
Emad Mohammad Masuadi, M.Sc.
College of Business & Economics
Academic Background
M.Sc. , IRBID, JORDAN, STATISTICS, --N/A-- B.Sc. Yarmouk University, IRBID, JORDAN, Statistics (Computer minor), 1993 Work Experience
Academic Experience
Instructor, UAE University (August, 2006 - Present). Lecturer of statistics at the department of statistics. Amember in the statistical consultation committee in the department of statistics. Lecturer, ARABIAN GULF UNIVERSITY (January, 2004 - August, 2006). Lecturer of Biostatistics in department offamily and community medicine Providing statistical consultations for master students in college of medicine andmedical sciences Providing statistical consultations for the college's staff in their research Providing workshops indata analysis using SPSS. Providing statistical consultations for staff in the central hospital of Salmania in Manama. Scientific Assistant, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UNIVERSITY (September, 1998 - December, 2003). I served aspermanent member in the statistical consultation committee in the department of statistics performing the analysis by thestatistical packages (SPSS) I gave around 20 training courses in (Data analysis using SPSS) I participated in manyresearches and projects related to the university and the UAE state. Lecturer as a substitute instructor under supervising I assisted in teaching some courses in the department of statistics in UAEU (Stat for social science, Stat for education,Stat for business and economics (1& 2) ) Provided help and assistant for students in MINITAB and SPSS Preparinghomework solutions Counseled student on classes and various subjects. Provided help sessions for homework andtests solutions. Graded homework, test and exams. Monitored student's performance to assist students who havelearning difficulties. Teaching Assistant, YARMOUK UNIVERSITY (January, 1995 - June, 1997). Provided help and assistant forstudents in MINI TAB and SPSS. Performed data analysis using MINITAB and SPSS Counseled student on classesand various subjects. Provided help sessions for homework and tests solutions. Graded homework, test and exams.
Monitored student's performance to assist students who have learning difficulties. Consulting
2012: Marriage Funds, Series of studies:, 1. Employee satisfaction at Marriage fund 2. Customer satisfactionat Marriage fund 3. Evaluation of training programs provided for Marriage Fund employees 4. Evaluation ofTalk forum at Marriage Fund 5. Evaluation of Edaad (Family counseling) workshops at Marriage Fund 6.
Measuring the awareness of young of family principles 2012: Emirates Foundation, Childhood Obesity Prevention in UAE: A School-based Intervention Study,Scientific Background: Childhood obesity has emerged as major public health problem worldwide. Evidence forthis growing health hazard has been reported in the Middle East and underscores the epidemiological andnutritional transitions which reflected in shifts in disease types, patterns, morbidity and mortality. In UAE andaccording to the Ministry of health statistics, the prevalence of overweight and obesity among school childrenwas estimated at 21.5 and 8% respectively. This shift in the childhood obesity trends has been attributed tothe built environment lead to creating a climate that promotes unhealthy lifestyle behavior, resulting frominconsistent knowledge and attitude towards food preferences and consumption. Paid Service
2012: Morgan international, CMA (statistical part) 2012: UAE Continuing Education Center (CEC), course in Data analysis using SPSS Courses Taught
Courses from the Teaching Schedule: Design and Analysis of Experiments, Engineering Statistics,
Statistics for Business, Statistics in Modern World
Courses taught, but not in the Schedule:
· Statistics in the modern world · Statistics for Business I (Descriptive) · Statistics for Business II (Inference)
· Statistics for Biology (Descriptive & inference)
· Statistics for social science (inference)
· Statistical Packages
· Experimental design
· Engineering statistics
· Biostatistics for premedical students
· Applied statistics for M.Sc students in Desert and Arid Zones Program
· Applied statistics for M.Sc students in Biotechnology Program
· Data Analysis using SPSS (Workshops)
· Data Analysis using SPSS (Training courses)
Stat for social science, Stat for education, Stat for business and economics (1& 2) ), andquantitative methods Intellectual Contributions:
Non-Refereed Articles
Masuadi, E. M. (2009). Prevalence of overweight and obesity among adult females in the United ArabEmirates. International journal of food sciences and nutrition. Masuadi, E. M. (2008). Determinants of family size in a Gulf Arab state. Journal of the Royal Society ofHealth. Masuadi, E. M. (2008). High frequency of Plasmodium falciparum CICNI/SGEAA and CVIET haplotypeswithout association with resistance to sulfadoxine/ pyrimethamine and chloroquine combination in theDaraweesh area, in Sudan. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases. Masuadi, E. M. (2008). The profile of IgG-antibody response against merozoite surface proteins 1 and 2 insevere Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Eastern Sudan. Parasitology Research. Masuadi, E. M. (2007). The implication of dihydrofolate reductase and dihydropteroate synthetase genemutations in modification of Plasmodium falciparum characteristics. Malaria Journal. Masuadi, E. M. (2006). Glycemic Control of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Bahrain medical bulletin. Masuadi, E. M. (2006). The effect of loss of body weight on lipid profile in overweight individuals. Saudimedical journal. Working Papers
Masuadi, E. M. (2013). "Computation and Analysis of a Multivariate Frailty Model: Application of a CompetingRisk Model for Recurrence of the Breast Cancer" targeted for Communications In Statistics, Theory, AndMethods. Service:
Service to the University
Department Assignments
Service to the Profession
2011: Marriage Funds, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates. Series of studies: 1. Employee satisfaction at Marriagefund 2. Customer satisfaction at Marriage fund 3. Evaluation of training programs provided for Marriage Fundemployees 4. Evaluation of Talk forum at Marriage Fund 5. Evaluation of Edaad (Family counseling)workshops at Marriage Fund 6. Measuring the awareness of young of family principles Tasks: 1. Statisticalanalysis of the above studies 2. Report writing 3. Report designs 4. Statistical support for other issues Other Professional Service Activities
2008: UAE University, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates. consultation to other colleagues in the college Last updated by member on 30-May-12 (01:10 AM)

Source: http://www.cbe.uaeu.ac.ae/stat/faculty/cv/Emad%20Mohammad%20Masuadi.pdf


The obligations and common ground structure of practical dialogues Luis A. Pinedaa, Varinia M. Estradaa, Sergio R. Coriaa, James F. Allenb a Instituto de Investigaciones en Matemáticas Aplicadas y en Sistemas (IIMAS) Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) b Department of Computer Science, University of Rochester In this paper a theory of dialogue structure of task oriente

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