Recomm andations
z u r H a u t p f l e g e
R e c o m m e n d at i o n s
Various innovative medical solutions are suggested, to answer your needs and expectations in the world of aesthetic medicine; however, in order to optimize the result of the proposed treatment and make sure your skin heals in the best possible conditions, your skin must be prepared and cared for regularly. Here are a few essential recommendations, to be applied before and after each treatment.
F r a c t i o n a l L a s e r ( Fractional Lux1540 )
Before • No specific care

• Do not apply anything to your skin for 24 hours • From the 2nd day: Cellcosmet Ultra Vital morning and evening • From the 5th day: Cellcosmet Precious Mask 1x per day • From the 7th day, you can start using regular cosmetics again • Regularly apply the Avène SPF 50+ face cream F r a c t i o n a l L a s e r ( Fractional Lux2940 )
Before • No specific care

• Herpes prophylaxis: Valtrex 2 tablets in the morning and 2 tablets in the evening for 5 days • Cleanse the skin with Avène micellar lotion • From the 5th day, apply Avène Cold cream • Regularly apply the Avène SPF 50+ face cream Clinique Matignon,
Aesthetic medicine you can trust.
T h e r m a g e
Before • No specific care

In order to allow an optimum response from the fibroblasts, we recommend: • Cellcosmet Ultra Vital 1x per day in the morning • Eluage cream 1x per day in the evening In order to ensure the growth factor is sufficiently supported and to allow an optimum response to the fibroblasts, we recommend: • Cellcosmet BodyStructure-XT or Cellulite-XT-A 1x per day in the morning for 3 months • Eluage body cream 1x per day in the evening for 3 months V a s c u l a r l a s e r
Before • Soft Purifying Exfoliation Avène the day before
• Avène Diroseal cream 2x per day for 3 months • Vita-Merfen cream if there are little scabs • Possible lymphatic drainage the following day in the case of swelling • Regularly apply the Avène SPF 50+ face cream T C A P e e l i n g
Before • No specific care

• Avène Cicalfate cream 2x per day for 1 week • Cleanse the skin with Avène micellar lotion • Regularly apply the Avène SPF 50+ face cream Clinique Matignon,
Aesthetic medicine you can trust.
P i g m e n t /
I P L t r e a t m e n t f o r t h e f a c e
Before • Tanning must be strictly avoided
• Cellcosmet Ultra Vital 2x per day for 15 days or Lightener-XT • Cleanse the skin with Avène Cold cream soap • Careful and gentle make-up removal so as to avoid friction to the scabs • Regularly apply the Avène SPF 50+ face cream M e s o t h e r a p y
Before • No specific care
B O T U L I N U M T O X I N ( Vistabel )
Before • Contra-indicated while pregnant or breast feeding
• Exercise treated muscles for fifteen minutes after treatment • Avoid exposure to heat for 24 hours • No massage of the treated area for 24 hours • All cosmetic care allowed F I L L E R S ( hyaluronic acid )
Before • No specific recommendation
• Make up and sport allowed • No massage of the treated area for 24 hours Clinique Matignon,
Aesthetic medicine you can trust.



Secretary: Joy Woodward P O Box 53219, Kenilworth 7745, South Africa. Editorial Team: Mick Dower with Coen Calitz, Johan Schoombee and John Winter (The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the Cape Cliivia Club) The year end meeting was held at Kirstenbosch, followed by the traditional braai. Over a 100 members attended and enjoyed Johan Scho


Review of the book of Vladimir KovalevskyThe title of the book may create an impression that it is for geometers andtopologists. That is right, but I think that the main purpose of the book is toconstruct a broad road for specialists in digital geometry, image recognition,and other branches of computer and applied mathematics. Where to? Into theworld of computational and algorithmic topology. To

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