Microsoft word - lasix waiver _2_


The undersigned ______________________________________being the authorized agent of
the owners of the thoroughbred horses in my care for the race season____________________
hereby request that the eligible horses be admitted to the Manitoba Thoroughbred E.I.P.H.
Program in accordance with the rules of the Manitoba Horse Racing Commission and the
program set forth in Race Track Supervision Regulations under the Criminal Code relating to the
use of furosemide (lasix)
IN CONSIDERATION of these horses being admitted to the E.I.P.H. Program , the undersigned
agrees to execute any further documentation relating to the E.I.P.H. Program-lasix use and
further agrees to the horses being injected with furosemide, the racing of these horses on same,
the subsequent testing therefore after any races these horses may have competed in.
The undersigned, acting on behalf of the owners, their respective heirs, executors, administrators,
successors and assigns hereby releases and forever discharges Can Test Ltd., its employees,
contracted veterinarian and animal health technicians, agents and all other persons associated
therewith in any capacity whatever, and Elders Equine Clinic, its members, employees,
veterinarians, animal health technicians agents and all other persons, their respective heirs,
executors, administrators, successors and assigns associated therewith in any capacity whatever,
and the Horsemen’s Benevolent Protective Association Manitoba Inc., its members, employees,
and all other persons, their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, assigns
associated therewith in any capacity whatever, from any and all action, causes of action, claims
and demands for, upon and by reason of any damage, loss, injury, death, late injection, or failure
to inject the aforesaid horses , or any other matter whatsoever relating to the program and the
administration of, racing on and testing for furosemide (lasix) or any other matter relating
This document being signed by an authorized agent on behalf of the owners, the agent represents
by signing hereunder that he/she has obtained the necessary written authority of the owners and
is legally entitled to sign this waiver and release on the owners behalf.
DATED at Winnipeg, Manitoba this ______________day of __________200___
__________________________ ___________________________________
Witness authorized
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This waiver is a legal document which will be relied upon in defense of any court damages which may result to the horses under the care of the undersigned as a result of being admitted to the lasix program and the subsequent administration thereof. I acknowledge that I have the legal right to obtain legal advice as to the legal meaning and effect of this document but choose not to avail myself of this right ____________________________________


Comision de gobierno nÚm

PLENO ORDINARIO NÚM. 01 ACTA DE LA SESIÓN ORDINARIA DEL PLENO DEL EXCELENTÍSIMO AYUNTAMIENTO DE ESTA CIUDAD DE XÁTIVA CELEBRADA EL DÍA 20 DE ENERO DE DOS MIL CINCO, EN PRIMERA CONVOCATORIA.- En el Salón de Sesiones de la Casa de la Ciutat de Xàtiva, siendo lasdoce horas y cinco minutos del día veinte de enero de 2005, bajo laPresidencia de D. Alfonso Rus Terol, Alcalde de Xàtiva, a

Microsoft word - arthiritis article.doc

What is arthritis? Arthritis is a very common disease affecting the joints, skin and various internal organs. Chances are you or someone you know has arthritis. It causes pain, stiffness and sometimes swelling in or around joints. This can make it hard to make the movements you rely on every day to work or take care of your family. But you can take steps now to avoid arthritis or to reduce

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