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Homeward Bound Golden Retriever Rescue Golden Rule Training Rover goes for a ride Dogs and Car Safety Does your dog love to go for a car ride? Maybe he rides shotgun, sits in your lap, or maybe he loves to hang his head out the rear window with the breeze in his face. Perhaps he just sacks out in the back and sleeps. If that describes your dog, you and your dog are in avoidable d

Microsoft word - nitro_science_white_paper-2.12-en-all

Kyäni Nitro FXTM and Kyäni Nitro XtremeTM: The Science Behind Kyäni’s Nitric Oxide Precursors The statements and products referenced in this document and have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The Kyäni products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition. The information in this document is intended as a source


Soaring Drug Costs Squeeze Public Programs population and rising medical costs. (see Drugs, page 2) U.S. health-care expenditures grewby 5 percent a year. Consequently,drug spending accounts for a growingshare of overall health-care spending. State Leaders Use Statutory Powers To Raise Prison Guards’ Salaries Maryland School of Pharmacy, U.S. prescription drug expenditures willincr


Inappropriate Medication Prescribing in Residential Care/Assisted Living Facilities Philip D. Sloane, MD, MPH,* Sheryl Zimmerman, PhD,* Lori C. Brown, PharmD,‡Timothy J. Ives, PharmD, MPH,† and Joan F. Walsh, PhD* OBJECTIVES: To identify the extent to which inappro- estimating equations, IPM use was associated with thepriately prescribed medications (IPMs) are administered tonumber o


HILDEGARDIS-GYMNASIUM KEMPTEN Lindauer Straße 22, 87439 Kempten Tel.: 0831/54014-0 Fax: 0831/54014-22 e-Mail:Internet: www.hildegardis-gymnasium.de Hilde – Blättle Landeswettbewerb Latein Vier Schülerinnen des Lateinkurses der Q 11 nahmen am 5. Februar 2013 an der 1. Runde des Landeswettbewerbs im Fach Latein teil. Dabei sollte ein Brief des römischen Autors Plinius

Microsoft word - nitirc_oxide.doc

Sunlight consists of visible, UV and infrared light. Human cells, when exposed to sunlight, have certain chemical reactions. For example, when you are exposed to UV, you produce Vitamin D. A more recently discovered reaction is the affect of near-infrared light. When cells are exposed to certain wavelengths of near-infrared light, the mitochondria produces more energy, or adenosine triphosphate (

Durian (durio zibethinus murray) fruit extract inhibits aldehyde dehydrogenase enzyme in vitro

Inhibition of Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Enzyme by Durian ( Durio zibethinus Murray) Fruit Extract John S. Maninang a*, Ma.Concepcion C. Lizada b and Hiroshi Gemmaa a: Pomology Laboratory, Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tennodai, b: Department of Food Science and Nutrition, College of Home Economics, University of the Philippines *: Corresponding A


Sprachraketen. Aus der Welt humor.ch der Lachforschung: Der hält ihm die Buchstabentafel vor, auf der steht C Z W X N Q Y S T A C Z, und fragt Fragen zum Humor: ihn: Können Sie das lesen? «Lesen?» ruft Der Lachtherapeut Dr. Michael Titze gibt Antworten. Frage: Beim Schwitzen transpirieren wir, wenn wir weinen, kommen uns die Tränen – was passiert beim Lachen?

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Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe e.V. Leitlinien, Empfehlungen, Stellungnahmen 3.4.5. Schwangerenbetreuung und Geburtsleitung bei Zustand nach Kaiserschnitt Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe (DGGG), Board für Pränatal- und Geburtsmedizin, Arbeitsgemeinschaft Materno-fetale Medizin, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Perinatale Medizin (DGPM)

Microsoft word - medicalterminologywordrootscombiningform

MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY WORD ROOTS/COMBINING FORM COMBINING FORM (ROOT +VOWEL) abdomin/o abdomen ablat/o to remove, take away abrad/o, abras/o to scrape off acanth/o thorny, acar/o mites acid/o acid, acous/o, acoust/o acr/o extremities acromi/o acromion actin/o ray, radiation acu/o, acut/o sharp, severe aden/o glands adenoid/o adenoid


Peritoneal Dialysis International, Vol. 22, pp. 48–52Printed in Canada. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2002 International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis LACK OF ISOPRENE OVERPRODUCTION DURING PERITONEAL DIALYSIS Enrico Capodicasa,1 Gianfranco Trovarelli,2 Federica Brunori,2 Luigi Vecchi,3 Carmen Carobi,3Gianna E. De Medio,3 Maria A. Pelli,4 and Umberto Buoncristiani3Department of Clin

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Linee e fermate abilitate al servizio disabili sulla rete urbana di Trento Piazza Dante "Stazione FS" Gandhi "Parco Anna Frank" S.Francesco Porta Nuova Gramsci "Materna la Clarina" dei Mille "Villa Igea" Gocciadoro "Poliambulatori" Gorizia Adamello "Gocciadoro Arcate" Bolghera "S.Antonio" Gerola "Osp. S.


De basiseisen die wij aan al onze HEMA producten stellen zijn kwaliteit en veiligheid. Veilig voor u, uw kinderen en het milieu. Was- en reinigingsproducten zijn samengesteld uit vele ingrediënten. Bij een klein aantal mensen kan een bepaalde stof een allergische reactie veroorzaken. Als u weet waarvoor u gevoelig of allergisch bent, kan de lijst met ingrediënten u helpen deze stof te vermi

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Final Draft of the original manuscript: Jung, F.; Franke, R.-P.: Extreme reduction of the capillary lumen in segments of the venular legs of human cutaneous capillaries In: Microvascular Research (2009) Elsevier DOI: 10.1016/j.mvr.2009.02.010 Extreme reduction of the capillary lumen in segments of the venular legs of human cutaneous capillaries F. Jung1*, R.P. Franke1 1 GK


Back to the Eighties A Host-Party Murder Mystery Game Game Materials Back to the Eighties Created By Host-Party.com and Betsy Francis All rights reserved. Worldwide copyright laws and conventions protect all Host-Party.com printedmaterial. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recordin


Acetaminophen (Children’s Tylenol) How Supplied: Concentration: Dose: 160-480mg PO 118ml btl 160mg per 5ml Anti-Pyretic • Minor Aches & Pains Contra: Contact medical control if patient is on Warfarin or has liver disease • Severe liver damage can occur if patient takes more than 5 doses in 24 hour period • Do not use with other drugs containing acetamino


TABLE 371-14 profile makes it most appropriate for treatment-resistant cases. Risperidone , a benzisoxazolederivative, is more potent at 5HT than D re-ceptor sites, like clozapine, but it also exertssignificant ␣ antagonism, a property that maycontribute to its perceived ability to improvemood and increase motor activity. Risperidoneis not as effective as clozapine in treatment-resi


1055 N. Curtis Rd. • Boise, ID 83706 • (208) 367-2121 CHILD/ADOLESCENT INTAKE FORM Patient Information: Individual Name: Patient Contacts: Mother's name: Contact phone numbers: Name/Relationship: Support Services: Does this individual receive services from Health and Welfare? Referral Information: Presenting Problem: What concerns you most about this individual?

Microsoft word - 2012 summer reading 3-4.docx

Summer Reading List Grades 3 and 4 Annie Glover is Not a Tree Lover. By Darleen Bailey Beard. 2009. Fourth grader Annie is torn between supporting her “tree hugging” grandmother who is trying to save a historic tree and her desire for the new community swimming pool which would mean cutting down the tree. Captain Raptor and the Moon Mystery. By Patrick O’Brien. 2005. When somet


MAGYAR HELSINKI BIZOTTSÁG JELENTÉS A FŐVÁROSI BÜNTETÉS-VÉGREHAJTÁSI INTÉZET II. OBJEKTUMÁBAN TETT LÁTOGATÁSRÓL 2007. AUGUSZTUS 7-9. A látogatásorán az intézet vezetése, parancsnoka és munkatársai a lehető legnagyobb mértékben igyekeztek segíteni a megfigyelők munkáját. A látogatásról minden fogvatartottat értesítettek, a fogvatartottaknak lehetős

Microsoft word - 09_highertraining-neuroradiology_201111.doc

[This document should be read in conjunction with the General Guidelines on Higher Training (Radiology)] 1. Neuroradiology is a subspecialty that involves diagnostic imaging and interventional radiology in the management of diseases of the central nervous system and spine. Although diagnosis relies heavily on cross-sectional imaging, advances in technology enables not only morphological and ana


Manic Depression Fellowship Wales Helpline: 01633 244 244 1 Palmyra Place, Newport, South Wales NP20 4EJ CARBAMAZEPINE THERAPY WHAT IS MANIC DEPRESSION? Manic Depressive Disorder is an illness marked by severe and often dramatic mood swings. These consist usually of periods of mania, which fluctuate with periods of depression and periods of stability during which the sufferer


school year unless renewed and initialed by provider. EMERGENCY ALLERGY PLAN: FOOD OR INSECT AUTHORIZATION FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICINE BY SCHOOL/DAYCARE/CAMP PERSONNEL Connecticut State Law and Regulations 10‐212(a) require a written medication order of an authorized prescriber, (physician, dentist, advanced practice registered nurse or physician's assistant) and parent/guard

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Hythe Strategic Opportunities Fund PLC (an open-ended investment company established under the laws of the Isle of Man) OFFERING DOCUMENT 24th September 2007 Hythe Strategic Opportunities Fund PLC is not subject to approval in the Isle of Man and investors are not protected by any statutory compensation arrangements in the event of the Fund's failure. The Isle of Man

Ripening effects on the chilling sensitivity of processing and

J. Appl. Hort., 2(2):76-78, July-December, 2000 Ripening effects on the chilling sensitivity of processing andnon-processing tomato cultivars Department of Food Production, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Sciences. The University of the West Indies,St. Augustine. Trinidad, West Indies Abstract Studies on the sensitivity to chilling injury (CI) of 8 processing and 8 non-processing tomato


perspectives on pain a d d r e s s i n g p a t i e n t n e e d s Mixing up the medicine cabinet How to combine prescription, over-the-counter and herbal meds logically and safely why you may want to offer your pain patients treatments that are alternative or complementary to prescription drugs. First of all, and there may be issues of quality and other pathologies. Quite


This book has several contentions. Together they form an argument. 1. There are some situations in medical ethics and bioethics with which existing analytical tools are wholly unable to deal. The notion of human dignity is sometimes the only concept that is any use. 3. The role of dignity in the really hard cases suggests that it might be useful in the easier cases too, if we only knew how to

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Timothy M. Uyeki,* Yu-Hoi Chong,† Jacqueline M. Katz,* Wilina Lim,† Yuk-Yin Ho,† Sophia S. Wang,* Thomas H.F. Tsang,* Winnie Wan-Yee Au,† Shuk-Chi Chan,† Thomas Rowe,* Jean Hu-Primmer,* Jensa C. Bell,* William W. Thompson,* Carolyn Buxton Bridges,* Nancy J. Cox,* Kwok-Hang Mak,† and Keiji Fukuda* In April 1999, isolation of avian influenza A (H9N2) viruses from humans wa

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Protocolo Assistencial Hospital Universitário de Santa Maria PROTOCOLO ASSISTENCIAL DE LESÃO RENAL AGUDA Código: PCSIRA 01 1. INTRODUÇÃO A Lesão Renal Aguda (LRA) ou Injúria Renal Aguda (IRA) é tradicionalmente definida como a perda abrupta de função renal que resulta na retenção de uréia e outras escórias nitrogenadas, no desequilíbrio do volume extra-celul

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Barriär- Lösenpris Elasticitet per aktie AstraZeneca – tre faktorer som talar för kursuppgång ƒ Aktien har backat med mer än 10 procent sedan årsskiftet, huvudsakligen till följd av oro över risken för lanseringar av generika i USA för AstraZenecas läkemedel Seroquel och Nexium. ƒ Även om vi finner det osannolikt att både Seroquel och Nexium skulle förlora

Voorstel procedure documentbeheer (1e concept)

Reanimatie op de RHD - Protocol Status: Reanimatie op de RHD - Protocol Inhoud: 1. Doel 3. Werkwijze bij reanimatie op de RHD 4. Werkwijze bij reanimatie op het ziekenhuisterrein 5. Werkwijze bij reanimatie buiten het ziekenhuisterrein • Het bieden van adequate hulpverlening in geval van adem- en/of hartstilstand in de wachtkamer of een spreekkamer op de RHD. • Het informere


parison with other chronic diseases and relation to TABLE 2 Ejection Fraction–Dependent Short Form 36 Scores functional variables. Heart 2002;87:235–241. 9. Cone DC, Niemann JT. What is the quality of life for survivors of cardiac arrest? A prospective study. AnnEmerg Med 2000;35:201–202. Mean Ϯ SD Median Mean Ϯ SD Median p Value 10. Dracup K, Walden JA, Stevenson LW, Brecht M


CASE STUDY Functional upper airway obstruction and chronic irritation of the larynx Functional upper airway obstruction and chronic irritation of the larynx. T.B. Rothe, Luzerner Hoehenklinik, Montana, Switzerland. W. Karrer.  ERS Journals Ltd 1998. ABSTRACT: Wheezing and dyspnoea are typical symptoms of asthma but can also be found in diseases of the extrathoracic airways.


Traveler’s Diarrhea (TD) is the Most Predictable Travel-Related Illness! Eat foods that are Use only water that is well cooked and Eat food from street sealed & bottled, Drink Tap water OR served steaming vendors or market chemically treated, or rinse your toothbrush boiled - for drinking & in tap water. brushing teeth. Eat breads,


WHO monographs on selected medicinal plants (detail) VOLUME 1, World Health Organization Geneva 1999 http://whqlibdoc.who.int/publications/1999/9241545178.pdf WHO monographs on selected medicinal plants Definition Herba Echinaceae Purpureae consists of the fresh or dried aerial parts of Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench harvested in full bloom (Asteraceae) ( 1 ). Synonyms Brau

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Associate Researcher at the 'Laboratoire de Physique Moléculaire' (LPM) of Besançon (December 2002 - June 2005). During my stay at the LPM, I have contributed to develop the group of Biophysics which had beeninitiated by Prof. Christophe Ramseyer (physicist). The essential part of my work consisted in theoretical computational studies dealing with lipidicsystems and the membrane protein Kc


Technical specifications Electrical characteristics ● Output: 1 changeover volt free contactsCompensated fluorescent tubes // (max. 45 µF)Non compensated fluorescent tubes, compensated in series Major characteristics ● Galvanic insulation between power supply and ● Product delivered with current time and date set. ● Automatic change of winter / summer time Functional chara

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ARVADA Campus Faculty RESOURCES – Spring 2013 Please Notify The Front Desk (303-914-6010) If: You Are Going To Be Late, Your Class Will Not Be Meeting On Campus, Or In Case Of An Emergency. This Helps Better Serve Our Students. THANKS! In Case of Class Cancellation, Call 303-914-6314. When You Call, Please Provide Your Name, Today’s Date, Course Number, Room Number and tha

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Part 2: Life-Threatening Allergy Management Plan (LAMP) To Be Completed By Health Care Provider Valid for Current School Year ________________ Name: ___________________________________ DOB: ___________________ Allergy to: __________________________________________________________________ Asthma: No *High risk for severe reaction □yes □ no □ Asthma Action Plan It is

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Biblioteca de Alejandría, encuentro con el pasado En los tiempos que corren, la nueva Biblioteca de Alejandría es más que un resurgir intelectual, es un intento de que, a través de la cultura, el mundo sea un poco más amplio. Mientras la brecha entre Oriente y Occidente parece agrandarse por momentos, los responsables de este proyecto quieren poner de manifiesto el espíritu de esf

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Indian Judiciary JURISDICTION OF THE SUPREME COURT The Supreme Court has original, appellate and advisory jurisdiction. Its exclusive original jurisdiction extends to any dispute between the Government of India and one or more States or between the Government of India and any State or States on one side and one or more States on the other or between two or more States, if and insofar as t


"Parkinson: Hohe Lebensqualität durch optimale Therapie"Diese Meldung wurde von pressetext ausgedruckt und ist unter http://www.pressetext.com/news/20120410014 abrufbar. pte20120410014 Medizin/Wellness, Kultur/Lifestyle Parkinson: Hohe Lebensqualität durch optimale Therapie Körperliche und geistige Bewegung verzögert Krankheitsverlauf Wien (pte014/10.04.2012/12:55) - F

Antiviral activity of herbal extracts

Antiviral Activity of Herbal Extracts Introduction Background There has been growing concerns about a possible pandemic of virulent influenza especially after outbreaks caused by the H5N1 and H5N2 virus which have now occurred It has been documented by Dharmananda (2006) that currently, when the H5N1 and H5N2 flu virus infect humans, there is a greater than 50% death rate assoc

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A obra O mulato não só inaugura o Naturalismo no Brasil, como é uma das principais expressões dessa corrente na literatura brasileira. Sua marca é a análise da sociedade e dos tipos huma-nos a partir de uma visão orgânica, pessimista, do próprio com-portamento das pessoas reduzido a seus instintos mais básicos. Neste caso, trata também da questão racial, da discriminação e da hip


Aktuelle legemidler Medikamentskrin for symptomlindring hos barn i livets sluttfase Dette dokumentet gir en kortfattet oversikt over legemidlene som er nevnt i behandlingsalgoritmene i skrinet. Opplysninger i algoritmene og i denne oversikten kan være avvikende fra Felleskatalogtekster og pakningsvedlegg for de enkelte legemidlene, se referanselisten på siste side. Legemidlene er angitt

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HOPITAL PRINCIPAL DE DAKAR AVIS D’APPEL D’OFFRES Cas sans pré qualification AAO N°2010 -16.1 / HPD 1. Cet Avis d’appel d’offres fait suite à l’Avis Général de Passation des Marchés paru dans le journal « Le Soleil » édition n° 11865 du mardi 15 Décembre 2009. L’Hôpital Principal de Dakar dispose dans le cadre de son budget général de c

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UC Anschutz Medical Campus Health Sciences Library 12950 E. Montview Blvd., MS A003, Aurora, CO 80045 http://hslibrary.ucdenver.edu/ | AskHSL@lists.ucdenver. edu | 303-724-2152 Ovid Self-Test 1. What are the recent developments in the surgical treatment of morbid obesity in adolescents? 2. What are the effects of working 30 hour shifts on medical residents? 3


1818_34_tg3_l1-4_ung_muster_rz2.qxp:210x280mm 25.06.2008 11:39 Uhr Seite 11818_34_tg3_l1-4_ung_muster_rz2.qxp:210x280mm 25.06.2008 11:39 Uhr Seite 2 Kursbuch tolerant toleráns Sportstudent der, -en testnevelés szakos egyetemi hallga- Single-Leben das (Sg.) szingli-élet Lektion 1 sich verabschieden + von + DATIV du verabschiedestdich, sie/er/es verabschiedet sich elbúcsúzik Neua

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Effect of Efavirenz on the Pharmacokinetics of Ethinyl Estradiol and Norgestimate in Healthy Female Subjects H. Sevinsky, T. Eley, B. He, A. Persson, D. Garner, C. Yones, R. Nettles, R. Bertz and J. Zhang Bristol-Myers Squibb Research and Development, Princeton, NJ USA Introducti Introducti on Results (Cont’d) Results (Cont’d) Results (Cont’d) „ Efavirenz (EFV) is

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Vraag nr. 792 van mevrouw Hilde Dierickx van 30 juni 2006 (N.) aan de minister van Sociale Zaken en Volksgezondheid: Obesitas. — Superpil. De problematiek van obesitas is ondertussen bekend. Spijtig genoeg wordt obesitas door de bevolking vooral gezien als een esthetisch probleem. Vele zogezegde wondermiddeltjes kwamen reeds op de «obesitas-markt». Het nieuwste wondermiddel op de Europese mark


PHARMACIST — DETACH HERE AND GIVE TO PATIENT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MEDICATION GUIDE HORIZANT® (ho-ri' zant) (gabapentin enacarbil) Extended-Release Tablets Read this Medication Guide before you start taking HORIZANT and each time you get a refill. There may be new information. This inform

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Introduction Economic activities in flood-prone areas are increasing around the world. At the same time we face changing weather conditions and a rising sea level as a result of climatic change. If no measures are carried out both probability and impact of floods will increase severely. In the Netherlands flood hazard and flood damage are combined in a risk-approach using a cost-benefit an

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PRODUCT LIABILITY UPDATE  Michael D. Schag Edwardsville & Chicago, Illinois • 618.656.4646 Brett M. Mares Heyl, Royster, Voelker & Allen PEORIA • SPRINGFIELD • URBANA • ROCKFORD • EDWARDSVILLE • CHICAGO © 2012 Heyl, Royster, Voelker & Allen PRODUCT LIABILITY UPDATE POST- JABLONSKI METHODS OF PROOF . J-3 The Panther Platform and Fuel Tank I

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Nadolol Plus Spironolactone in the Prophylaxis of FirstVariceal Bleed in Nonascitic Cirrhotic Patients:Raquel Abecasis,1 David Kravetz,1 Eduardo Fassio,2 Beatriz Ameigeiras,3 Daniel Garcia,4 Rogelio Isla,5Graciela Landeira,2 Nora Dominguez,2 Gustavo Romero,1 Julio Argonz,1 and Ruben Terg1 Treatment with ␤ -blockers fails to decrease portal pressure in nearly 40% of cirrhotic patients. Recen

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C1-inhibitor concentrate home therapy for hereditary angioedema: a viable, effective treatment option H. J. Longhurst,* S. Carr† and K. Khair‡ *Barts and The London NHS Trust, Department Economic and political factors have led to the increased use of home therapy of Immunopathology, London, UK, †Barts and The London NHS Trust, Department of programmes for patients who have tradi


ARCHIVAL REPORT Methylphenidate But Not Atomoxetine or Citalopram Modulates Inhibitory Control and Response Time Variability L. Sanjay Nandam, Robert Hester, Joe Wagner, Tarrant D.R. Cummins, Kelly Garner, Angela J. Dean, Bung Nyun Kim, Pradeep J. Nathan, Jason B. Mattingley, and Mark A. Bellgrove Background: Response inhibition is a prototypical executive function of considerable clini

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5900 Lake Elbo Road Manhattan, Kansas 66502-8996 Phone: (785) 539-3641 School of Family Studies and Human Services Kansas State University (Justin Hall 311) Manhattan, KS 66506-1403 Phone: (785) 532-5510 Voice-mail: (785) 532-1494 FAX: (785) 532-5505 E-Mail: Schumm@ksu.edu Website: www.k-state.edu/humec/fshs/faculty/flec/ schumm.htm Army National Guard, 1974-1979 Desert Storm, 1990-1991 U.S.

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The Hypnotic Centre Hypnotherapy & NLP Frequently Asked Questions eBook Some benefits of quitting tobacco use: . 3 Positive Physical, Psychological and Environmental Symptoms of Nicotine Withdrawal . 4 Preparing to Reduce and Quit . 5 The 10 Stages of Reducing or Quitting . 5 Managing Your Feelings . 6 Causes of Depression When You Reduce or Quit Using Tobacco . 6 Causes of Anxiety When You

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Gabriel Jaramillo Ambassador Eric Goosby General Manager Global AIDS Coordinator Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis & President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief US Department of State Geneva, Switzerland Washington, DC USA 9 August 2012 Dear Gabriel Jaramillo and Ambassador Eric Goosby: We are writing to call on the Global Fund to immediately


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Cody May 2012 Cody, a lovely Newfoundland, had ongoing issues with his skin for years. He suffered from a condition called atopy as well as recurrent fungal infections that caused him to be consistently itchy making him scratch, chew his paws and have sore ears. The only way his symptoms were made bearable was by dosing him with steroids, to suppress the itch, and anti-biotics as well as anti-fung


Rehazentrum Bad Dürrheim – Klinik Hüttenbühl der Vortrag zum Thema: Psychopharmaka Allgemeines zu Thema Psychopharmaka Antidepressiva (AD) machen nicht abhängig AD machen nur selten Gewichtsprobleme, die durch vorherige Aufklärung AD verkürzen nachweislich die depressiven Phasen und verringern damit die AD verringern bei wiederkehrenden Depressionen sehr deutlich das

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The HSC Nursing Research Committee Asks DID YOU KNOW? Evidence Based Bronchiolitis Practice T’is the season and we don’t mean ‘to be jolly’. Every year in pediatrics we prepare for the bronchiolitis and dreaded RSV season. What other contagious respiratory disease has a full time committee of nurses, doctors, allied health personnel work together 12 months of the year just to

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Proceedings of the HYDRALAB III Joint User Meeting, Hannover, February 2010 NEAR-CRITICAL OROGRAPHIC FORCING OF STRATIFIED FLOW E.R.Johnson(1), J.G.Esler(2), A. Paci(3), S. Cazin(4), E. Cid(4), O. Eiff(4) & L. Lacaze(4) (1) Department of Mathematics, UCL, U.K., E-mail: e.johnson@ucl.ac.uk (2) Department of Mathematics, UCL, U.K., E-mail: gavin@math.ucl.ac.uk (3) CNRM-GAME (URA1357

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M.B., B.S. 1989, FRCGP, MFFP, DRCOG, PGCE If the patient has not had a full course of tetanus We are delighted to have you as a patient and will do our very best to ensure that you are treated promptly, courteously and in complete confidence in addition to providing you with the highest standard of care from Wash gently with clean water and pat dry with a clean tea towel or kitchen paper.


AN INTRODUCTION TO HERBAL MEDICINE ©David Winston, Herbalist, AHG HERBS - PANACEA'S OR POISONS? Certain herbs have become popular over the last twenty years, but herbal medicine is stillpoorly understood by the public, medical practitioners and the media. After a brief honeymoon whereherbs have been portrayed as "wonder drugs", we are now seeing article after article on the da

Caffeine and migraine - american headache society committee for headache education

Caffeine and Migraine Robert E. Shapiro, M.D., Ph.D. and Robert Cowan, MD Key Points 1. Caffeine affects pain. 2. Acute treatment of headaches with caffeine is sometimes effective, but should be limited to not more than two days per week. 3. For people who experience migraine, caffeine taken 3 or more days per week, for whatever reason, may lead to dependency and increased migrai

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Prijs ANTWERP HORSE SHOP International Jumping Competition 1m20Table A against the clock - FEI 238.2.1 € 375.00 176 VAN HOYDONCK Nick BELLEFLEUR VAN DE KATERSHOEVE € 300.00 127 HAZEBROECK Mathias TIA MARIA € 225.00 222 DETRY Gilles FASHION GIRL BY CATWALK € 150.00 289 LAENEN Cleo € 105.00 275 VAN LAER Louise PEU DE POMME € 82.50 308 PRINSLOO Neriske BO


Gemeindevermögen Rechnungen, Forderungszettel, Belege Den Gulden rechne ich mit ca. 30 €; 60 Kreuzer waren 1 G Taglohn Ludwig Schoner (Gleichauf) – Gräben, Brücken, Wege, Steine klopfen, Teichel- grubeSchoner, Martin Ehm (Geisinger) – Gräben machen Bürgermeister Bartle Hör (Schue Nazi) – Holz für Brücke vermessen Bannlinie ziehen zwischen Neudingen und GutmadingenProze

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University of MN Medical Center, Fairview – I. Describe prescription drug interactions with common immunosuppressants, cholesterol-lowering agents, steroids, antivirals and Bactrim. medication interactions and which OTCs to avoid– III. Describe herbal medications that may be harmful and what interactions have been described in the literature. • Immunosuppressants • Steroids


Original Contribution O R I G I N A L C O N T R I B U T I O N Hydradermabrasion: an innovative modality for nonablative facial rejuvenation Bruce M Freedman, MD, FACS Plastic Surgery Associates of Northern Virginia, McLean, VA Background Hydradermabrasion is a relatively new procedure that combines crystal-freemicrodermabrasion with the


Havelock Infant School Inspection report Unique Reference Number Local Authority Inspect ion number Inspect ion dates Report ing inspector This inspection of the school was carried out under section 5 of the Education Act 2005. Type of school School category Age range of pupils Gender of pupils Nu mber of pupils on the school roll Appropriate authority

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Dead Sea EDOM Scientific Research A study involving a European occupational therapist suffering from psoriasis who had obtained compensation from her health insurance in order to undergo therapy at the Dead Sea has lead to great interest in health funds in Denmark, Germany and other European Countries. This has resulted in their subsidizing treatment from the Dead Sea for people suffering from


janeiro 2011 projecto Investimento rondou os 350 mil euros No decurso da reformulação do espaço físico do Hospital, surgiu também a necessidade de actualizar toda a infra-estrutura de TI. A proposta escolhida, e ganha pela CPCis, envolveu soluções combinadas da APC, HP Networking, Avaya e Axis A CPCis, empresa focada na comercialização projecto, envolveram um novo datacenter


Fachärzte für Dermatologie und Venerologie Informationsblatt Peeling mit Trichloressigsäure das Trichloressigsäure-Peeling (TCA) ist eine ästhetische Behandlungsmethode, die in dieserForm nur in der Hautarztpraxis durchgeführt wird. Abgestimmt auf Ihren Hauttyp erfolgt einemitteltiefe Schälung der Haut. Das TCA-Peeling gehört nicht zu den Pflichtleistungen der gesetzlichen Krankenkass


Material Safety Data Sheet MSDS ID: SK-114 PRODUCT: Spectral-DNCL * * Section 1 - Chemical Product and Company Identification * * * Chemical Name: Spectral.DNC-L Product Use: Hair Growth Stimulating Lotion * * * Section 2 - Composition / Information on Ingredients * * * Component Information/Information on Non-Hazardous Components: This product is non-hazardous and is not

Hiv & gay men over fifty - leonard alberts md

• HE, 63 yo retired gay male schoolteacher. MI at age 46, angioplasty. Smoker, drinker, in allegedly monogamous relationship for 20 years until 2001. Multiple male partners after he discovers Viagra. • On Zocor, Atenolol, HCTZ, Trental. Primary care • Cholesterol fairly well controlled, as is blood • Comes to see me with thrush. • HIV tested for first time, HIV +, CD4 168, vl • Be


Sicherheitsdatenblatt gemäß Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1907/2006 1 Bezeichnung des Stoffs bzw. des Gemischs und des Unternehmens · Produktidentifikator · Handelsname: BENGALROT-AGAR (mit CHLORAMPHENICOL) (RBC) · Artikelnummer: AE24 · Registrierungsnummer Eine Registriernummer für diesen Stoff ist nicht vorhanden, da der Stoff oder seine Verwendung nachArtikel 2 REACH Vero


MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Manufacturer's Name: ALTANA INC. Divisions: E. FOUGERA & CO. PHARMADERM DIVISION Street Address: 60 BAYLIS ROAD City, State, Zip Code: MELVILLE, NEW YORK 11747 Emergency Telephone No.: (800) 424-9300, (631) 454-7677 SECTION 1: IDENTITY Product Name: Mupirocin Ointment USP, 2% Synonyms: None indicated. None indicated.

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New Spirit 4 Aussie Rescue Heartworm Treatment Protocol as of Fall 2011 Introduction: The drug, Immiticide, has been the treatment of choice for heartworm positive dogs. New Spirit has always opted for full treatment with Immiticide, even though it’s very expensive. In conjunction with a pre- and post treatment protocol, this was our preferred approach. and we had very good outcomes


Division of Emergency Medical Services 3 Capitol Hill, Providence, RI 02908-5097 Tel (401)222-2401 SUBJECT: Pre-hospital Administration of Amiodarone To ensure consistency in patient care, the Division of EMS has prepared the fol owing guidelines for administration of amiodarone in the pre-hospital environment. This information is intended to supplement the current Rhode

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id9409968 pdfMachine by Broadgun Software - a great PDF writer! - a great PDF creator! - http://www.pdfmachine.com http://www.broadgun.com 88 / Health in Emergencies and Disasters Shigellosis in Disasters: its detection, treatment, and methods to deal with it in disasters Mohammad, Heiat1. Isa, Malmir2. Hossein, Aghamollaei3. Mohammad Raza, Rezaeimehr4. Hamid, Kooshki5. Atefeh, Yaali Jahrom

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Press Office ERA-EDTA Congress 2011 | albersconcept | Jakobstrasse 38 | 99423 Weimar | Germany 25 June 2011 LBCT 5 Lowering LDL cholesterol with ezetimibe/simvastatin does not significantly slow down CKD progression The SHARP-study1 has shown that lowering LDL cholesterol leads to a significant, 17% proportional reduction in major atherosclerotic events among CKD-patients. It has be


CHAMBER TM C ollaborations for H e A lth I M provements in HER2 B reast Canc ER Effective Therapy for a Premenopausal Woman withER/PR Positive, HER2-Overexpressing Metastatic Breast CancerDiagnosis: Hormone receptor positive, HER2-overexpressing, metastatic breast cancerHistory of Present Illness: This is a 36-year-old premenopausal woman who presented initially in 2002 with a 5-month


No part of this text may be reproduced in I N T E R N A T I O N A L any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and re-trieval systems, without permission in writing Estrogenic activity of hop components computer-based counting methods com-mon nowadays generally yield lowercounts than those determined under a mi- New scientific findings on e

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Rifamycins and Anti-Diabetic Agents: Drug-Drug Interactions General Tuberculosis (TB) Therapy Information Developed by Kelly Bujnoch, PharmD Candidate 2011 with the assistance of Regina Tabor, RPh, DPh, Robert Petrossian and Barbara Seaworth, MD Many diabetic medications are metabolized via the Cytochrome P450 (CYP450) enzymatic system in the liver. Rifampin is a potent inducer of the


Going, going, gone By Kathy Method, Clinical Senior Editor, Centralized Content Group Patents set to expire soon on many brand-name drugs Time is running out on the U.S. patents for many of the most popular brand-name drugs. Unless original exclusivity dates are somehow extended, over the next several years generic versions of many well-known best-selling drugs will become available. Pharma


CLINIQUE DE PRÉVENTION des AVC/ STROKE PREVENTION CLINIC 1111 Ghislain, Hawkesbury, Ontario K6A 3G5 (613) 632-1111, poste/ ext . 482 Télécopieur/ fax : (613) 636-6194 Requête de consultation/ Request for Consultation Date: ____________________ Médecin référant/ Referring physician : ________________________ Signature:_____________________ (en lettres moulées/print

Rosiglitazone: schorsing van de vergunning voor het in de handel brengen (vhb) van avandia en avandamet en avaglim

Rosiglitazone: schorsing van de vergunning voor het in de handel brengen (VHB) van Avandia en Avandamet en Avaglim Zoals vermeld in ons zijn de conclusies van de beoordeling van alle gegevens over de risico/baten-verhouding voor de rosiglitazone bevattende geneesmiddelen nu beschikbaar. Gegevens uit recente studies bevestigen de verhoging van het cardiovasculair risico geassocieerd met d


OMIDA Echinacea Globuli Homöopathisches Heilmittel Wann werden die OMIDA Echinacea Globuli angewendet? Gemäss homöopathischem Arzneimittelbild können die OMIDA Echinacea Globuli – bei fieberhaften Erkältungskrankheiten und Grippe – zur Steigerung der Abwehrkräfte, bei Neigung zu infektiösen Erkältungen angewendet werden. Was sollte dazu beachtet werden? Wenn Ihnen Ihr Arzt an

Microsoft word - 2010 step therapy requirements.doc

2010 Step Therapy Criteria Effective January 1, 2010 Step Therapy Group Description Step Therapy Criteria Requires member has filled at least a 60-day supply of a step 1 drug (i.e. long-acting beta agonist, Spiriva or inhaled corticosteroid) in the last 120 days before Advair will be covered Requires member must have a documented 60-day trial of either Antabuse or naltrexone before

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INDEX FOR 2012 HERBALPEDIA Acer palmatum —Maple, Japanese Acer pensylvanicum - Moosewood Acer rubrum —Maple, Red Abelmoschus moschatus —Ambrette seed Acer saccharinum —Maple, Silver Abies alba —Fir, Silver Acer spicatum —Maple, Mountain Abies balsamea —Fir, Balsam Acer tataricum —Maple, Tatarian Abies cephalonica —Fir, Greek


January 28, 2013 Roll Cal : Present Stacy Ross, Ted Disabato, Brenda Smarko, Jan Hil , Kendal Dauphin, Beth Murphy Reports: Peggy Meyer – Principal of Woerner School Update: Woerner has 400 students, preschool – 5th grade; pul students from Holly Hil s, Bevo; Feed to Long and Blow Schools; Feel free to cal for a visit; 85% of students on free or reduced lunch; Woerner has single gend


A trip to Kentucky turned almost deadly as artist Jen Raynes struggled to attend the ASHA World Championship Horse Show. Artist Jen Raynes paints a Saddlebred Have you heard that old saying about “suffering for your art?” Artist JenRaynes had a momentous trip heading to Louisville, Ky., for the American Saddlebred Horse Association WorldChampionship Horse Show. Although it’s the grande


Honig- Ginseng Granulat Das moderne koreanische Energiepaket für Vitalität aus der Natur liegt jetzt u.a. unter dem Handels-namen HoneySweet Ginseng vor. Honig und Ginseng gehören zu den ältesten Energie- und Vitalitätsspendern der Menschheits-geschichte. Aus Bernsteinfunden ist bekannt, dass es schon seit 40- 50 Millionen Jahren Bienen auf unserer Erde gibt. Die Menschen haben schon


EC safety data sheet (91/155 EEC) 1.) Identification of the substance/preparation and company Product details Trade name Identification of the manufacturer / supplier Hansa Group AG Hansa Chemie Division Wanheimer Str. 408 D-47055 Emergency telephone number 2.) Composition / information on ingredients Chemical characterization Substance / product identification


KUALA LUMPUR HYPERBARIC CENTRE PATIENT HANDBOOK Preparations before Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy  Smoking, alcohol and chronic caffeine consumption decrease the amount of oxygen that can be transported by the circulatory system. It is strongly recommended that clients refrain from smoking during the course of treatments. If termination of smoking is not possible, a period of two h


IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION CIVIL APPEAL NO. 2681 OF 2007 KRANTI APPELLANT VERSUS UNION OF INDIA & ORS. RESPONDENTS O R D E R 1. Learned counsel for the appellant has brought to our notice that the Central Government, in spite of our earlier order and directions, have not complied with the same fully. The learned senior counsel for the appellant, Shri Colin Gons


2014 OVERNIGHT CAMPER APPLICATION FORM Please return to: 15203 Yonge St., Aurora, ON, L4G 1L8 Tel: (905) 841-1314 or (416) 969-8133 Fax: (905) 841-8889 Email: director@hiddenbay.ca www.hiddenbay.ca Please circle Busing Options for all camp sessions Name (first):_______________(last)________________ To Camp: Aurora Barrie Parry Sound Other Date of Birth: ____________Age: _____


TUSS - TERMINOLOGIA UNIFICADA EM SAÚDE SUPLEMENTAR Código Procedimento 40301001 PROCEDIMENTOS DIAGNÓSTICOS E TERAPÊUTICOS (MEDICINA LABORATORIAL) - BIOQUÍMICA 40301010 3-metil histidina, pesquisa e/ou dosagem no soro 40301028 5-nucleotidase - pesquisa e/ou dosagem 40302857 6-Monoacetilmorfina urinária 40302865 7 Dihidrocolesterol, dosagem 40301036 Acetaminofen - pesquisa e/ou dosag

Presentación de powerpoint

LEVETIRACETAM VÍA ORAL EN EL TRATAMIENTO DEL STATUS EPILÉPTICO NO CONVULSIVO INICIAL Y REFRACTARIO Romano LM, Besocke AG, Migliacci ML, Castellino LG, Ioli PL, Zorrila JP. Servicio de Neurología. Hospital Privado de Comunidad, Mar del Plata. INTRODUCCIÓN El Status Epiléptico No Convulsivo (SENC) es una entidad tratable y potencialmente reversible, subdiagnosticada, pero de

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• ” A recent report by the Acting Chair of the Coroners Council has shown that natural medicines have the lowest fatality rate Consultant Medical Herbalist, of all medical treatments in this country. Herbal Dispensary & Health Shop • ” A Swiss study has suggested that Chaste tree (Vitex agnus herbalists@marchingcubes.com, www.herbalists.co.nz castus) may be useful agains

Ob information

General Pregnancy Information The content on this site provides only general information, is not medical advice and does not replace nor substitute for the professional medical advice related to your personal health. Medications: Medications that in general are considered safe to use in pregnancy Allergies, cold, or flu-like symptoms:  Tylenol or Tylenol cold  Warm salt water

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Erwachsenen Histiozytose X e.V. Unter der Schirmherrschaft der Deutschen Atemwegsliga e.V. Bericht von Karl-Heinz zur Langerhans-Cell-Histiozytose ich habe von der „DLH“ von Ihrer Selbsthilfegruppe erfahren und möchte Ihnen einen Bericht zusenden, vielleicht finden Sie ihn interessant und veröffentlichen ihn., von mir aus gern! Anbei erhalten Sie den Krankheitsbericht aus Sic

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BIOTECNOLOGIA: A CORRIDA PELA INOVAÇÃO1 Periódico: Inteligência Empresarial (UFRJ), v. 19, p. 15-22, 2004 Autor: CARVALHO, Rodrigo S. (Hélice Consultoria) E-mail: rcarvalho@heliceconsultoria.com.br 1- Um velho novo mundo OCDE (1999) define biotecnologia como a aplicação da ciência para o processamento de materiais, através de agentes biológicos, tendo como objetivo a p


The following is a list of the most commonly prescribed drugs. It represents an abbreviatedversion of the drug list (formulary) that is at the core of your prescription-drug benefit plan. The list is not all-inclusive and does not guarantee coverage. In addition to using this list,you are encouraged to ask your doctor to prescribe generic drugs whenever appropriate. PLEASE NOTE: The symbol * nex

Nasal spray flu vaccine (live attenduated influenza vaccine [laiv])

Nasal Spray Flu Vaccine (Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine [LAIV]) How effective is the nasal-spray seasonal flu vaccine LAIV (FluMist®)? In one large study among children aged 15-85 months, the seasonal nasal-spray flu vaccine LAIV (FluMist®) reduced the chance of influenza illness by 92% compared with placebo. In a study among adults, the participants were not specifically tested

Eisenmenger syndrome and pregnancy

Information extracted from WWW.HEARTDISEASEANDPREGNANCY.COM CONTRACEPTION Contraception counseling is important for women heart disease because some forms of contraception can be unsafe. Despite this, many women do not receive adequate contraception counseling. (1) APPROACH TO CONTRACEPTION COUNSELING Contraception counseling should begin early. In women with heart disease

Address line one

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Abbott to Present Positive Phase 2 Results from Multiple Interferon-Free Studies of Combination Regimens for the Treatment of Hepatitis C ABBOTT PARK Ill., Apr. 4, 2012 – Abbott will present clinical trial results from two different interferon-free, Phase 2 studies for the treatment of hepatitis C (HCV) at the Contacts: International Liver Congress™ 2012

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Hemophilia OUTLOOK The Hemophilia Association of New York, Inc. ‚ SPRING 2010 ‚ Missing: Nearly 25% of the minimum goal for this year’s HANY GOLF 2010 3rd Annual Matthew Lee Greer Golf Classic – June 21st 17th Annual Nick Salerno Memorial Golf Tournament – July 12th form TODAY . Early bird sponsors include: Inspiration Biopharmaceuticals ,


= Auctioneers = = Estate Agents = H.J. Pugh & Co. = Valuers = WELLAND, Nr MALVERN. WORCESTERSHIRE, WR13 6NG. In conjunction with Welland Steam and Country Rally VINTAGE & CLASSIC TRACTORS, LORRIES & VEHICLES, IMPLEMENTS, STATIONARY ENGINES, SPARES, MODELS AND OTHER COLLECTABLES. FRIDAY 29th JULY 2011 Newmarket House, Market Street, Ledbury,

Hich 7440 hardener - benzoyl peroxide version 2

July 2010 Material Safety Data Sheet Page 1 of 6 HARDENER HiChem Paint Technologies Pty.Ltd. A.B.N. 95 064 139 653 73 Hallam South Road, HALLAM, VICTORIA 3803. Telephone : {03} 9796 3400 Email:msdsinfo@hichem.com.au www:hichem.com.au IDENTIFICATION of the SUBSTANCE(S) and COMPOSITION Product Name Code H Product Use Benzoyl Peroxide based hardener

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DEPARTAMENTO DE HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS SOCIALES TECNICATURA UNIVERSITARIA EN CEREMONIAL y PROTOCOLO Cátedra: 2734 1º y 2º CUATRIMESTRE 2012 CEREMONIAL Y PROTOCOLO I Prof. Adjunto: Lic. Diego L. MONASTERIO Carga horaria cuatrimestral: 4 (cuatro) horas semanales. 1) Fundamentación Según narra la historia, aproximadamente desde el año 3100 a de Cristo, exis

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“Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON): involvement of mitochondrial permeability transition in the pathogenesis and protective actions of minocycline” Summary: Leber’s Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON) is a retinal ganglionic neurodegenerative disorder caused by a maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA point mutation. The dysfunction of complex I of the respiratory chain, af


E p i d e m i o l o g y / H e a l t h S e r v i c e s / P s y c h o s o c i a l R e s e a r c h O R I G I N A L Type 2 Diabetes and Subsequent Incidence of Breast Cancer in the Nurses’ Health Study ARIN B. MICHELS, SCD SUSAN E. HANKINSON, SCD AREN G. SOLOMON, MD GRAHAM A. COLDITZ, MD RANK B. HU, MD OANN E. MANSON, MD ERNARD A. ROSNER, PHD hormone with mitogeni

Hoofdstuk 4.pub

4. Behandeling Medicatie Elke behandeling van de ziekte van Huntington blijft tot op heden een symptomatische behandeling. Dit bete- kent dat de symptomen, de gevolgen en de ongemakken van de ziekte zoveel mogelijk worden bestreden, doch niet de oorzaak van de ziekte. De behandelingen zijn nooit genezend. De ontdekking van het gen heeft echter nieuwe mogelijkheden geschapen in de zoektoch


La recherche en Santé Publique & en Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société sur le VIH/sida et les hépatites B et C en France L’ANRS Une Agence publique dédiée depuis 1988 au financement et au pilotage de la recherche sur le VIH et les hépatites B et C Budget annuel : 50 Millions euros (130 millions euros en comptant les salaires des chercheurs) Les source

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Halton Healthcare Services Georgetown / Milton /Oakville Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital 327 Reynolds Street, Oakville ON L6J 3L7 Ph 905-845-2571 ext 3545 Fax 905-338-4453 Michael Lang, BSc MD FRCPC Anna Labuda, BSc MD FRCPC Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Requisition for Comprehensive Spasticity Manag


EQUINE FACTSHEET: FOALING ADVICE LATE PREGNANCY (3-4 months prior to foaling) The average length of pregnancy is 335-342 days (can range between 320-400 days). Worming This should be done one month before foaling and before the mare is moved to a foaling box. Pasture worm with a single dose wormer, e.g. Ivermectin to remove adult red worms. Booster Vaccinations Boosters should be

Guidance for industry collection of race and ethnicity data in clinical trials

Guidance for Industry U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Food and Drug Administration Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) Center for Devices and Radiologic Health (CDRH) Office of the Commissioner (OC) September 2005 Clinical Medical Guidance for Industry Additional copies are available

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MANITOBA THOROUGHBRED E.I.P.H. PROGRAM WAIVER AND RELEASE The undersigned ______________________________________being the authorized agent of the owners of the thoroughbred horses in my care for the race season____________________ hereby request that the eligible horses be admitted to the Manitoba Thoroughbred E.I.P.H. Program in accordance with the rules of the Manitoba Horse Raci


Originalien im "peer-review" Verfahren Malessa R, Agelink MW , Diener HC. Dysfunction of visual pathways in HIV-1 Infection. J Neurol Sci 1995, 130: 82-87. Malessa R, Agelink MW , van Schayck R, Mertins L, Brockmeyer NH. Elektrodermale Reflexaktivität und 30:15 Ratio bei HIV-1 Infektion. Akt Neurol 1995, 22: 131-135. Dammers S, Zeit T, Leonhardt M, Schär V, Agelink MW . Maligne

Consultancy report

Consultancy Report Ref: 6386 R01 Mr M Barter and Mr P WebberJoint Occupational Safety and Health UnitSteele CloseEastleighIn accordance with our qualityassurance procedures, this report iscountersigned by: Noise measurements of appliances and equipment Hampshire Fire and Rescue August 2000 ISVR Consultancy Services Institute of Sound and Vibration Research Contents Append


NOTES FOR USE REMOTE CONTROL - This product is NOT user-serviceable . The product is welded shut in the factory and cannot be easily opened for battery replacement. If you wish to have the batteries LONG RANGE 173MHz PENDANT TRANSMITTERS replaced in an expired transmitter, please contact Martin Electronics and arrange for battery replacement which can be done at a nominal

Ta75 hepatitis c - pegylated interferons, ribavirin and alfa interferon: guidance

NHS National Institute for Clinical Excellence Interferon alfa (pegylated and non-pegylated) and ribavirin for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C This guidance is a review and extension of Technology AppraisalGuidance No. 14 issued in October 2000. Technology Appraisal 75 January 2004 Technology Appraisal Guidance 75 Interferon alfa (pegylated and non-pegylated) and ribav


Positionspapier der ÖKG und ÖGTHC zu katheterunterstützten Herzklappeninterventionen Task Force der Österreichischen Kardiologischen Gesellschaft und der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Thorax- Herzchirurgie: Wilfried Wisser (Vorsitz), Harald Gabriel, Heinrich Mächler, Robert Maier, Edwin Maurer, Ludwig Müller, Thomas Neunteufl Zusammenfassung Aufgrund der zunehmenden Verb


SUMMER SELF STUDY PROGRAM Drug Therapy for Stabilization of AF: From Foxglove to Tarantulas Friday, May 16, 2008 Bramah N. Singh, MD, DSc, FRCP Gerald V. Naccarelli, MD, FHRS Current Drug Options for Atrial Fibrillation L. Brent Mitchell, MD Dr. Brent Mitchell discussed the magnitude of the clinical problem of atrial fibrillation. He reviewed the epidemiology of atri


The Effects of Low-Carbohydrate versus Conventional Weight Loss Diets in Severely Obese Adults: One-Year Follow-up of a Randomized Trial Linda Stern, MD; Nayyar Iqbal, MD; Prakash Seshadri, MD; Kathryn L. Chicano, CRNP; Denise A. Daily, RD; Joyce McGrory, CRNP; Monica Williams, BS; Edward J. Gracely, PhD; and Frederick F. Samaha, MD Background: A previous paper reported the 6-month compari-


Message From Our President An old Chinese proverb goes, “To listen well, is as powerful ameans of influence as to talk well, and is as essential to all trueI often think my listening skills need improvement. And I defi-nitely could use some knowledge and tips on communicatingwith those who are hard of hearing. Probably most of us could,and those who suffer from hearing loss might ag

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Règlement d'ordre intérieur - Titre III TITRE III - REGLEMENT SPORTIF HOCKEY GAZON (RS) CHAPITRE I - CHAMPIONNATS DE HOCKEY SUR GAZON CHAPITRE II - COUPES CHAPITRE III - CLASSEMENTS, TITRES, MONTEE ET DESCENTE Article 6 - Rencontre de Barrage - Poule Finale . Article 7 - Frais . CHAPITRE IV - QUALIFICATIONS Article 10 - Dispositions Générales pour les compétitions "Se

Fact sheet 2 - final the housing act and vulnerability

FACT SHEET 2 THE HOUSING ACT AND EXAMPLES OF LETTERS TO LOCAL AUTHORITIES FOR MEDICALLY VULNERABLE PATIENTS This Fact Sheet is number 2 of 6, all of which link to and provide background information for the guidance on producing a protocol for the Admission and Discharge of People from Hospital.1 The other Fact Sheets in the series are: • Fact Sheet 1 Web based resources on homel

Microsoft word - dysartrirapporten.doc

Rikstäckande nätverk för barn- och ungdomshabiliteringen i Sverige. Grundad 1994 2006-2007 Föreningen Sveriges Habiliteringschefer har som uppgift att verka för en utveckling av habiliteringsverksamheten för barn och ungdomar utifrån de övergripande mål som beskrivs i hälso- och sjukvårdslagen samt lagen om särskilt stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade. Föreningen ska


Bile acid metabolism and hypercholesterolemiaEndothelial dysfunction and coronary interventionMolecular identification of oxygen sensitive potassium (K+) channels in the ductus arteriosusStudies of direct ventricular interaction: acute pulmonary hypertension, PEEP, and RV infarctionThe role of protein fatty acylation in metabolic Regulation of large conductance, Ca-activated K+ Mechanisms


The HANDLE® Institute 7 Mt. Lassen Drive, Suite B110 San Rafael, CA 94903 415-479-1800 CASE STUDY ADD, Autism, Central Auditory Processing Disorder, Sensory Processing Disorder in 14-year-old femalePresented by Peg Simon, certified HANDLE® Practitioner, from Judith Bluestone’s client notesThese case studies, each submitted by a Certified HANDLE® Practitioner, demonstrate outcomes ach

Elissa v

Elissa D. Viarengo, L.Ac BioFeedback Practitioner New Patient Intake Form Name:____________________________________________________ If a minor, Name of Parents / Guardian: ___________________________ Address: __________________________________________________ City: ____________________ State: _________ Zip Code: __________ Home Telephone (with area code): ________________________

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Koningin Vasthi door Ahasveros verstoten 1 Het volgende gebeurde in de dagen van Ahasveros -- hij is de Ahasveros dieregeerde van India af tot Ethiopië toe over honderdzevenentwintig gewesten. 2 In die dagen, toen koning Ahasveros op zijn koninklijke troon zat die in de burcht3 in het derde jaar van zijn regering, richtte hij een feestmaal aan voor al zijnoversten en dienaren. De legerov


HELICA* - A RevolutionaryNew Surgical Treatment forEarly Stage Endometriosis North Florida Regional Women’s Centre PO Box 147600, Gainsville, Florida, FL 32614 – 7006 Helica* - A Revolutionary New Surgical Treatment For Early Stage Endometriosis by Richard King, M.D. Obstetrician/Gynecologist in private practice ABSTRACT Endometriosis can effect up to 10% of women inthe reproduct

Synthroid® (levothyroxine sodium tablets, usp)

PRECAUTIONS General Levothyroxine has a narrow therapeutic index. Regardless of the indication for use, careful dosage titration is necessary to avoid the SYNTHROID® consequences of over- or under-treatment. These consequences include, among others, effects on growth and development, cardiovascularfunction, bone metabolism, reproductive function, cognitive function, emotional state, gastroi

Microsoft word - 03g00_5aa pp21-23.doc

my asthma North Kensington, London, on to a saucer to form a cone, which was then lit at 'After each 1927-1934 the top. The pungent smoke from this spittingI was told that I developed asthma after anVesuvius had to be inhaled deeply. Its beneficial hospital visit attack of measles when I was three years old. effects were short lived - the inhalation provided we went to a O

Microsoft word - mrsa on the rise06-07.doc

(Methicillin -Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus ) Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a bacterium that causes infections in the body. MRSA infection is an infection with a strain of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria that is resistant to antibiotics known as beta-lactams.1 These commonly used antibiotics include methicillin, amoxicillin, and penicillin. Most MRSA infections occu


Doppler-guided hemorrhoidal artery ligation (DG-HAL): a safe treatment of II-III degree hemorrhoids for all patients. Could it be potentially also good prophylaxis? Aim. Doppler-guided hemorrhoidal artery lig- Department of Surgery, S. Peter Hospital ation (HAL Doppler) is an innovative hemor- rhoid treatment mainly utilised for II-III degree where bleeding is a predominant s


Provided as a Courtesy from Haydel Consulting Services LLC Lisinopril Synthroid Prilosec Zithromax Amoxicillin Metformin Hydrochlorothiazide Furosemide Metoprolol This test applies to the 15 medications listed above. 1. Which medication(s) indicate a need for electrolyte monitoring? hydroclrothiazide 2. You would teach a patient that eatin

Gomes et al., 2010 adm rhcg

L. Mramba et al. / International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 108 (2010) 152–160procedure and the injury was repaired shortly after the incarceration. In the first case the patient underwent hysteroscopy and laparoscopy5 years after the surgical termination [3]. When uterine perforation is suspected based on an abnormalfinding in the retrieved material, although rare, tubal incarc


Performance of the OFDA 100 compared to other instruments 1. Measurements available The OFDA instrument is used to certify mean fibre diameter (MFD) and diameter distribution (SDor CvD) under IWTO-47. It can also be used to measure medullation and the percentage ofobjectionable fibres under IWTO-57. Additional measurements available from the instrument include mean fibre curvature, andparam

Microsoft word - report workshop4 copen 2005.doc

Workshop Summaries Copenhagen XVII I th International Workshop on Gastrointestinal Pathology and Helicobacter Workshop 4: Clinical experiences Chairpersons: C. O’Morain, Dublin, Ireland & P. Bytzer, Copenhagen, Denmark. Reporter: P. Bytzer, Copenhagen, Denmark. In the workshop, six scientists gave short presentations on various aspects of Helicobacter pylori -related c

Microsoft word - ctb_140148.doc

Official Air Force Approved Aircrew Medications Effective: 19 May, 2011 (Note: This list supersedes the medication list dated 29 Nov 2010) The approved medication list consists of drugs for acute and chronic conditions, listed by generic name under one of three categories, based on whether they may be self-prescribed without flight surgeon consultation (see over the counter medication l


HAMS Position Statement on Psychiatric Medications 1) HAMS recognizes that psychiatric medications can be great lifesavers for many people and we encourage people who are benefitting from psychiatric medications to continue taking them; we also encourage people who may benefit from them to consult with their doctor about giving them a try. 2) HAMS also recognizes that psychiatric medicati


Neli haigusjuhtu – I – kopsuarteri retsidiveeruv trombembooliaNeli haigusjuhtu – II – periarteriitis nodosaNeli haigusjuhtu – III – Budd-Chiari sündroomNeli haigusjuhtu – IV – südame hüperkineetiline sündroomAdrenaalkriis astma raviks suures annusesJoseph S. Macdessi, Tabitha L. Randell, H 50inhaleeritavaid kortikosteroide saanud lastelKim C. Donaghue, Geoffrey R. Ambler, et al

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Life Insurance Application (05-2009) ® Registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. Used under licence. COLLECTION AND USE OF PERSONAL INFORMATION Collecting your personal information We (RBC Life Insurance Company) may from time to time collect information about you such as: information establishing your identity (for example, name, address, phone number, date of birth, et

Alfs reisecheckliste für die urlaubsvorbereitung

Alfs Reisecheckliste Stand: 06. Juli 2002 1 Vorwort Nimm es mit, dann wirst du es schon nicht brauchen (frei nach Murphy). Ich denke jeder ausgezeichnete deutsche Checkliste sollte einen gesunden Zwischenweg finden. beginnt es im Kopf des Urlaubers zu rattern: Hab ich auch nichts vergessen? Doch dann ist umfassend, dass es eine beträchtliche Teil des es meist zu spät. Ei

Malaria prophylaxis 2

Information on malaria prophylaxis valid until 30/06/2011 Prophylaxis Very low risk in the Illizi department onlyno drugs, take extra precautions insect repellents etc. Rural areas along northern border in the Chacos, Corrientes, Jujuy, All other areas, including Iguacu Falls- very low riskSouthern border areas between May-Octoberno drugs, take extra precautions insect repellents etc. Inf


CYCLOSPORA What is Cyclospora ? Cyclospora ( Cyclospora cayetanensis ) is a parasite that is composed of only one cell. It is too small to be seen with the naked eye (only 8-10 microns in diameter). It used to be called by such names as cyanobacterium-like, coccidia-like, and Cyclospora -like bodies (CLBs). The first known cases of Cyclospora infection were diagnosed in 1977 (rep

Hcicor-98.6. 461.464

Myotoxicity is a well known side-effect ofon medical errors:3 while the public views openstatins, with a reported incidence of 1–7%.3 Noreporting as a very effective way of reducing errors,cases of rhabdomyolysis due to monotherapyphysicians prefer confidentiality. We conducted awith ezetimibe have been described. However,survey to evaluate the potential contribution of adisclo


Recent advances in the immunologyand diagnosis of echinococcosisMolecular Parasitology Laboratory, Australian Centre for International and Tropical Health and Nutrition, The Queensland Institute of Medical Researchand The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, AustraliaMolecular Parasitology Laboratory, AustralianEchinococcosis is a cosmopolitan zoonosis caused by adult or larval sta


Science Diet® Ideal Balance™ Beef & Vegetables Dinner Adult Ideal Balance™ Beef & Vegetables Dinner Adult combines delicious ingredients and the power of advanced nutrition. Made with real beef, brown rice, and a medley of delectable vegetables, al smothered in a delicious gravy. No added preservatives, corn, artificial colors or flavors. A perfect complement to Science

Microsoft word - content.doc

MEDICAL JOURNALVol 119 No 1243 ISSN 1175 8716 Why the tuberculosis incidence rate is not falling in New Zealand Dilip Das, Michael Baker, Kamalesh Venugopal, Susan McAllister Abstract Aims To assess the role of migration from high-incidence countries, HIV/AIDS infection, and prevalence of multi-drug resistant organisms as contributors to tuberculosis (TB) incidence in New Zealand (NZ) re

Microsoft word - soundalikelookalikemedications0809.doc

PREVENTING & REDUCING MEDICATION ERRORS WORKSHOP COMMON SOUND OR LOOK ALIKE MEDICATIONS “DISCLAIMER: Information or education provided by the HCQU is not intended to replace medical advice from the consumer’s personal care physician or replace existing facility policy COMMON SOUND OR LOOK ALIKE MEDICATIONS Medications that sound or look alike can cause confus

Memorial hermann healthnet providers

MEDICAL MANAGEMENT POLICY TITLE : Reclast® (zoledronic acid) Infusion POLICY NUMBER : MEDM-068-2011 (Pre-Cert Required) Yes X No EFFECTIVE DATE: 07/01/2011 REVISION DATE : PAGE : 1 of 2 SUPERSEDES : POLICY IN COMPLIANCE WITH: This Medical policy is not a guarantee of benefits or coverage, nor should it be deemed as medical advice. In the event of any co


Herbstastern Pfl egeleichtes Beet Ton in Ton Gestalten mit Farben Zuzana Havlin Für die Südseite des Gartens eignen sich anspruchslose Stauden in der Farbe der Sonne. Im Folgenden wird eine Auswahl von pfl egeleichten, reich blü- henden mehrjährigen Blumen präsentiert, die in Gelb erhält- lich sind. Sie sind frostbeständig und brauchen im Winter keinen Schutz. Son

Microsoft word - ahs deg final results 2012.doc

CHRISTIAN MEDICAL COLLEGE, VELLORE – 632 002. 07 July 2012 ALLIED HEALTH SCIENCES DEGREE FINAL SELECTIONS - 2012 The following candidates are provisionally SELECTED for admission to the AHS Degree courses. Admissions to the courses are subject to the approval by the Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical BACHELOR OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY (003) SPONSORED SELECTED WA


Biological Psychology xxx (2005) xxx–xxxEffects of reproductive state on olfactory sensitivityJohan N. Lundstro¨m ,Martha K. McClintock , Mats J. Olsson a Department of Psychology, Uppsala University, Box 1225, SE-75142 Uppsala, Swedenb Institute for Mind and Biology, University of Chicago, Chicago, 940 57th Street, 60637, IL, USAReceived 6 December 2004; accepted 1 July 2005Previ


21 DAYS OF FASTING*  James 4:8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you….  Dan 1:16-17 So the steward took away their [rich] dainties and the wine they were to drink and gave them vegetables. 17 As for these four youths, God gave them knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom, and Daniel had understanding in all [kinds o

Business commentary

HSBC HOLDINGS PLC – INTERIM MANAGEMENT STATEMENT HSBC Holdings plc (‘HSBC’) will be conducting a trading update conference call with analysts and investors today to coincide with the release of its Interim Management Statement. The trading update call will take place at 12.00 GMT (in London), and details of how to participate in the call and the live audio webcast can be found at In

Microsoft word - rmit hdra - research standards - comment

RMIT Higher Degree by Research Association Comment on the Higher Education Standards Panel Draft Standards  Higher Education Standards Panel Executive GPO Box 1672 Melbourne VIC 3001 info@HEstandards.gov.au 8 July 2013 Attention: Higher Education Standards Panel Executive, Re: Higher Education Standards Panel Draft Standards for Research, Research Training, and Learning Outcomes (Research T


Quantitative Urolith Analysis Submission Form Visit our website at: www.cvm.umn.edu/depts/MinnesotaUrolithCenter Urinalysis and urinary case history: CLINIC INFORMATION Date: ___________________________________________________Date _________________Composition _________________________Veterinary Surgeon: ______________________________________Date _________________Composition _______


Title: MAO-B Elevation as an Early Parkinson’s Disease Biomarker and Target for Prophylactic Treatment Buck Institute Case No.: BI-377 Description: Monoamine oxidase B (MAO-B) catalyzes the oxidative deamination of monoamines including dopamine. MAO-B is mostly concentrated in the brain in astrocytes and astroglia. It has been postulated that age-related increases in MAO-B activi


January 2011/Ed. 1 When Linda Molnar developed pain in her legs that got worse when she walked even a short distance, doctors initially attributed it to an old back injury. But three years and many doctor visits later, a vascular specialist finally gave her the correct diagnosis last fall: peripheral artery disease. you feel productive, wheth-er or not you get paid for Often referred to as


S. Akieda-Asaia, S. Kodab, M. Sugiyamab, K. Metabolic features of rats resistant to a high-Hasegawaa, M. Furuyab, M. Miyazatoc, Y. Hashimoto Y, Onishi T, Uno F, Kagawa S, UrataFish oil prevents excessive hepatic lipidHirako S, Kim HJ, Iizuka Y, Nakasatomi M,Imatinib attenuates severe mouse dystrophy Ito T, Ogawa R, Uezumi A, Ohtani T, Watanabe Neuromuscular Disorders,Volume and inhibits pr

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The Global Campaign to Reduce the Burden of Headache Worldwide A partnership in action between the World Health Organization, World Headache Alliance, International Headache Society and European Headache Federation Headache disorders are common and ubiquitous. They have a neurological basis, but headache rarely signals serious underlying illness. The huge public-health importance of headach

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