Untitled 2

Answer the following questions to determine the likelihood that you have a
Candida problem

NAME_____________________________________ DATE______________
This questionnaire is designed for adults. It lists factor sin your medical history which promote the
growth of Candida Albicans (Section A), and symptoms commonly found in individuals with yeast
connected illness (Sections B and C).
For each “Yes” answer in Section A, note the number of points given for that question and add up all
of the points and put them in the designated place at the end of Section A. Then move to Sections B
and C and score as directed.
Filling out and scoring this questionnaire should help you and your doctor evaluate the possibility that
Candida is contributing to your health problems. Yet, it will not provide an automatic “Yes” or “No”
_____Have you taken tetracyclines (Symycin, Panmycin, Vibramycin, Minocin, etc.) or other
antibiotics for acne for one month or longer? 25 points.
_____Have you, at any time in your life, taken other “broad spectrum” antibiotics for respiratory,
urinary or other infections for 2 months or longer or in shorter courses 4 or more times in a 1 year
period? 20 points.
_____Have you taken a broad spectrum antibiotic (Keflex, ambicillin, amoxicillin, Ceclor, Bactrim, and
Septra)-even in a single course? 6 points.
_____Have you, at any time in your life, been bothered by persistent prostatitis, vaginitis or other
problems affecting your reproductive organs? 25 points.
_____Have you been pregnant 2 or more times? 5 points 1 time? 3 points.
_____Have you taken birth control pills for more than 2 years? 15 points. For 6 months to 2 years?
8 points.
_____Have you taken prednisone, Decadron or other cortisone-type drugs for more than 2 weeks? 15
. For 2 weeks or less? 6 points.

_____Does exposure to perfumes, insecticides, fabric shop odors and other chemicals provoke
moderate to severe symptoms? 20 points. Mild symptoms? 5 points.

_____Are your symptoms worse on damp, muggy days or moldy places? 20 points.
_____Have you had athlete’s foot, ringworm, jock itch or other chronic fungus infections of the skin or
nails? Have such infections been severe or persistent? 20 points. Mild to moderate? 10 points.

_____Do you crave sugar? 10 points.
_____Do you crave breads? 10 points.
_____Do you crave alcoholic beverages? 10 points.
_____Does tobacco smoke really bother you? 10 points.
Total Score for Section A: _____
For each of your symptoms, enter the appropriate figure to the point score column:
Occasional or mild: 3 points
Frequent and/or moderately severe: 6 points
Severe and/or disabling: 9 points
Add total score and record it in the box at the end of this section.
_____Fatigue or lethargy
_____Feeling of being “drained”
_____Poor memory
_____Feeling “spacey” or “unreal”
_____Numbness, burning or tingling
_____Muscle aches
_____Muscle weakness or paralysis
_____Pain and/or swelling in joints
_____Abdominal pain
_____Troublesome vaginal discharge
_____Persistent vaginal burning or itching
_____Loss of sexual desire
_____Cramps and/or other menstrual irregularities
_____Premenstrual tension
_____Spots in front of the eyes
_____Erratic vision
Total Score for Section B: _____
For each of your symptoms, enter the appropriate figure in the point score column:
Occasional or mild: 3 points
Frequent and/or moderately severe: 6 points
Severe and/or disabling: 9 points
Add total score and record it in the box at the end of this section.
_____Irritability or jitteriness
_____Poor coordination
_____Inability to concentrate
_____Frequent mood swings
_____Dizziness/loss of balance
_____Pressure above ears, feeling of head swelling and tingling
_____Other rashes
_____Belching and intestinal gas
_____Mucous in stools
_____Dry mouth
_____Rash or blisters in mouth
_____Bad breath
_____Joint swelling or arthritis
_____Nasal congestion or discharge
_____Postnasal drip
_____Nasal itching
_____Sore or dry throat
_____Pain or tightness in chest
_____Sneezing or shortness of breath
_____Urinary urgency or frequency
_____Burning on urination
_____Failing vision
_____Burning or tearing of eyes
_____Recurrent infections or fluid in ears
_____Ear pain or deafness
Total Score for Section C: _____
Total Score for Section B: _____
Total Score for Section A: _____
The grand total score will help you and your doctor decide if your health problems are yeast-
connected. Scores in women will run high as 7 items in the questionnaire apply exclusively to
women, while only 2 apply exclusively to men.
If your score is: Symptoms are:
180 (women) Almost certainly yeast connected
140 (men)
120 (women) Probably yeast connected
80 (men)
80 (women) Possibly yeast connection
40 (men)
60 (women) Probably not yeast connected
20 (men)
Candida Albicans is a single cell fungus, which belongs to the vegetable kingdom. This yeast
normally lives on the mucous membranes of the intestines/digestive tract and the vagina, so do
billions of friendly bacteria. Unfriendly bacteria, viruses, allergens, and other enemies also find their
way into these and other membrane lined passageways and cavities. But when the immune system
is strong, they are not able to break through into the blood stream or deeper tissues causing
problems. A primary factor in this defensive system is the proper gut microflora ratio of lactobacillus
In “The Colon Health Handbook,” Robert Gray states: “The bacteria in a healthy colon ideally should be at least 85% lactobacteria and no more than 15% coliform bacteria. The typical colon bacterial count in our society shows 15 lactobacteria and a monstrous 85% coliform bacteria. This imbalance of the microflora not only is a factor in Candida Albicans, but is considered a major link in the high incidence of colon cancer in western societies.”The primary cause of this imbalance of the microflora is because of the widespread use of broad-spectrum antibiotics in animals, food and people. Also contributing is high beef, high fat, high sugar, high refined foods, and low fiber diets. The use of birth control pills, cortisone, cortisone-like drugs and immunosuppressant drugs also contributes to the imbalance of the microflora.
The broad-spectrum antibiotic kills off not only the unfriendly disease-producing bacteria but also the “friendly” intestinal and vaginal bacteria. This imbalance leads to growth of the Candida Albicans. Diets rich in sugar and yeast, birth control pills, cortisone and cortisone-like drugs and immunosuppressant drugs also stimulate the fungal growth.
Immunosuppressant drugs are often used in cancer therapies and organ transplant cases. Now, the fungus and its toxins can wage a war locally with irritation to the gastrointestinal tract and vagina as well as distant locations by sending its toxic products to various tissues and organs by way of our circulatory system. The person may suffer from intestinal symptoms like diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, bloating, pain, distention, or vaginal pain, burning and discharge. The person may also suffer a myriad of signs and symptoms based on the organ or tissues attacked. If the nervous system is vulnerable, the individual may have depression—a major symptom. Anxiety, migraines, irritability, irrational behavior and crying outbursts are also possibilities.
In his book, “The Missing Diagnosis,” C. Orlan Truss, M.D. described patients with multiple sclerosis, lupus, Crohn’s disease, sarcoidosis, schizophrenia, myasthenia gravis, and anorexia nervosa, whose recovery followed Candida Albicans therapy.
E. W. Rosenberg, M.D. writing in the New England Journal of Medicine, told of the improvement of both psoriasis and inflammatory bowel disease in patients on Candida Albicans therapy.
Equally baffling are the multiple sensitivities to foods and chemicals that develop in patients with Candida Albicans.
At a meeting of the Society for Clinical Ecology in 1981, Patricia Lucas, Ph.D. and immunologist, presented scientific data to support the theory that Candida causes many allergies by first damaging the lining of the gastrointestinal tract. She believes that keeping the Candida off this tract will let the immune system recover.

Gastrointestinal Tract:
Chronic heartburn, gastritis, colitis, distention and bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea.
Central Nervous System:
Depression, headaches, lethargy, agitation, hyperirritability, memory loss, inability to concentrate.
Allergic Symptoms:
Hay fever, sinusitis, earaches, hives, asthma, food and chemical sensitivities
Genitourinary Tract:
Yeast vaginitis, menstrual irregularities, cramping, endometriosis, cystitis, urethritis, and kidney and
bladder infections.
Generalized Symptoms:
Fatigue, migrating joint pain and stiffness, cold hands and feet, increased body hair, numbness and
tingling, food cravings, loss of libido.
Answer the following questions to determine the likelihood that you have a
Candida problem

NAME_____________________________________ DATE______________
This questionnaire is designed for adults. It lists factor sin your medical history which promote the
growth of Candida Albicans (Section A), and symptoms commonly found in individuals with yeast
connected illness (Sections B and C).
For each “Yes” answer in Section A, note the number of points given for that question and add up all
of the points and put them in the designated place at the end of Section A. Then move to Sections B
and C and score as directed.
Filling out and scoring this questionnaire should help you and your doctor evaluate the possibility that
Candida is contributing to your health problems. Yet, it will not provide an automatic “Yes” or “No”
_____Have you taken tetracyclines (Symycin, Panmycin, Vibramycin, Minocin, etc.) or other
antibiotics for acne for one month or longer? 25 points.
_____Have you, at any time in your life, taken other “broad spectrum” antibiotics for respiratory,
urinary or other infections for 2 months or longer or in shorter courses 4 or more times in a 1 year
period? 20 points.
_____Have you taken a broad spectrum antibiotic (Keflex, ambicillin, amoxicillin, Ceclor, Bactrim, and
Septra)-even in a single course? 6 points.
_____Have you, at any time in your life, been bothered by persistent prostatitis, vaginitis or other
problems affecting your reproductive organs? 25 points.
_____Have you been pregnant 2 or more times? 5 points 1 time? 3 points.
_____Have you taken birth control pills for more than 2 years? 15 points. For 6 months to 2 years?
8 points.
_____Have you taken prednisone, Decadron or other cortisone-type drugs for more than 2 weeks? 15
. For 2 weeks or less? 6 points.

_____Does exposure to perfumes, insecticides, fabric shop odors and other chemicals provoke
moderate to severe symptoms? 20 points. Mild symptoms? 5 points.

_____Are your symptoms worse on damp, muggy days or moldy places? 20 points.
_____Have you had athlete’s foot, ringworm, jock itch or other chronic fungus infections of the skin or
nails? Have such infections been severe or persistent? 20 points. Mild to moderate? 10 points.

_____Do you crave sugar? 10 points.
_____Do you crave breads? 10 points.
_____Do you crave alcoholic beverages? 10 points.
_____Does tobacco smoke really bother you? 10 points.
Total Score for Section A: _____
For each of your symptoms, enter the appropriate figure to the point score column:
Occasional or mild: 3 points
Frequent and/or moderately severe: 6 points
Severe and/or disabling: 9 points
Add total score and record it in the box at the end of this section.
_____Fatigue or lethargy
_____Feeling of being “drained”
_____Poor memory
_____Feeling “spacey” or “unreal”
_____Numbness, burning or tingling
_____Muscle aches
_____Muscle weakness or paralysis
_____Pain and/or swelling in joints
_____Abdominal pain
_____Troublesome vaginal discharge
_____Persistent vaginal burning or itching
_____Loss of sexual desire
_____Cramps and/or other menstrual irregularities
_____Premenstrual tension
_____Spots in front of the eyes
_____Erratic vision
Total Score for Section B: _____
For each of your symptoms, enter the appropriate figure in the point score column:
Occasional or mild: 3 points
Frequent and/or moderately severe: 6 points
Severe and/or disabling: 9 points
Add total score and record it in the box at the end of this section.
_____Irritability or jitteriness
_____Poor coordination
_____Inability to concentrate
_____Frequent mood swings
_____Dizziness/loss of balance
_____Pressure above ears, feeling of head swelling and tingling
_____Other rashes
_____Belching and intestinal gas
_____Mucous in stools
_____Dry mouth
_____Rash or blisters in mouth
_____Bad breath
_____Joint swelling or arthritis
_____Nasal congestion or discharge
_____Postnasal drip
_____Nasal itching
_____Sore or dry throat
_____Pain or tightness in chest
_____Sneezing or shortness of breath
_____Urinary urgency or frequency
_____Burning on urination
_____Failing vision
_____Burning or tearing of eyes
_____Recurrent infections or fluid in ears
_____Ear pain or deafness
Total Score for Section C: _____
Total Score for Section B: _____
Total Score for Section A: _____
The grand total score will help you and your doctor decide if your health problems are yeast-
connected. Scores in women will run high as 7 items in the questionnaire apply exclusively to
women, while only 2 apply exclusively to men.
If your score is: Symptoms are:
180 (women) Almost certainly yeast connected
140 (men)
120 (women) Probably yeast connected
80 (men)
80 (women) Possibly yeast connection
40 (men)
60 (women) Probably not yeast connected
20 (men)
Candida Albicans is a single cell fungus, which belongs to the vegetable kingdom. This yeast
normally lives on the mucous membranes of the intestines/digestive tract and the vagina, so do
billions of friendly bacteria. Unfriendly bacteria, viruses, allergens, and other enemies also find their
way into these and other membrane lined passageways and cavities. But when the immune system
is strong, they are not able to break through into the blood stream or deeper tissues causing
problems. A primary factor in this defensive system is the proper gut microflora ratio of lactobacillus
In “The Colon Health Handbook,” Robert Gray states: “The bacteria in a healthy colon ideally should be at least 85% lactobacteria and no more than 15% coliform bacteria. The typical colon bacterial count in our society shows 15 lactobacteria and a monstrous 85% coliform bacteria. This imbalance of the microflora not only is a factor in Candida Albicans, but is considered a major link in the high incidence of colon cancer in western societies.”The primary cause of this imbalance of the microflora is because of the widespread use of broad-spectrum antibiotics in animals, food and people. Also contributing is high beef, high fat, high sugar, high refined foods, and low fiber diets. The use of birth control pills, cortisone, cortisone-like drugs and immunosuppressant drugs also contributes to the imbalance of the microflora.
The broad-spectrum antibiotic kills off not only the unfriendly disease-producing bacteria but also the “friendly” intestinal and vaginal bacteria. This imbalance leads to growth of the Candida Albicans. Diets rich in sugar and yeast, birth control pills, cortisone and cortisone-like drugs and immunosuppressant drugs also stimulate the fungal growth.
Immunosuppressant drugs are often used in cancer therapies and organ transplant cases. Now, the fungus and its toxins can wage a war locally with irritation to the gastrointestinal tract and vagina as well as distant locations by sending its toxic products to various tissues and organs by way of our circulatory system. The person may suffer from intestinal symptoms like diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, bloating, pain, distention, or vaginal pain, burning and discharge. The person may also suffer a myriad of signs and symptoms based on the organ or tissues attacked. If the nervous system is vulnerable, the individual may have depression—a major symptom. Anxiety, migraines, irritability, irrational behavior and crying outbursts are also possibilities.
In his book, “The Missing Diagnosis,” C. Orlan Truss, M.D. described patients with multiple sclerosis, lupus, Crohn’s disease, sarcoidosis, schizophrenia, myasthenia gravis, and anorexia nervosa, whose recovery followed Candida Albicans therapy.
E. W. Rosenberg, M.D. writing in the New England Journal of Medicine, told of the improvement of both psoriasis and inflammatory bowel disease in patients on Candida Albicans therapy.
Equally baffling are the multiple sensitivities to foods and chemicals that develop in patients with Candida Albicans.
At a meeting of the Society for Clinical Ecology in 1981, Patricia Lucas, Ph.D. and immunologist, presented scientific data to support the theory that Candida causes many allergies by first damaging the lining of the gastrointestinal tract. She believes that keeping the Candida off this tract will let the immune system recover.

Gastrointestinal Tract:
Chronic heartburn, gastritis, colitis, distention and bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea.
Central Nervous System:
Depression, headaches, lethargy, agitation, hyperirritability, memory loss, inability to concentrate.
Allergic Symptoms:
Hay fever, sinusitis, earaches, hives, asthma, food and chemical sensitivities
Genitourinary Tract:
Yeast vaginitis, menstrual irregularities, cramping, endometriosis, cystitis, urethritis, and kidney and
bladder infections.
Generalized Symptoms:
Fatigue, migrating joint pain and stiffness, cold hands and feet, increased body hair, numbness and
tingling, food cravings, loss of libido.
Answer the following questions to determine the likelihood that you have a
Candida problem

NAME_____________________________________ DATE______________
This questionnaire is designed for adults. It lists factor sin your medical history which promote the
growth of Candida Albicans (Section A), and symptoms commonly found in individuals with yeast
connected illness (Sections B and C).
For each “Yes” answer in Section A, note the number of points given for that question and add up all
of the points and put them in the designated place at the end of Section A. Then move to Sections B
and C and score as directed.
Filling out and scoring this questionnaire should help you and your doctor evaluate the possibility that
Candida is contributing to your health problems. Yet, it will not provide an automatic “Yes” or “No”
_____Have you taken tetracyclines (Symycin, Panmycin, Vibramycin, Minocin, etc.) or other
antibiotics for acne for one month or longer? 25 points.
_____Have you, at any time in your life, taken other “broad spectrum” antibiotics for respiratory,
urinary or other infections for 2 months or longer or in shorter courses 4 or more times in a 1 year
period? 20 points.
_____Have you taken a broad spectrum antibiotic (Keflex, ambicillin, amoxicillin, Ceclor, Bactrim, and
Septra)-even in a single course? 6 points.
_____Have you, at any time in your life, been bothered by persistent prostatitis, vaginitis or other
problems affecting your reproductive organs? 25 points.
_____Have you been pregnant 2 or more times? 5 points 1 time? 3 points.
_____Have you taken birth control pills for more than 2 years? 15 points. For 6 months to 2 years?
8 points.
_____Have you taken prednisone, Decadron or other cortisone-type drugs for more than 2 weeks? 15
. For 2 weeks or less? 6 points.

_____Does exposure to perfumes, insecticides, fabric shop odors and other chemicals provoke
moderate to severe symptoms? 20 points. Mild symptoms? 5 points.

_____Are your symptoms worse on damp, muggy days or moldy places? 20 points.
_____Have you had athlete’s foot, ringworm, jock itch or other chronic fungus infections of the skin or
nails? Have such infections been severe or persistent? 20 points. Mild to moderate? 10 points.

_____Do you crave sugar? 10 points.
_____Do you crave breads? 10 points.
_____Do you crave alcoholic beverages? 10 points.
_____Does tobacco smoke really bother you? 10 points.
Total Score for Section A: _____
For each of your symptoms, enter the appropriate figure to the point score column:
Occasional or mild: 3 points
Frequent and/or moderately severe: 6 points
Severe and/or disabling: 9 points
Add total score and record it in the box at the end of this section.
_____Fatigue or lethargy
_____Feeling of being “drained”
_____Poor memory
_____Feeling “spacey” or “unreal”
_____Numbness, burning or tingling
_____Muscle aches
_____Muscle weakness or paralysis
_____Pain and/or swelling in joints
_____Abdominal pain
_____Troublesome vaginal discharge
_____Persistent vaginal burning or itching
_____Loss of sexual desire
_____Cramps and/or other menstrual irregularities
_____Premenstrual tension
_____Spots in front of the eyes
_____Erratic vision
Total Score for Section B: _____
For each of your symptoms, enter the appropriate figure in the point score column:
Occasional or mild: 3 points
Frequent and/or moderately severe: 6 points
Severe and/or disabling: 9 points
Add total score and record it in the box at the end of this section.
_____Irritability or jitteriness
_____Poor coordination
_____Inability to concentrate
_____Frequent mood swings
_____Dizziness/loss of balance
_____Pressure above ears, feeling of head swelling and tingling
_____Other rashes
_____Belching and intestinal gas
_____Mucous in stools
_____Dry mouth
_____Rash or blisters in mouth
_____Bad breath
_____Joint swelling or arthritis
_____Nasal congestion or discharge
_____Postnasal drip
_____Nasal itching
_____Sore or dry throat
_____Pain or tightness in chest
_____Sneezing or shortness of breath
_____Urinary urgency or frequency
_____Burning on urination
_____Failing vision
_____Burning or tearing of eyes
_____Recurrent infections or fluid in ears
_____Ear pain or deafness
Total Score for Section C: _____
Total Score for Section B: _____
Total Score for Section A: _____
The grand total score will help you and your doctor decide if your health problems are yeast-
connected. Scores in women will run high as 7 items in the questionnaire apply exclusively to
women, while only 2 apply exclusively to men.
If your score is: Symptoms are:
180 (women) Almost certainly yeast connected
140 (men)
120 (women) Probably yeast connected
80 (men)
80 (women) Possibly yeast connection
40 (men)
60 (women) Probably not yeast connected
20 (men)
Candida Albicans is a single cell fungus, which belongs to the vegetable kingdom. This yeast
normally lives on the mucous membranes of the intestines/digestive tract and the vagina, so do
billions of friendly bacteria. Unfriendly bacteria, viruses, allergens, and other enemies also find their
way into these and other membrane lined passageways and cavities. But when the immune system
is strong, they are not able to break through into the blood stream or deeper tissues causing
problems. A primary factor in this defensive system is the proper gut microflora ratio of lactobacillus
In “The Colon Health Handbook,” Robert Gray states: “The bacteria in a healthy colon ideally should be at least 85% lactobacteria and no more than 15% coliform bacteria. The typical colon bacterial count in our society shows 15 lactobacteria and a monstrous 85% coliform bacteria. This imbalance of the microflora not only is a factor in Candida Albicans, but is considered a major link in the high incidence of colon cancer in western societies.”The primary cause of this imbalance of the microflora is because of the widespread use of broad-spectrum antibiotics in animals, food and people. Also contributing is high beef, high fat, high sugar, high refined foods, and low fiber diets. The use of birth control pills, cortisone, cortisone-like drugs and immunosuppressant drugs also contributes to the imbalance of the microflora.
The broad-spectrum antibiotic kills off not only the unfriendly disease-producing bacteria but also the “friendly” intestinal and vaginal bacteria. This imbalance leads to growth of the Candida Albicans. Diets rich in sugar and yeast, birth control pills, cortisone and cortisone-like drugs and immunosuppressant drugs also stimulate the fungal growth.
Immunosuppressant drugs are often used in cancer therapies and organ transplant cases. Now, the fungus and its toxins can wage a war locally with irritation to the gastrointestinal tract and vagina as well as distant locations by sending its toxic products to various tissues and organs by way of our circulatory system. The person may suffer from intestinal symptoms like diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, bloating, pain, distention, or vaginal pain, burning and discharge. The person may also suffer a myriad of signs and symptoms based on the organ or tissues attacked. If the nervous system is vulnerable, the individual may have depression—a major symptom. Anxiety, migraines, irritability, irrational behavior and crying outbursts are also possibilities.
In his book, “The Missing Diagnosis,” C. Orlan Truss, M.D. described patients with multiple sclerosis, lupus, Crohn’s disease, sarcoidosis, schizophrenia, myasthenia gravis, and anorexia nervosa, whose recovery followed Candida Albicans therapy.
E. W. Rosenberg, M.D. writing in the New England Journal of Medicine, told of the improvement of both psoriasis and inflammatory bowel disease in patients on Candida Albicans therapy.
Equally baffling are the multiple sensitivities to foods and chemicals that develop in patients with Candida Albicans.
At a meeting of the Society for Clinical Ecology in 1981, Patricia Lucas, Ph.D. and immunologist, presented scientific data to support the theory that Candida causes many allergies by first damaging the lining of the gastrointestinal tract. She believes that keeping the Candida off this tract will let the immune system recover.

Gastrointestinal Tract:
Chronic heartburn, gastritis, colitis, distention and bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea.
Central Nervous System:
Depression, headaches, lethargy, agitation, hyperirritability, memory loss, inability to concentrate.
Allergic Symptoms:
Hay fever, sinusitis, earaches, hives, asthma, food and chemical sensitivities
Genitourinary Tract:
Yeast vaginitis, menstrual irregularities, cramping, endometriosis, cystitis, urethritis, and kidney and
bladder infections.
Generalized Symptoms:
Fatigue, migrating joint pain and stiffness, cold hands and feet, increased body hair, numbness and
tingling, food cravings, loss of libido.

Source: http://www.stefanieku.com/Resources_files/candidaAlbicanQuestionnaire_1.pdf

Bsg poster - march 2000

Colonic mucosal concentrations of prednisolone following oral administration of a novel formulation of prednisolone metasulphobenzoate (Predocol) 1Bell GD, 2English J, 3Spiers C, 4Nylander D, 4Hancock J, 5Rowland RS 1Sunderland University Medical Sciences Faculty, 2School of Biological Sciences, University of Surrey, 3Flexpharm Ltd, Watford, Herts, 4Department of Gastroenterology, Sun

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