ASIS Calgary / Southern Alberta Chapter

Monday, November 7th,, 2011
Fifth Avenue Place: 420 – 2nd Street SW, Calgary,

ASIS Chapter 162 Executive Meeting Minutes

Note Taker
Glen Kitteringham, Cing Pemberton, James Sanford, Paul Bates Sean Bolli, Doug Durant, Roger Maslen, Jody Reid, Ron Stewart, Mike Callaghan, Ryan Petersen, Kevin Jordan
Kathy called the meeting to order at 2:37 pm.
Approve the Amended Meeting Minutes from October 3, 2011.
Program Report (Cing Pemberton)

Jan.20 = Micro Dot Technology, Application and Future Prospects, Louis Bouchard (31 Total Attendees, 17 Members, 14 Guests) Feb.17 = The Role of the Ethics Commissioner for the Province of Alberta, Neil Wilkinson the Ethics Commissioner for the Province of Alberta (44 Attendees, 36 Members, 8 Guests) Mar.17 = John Ratcliff, Violence in Workplace (44 Attendees, 32 Members / 12 Guests) Apr.21 = Ryan Petersen – CSA Standard 246.1 – Security Management Systems in the Oil & Gas Industry (33 Attendees, 28 Members, 5 Guests) May 19 = Kevin Klemer – Virtualization (24 Attendees, 20 Members, 4 Guests) Jun.16 = Summer Mixer – Paul Burrows, Security Manager for the Calgary Stampede (48 Attendees, 32 Members, 16 Guests) Sept.15 = Calgary Police Service RICI Program Oct.20 = Tim Richter of the Calgary Homeless Foundation Nov.17 = Cpl. Pasloske of the RCMP – Integrated Market Enforcement Cing asked the Executive to start looking for people to present at the Luncheons in 2012 as we currently don’t have anyone set up starting as of January. Cing stated that we still do not have anyone for the January Luncheon. Kathy suggested Bruce from Bylaw? It was agreed that the Poppy Fund and Crime Stoppers would both be invited to the December Mixer to accept their cheques. It was also agreed that we should continue to invite members of SPIE to attend as well. James suggested that we conduct some prize draws and a 50/50 draw as well. This was also agreed upon. Kathy advised that SPIE does want to attend the Christmas Mixer. Kathy will send them an invite. James suggested that maybe we should consider asking CANASA as well. He will contact them to see if they are interested. Action Items
Ask CANASA if they want to attend the Christmas Mixer. Web Master Report (Brendan McKinney)

Parnell asked if Brendan would be providing a Web Master Report. Kathy was not sure. Parnell will send him a copy of an old report to see if he is willing to do so. Parnell sent Brendan a copy of some previous Web Master Reports to see if he was willing to do something similar for us. Brendan has not responded as yet. Parnell advised that Brendan has been given instructions from Andrew Boone on how to run a Web Master Report. Kathy will discuss with Ryan on working with Brendan to complete a Web Master Report. Ron agreed to investigate what it would take to set up Pay Pal on our web site so that persons attending our Luncheons can pay this way. Kathy advised that Ron did a ton of work on getting PayPal set up. We are just waiting on it to be installed by Brendan onto the Web Site. There was discussion around adding password protection to the job listings so that only members can access them. It is not known if this is possible, but it was agreed that this would be a good added bonus for being a member. Ryan will investigate this further. No update. Action Items
Follow up with Brendan on creating a Web Master Report. Investigate password protect for Job Postings.
Golf Tournament (Roger Maslen)

Kathy advised everyone that Crime Stoppers has approached her to partner with us for the Golf Tournament in 2012. It still needs approval by their Board of Directors. This would mean one Golf Tournament next year as opposed to two. They have suggested that they would assist us with organizing the event. They can also get celebrity golfers whom can be auctioned off for their charity. Glen asked that we determine what their expectations from the chapter would be if we agree to this. Ron commented that we would also need to determine how we would split the money. Kathy advised that she is still trying to get in touch with Roger from Crime Stoppers to further discuss the idea.
CPP Review (Glen Kitteringham / Sean Bolli)

Glen asked Kathy to provide him with a letter so that he can order the CPP Study Guides for the course. Letter was provided by Kathy and the guides have been ordered. Glen has sent invoices out to 10 people for the course. Since then one has called to cancel. The course is scheduled to start on January 4th.
PSP Review (Ryan Petersen)
Glen suggested that we probably have enough interest to set something up. Glen offered to look into setting something up if nobody steps forward to do so. It was agreed that we should canvas the membership to see how much interest there is in holding a PSP course. Glen stated that he would also like to see us consider doing a PCI Review in the future as well. Ryan went over what is in the RFP. It includes the Chapters expectations. It lays out how to submit a tender. It also explains how we will evaluate. Ryan has sent out the RFP. We have not yet heard if anyone has responded. Sponsorship (Kathy MacDonald)
Kathy spoke with Jeff Frisbee regarding setting up Dave Toddington to speak in Edmonton & Calgary. It would be a 2 day Conference set up in February of 2012. We would need a computer lab to hold the Conference in. Kathy has been making some calls looking for a place to hold it. Dave is looking for $2,000 per day to speak. Kathy suggested that we charge $125 to attend the course. It was felt that this may be a little low. Ryan asked if we would be recruiting to ASIS Chapter members first before offering it to SPIE or others groups. It was agreed that we would move in that direction. Kathy should have more information by our September meeting. Kathy has contacted Jeff and they are working toward delivering the training in February. It will be two days of training. She has contacted SAIT about getting a computer lab to hold the training in. We are looking at charging around $300. We will only be able to accommodate 25 spots. Kathy advised that she has found a computer lab at SAIT for the course. She is currently checking on availability. Kathy also advised that Paul Bates has offered to help her out in setting this up. Ryan suggested that due to the small number of spaces available that the course be offered to members only to start with. This was agreed on. Kathy advised that the cost for the course will be consistent with what Edmonton is charging. Around $275 for the 2 day course. We can only get around 30 people into the course though. We are now looking at April to hold the course. Kathy has confirmed with SAIT that they would be able to accommodate us. It would be around $600 for the room. James suggested that we may also want to try the University of Calgary as well to see if they have some room to hold the course in. It was suggested that we may want to use this money in the future to hold a CPTED Course as well. The Police don’t appear to be inviting the general public to attend theirs anymore and there is an interest in this course. Parnell contacted Bill Van VanRyswyk of Security Through Safe Design Inc. He provided pricing of $5,500 for the training fee for a 4 day CPTED Level 1 course. We would also have to pay travel costs. We can’t piggyback this on Edmonton’s course as we would have to hold it over a weekend. It was agreed that the course would be a no go for 2011 and that we would re-look at this again in 2012.
2012 Elections
(Parnell Lea)
Parnell reminded everyone that the 2012 elections are coming up. Kathy confirmed who from the Executive’s elective positions were considering running. Kathy will remind the membership at the next Luncheon. The election will be held at the November Luncheon. Roger will lead the election. Kathy advised that so far nobody outside the Executive has stepped forward to stand for an elected position. To date Ron has expressed interest in Chair, Parnell has expressed interest in Vice Chair, Michael stated that he may run for Treasurer and Cing was interested in Secretary.
Scholarship (Ron Stewart)
Kathy believes it is time to once again send out the scholarship information. Ron agreed to look at when the deadline is to get it in. Ron has the information on the scholarship. He is just needs to confirm the headquarters will still match it. Scholarship has been awarded to Elias Munshya of Brookfield Properties. Placement Committee (Ryan Petersen)
Ryan had sent an email out suggesting that we should look at setting up a Placement Committee. Ryan explained that this was to help place members looking for work with companies looking for employees. His concept is that the Mentors under the Mentorship Program would participate in doing this. Glen advised that if we proceed with this we need to have a disclaimer drawn up. Ryan will put together a document on the program. James suggested that we may want to call this something other than “Placement Committee” as we are not really placing employees with companies. Action Items
Put together documentation on the program.
Legislative Report (Parnell Lea)
Parnell is still working on contacting Shaun Bonnetau from the Private Investigator & Security Guard Act Enforcement Division to come speak at a Luncheon in 2012. He has finally been given Shaun’s correct number and he has left a message for him. Parnell advised that he has given up trying to get them to attend as they are not returning his calls. Issues with recruiting new staff have become more problematic. Delays in processing through SoGen & the Calgary Police Service have created a number of issues getting people interested in sticking out the long cycle to apply. Parnell will be in contact SoGen to discuss the issues further with them. Parnell advised that SoGen is getting better on getting the licenses out. Most have been issued within two weeks of the paperwork going in. Parnell advised that he has had some staff complete the Alberta Training requirements through Columbia College. The program worked well and was a good way to get staff through the training process. Parnell advised that the Classroom study program keeps getting cancelled at Columbia College due to low attendance. The On Line Course though is still an option. Glen & James will try to reach someone from Lethbridge College to discuss their training program for Licensing. They will see if they can get someone to come in and speak at a Luncheon.
Newsletter Report ( Michael Callaghan)

Michael is committed to complete a Newsletter by months end. James has offered to assist him with this. They will need assistance in writing articles from the Executive. Kathy suggested that they add some photos from the Golf Tournament as well. Kathy stated that some of the Executive still need to get their pictures and Bios to Michael. Only Kathy, Ron and Ryan have done so to date.
Communication Committee (Kevin Jordan)

Mentorship Program (Ryan Petersen)

It was agreed that we should consider sending out an email advertising the program again. It also would not hurt to add some information on it into the newsletter. No update. Marketing Committee (Paul Bates)
Kathy advised that Paul Bates will be taking on the Marketing Committee moving forward. James offered to provide Paul with the information that Vladimir had completed when he was last looking after the Committee. Paul asked if we are looking at External Funding. If we are, what are people getting in return? How will it improve them professionally? Some suggestions Paul made for the Committee are: Possibly adding sponsor names to slides. Improve how the web site works. Generate more use of it. Maybe add passwords so members get special access to some material. Maybe match up sponsorship to line items in the budget. Kathy noted that there is a lot of work in recognizing sponsors. Kathy suggested that maybe we use Survey Monkey to determine what members would like to see on the Web Site. Action Items
Provide Marketing Committee information to Paul Bates.
New Business

Tri-Lateral Security Conference (Glen Kitteringham / Kathy MacDonald)

Kathy advised that SPIE has advised that they may not be able to help out on the Committee this year. James suggested that then this should affect the dividing of the profits. James has agreed to step in and dedicate time to represent ASIS on the Tri-Lateral Committee. Glen will send the contact information for the group to James. Glen suggested that we should consider using Organizational Resilience as a topic. He just presented at ASIS Pacific’s Conference in Vancouver and this is what the topic was. It was very good. Glen suggested that we may even be able to get some of the same speakers as there were not a lot of people from Calgary at the Conference so the material would not repeat.
National Security Agenda (Glen Kitteringham)

Glen advised that the next meeting is set for Wednesday. Glen is currently working on a budget and is fine tuning the strategic plan.
Chapter 162 Policy Binder (Ron Stewart)

Kathy suggested that we add the Chapter Survey Form to the Manual and that we keep it updated going forward.
On Line Safety Week (Kathy MacDonald)

Kathy noted that Janine Warner from Los Angeles will be in town on March 19th to present on Reputation Management at the Telus Convention Centre. Kathy stated that she is free that evening and we may be able to convince her to do a course for our members if she is interested. We could have a dinner meeting instead that month. Maybe use the Danish Canadian Club. Kathy suggested that we could sell tickets and give the money to charity. James suggested that if needed we may be able to use some of the Contava sponsorship money for this. Christmas Get Together (Parnell Lea)

Kathy asked if Parnell can set up our annual Christmas get together at Red Water in Bow Valley Square. Everyone agreed that Thursday’s @ 1:30 pm worked best for them. Action Items

Mount Royal University Scholarship (Kathy MacDonald)

Kathy brought up that the Scholarship has been awarded. In the past we have always topped it off as it is
usually only $150 annual y. We are not sure that there is anything that we can do this year as we don’t
know if it has already been given to the recipient. Kathy will follow up on this. It was agreed that we
would like to see this topped up to $500 total. We can also invite the recipient to a future ASIS Lunch.
Motion by James Sanford: If possible, up this year’s scholarship to $500, the equivalent of $350.
Seconded: Parnell Vote: Passed

Ralph Day Security Officer of the Year Award (Ron Stewart)

Ron brought forward the name of a G4S Secure Solutions employee to be nominated for the Award. The guards name is Edin Burnic. Ron provided a bio on the employee and also why he should be nominated. Everyone agreed that he would be a good nominee. Kathy will complete the paperwork and send it on. Meeting was adjourned at approximately 4:26 pm. The above minutes serve to record the discussions and action items of the meeting. (Note: In an effort to limit the length of printed copies of these minutes and thus be more environmentally aware, only the current and two (2) previous months of minutes are shown within this document.) Please advise the writer of any discrepancies or omissions immediately. Respectfully submitted, Parnell Lea Chapter Secretary



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