Safety of intravenous nitroglycerin after adminis-
Though the Viagra group tolerated less nitroglycerin than the
tration of sildenafil citrate to men with coronary
placebo group, the difference was less dramatic than might have
artery disease: A double-blind, placebo-con-
been feared, and cases of hypotension were short-lived upon dis-
continuation of the nitroglycerin. In the Viagra group, 59% of the
trolled, randomized, crossover trial.
men tolerated a nitroglycerin rate of 80 mcg/min, and 25% tolerated
160 mcg/min. The corresponding percentages were 88 and 59 for
Crit Care Med. 2007; 35(8): 1863-8
If the need arises, despite the presence of Viagra, intravenous
nitroglycerin may be safely administered to men with coronary
Reviewer: Theodore A. Alston, MD, PhD
artery disease. Of course, it is necessary to titrate the nitroglycerin
slowly and to monitor hemodynamics vigilantly (with Viagra on
Abstract: Comments:
The package inserts for Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis warn that
Nitroglycerin and its congeners generate nitric oxide, which
nitrates simply should not be administered while those phosphodies- stimulates an enzyme within vascular smooth muscle cells to pro-
terase inhibitors are active. However, there are situations in which it duce cyclic-GMP, which causes the muscle cells to relax. Viagra
may be desirable to do so. For instance, the inhibitors sometimes tee and its congeners inhibit phosphodiesterase 5, the smooth muscle
up the prelude to an urgent need for coronary intervention. Also, the enzyme that destroys cyclic-GMP. So, the two classes of drugs are
inhibitors reduce pulmonary vascular resistance in cardiovascular synergistic vasodilators. This synergy has prompted very conserva-
patients who may develop angina or acutely worsened heart failure. tive recommendations in package inserts. It is said that all nitrates
Consequently, investigators from Toronto, Minneapolis, Edinburgh, should be withheld for 24 h after Viagra and for 24 h after Cialis.
and Jacksonville (and from the Pfizer firm) have re-examined the
The conservative recommendations are probably a good idea in
contraindication of nitroglycerin by Viagra.
case of nitrates that are given in relatively uncontrolled doses or as
Thirty-four men with stable angina and a >50% stenosis of at long-acting drugs. Examples include sublingual, transdermal, and
least one coronary artery had any nitrates held and received Viagra spray-type nitroglycerin, and enterally absorbed nitrates. However,
(100 mg PO) or placebo. After 45 min, intravenous nitroglycerin intravenous nitroglycerin (and nitroprusside) should be regarded
was started at 5 mcg/min and, if tolerated, increased incrementally as reasonable options despite inhibition of phosphodiesterase 5.
to 160 mcg/min over 1 h. The protocol was discontinued for non- The paper by Parker and colleagues should reduce the possibility
invasive systolic blood pressure drop of >35 mmHg, systolic blood that some patients might urgently receive, for instance, intra-aortic
pressure <100 mmHg, heart rate increase of 25 bpm, or heart rate balloon pumps or endotracheal intubation when intravenous nitro-
>100 bpm. Crossover from the Viagra to placebo group, or vice glycerin would have sufficed to provide stabilization.
versa, occurred after a few days. Interestingly, 2 men did not receive
nitroglycerin after Viagra because the systolic blood pressure fell
after Viagra alone. In the other cases, very small changes occurred
Speciale gast tijdens IDFA: Jonathan Harris Jonathan Harris (1979) is kunstenaar en computer engineer die creëerde hij met Cowbird een gemeenschap van verhalenvertel-in zijn werk de relatie tussen mens en technologie onderzoekt. lers, waarmee hij werkt aan een “bibliotheek van menselijke Hiervoor combineert hij elementen uit de computerwetenschap, ervaringen”. Harris zal op uitnod
Chörliöbeli, 30. Juni 2012 Rückblick auf’s Jahr 2011 Im 2011 sin mir uff 16 Ufftritt ko, bi 5 hän mir kai Gaasche übercho. Mir nämme das sehr gelasse, obwohl mir bald Ebbe hän in dr Kasse. Dr Börny meint „so ka das nit wytter go, mit was söll ich denn uff Thailand go? Museumsnacht, Freitag, 21.01.2011 D’Silvia schmunzlet und sait „tschüss mitenand y hauss husc