Closed Session
The Board convened in Closed Session at 6:34 p.m. to discuss the following: 1.1 Negotiations with Cambrian District Teachers’ Association and California School Employees’ Assoc., Local 641 Public Employee Evaluation – Superintendent (Govt Code 54957) REGULAR SESSION
Regular Session
The president called the regular meeting of the Governing Board of Trustees to order in the boardroom at the district office at 7:40 p.m. Mr. Scofield informed the audience that no action was taken in closed session. CALL TO ORDER
Call to Order


Lani Potts, Asst Supt, Educational Services Wendy Corkery, Admin. Asst. to Superintendent Kirby Fell, Director, Education Technology PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE
Pledge of Allegiance
The president of the Board led the Pledge of Allegiance. ADOPTION OF AGENDA
Adopt Agenda
On a motion by Mrs. Brown, seconded by Mr. Aronson and carried unanimously the Board adopted the March 21, 2013, agenda. CONSENT AGENDA
Consent Agenda
On a motion by Mr. Aronson, seconded by Mrs. Sneed and carried unanimously the Board shall: 5.1 Approve the minutes of the March 7, 2013, regular Board meeting Extend the leave of absence for Allegra Riley to 6/13/13. Approve the retirement resignations of Mattie Alesi, Mary Davis, and Allegra Riley Approve a leave of absence for Amy Churchill, Kelly Matveief effective 8/13/13- 6/6/14 and Imelda Kortens effective 4/1/13-6/13/13 Approve a leave of absence for 0.5 FTEs for Stacy Stone and Mardi Wooster for Approve a job share for 0.5 FTEs for Stacy Stone and Mardi Wooster effective 8/13/13- Approve the probationary status of Pam Craig, Sandra McConnell, Courtney Pando, CAMBRIAN SCHOOL DISTRICT GOVERNING BOARD OF TRUSTEES
Approve a leave of absence for Linda Cannon, FS supervisor effective 3/25/13 Ratify the probationary status of Patricia Maier, administrative clerk effective Accept the retirement resignation of Deb Negrete, principal, effective 6/28/13 Accept the Wells Fargo Statement for February 2013 Approve revised Board Policy and Procedure 6153, Field Trips and Excursions ANNOUNCEMENTS
Mr. Scofield informed the audience that there were no announcements this evening. Dr. Blow attended the Cambrian Little League Opening Day ceremonies, and several Board members were there as well. She also attended a performance of Wizard of Oz at Farnham School which was a great demonstration of the arts. She visited classrooms at Bagby School with the Leadership Team that morning. PUBLIC COMMENTS
Public Comments
Ms. Heidi Lane addressed the Board regarding security at the schools. INFORMATION AND STUDY ITEMS
Dr. Blow commented that staff added two additional instructional days to the calendar that 2013-14 Calendar
was presented previously. One day was added at the end of the year making the final day of school Friday, June 6. The originally proposed February professional development day was moved to August 13. The calendar still aligns with the high school district’s calendar. On a motion by Mrs. Sneed, seconded by Mrs. Brown and carried, the Board approved the Dr. Blow commented that Resolution 12-13-07, Observance of a Holiday on an Alternate Res. 12-13-07, Observe
Date allows the District flexibility in the observance of Lincoln Day. Education Code Holiday on Alt Date
states Lincoln Day is to be recognized on the Monday or Friday in which February 12 occurs. It also states that a school district may revise the date upon which the schools close in observance of an identified holiday, excluding Veterans Day, by the adoption of a resolution. Therefore, this resolution determines the observance of Lincoln Day to be February 21, 2014, instead of the state accepted dates of February 10 or 14. On a motion by Mrs. Brown, seconded by Mr. Aronson and carried, the Board approved Resolution 12-13-07, Observance of a Holiday on an Alternate Date determining that Lincoln Day be observed on February 21, 2014. Dr. Blow commented that several months ago the Board had a discussion regarding the Safety/Security
safety and security of our campuses. Since that time additional measures have been put in place, but we are looking at other ways to increase security during the school day. Mr. Kramer stated that we want to mitigate any damage that could be done by an intruder. He then addressed our needs in three levels which were to direct all staff, volunteers and visitors through the front office during instructional hours; limit access to the portables and playgrounds by securing specific areas; and secure the entire perimeter of each site. We will start by prioritizing our needs and obtaining more detailed options. CAMBRIAN SCHOOL DISTRICT GOVERNING BOARD OF TRUSTEES
Dr. Blow stated that we are bringing back some information from earlier discussions Facilities, Solar, Tech.
regarding facilities. Mr. Kramer began by addressing some key elements for a potential bond which were solar installation, facility repairs and improvements, new classrooms and facilities and technology needs. A breakdown of potential improvements and costs was provided. If the Board chooses to move forward with a general obligation bond in 2014, we would need to determine bonding capacity; obtain community input; develop a facilities master plan and develop a list of projects. A possible timeline to refinance our current bonds was presented by Mr. Fox. The Board gave direction to move forward with a demographic study, identify a bond consultant, develop an RFQ for architecture firms for a facilities master plan, and create a short list of potential architects. Mr. Fox said that this is the lowest impact report we’ve had due to very few changes since 2nd Interim Rpt.
the first interim report. Bigger changes will occur when we build the actual budget. He stated that we are required to compile two interims annually to certify to the county that we can meet our financial obligations this year and for the next two years. He reviewed minor adjustments in expenses and stated that we have slightly higher ADA than last year. The local control funding formula is being looked at and we have been instructed to budget the revenue limit. Our multi-year projection was also reviewed. On a motion by Mr. Aronson, seconded by Mrs. Sneed and carried, the Board approved the ACTION
second interim report.
Mrs. Potts informed the Board that the Consolidated Application is used by the California Con App PII
Department of Education to distribute categorical funds annually. Parts I and II are now released at various times during the year and they cover both encumbrances and expenditures. On a motion by Mrs. Brown, seconded by Mrs. Sneed and carried, the Board approved COMMUNICATIONS
Mrs. Brown was a category judge at the Santa Clara County Engineering Fair. She also attended Noodles and Notes at Price School, and the performances were terrific. She invited everyone to come to Price the next day for a technology fundraiser. Dr. Blow had tickets for Campbell High School District’s Music Festival on March 27th for anyone interested in attending. CLOSED SESSION
Closed Session
The Board reconvened in closed session for discussion purposes only. No action would be taken. CAMBRIAN SCHOOL DISTRICT GOVERNING BOARD OF TRUSTEES
There being no further business, the March 21, 2013, regular meeting of the Governing Board of Trustees was adjourned at 10:45 p.m. on a motion by Mrs. Brown, seconded by Mr. Aronson and carried. Respectfully submitted, ________________________________ Deborah L. Blow, Ed.D. Secretary to the Governing Board Approved and ordered entered into the proceedings of the Cambrian School District on April 4, 2013 _______________________________ Governing Board of Trustees


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