Microsoft word - purim fundraiser letter.2014

Chabad of Bradenton & Lakewood Ranch This year more people will experience the joy of Purim! Purim is one of the most joyous and fun holidays on the Jewish calendar. On Purim, we emphasize the importance of Jewish unity and friendship by sending gifts of food to friends and family. This Purim mitzvah is called Mishloach Manot. This year Chabad is sponsoring shared Mishloach Manot gift boxes at a low cost so that as many community families as possible can participate in the tradition. Everyone in the community (not limited to the attached list) is invited to partake in this special Purim mitzvah. We will deliver Mishloach Manot to any family you choose in the area. Recipient families will receive one package with a card listing all the names of friends/families that have sent Mishloach Manot to them. All proceeds will benefit the Chabad Youth Programs. Here’s How It Works:
 Your selection will most likely be grouped with other senders. The recipient will get one Purim gift box filled with Hamentashen and other Purim treats and a card listing the names of all the senders. Out-of-towners will receive a Purim card in lieu of a package.  Carefully circle the number to the left of the names of the families you wish to send a gift box to. Each name you choose from the attached list is only $10. The minimum participation fee is $30, which entitles you to three choices.  If you would like to send a Purim gift box to someone not on the attached list of Chabad’s friends and members, you may do so by submitting their name and address on the attached form.  Avoid any hurt feelings with our “Reciprocity” option. If someone sent to you but you did not originally send to them, we will automatically add them to your list and bill you at $10 per box.  For a $180.00 sponsorship, your name will be placed on every Purim gift box.  Our volunteers will deliver all Purim gift boxes ordered or reciprocated in the area by Purim, Sunday,  If you would like to include someone on our future Mishloach Manot list, please call the Chabad office at The Deadline is February 28, so hurry!
Chabad of Bradenton & Lakewood Ranch
5712 Lorraine Rd, Bradenton, FL 34211, 941-752-3030
Order Form
On the attached list, please circle the names of those to whom you would like to send a Purim box. My _________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Zip Code: _______________ Telephone # ______________________ Number of boxes ordered from the attached list (minimum 3) _____ X $10 ea = $________ Number of boxes for families NOT on the attached list* _____ X $10 ea = $________ * Please attach a list of Names, Addresses, and Telephone numbers of recipients not on the list TOTAL = $________
____ YES, I WANT TO RECIPROCATE. Please charge for all recipients.
Method of Payment: _____ Check Enclosed Bill my _____ VISA _____ MC _____ AMEX

Please make checks payable to Chabad of Bradenton. Volunteers Needed
_____ I would like to help assemble Purim Gift Boxes. _____ I would like to help deliver Purim Gift Boxes. _____ I would like to become a Shalach Monos sponsor by contributing $180 toward the Purim basket gifts. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please mail completed form along with payment to Chabad of Bradenton & Lakewood Ranch If you have any questions or concerns, please call: Thank you for participating and sharing the spirit of Purim with our community! Barrie, Bernard & Marjorie  Friedman, Jeffrey & Patricia  Mamane, Jack & Janet  Martineau, Edward & Evelyn Starrels, Sidney & Carolyn  Mazzarella, Moshe & Mary  Steenbarger, Jack & Susan  Bloom, Leonard & Barbara  Gildar, Michael & Andrea  Goldklang, Sheldon & Shelly  Moor, Eve  Parks, Jonathan & Kathryn  Walzer, Mark  Burg, Andrew & Benedicte  Gurov‐Pridyuck, Alena  Rodriguez, Frank & Moraima Weingarten, Jonas & Barbara  Christensen, Brian & Natalie  Heitner, Marilyn  Cohen, Benjamin & Giuliana  Hendler, Mark & Rachelle  Schaffer, Stephen & Sharon  Yanofsky, Brenda  Schweitzer, Marc & Marcia  Zimmerman, Mark & Sharon  Consiglio, Dean & Stephanie  Kelley, Michael & Jennifer  Kessler, Lawrence & Marilyn  Shane, Kenny   DeCoveny, Emanuel & Doris  Korman, David & Cali  Dorobkowski, Barry & Denise Kramer, AJ & Laura  Ehrenpreis, Joel & Rosalyn  Kreithen, Joshua & Andrea  Sigal, Fane & Leah 


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