abuse—not just ALOC.
skin necrosis (after inadvertent extravasation or subcu-
However, these criteria have not been prospectively
taneous infi ltration); variable elevations in the serum
studied. There have been several case reports of side
glucose level, hyperosmolality, and hyperkalemia (in
effects, such as hypertension, pulmonary edema, and
certain diabetic patients with hyporeninemic hypoal-
dysrhythmia production after use of naloxone, but
dosteronism); and potentially a poorer neurological
these cases involved patients receiving opioid anes-
outcome in patients with focal or global cerebral or
thesia, not patients with acute opioid exposures.29–32
myocardial ischemia.13–20 It is this last point that is of
There is no currently available method to test for opi-
the most concern. Although the exact mechanism re-
oids in the fi eld. This step may be initiated earlier in
mains undefi ned, it may be due to an increase in acido-
the sequence if, based on the environmental or physi-
sis secondary to the delivery of glucose; this effect may
cal fi ndings, suspicion of opioid overdose is high.
be most pronounced in areas of poor blood fl ow.21,22
Failure to give an appropriate amount of an opi-
This acidosis may then impede cellular recovery once
oid antagonist is a potential pitfall. The synthetic and
normal blood fl ow is restored. Although not all studies
semisynthetic opioids may require large doses of
have supported this hypothesis,23 the current consensus
naloxone for reversal. However, rapid administration
is that the administration of exogenous glucose may be
of larger doses of opioid antagonists may precipitate
a rapid and agitated return of consciousness. Many
After administration of glucose to the hypoglyce-
EMS systems thus employ titration of serial smaller
mic patient, an improvement in mental status is usu-
ally seen within 5 minutes. The average increase in
In cases in which opioid overdose is suspected,
serum glucose level following one ampule of D50W is
ventilation can be supported with a BVM while wait-
approximately 150 mg/dl.25–27 In cases of prolonged
ing for the onset of naloxone. Naloxone given intrave-
hypoglycemia, the patient may not respond to D50W.
nously can be expected to work within 2 minutes and
EMS personnel may have diffi culty establishing
only takes another minute or so if given intramuscu-
IV access in patients with hypoglycemia. In these cas-
larly.26 Intranasal (IN) naloxone has been shown to be
es the use of intramuscular (IM) glucagon has been
effective in the prehospital setting, although there may
shown to be safe and effective.27 A minority of pa-
be a delayed effect in comparison with IM adminis-
tients without glycogen stores will not respond well to
tration.33–35 IN naloxone may provide a way for BLS
glucagon. The mean time to response to glucagon is
personnel to deliver a potentially life-saving medicine
approximately 6 to 9 minutes, with an increase in glu-
to those suffering from opioid overdose.36
cose level of 100 mg/dl.25 Because of the risk of aspi-
In all cases, it is extremely important that the
ration, EMS personnel must exercise care when using
prehospital care provider observe and record any re-
oral glucose solutions in patients with ALOC.25
sponse by the patient to the administered medication. This will greatly aid the emergency department per-
The next step in the standard protocol is to admin-ister an opiate antagonist. Naloxone is the current
opiate antagonist of choice for the prehospital set-ting. Naloxone is generally safe, with very few seri-
There is probably no patient category that can be more
ous side effects, the most common being precipitation
challenging than those presenting with ALOC. The
of withdrawal.28 Some experts advocate a low dose
large differential diagnosis, combined with the lack
of direct pertinent information due to the inability of
the patient to give a history, contribute to signifi cant potential for error. Refusals of Care after Treatment for
The fi rst potential problem with these patients
is that they could be misplaced in the ALOC proto-
Hypoglycemia or Opiate Overdose
col. The various forms of shock all may present with
Many hypoglycemic patients who have improvement
ALOC, yet must be treated completely differently.
in mental status with fi eld treatment will refuse fur-
For example, hypoxia or hypercapnia may cause
ther medical care and transport. This practice has
or worsen agitation or ALOC. Aspiration is a signifi -
been shown to be generally safe if certain criteria are
cant airway complication in these patients.
met.37,38 The proposed criteria for safe treatment and
The next problematic group is patients who
are diagnosed as being “just drunk.” EMS person-nel may erroneously focus on the presumption of
• History of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.
alcohol intoxication without considering other po-
• Pretreatment blood glucose level less
tential conditions. The alcoholic is also prone to
myriad medical problems, including liver disease,
• Posttreatment blood glucose level greater than
diabetes, hypoglycemia, and electrolyte imbalances
(Table 1.3). Patients with alcoholic (or other) liver
• Return of normal mental status within
disease may present with hypoglycemia due to in-
adequate glycogen stores. In addition, their clouded
• Ability to tolerate food and/or liquid by mouth.
mentation may cause or result from insulin misuse.
• Absence of complicating factors (chest pain,
Other complications of alcohol, such as hypother-
arrhythmias, dyspnea, seizures, alcohol intoxica-
mia, aspiration, and encephalopathy, should also be
tion, chronic renal failure requiring dialysis, or
Trauma, particularly of the head and neck, is al-
It is important for the provider (and DMO phy-
ways a possibility in ALOC. EMS personnel should
sician, when local protocols mandate DMO in these
be aware of the increased risk of subdural hematoma
situations) to also identify whether the patient is on a
in elderly patients and chronic alcoholics. It is tempt-
long-acting oral hypoglycemic agent. Despite any im-
ing to assume that patients with seizures have an
mediate improvement, all of these patients should be
underlying seizure disorder. However, seizures may
transported to the emergency department for further
be caused by hypoxia, hypoglycemia, trauma, intra-
evaluation and probable hospital admission due to the
cranial hemorrhage, stroke, and drug overdoses. The
prolonged half-life of their medications and high like-
patient who has had a seizure is also more prone to
If a treated hypoglycemic patient refuses trans-
port, reliable bystanders such as coworkers or family members must chaperone and take responsibility for the patient. These patients may develop the recur-rence of hypoglycemia; reliable witnesses must be
immediately available to summon EMS care. Where possible, the prehospital care provider or a reliable
Possible Causes of ALOC in Alcoholics
family member should contact the patient’s primary
care physician to arrange for follow-up evaluation.
A similar controversy may arise in narcotic over-
dose patients successfully treated with naloxone. These
individuals may feel well and wish to refuse transport
to the emergency department. Because of the short
half-life of naloxone, these patients may later develop
the recurrence of symptoms, including coma.
Experience in systems that have been fully re-
versing opioid overdose and allowing transport refus-als would suggest the actual risk of resedation is quite
CHAPTER 1 Altered Mental Status/Altered Level of Consciousness 7
small.39,40 A long-acting (4 to 6 hour) opioid antago-
in suspected tricyclic antidepressant overdose). Many
nist, nalmefene, shows promise but has not received
systems, however, treat ALOC entirely on “standing
orders,” with physician contact an option. Use of Flumazenil PROTOCOLS
Flumazenil is a benzodiazepine antagonist that may be used to reverse signifi cant obtundation in selected
The BLS protocols for patients with ALOC should
patients with isolated acute overdoses of benzodiaze-
focus on the evaluation and treatment of airway and
pines. However, the use of fl umazenil in patients who
breathing problems, while assuring cervical spine sta-
have also ingested seizure-inducing medications (e.g.,
bilization when indicated. For the patient who is alert
tricyclic antidepressants) or in those chronically pre-
and able to take oral glucose, this treatment could be
scribed benzodiazepines may result in seizures.41,42
considered within the basic provider’s scope of prac-
These seizures may be refractory to benzodiazepine
tice, depending on the state or regional protocols.
treatment because of blockade of the benzodiazepine
In the future, BLS protocols may include the use of
receptor; death from fl umazenil-induced seizures
strategies such as IN naloxone for suspected opioid
have been reported.41 Due to these considerations and
because benzodiazepine toxicity is generally man-
Under standing orders, advanced providers may
aged well with supportive care alone, most medical
usually provide D50W to known diabetics with hypo-
directors and medical toxicologists do not advocate
glycemia and naloxone to suspected narcotic over-
the use of fl umazenil in the fi eld.41,42
doses. However, if EMS personnel are unsure of the cause or suspect a polypharmaceutical overdose, then they should consult the DMO physician. The EMS
Contacting a Medical Oversight
crew should strongly consider physician consultation
for patients who wake up and refuse further treatment and transport.
A fi nal point of contention to be addressed is when the DMO physician should be contacted. This in large part is determined by the individual system depend-
ing on the assessment abilities of the paramedics, number of calls handled by DMO, patient popula-
EMS personnel and the DMO physician must always
tion, preference of EMS medical director, and state
approach the prehospital management of the patient
regulations. Generally, it is recommended that the
with ALOC in a systematic fashion and with a great
physician should be contacted after glucose determi-
deal of care. Treatment must be accomplished simul-
nation is made and/or naloxone administered. This
taneously with maneuvers designed to protect and
enables the physician to individualize treatment (as in
evaluate the patient. Attention must be given to sup-
supplemental doses of naloxone or D50W) or to alter
porting the patient’s vital functions and to reversing
the normal mode of therapy (e.g., sodium bicarbonate
those disorders that can be treated in the fi eld.
He smells strongly of alcohol. There isn’t anybody around to give us any history. His vital signs are as
“Medic Base, this is Medic One. We are inbound with
follows: BP 110 over palp, pulse 120, and respirations
an approximately 35-year-old male found by police
12. The patient is currently asleep and snoring. We
lying in the street. We arrived to fi nd this guy ob-
are unable to obtain a further physical examination
tunded and disheveled. He is a known street person.
because his coat and clothes stink of urine, feces, and
vomit. The police have requested we bring him into
there is no response to the initial D50W, naloxone
the emergency department for medical clearance for
should be considered because mixed drug overdose
jail. We have a 20-minute estimated time of arrival
and just wanted to notify you and wonder if you have
The medicolegal aspects of the “clearance for
jail” topic and problems with releasing any patient with an ALOC to the police are important and
How Would You Proceed?
fraught with potential hazardous consequences.
This is a common type of case and presents diffi cul-ties for a number of reasons. One of the distasteful
aspects of the job that is performed by the prehospi-tal care provider is dealing with this sort of patient.
“University Hospital, this is Medic Five. We are in-
The majority of these cases will turn out to be just
bound with a 26-year-old female found by her moth-
drunk, but occasionally there will be an alternative
er unconscious in her bed. Apparently the family had
reason or reasons for the patient’s ALOC. Sound
been trying to get hold of her all day and went over
medical evaluation and treatment should apply in
this evening. She apparently has taken an unknown
quantity of the following medications: valium,
The patient’s airway is of primary concern. The
S-I-N-E-Q-U-A-N, and has obvious EtOH on board.
report of snoring should alert the physician to a
There are empty pill bottles by her bedside, dated
potential problem with airway patency. An oral air-
3 days ago. Family states she has been depressed
way should be inserted to check for a gag refl ex and
lately. Vital signs are as follows: BP 120/palp, pulse
keep the airway open. A decision to intubate may
130 and weak, respirations 18. Patient does not
be at least partially based on the patient’s response
respond well to verbal stimuli but arouses to pain.
to this maneuver. In addition, all ALOC patients
We have her on O2 and are preparing to start an IV,
should be placed on oxygen, preferably high fl ow
check a blood sugar, and will treat that appropri-
(10 to 15 L/min) via a non-rebreather mask. This
ately. Do you have any further orders?”
patient should also be immobilized. This tenet ap-plies to most just drunk patients but particularly to
How Would You Proceed?
those found lying in the street because this street
The prehospital care providers have failed to dem-
person could easily have been a victim of trauma.
onstrate the patency and function of the airway. An
The vital signs obtained are a good start, but
oral airway may be inserted to check for a gag refl ex,
a focused secondary survey should be performed.
and based on this, along with further information
The patient should be carefully checked for signs of
obtained by patient examination, intubation may
trauma, particularly about the head and neck. The
be warranted. The drugs involved in this case have
pupils should be observed for both confi guration
the potential to cause respiratory compromise. If
and response to light. The lungs must be examined
the medics fi nd the patient does not require intuba-
and auscultated to help determine the adequacy of
tion, they may be reminded to keep a close eye on
ventilation and the abdomen inspected for rigidity
this patient’s airway and breathing pattern while en
and other signs of an acute abdomen. The extremi-
ties may give clues as far as symmetry of movement
A glucose level check and administration of
and possible track marks. If the situation permits,
naloxone are generally appropriate, and an IV line
the patient should be undressed. The wet clothes
is a good precaution because these patients can
may be causing the patient to become hypothermic
(no one is sure how long he was down), and a good
A fi nal point is that the physician may individu-
physical examination is important. It will also make
alize treatment according to the situation. The cur-
rent treatment of choice for a tricyclic overdose, and
Once the IV line is established, a serum glucose
one that could be instituted in the fi eld, is intrave-
level should be checked. As previously stated, the
nous sodium bicarbonate. This agent should only
possible alcoholic population is prone to hypogly-
be used after consultation with the physician. The
cemia due to decreased glycogen storage ability in
importance of being able to modify the treatment
the alcoholic liver. This holds true even if the patient
of the prehospital patient in a DMO consulting ba-
is not diabetic. If the patient is not hypoglycemic, or
sis cannot be overemphasized, particularly when the
CHAPTER 1 Altered Mental Status/Altered Level of Consciousness 9
ingested medication is not one that EMS personnel
withheld, though given naloxone’s safety profi le, it
would not be an error to administer it empirically. The scenario suggests an intracranial catastrophe,
and the patient should have her airway supported as necessary and be transported to a center that has
“Medic Base, this is Medic 14 with Rescue 2. We are
neurosurgical capabilities, if possible. As with all pa-
downtown in the boardroom of a large company
tients with ALOC, careful monitoring and support
seeing the vice president, who is a 42-year-old fe-
male complaining of a severe headache all morning.
An important question is whether to treat the
While she was giving a presentation she suddenly
elevated BP. In general, in response to intracranial
lost consciousness. She now responds to deep pain
hemorrhage and stroke the body raises BP to help
by withdrawing her arms to her chest. Her vital signs
maintain cerebral perfusion. Current paradigms of
are a BP 220/108, pulse of 92, and a respiratory
stroke care advocate extremely slow and cautious
rate of 24. Do you have any further orders?”
lowering of BP using titratable IV agents.43 Although EMS personnel may rush to treat the elevated BP, it
How Would You Proceed?
is probably best to defer hypertension treatment to
This patient should have an IV line established and
have her glucose checked. Because there is no rea-son to suspect an opioid overdose, naloxone can be
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CHAPTER 1 Altered Mental Status/Altered Level of Consciousness 11
Concerned about the 2009 H1N1 Flu {Swine Flu}? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization are both in agreement that as of now, travel within the U.S. is safe, and there are no restrictions on travel or group gatherings. However, because NeighborWorks® America has an important relationship with our Training Institute participants, we want you to know we
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