Microsoft word - 09_highertraining-neuroradiology_201111.doc

[This document should be read in conjunction with the General Guidelines on Higher Training (Radiology)] 1. Neuroradiology is a subspecialty that involves diagnostic imaging and interventional radiology in the management of diseases of the central nervous system and spine. Although diagnosis relies heavily on cross-sectional imaging, advances in technology enables not only morphological and anatomical diagnosis, but also physiological and functional diagnosis such as spectroscopy, cortical mapping and measurement of regional cerebral blood flow by MRI and PET. Neuroradiology is a category A subspecialty. At the completion of the training programme, trainees are expected to: (a) have acquired the knowledge of basic neuroanatomy, clinical knowledge relevant to neuroradiology and interpretation of the various imaging modalities relevant to the diseases of the central nervous system and spine; (b) be able to give advice on the best imaging method based on individual (c) have a thorough understanding of the indications, contraindications, limitations and potential complications of neuroradiologic imaging; (d) have acquired some knowledge of the indications, contraindications, costs and risks of neuro-interventional procedures. (a) CT scanner with multidetector/spiral capability. (b) Ultrasound equipment with colour Doppler facility. (c) Digital subtraction angiographic equipment. (d) MR scanner with at least one Tesla field strength. (e) Access to nuclear medicine facilities for performance of radionuclide HKCR Higher Training (Radiology): Neuroradiology - 201111 Clinical/Radiological Service Requirements: (a) Neurosurgical department or dedicated unit in Surgical department. (b) Neurologist service from Medical department. Neuropathology service are optional though desirable. As specified in the General Guidelines on Higher Training. 6 months of training is desirable; 3 months of training acceptable. Perform five or more neuroradiology related sessions per week, among which there should be at least The other 2 sessions can be CT, MRI or angiography. MINIMUM NUMBER OF EXAMINATIONS / PROCEDURES REQUIRED FOR 6 MONTHS OF TRAINING Examination/Procedure HKCR Higher Training (Radiology): Neuroradiology - 201111 Please refer to the following appendices for the RIS coding: Interventional procedures and optional requirements (Appendix V) The requirement for 3 months of training will be 50% that for 6 months of training. CLINICAL RADIOLOGICAL CONFERENCES AND OTHER MEETINGS Present cases in neuroradiology related CRC held at least twice a month. Please refer to the General Guidelines in Higher Training. The appendices must be completed and attached to the trainee’s logbook to reflect the training experience. It would be an advantage if the trainee has the following working experience: (a) Reporting of plain radiographs in the investigation of neurological (b) Transcranial Doppler of intracranial circulation, (e) PET or SPECT isotope brain scanning, (f) Imaging for stereotactic brain biopsy/planning, Version endorsed by HKCR 238th Council Meeting on 18 Oct 2011 / HKAM 213th Council Meeting on 17 Nov 2011 HKCR Higher Training (Radiology): Neuroradiology - 201111 Trainee Experience in Neuroradiology Training [Angiograms] Trainee’s Name: Training Period: Perform and report at least 60 examinations (performed & report) for 6 months or 30 examinations (performed & report) for 3 months Total number of Angiogram examinations experienced in _____ months is _______. HKCR Higher Training (Radiology): Neuroradiology - 201111 Trainee Experience in Neuroradiology Training [CT Examination] Trainee’s Name: Training Period: Overall Requirement: Perform and report at least 300 examinations for 6 months or 150 examinations for 3 months Brain: At least 150 examinations for 6 months or 75 examinations for 3 months Orbits: At least 20 examinations for 6 months or 10 examinations for 3 months Spine: At least 20 examinations for 6 months or 10 examinations for 3 months HKCR Higher Training (Radiology): Neuroradiology - 201111 Total number of CT examinations performed and reported in _____ months is ___________. HKCR Higher Training (Radiology): Neuroradiology - 201111 Trainee Experience in Neuroradiology Training [MR Examination] Trainee’s Name: Training Period: Overall Requirement: Perform and report at least 350 examinations in 6 months or 175 examinations for 3 months Brain: At least 150 examinations for 6 months or 75 examinations for 3 months Orbits: At least 25 examinations for 6 months or 13 examinations for 3 months IAM/CP angle and brain stem: At least 20 examinations for 6 months or 10 examinations for 3 months Pituitary: At least 25 examinations for 6 months or 13 examinations for 3 months HKCR Higher Training (Radiology): Neuroradiology - 201111 Spine: At least 50 examinations for 6 months or 25 examinations for 3 months Other MRI Examination: At least 25 examinations for 6 months or 12 examinations for 3 months Total number of MRI examinations performed and reported in _____ months is __________. HKCR Higher Training (Radiology): Neuroradiology - 201111 Trainee Experience in Neuroradiology Training [Ultrasound Examination] Trainee’s Name: Training Period: Perform and report at least 40 examinations for 6 months or Brain: At least 10 examinations for 6 months or 5 examinations for 3 months Doppler Examination: At least 20 examinations for 6 months or 10 examinations for 3 months Total number of Ultrasound examinations performed and reported in _____ months is __________. HKCR Higher Training (Radiology): Neuroradiology - 201111 Trainee Experience in Neuroradiology Training Trainee’s Name: Training Period: Total number of Interventional Neuroradiology procedures observed in _____ months is ___________. Cerebral perfusion (HMPAO with stabilising Cerebral perfusion (HMPAO with stabilising HKCR Higher Training (Radiology): Neuroradiology - 201111


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