Bringing You The Latest Word In Natural Healthcare Dr. Marla O’Brien’s Breakthrough Patient Newsletter. Keeping YOU At The Leading Edge In Healthcare Hilltop Family Chiropractic 1460 Yankee Doodle Road, Eagan, MN55121 651-452-7141 fax: 651-452-7255
Dear Patient and Friend, Who can benefit from chiropractic care? Children certainly can. With high energy and great enthusiasm,
they climb, jump, slide, swing, run, skate and ride. And before they can do all these things, they must go
through the up-and-down experience of learning to walk.
Although these activities are all a normal part of childhood, they can cause scratches, bruises, sprains, pains
and even broken bones. Parents understand this and learn to cope with such challenges. For example,
parents have their children wear a helmet while riding a bicycle. Elbow and kneepads are important while
rollerblading. These precautions help prevent injury as active children are growing up.
elbows, another part of the body remains vulnerable to Page 2: Who Can Benefit From Chiropractic Care? Children Certainly Can every injury. the spine. Page 3: February 14th -20th Is…”Random Acts Of Kindness Week” Page 4: Children’s Health Concerns Related To Pelvic Subluxations Page 5: STRESS…It’s Just A Part Of Life Page 6: Fascinating Facts To Think About…Did You Know? Page 7: “Slow Dance”
toll on the spine, yet many of us are not as aware of the need to protect this area of the body. Because there
may not be visible signs of such injuries, we may not notice them right away. However, spinal injuries during
childhood can lead to bigger problems later in life.
Childhood is not the only time when activities can cause spinal problems. In the adult years, auto accidents
and falls can cause irreversible damage to the spine if left uncorrected. It is much easier to know that we
need to see a dentist, because we are experiencing a toothache. We are aware that the sooner the cavity is
treated, the chances are better that the tooth will not deteriorate. However, unlike a toothache, spinal
subluxations may not cause immediate pain, but the same principle applies: the earlier a spinal problem is
detected and corrected, the chances are better that it will not deteriorate into a more serious health issue.
Considering our lifestyle from infancy to maturity, it is clear that regular chiropractic care is essential for a healthy spine and nerve system throughout life.
The spine has some surprising functions we may never have
considered. The spine is very important to posture. In fact, did
you know that proper posture helps our brain function better? It
is true. Dr. Roger Sperry, 1998 Nobel Peace Prize winner for
brain research, said most of the energy output from the brain is
used to maintain the relationship of the physical body with
gravity. “With poor posture, only 10 percent of the brain’s energy
output is used for thinking, metabolism and healing the body
Since the spine is a critical element in proper posture, Dr.
Sperry’s declaration certainly seems to indicate that a healthy
spine is of the utmost importance in health. As evidence of this
fact, when individuals begin chiropractic care, it is very common
for them to experience an increase in energy and an overall
Doctors of Chiropractic focus on all aspects of health, with special emphasis on a healthy nerve system. This
attention to the spine through proper alignment of the vertebrae allows us to experience our healthiest selves.
The chiropractic model of health and wellness focuses on YOU and is centered on the philosophy that
the human body, being knit together in a wonderful way, will heal itself given the right opportunity and
circumstances. The passion for the Doctor of Chiropractic is to promote the healing process by locating and
removing any interference or blockage in the nerve system, which may be interfering with your ability to
Who needs chiropractic care? Children certainly! Adults certainly, and anyone who can benefit from a healthy spine and nerve system!
“Random Acts of Kindness” are those sweet or lovely things we do for no reason except that, momentarily,
the best of our humanity has sprung into full bloom. When you spontaneously give an old woman the bouquet
of red carnations you had meant to take home to your own dinner table, when you give your lunch to the
guitar-playing homeless person who makes music at the corner between your subway stops, when you
anonymously put coins in someone else’s parking meter because you see the red “Expired” medallion
signaling to a meter maid – you are doing not what life requires of you, but what the best of your human soul invites you to do. Here are some suggested Random Acts Random Acts of Kindness: of Kindness for Children:
! Give another driver your parking spot
! Send letters, artwork, or special treats to
! Really listen when someone is talking
! Draw Kindness Buddy names and secretly
! Spend an afternoon visiting the residents at
! Look for the good in everyone you meet
! Give an extra concert or ball game ticket to
! Write letters of appreciation to teachers
who have made a difference in their life
! Help someone struggling with heavy bags
Sharing your chiropractic experiences with those you care about is a “Random Act Of Kindness.”
Just imagine how you could change someone’s life for the better by introducing them to the most effective,
most natural way to achieve ALL of their health goals. Share with them how regular chiropractic care has
helped you to feel better, increase your energy and vitality, and to be healthier than ever before. Now that is a “Random Act Of Kindness” and a perfect opportunity to change a life. Lead With Your Heart by Practicing “Random Kindness and Senseless Acts of Beauty!” There are so many wonderful
ways you can participate in “Random Acts of Kindness” Week!
Regardless of the activities you choose, it will be fun, rewarding,
and will impact the lives of the community and the world.
Children and adults alike can demonstrate the magical,
transformational power of simple kindness to our fellow
humankind. Help Make The World A Better Place. PRACTICE “RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS.” Current research revealed in the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation found a relationship between Children’s health problems and subluxations of their pelvic bones. The study involved 650 children, 327 boys and 323 girls, and compared the results of their physical examinations, x-rays, surface EMG and thermography tests along with their complaints (or the problems mentioned by their parents). The children were divided into three age groups for the study; 2-4, 5-12 and 13- 18 years of age. The results of the study allowed the authors to conclude the following:
• 96% of the children examined were found to have pelvic subluxations. • As a result of these subluxations, the beginnings of spinal degeneration, commonly found later in life
in adults, becomes evident very early in life.
• The children examined experienced numerous physical complaints such as limb pain and numbness,
low back and neck pain, growing pains, sinus problems, headaches, dizziness, stomach problems, bed-wetting, constipation, diarrhea, asthma, breathing problems, fatigue, colic, croup and menstrual cramps. Behavioral concerns included ADHD, learning difficulties, temper, memory and sleeping problems. Immune complaints such as allergies, colds, ear infections, fever, acne and throat complaints such as sore throats, strep throat and tonsillitis were also noted.
• The complaints the children experienced were fully or partially the result of their bodies adapting to
the negative neurological changes associated with the pelvic subluxations.
• A child’s developing nerve system will learn negative patterns of body movement and function that
result from subluxations as easily as it will learn positive patterns when no subluxations are present. It is not always able to distinguish “good” input from “bad” input.
• This nerve system learning process, involving body movement, body position awareness and posture,
• Chiropractic care should be started as soon as possible so that these negative body movement
patterns, abnormal joint function, disc stress and early degenerative changes can be corrected as soon as possible.
- Journal Of Vertebral Subluxation, October 18, 2004
Parents who often appreciate the importance of checkups for their child’s teeth, hearing, eyes, ears, nose and throat draw a blank when it comes to their child’s spine. In fact, a spinal checkup could be one of the most important of your child’s life. Get their spines checked regularly for vertebral subluxation and nerve system stress. Corrective chiropractic care gently realigns the misaligned vertebrae into its normal, healthy position and frees the nerve system from any interference and stress. This allows your child’s nerve system and immune system to strengthen and function properly. As a practicing chiropractor specializing in pediatrics, I find that adjusting children and removing stress to their nerve systems, insures the best possible healthy and stress free futures.
Stress is a part of our lives. There’s no way around it. Some of us wish there were a few extra hours in each day. We’re stressed out by the demands at work and at home. Family members may cause unnecessary tension. All of us experience the harmful effects of stress on a daily basis. Stress has become a serious health hazard and over time, stress can take a high toll on our mental and physical well-being. Seven Substance-Free Stress Reducers
timeouts: Take time out each day, devoting at least twenty minutes to activities that bring you
pleasure. Such activities may include gardening, exercising, reading, listening to music or playing with your kids.
2. Breathe deeply: Practice deep breathing prior to and during a stressful situation. When most adults
become stressed they stop breathing completely or practice shallow, rapid breathing patterns. The healthiest method of breathing is deep, diaphragmatic breathing because this sends an impulse to the brain to relax.
3. Reduce or eliminate caffeine: Concentrate on eating mostly whole foods that provide the body with 4. Practice staying calm in stressful situations:
Our stress response is programmed into our nerve system. When we feel stress we automatically go into stress mode and react inappropriately. Practice everyday to re-program the nerve system with a new, positive response to stress.
5. Get enough sleep: Your body needs enough
sleep to renew and repair itself and increase its defenses against stress.
6. Laugh it off: Five minutes of laughter each day
greatly reduces stress. The more you laugh, the easier and more contagious it becomes.
7. Chiropractic Care: Chiropractic care is the
quickest and most effective way to release stress in your nerve system. Removing interference and stress in your nerve system gives your body the ability to heal and regulate and its optimal level. Prevent stress by getting adjusted regularly and by living a healthier lifestyle.
# To avoid straining the neck and upper back muscles while doing crunches, try placing your tongue on
the roof of your mouth. Another strategy: Touch fingertips to temples.
# Olive oil keeps on winning. Researchers at Oxford University, England found in one study that
countries with the highest intake of olive oil had the lowest rate of cancer. Olive oil decreases levels of a harmful acid in the body that may cause cancerous cells to grow, and increases the level of a cancer fighting enzyme.
# A researcher from Duke University in North Carolina reports that niacin appears to have a positive
effect on blood levels of HDL, the “good” cholesterol. He compared a time release form of the vitamin to a known HDL-rising drug (gemfibrozil) and found that niacin worked twice as well. Volunteers taking niacin raised their HDL levels and average of 26 percent during the study, as reported at the annual meeting of the American Heart Association in Dallas, November 11, 1998, by Dr. John Guyton.
# Researchers from Harvard Medical School in Boston report that men who eat a lot of nuts seem to be
resistant to sudden deaths from heart disease, especially such fatal arrhythmias as ventricular fibrillation. In fact, those who consumed the highest quantity of nuts had the lowest risk for any heart related death, even after adjusting for age, exercising, blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes and alcohol. It is thought that alphalinolenic acid is responsible for a large portion of the healthy effects of nuts.
# Backpacks are getting too heavy. Some 71 percent of the members of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons felt that backpacks are a clinical problem for children, and 58 percent of the doctors reported seeing youngsters whose back and shoulder pains could be attributed to carrying backpacks that were too heavy for them. Bring your children to your family chiropractor for a spinal checkup and give them the best possible chance to get healthy and stay healthy throughout the school year.
# Chronic stress lasting longer than a month may make the body more susceptible to cold germs,
reports a study from Carnegie-Mellon University. Subjects experiencing long-term interpersonal problems and job related stresses were up to five times more likely to catch colds when exposed to a virus than those who were not under similar stress.
# Of 1,500 people who were questioned in a survey by Landmark Healthcare, 42 percent said they had
used alternative health care in the past year. Chiropractic and herbal supplements were most frequently mentioned as the alternative care utilized. Of those who sought alternative care, 30 percent said their visits to medical doctors have decreased. Have you ever watched kids on a merry-go-round orlistened to rain slapping on the ground? Ever followed a butterfly’s erratic flight or gazed at the moon late in the night? You better slow down, don’t dance too fast, time is short, the music won’t last. Do you run each day on the fly or when you ask “How are you?” Do you hear the reply? When the day is done do you lie in bed with the next hundred chores running through your head? You better slow down, don’t dance too fast, time is short, the music won’t last. Ever told your child “We’ll do it tomorrow,” and in your haste, not seen his sorrow? Ever lost touch, let a good friendship die cause you never had time to call and say, “Hi!”You better slow down, don’t dance too fast, time is short, the music won’t last. When you run so fast to get somewhere you miss half the fun of getting there. When you worry and hurry through your day, it is like an unopened gift…thrown away.Life is not a race, do take it slower, hear the music before the song is over!
When you speed through life you often miss golden opportunities and experiences that are there to help you grow to the next level. Symptoms may include deteriorating health, feelings of anxiety and even unhealthy relationships with those you love. So many of us speed through each day feeling like we are barely keeping our heads above water. There is just so much to do in so little time. The author of this poem was a young girl who was dying with cancer when she wrote it. She wanted this poem shared with as many people as possible so that everybody could hear her very important message… Take time to appreciate life. Spend time with those you love and let them know how much you appreciate them. Life is a journey with many lessons along the way. Learn from each lesson and know that it is truly a gift. Every day I take the opportunity to count my blessings. I appreciate my life and every person who shares it. I am blessed to have the opportunity to serve humankind through chiropractic and to help people express their optimal well-being.
Silica, Nature’s Surgeon Experts believe higher blood serum levels lead to hardening of the arteries, which can cause heart attacks. The authors of the study called for We all want to be beautiful, live longer, be a rethink on giving people calcium supplements healthier and feel better, but how do you know for bone health. "Serum calcium levels have what to do to achieve this? How of
A Guide for Classroom – Stage 4 Oxford Reading Tree is the most popular reading programme in the UK, and used in approximately 14,000 primary schools. Its balanced approach, which provides a range of skills and strategies for reading, has proved highly successful at teaching children to read. Oxford Reading Tree is divided into stages. Stage 1 teaches children important pre-reading skil