June 08 fv enews

(920)738-3131 (800)280-4102 www.save3lives.org Common Eligibility Questions
Flu or Pneumonia shot – If symptom-
Common Cold – Eligible to donate if
common donor eligibility questions. This Tetanus Shot – If the shot is given as a
intended to be used as a guideline only, Upper Respiratory or Flu – Eligible to
a tool to help you with recruitment. It is Lymes disease - The donor is eligible if
Stitches – If the donor’s stitches are
We encourage donors with specific have passed since they completed General surgery – The donor must Diabetes – If the donor’s numbers are
stable and they are in good health, they be back to normal activities. If the are generally accepted to donate Travel – These guidelines change donor received a blood transfusion, High/Low Blood Pressure – Numbers
frequently, please call the Community
Tattoos and Permanent Makeup – If
Cancer – For some types of cancer the procedure was done by a physician
their last treatment; please call the Iowa, the donor is eligible immediately Current Medication Deferral List
Body Piercing – If the procedure was
Low Iron – The donor is eligible if they
done by a physician, at a place like Soriatane, Tegison, Growth Hormone Chicken Pox vaccination – Donors are
facility in Wisconsin or Iowa, the donor Handbooks
Everyone Should
Follow their
tool to use for blood drives. The table of of the Month
contents can help you locate articles and facts to share with your group! If you have Karin Wille helped recruit 46 donors not received your handbook, please ask Carrie Tucker is leaving the at Calumet Medical Center in May. Not your Recruiter to bring one to you. only did Karin fill the schedule, but she Reminders
donating with the Community Blood 1. Dates are filling fast for 2009. Please contact your Recruiter to schedule today! be the representative for the Oshkosh/ Karin recognized each donor that 2. "Take me out to the blood drive. take Berlin/Ripon area, we are very happy reached a gallon level with a gift, and me out to the bus. give me some cookies that she is able to follow her dream of mentioned them in the Affinity weekly and apple juice." Cheer on the blood becoming a teacher. She also added another blood drive Sports-themed “party in a box.” in 2008! Karin, thank you for your It includes pom-poms, noisemakers, friend has an opportunity to learn under inflatable baseballs, "Go Team” banners her direction. and much more. If you are interested Please contact Jill Kohl if you need in using the “party in a box” or would like assistance with your blood drives or if more information, contact your Recruiter!

Source: http://www.communityblood.org/resources/june08fvenews.pdf


T h e n e w e n g l a n d j o u r n a l o f m e d i c i n eCaffeine Therapy for Apnea of PrematurityBarbara Schmidt, M.D., Robin S. Roberts, M.Sc., Peter Davis, M.D., Lex W. Doyle, M.D., Keith J. Barrington, M.D., Arne Ohlsson, M.D., Alfonso Solimano, M.D., and Win Tin, M.D., for the Caffeine for Apnea of Prematurity Trial Group* Background Methylxanthines reduce the frequency of apn


Clinical conundrums in the treatment of metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer – Symposium satellite Janssen dans le cadre du 28th Annual European Association of Urology Congress (EAU 2013), Milan, 17 mars 2013 Progresser dans le traitement des cancers nécessite bénéfice semblable qu’il y ait douleur au départ (HR = 0,78) ou non (HR = de chercher et d’évaluer en permanence

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