Ramadhaan – A Date with Dr. Zakir
Episode - 23
Ramadhaan - The Month of Self-Improvement &
(Duration - 50 minutes)
Yusuf Chambers: Dear brothers and sisters in Islam and Humanity,
Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh, may the peace,
mercy & the blessings of Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) be on all of you.
Welcome to the show ‘Ramadhaan - A Date with Dr. Zakir’, I am your
host, Yusuf Chambers, and today we will be discussing the topic
‘Ramadhaan – The Month of Self-Improvement & Islaah’ Part 2.
Dr. Zakir, Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh.
Dr. Zakir: Wa Alaikum Assalam Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh
Yusuf Chambers: Well Dr. Zakir in the last episode we were
mentioning or you mentioned and I listened to the 70 major sins and
we shall continue to discuss one by one, InshaAllah, a random
selection of those and the first of those today will be the major sin of
the Zina. So first of all can you tell me what is the Islamic Perspective
on Zina and what is the prescribed punishment in Islam for doing that
Dr. Zakir: Alhumdulillah was salaatu was salaam ala rasoolillah wa ala
aalihi wa ashaabihi wa ajma’een. Amma Ba’ad
A’uzu billahi minash shaytan nir-rajeem,Bismillah hirrahman nirraheem, Rabbish rahli Şadri Wa Yassir Li 'Amri Wa Ahlul `Uqdatan Min Lisani Yafqahu Qawli Zina means illegal sexual intercourse or when a man and woman who are not married, if they have a sexual intercourse it’s called as Zina. It means sexual intercourse outside the marriage bond and the Islamic Shariah, its basic aim is to preserve the honor and lineage that’s the reason Zina that’s illegal sexual intercourse, it is a major sin. And Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) says in the Quran in “Come not close to unlawful sexual intercourse for it is a shameful deed, an evil opening other roads to evil.” Islam has tried its best to protect the honor of the man and the woman and there are various guidelines given in the Shariah, in the Quran and Hadith which prevents a person from coming close to Zina No. 1 Hijaab has been prescribed and besides Hijaab for the women, there is Hijaab for the man also. For the women, complete body should be covered, the only part that can be seen are the face and the hands up to the wrist, some scholars say that even this should be covered and Allah says about the Hijaab, Allah has prescribed the Hijaab for the man first in the Quran and then for the women.
Allah says in the Quran in Surah Noor ch. o. 24 verse no. 30 “Say to the believing man that he should lower his gaze and guard his modesty.” Moment a man looks at a woman, if any brazen thought, any unashamed thought comes in his mind, he should lower his gaze. The next verse speaks about the Hijaab for the women, it says in “Say to the believing woman that she should lower her gaze and guard her modesty and display not her beauty except what appears ordinary thereof and draw her veil over the bosoms…” And the verse continues. So basically lowering the gaze is very important which prevents Zina to a great extent and the punishment for this unlawful sexual intercourse, Zina. There are 2 types of punishment depending upon the type of Zina.
Zina can be of 2 types, No. 1 is that unlawful sexual intercourse done by an unmarried man and woman, it’s called as fornication in English. And if unlawful sexual intercourse is done by a married man or woman it is called as adultery.
Allah says in the Quran in Surah Noor ch. no. 24 verse no. 2 “As for the woman and man who commit fornication, as for the fornicator be it a woman or a man flog each with 100 stripes” “And let not your heart be moved towards them and let a group of believers witness the punishment” That means if any man or woman who is not married, if they have unlawful sexual intercoolers, the punishment is 100 lashes, flogging them with 100 lashes. And as far as punishment for adultery is concerned, unlawful sexual intercourse done by a married man or woman, it’s mentioned in Sahih Bukhari Vol. no. 8 in he Book of Hudood Hadith no. 6814 “A man approaches Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) and says that I have committed adultery, and the man, he bares witness 4 times that he has committed adultery and the Prophet he ordered that he should be punished, should be stoned to death because he was a married man.” So the punishment for adultery, unlawful sexual intercourse done by married man is Islam, it is stoning to death.
It also mentioned in Sahih Bukhari Vol. no. 8 in the Book of Hudood Hadith no. 6815 and 6816 that there was a man who approached Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) and told him that “He had committed unlawful sexual intercourse, he had committed Zina. So the Prophet turned away from him, again the man approached the Prophet and bore witness 4 times that he had committed unlawful sexual intercourse, he had committed Zina. The Prophet asked him that are you mad, he said no the Prophet asked him are you married, he said yes. So the Prophet ordered that he should be stoned to death.” This again proves that for adultery, Zina, unlawful sexual intercourse done by married man or woman, the punishment is stoning to death. It’s further mentioned in Sahih Bukhari Vol. no. 8 in the Book of Hudood Hadith no. 6819 “There was a Jew and a Jewess who were caught committing adultery and they were bought to the Prophet, the Prophet asked them that in your religion what is the punishment for adultery? So they said that our priest had innovated that that the faces should be blackened with charcoal, the Prophet said get your scripture and show it to me. The man gets the scripture and he covers something and then he reads it so one of the Sahabas says please remove your hand and the moment the hand was removed, it was mentioned down there that Rajam, stoning to death should be given to a person who commits adultery so even the Jewish scripture, even in Christian scripture, the punishment for adultery is stoning to death and the Prophet commanded that both of them the Jew and the Jewess, both should be stoned to death.” It’s mentioned in Sahih Muslim Vol. no. 3 in the Book of Hudood Hadith no. 4191 where the Prophet said that “Anyone who commits Zina, if an unmarried man or woman commits Zina i.e. if they do fornication the punishment is giving 100 lashes and they should be banished for 1 year.” “anyone who does Zina who is married, anyone who does unlawful sexual intercourse, does adultery, if a person is married, a man and a woman, the punishment is giving them 100 stripes. Lashing them 100 times and then stoning to death.” This is the different type of punishment for Zina and it is one of the major sin in Islam and in Al Qabair, Imaam At Dahabi, he gives no. 10 to the sin, Zina, adultery and fornication. Yusuf Chambers: Well, Dr. Zakir, I feel that those 2 punishments
were enough to frighten the most of the individuals from Zina. May
Allah protect us from that.
Dr. Zakir: That’s in Islamic country but the punishment is not there in
a non-muslim country.
Yusuf Chambers: Ahaa…
Dr. Zakir: So If it’s put through out the world, InshaAllah, Zina would
be removed from the face of the earth.
Yusuf Chambers: InshaAllah
Dr. Zakir: InshaAllah
Yusuf Chambers: May Allah allow us to bring back that punishment
to protect all humanity, InshaAllah.
Dr. Zakir: Ameen
Yusuf Chambers: So could you explain to me what the punishment in
Islam is regarding homosexuality? And could you clear off a small
issue relating to the so called ‘gay gene’ which is scientist are speaking
about now, many homosexuals consider this so much….divine right for
them to practice homosexuality. Is this correct? Is it genetic? What’s
your advice?
Dr. Zakir: As far as the Islamic punishment for homosexuality is
concerned, Allah speaks in the Quran and the messenger speaks in the
Hadith and several verses talking about homosexuality. Allah says in
the Quran in
Surah Araaf ch. no. 7 verse no. 80 as well as 81, Allah says, He speaks about the story of Lut (Alaihe Salaam) and Lut (Alaihe Salaam) says to his people that do you practice lewdness which no one before in the creation has ever done. That means do you practice lewdness such a thing which no one in creation had ever done before and do you lust after men in preference to women. That means talking to the men that do you run after men, have lust for men in preference to women.
A similar message is repeated in Surah Ankaboot ch. no. 29 verse no. 28 and 29 where Lut (Alaihe Salaam), he says to his people that “do you practice lewdness such that no other people in the creation had ever done before and do you approach men and cut off highways.” Again talking about homosexuality and the punishment Allah gives for such people is mentioned in Surah Hud ch. no. 11 verse no. 82 and Allah says that “He turns the cities up side down, city of Lut (Alaihe Salaam), Sodoman Gamorrah, He turns the cities up side down and he brings a hail of brimstones, of hard baked clay, layer after layer”And as far as punishment for individual person who commits homosexuality, its mentioned in Sunan Abu Dawud vol. no. 3 in the Book of Hudood Hadith no. 4447 where the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam), he said that “Anyone who does the sin of people of Lut (Alaihe Salaam, he should be put to death. The Person who does it and the person on whom it is done” So homosexuality is forbidden in Islam and the punishment for homosexuality is death.
As far as the second part of your question is concerned that is homosexuality genetic? There was a research done some 15-20 years back in the early 90s where there were a group of scientists who suggested that homosexuality is genetic afterwards when more research was done it was proven that their research is totally wrong and the person who first propounded this research, he himself was homosexual. And there are several articles written against homosexuality being genetic. If you read the article of 6th of April year 2004 in there is an article written that ‘born or bread’ talking about homosexuality by Robert Knight. And this was mainly done by concern of group of American women who tried to prove that homosexuality is not genetic because they were concerned. Robert Knight, he has picked up various articles from different scientists and different people in the field and proved that homosexuality was not genetic. He even quotes Dr. Robert Spitzer in who is the professor of Physiatrist in the Columbia University in USA, he proves that homosexuality is not genetic and in 1973 he removed from the American Physiatrist Association list which was mentioned that homosexuality is a mental illness. He proved it wrong and removed it from the list, it’s not a mental illness and he did a research and he gave advice to more than 200 people who were homosexuals and after advice many of them left homosexuality. The person who first said that homosexuality was genetic was Dean Hammer who was from America, National Institute of Health and he did a research on 40 pairs of homosexuals and he said that there was a Gay gene which was responsible for homosexuality to be genetic, later on Dr. George Rice, he tried to repeat this experiment of Dean Hammer and he took 52 pairs of homosexuals but unfortunately he could not find any Gay gene and when it was proved that homosexuality was genetic was a fallacy then hammer said that you know the sample was bigger therefore they could not find, my sample was small and he gave excuses and later on many scientists and many physiatrists many researchers did research and they found it without doubt that homosexuality was not genetic and even Dr. Allan Sanders of National Institute of Health, the same institute where Dean Hammer came from, he did a research and presented the paper on the 1st of June 1998 in Toronto in the physiatrist conference and he proved without doubt that homosexuality was not genetic so but natural it cant be genetic and sin cannot be inherited that’s not the concept of Islam, it’s a concept of Christianity and other religions. In Islam no bearer of burdens cannot bear the burden of others but natural no sin can be inherited and neither homosexuality can be inherited.
Yusuf Chambers: Well JazakAllah Khair for clearing that issue up
because I am sure many Muslims who still ponder that issue with the
Gay Gene which is spoken about more than 10 years ago now is it? Or
slightly less than 10 years ago
Dr. Zakir: 14 years
Yusuf Chambers: And but its still seems to be a view which is
accepted… So may Allah preserve us from
Dr. Zakir: But those who don’t have knowledge, those who have
knowledge they know for sure that it’s a fallacy.
Yusuf Chambers: Dr. Zakir the next issue we need to bring up is Riba
again one of the major sins and unfortunately nowadays many
Muslims consider Riba to be completely lawful in this modern world
where we live in, What’s your advice according to Quran and Sunnah?
Dr. Zakir: I do agree that there are many Muslims who consider not
to be interest and think it’s lawful but Riba means anything over and
above. It includes usury that’s exorbitant interest, but it even includes
interest because by definition interest is money earned by money lent,
and usury is exorbitant interest. So whether small or big, Riba is
haraam it includes interest as well as usury and Allah (Subhanahu wa
Ta’ala) has used the word Riba in the Quran no less than 8 times, its
mentioned in
Surah Ale Imran ch. no. 3 verse no. 130
Surah Nisa ch. no. 4 verse no. 161 and
Surah Baqarah ch. no. 2 verse no. 275, it has been used thrice.
Its even mentioned in Surah Baqarah ch. no. 2 verse no. 276 as well
as Surah Baqarah ch. 2 verse 278 and 279 where Allah says in these
2 verses that
“Give up your demands for Riba, of interest, of usury and those who do not give up their demands of Riba take notice of a war from Allah and His Rasool” That means if you indulge in Riba, Allah and His Rasool will wage a war against you.
There are other major sins like having intoxicants, having alcohol, drugs etc. but this bedsides being a major sin the ruling is that Allah and His Rasool will wage a war against you.
It’s the only verse in the Quran for the only major sin where Allah and his Rasool will wage a war against you, it is Riba. So It is one of the biggest major sins, that’s the reason, it has been rated in the category no. 12 in Al Qabair by Imaam At Dahabi mentioned no. 12.
And as far as the punishment is concerned, its mentioned in Sahih Muslim Vol. no. 3 (Book of Buyu) Hadith no. 3881, the beloved Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam), he cursed those people who accept Riba and who give Riba, those who take interest and give interest. Those who record it as well as the two witnesses, all of them are the same.
The Prophet said that all these people are cursed. The person who gives Riba, the person who takes Riba, the person who records the Riba, the person who is the witness, all of them are cursed and all are of the same level. Mustadrak Al Haakim (Vol. no. 2 Book of Buya) Hadith no. 2259 the beloved Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) said that “There are 73 different types of Riba, different degrees of Riba and the lowest one is equivalent to a man doing Zina with his mother” The lowest level of Riba out of the 73 levels is equivalent to a man doing Zina with his mother and this is a Sahih Hadith and its mentioned in Musnad Ahmad Vol. no. 5 pae no. 225, also in same Hadith is repeated in Sahih Al Jaami (Vol. no.1) Hadith no. 3375, the beloved Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) said that “Anyone who takes Riba equivalent to one Dirham, its verse than a man committing Zina 36 times” If you take one Dirham of Riba, its verse than a man committing Zina 36 times. This is the punishment and enormity of sin in Islam and we see today that most of the western countries, they are drowned in Riba, everything is in interest. You can take a loan on interest, you can take a house on interest, you can take a car on interest, credit cards so everyone and in this scenario it makes a poor man more poor, it can make many rich man go bankrupt otherwise the other people…a rich man can become more rich and there are various evils and I have given a talk on this topic ‘Interest-free economy promulgated by the Glorious Quran’. That has proved all the evils of Riba and we see that today a man will make more profit if he has the concept of Islamic Business, profit and loss sharing rather than based on interest. That’s the reason most of the top companies, they are zero debt companies, they don’t take loan from the bank, they prefer opening issues and having shares and sharing the profit with the public, that is the Islamic concept. And all the top companies, they are debt free companies. You will find that they don’t take any loan so they are working actually on the Islamic Concept.
Yusuf Chambers: Well…May Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) allow us all
to work to work on the Islamic Concept, get rid of Riba, the interest,
the usury as you’ve called it. Following on from the 1st question
regarding Riba, is it permissible for a Muslim to put his savings in an
Interest or a Riba bearing account or bank for safety purposes if he or
she pays the interest that he earns out in charity?
Dr. Zakir: Most of the scholars, they say that if under compulsion
especially if you are a non-muslim country and for safety reasons, you
can keep your money in the interest based conventional bank but
whatever interest you get, you have to give in charity, without seeking
the reward of Allah, because its haraam, most of the scholars say that
but I personally, I disagree with them, its my view. I agree more with
the view of Shaikh Uthaimeen, he says that even this is prohibited
because Quran does not say, do not use interest, if the Quran would
have said, do not utilize, do not use interest then the verdict was right,
the Quran says don’t involve in Riba, don’t take, don’t give. So if you
have to give in charity first you have to take from the bank, so I
disagree with that. If you have to stop this system of Riba, you have
to totally ban this system, you can’t say that I will put for safety and
then I will take the money and give in charity, indirectly you are
encouraging them, because the moment you open an account which
has got interest, you are signing and giving them permission that you
are agreeing with interest with Riba that itself is a sin, Allah’s curse
will be on you, Allah and His Rasool will wage a war against you
because I asked this question, I say to these people who say you can
put in the bank and give in charity that
Suppose I deal in drugs and cocaine, in brown sugar and suppose I invest a million dollars every month I make a profit of billion dollars and the complete profit I give in charity to the poor people, then I ask them is it allowed? They say no its haraam, I said why? Because dealing in drugs, cocaine, brown sugar is Haraam. So when dealing in drugs, cocaine, brown sugar is haraam, Riba is a bigger haraam because if you deal in Riba Allah and His Rasool will wage a war against you. So when you are giving me permission to keep in the bank and deal with Riba for a bigger sin, surely you should give me permission for a smaller sin. Therefore I disagree that if they really want to keep for safety, they can very well keep in an Islamic bank or as a last resort, they can keep in a current account. There are some accounts in the bank which are accounts which don’t give interest, they are called as current account, there is no interest at all in that, that as a last resort you can keep but only keep that money which is required for rolling because you know being in different countries like in India, in UK, you have to deal with checks etc. so if you are a businessman keep only that much amount which is required for rolling otherwise you can invest it in property, in real estate, in stock whatever it is and the least if you want for security you can take a locker and keep hard cash in the bank. I know it’s foolish but yet it is better then involving in Riba. At least you will be safe from Allah and His Rasool otherwise they will wage a war against you. As a last resort, if you really want any security, take a locker which will cost just a few hundred rupees a month of a couple of thousand rupees a year and a few pounds if you go to UK, take that locker, keep your money hard cash. Declare it to the government, no problem but keep hard cash if you really want security but taking Riba and even giving it in charity because you are encouraging the system of Riba, I consider that to be Haraam. Yusuf Chambers: Yeah, I mean in… in the UK, Alhamdulillah, we do
have a few banks now coming up by the way so may Allah (Subhanahu
wa Ta’ala) help us to encourage those organizations to do non-interest
banking accounts…
Dr. Zakir: Pray to Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) may these
organizations be on the straight path.
Yusuf Chambers: Aameen, Aameen.
Dr. Zakir: See to it that truly interest free.
Yusuf Chambers: InshaAllah, InshaAllah. The next issue I’d like to
ask you about Dr. Zakir is concerning alcohol. What does Islam say
about alcohol, does it prohibit it entirely?
Dr. Zakir: Allah says in the Quran in
Ya ayyuha allazeena
O you who believe
amanoo innama alkhamru waalmaysiru
Most certainly intoxicants and gambling
waal-ansabu waal-azlamu
dedications of stones, divination of arrows
rijsun min amalish shaytan
These are Satan’s handiwork
faijtaniboohu la’allakum tuflihoon
abstain from these handiwork that you may prosper.
So Allah says this is “rijsun min amalish shaytan” it’s a Satan’s
handiwork, abstain from it that you may prosper.
And Imam At Dahabi in his list of Al Kabaair, the 70 major sins, he puts having alcohol and intoxicants, Khamr, having wine no. 19 in the list and having intoxicants is even prohibited in Christianity. If you read the Bible, it’s mentioned in the Book of Proverbs Ch. no. 20 verse no. 1, it says that “Wine is a mocker, it is strong raging drink and anyone who is deceived, he is not wise.” Its mentioned in the Book of Ephesians ch. no. 5 verse no. 18 But unfortunately we find that none of the Christians and the Jews, they follow the advice given in the Bible unfortunately.
And what is the logic, the reason that Islam has prohibited alcohol. Normally in a human being there is an Inhibitory, this Inhibitory centre prevents a human being from doing things which are illogical, and not correct for example if a person wants to go for the call of nature, the Inhibitory centre will say that don’t do in a public place, go to the toilet. Inhibitory centre is working, an Inhibitory centre when a person speaks to his parents, it will say that don’t be disrespectful to the parents, don’t use foul language so this is the work of the inhibitory centre.
When a person is intoxicated, when a person has intoxication, has wine, has alcohol, the inhibitory centre is inhabited and he doesn’t know what he is speaking therefore you find many of them, they start cursing, they start verbal abuse, you find them saying obscene things, you will find then that they urinate in their own clothes so this is because their inhibitory centre is inhabited and if we analyze that alcohol is responsible for many crimes that take place. According to the US department of justice 1996 every day in the year 1996, 2,713 cases of rape took place that means every 32 seconds 1 rape is talking place in America in 1996 and the report says that majority of the people who committed rape, they were intoxicated.
Furthermore according to American statistics that 8% of the Americans, they indulge in incest, having intercourse with a close relative and it says that every 12th person you come across in America, they are doing incest and majority of them, they are in a state of intoxication when they do incest. So we realize that alcoholism besides being bad for the healthy, it’s a cause for many diseases and health wise and even it is a cause for aids which has recently cropped up and there are many people who say that I am a social drinker and I have only one peg, I don’t get intoxicated. When you interview the alcoholics, all of them when you ask them they will say that initially they were social drinkers. No alcoholic starts to drink because he wants to become alcoholic, all of them were social drinkers, later on they become alcoholics and if you meet any social drinker who has been drinking for a couple of years, you ask him that how many times he has been intoxicated and there will be several times that he will be intoxicated with all the power that he has and once a person gets intoxicated and if he commits a sin like rape, like incest, its an unforgivable sin, an irreversible damage done and we realize that that’s the reason our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) Yusuf Chambers: Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam
Dr. Zakir: It’s mentioned in Ibn Maajah Vol. no. 3 Book, of Intoxicants
Ch. no. 30 Hadith no. 3371, the beloved Prophet said that
“Intoxication, alcohol is the mother of all evils.” And it’s further mentioned in Ibn Maajah Vol. no. 3 Book, of Intoxicants Ch. no. 30 Hadith no. 3392, our beloved Prophet said that “Anything which intoxicates in large quantity is even prohibited in small quantity” No excuse for nip or a tot, you can’t say that I’ll take a peg you know….whatever intoxicates in large quantity is even prohibited in small quantity and the beloved Prophet; he has cursed 10 categories of people who indulge in alcohol. Its mentioned in Ibn Maajah Vol. no. 3 Book, of Intoxicants Ch. no. 30 Hadith no. 3380, our beloved Prophet said “10 categories of people who indulge in alcohol are cursed, the one who distills it, the one for whom it is distilled, the one who drinks it, the one who transports it, the one for whom it is brought, the one who sells it, the one who serves it, the one who utilizes the earnings from the sale of alcohol, the one who buys it, the one who buys it for somebody else.” So all these 10 categories of people, they are cursed by Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala).
And there are various different diseases that a person can acquire when he has alcohol and today alcohol is one of the major causes for the maximum number of deaths in the world and today science tells that many people are aware of it that there are various diseases that a person can have, the most common is Cirrhosis of Liver. If a person is an alcoholic, there are high chances of having Cirrhosis of liver. He can have Cancer of Oesophagus, Cancer of Head and Neck, Cancer of the Bowel, Cancer of the Liver. He can have , Gastritis, he can have Oesophagitis, Pancreatitis, Hepatitis. A person who has alcohol there are chances that he will have Cardiomyopathy, he will have Angina, Heart attack, Atherosclerosis. He can have Strokes, Apoplexy, Fits. A person who has alcohol regularly, there are high chances that the person, he can have Cortical Neuropathy, Cerebral Neuropathy, he can have Peripheral Neuroma. There are various diseases that a person can have due to the consumption of alcohol, diseases such as Wernicke – Korsakoff Syndrome that involves amnesia of recent memory and retention of the old memory, it is due to Thiamine deficiency, person who has alcohol, he can have Delerium Tremens which is associated with alcohol. A person can have Pellagra and he can have skin diseases, a person who takes alcohol regularly, there are high chances that he can have Endocrine Disorders like Myxoderma, like Hyperthyroidism. He can have Hematological disorders like Macrocytic Anemia, he can have Jaundice, he can have Hemolytic Anemia, he can have Platelet disorders. A person who has alcohol, there are chances that the common drugs like metronidazole, flagyl, they can create a problem for a person who has alcohol regularly. A person who has alcohol regularly, he can have infections because immunity system is decreased, there are high chances that he can have Chest infections like Lung Abcess, Emphysema and Pulmonary Tuberculosis. A person who is a woman, she can get affected more by Alcohol and the Cirrhocis of the liver is dangerous for the women, if she is pregnant, she can have the alcohol fetus syndrome, there can be skin disorders like, Alopecia, there can be Nail Dystrophy, there can be Angular Stomatitis. You can keep on listing the diseases for hours together only because of the consumption of alcohol. But nowadays my colleages, the medicl doctors, they say that alcoholism is a disease, they try to passify that don’t be rude to the alcoholic, no don’t blame him, alcoholism is a disease. If alcoholism is a disease it is the only disease that is is sold in bottles, it is the only disease that is advertised in the newspapers, in the magazines, on the radio broadcast stations. Its advertised in the sattalite channels, in the television. It is the only disease that has licensed outlets for its sale, its the only disease that brings a revenue to the government, it is the only disease that causes violent deaths on the highways, it is the only disease that ruins family, it’s the only disease that has no viral or germ cause, its not a disease as Allah says in the Quran in “rijsun min amalish shaytan
faijtaniboohu laallakum tuflihoon
Abstain from it that you may prosper.
Yusuf Chambers: SubhanAllah, I think we have got enough reasons
to state very clear about alcohol, all of us, all of humanity indeed.
Dr. Zakir: InshaAllah.
Yusuf Chambers: JazakAllah khair for the answer. Yet Dr. Zakir, I
would like to know now, next issue which is to with slandering and
backbiting. Could you tell us the ruling, Islamic ruling regarding
slandering and backbiting?
Dr. Zakir: Allah says in the Quran in
Surah Hujuraat ch. no. 49 verse no. 12 that “Do not spy, avoid spying for in most cases, spying is a sin. Do not backbite, do not speak ill about other people behind their back, are you ready to eat the flesh of your dead brother? No you would abhor it.” That means if you backbite, Allah says in the Quran, it is like eating the flesh of your dead brother, and would you like it? And the answer is no. eating your brother is itself is Haraam, eating dead meat is a double sin. Even the cannibals who eat human beings, they don’t eat the dead meat of their own brother. So Quran says that backbiting is equivalent to eating the dead meat of your own brother. So Quran says that backbiting is equivalent to eating the dead meat of your own brother. It’s further mentioned in Sahih Muslim Vol. no. 4 (Book of Birr) Hadith no. 6265, where our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) said that “Do you know what is backbiting?” The Sahaba says “Allah and His Messenger knows the best.” So the Prophet continues that “anyone who speaks about a person behind his back which he would not like when it is spoken that is called as backbiting.” So one person interrupts and says “what if, what I am speaking is true, the person does have those faults” the Prophet says that “if you speak about someone behind somebody’s back if it is the truth, it is backbiting, if its false, its called as slandering.” So both are prohibited backbiting as well as slandering, both are prohibited.
And Allah says in the Quran in Surah Humaza ch. no. 104 verse no. 1 “Waylul likulli humazatil lumaza
“Woe to every kind of scandal monger and backbiter.” Sahih Bukhari Vol. no. 1 in the Book of Wudu, Hadith no. 216 Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) was Passing near a graveyard and he heard that two of the Muslims, they were crying and moaning because of the punishment they were having in their graves, The Prophet says that, do you know for what reason are they crying?” Sahabas say “No” so he says “one, because he never used to be careful about his urine,” that you have to be careful, protect yourself from once urine and “the other one because he used to make enemies between the people” So based on the verse of the Quran and the Hadith, backbiting and slandering both are prohibited.
Yusuf Chambers: Okay, thanks for clarifying Dr. Zakir. So regarding
the lower garment of the male in particularly in male, is it Haraam for
a man to wear that below the ankle even if that person isn’t wearing it out of pride or arrogance? Dr. Zakir: The Arabic word used when a lower garment is below the
ankle, it is Isbaal whether it’s your lower garment or your trouser or
your Izaar or Tobe if it goes below the ankle, it’s called as Isbaal. If it
touches the floor, it may sweep al the floor, all these are a sin and
unfortunately… unfortunately many Muslims, or rather most of them,
they don’t pay any importance to this major sin and they think its all
right most of the Muslims, they wear the trouser below the ankle,
many of them, the trouser touches the floor, it even sweeps the floor,
Its mentioned in Sahih Bukhari Vol. no. 7 in the Book if Dress Hadith no. 5787, the beloved Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) said the “The Izaar that goes below the ankle, that part will burn in fire.” The lower garment, whether it be the Izaar, the trouser, if it goes below the ankle, that part will burn in hellfire. It’s further mentioned in Sahih Bukhari Vol. no. 7 Book of Dress Hadith no. 5788, the beloved Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) said that “Allah will not look at that person on the Day of Resurrection, a person who wears a lower garment below the ankle and walks in pride.” So wearing the lower garment below the ankle is prohibited, its like assign of pride an arrogance and irrespective whether a person feels proud or not, its haraam and its mentioned in Sunan Abu Dawud Vol. no. 3 in the Book of Dress Hadith no. 4083, it says that “If your lower garment or your shirt, or your turban if they go below the ankle or trail on the ground then Allah will not look at you on the Day of Resurrection.” So Isbaal, lower garment below the ankle, is a great sin and people who say that if we wear it without arrogance and pride its permitted, this is a wrong thinking, it is a fallacy. Imagine at the time of Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam), Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) told many Sahaba that wear your lower garment above the ankle and all of them wore. Imagine if we say that we can keep the lower garment and trouser below the ankle, if we don’t have pride, we are trying to indicate that we are better than the Sahaba and the Prophet would tell the Sahaba that put your trouser above the ankle wear it above the ankle and we say that we need not do it and if we think that if you do it without pride its not wrong so were are trying to insinuate that we are better than the Sahabas which is totally wrong. That’s the reason Isbaal, lowering the lower garment below the ankle with pride or without pride is Haraam. With pride is a bigger sin because you are doing a double sin, lowering the garment plus you are proud and arrogant, it’s a double sin.
Yusuf Chambers: Okay thanks for the answer, Dr. Zakir. Dr. Zakir,
next question how does Islam reprimand a person who bears false
witness in a court of law?
Dr. Zakir: As far as bearing false witness is concerned, Allah says in
the Quran in
“As for those who lay a false allegation against the chastity of a woman and if he cannot produce 4 witnesses then he should be lashed with 80 lashes” That means he should be flogged with 80 lashes and his witness should not be ever considered in future. So this is the punishment for a person who bears a false witness Sahih Bukhari Vol. no. 3 in the Book of Witnesses Hadith no. 2654 where the beloved Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) asked that “Will I inform you of the greatest of the great sins, people say yes O Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) replied that no. 1 Joining gods with Allah, no. 2 being disrespectful to parents and later on declining he said no. 3 is bearing false witness is a great sin.” It’s mentioned in Sunan Abu Dawud Vol. no. 3 (Book of Aqdiyah) Hadith no. 3592, beloved Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) said that “After offering Salaah, he turns around and he says that bearing false witness is equivalent to attributing a partner to Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala)” In this Hadith Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) says that bearing false witness is nearly as good as Shirk. So that’s the reason it is one of the major sins in Islam. Yusuf Chambers: JazakAllah kahair Dr. Zakir for the answer. Dr.
Zakir how does Islam honor the chastity of a woman?
Dr. Zakir: There are many verses of the Quran and several Hadith
which speak about the chastity of the woman, our beloved Prophet
Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) said, its mentioned in
Musnad Ahmad Vol. no. 1 Hadith no. 1661, the beloved Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) said that “The women who prays 5 times, who fasts in the month of Ramadhaan, who preserves her chastity and takes care of the husband that’s obedient to the husband, she can enter paradise by any gate.” Means she can go by any gate into paradise. That means a woman who is chaste, who offers 5 times Salaah, fasts in the month of Ramadhaan and takes care of her husband, who is obedient to her husband, will enter paradise. Its further mentioned in the glorious Quran in Surah Noor ch. No. 24 verse no. 23 and 24 that “Anyone who lays an allegation against the chastity of a woman, he will have a grievous penalty in this world and the hereafter and he will be put in to hell and on the day of judgment, his tongue, his limbs and the parts of his body will bear witness against him.” It’s mentioned in Surah Noor ch. no. 24 verse no. 4 that “Anyone who lays a false allegation against the chastity of a woman and cannot produce 4 witnesses, he will be given a punishment of flogging by 80 lashes, in future his testimony, his witness will not be accepted.” And it’s mentioned in Sahih Bukhari Vol. no. 4 (Book of Wasaya) Hadith no. 2766 the beloved Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) said that “Do you know the 7 grievous sins the people said Allah’s messenger knows the best and he replies No. 1 Joining gods with Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala)No. 2 Practicing Sorcery and Black Magic No. 3 Murder No. 4 Eating Riba, interest No. 5 Eating orphans property unlawfully No. 6 Showing your back to the enemy in the battlefield and No. 7 Laying an allegation of slandering the chastity of a woman who is a true believer” So it’s a grave sin to lay an allegation against the chastity and Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) and the Quran protect the chastity of a woman, Alhamdulillah.
Yusuf Chambers: Well the last question today will be regarding ah…
horoscopes and can you give the Islamic ruling on a person who
consults astrology charts or horoscopes on a daily basis or weekly
basis or at all?
Dr. Zakir: As far as astrology and fortune telling is concerned,
nowadays its very common in the world that wee have in the
newspapers people speak about stars, about Capricorn, about Libra
and various signs and we find that many people believe in it. If
anyone believes in these stars and the signs, fortune telling and
astrology, it’s as good as Shirk, he is called as a Mushrik.
And a person who reads for entertainment you know many a times it comes in the paper and you know you just glance for entertainment then he is a sinner yet because our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) said its mentioned in Sahih Bukhari Vol. no. 2 (Book of Istisqa) Hadith no. 1038, “Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) after offering Fajr Salaah, he turns around and says that Allah says that some of the people, they are believers in Me and some are disbelievers in Me. Those who believed that it rained because of Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala), they believe in Me and they disbelieve in the star and those who believe that it rained because of the star they believe in star and disbelieve in Me.” Musnad Ahmad Vol. no. 2 Hadith no. 9536 where Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) said that “If a person goes to a fortuneteller and a soothsayer and believes in him, he has disbelieved in Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam), has disbelieved in me.” Sahih Muslim Vol. no. 4 (Book of Salaam) Hadith no. 5540 our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) said that “Anyone who goes to a diviner that’s Aaraf and believes in him, his prayer will not be accepted for 40 nights.” So therefore fortune telling and astrology are condemned in the Quran, Allah says in “Ya ayyuha allazeena
O you who believe
amanoo innama alkhamru waalmaysiru
Most certainly intoxicants and gambling
waal-ansabu waal-azlamu
Dedications of stones, divination of arrows
rijsun min amalish shaytan
These are Satan’s handiwork
faijtaniboohu la’allakum tuflihoon
Abstain from it that you may prosper.
Fortunetelling is in Satan’s handiwork, we can abstain from it that you
may prosper.
Yusuf Chambers: Dr. Zakir once again, excellent answers. Jazak
Allah khair,
Dr. Zakir: Wa’ eeya kum
Yusuf Chambers: May Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) reward you
greatly for all the information, all the knowledge of Quran and Sunnah
which you have given us tonight in such an eloquent way, JazakAllah
Dr. Zakir: Wa’ eeya kum
Yusuf Chambers: May Allah accept it from you.
Dr. Zakir Naik: Aameen
Yusuf Chambers: Well brothers and sisters, I hope you agree that
the information we have got, that we have gained in the last 2
episodes on ‘Ramadhaan – the Month of self-improvement and Islaah’
have been invaluable particularly as we only have got 8 days or so left
of Ramadhaan, my advice is to you to is get on implementing as many
of those gems and valuable pieces of information into your life quickly
as possible, InshaAllah. If you want to learn more about self-
improvement during thin month and Islaah, you can watch Part 3
tomorrow. So join us at the same time.
Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh


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