Health history must be filled out by parents/guardian. Health exam must be completed by a licensed medical personnel. Name: ________________________________________________________ Birth Date: ______________________ Home Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Social Security Number of Participant (if any): _______________________________________ Gender: ____Male ____Female Parent/guardian: ___________________________________________ Phone (home) __________________ (cell) _________________________ Home Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (If different from above) Street Address City State Business Address: ______________________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________________ Street Address City State Second parent, guardian, or emergency contact: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________ _______________ Phone: _____________________________________ Street Address City State Business Address: _______________________________________________ _______________ Phone: _____________________________________ Street Address City State Mandated by State Parent/Guardian Authorizations: This health history is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. The person herein described has permission to engage in all program activities except as noted. Consent for Treatment and Transportation: I hereby give my permission to the authorize personnel of Keio Academy Summer Program to provide routine health care, administer prescribed medication/s and seek emergency medical treatment including ordering x-rays or routine tests. I agree to the release of any records necessary for insurance purposes. I give permission to the program to arrange necessary related transportation for my child. In the event I cannot be reached in an emergency, I hereby give permission to the physician selected by Keio Academy of NY to secure and administer treatment, including hospitalization, for the person named above. This completed form may be photocopied for trips out of program. I also understand and agree to abide by any restrictions placed on my child’s participation in program activities. Signature of parent/guardian _________________________________________ Printed Name_______________________________________________________ Date______________________ Meningitis Waiver Mandated by State New York State Public Health Law requires the operator of an overnight children’s program to maintain a completed response form for every participant who attends program for seven (7) or more days. Check one and sign below. For more information about meningococcal disease, please go to Center for Disease Control and Prevention website ( _____ My child has had the meningococcal meningitis immunization (Menomune/Menactra) within the past 10 years. Date received: __________. [Note: The vaccine’s protection last for approximately 3 to 5 years. Revaccination may be considered within 3-5 years.]
_____ I have read, or have had explained to me, the information regarding meningococcal meningitis disease. I understand the risks of not receiving the vaccine. I have decided that my child will not obtain immunization against meningococcal meningitis disease. Signed: ______________________________________________________________________ Date: _______________
(Parent/Guardian) PARENT Please double check to see that all information is filled in correctly and checked, and all signatures are in place. PARENT’S SECTION (Must be completed by parent/guardian)
Health History ALLERGIES: List all known allergies and describe reaction and management of reaction on spaces provided below. No known allergies ________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ RESTRICTIONS: The following restrictions apply to this individual: Dietary: Does not eat red meat
Others (specify below) _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Activities: Please explain if any (e.g. what cannot be done, what adaptations or limitations are necessary) _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ GENERAL QUESTIONS: (Please check YES or NO and explain “yes” answers on spaces below) Has/Does the participant:
1. Had any recent injury, illness or infectious disease?
2. Have a chronic or recurring illness/condition?
15. Ever been diagnosed with a heart murmur?
16. Have an orthodontic appliance brought to program?
17. Have any skin problems (e.g. itching, rash, acne)?
20. Had mononucleosis in the past 12 months?
8. Wear glasses, contacts, or protective eye wear?
21. Had problems with diarrhea/constipation?
10. Ever passed out during or after exercise?
23. If female, have an abnormal menstrual history?
11. Ever been dizzy during or after exercise?
24. Ever had problems with joints (e.g. knees, ankles?)
13. Ever had chest pain during or after exercise?
26. Ever had emotional difficulties for which
Please explain any “yes” answers, noting the number of the question. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Use this space to provide any additional information about the participant’s behavior and physical, emotional, or mental health about which the program should be aware. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name of family physician _______________________________________ Phone____________________ Address________________________________________________________________________________ Name of family dentist/orthodontist _____________________________ Phone_____________________ Address________________________________________________________________________________ PHYSICIAN’S SECTION (Must be completed and signed by examining physician) Student’s Name: _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________
BP ______ Pulse ______Resp._____ Temp _____ Weight ________ Height _________ The student is is not able to participate in strenuous physical activities. The student is under the care of a physician for the following conditions: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Known Allergies: _____ NKA ______Others (specify below) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Description of any limitations or restrictions on program activities: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Medications to be Administered at program: Please check next to the following medications to authorize their utilization per package instructions for age and or weight: Acetaminophen Ibuprofen
Phenylephrine Loratadine 1% Hydrocortisone Cream
Bacitracin ointment Maalox /Rolaids Imodium
Additional Medications and or Treatments to be administered while at program: Medication/Treatment Name Frequency/Schedule Check box if the participant has had: Measles
Chicken Pox German Measles Mumps Hepatitis A B C
Please give dates of immunization:
Date of last PPD test ________________________
Chest X-ray (if positive PPD) Date:_________ Result:_______
Signature of Licensed Medical Personnel/Physician: ______________________________________________ Print Name: _________________________________________________ Title: ___________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________ Date of Physical Examination (Must be done within 12 months prior to program attendance): ___________________ Self Care/Self Administration Students who need to carry any medication dispensed by school nurse: I request that the above named child be permitted to administer his/her medications under the supervision of a staff member of the program. She/he has been instructed in and understands the medication’s purpose, frequency, and appropriate method of use. ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ____________________ Physician’s Printed Name Signature
As I consider him/her responsible, I will not hold Keio Academy of New York personnel responsible for any problems that may arise with regards to my child’s self-administered medication. PARENT Signature ________________________________________________________________ ___________________ Parent’s Printed Name Signature
:LIBER XCV THE WAKE WORLD A TALE FOR BABES AND SUCKLINGS (WITH EXPLANATORY NOTES IN HEBREW AND LATIN FOR THE USE Allégorique, hébraïque, et mystique. Except ye become as little children, ye shall in no wise enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.—ANON. alkz zqrnz zlaud zwnyal zymytsd wylm yjlk 333 zyla zyysktm wwh ajch ruw 334. awh ykh 335. wyylgta atchw halgl aglyjdd zylm Ra-asa isal
The responsible conduct of research. The normative frameworks Chapter 18. Emerging responsibilities in neuroscience1 Éric Racine2,3 _______________________________________________________________________________ Summary Introduction: Neuroethics First scenario: Incidental finding of abnormalities in neuroimaging research Second scenario: Improving human capabilities using neurotec