Microsoft word - extracts of the federation circular letter advising decision of supreme court.doc
Extracts of the Federation Circular letter No. 31/2013 dated 04.03.2013
Sub: Our W/P 184/2011--Hearing held on 27-2-2013
We wish to advise that at the above hearing, the Hon'ble Judges
asked the Asstt. Solicitor General the response of the Central Government
on granting of our pension as per the prayers made in our above Writ
Petition. The ASG responded that the Government is against granting any
increase in the payment of pension by State Bank of India. He also brought
to the notice of the Supreme Court some of its decisions rejecting petitions
filed under Article 32 on service matters. Although our Counsel pleaded
that the notices were issued taking these objections into consideration after
bringing to the notice of the Judges on the death of a large number of
pensioners without receiving their legitimate pension, the Judges did not
accept these contentions, but decided to transfer our Writ Petition to a High
Court. Accordingly, as the pleadings in our above W.P are complete, the
Supreme Court ordered for the transfer of the completed pleadings to the Delhi High Court with directions to decide our case within 4 months by a bench. We shall forward to you a copy of the order of the
Supreme Court immediately on receipt from our advocate.
We have received notice from the Supreme Court Legal Services Committee dated 16.02.2013 soliciting our consent for considering our case by the 7th Lok Adalat to be held in April this year.
We have also advised the other individual petitioners to give their
consent as per draft enclosed. We also enclose a copy of our letter
addressed to our Advocate in this regard. In case , our case is taken up for
consideration by the 7th Lok Adalat, even after the transfer our Writ
Petition to Delhi High Court, we shall ascertain the views of our Governing
Body at its next meeting to be held shortly before presenting our case at
All of us feel quite disappointed that a judgment could not be secured
despite our Writ Petition was posted for final disposal. Our expectation that
justice would be rendered to us removing the various discriminations
caused to us since 1-11- 1987, did not get materialized. We could do
whatever is possible within our control and reach.
We could however observe from the initial observations of the
Judges of the Supreme Court that we have made out a strong case for
considering our Writ Petition under Article No.32. The stiff opposition from
the Government is responsible for the Supreme Court diverting our case to
Delhi High Court. No doubt the Government will oppose our Writ Petition in
the Delhi High Court with all its might and force.
We are determined to pursue our case more vigorously encouraged
by the decision of the Supreme Court Legal Services Committee to
consider our case by the 7th Lok Adalat, perhaps realizing the merits of our
case and the need for finding an early just solution for the redressal of our
We are thankful to all our Affiliates for their support extended to us.
With these developments we wish to reiterate that our resolve in fighting
for securing justice is only getting further strengthened. We shall continue
our efforts with more force and with all our strength. We look to you for
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