P lease mail to:Office of Admission Amherst College PO Box 5000 i n s t r u c t io n s
amherst College looks, above all, for men and women of intellectual promise who have demonstrated quali-ties of mind and character that will enable them to take full advantage of our curriculum. We seek qualified applicants from different races, classes and ethnic groups — students whose several perspectives might contribute significantly to a process of mutual education within and beyond the curriculum.
We aim to select from among the many qualiged applicants those Application materials may be sent to the following addresses: possessing the intellectual talent, mental discipline and imagination r egula r mail
that will allow them most fully to benegt from the curriculum and contribute to the life of the col ege and society. Grades, standardized test scores, essays, recommendations, independent work, the qual- ity of your secondary school program and your achievements outside the classroom are among the factors used to evaluate this promise, but no one of these measures is considered determinative. How they ex P r ess mail r equiring a st r eet add r ess
We take great care to review every application thoroughly. Each is read Amherst, MA 01002-5000by at least two admission deans before being presented to the Admission If you are submitting a paper application, your application fee check Committee for discussion. We pay closest attention to your: or fee waiver must be attached to your paper application. Please do • teacher and counselor recommendations; Please include a valid e-mail address with your application to Amherst. • quality of writing as demonstrated in your essays, testing Be sure to provide us with an e-mail address that you access on a regular basis. If your e-mail server uses a filtering system, please add • extra- and co-curricular involvements and talents. to your list of acceptable e-mail senders.
We give the greatest weight to your academic transcript. The rigor of the Please note: The OGce of Admission is unable to return any courses you’ve taken, the quality of your grades and the consistency with application materials that are submitted.
which you’ve worked over four years give us the clearest indication of how wel you wil do at Amherst. Standardized tests also play an impor- tant role in helping us evaluate you in comparison to students taught in very diferent secondary schools. Recommendations, the quality of your writing, and extra- and co-curricular talents also help the Admission sat reasoning t est ( W it h essay, administ ered beginning in sP ring 2005)
Committee draw gne distinctions among very talented applicants.
P lus t wo sat subject exams; o r
act ( W it h essay reCommended)
Be sure to submit al ACT tests. We wil evaluate your application
based on the highest combination of subscores. If you decide to submit a paper application, please include a check for the non-refundable $60 application fee or the fee-waiver request form. We are unable to process your application without the $60 fee sat and subject exams (Amherst Code #3003) e l ec t ronica l ly
You may access an online version of our application from our Website
( If you apply electronical y, you must (Amherst Code #1774) submit the application fee by credit card or request a fee waiver at the time you submit your application. toeFl (if english isn’t you r first language) (Amherst Code #3003)
2012 Amherst College First-Year Application Instructions
Traditionally, about 10 percent of Amherst applicants choose our Students who want to transfer to Amherst (spring or fall semes- binding Early Decision (ED) program. This is a good option only ters) should use a diferent application for admission. Please visit for those who have decided early in the college search process that our website at to obtain the Transfer Amherst is their clear grst choice. As an Early Decision applicant, you agree not to be an ED candidate at any other college. You also agree, if admitted, to withdraw your applications from other colleges and to enroll at Amherst in the fall.
Students who want to be ful -time Visiting Students (spring semester Early Decision applications must be submitted by November 15, only) should use a diferent application for admission. Please visit and we mail our application decisions by December 15. Most ED our website at to obtain the Visiting applicants are either admitted or deferred for reconsideration with We welcome applications from international students. Currently, More than 90 percent of our applicants choose the Regular Decision some 10 percent of our students are international—approximately option. You must submit your application by January 1, and you will seven percent of them non-U.S. citizens and the rest a combination receive our application decision by early April. If admitted, you will of U.S. dual citizens, U.S. permanent residents, and U.S. citizens living or raised abroad. Our Admission Committee is familiar with various education systems around the world.
Regardless of your citizenship or geographic location, you should If you have taken International Baccalaureate, Advanced Placement follow the same grst-year or transfer application process required or college courses during secondary school, we view this as signifi- of any other student. Please note that Amherst College is not “need- cant evidence of your academic accomplishment and preparation. In blind” for applicants who are not citizens or permanent residents addition, some Amherst departments will allow you to forego intro- ductory-level courses in areas in which you have already completed In addition to the SAT and Subject Exams or the ACT, Amherst rigorous work. However, we do not accept such courses for credit or requires any applicant whose grst language is not English, and who has not been taught primarily in English for the past four years, to take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or similar o Pt ional su P P lement s
English-progciency test (MELAB, IELTS). This requirement may be Students with exceptional accomplishments or talents in the arts, waived for students who score above 700 on the verbal and writing sciences or athletics may also submit one or more of our optional supplements, along with additional materials as outlined in the supplements, including music recordings, slides of art work, or a brief abstract describing independent scientific research. In some We encourage you to explore the Amherst community grst-hand. cases, the Admission Committee may forward your materials to Without making a reservation, you may do any of the following: members of our faculty for evaluation. If you submit an arts or ath- • Explore on your own schedule. Our campus is open and easy letic supplement, we recommend that you use the Amherst Optional to negotiate, and you can pick up a map and self-guided tour Arts or Athletic Background Supplements instead of the Common brochure outside of the Admission OGce at any time. Application Arts or Athletic Supplements provided by the Common • Join an hour-long campus tour given by a student tour guide.
Application. Please note: optional supplements are neither required • Attend an hour-long general information session led by an nor necessary. They should be included only if the applicant has completed work at an exceptionally high level. Please do not send • Attend an hour-long gnancial aid information session led by a originals, as we cannot return any materials submitted to us.
Please visit our Website ( for an As an admitted student, you may, with permission from the Director of Admission, defer matriculation for a year without reapplying. Note that Amherst does not conduct personal interviews for You should congrm your intent to enroll at Amherst by submit- ting the matriculation form and required deposit along with a writ-ten request for the deferral by May 1. Deferred students wishing to AMherst COllege dO es nOt disC riMinAt e in it s AdMissiOn O r eM P lOyM ent POliCies And P rACt iC es On t he BAsis Of receive credit for academic work completed during the year between fACtO rs suCh As rAC e, sex, sexuAl O rientAt iOn, Age, COlO r, r eligiOn, nAt iOnAl O rigin, disABilit y O r stAt us As A v et erAn Of t he v iet nAM WA r erA O r As A disABled v et erAn. t he COllege COM P lies W it h f ederAl And stAt e high school and their enrollment at Amherst will need to reapply for legislAt iOn And r egulAt iOns r egA rding nOn-disC riMinAt iOn. inquiries shOuld Be Add r essed tO t he AffirMAt iv e entrance to the College as transfers.
ACt iOn OffiC e, AC# 2217, AMherst COllege, PO BOx 5000, AMherst, MA 01002–5000.
2012 Amherst College First-Year Application Instructions
admission a P P licat ion check list
Amherst’s admission policy is “need-blind” for U.S. and Canadian r equir ed by nov ember 15 ( ea rly deCision) o r citizens and permanent residents. This means that our admission decision is based solely on your achievements, talents and promise. We • Application Fee ($60) or Fee Waiver Request if applying are committed to making Amherst afordable for al students who gain admission. We guarantee to meet 100% of your family’s demonstrated financial need. For more information on Amherst’s generous gnancial aid program and how to apply for gnancial aid, please contact: • First marking period grades from senior year for Early Decision • SAT and SAT Subject Exam Results or ACT Exam Results • TOEFL, MELAB or IELTS Results, if English is not your • Teacher Evaluation 1 (English, Math, Science, Social Studies • Teacher Evaluation 2 (English, Math, Science, Social Studies a P P lying Fo r Financial aid
To apply for financial aid from Amherst, you should submit the • Amherst Supplement to the Common Application 1. CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE. You may order and/or complete this r equir ed as soon as first t rim est er o r form online at The Amherst College code 2. Parents’ and student’s federal income tax returns and • Signed Early Decision Agreement (November 15) • Optional Athletic Background Supplement (ED: November 15, Income tax returns and wage statements for 2007 should be • Optional Arts Background Supplement (ED: November 15, submitted to Amherst through the College Board’s Institutional Documentation (IDOC) service. Students who file a CSS/ Please mak e a Co Py of all a P PliCat ion mat erials for your r eCords befor e Financial Aid Profile form will receive information about sub- submit t ing t hem to amherst. t he offiC e of admission is unable to r et u rn mitting documents in early February 2008 (or soon after filing any a P P liCat ion mat erials t hat a r e submit t ed to us.
the PROFILE form if the form is submitted later). Students who apply for Early Decision admission, or whose family’s income tax forms are not available by March 10, should submit copies of their Fo r Fu rt her inFo rmat ion
and their parents’ 2006 tax returns and income documentation directly to the OGce of Financial Aid. When the 2007 documents are available, they should be submitted through the IDOC service.
3. Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA (for U.S. citizens and permanent residents only). You may complete the FAFSA online at You may also get a paper version of the FAFSA from your secondary school counselor. The Amherst Col ege code for the FAFSA is 002115. The FAFSA should not be submitted before January 1.
2012 Amherst College First-Year Application Instructions
2 012 a m h e r s t s u P P l em e n t
t o t h e co m m o n a P P l i c at io n
P ersonal data
Please write legibly! Be sure to provide an e-mail address you check regularly and to alert us if you change your e-mail address. The following item is optional: Social Security number, if any If you listed a third address (other than the mailing address or permanent home address listed on the Common Application) for your SAT, ACT or TOEFL registration, please list that here Fo r ea rly decision a P P licant s only
As an ED Applicant I confirm that if admitted, Amherst may share my name and my Early Decision agreement with other institutions.
Fo r all a P P licant s
Have you applied to Amherst College before?
If you’re sending the Amherst Optional Arts Background Supplement, please check here If you’re sending the Amherst Optional Athletic Background Supplement, please check here addit ional quest ions
Have you visited the Amherst campus as part of a group visit program?
No If yes, please identify the school, organization or program that arranged your trip to campus Do you have any siblings, parents, or grandparents who are alumni or current students at Amherst College? list name, year of graduating class, and relationship to you (list additional names on a separate sheet of paper) Do you have any other relatives who are alumni or current students at Amherst College? No If yes, please list the name, year of graduating class and relationship to you (list additional names on a separate sheet of paper) (o Pt ional)
Have you met with an Amherst representative at any time in the last year?
No If yes, please identify the person you met and his Please complete and submit this form by November 15 (Early Decision) or January 1 (Regular Decision).
2012 Amherst College First-Year Supplement to the Common Application
Family educat ional right s and P rivacy act oF 1974 (buck ley amendment )
Recommendations provide valuable information to the Admission Committee. If you are admitted and enroll, your recommendations are added to your educational record and sometimes help deans make rooming assignments and advising decisions. Under the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act you have the right, if you enroll at Amherst, to review your educational records. The Act further provides that you may waive your right to see recommendations for admission. Please indicate your choice by checking the appropriate box and signing your name. do not waive my access to my admission recommendations.
su P P lement essay
In addition to the essay you’re asked to write as part of the Common Application, Amherst requires a second essay (250-500 words). We do
not offer interviews as part of the application process at Amherst. However, your essays provide you with an opportunity to speak to us. Please
keep this in mind when responding to one of the following quotations. It is not necessary to research, read, or refer to the texts from which
these quotations are taken; we are looking for original, personal responses to these short excerpts.
1) “The world as revealed by science is far more beautiful, and far more interesting, than we had any right to expect. Science is valuable because of the view of the universe that it gives.” George Greenstein, Sidney Dillon Professor of Astronomy, Amherst College 2) “Art is man’s constant effort to create for himself a different order of reality from that which is given to him.” Attributed to Chinua Achebe, Nigerian novelist and poet 3) “It seems to me incumbent upon this and other schools’ graduates to recognize their responsibility to the public interest.unless the graduates of this college…are willing to put back into our society those talents, the broad sympathy, the understanding, the compas-sion.then obviously the presuppositions upon which our democracy are based are bound to be fallible.” John F. Kennedy, at the ground breaking for the Amherst College Frost Library, October 26, 1963 4) “The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook.” From The Principles of Psychology (1890) by William James 5) “Stereotyped beliefs have the power to become self-fulfilling prophesies for behavior.” From Men and Women in Interaction, Reconsidering the Differences by Elizabeth Aries, Professor of Psychology, Amherst College 6) “Difficulty need not foreshadow despair or defeat. Rather achievement can be all the more satisfying because of obstacles surmounted.” Attributed to William Hastie, Amherst Class of 1925, first African-American to serve as a judge for the United States Court of Appeals o Pt ional scienc e su P P lement
Candidates who have completed a significant piece of independent scientific research may include a brief abstract describing the work
(50-75 words maximum) in the space below:
2012 Amherst College First-Year Supplement to the Common Application
2 012 a m h e r s t o P t io na l
a r t s bac k g r o u n d s u P P l em e n t
P ersonal data
Check One
The following item is optional: Social Security Number, if any P lease check medium
Music Requirements: Please send all information together in a single envelope, separate from the rest of the application. Incomplete packets will not be reviewed. Include the following:• Optional Arts Background Supplement• Résumé summarizing your experience with instrument, voice and/or composition including years studied, name(s) of teachers or group(s), • CD (preferable) or cassette tape no longer than 10 minutes, exhibiting contrasting examples of expression, technique, and period. Please include 1) a list of the CD or cassette tape contents, and 2) the identity of the instrument/voice to be evaluated. All CD’s should be submitted in paper envelopes. No jewel cases please.
Please do not submit audiotapes of choral ensembles or other group performances. Solos should be isolated.
Theater and Dance Requirements: Please send all information together in a single envelope, separate from the rest of the application. Incomplete packets will not be reviewed. Include the following:• Optional Arts Background Supplement• Résumé summarizing your experience• Recommendation from a teacher who is familiar with your work, in a sealed envelope• A copy of your Supplemental EssayPlease do not submit videotapes, DVDs or pictures.
Visual Arts Requirements: Please send all information together in a single envelope, separate from the rest of the application. Incomplete packets will not be reviewed. Include the following:• Optional Arts Background Supplement• Résumé with dates, institutions, and a brief description for each course or workshop. Describe other related experience.
• Recommendation from a teacher who is familiar with your work, in a sealed envelope• A sheet of slides or a CD, including at least three drawings, or copies of photos no larger than 8 x 10. All CD’s should be submitted in paper envelopes. No jewel cases please.
Please do not submit originals or videotapes. deadlines
All materials must be received by the deadline. Materials received after the deadline will not be reviewed. 2012 Amherst College Optional Arts Background Supplement
2 012 a m h e r s t o P t io na l
at h l e t i c bac k g r o u n d s u P P l em e n t
P ersonal data
Check One
The following item is optional: Social Security number, if any inst ruct ions
If you anticipate participating in varsity athletics at Amherst College, please complete the grid below. List any team sports played in order
of their importance to you.
Please list any times, records, awards, etc. 2012 Amherst College Optional Athletic Background Supplement


APSAD Statement Drug Testing Among School Students In light of recent media on the use of drug testing among school students, the Australasian Professional Society on Alcohol and other Drugs (APSAD) would like to express reservations about this approach and highlight the existence of effective drug prevention programs specifically designed for schools. In the September issue of Drug an

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