November 2, 2013

Praise & Worship

Bad Religion:
Buildings Over People


Handerson & Marlene Pontel, Omar Hernandez, Bob Directory Pictures - Jackie and
Brenda will be taking pictures this phone calls. If you are interested,
Sabbath, next Sabbath
(Novemeber 9), and November 23. at the church office.
They will also have one more week Preschool Teacher Needed Chi-
night session Tuesday Nov 12 from co Oaks Preschool is looking for a
5:15-6:15. THAT'S ALL! We really qualified preschool teacher. If you
want everyone's photo in the direc- are interested call Debbie at: 342-tory, so please get your picture tak- 4813 en soon! Giving: we are hoping to raise
Today , Fellowship Dinner,
Today 1:45pm, Community Ap- central Chico Food Bank.
preciation, Cookies for Cops or
packing glasses for the Congo meet In our Prayers
at church
Tomorrow, Fall Festival! 3pm A Chico Oaks Prayer Kids:
fun evening for all and a great
November 9 5:30-10pm Babysit-
ting. PAA Senior Class is offering
Juanita Nieto & Family
Retzer Family
Administrative Assistant - We Diana Bills & Family
are losing Jasmine, so we are look-
ing for a church administrative as-
sistant who is friendly, flexible,
and organized to help us create
and organize church communica-tions. This would likely be from 9am-12pm M-F, and would include managing databases, e-mail lists, Monthly Budget
2012: $295,605
2013: $297,367
Icebreaker: Have you ever worked on or built anything you were especially proud of? What was it and what made you value it? How do you handle it when someone tells you that you are wrong? 1. The Pharisees honestly sought to honor and respect the prophets who had gone before. How might building monuments have helped or hurt their aim? 2. The Pharisees were blind to their own blindness (like we all are). What sorts of things might have contributed to their inability to see their own mistakes and hypocrisy? 3. How do you think they felt when Jesus told them they were just as guilty as their forefathers? 4. What might be the monuments we build to honor prophets? 5. What sorts of things might contribute to Christians today be-ing unable to hear where God desires change in our lives and churches? 6. What sorts of things might we be able to do to open ourselves up to the messages God sends? 7. Read Luke 4:18-19. This is where Jesus announces his mission. What are some specific things you can do to help our church be less about programs, buildings, and institutions, and more about the mission of Jesus? Pray: Go around the circle sharing what Jesus might be calling you to change, then pray for the person on your right.


Réactions aux piqûres d’abeilles et mesures à prendre. Trois types de réactions sont possibles : Les venins comportent des substances vasoactives et pro-inflammatoires responsables d’une réaction locale au point de piqûre : lésions érythéma-topapuleuse et oedémateuse, rapidement régressive. Cette réaction inflammatoire peut être préoccupante lorsque la piqûre concerne c


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