AZELOGLICINA (INCI Name: Potassium Azelaoyl Diglycinate) INTRODUCTION: CLINICAL TESTING: Azelaic Acid is a naturally occurring BIOACTIVITY
Independent testing of AZELOGLICINA
4) found in whole grain cereals and animal
evaluate its activity in three areas of interest
thetically produced by the action of nitric
acid oxidation (hence the ‘aze-‘ prefix) on
oleic or elaidic acid. This organic acid dis-
♦ Sebum Normalization
plays bacteriostatic and bactericidal proper-
the production of cutaneous lipids on the
and has FDA approval for the treatment of
mild to moderate inflammatory acnevul-garis. Azelaic acid is also used by derma-
♦ Skin Lightening
mented skin and shows effectiveness in the
measurements (3.2% for “spots”, 5.4% on
treatment of various forms of androgeneticalopecia and other types of hair loss.
Although Azelaic Acid has significant
♦ Moisturization and Re-Hydration Significant increases in Skin Hydra-
industrial uses and increasing application in
tion values (forehead = 12.7%; cheek =
professional medical treatment, it has found
8.2%) and Skin Elasticity (R9 parameter,
little if any use in cosmetic and personal
care formulations primarily due to its low
water solubility and skin and eye irritation
TOXICOLOGY AZELOGLICINA , the mono- potassium salt ofazelaic acid diglyci- nate, maintains many of the useful proper-
ties of the parent compound but displays
greater water solubility and improved toxi-
cology. When used in creams and lotions at
the 5 – 10% level (as received), AZELO- GLICINA has been shown to be an effective
and mild skin-lightening agent, to control the production of sebum and to confer anti-
aging effects through the moisturization and
AMITECH, INC. Tele: (908) 453-3743 FAX: (908) 453-3645 Email: AZELOGLICINA (Potassium Azelaoyl Diglycinate) COMPARING AZELOGLICINA and AZELAIC ACID AZELOGLICINA is an improved form of azelaic acid, delivering many of
the benefits of the parent compound while minimizing the negative aspects.
The table below compares the properties of both materials:
PROPERTY AZELAIC ACID AZELOGLICINA Appearance/Form Water Solubility Toxicity Skin Lightening Sebum Control Moisturization\ Rehydration Applications
TYPICAL PROPERTIES FORMULATING with AZELOGLICINA Appearance: Clear liquid Color: Colorless Odor: Odorless
rapid miscibility of AZELO- pH (as is): 6.5 – 7.5 Density: 1.165 g/ml GLICINA in water, it is easily incor- Proteic Nitrogen: Activity: 28 – 32 % Use Levels:
pages, the AZELOGLICINA is nor- Preservation: AZELOGLICINA (Potassium Azelaoyl Diglycinate) FORMULATING WITH AZELOGLICINA FORMULA 1 – NONIONIC CLEAR GEL for OILY SKIN This simple and elegant serum-like clear gel demonstrates the use of AZELOGLICINA in a leave-on sebum control formulation
2 GRAMBEN II 1 0.90 (Propylene Glycol (and) Diazolidinyl Urea (and) Methylparaben (and) Propylparaben) AZELOGLICINA followed by the citric acid. Add the guar deriva- tive in increments until it is com-
5 AZELOGLICINA 1 5.00 (Potassium Azelaoyl Diglycinate)1 – SINERGA/AMITECH FORMULA 2 – REHYDRATING ANIONIC O/W EMULSION A high quality yet easy to prepare rehydrating/moisturizing emulsion that applies uniformly and leaves INGREDIENTS wt % PREPARATION
1 PHYTOCREAM 1 10.00 AZELOGLICINA and SEAMOL- Wheat Protein (and) Glyceryl Stearate LIENT. Warm to 55oC. PHENOXYPARABEN and warm to
55oC. Add the PHYTOCREAM to
5 PHENOXYPARABEN 1 0.50 (Phenoxethanol (and) Methylparaben Propylparaben (and) Butylparaben AZELOGLICINA 5.00 (Potassium Azelaoyl Diglycinat e)
1 – SINERGA/AMITECH AZELOGLICINA (Potassium Azelaoyl Diglycinate) FORMULA 3
– VERY LOW VISCOSITY SPRAYABLE EMULSION This very low viscosity emulsion is especially designed to be used as either an after-bath body splash or spray. The AZELOGLICINA provides and maintains mosturization INGREDIENTSwt % REPARATION
1 Glyceryl Stearate (and) Ceteareth-20 4.50 (and) Ceteareth-12 (and) Cetearyl Alcohol (and) Cetyl Palmitate 2AZELOGLICINA
2 Ceteareth-20 1.50
GRAM 1 under high shear.
3 Dicapryl Ether 5.00
PHENOXYPARABEN 1 (Phenoxethanol (and) Methylparaben (and) Ethylparaben (and) Propylparaben (and) Butylparaben)
8 GRAM 1 1 0.30
6 AZELOGLICINA 1 5.00 (Potassium Azelaoyl Diglycinate)–SINE RGA/AMITECH –EMULGADE SE ex HENKEL FORMULA 4– O/A NONIONIC EMULSION A classic and simple nonionic emulsion for oily skin. INGREDIENTS wt %
1 (Cetearyl Glucoside 5.00PREPARATION
5 PHENOXYPARABEN 1 0.50 (Phenoxethanol (and) Methylparaben
order 1,2,5 and finally the AZE- LOGLICINA. Continue stirring Propylparaben (and) Butylparaben)
6 AZELOGLICINA1 5.00 (Potassium Azelaoyl Diglycinate) 1 – SINERGA/AMITECH AMITECH, INC. Tele: (908) 453-3743 FAX: (908) 453-3645 Email:
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