Review: Current Perspective Principles for National and Regional Guidelines on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention A Scientific Statement From the World Heart and Stroke Forum*
Sidney C. Smith, Jr, MD; Rod Jackson, MBChB, PhD; Thomas A. Pearson, MD, MPH, PhD;
Valentin Fuster, MD, PhD; Salim Yusuf, MBBS, DPhil; Ole Faergeman, MD, DMSc;
David A. Wood, MSc; Michael Alderman, MD; John Horgan, MD; Philip Home, MA, DPhil, DM;
Marilyn Hunn, BS; Scott M. Grundy, MD, PhD
In the global effort to reduce suffering and death from Altered diet with increased fat and total caloric consumption
CVD, the World Heart and Stroke Forum (WHSF) Guide-
and increased tobacco use are prevalent lifestyle trends.
lines Task Force of the World Heart Federation (WHF)
Demographic changes coupled with adverse lifestyle changes
recommends that every country develop a policy on CVD
will accelerate the number of deaths due to CVD worldwide,
prevention. National policy should grow out of systematic
many of which will be premature in the developing countries.
and ongoing dialogue among governmental, public health,
Although continuation of this adverse trend is not inevitable,
and professional clinical groups. National policy should set
the CVD disease patterns now present in the economically
priorities for public health and clinical interventions appro-
developed countries are, in fact, becoming established in
priate to the country. It should also be the foundation for the
developing countries, as noted in the World Health Report
development of national guidelines on CVD prevention,
which are the focus of the present document.
Whereas the causes of CVD are common to all parts of the
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a leading cause of global
world, the approaches to its prevention at a societal or individual
mortality, accounting for almost 17 million deaths annually.
level will differ between countries for cultural, social, medical,
Nearly 80% of this global mortality and disease burden
and economic reasons. Although national guidelines will em-
occurs in developing countries. In 2001, CVD was the
brace the principles of CVD prevention recommended in this
leading cause of mortality in 5 of the 6 World Health
report, they may differ in terms of the organization of preventive
Organization (WHO) worldwide regions. Of concern in
cardiology, risk factor treatment thresholds and goals, and the
developing countries is the projected increase in both propor-
use of medical therapies. The recommendations in this report
tional and absolute CVD mortality. This can be related to an
focus on clinical management of patients with established CVD
increase in life expectancy due to public health advances,
and those at high risk; however, it is essential that each country
which reduce perinatal infections and nutritional deficiencies
include a societal approach to CVD prevention. As stated in the
in infancy, childhood, and adolescence, and in some countries
WHO publication Integrated Management of Cardiovascular
to improved economic conditions. This increasing longevity
Risk,2 “Epidemiological theory indicates that, compared with
provides longer periods of exposure to CVD risk factors and
intensive individual treatment of high-risk patients, small im-
thus a greater probability of clinically manifest CVD. The
provements in the overall distribution of risk in a population will
concomitant decline of infections and nutritional disorders
yield larger gains in disease reduction, when the underlying
(competing causes of death) also increases the proportional
conditions that confer risk are widespread in the population.”
burden due to CVD. Adverse lifestyle changes accompanying
Each country should seek to implement national clinical guide-
industrialization, urbanization, and increased discretionary
lines directed toward high-risk individuals and give equal im-
income increase the degree of exposure to CVD risk factors.
portance to developing low-risk population strategies.
From the Center for Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Chapel Hill (S.C.S.); Section of
Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Population Health, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, University of Auckland (R.J.); Department ofCommunity and Preventive Medicine, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY (T.A.P.); Zena and Michael A. Wiener CardiovascularInstitute and Marie-Josee and Henry Kravis Center for Cardiovascular Health, Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, NY (V.F.); Population HealthResearch Institute, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada (S.Y.); University Hospital, Aarhus Amtssygehus, Denmark (O.F.); National Heartand Lung Institute, Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London, UK (D.A.W.); Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY (M.A.); CardiacDepartment, Beaumont Hospital, Dublin, Ireland (J.H.); Department of Medicine, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK (P.H.); World Heart and StrokeForum, World Heart Federation, Geneva, Switzerland (M.H.); and Center for Human Nutrition, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas,Tex (S.M.G.). The Data Supplement, which contains Figures I through VI, is available with the online version of this article at Correspondence to Sidney C. Smith, Jr, MD, Center for Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, UNC School of Medicine, CB #7075, Bioinformatics
Building, 130 Mason Farm Rd, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7075. E-mail
*World Heart and Stroke Forum, World Heart Federation, Geneva, Switzerland. (Circulation. 2004;109:3112-3121.) 2004 American Heart Association, Inc. Circulation is available at DOI: 10.1161/01.CIR.0000133427.35111.67 3112 Smith et al Principles for Guidelines on CVD Prevention 3113 Nomenclature and Profile of the Various
Emerging risk factors are factors that are correlated with
Cardiovascular Risk Factors
CVD risk in prospective or case-control studies, but the
A great advance in the prevention of CVD has resulted from
strength of their correlation and/or their prevalence in the
the identification of measurable factors that predict the
population is less than that for the major risk factors. For this
development of CVD. These factors are termed risk factors.
reason, the emerging risk factors generally are not included in
Several risk factors are direct causes of CVD; these are
risk-prediction equations. Among the emerging risk factors
termed major risk factors and include tobacco smoking, high
are various lipid factors [triglycerides, apolipoproteins, li-
blood pressure, high serum LDL cholesterol, and elevated
poprotein(a), and lipoprotein subfractions] and nonlipid fac-
glucose. A low level of HDL cholesterol is also considered a
tors (insulin resistance, prothrombotic markers, and proin-
major risk factor because it independently predicts the inci-
flammatory markers). Similarly, subclinical atherosclerosis
dence of CVD. A final major risk factor is advancing age;
may also be useful in predicting the risk of CVD events.
chronological age is considered a risk factor because it also
Because the emerging risk factors are not incorporated into
independently predicts CVD. Age per se does not cause CVD
risk predictions, their use in clinical practice must be indi-
but may reflect the accumulation of atherosclerosis, the
vidualized and based on clinical judgment. Most importantly,
severity of which predicts the likelihood of suffering a major
they should not be given more priority in risk assessment than
CVD event. Persons who have multiple major risk factors
that given to the major risk factors.
generally are more likely to experience a CVD event than
Concept of Total CVD Risk
those with a single risk factor. Many prospective epidemio-
In general, the benefits of interventions on particular risk
logical studies provide estimates of the relative contributions
factors are related more to the magnitude of the preinterven-
of each major risk factor to CVD risk. Prediction equations
tion total CVD risk than to relative risk associated with a
have been developed from these estimates and can be used to
single, specific risk factor. Therefore, determination of total
estimate risk for individuals. Risk estimate based on risk
CVD risk is critical to recommendations on the effective and
equations is termed total CVD risk.
efficient management and control of CVD risk at both
In clinical practice, it is convenient to categorize total risk
population and individual levels. Total CVD risk is a measure
estimates into high, intermediate, and lower risk. Patients
of the number of events in a defined population per unit of
with established CVD are said to be at high risk because they
time (eg, CVD events per 1000 in 55- to 64-year-old men per
are highly likely to experience new CVD events in the next 10
year). In effect, a total risk compares a person’s or popula-
years. However, some asymptomatic patients with multiple
tion’s risk with a zero risk. The combined effects of all risk
risk factors, particularly those with type 2 diabetes, may carry
factors determine total CVD risk, and often, modest increases
as high a risk for future CVD events as patients with
in multiple risk factors have a greater impact on CVD risk
established CVD. These persons with multiple risk factors
than a significant increase in 1 risk factor.
likewise are said to be at high risk. Multiple risk factors also
For example, a 46-year-old woman with high blood pres-
typically are required to elevate persons to the intermediate-
sure (170/100 mm Hg), but who is a nonsmoker, is nondia-
risk category, whereas most persons with only a single risk
betic, and has a total cholesterol level of 5.5 mmol/L and
factor are at lower short-term risk. Nonetheless, even single
HDL cholesterol level of 1.5 mmol/L, has an absolute CVD
risk factors, if severe and sustained, can lead to premature
risk of Ͻ4/100 in 5 years. In contrast, a 62-year-old smoking
CVD and should not be ignored in clinical practice.
man without diabetes and with a lower blood pressure
Other risk factors, in addition to the aforementioned major
(150/90 mm Hg) but with a slightly higher total cholesterol
risk factors, may further contribute to total risk. They are
level (6.0 mmol/L) and a slightly lower HDL level
underlying risk factors and emerging risk factors. The under-
(1.2 mmol/L) has an absolute CVD risk of Ͼ20/100 in the
lying risk factors are overweight/obesity, physical inactivity,
next 5 years. Moreover, although blood pressure–lowering
atherogenic diet, socioeconomic and psychosocial stress,
drugs would reduce the relative CVD risk by at least one
family history of premature CVD, and various genetic and
quarter in both patients, the woman’s risk would fall from 4%
racial factors. To some extent, the underlying risk factors
to 3% (ie, a 1% absolute risk reduction in the next 5 years),
affect risk by acting through the major risk factors, and they
whereas the man’s risk would fall from 20% to 15% (ie, a 5%
also appear to influence risk in ways unrelated to the major
absolute risk reduction in the next 5 years). Appropriately,
risk factors. Although these underlying risk factors likely add
most practitioners would treat the first patient in concordance
an independent component to total risk, their contribution has
with national guidelines; unfortunately, many clinicians
been difficult to distinguish in prospective studies from their
might not start a blood pressure–lowering drug in the second
effects on major risk factors; for this reason, they generally
are not included in clinical predictive equations. Nonetheless,the underlying risk factors apparently affect population base-
Total CVD Risk and Policy Development: Efficacy
line risk. Thus, the available predictive equations may not be
and Cost Issues
applicable equally to all populations. The major risk factors
Several risk factors that are only moderate often incur a
are similar in relative predictive power in different popula-
greater total risk in the short term than does a single, severe
tions, but absolute estimates of risk are variable. Differences
risk factor. Risk assessment in both individuals and popula-
in the underlying risk factors probably account for much of
tions must take this fact into account. The greatest efficacy of
treatment occurs in patients who are at highest risk. Thus,
3114 Circulation June 29, 2004
persons who are at higher total risk will attain greater
Education Program (Adult Treatment Panel II),5 published in
reductions in absolute risk with any given lowering of risk
the same year, also recommended, for the first time, assessing
factors. Giving priority in risk-reduction therapies to patients
and managing lipids in the context of other cardiovascular
at higher total risk will produce a substantial reduction in total
risk factors. The principle of global risk was also supported
CVD events. Furthermore, more high-risk individuals will
by conclusions of the 27th Bethesda Conference6 (Matching
benefit; in other words, the number needed to treat over a
the Intensity of Risk Factor Management with the Hazard of
given period of time to achieve prevention of 1 CVD event
Coronary Disease Events), followed by the Sixth report of the
will be fewer in higher-risk persons than in lower-risk
Joint National Committee on High Blood Pressure,7 the AHA
Prevention V Conference,8 the International Task Force on
One important issue to consider in CVD prevention is cost
Coronary Heart Disease,9 the WHO/International Society of
of medical management. In traditional medical practice,
Hypertension Guidelines for Management of Hypertension,10
priority in spending has gone to treatment of persons who
the National Cholesterol Education Program (Adult Treat-
already manifest disease. However, there is increasingly a
ment Panel III),11 and, most recently, the Third Joint Euro-
demand on the part of society to prevent the chronic diseases
pean Societies’ Task Force on CVD Prevention in Clinical
that rob individuals of health in their later years. Among the
Practice12 and the Seventh report of the Joint National
latter, heart disease, stroke, and chronic renal failure are high
Committee on High Blood Pressure.13 All of these guidelines
on the list. Moreover, advances in medical practice now make
since 1993 have embraced, to different extents, the principle
it possible to prevent or to delay the onset of these diseases.
of multifactorial or global risk assessment as a basis for
Consequently, prevention is assuming increasing importance.
deciding whom to treat with drugs, although patients with
On the other hand, adding prevention to conventional medical
hypertension and end-organ damage such as renal failure or
practice increases the cost and cuts into the overall healthcare
younger patients with hypertension and dyslipidemias whose
budget of individuals and nations. Consequently, the health
short-term risk may be low also can benefit from medical
policy of each nation must determine what portion of the total
therapy directed toward a single risk factor. Because physi-
healthcare budget can go into prevention and what portion
cians deal with the whole patient and therefore every aspect
must go into treatment of existing disease. Medical econo-
of their risk of CVD, the principle of total risk assessment and
mists have attempted to compare benefits of prevention and
management is consonant with the practice of medicine.
treatment through estimations of “cost-effectiveness.” Esti-
A number of tools for estimating risk of CHD or other
mates of benefits have been made for both and have been
atherosclerotic diseases have been developed over the past 10
expressed in terms of quality life extension. These estimates
years, including risk score charts, risk assessment algorithms,
suggest that the greatest cost-effectiveness for prevention
and computer software programs. They are all based on the
occurs for individuals at high short-term risk, whether they
same principle, and many have used Framingham data.14
have established CVD or not. Most of the more economically
Ideally, coronary or CVD risk prediction should be based on
privileged nations can readily afford to institute preventive
a prospective population cohort study undertaken in the
measures in high-risk individuals. However, considerable
population to which the risk score is to be applied. This is
controversy exists about where to draw the line for primary
because total risk of CVD may differ from one country to
prevention in lower-risk persons with the use of public funds.
another, and the contribution of individual risk factors may
In societies with higher socioeconomic levels, primary pre-
also differ to some extent from one part of the world to the
vention in the clinical setting can be employed in
other. The published examples of coronary or CVD predic-
intermediate-risk persons. In less economically privileged
tions include the Systematic Coronary Risk Evaluation
societies, even high-risk prevention may strain available
(SCORE)15 Project in liaison with the Third Joint European
resources. Regardless of healthcare policy for clinical inter-
Societies’ risk charts (Data Supplement Figures II and III);
vention, in all societies, public health measures can be
the New Zealand cardiovascular risk assessment and manage-
instituted for primary prevention, and these are highly cost-
ment chart (Data Supplement Figure IV), which provides
effective. These include programs to discourage cigarette
estimates of both CVD risk and the likely benefit of therapy
smoking, to promote appropriate nutrition, and to encourage
to lower blood pressure or lipids; the Sheffield Tables16; the
physical activity. The cardiology and medical communities
Joint British Societies’ coronary risk prediction chart and
can play a major role in public health efforts for primary
associated software program17; and the ATP III 10-year Risk
Estimates for men and women11 using Framingham PointScores14 (Data Supplement Figures V and VI), which are also
Total CVD Risk for Specific Individuals
available as a computer program. Most of these risk tools are
The principle of assessing the total or global risk associated
based on the Framingham function. In addition, computer
with multiple risk factors was first introduced in New
software programs are available based on the PROCAM
Zealand in 1993, in relation to the management of blood
study of men in Germany,18 PRECARD from a prospective
pressure.3 The following year, the European Society of
cohort study of Danish men and women,19 and the European
Cardiology, European Atherosclerosis Society, and European
Society of Hypertension proposed total multifactorial risk as
First, when we use the European Society of Cardiology’s
the primary determinant of drug treatment for both blood
SCORE charts (Data Supplement Figure II or III) as an
pressure and blood lipids in preventing the development of
example, an individual’s short-term risk of developing a CVD
coronary heart disease (CHD).4 The US National Cholesterol
event (myocardial infarction or stroke) over the next 10 years
Smith et al Principles for Guidelines on CVD Prevention 3115
is found by locating the appropriate box in the chart based on
CVD at a population and individual level should be consid-
the knowledge of age, gender, smoking status, systolic blood
ered as a continuum from low to high risk: those at highest
pressure, and total cholesterol level. The New Zealand chart
risk are patients with clinically manifest CVD, followed by
(Data Supplement Figure IV) estimates CVD rather than
individuals without known CVD at different levels of risk
CHD, but the risk is over a shorter period, 5 years rather than
from high to low. The risk for an individual within a
10. Systolic and diastolic pressure are both used, as well as
population is not just a function of their absolute ranking in
the ratio of total to HDL cholesterol. The total cholesterol/
relation to others but on the overall risk of the population in
HDL cholesterol ratio improves coronary risk prediction,
which they live. A “low-risk” individual in a high-risk
particularly for women and for those in the middle range of
population may actually be at higher total CVD risk than a
cholesterol. The Framingham tables (Data Supplement Fig-
“high-risk” individual in a low-risk population. The risk of an
ures V and VI) produce a numerical score that also corre-
individual should always be judged in the context of the CVD
sponds to a short-term 10-year CHD risk (myocardial infarc-
tion and CHD death). Although all of these charts, tables, and
An assessment of the determinants of total CVD risk
computer programs estimate CHD or CVD risk for an
should be a major determinant of priority setting for CVD
individual, it must to be emphasized that some individuals
prevention and management policy at both the clinical and
will be at higher risk than is evident from these calculations.
population level, and guideline recommendations should
Patients with clinically established CHD, other atheroscle-
emphasize interventions on all CVD risk factors rather than
rotic disease, and diabetes; patients with hypertension asso-
ciated with end-organ damage or familial dyslipidemias;patients with a family history of premature CVD; and those
Established Atherosclerotic Vascular Disease
with low HDL cholesterol or raised triglyceride levels also
People who present with symptoms or history of atheroscle-
may be at higher risk than indicated by the charts. Use of the
rotic vascular disease (AVD), ie, CHD, stroke, or peripheral
Framingham risk function has certain limitations. Although it
arterial disease, are at high risk of recurrent nonfatal and fatal
depends on the population, it or any other algorithm that is
cardiovascular events. Although the initial prognosis of these
derived from a different region may not accurately predict
patients is determined by the extent of tissue damage to heart
total risk in another population. Nevertheless, coronary risk
or brain, the longer-term prospects are strongly influenced by
charts or computer programs can have several useful func-
the extent of their atherosclerotic process, lifestyle, and other
tions: An individual’s total risk of developing a CHD or CVD
risk factors responsible for expression of atherosclerotic
event over a defined time period can be read from a chart
disease. CHD dominates the clinical presentation of athero-
sclerosis and accounts for a large majority of CVD patients.
Second, relative risk can readily be estimated by compar-
Of those with other manifestations of atherosclerosis in the
ing the risk in one cell with any other in the same age group
form of stroke or peripheral arterial disease, many will also
or with a table of average or low risk.
have CHD, which is a frequent cause of death. Population-
Finally, the chart can be used to illustrate the effect of
based autopsy studies have shown a strong correlation be-
changing from one risk category to another.
tween the severity of atherosclerosis in one arterial territory
Although young people are generally at lower risk, this will
and involvement of other arterial beds. Therefore, the pre-
rise steadily as age increases. In the European recommenda-
vention of atherosclerosis and its complications is the same
tions, short-term risk estimates for clinical decisions in young
regardless of which arterial territory becomes symptomatic.
adults and subjects in early middle age are made to project
For practical purposes, no distinction needs to be made
risk to age 60 years. For example, if the projected risk to age
between those presenting with CHD and other forms of
60 years places a person in the high-risk category, this person
atherosclerosis in terms of lifestyle intervention and risk
can be treated accordingly with more intensive monitoring
factor management for blood pressure, lipids, and hypergly-
and earlier intervention. In this way, individuals with low
cemia. However, specific drug therapies may differ according
CVD risk today, but who will become high risk in the long
to the clinical expression of atherosclerotic disease and its
term unless there is lifestyle and, where appropriate, thera-
complications (eg, preference for -blockers or angiotensin-
peutic intervention, can also be identified and treated earlier.
converting enzyme [ACE] inhibitors for blood pressure con-trol in CHD patients). Concept of a Continuum From Low- to
CHD is the most common clinical manifestation of athero-
High-Risk CVD Prevention
sclerosis. Sudden cardiac death in the community is often the
The concept of total CVD risk also challenges the traditional
first manifestation of CHD and is the terminal event in more
classification of prevention into tertiary, secondary, and
than half of CHD patients.20 Acute myocardial infarction and
primary. Most patients with established CVD have developed
unstable angina account for approximately one third of all
symptomatic disease because they are at high risk, and the
cases, whereas exertional angina is the most common clinical
management of these multiple risk factors will over the
manifestation of this disease, accounting for more than one
longer term determine their risk of recurrent disease. Healthy
half of all cases presenting in the community. Because the
individuals at high risk are usually no different (and many
majority of individuals with CHD survive their first symp-
will already have asymptomatic atherosclerosis) from those
tomatic presentation, the potential to reduce the risk of
who have declared their disease; all are at high risk of
recurrent events and death is considerable. Surveys of con-
developing and dying from a CVD event. Thus, prevention of
temporary clinical practice around the world, however, show
3116 Circulation June 29, 2004
that lifestyle and risk factor management, including the use of
uals is to intervene in order to slow disease progression, if
prophylactic medical therapies, falls far short of evidence-
possible to induce regression, and to reduce the risk of
based national guidelines on CVD prevention. To further
thrombotic complications, thereby reducing the risk of a first
reduce the risk of recurrent CHD events and death, the
nonfatal or fatal coronary or other atherosclerotic disease
standards of preventive care must be raised.
Patients with atherosclerosis of the carotid, vertebral, and
Before screening technology is used in routine clinical
cerebral arterial circulations can present with transient epi-
practice, the following screening criteria should be met: (1)
sodes of cerebral ischemia (transient ischemic attack) or a full
The noninvasive technique for detecting CHD or other
stroke (either thrombotic or embolic), which can leave them
atherosclerotic disease is valid, precise, easy, and acceptable.
temporarily or permanently disabled. Prevention of hemor-
(2) The risk of symptomatic disease, eg, angina, CHD death,
rhagic stroke is not included here because the pathology is not
or stroke, has been quantified. (3) The screening strategy,
usually atherosclerosis; however, because of its association
intervention, and follow-up policy are defined. (4) Trained
with hypertension as a modifiable risk factor, it must be
staff and facilities for screening and intervention are avail-
considered to benefit from medical treatment. The risk of
able. (5) Screening and intervention results in a reduction in
recurrent cerebrovascular disease is determined by multiple
clinical events: CHD and other atherosclerotic morbidity and
risk factors, particularly hypertension. In addition, patients
mortality. (6) Screening has no adverse effects. (7) Cost of
with cerebrovascular disease due to thrombosis usually have
screening and intervention is affordable, appropriate for the
CHD as well. Therefore, their risk factors should be managed
healthcare system, and justified by the outcome.
on the assumption that they have CHD in order to broadly
For CHD, CT can identify coronary calcification as a
reduce their risk of CVD events. Although it is beyond the
surrogate for coronary atheroma. In addition, CT and MRI are
scope of this discussion, embolic stroke associated with atrial
evolving technologies for the detection of epicardial disease.
fibrillation deserves attention as a major preventable entity.
The impact of coronary atheroma on perfusion of the myo-
Atherosclerosis of the peripheral arteries usually presents
cardium can also be objectively assessed noninvasively with
clinically with aneurysmal dilatation of the aorta, aortic
a variety of techniques including radionuclide scintigraphy,
dissection, and, most commonly, progressive ischemia (“in-
stress echocardiography, and exercise ECG testing. However,
termittent claudication”) of the lower limbs. Although an
most of these techniques detect obstructive coronary athero-
aortic aneurysm or dissection can be life threatening, athero-
ma, and each has limitations as a sensitive and specific test
sclerosis of the lower limb arteries is usually not, although
for the diagnosis of CHD in an asymptomatic individual.
patients can develop critical ischemia of the foot requiring
Asymptomatic atherosclerotic disease of the aorta, carotid,
amputation. However, almost all patients with atherosclerosis
brachial, and lower limb arteries can also be detected by
of the peripheral arteries also have CHD and therefore are at
noninvasive techniques, including MRI, carotid ultrasound,
increased risk of a nonfatal coronary event or coronary death.
brachial reactivity, ankle-brachial pressure index, and tibial
The risk factors for atherosclerosis of the peripheral arteries
artery blood flow velocity by Doppler ultrasound.
are the same as those for the coronary circulation, although
More research is needed to evaluate the incremental value
smoking is a particularly powerful risk factor for atheroscle-
and cost-effectiveness of these techniques compared with
rosis of the aorta and lower limbs. Therefore, patients with
conventional risk factors in assessing the absolute risk of
peripheral atherosclerotic disease should also have their risk
developing symptomatic disease. Randomized controlled tri-
factors managed in the same way as those with CHD to
als are also required to evaluate the impact of noninvasive
reduce their risk of CVD complications. In addition, periph-
screening and intervention programs for CHD or other
eral arterial disease is a powerful predictor of major coronary
atherosclerotic disease on subsequent CVD morbidity and
events. Therefore, the presence of peripheral atherosclerotic
mortality. Until such evidence is available, screening for
disease places a person in a high-risk category.
asymptomatic disease with advanced technologies should be
Patients with CHD or other atherosclerotic disease are
considered investigational, with the exception of ankle-
considered to be at high risk. There is no practical utility in
brachial pressure index, and studies should be performed to
further quantifying their total risk of a future CVD event
confirm their cost-effectiveness before adoption for use in a
because risk stratification will not alter recommendations for
target goals of risk factor therapy. High-Risk Populations Asymptomatic Atherosclerotic Vascular Disease
The rising prevalence of CVD worldwide is in part a
The medical technology to detect asymptomatic atheroscle-
reflection of a rising prevalence of CVD risk factors in many
rotic disease is already available for coronary atherosclerosis,
nations. Among these are increasing prevalence rates of
carotid/vertebral atherosclerosis, and peripheral arterial dis-
cigarette smoking, hypertension, lipid disorders, diabetes, and
ease. This technology has revealed the ubiquity of AVD, as
older people. Changing life habits across broad populations is
understood by pathologists many years ago. Emerging meth-
responsible for the emergence of most of these risk factors.
odologies can aid in the detection of AVD before clinical
Cultural changes are such that multiple risk factors in
symptoms. The cost of this technology emphasizes the
individuals are common. To stem the rising tide of CVD
benefits and importance of primordial preventive strategies,
worldwide, it will be necessary to attack the causes of CVD
as discussed elsewhere in this article. The objective of
risk factors. These underlying causes include increasing
detecting asymptomatic AVD in apparently healthy individ-
obesity, decreasing physical activity, and changes in the
Smith et al Principles for Guidelines on CVD Prevention 3117
composition of the diet. To modify these underlying risk
factors, CVD specialists must team with primary healthcare
Intervention in relation to tobacco cessation, healthy food
providers, epidemiologists, and public health officials to
choices, weight control, and physical activity is the founda-
modify behavioral characteristics of individuals. CVD spe-
tion of preventive cardiology. Diets associated with a low
cialists can assist in the identification of problem areas and
CVD risk will differ in terms of food composition around the
serve as a catalyst for change. It is logical that preventive
world. Although pharmacological, interventional, and device-
efforts in whole populations should be broad based and
oriented interventions may depend on national economic
directed toward reducing all the risk factors simultaneously.
factors, lifestyle interventions can be implemented
At the same time, even within a single nation there can be
subpopulations that are at higher risk than others because of
Physicians and other health professionals should set an
either genetic or racial factors or unique exposures to envi-
example for patients with AVD, high-risk individuals, and the
ronmental factors. Indeed, many epidemiological studies
general population by not smoking themselves. A physician’s
reveal that socioeconomic status can be an independent
firm advice that a patient should stop smoking is the most
predictor of risk. Some of the excess risk dependent on
important first step. The goal is complete cessation and
advantaged socioeconomic status can be explained by the
avoidance of passive smoking. The only important difference
major, independent risk factors and their root causes. How-
between current recommendations is in the use of nicotine
ever, other factors such as psychosocial stress, behavioral
replacement therapy, especially for patients with AVD. Nic-
factors, and access to the medical care system may raise the
otine chewing gum and transdermal nicotine patches can
risk in persons who are economically disadvantaged.
double the cessation rates compared with a placebo. The use
Physicians should play an increasing role in public health
of nicotine patches has been tested successfully in patients
medicine. Not only can their national health societies take an
who have coronary disease without any adverse effects, but
active part in public health issues, but they have an opportu-
caution in the use of nicotine replacement therapies is still
nity to convey the public health (preventive) messages in
required. Patients should not smoke while they are using
their daily interactions with patients. When patients are being
these nicotine delivery preparations because doing so may
treated for various medical complaints, the physician should
exacerbate symptoms. The antidepressive drug bupropion is
not overlook the chance to deliver a broader message. In fact,
an additional treatment to help individuals quit.
societal changes that lead to an increased prevalence of
An atherogenic diet contributes to CVD in many popula-
cardiovascular risk factors also provide greater access to
tions. A healthy diet is low in saturated and trans-fatty acids
personalized healthcare. The prevention message should be
and low in dietary cholesterol. The amount of saturated and
trans-fatty acids in the diet should be Ͻ10% of total calories,
The public health approach to prevention of CVD has
and the dietary cholesterol intake should be Ͻ300 mg/d. A
several components, including government policy, educa-
useful recommendation for individuals at high risk is to
tional efforts, industrial policy, and testing for risk factors.
reduce the quantity of food they consume by 20% to 25%,
Physicians are appropriately involved at every level. Partic-
reduce animal fats, and decrease the amount of salt added to
ularly important are screening programs for risk factors.
foods in cooking and at the table. A good example of a diet
Screening is best done in the medical setting where appro-
low in saturated fat and cholesterol is the traditional Medi-
priate follow-up and advice are available. However, when
terranean diet; in this diet, unsaturated fats replace most of the
prevalence of certain risk factors is identified in subpopula-
saturated fat. The traditional Japanese diet is also low in
tions, mass screenings may be more efficient and
saturated fat but high in complex carbohydrates. Both of these
diets are associated with the best life expectancy in the world. For prevention of CHD and other AVD, the best advice is to
Management of Specific and Total Risk
use a diet low in saturated fatty acids by replacing them in
Factors in Patients and Populations
part with monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids as
The overall objective of CVD prevention in patients with
well as with complex carbohydrates. These principles are
clinically established AVD or asymptomatic individuals at
reflected in all the recommendations. Physicians should
high risk is the same: to reduce the risk of subsequent major
emphasize the importance of diet in relation to reducing
CHD or other AVD events. Secondary prevention for patients
weight, lowering blood pressure and blood cholesterol, con-
with established AVD has traditionally been distinguished
trolling blood glucose in diabetic patients, and reducing the
from primary prevention for asymptomatic high-risk individ-
propensity to thrombosis. Alcohol should be considered in the
uals, but this distinction is artificial because the majority of
context of dietary advice. Although moderation in the use of
individuals at high risk are also likely to have advanced
alcohol should always be advised, further restriction may be
subclinical atherosclerosis. Thus, prevention of CVD at a
necessary in those who are overweight (to reduce calories),
population and individual level should be considered a
particularly in patients with elevated blood pressure and
continuum. Those at highest risk are patients with clinically
elevated serum triglycerides. The intake of salt (sodium
manifest CVD, followed by asymptomatic CVD individuals
chloride) should also be reduced to Ͻ5 g/d in patients with
and by individuals with a high risk factor profile. Because the
high blood pressure. The goals of dietary counseling have to
biology of AVD and the distribution of risk overlap in these
be defined on a national basis, together with the practical
3 groups, a high intensity of lifestyle intervention and risk
recommendations for translating such goals into the selection,
preparation, and consumption of foods. 3118 Circulation June 29, 2004
The goals and recommendations for weight management
and mortality. Microalbuminuria in diabetic and in nondia-
vary on the basis of geographic region. In Western Europe
betic patients is also associated with increased risk. Systolic
and the United States, body mass index Ͻ25 but Ͼ20 kg/m2
blood pressure is as strongly, or even more strongly, associ-
is associated with the lowest risk of CVD and CHD. As
ated with CVD risk as diastolic blood pressure. In some
people become overweight (BMI Ͼ25 and Ͻ30 kg/m2), CVD
clinical trials of hypertension, cardiovascular events correlate
risk increases, and with obesity (BMI Ͼ30 kg/m2) all-cause
more closely with achieved systolic pressure than diastolic
mortality increases, largely because of an increase in CVD
pressure. Recent trials on isolated systolic hypertension have
mortality. Overweight is also associated with an increased
added to evidence regarding the importance of systolic blood
risk of stroke. Central adiposity, defined as an increased
pressure in risk assessment and management.
intra-abdominal fat mass, is associated with an adverse risk
International, continental, and national guidelines now
factor profile, including insulin resistance, and, as assessed by
recommend that treatment of hypertension in healthy individ-
waist-to-hip circumference ratio, is more strongly associated
uals be based on both the systolic and diastolic values and the
with risk of CHD and other CVD than general adiposity
coexistence of other atherosclerotic disease risk factors and
assessed by body mass index. Reducing weight will reduce
aforementioned comorbidities. For some individuals the level
blood pressure and plasma LDL cholesterol, raise HDL
of blood pressure is deemed sufficiently high to merit
cholesterol, and lower triglycerides and will decrease glucose
antihypertensive treatment in its own right, regardless of its
intolerance. It should be emphasized that the aforementioned
clinical context. For others a decision to treat is taken in the
numbers for BMI have been determined for Western Europe
context of absolute CHD or CVD risk. The definition of high
and the United States and may be lower for other regions and
risk differs between guidelines in terms of both the levels of
systolic and diastolic blood pressure and the levels of abso-
The relevance of physical activity in helping weight
lute CHD or CVD risk. The optimal blood pressure to be
control and favorably modifying other risk factors should be
achieved by treatment has not been established in randomized
explained. A balance in caloric intake and energy expenditure
controlled trials, but the blood pressure goal is the same for
is fundamental to any program that seeks to alter and
international, continental, and some national guidelines, and
maintain ideal body weight. Regular physical activity is
the risk of events has been shown to increase continuously
associated with a lower risk of death from CVD and CHD.
Physical activity helps to prevent obesity, is associated with
In clinical practice, it is important to set a blood pressure
lower levels of plasma LDL cholesterol and triglycerides and
target for an individual and to try to achieve it with a
higher levels of plasma HDL cholesterol, and lowers blood
minimum of side effects. Several classes of drugs have been
pressure. Exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation in patients
shown in randomized controlled trials to reduce the risk of
with established coronary disease has been shown to reduce
CHD and CVD: diuretics, -blockers, calcium antagonists,
total cardiovascular and coronary mortality.
ACE inhibitors, and angiotensin receptor blockers. Localcosts and patient characteristics should be taken into account
Blood Pressure
in the selection of antihypertensive drugs. The Antihyperten-
Hypertension is a major cause of stroke and contributes to an
sive and Lipid Lowering Treatment to Prevent Heart Attack
increased risk of recurrent myocardial infarction in patients
(ALLHAT)21 results indicate improved or comparable car-
with CHD. Treatment of hypertension is therefore important
diovascular outcomes among patients given thiazide diuretics
as a primary and secondary prevention strategy. Several trials
for treatment of hypertension and lend support to the potential
in coronary patients with blood pressure–lowering drugs,
-blockers and ACE inhibitors, particularly after myocardialinfarction, have demonstrated a reduction in both recurrent
Blood Lipids and Lipoproteins
myocardial infarction and all-cause mortality.13 Similarly,
A strong, independent relationship exists between serum LDL
treatment of high blood pressure has been shown to lower the
cholesterol levels and risk for CHD and to a lesser extent for
occurrence of fatal and nonfatal stroke. International, conti-
other CVD end points. The relationship between other serum
nental, and national recommendations advise treating hyper-
lipids (HDL cholesterol and triglycerides) and the risk of
tension in patients with established atherosclerotic disease,
atherosclerotic disease is more complex. Like blood pressure,
and a blood pressure target of Ͻ140/90 mm Hg is common to
the relationship between serum LDL cholesterol and risk of
all. In healthy individuals there is agreement across all
CVD (principally CHD) increases continuously as LDL
recommendations that the decision to start treatment depends
cholesterol levels rises, starting from levels that are consid-
both on the blood pressure level and the overall CHD or CVD
ered to be within the so-called normal range. Therefore, like
risk as well as the presence of subclinical CVD or end-organ
blood pressure, the dividing line between individuals requir-
damage. Markers such as left ventricular hypertrophy, a
ing clinical intervention is determined operationally by epi-
marked reduction in glomerular filtration rate, proteinuria,
demiological data, randomized controlled trials, and eco-
and retinal hemorrhages and/or exudates with or without
nomic considerations. Standard risk equations have a
papilledema are all associated with an increased risk at any
diminished reliability in familial dyslipidemias, particularly
given blood pressure level. Echocardiography is a more
familial hypercholesterolemia. Affected patients are at very
sensitive marker of left ventricular hypertrophy than electro-
high risk of aggressive premature atherosclerosis and suffer
cardiography, and echocardiographic left ventricular hyper-
early coronary morbidity and mortality. For these patients,
trophy is associated with an increased risk of CVD morbidity
lipid-lowering therapies and other forms of treatment are
Smith et al Principles for Guidelines on CVD Prevention 3119
essential regardless of the presence of other cardiovascular
control has been shown in randomized controlled trials to
risk factors. Although these other risk factors also need to be
reduce the risk of microvascular complications in both type 1
effectively addressed in patients with these familial dyslipid-
and type 2 diabetes. In addition, in the UK Prospective
emias, lowering LDL cholesterol should be the primary
Diabetes Study of type 2 diabetes, there was a favorable trend
for glycemic control reducing the risk of myocardial infarc-
For patients with established CHD or other atherosclerotic
tion.22 Blood pressure reduction in the same trial significantly
disease and even for those with diabetes or hypertension,
reduced the risk of myocardial infarction, and this result is
there is randomized controlled trial evidence that modifying
consistent with the subgroup analyses of patients with diabe-
lipids, principally reducing LDL cholesterol, irrespective of
tes in other primary prevention trials of hypertension that
the initial values, reduces the risk of recurrent coronary
showed a reduction in cardiovascular morbidity and mortality
disease, stroke, and all-cause mortality. Thus, for asymptom-
at least as good as that seen in nondiabetic individuals.
atic individuals, international, continental, and nationalguidelines now recommend that treatment of blood lipids, in
Other Risk Factors
the absence of familial dyslipidemia, should be based on
Although risk assessment is principally focused on aspects of
lifestyle, blood pressure, lipids, and diabetes, there are other
Hyperlipidemias secondary to other diseases are common,
risk factors for CHD and other AVD. These include psycho-
including abuse of alcohol, hypothyroidism, diseases of the
social factors, markers of inflammation, thrombogenic fac-
kidney and liver, and diabetes, particularly in the presence of
tors, insulin resistance, and genetics. However, the benefit of
a nephropathy. Therefore, it is always important to exclude
clinical interventions directed to each of these factor profiles
these diseases with an appropriate clinical assessment and
remains to be determined through controlled clinical trials.
tests before introducing drug therapy.
Although goals for total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol
Prophylactic Medical Therapies
have been set, there is insufficient evidence to justify goals
In individuals at high multifactorial risk of developing CHD
for triglycerides and HDL cholesterol. Instead, these mea-
or other AVD, there is evidence from randomized controlled
surements should be used to identify individuals at high
trials that prophylactic aspirin reduces risk.23 There is grow-
multifactorial risk of CHD or other atherosclerotic disease
ing agreement across international, continental, and national
and possibly used as secondary considerations in the selection
guidelines that persons at intermediate or high risk (Ͼ10%
of lifestyle and drug interventions.
per 10 years) for hard CHD events (myocardial infarction or
Several classes of lipid-lowering drugs have been shown in
CHD death) may benefit from 75 to 160 mg/d of aspirin. For
randomized controlled trials to reduce clinical events:
patients with established CHD or other atherosclerotic dis-
3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase (statins),
ease, aspirin (Ն75 mg) or other platelet-modifying drug is
fibrates, bile acid sequestrants (resins), and nicotinic acid
universally recommended. The meta-analysis of antiplatelet
derivatives. All 4 classes of drugs, but not all drugs within
trials after myocardial infarction demonstrates a significant
each class, have been shown in clinical trials to reduce
reduction in all-cause mortality, vascular mortality, nonfatal
myocardial infarction and sudden death.11 A new class,
reinfarction of the myocardium, and nonfatal stroke for those
cholesterol absorption blockers, reduces LDL cholesterol but
receiving antiplatelet therapy. In several studies of anticoag-
has not yet been tested in clinical trials to determine the effect
ulation after myocardial infarction, systemic anticoagulants
on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. The statin drugs
reduced the risk of all-cause mortality and coronary death.23
are the most widely used of the lipid-lowering drugs because
This drug class is used selectively in patients at high risk of
they are highly effective in lowering LDL levels and because
systemic embolization or in patients unable to take aspirin.
they are well tolerated. Increasingly, other lipid-lowering
In a meta-analysis of -blockers after myocardial infarc-
drugs are used in combination with statins in patients with
tion, there was also evidence of a significant reduction by
severe hyperlipidemias or complex dyslipidemias.
therapy in all-cause mortality and in particular sudden cardiac
Blood Glucose
death, as well as nonfatal reinfarction.24 The benefit was
Mounting evidence suggests that aggressive blood glucose
greatest in those with left ventricular dysfunction or su-
lowering with insulin in patients with myocardial infarction,
praventricular or ventricular tachyarrhythmias. Therefore, a
both during the hospital admission and 1 year after it, reduces
-blocker is recommended in patients with no contraindica-
mortality. Although there is no specific randomized con-
trolled trial evidence for blood pressure lowering in patients
A meta-analysis of ACE inhibitors has confirmed a similar
with atherosclerotic disease and diabetes, the subgroup anal-
benefit in regard to all-cause mortality for this drug class in
yses of patients with diabetes and myocardial infarction in
patients with myocardial infarction with symptoms or signs
trials of -blockers and ACE inhibitors have shown a similar
of heart failure at the time of acute myocardial infarction, in
treatment benefit for patients with and without diabetes.
those with impaired systolic ventricular function (ejection
Similarly, there is no direct trial evidence of cholesterol
fraction Ͻ40%), and in patients at high risk with preserved
lowering in patients with diabetes, but subgroup analyses in
systolic function.25 Because most trials of -blockers and
large statin trials showed reductions in CHD events at least as
ACE inhibitors were single-drug trials, the use of both drugs
large in patients with diabetes as in nondiabetic patients.11 In
versus one or the other has not been studied. Patients with
individuals with diabetes but no symptomatic AVD, glucose
clinical CHF after myocardial infarction have also been
3120 Circulation June 29, 2004
shown to have a benefit from angiotensin receptor blocker
level of risk at which to intervene, and the risk factor
therapy comparable to that from ACE inhibitors.
thresholds themselves. All of these differences should be
As mentioned, for asymptomatic individuals, international,
resolved at a national level by taking account of the scientific
continental, and national guidance now recommends that
evidence and the resources available to deliver effective
irrespective of the initial LDL cholesterol values, treatment
with LDL-lowering drugs, in the absence of familial dyslip-idemia, should be based on absolute risk. International Call to Action to Address the Challenge Screening Relatives
Because CVD is a global problem, societies of cardiology can
A detailed family history of CHD or other atherosclerotic
and will benefit through international professional collabora-
disease should be part of the assessment of all patients. The
tion. The International Heart Health Conferences issued
risk of CHD increases when a first-degree family relative has
declarations on prevention of CVD in 1992 (Victoria Decla-
a history of premature CHD. Risk factor screening should be
ration),26 in 1996 (Catalonia Declaration),27 in 1998 (Singa-
considered in first-degree relatives of any patient developing
pore Declaration),28 and most recently in 2001 (Osaka Dec-
CHD at an early age: before 55 years in men and before 65
laration).29 The Singapore Declaration particularly is a
years in women. In this context, the multifactorial risk will be
valuable description of the intellectual and organizational
higher than that estimated from the coronary risk chart. When
principles that should underlie programs to prevent CVD. The
familial dyslipidemia is suspected, particularly familial hy-
principles are broadly divided into those pertaining to the
percholesterolemia (family history of premature CHD, blood
structure of preventive programs and those pertaining to the
cholesterol Ͼ8.0 mmol/L, with or without stigmata or hyper-
political will to proceed to action. Preventive efforts have
lipidemia), screening all first-degree relatives with a full
been mounted by international organizations with more spe-
cific agendas for longer periods of time, and thus the presentdocument is a logical extension of international collaborative
National and International Guidelines on
efforts that have been in place since 1992. CVD Prevention
The idea of political will, consistent with an activist
agenda, is that prevention will get nowhere if clinicians,
Similarities and Differences
researchers, and others who want to advance the cause of
An international consensus has emerged among guidelines
CVD prevention do not accept personal responsibility to
regarding priorities for CVD prevention, risk factor assess-
assume a leadership role. In the section on physical and
ment, and management, including the use of drug therapies.
organizational infrastructure of prevention, the Singapore
However, this consensus mainly comes from guidelines
Declaration specifies the importance of nongovernmental
developed in the United States, Europe, Australia, and New
organizations and professional health organizations such as
Zealand. For much of the world, especially the developing
the WHF. The WHSF quite specifically requests in this
countries in the Asia-Pacific region, Africa, and South Amer-
document that continental and national societies of cardiolo-
ica, there are few data on risk factors and CVD and few
gy and related professional organizations assume leadership
published guidelines. The strongest agreement across inter-
of continental and national programs to prevent further
national, continental, and national guidelines is for patients
increases in the occurrence of CVD. Societies of cardiology
with established CHD or other AVD. These patients are
have the professional authority to not only ask government to
recognized by cardiologists and other physicians as the top
allocate resources for care of patients with CVD but also to
priority for prevention, and there is general agreement on the
ask government, be it continental, national, or local, to
need for lifestyle intervention, blood pressure reduction,
incorporate prevention of CVD into legislation whenever
cholesterol reduction, and the use of prophylactic drug
therapies: aspirin, -blockers, ACE inhibitors, and LDL-lowering drugs. Although the same or similar blood pressure
Strategic Principles for the Development of
goal has been specified in all guidelines, this is not so for
National Clinical Guidelines
cholesterol. There are some differences between guidelines
On the basis of and following the sequential approach of this
on cholesterol goals for patients with CHD and CVD, but this
document, the WHSF of the WHF recommends 10 strategic
is of practical importance only to a small minority of patients;
principles to serve as a template for the development of
most have cholesterol levels that are untreated and remain
above the standards of the most conservative of cholesteroltargets. Otherwise, it is important to set a treatment target for
1. Governments, national societies, and foundations should
LDL cholesterol in patients with AVD at a national level. The
collaborate to develop clinical and public health guide-
same principle applies to patients with diabetes mellitus.
lines for CVD prevention that target risk factors.
2. Evidence-based guidelines should incorporate profes-
For healthy individuals, there is also agreement across
sional judgment on the translation of such evidence into
international, continental, and national guidelines on the
effective and efficient care addressing all areas of CVD
principle of basing the decision to treat blood pressure or
lipids on absolute multifactorial risk of CVD. However, the
3. The assessment of total CVD risk should be based on
practical application of this principle differs between guide-
epidemiological risk factor data appropriate to the popu-
lines in terms of the method of risk calculation, the absolute
Smith et al Principles for Guidelines on CVD Prevention 3121
4. Policy recommendations and guidelines should empha-
9. Assmann G, Carmena R, Cullen P, et al. Coronary heart disease: reducing
size a total risk approach for CVD prevention.
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5. The intensity of interventions should be a function of the
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total risk of CVD, with lower treatment thresholds for
Guidelines Subcommittee. Guidelines for the management of hyper-
tension. J Hypertens. 1999;17:151–183.
6. National cardiovascular societies/foundations should
11. Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood
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12. DeBacker G, Ambrosini E, Borch-Johnsen K, et al. The Third Joint
7. National professional societies should inform policymak-
European Societies’ Task Force on CVD Prevention in Clinical Practice:
ers of risk factor targets and drug therapies for prevention
executive summary. Eur Heart J. 2003;24:1601–1610.
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13. Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation and
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15. Conroy RM, Pyorala K, Fitzgerald AP, et al. Estimation of ten year risk
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9. National professional societies should assess the achieve-
ment of lifestyle, risk factor, and therapeutic targets
16. Ramsay LE, Haq IU, Jackson PR, et al. Targeting lipid-lowering drug
therapy for primary prevention of coronary disease: an updated Sheffield
10. Health professionals should include prevention of CVD
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as an integral part of their daily clinical practice.
17. British Cardiac Society, British Hyperlipidaemia Association, British
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clinical practice. Heart. 1998;80(suppl 2):1–29.
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18. Assmann G, Cullen P, Schulte H. The Munster Heart Study (PROCAM):
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19. Thomsen TF, Davidsen M, Ibsen H, et al. A new method for CHD
cardiology. The WHSF strongly endorses the World Health
prediction and prevention based on regional risk scores and randomized
Report 2002 recommendations that urge countries to adopt
clinical trials: PRECARD and the Copenhagen Risk Score. J Cardiovasc
policies and programs to promote population-wide interven-
20. American Heart Association. Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics: 2004
tions such as reducing use of tobacco, reducing saturated fat
Update. Dallas, Tex: American Heart Association; 2003.
in the national diet and salt in processed foods, encouraging
21. ALLHAT Officers and Coordinators for the ALLHAT Collaborative
higher consumption of fruits and vegetables, and encouraging
Research Group. Major outcomes in high-risk hypertensive patients ran-domized to angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor or calcium channel
blocker vs diuretic. JAMA. 2002;288:2981–2997.
22. UK Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) Group. Intensive blood glucose
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1. World Health Organization. The World Health Report 2002: ReducingRisks, Promoting Healthy Life. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Orga-
23. Antithrombotic Trialists’ Collaboration. Collaborative meta-analysis of
randomized trials of antiplatelet therapy for prevention of death, myo-
2. Integrated Management of Cardiovascular Risk: Report of a WHO
cardial infarction and stroke in high risk patients. BMJ. 2002;324:71– 86. Meeting, July 2002. Geneva, Switzerland: WHO Library; 2002.
24. Freemantle N, Cleland J, Young P, et al. Beta blockade after myocardial
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25. ACE Inhibitor Myocardial Infarction Collaborative Group. Indications for
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7. Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation and
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Ⅲ cardiovascular diseases Ⅲ prevention
ESCUELA SUPERIOR POLITÉCNICA AGROPECUARIA DE MANABÍ “MANUEL FÉLIX LÓPEZ” REGLAMENTO PARA LA ELABORACIÓN DE TESIS DE GRADO DE CUARTO NIVEL CAPÍTULO I DEFINICIONES Y AMBITO DEL PRESENTE REGLAMENTO Para efectos de este Reglamento considérense las siguientes definiciones: a) Consejo Académico.- Está integrado por Director/a de Planeamiento, Jefe/a Académico
Empfehlung für regionale Vereinbarungen über die Prüfung der Wirtschaftlichkeit in der vertragsärztlichen Versorgung auf der Grundlage von Richt-größen für Arzneimittel und Heilmittel ab dem Jahre 2000 - Empfehlung zu Richtgrößen - (Anlage 2 + 3 zuletzt aktualisiert am 30.09.2001)Empfehlung zu Richtgrößen vom 21.02.2000 mit Ergänzungen Stand 08.12.2000 und Stand 25.09.2001)