Emergency Medical Treatment Release Form
To Whom It May Concern: As a parent/guardian, I do hereby authorize the treatment of a qualified and licensed Medical Doctor in an emergency which, in the opinion of the attending physician, may endanger his/her life, cause disfigurement, physical impairment, or undo discomfort if delayed. This authority is granted only after a reasonable effort has been made to reach me. Student’s name:__________________________________ Relationship to you:_____________ ________ Address:________________________________________ Phone:_________________________________ Type of activity or school year for which release is intended:______________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________________________ Father
_________________________________________________________________________________________ Mother
Where parents can be reached when not at home: Father____________________________________________________________________________________ Address Phone Mother____________________________________________________________________________________ Address Phone FamilyPhysician:___________________________________________Phone:___________________________ Address:__________________________________________________City:____________________________ List allergies, medication, or other pertinent comments: __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Health Insurance Data: Company:____________________________________Policy:________________________________________ Group:_______________________________________Contract:_____________________________________ List a neighbor or close relative who will assume care of your child if you cannot be reached: Name:_______________________________________Phone:________________________________________ Address:_____________________________________ Relationship:__________________________________ This release form is completed and signed of my own free will with the sole purpose of authorizing medical treatment under emergency circumstances in my absence. Date:_________________________________________Signed:______________________________________ Attention Parents: This form should be notarized. Some medical facilities will only provide treatment if the signature is notarized.
This form is to be completed by the parent/guardian who has signed the permission slip
¾ With respect to the information you have listed on the Medical Treatment Release Form, section –“List
allergies, medication, or other pertinent comments”, please explain if these are medications your teen is allergic to OR currently taking.
¾ If they are being taken at the time of the event please describe dosage, any side effects we should be aware
of, eating/drinking instructions, etc. Also in this space please disclose any health issues we should be aware of with your teen:
¾ Please CIRCLE any item(s) below that you give St. Mary of the Hills permission to administer to your teen
upon their request. We will administer them in accordance with the label directions. If you have specific instructions on administration of these medications, please disclose them on this sheet
¾ List any other information I may need to know here: PLEASE NOTE: It is your responsibility to notify St. Mary of the Hills Youth Minister if anything changes! Signature of Parent/Guardian__________________________Date___________________________
St. Mary of the Hills Catholic Church 2675 John R. Rochester Hills, MI 48307 (248) 853-5390
MINUTES OF THE 137th MEETING OF THE THERAPEUTIC ADVISORY SERVICE Held on Tuesday, 26th February 2013 Apologies: Prof I Squire, Ms C Clarke, Dr L Dabydeen, Mr P Golightly, Dr P Topham, Dr A Palfreeman, Mr M Qualie, Dr B Collett, Ms L Gant, Mr D Harris, Ms J Islam, Mrs S Khalid 1 Minutes of last Meeting Dr N Langford and Ms B Pattani attended, with these additions Minutes
TOM OTIENO ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE • Associate Dean , College of Arts and Sciences, Eastern Kentucky University, Responsible for various College activities related to the administration of the College including promotion and tenure, strategic planning, policies and procedures, and faculty development. Assists with faculty appointments, chairperson appointments and other administrat