Alcohol and Drug Policy
To minimise the risk of accidents and incidents that may results from the use or consumption of alcohol and/or other drugs.
This instruction applies to al Al About Earthmoving employees, al personnel working under the direction of Al About Earthmoving and visitors to Al About Earthmoving worksites.
Drugs prohibited by law such as heroin, amphetamines, cocaine and cannabis.
Medicine obtained from a medical practitioner. These medicines are provided to treat medical conditions and should be used as prescribed.
Drugs that can be purchased from a pharmacy (over the counter medicines). They include drugs that can contain various chemicals, including pseudoephedrine.
Standard Levels Alcohol All Al About Earthmoving employees are expected to come to work with zero (0.0) breathe and blood alcohol levels.
For the purpose of testing under these Instructions (except when on the Company Employee) a positive breath alcohol test result wil be recorded where levels of alcohol exceed 100 micrograms per litre of breath or the equivalent in blood. Drugs Drug limits for al testing wil be as specified in AS/NZ 4308:2001. In the case of cannabis this level wil be 50 monograms per mil ilitre for screen and 15 monograms for mil ilitre THC acid confirmation. Use of Drugs The use of Il egal Drugs within Al About Earthmoving workplace wil be treated as serious misconduct. An explanation wil be sought from any person testing positive to prescription drugs where a valid explanation has not already been provided. Alcohol and Drug Instruction Individual Employee Responsibilities It is every employee’s obligation to present themselves fit for work in an appropriate condition free from the effects of alcohol or il egal, prescription or pharmaceutical drugs that may in any way affect their ability to safely perform their duties. Employees shal not possess or consume il egal drugs in the workplace. This wil considered serious misconduct and wil result in disciplinary action. Manager and Company Responsibilities Managers are required to take prompt and appropriate action whenever they believe an individual is not capable of working in a safe and effective manner due to him/her being under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Note: For the purpose of this procedure, a manager may require a person to undergo testing if, in their reasonable judgement, in conjunction with an HSE / HR representative or senior manager, the person’s behaviour or appearance indicates that he/she is affected by the use of alcohol and/or drugs. An example of the sort of incident that would support testing is a person that is engaging in inappropriate behaviour or has a strong smel of alcohol on their breath.
Managers are responsible for ensuring that when a request for testing is made post incident or for reasonable cause that the employee has been advised of their right to have a witness present and to take advice and/or seek assistance.
Testing Shall Be Conducted Pre-placement - Drug testing shal be included in al pre-placement medical examinations. Alcohol testing may also be included. Saliva testing wil be the method used for drug testing. Breath testing wil be used for alcohol.
This testing wil extend to existing Al About Earthmoving employees in situations of internal transfer or promotion from a non-safety critical position to a safety critical position. Any offer of employment wil be conditional on the applicant returning a negative drug and/or alcohol test.
Post Incident - Employees involved in a serious accident or operating incident may be asked to submit to testing. Examples of the type of incident that wil result in post incident testing include but are not limited to:
- An accident resulting in an injury requiring treatment by a medical practitioner. - Any incident that has the potential for serious risk of harm or injury including al track
occupancy occurrences, vehicle rol over and col ision events.
Testing wil include al employees directly involved in the serious accident or operating incident.
The testing wil be conducted to the alcohol and drug standards.
Reasonable Cause – An employee may be asked to undertake an alcohol or drug test where it is believed on reasonable grounds that the employee is under the influence of alcohol or drugs. An employee may be identified as under the influence of alcohol or drugs by:
• A fel ow employee or co-worker Reasonable Cause drug testing wil be
conducted by an authorized and trained practitioner. Breath alcohol testing can be undertaken by trained personnel. The testing wil be conducted to the alcohol and drug standards specified in these Instructions and wil involve saliva testing and breathe testing.
Al About Earthmoving Site Manager wil inform the New Zealand Drug Detection Agency at any time when is required.
Testing Procedures for Emergency Situations involving serious injury/harm
In emergency situations where immediate medical attention is required for serious injury or harm it may not be practical to conduct a drug or alcohol test immediately. In these cases, the supervisor / manager must do the fol owing:
• Ensure that the employee is accompanied to hospital so that appropriate medical
treatment can be provided and a D&A test can be undertaken as soon as practicable.
• If the seriousness of the injury precludes testing immediately, the manager/supervisor
should inform the employee that they wil be required to undergo the testing at the soonest practicable time.
• At the soonest practicable time, ask the employee to undergo the test. The
employee’s medical professional should be consulted to determine when it is appropriate and practical to request this test.
• When testing occurs, the D&A guidelines apply to the testing procedure and
Refusal to Undertake Test
Refusal by an employee to submit to or co-operate ful y with the administration of a non-intrusive alcohol or drug test (post incident or reasonable cause or post-positive test) wil result in the Employee being informed of the consequences of refusal. If the employee continues to refuse to undertake a test, this wil be treated in the same manner as a positive test result. Al About Earthmoving employees or Sub - Contractors wil be stood down until further notice, Disciplinary Actions wil fol ow by Management and the Directors of Al About Earthmoving Ltd.
Al information relating to individuals gathered under the Company Employment policy is col ected solely for the purpose of implementing this policy and associated Instructions and procedures.
The information wil remain confidential between the individual employee, health providers utilised under this policy and the Company.
The col ection, storage, use, dissemination and destruction of tests, data from tests and information relating to test results shal be dealt with in accordance with the Privacy Act 1993 and the Health Information Privacy Code 1994.
The employee is entitled to access their file at any time, request corrections where appropriate and take a copy of their file. Information wil only be released to other parties if All About Earthmoving Limited is legal y required to release the information or if the employee has provided prior written consent for the information to be released.
Employee / Contractor: ----------------------------------------------------.
Signature: ----------------------------------------------------------------------.
Date: --------------------------------------
LAS EMOCIONES Lección 1 Para el 1º de enero de 2011 Sábado 25 de diciembre LEE PARA EL ESTUDIO DE ESTA SEMANA: 2 Samuel 13; Gálatas 5:22; Colosenses 3:12-14; Lucas 19:41-44; Juan 16:20-24. PARA MEMORIZAR: “De cierto, de cierto os digo, que vosotros lloraréis y lamentaréis, y el mundo se alegrará; pero aunque vosotros estéis tristes, vuestra tristeza se convertirá en
Services by Pharmacy PGD Xifaxanta PGDXifaxanta can be supplied by Pharmacists without a doctor’s prescription through a patient group direction (PGD) from the ‘Pharmacy PGD’ website, Training is all online. Once Pharmacists are trained, the forms and leaflets needed to start using the PGD can be printed from the website. Pharmacists can train and start using PGDs in