Microsoft word - medicalterminologywordrootscombiningform
abdomin/o abdomen ablat/o
to remove, take away
abrad/o, abras/o
to scrape off
acanth/o thorny,
acar/o mites acid/o acid,
acous/o, acoust/o
acr/o extremities acromi/o acromion actin/o ray,
acu/o, acut/o
sharp, severe
aden/o glands adenoid/o adenoids adip/o fat adren/o adrenal
aer/o air,
agglutin/o clumping agit/o rapidity,
alb/o, albino/o
albumin/o albumin alges/i, alges/o
pain sensitivity
alveol/o alveolus ambly/o dim,
ambul/o to
ammon/o ammonium amni/o amnion amyl/o starch an/o anus andr/o man,
aneurysm/o aneurysm angi/o vessel anis/o unequal ankyl/o
stiff, not movable, crooked, bent
anomal/o irregular,
toward the front, in front of
coal, carbon, carbuncle
man, human being
antr/o cavity,
aort/o aorta aphth/o ulcer apic/o apex append/o, appendic/o
aque/o water arch/e, arch/i
ascenic/o arcenic arteri/o artery arteriol/o arteriole arthr/o, articul/o
aspir/o, aspirat/o
aspirate, remove, inhale
asthen/o weakness astr/o star-shaped atel/o incomplete,
fatty substance, plaque
atri/o atrium audi/o, audit/o
aur/o, auricul/o
auscult/o, ascultat/o
listen, auscultate
aux/o growth,
axi/o axis axill/o armpit azot/o nitrogen,
bacteri/o bacteria balan/o glans
balne/o bath bar/o weight,
bas/o, basi/o
base, foundation
bil/i bile bi/o life,
blast/o embryonic,
blenn/o mucus blephar/o eyelid brachi/o arm brom/o bromide,
bronchus, upper airway
bronchiol/o bronchiole,
bucc/o cheek burs/o bursa cac/o
bad, ill, diseased, abnormal
calcane/o heel calci/o calcium cali/o calyx calor/i heat campt/o bent
capn/o carbon
caps/o, capsul/o
capsule, container
carb/o carbon carcin/o cancer cardi/o heart cari/o rotten,
carp/o wrist cathar/o, cathart/o
cleansing, purging
caud/o tail caus/o, cauter/o
burn, burning
cav/o, cavit/o
hollow, cavity
cec/o cecum celi/o
abdomen, abdominal region
centr/o center cephal/o head cerebell/o cerebellum cerebr/o cerebrum,
cervix, neck of the uterus
cheil/o, chil/o
cheir/o, chir/o
chem/o chemical,
chlor/o green chol/e gall,
cholecyst/o gallbladder choledoch/o
common bile duct
chondr/o cartilage chori/o chorion chrom/o, chromat/o
chron/o time,
chrys/o gold chyl/o chyle cirrh/o orange-yellow cleid/o clavicle clin/o
to slope, bend
coagul/o coagulation,
coccyg/o coccyx cochle/o cochlea col/o, colon/o
colp/o vagina condyl/o
condyle, rounded knuckle/projection on a bone
coni/o dust conjuctiv/o conjuctiva consci/o awareness,
constrict/o narrowing,
contus/o to
cor/o pupil corne/o cornea coron/o heart corpor/o body cortic/o cortex cost/o rib cox/o hip crani/o skull,
cric/o ring crin/o secrete,
critic/o crisis,
cry/o cold,
crypt/o hidden,
crystall/o crystal,
cubit/o elbow,
culd/o cul-de-sac cune/o wedge,
cupr/o copper cutane/o skin cyan/o blue cycl/o
ciliary body, circular
cyst/o bladder,
cyt/o cell dacry/o tear dactyl/o
digit (finger or toe)
dent/i tooth,
derm/o, dermat/o
desicc/o to
desm/o ligament deuter/o second,
dextr/o right didym/o
a twin, testis
dilat/o to
dipl/o double,
dips/o thirst dist/o
distant, away from, farthest from the origin
doch/o duct dolich/o long dolor/o pain dors/o
back, near upper surface
drom/o running duct/o to
duoden/o duodenum dynam/o power,
dyn/o pain
echin/o spiny,
ele/o oil electr/o electrical,
embol/o embolus embry/o embryo,
emmetr/o the
measure, proportioned
enanti/o opposite,
encephal/o brain enter/o intestines eosin/o
red, rosy, dawn
epididym/o epididymis epiglott/o epiglottis episi/o vulva erethism/o irritation erg/o work erythem/o flushed,
erythr/o red eschar/o scab esophag/o esophagus esthesi/o sensation,
eti/o cause excit/o to
faci/o face fasci/o fascia febr/i fever femor/o femur ferr/i, ferr/o
fet/o fetus fibr/o fiber,
fibul/o fibula fil/i, fil/o, filament/o
thread, threadlike
flav/o yellow flect/o, flex/o
flu/o, flux/o
fluor/o fluorine follicul/o small
frig/o, frigid/o
funct/o performance fung/i fungus,
fusc/o dark
galact/o milk gamet/o gamete gangli/o, ganglion/o
gastr/o stomach ge/o earth,
to freeze, congeal
gemell/o twins gen/o
producing, generating, coming to be, forming
geni/o chin genit/o reproduction ger/o, geront/o
aged, old age
gest/o, gestat/o
gigant/o huge gingiv/o gums glauc/o
gray, bluish green
gli/o glue,
glomerul/o glomerulus gloss/o
tongue, language, speech
gluc/o, glyc/o
glucose, sugar
gnath/o jaw gnos/o knowledge gon/o genitals,
gonad/o gonads goni/o angle granul/o granules graph/o
writing, to obtain a gram
gravid/o pregnancy gust/o, gustat/o
gynec/o woman,
gyr/o circle,
haem/a blood haph/e touch hapl/o simple,
hect/o hundred helc/o ulcer heli/o sun helminth/o worm hem/o, hemat/o
hepat/o liver hidr/o sweat hirsut/o hairy hirud/i, hirudin/i
hist/o tissue hormon/o hormone humer/o humerus hyal/o
glassy, resembling glass
hydr/o water,
hygr/o moisture hymen/o hymen hypn/o sleep
hypothalam/o hypothalamus hyster/o uterus iatr/o treatment,
ichthy/o fish icter/o jaundice ide/o
idea, mental images
idi/o individual,
ile/o ileum ili/o ilium immun/o protection,
inguin/o groin iod/o iodine ion/o ion ir/o, irid/o
is/o equal isch/o supress,
ischi/o ischium ixod/i ticks jaund/o yellow jejun/o jejunum kal/i potassium kary/o nucleus kel/o
tumor, fibrous growth
ken/o empty kerat/o
horny tissue, cornea
keraun/o lightning keton/o ketones kinesi/o movement klept/o theft,
hollow, concave, depressed
kraur/o dry kym/o waves kyph/o humpback labi/o lip lacrim/o
tear, lacrimal duct
lact/i, lact/o
lal/o speech,
lamin/o lamina lampr/o clear lapar/o
abdomen, abdominal wall
laryng/o larynx later/o side laxat/o
to slacken, relax, loosen
lecith/o yolk,
lei/o smooth
lepid/o flakes,
lepr/o leprosy lept/o
slender, thin, delicate
letharg/o drowsiness leuk/o white lev/o left lien/o spleen ligament/o ligament ligat/o binding,
lim/o hunger lingu/o tongue lip/o fat lith/o stone,
lob/o lobe logad/o
whites of the eyes
word, speech, thought
loph/o ridge lord/o curvature,
lox/o oblique,
luc/i light lucid/o clear lumb/o
lower back, loin
lumin/o light lute/o yellow luxat/o dislocate ly/o to
lymph/o lymph lymphaden/o lymph
mamm/o, mast/o
maxill/o maxilla medi/o middle mediastin/o mediastinum medic/o
to heal, healing
medull/o medulla,
mel/o limb,
melan/o black men/o menses,
mening/o meninges,
ment/o mind mer/o part metall/o metal method/o procedure,
metr/o uterus mi/o less,
hatred of, aversion
morph/o shape,
mort/o death muc/o mucus muscul/o muscle mutilat/o
to maim, disfigure
my/o, myo/s
myc/o fungus myel/o
bone marrow, spinal cord
myring/o eardrum myx/o mucus narc/o numbness,
nas/o nose nat/o birth natr/o sodium necr/o death nephr/o kidney neur/o nerve neutr/o neutral nev/o mole,
noct/i night nod/o knot nom/o custom,
norm/o normal,
nos/o disease not/o the
nucle/o nucleus nutri/o, nutrit/o
to nourish
nyct/o night obstetr/o midwife ocul/o eye odont/o tooth ole/o oil olfact/o smell olig/o
scanty, few, little
omphal/o navel onc/o tumor,
onych/o nail o/o egg,
oophor/o ovary op/o face,
ophry/o eyebrow opthalam/o eye opisth/o backward,
opt/o, optic/o
eye, vision
or/o mouth
orch/o, orchi/o, orchid/o
organ/o organ ornith/o bird orth/o
straight, normal, correct
osche/o scrotum oscill/o to
sense of smell, odor, impulse
sense of smell, odor
oste/o bone ot/o ear ov/i, ov/o
egg, ovum
ovari/o ovary ox/a, ox/o
palat/o palate pale/o old palliat/o
to soothe, relieve
palp/o, palpat/o
to touch gently
palpebr/o eyelid palpit/o, palpitat/o
flutter, throbbing
panreat/o pancreas pant/o all,
papill/o nipple-like,
papul/o papule,
parasit/o parasite parathyroid/o parathyroid
the wall of any cavity, parietal bone, somatic
patell/o patella path/o disease pector/o chest ped/i, ped/o
pedicul/o louse pel/o mud pelv/i, pelv/o, pelvi/o
peps/o digestion percuss/o to
perine/o perineum peritone/o peritoneum per/o deformed,
perone/o fibula perspir/o breathe
pest/i plague,
stone, petrous region of temporal bone
phac/o, phak/o
lens of the eye
phag/o eating,
phalang/o, phalange/o
phalanges, fingers and toes
phall/i, phall/o
phaner/o visible,
pharmac/o drugs pharyng/o pharynx,
phas/o speech phe/o dusky phen/o appearance phim/o muzzle phleb/o vein phob/o fear,
phon/o voice,
bearer, processor, carries
phosphat/o phosphate phot/o light phren/o, phrenic/o
mind, diaphragm
race, species, type
phyll/o leaf,
phys/o air,
physi/o nature physic/o physical,
picr/o bitter pies/i, piez/o
pil/o hair pimel/o fat,
pineal/o pineal
pituitar/o pituitary
plagi/o slanting,
plan/i, plan/o
flat, level, wandering
sole of the foot
plasm/o, plasmat/o
plasma, formative substance
ple/o more plesi/o nearness,
pless/i stricking pleur/a, pleur/o
plex/o network(nerves/vessels),
plic/o, plicat/o
to fold, pleat
pneum/a, pneum/o, pneumat/o, pneumon/o
lung, air
pod/o foot poikil/o variation,
poli/o gray(matter) pon/o
fatigue, overwork, pain
por/o opening,
posit/o arrangement,
behind, toward the back
potenti/o power,
presby/o aging,
proct/o rectum,
pros/o forward,
prosop/o face prostat/o prostate
prot/o, prote/o
first, protein
prox/i, proxim/o
near the origin
prurit/o itching psamm/o sand,
pselaphes/o touch pseud/o false psor/o itching psych/o mind psychr/o cold pter/o, pteryg/o
ptyal/o saliva pub/o pubis pulm/o, pulmon/o
puls/o, pulsat/o
to beat, beating
pupill/o pupil purgat/o cleansing purpur/i purple purul/o pus
py/o pus pyen/o, pykn/o
thick, dense
renal pelvis, pelvis of the kidney
pyg/o buttocks pyl/e portal
pylor/o pylorus pyr/o, pyret/o, pyrex/o
heat, fever, fire
rachi/o spine radi/o x-ray,
radicul/o nerve
ram/i branch rect/o rectum reflex/o, reflect/o
to bend back
registrat/o recording relaps/o
to slide back
ren/i, ren/o
respir/o, respirat/o
breath, breathing
resuscit/o to
reticul/o net-like retin/o retina retract/o drawing
rhabd/o rod rhabdomy/o striated/skeletal
flow, current, stream
rhin/o nose rhiz/o root rhod/o red,
rhytid/o wrinkle rose/o rosy rot/o, rotat/o
turn, revolve
rrhythm/o rhythm sacchar/o sugar sacr/o sacrum salping/o fallopian
sangu/i, sanguin/o
sanit/a health sap/o soap sapr/o rotten,
sarc/o flesh saur/o lizard scaph/o
a scapha, boat-shaped
scapul/o scapula scat/o feces scel/o,
schist/o, schiz/o
split, cleft, division
scint/i spark scirrh/o hard scler/o hard,
scolec/o worm scoli/o crooked,
scot/o darkness scrib/o, script/o
seb/i, seb/o
secund/i second sedat/o to
semin/i semen senil/o
old, old age
sens/o, sensat/o
feeling, perception
sensor/i sensory septic/o putrefaction,
putrefying, immune response to a
severe infection
sept/o partition ser/o serum,
sial/o saliva sicc/o to
sider/o iron
sigmoid/o sigmoid
silic/o silica,
sinistr/o left sin/o, sinus/o
cavity, sinus
sit/o food skelet/o skeleton soci/o social,
sodi/o compound
solut/o dissolved somat/o body somn/i,
son/o sound span/o scanty,
involuntary contraction, twitching
spectr/o image,
sperm/a, sperm/o, spermat/o
wedge, sphenoid bone
spher/o round,
sphygm/o pulse spin/o
spinal cord, spine
spir/o breath,
splanchn/o viscera splen/o spleen spondyl/o vertebrae,
spongi/o sponge-like,
spor/i, spor/o
spore, seed
squam/o squamous,
staped/i, staped/o
uvula, grape-like clusters
steat/o fat sten/o narrowed,
stere/o solid,
steril/o barren stern/o sternum steth/o chest sthen/o strength stich/o rows stigmat/o mark,
stomat/o mouth strat/i layer strept/o twisted,
to tighten, bind
stroph/o twisted succ/o juice suct/o to
sud/o sweat sulc/o furrow,
suspend/o, suspens/o
to hang up, suspend
sympath/o, sympathet/o, sympathic/o
sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system
symptom/o occurrence synaps/o, synapt/o
point of contact, to join
ligament, connective tissue
synovia, synovial membrane
syphil/o syphilis syring/o tube,
system/o system systol/o contraction syzygi/o
bound together, conjunction
tact/o touch tal/o talus taph/o grave tapin/o low tars/o
tarsus, bone in foot, edge of eyelid
tax/o coordination techn/o skill,
tect/o roof-like tegment/o covering tel/e, tel/o
end, distant
tele/o perfect,
temp/o, tempor/o
period of time, the temples
ten/o, tenont/o
tens/o stretched,
tephr/o gray(ashen) terat/o monster termin/o boundary,
test/o, testicul/o
tetan/o tetanus thalam/o thalamus thanat/o death thec/o sheath thel/o nipple theor/o speculation therapeut/o treatment therm/o heat thigm/o touch thorac/o, thoracic/o
thromb/o clot,
thym/i, thym/o
thymus gland
thyr/o, thyroid/o
thyroid gland
tibi/o tibia
toc/o childbirth,
ton/o tone,
tonsill/o tonsils top/o
particular place or area
torpid/o sluggish,
tors/o twisting,
tox/i, tox/o, toxic/o
poison, toxin
trache/o trachea trachel/o neck traumat/o
trauma, injury, wound
trem/o, tremul/o
shaking, trembling
to sort out, sorting
trich/o hair troph/o nourishment,
tub/o tube tubercul/o tubercle,
tumesc/o swelling turg/o, turgid/o
to swell, swollen
tympan/i, tympan/o
eardrum, tympanic membrane
class, representative form
typhl/o cecum,
typh/o typhus,
tyr/o cheese,
ul/e, ul/o
scar, scarring
uln/o ulna ungu/o nail uran/o, uranisc/o
ureter/o ureter urethr/o urethra uric/o uric
ur/e, ure/a, ure/o
ur/o, urin/o
uter/o uterus uve/o uvea uvul/o uvula vaccin/o vaccine vag/o vagus
vagin/o vagina valv/o, valvul/o
vari/o, variat/o
change, vary
varic/o varicose
vas/o vessel,
vascul/o blood
ven/i, ven/o
venere/o sexual
to aerate, oxygenate
belly, front of the body
ventricul/o ventricle
of the heart or brain
venul/o venule verm/i worm verruc/i wart vers/o turn,
vertebr/o vertebra vesic/o urinary
seminal vesicle, a vesicle
vestibul/o vestibule vibr/o, vibrat/o
to quiver, shake
vir/o virus viril/o masculine,
visecr/o internal
viscid/o, viscos/o
sticky, glutinous
vitell/o yolk vit/o, vital/o
vitr/o, vitre/o
glassy, resembling glass
viv/i life,
volut/o, vilv/o
vulv/o vulva xanth/o yellow xen/o
strange, foreign matter
xer/o dry xiph/o
sword-shaped, xiphoid process
zon/i, zon/o
zone, encircling region
union, junction
zym/o enzyme,
APPLICATION 2014-2015 GLOBAL UNDERGRADUATE EXCHANGE PROGRAM IN EURASIA AND CENTRAL ASIA The Global Undergraduate Exchange Program in Eurasia and Central Asia is a program of the Bureau of Department of State and is support ed by the people of the United States. The program provides opportunities for non-degree study in the United States. In addition to course work, projects an
POR FAVOR LEA ESTOS TÉRMINOS Y CONDICIONES CON CUIDADO. Estos Términos y Condiciones (el “Acuerdo”) establecen los términos legalmente vinculantes para usar el sitio de Internet (“Sitio”, “nosotros”, “nos”, y “nuestro”) en coordinación con el canal Comedy Central Latinoamérica (“Canal Comedy Central”) ambos operados por MTV Networks Lati
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