Wf 1-2006.indd

2006 Stockholm Water Prize Laureate
Challenges the Global Status Quo on Water Professor Asit K. Biswas, a tireless water
proponent who constantly challenges
XVI Gustaf of Sweden is the Patron of the the “status quo“ and who helped foster a
critical re-think among United Nations
and presented annually to an individual, agencies, national governments, profes-
organisation or institution for outstanding sional associations and others about how
water-related activities. The activities can to improve delivery of water and sanita-
be within fields like education and aware- tion services and management of our
ness-raising, human and international rela- the years contributed highly effective meth- water resources, is the 2006 Stockholm
tions, research, water management and wa- odologies to the rational use and manage- Water Prize Laureate.
ter-related aid. The Stockholm Water Prize ment of water resources, Professor Asit K. Laureate receives USD 150,000 along with Biswas – as a science-driven water advocate a glass sculpture, which will be presented – fostered a new “socio-economic and po- dian citizen and president of the Mexico litical climate“ which enabled the effective translation of scientific (both natural and social) and technical advances into mean- In its Citation, the international Nominating Committee, an independent body un- ingful measures. His role as a global facilita- der the auspices of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, wrote of Asit K. Biswas: tor of international platforms where organi- “Professor Biswas is awarded the Stockholm Water Prize for his outstanding and sations and individuals can take concrete multi-faceted contributions to global water resource issues, including research, edu- action on water, has taken many forms.
cation and awareness, water management, human and international relations in both For example, as the main scientific advi- developed and developing countries. While many highly-qualified experts in aquatic sor to the Secretary-General of the United disciplines distinguish themselves as academicians, others as practitioners, others as Nations Water Conference in Mar del Plata, government advisors, and others as writers and lecturers, Professor Biswas with his wide Argentina, in 1977, Professor Biswas helped knowledge is highly recognised in all of these areas and, most importantly, has over a to formulate and promote the International broad front applied his skills internationally, thereby adding new dimensions to the wise use and management of the global water resources.” ter approval of this initiative by the UN General Assembly, Professor Biswas advised international and national institutions on to six heads of United Nations agencies and to other intergovernmental and internation- By all accounts, the Decade significantly ties from most countries in the region to al organisations. The Third World Centre improved the lives of millions of people in review and assess the water problems in the for Water Management, a “think tank“ the developing world. During it, big strides region face to face. The actual treaties on initially set up by Professor Biswas to give were made in finding affordable technolo- water issues between several countries were independent and authoritative policy and gies and participatory approaches to help knowledge support to developing countries, serve those without access to improved wa- also regularly advises many industrialised ter and sanitation services. The Decade also demonstrated conclusively that “business potential water leaders of the next genera- as usual” would never bring improvements tion are not being heard at major interna- tional forums inspired Professor Biswas to Professor Biswas founded the International and provide access to growing populations. initiate a 3-year programme with the sup- port of the Nippon Foundation, to select and continued as Editor-in-Chief for the ter problems are similar in the developed and mentor potential water leaders from all past 21 years. He has been involved in the and developing worlds, and that the same writing of 64 books, among them Water as a The 2006 Stockholm Water Prize Laureate, Professor Asit K. Biswas of the Third World Centre for Water Management, has worked hard to share his solutions apply, Professor Biswas has always The remarkable success of this programme Focus for Regional Development, Integrat- is demonstrated by the fact that all the eight and Southeast Asia and Water Institutions: Policies, Performance and Prospects.
tary-General, Dr. Peter Hansen, reviewed on burning issues are presently in prepa- Many of his additional activities have also how the impact of their water-related activi- resulted in outstanding contributions to solve international and regional water prob- Poverty Alleviation and Water as a Human lems. In his multi-faceted roles as a scientist Right. He also published over 600 scientific ration and not conflict, Professor Biswas and educator, he has acted as an advisor and and technical articles (mostly on interdisci- confidant to policymakers in water and en- plinary topics). Impressively, his work has sion from 1993 to 1997, with the support



Repertorio dei libri antichi posseduti dalla Biblioteca Luigi Credaro della Banca Popolare di Sondrio aggiornato al 15 maggio 2012 Il repertorio presenta i dati bibliografici essenziali (titolo, autore, luogo di stampa, stampatore, data di stampa) dei libri antichi (editi dal 1° gennaio 1501 al 31 dicembre 1830) posseduti dalla Biblioteca Luigi Credaro della Banca Popolare di Sondrio.

Microsoft word - mrcp part 2.doc

MRCP Part 2 A Revision for the New Format of the Written Section FARHAD U HUWEZ - Basildon General Hospital, UK UDAYARAJ UMASANKAR - Lewisham General Hospital, UK CHRISTOPHER AH WAH CHAN - Colchester General Hospital, UK KEY SELLING POINTS BOOK INFORMATION Includes both interesting “rarities” and This revision guide has been written to assist candidates s

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