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14 Essential Tips for Acne Sufferers
by Deckard, 2013
1. Drink Water 2. Clean Pil ows/Sheets 3. No Harsh Products 4. Healthy Diet 5. Sleep Well 6. Don’t Pick, Don’t Squeeze 7. Don’t Obsess in Front of the Mirror 8. Don’t Let it Affect Your Confidence and Mood 9. Get Some Vitamin D 10. Go to the Gym 11. Stop Touching Your Face 12. Take the Right Supplements 13. Avoid Oil-Based Hair Products 14. Go to a Dermatologist
First of al I feel it's important to state that we're al individuals and what
methods work for you may differ from the experiences of others. That's
why I don't outline a specific regimen that you should follow, but rather
make suggestions as to what I believe you should do and make
recommendations based upon my own positive experiences.
In terms of my own journey, I used to have fairly severe acne and tried
everything under the sun to control it. My reason for exploring every
avenue of acne cure on offer was the fact that I didn't want to use
isoretinoids (specifical y Accutane) due to possible side effects. As a result
I live a healthier lifestyle and my acne has al but cleared. I obviously
suffer the occasional break-out but they tend to be very mild and clear
I wish I could tell you there is an outright cure, with no side effects and
real effort involved but it's obviously not that simple. If that were case, we
would al know about it already and there would be no demand for
articles such as this. As it stands, there is such a demand and contained
within this document are 14 essential rules by which I believe al acne
sufferers should abide. I hope this helps you on your journey, good luck!

1. Drink Water
Not only is it good for your skin, but it also carries a plethora of other
health benefits including reduced risk of heart attack, cancer and digestive
problems. Water flushes toxins out of the body via the kidneys and
without it, many of these toxins would escape through the skin. This
causes clogging of pores, which ultimately leads to acne. Drinking a lot of
water additional y hydrates your skin, preventing minor dry skin problems
and therefore stemming the need for the skin to produce excess oil.

2. Clean Pillows & Sheets
The logic behind this is to ensure that the oil from your face that has
rubbed onto your pil ow or towel on previous uses won't be transferred
back to your face again. Your face may be squeaky clean but as soon as it
hits a dirty pil ow or is rubbed against a dirty towel, that al goes out the
window. Many people have reported some minor skin improvements
from making sure towels and pil owcases are clean and I swear by
changing my sheets every week.

3. No Harsh Products
My personal experience is that using too many products that are too
harsh on your skin – such as astringent toner, which contains alcohol –
can actual y make your condition worse in the long run. I used to have a
bank of expensive off-the-shelf products at my disposal and now I only
have an alcohol-free toner and a very mild face wash (Cetaphil). When I
stopped using multiple products, my skin became visibly clearer and a lot
less oily on a day-to-day basis.
4. Healthy Diet
Of course, it is often espoused that there is no dietary link to acne and it’s
intensely frustrating when someone who doesn’t suffer from acne
suggests that you “eat more fruit and veg”, but I think there is something
in the theory of sticking to a healthy diet. If you put the wrong fuel in your
car it’s not going to work right and I have the same philosophy for my
body. Put in the best and expect the best in return. A huge personal
discovery I made was that after cutting out 99% of dairy products, my
breakouts were greatly reduced. It would also be advisable to cut down
on sugar and, where possible, wheat and gluten. This is one of the areas
of natural acne treatment that requires personal experimentation; some
people wil find that their diet affects their skin condition than more than
others. To test this, I would recommend eating a certain type of food
more heavily for a couple of days and monitoring your reaction.

5. Sleep Well
A very obvious point but also one that is often overlooked by many.
Sleeping well is a vital part of improving your condition and enhances the
effectiveness of your bodily functions. When you are asleep your cells
produce more protein, which is used to repair damage. With online
gaming, Netflix and websites like Reddit that keep us up until the early
hours, it's easy to stay up unnecessarily late but I urge you to set a strict
bed time and – at least on most days – stick to it.
6. Don’t Pick, Don’t Squeeze
Don't pick, don't squeeze. It's difficult, trust me I know! Every time you
squeeze a spot you are spreading the bacteria over a wider area and
causing further breakouts and when you scratch a healing wound, you are
making it much more likely to scar. If you have a monster bulging and
ready to burst and real y have to tackle it, my advice would be to take two
cotton buds dipped in Germolene – or any other anti-bacterial cream –
and gently squeeze it. This way you prevent oil from your fingers going
into the resultant wound.

7. Don’t Obsess in Front of the Mirror
We’ve al been there. Standing in front of the mirror at night thinking
about what you have to do the next day and how your skin wil affect your
confidence. Don’t do this. When people say that no-one else wil focus on
your skin as much as you do, they are right. While it would be naïve to say
that people won’t notice it at al , it’s true that they won’t see it anywhere
near as much as you do. The only people likely to real y examine your skin
are other people with acne problems, and if they have a look who cares?
They’re merely in the same position as you.
8. Don’t Let it Affect Your Confidence and Mood
Very much linked to the last point, I know this one is much easier said
than done, but it’s something you should actively work at. Not everyone
with acne wil experience depression or let it affect their confidence, but
there are loads of people out there who do. Don’t let it get in the way of
your day-to-day life. Just remember that one day it wil clear up, try and
act like you’re already there and one day you wil be.
9. Get Some Vitamin D
Vitamin D supplements are al well and good, but there's nothing like the
real thing and getting some proper sunlight can be excellent for your skin.
According to Dr Dennis Gross, an NYC dermatologist, “Vitamin D
replenishes hydration and boosts elasticity, helps smooth fine lines and
wrinkles, enhances the skin’s radiance, and helps correct sun damage and
dark spots." It also, however, can be a double-edged sword and getting
too much sun can dry out your skin, causing it to produce more oil and
consequently provoke more spots. When you do go out in the sun, wear a
sun screen to protect you harmful UV rays.
10. Go to the Gym
This one isn’t a tip to improve your acne, but one to improve your general
body confidence. If you don’t go to the gym already, join one. As
mentioned earlier, the fact that you’re reading this PDF indicates that you
have some issues with your acne that affect your everyday confidence.
Going to the gym is a great way to relieve stress and just general y feel
better about yourself. Exercise decreases the levels of stress chemicals
such as cortisol and stimulates the release of endorphins, hormone-like
chemicals that contribute to improved mood and general wellbeing.
One thing to note is that sweating can often trap dirt in your pores, so it’s
very important to at least rinse your face after exercise.

11. Stop Touching Your Face
If you make yourself aware of when you touch your face you’l probably
be surprised by how often you actual y do it. Whether it’s leaning on your
hand while you’re on the computer at work, an idle nose scratch when
you’re deep in thought or any other type of touch, every time your hands
make contact with your face you are transferring oil and bacteria that can
cause acne. If you absolutely must touch your face for some reason, wash
your hands first.
12. Take the Right Supplements
Although some people refute that this has any effect on your personal
health, I would stil recommend that you take a solid multivitamin that
contains Vitamin A, Vitamin E and Zinc. Vitamin A aids the growth of new
skin and is frequently used in acne medications, Vitamin E assists red
blood cell formation and zinc helps with the absorption of Vitamin A and
stabilizes the levels of Vitamin E in your bloodstream. With regard to
Vitamin A, you should ensure that you don’t take more than 1.5mg per
day because it can have negative long-term effects in the form of brittle
bones. Additional y, if you’re taking a course of antibiotics then a probiotic
supplement is an excellent way to maintain a healthy gut. Antiobiotics kill
both good and bad bacteria in your body and a good probiotic
supplement wil help to manage levels of good bacteria and prevent bad
side effects such as stomach cramps and diarrhea.
One thing I would advise against when it comes to supplements is fish oil.
Personal y I find that fish oil gives me severe breakouts, which may be an
al ergic reaction on my part, but I can’t see any benefit to them. If you feel
that you may be different, test your tolerance by eating a smal portion
oily fish (mackerel, sardines etc.) or taking a smal supplement and
monitoring what happens. From my point of view however, I completely
steer clear of oily fish and any omega oil supplements. It’s real y not worth
the week-long assault of angry red bumps.
13. Avoid Oil-Based Hair Products
Although they may be safe to use on your scalp, oil-based hair products
can aggravate skin conditions and wil often slide down your face during
the day or rub off if your hairstyle is often in contact with your face. It’s
also beneficial to make sure that you style your hair after you’ve applied
moisturizer and/or make-up to your face to ful y ensure that you don’t
transfer any of the chemicals directly to your face.
Additional y if you’re a hairspray user, make sure that when you spray it
you shield your face. The chemicals in hairspray can dry out your skin and
cause it to produce more oil. Trust me, your forehead wil thank you.

14. Go to a Dermatologist
Too much time trying off-the-shelf products may only damage your skin
further. Go and see a trained professional and follow their instructions or
medication course as strictly as possible. One thing to keep in mind
however, is your age. If you’re very young and your acne is mild, I’d just
wait it out and see if it’s going to be a persistent problem or just
something that disappears after your teenage years. My acne continued
into my 20s and only then did I seek medical solutions.
It may also be beneficial to have your gut health tested and to see if you
have any common al ergies just in case there any other obvious issues
that could be linked to your skin health. You’d be surprised how much of
an effect gut health in particular has on your skin.
Ultimately, the advice in this guide boils down to two simple objectives:
live an active and healthy lifestyle and avoid any situations that may cause
an excess build-up of oil or bacteria on your skin. If your acne is mild,
there is a good possibility that you wil be able to tackle it via natural
means and I would highly discourage you from going down any sort of
medical route. For moderate to severe sufferers however, you should try
al natural avenues first but ultimately go and see a dermatologist
because they wil be able to guide you in the right direction.
Like I said, I was in the moderate-to-severe bracket and managed to
greatly reduce break-outs and real y improve my skin by learning what
works for me. Hopeful y you can experience similar success!
Deckard, 2013


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