Some type of interview with authors about a general subject, co
Silica, Nature’s Surgeon
Experts believe higher blood serum levels lead to hardening of the arteries, which can cause heart attacks. The authors of the study called for
We all want to be beautiful, live longer, be
a rethink on giving people calcium supplements
healthier and feel better, but how do you know
for bone health. "Serum calcium levels have
what to do to achieve this? How often have you
been positively associated with an increased
heard that if you want strong bones and better
incidence of heart attack in large observational
studies. Ingestion of equivalent doses of
calcium from dairy products has a much smaller
Calcium is a well-known mineral which builds
effect than calcium supplements on serum
strong teeth and bones, however what is not
commonly known about Calcium is that it is
So why is it that many people with osteoporosis
chalk and thereby a hardening agent. If it is not
(loss of calcium in the bones) also have arthritis
utilized properly by the body it can contribute to
hardening of the arteries and other structures in
Chiropractic’s Dr Bill Davison answers this
the body. It may worsen arthritis and contribute
question in an article on his website. For more
to kidney stones. What do you think arterial
Despite being a controversial issue, there is
The important thing is to make sure you are
some evidence to support this claim. A study by
doing everything possible to ensure you are
Dr. Mark Bolland and colleagues from the
supplying all the other things your body needs
University of Auckland published in the British
Medical Journal (Online, July 31 2010), about
As calcium in our body depletes, parts of our
calcium supplements and a possible increased
bodies, including bones, become brittle and
risk of heart disease. It was found that calcium
weak. Taking only a calcium supplement may
supplements were associated with about a 30
not correct or stop these threatening and
percent jump in heart attack risk. The chances of
crippling diseases because the body may not
stroke and mortality also increased to a lesser
absorb and make use of the calcium without the
The Sydney Morning Herald reported, “The link
One of these important factors is Silica. In fact
was consistent across trials and was independent
using Silica helps to solve this calcium
of age, sex, and type of supplement. While the
Dilemma. 1950’s bio-physicist Dr C L Kervran
added risk is modest for any individual, the
found what the body was really lacking, was not
widespread use of calcium supplements could
calcium, it was silica and that your body can
translate into a significantly larger disease
make its own calcium from silica, through the
burden across an entire population, the authors
warn. Previous studies have found that upping calcium intake through changes in diet does not increase cardiovascular problems, suggesting
Understanding Silica
that the risks are restricted to supplements.”However Osteoporosis Australia believes, “The
Silica is a remarkable mineral. The reason why
results of this study, while being an important
silica is able to supply to the body calcium
alert to possible harm, does not provide
when it needs it is quite simple when we study
sufficient evidence to recommend that older
the atomic numbers of each mineral. Each
men & women with osteoporosis should stop
mineral has a number according to its molecular
taking calcium supplements because of an
structure and it is through the interchange of
increased risk of heart attack. There is good
molecular protons and electrons between each
evidence that calcium plays an important role in
The most basic substance is an element, silica is an element, gold is an element, magnesium is an
Shire Chiropractic 184 Gymea Bay Road Gymea NSW 2227
element and so on. Elements are made up of
atoms, an atom is composed of a nucleus, which
has a proton with a positive charge, a neutron
On the other hand, this transmutation is strongly
with a negative charge with the nucleus the
believed not to occur according to mainstream
centre of the atom. The atom also has an
physics, chemistry and biology on the basis that
electron, or electrons circulating around the
evidence is flawed and minute. However there
central body. The only difference between one
is evidence to suggest that silica, coupled with
element or one substance and another is the
carbon in the body, can be transformed into
amount of protons existing in the nucleus of the
calcium. Many health experts including Shire
Chiropractic’s Dr Bill Davison have seen the
Usually there is an equal amount of electrons
benefits of Silica in his patients over the years.
and protons. For example, the element of
“As a practitioner I’ve utilized silica as a
hydrogen has one proton in the centre and one
supplement in my practice for many, many
years, with excellent results. It wasn’t until I
So each element will have a different ‘atomic
number’, this can be seen on the periodic table,
Diatomaceous Earth flour form of silica that I
which has all the elements and their periodic
became more interested and excited about its
numbers. They all have different numbers
which relate to the number of protons and
One of Shire Chiropractic’s patients, Gabriel
electrons. Silica has fourteen protons and
says, “I take 1 heaped teaspoon in juice in the
morning and afternoon. I have suffered from insomnia for many years and this has
Alchemy. fact or fiction?
completely disappeared. My hair and nails are growing, my memory is better, I’m more alert and my blood pressure has come down, so no
Hundreds of years ago, the old chemists,
perhaps like our present day physicists and
professional dancer I love to go dancing, now I
pharmacists were trying to create gold form
find after my teaspoon before going out I can
other substances based on this principle of the
dance from 6:30pm ‘til 2:30am nonstop, my
difference between one element and another.
friends have definitely noticed a change! I am
so grateful for the Silica Fossil Flour. Oh by the
theoretically if you could combine a number of
different elements that would give you the total of 64 that would give you gold. Kervran theorised that the body can actually
A natural phenomenon.
convert one element into another. He maintains that by ingesting too much calcium it actually
The transformation of silica into calcium is a
creates a hardening of our body tissues.
“Interestingly when I test my patients for
ingestion of organic silica-rich fresh plant
nutritional deficiencies in the clinic I very, very
foods. The extracts can come from oat straw,
rarely find calcium to be a deficiency. We find
horsetail, cleavers, comfrey and other siliceous
vitamin E, shows up a lot, we find magnesium
shows up a lot, and silica shows up a lot but
Bone is created from silicon-structured cartilage
rarely calcium.” Dr Bill Davison says.
tissues, which eventually hardens into limey
Kervran, who was also nominated for a Nobel
calcium-phosphate salts. This metamorphosis of
prize, maintains that the body can create
silica derived bone tissues into hard limey
calcium from silica, when you put carbon and
material is the way bones naturally grow.
silica together you get an atomic number of 20
According to Dr Kervran, X-rays have shown
which means the body can make calcium from
that bone fractures are healed quicker after
Shire Chiropractic 184 Gymea Bay Road Gymea NSW 2227
patients are given organic silica than after
imagine what would happen if we did that! It’s
giving prepared or dietary calcium directly.
a bit like trying to suck on an iron bar to get
Missing out on Silica is what causes bones to
your iron supplements. You have to get your
become brittle, hair to crinkle and fall out,
minerals and your other nutrients from a food
arteries to harden, joints and muscles to stiffen
Plants have the ability to take minerals from the
Dr Davison suggests that, “Silica is well known
ground or the soil and convert it into a different
for its ability to provide structural support and
form that we can then digest and utilise for the
strength to all of the structural tissues such as
health and maintenance of our bodies, and it’s
bones, muscles, ligaments tendons, skin hair
the same with silica. We have to get it into a
and nails, it could even be termed one of the
beauty minerals because it helps maintain
Dr Davison says that after seeing his patients
elasticity of the skin which helps to keep us
use the powdered form of Silica he was able to
fully realise the potential of Silica, “When my
Another of Shire Chiropractic’s patients,
patients get onto the silica I find that when they
Barbara, a beauty/natural Therapist says, “My
come back they test much better, and upon
first impression [of silica fossil Flour] was
examination they report improvement in their
increased energy each time I took 1 heaped
teaspoon in water twice a day. I decided to put
Silica does come in different forms when being
some Silica Flour into the beauty creams I
used as a supplement or as a medicine. You can
create, such as my cleanser and moisturiser,
with surprising results, my skin texture seems
Fortunately silica is also not very expensive and
‘thicker’, with a clearer overall evenness and
this is also another point in its favour!
lightness in shade. This is pleasing to me as I am in my sixties, so I plan to use the Silica
How do you take it?
continually. I am looking forward to healthier bones too.”
The average starting dose is about a teaspoon of
Dr Davison says that although there have been
fairly tasteless powder, dissolved into liquid,
great results in other areas silica is where there
twice a day, sometimes less, sometimes more.
are calcium spurs in the body, (in the heels or
After a number of weeks the dosage may be
underside surface of the foot) “It actually helps
the body to redistribute these abnormal deposits
“You’d expect to wait 2-4 weeks before you see
a result, in extreme cases perhaps 2 months maximum, but it can also be used as a
Where does it come from?
preventative measure.” Dr Davison says. Arthritis and heel spurs can take many years to
In nature silica exists in many forms. Sand,
quartz and crystals are all forms of silica. Glass
degenerative Dr Davison describes the reversal
is also made from sand, so glass and ceramics
or limitation of these conditions “.a very
Silica has the feature of being sharp like glass or
“We see this in the clinic time and time again,
cut ceramics can be, and so in the body it’s also
so it’s not impossible to reverse these conditions
been termed ‘nature’s scalpel’ because the body
to a point and then restrict the further
can use the silica to re-sculpture the body, to
degeneration. For me silica is one of the
remove inappropriate calcium deposits and
nutritional ingredients I take regularity, to
redistribute them to where they’re needed.
maintain my health. I highly recommend you
“To be able to use silica as a supplement we
take it both as a preventative of degenerative
need to get it from a food source. We could try
conditions, as an anti aging nutritional
eating sand or glass for that matter, you could
Shire Chiropractic 184 Gymea Bay Road Gymea NSW 2227
substance and to treat conditions that involve the structural system in particular arthritis.”For more information please visit
There’s a craze in Hollywood at present with many of the rich and famous. Powerpops. A natural lollipop that helps reduce appetite and cravings. We are currently trialling them at the clinic. Ask for a free sample and more info and/or go to Feedback so far has been very positive. Please note the HOODIA ingredient is not approved in the Australian formula yet. The modified formula is still highly effective though. PATIENT OF THE MONTH
This month it’s Nevo Yatom. Nevo is an inventor and has appeared on the ABC TV show “The Inventors”. He manufactures specialised treatment tables – amongst other things. He is presently working on an exciting breakthrough vibrational treatment table, which we will be trialling in the clinic. He is very enthusiastic about health and has enthusiastically referred many patients to us. Thank you Nevo. Enjoy your gift. A Special Welcome to all our New Patients and a big thank you to all who referred them.
Shire Chiropractic 184 Gymea Bay Road Gymea NSW 2227
Abilene Physicians Group Nicole Koske Bullock, D.O. Cervical ripening: Yes or No (circle one) Date/time of ripening: ________________________ Date/time of Induction: ________________________ Your induction of labor will be at Abilene Regional Medical Center. You should report to the nurse’s station on Labor and Delivery at the time above and tell the nurses you are scheduled for an indu
Þizofrenide Klasik Antipsikotiklerle Prof. Dr. Seher SOFUOÐLU* 1. KONVANSÝYONEL ANTÝPSÝKOTÝK Klorpromazinin bir antipsikotik ajan olduðu ÝLAÇLARIN KEÞFÝ keþfedildikten sonra onun aksiyon mekanizmasýnýÝlk antipsikotik (AP) ilaç 1950'lerde rastlantý anlamak üzere eksperimental araþtýrmalarsonucu keþfedilmiþ olan ve antihistaminikyapýlýrken hayvanlarda "neu