Belovewinter jan 9 14

be love is an offering of sustainable organic cuisine to nourish body, mind & soul. here to honour our earth community and one another, we mindfully source our ingredients, fostering change to provide a future of health, All salads and soups are served with a raw dehydrated multiseed cracker Soup of the Day
Sesame Miso
local seaweed, kale, sprouts, veggies & nori in chickpea miso sesame broth Bliss Salad - raw
local baby greens, shredded carrot & beet, cucumber, tomato, avocado, olives, sprouts & Dressings:Tahini-Lemon, Miso-Ginger, Fig Balsamic, Flax-lemon Earth Sea Salad - raw
Kale, local seaweed, daikon, cilantro, scallions, shredded carrot, sprouts, seeds, dulse & Warm Quinoa Salad
with roasted beets, kale, toasted hazelnuts, shredded carrot, cumin & fig balsamic Warm Olives
marinated in house
Chips & Guac - raw
yam chips & guacamole
Vitality Roll - raw
avocado, marinated burdock root, daikon, carrot & sprouts wrapped in nori and served with miso ginger dipping sauce
chickpea-quinoa fritters with cashew tzatziki dipping sauce and pickled turnip All sandwiches and burgers are made on house almond ‘pumpernickel,’ and served with your choice of soup, salad or roasted baby potatoes Portobello Reuben
grilled marinated portobello mushroom cap, house sauerkraut, sprouts, shredded beet and honey mustard ‘mayo’
Baja Burger
spicy black bean and pumpkin seed patty, avocado, tomato, lettuce, sprouts, cilantro- lime ‘sour cream’ & sundried tomato ketchup
ZLT - raw
zucchini ‘bacon’, lettuce, tomato, avocado, red onion, sprouts & honey mustard ‘mayo’ Macrobiotic Bowl
local seaweed, roasted squash, sauerkraut, steamed greens, sprouts, beets & toasted seeds on steamed quinoa with flax oil & tahini lemon sauce
Green Bowl
bokchoy, dark greens, broccolini & veggies in thai coconut green curry on steamed brown rice topped with avocado, toasted cashews, cilantro & scallions
Numi Noodle Bowl
buckwheat soba noodles & kelp noodles stir fried with sesame baked tempeh, shitake mushrooms, greens, veggies, marinated burdock root & adzuki bean miso garlic sauce
Littlest Dragon Bowl (12 and under only)
rice or quinoa with choice of sauce and any 2 toppings: avocado, pinto beans, cherry tomato, tempeh, roasted potatoes, squash or beets, steamed greens or olives (see sauces below in sides)
Love Bowl
choice of rice or quinoa with steamed greens, spiced pinto beans or black beans and choice of sauce: Tahini-Lemon, Miso-Ginger, Fig Balsamic, Flax-lemon. We believe that everyone deserves a warm healthy organic meal. Be Love offers the Love Bowl on a donation basis. No one is turned away. Suggested value: $8 Hearty Plate
roasted baby potatoes, marinated grilled tempeh, sautéd mushrooms & onions, steamed greens & miso gravy
BBQ Polenta
grilled yam polenta topped with sautéed collard greens, mushrooms, onions and pinto beans & sun dried tomato bbq sauce. served with cilantro-lime ‘sour cream’, cherry tomato & avocado baby green salad
Sweet Potato Gnocchi
house made sweet potato gnocchi sautéed in garlic-herb coconut ‘butter’ with caramelized onion, slow roasted tomato &roasted squash and topped with kale pesto !Masala Dosa
fermented lentil crepe filled with potato curry & served with tamarind-date chutney & cucumber-mint baby green salad with cashew raita avocado quarter 1.5 / half
dressing or sauce: tahini-lemon, miso-ginger, fig balsamic, , flax-lemon,miso gravy,cashew ‘sour cream’, honey mustard ‘mayo’, adzuki miso-garlic, sun dried tomato ketchup Everything we serve is wheat, gluten, dairy, meat, additive and processed sugar free. We use 95% organic whole ingredients that are sourced locally and seasonally where possible. Everything we serve is made from scratch, with love! Blessings
7.5 Earth Blood Tonic
7.5 Winter Tonic
!! carrot, apple, celery, tumeric, ginger, lemon ! Angelina
!! Bitters
grapefruit, celery, kale, collard greens, 7.5 ginger
apple, carrot, beet, celery, ginger, lemon, Purifier
!! apple, celery, burdock root, ginger, lemon, ! Back Yard
!! Enliven
apple, pear, celery, lemon, mint, 1oz E3 Green Gingerale
Super Alkaline Cleanse
Berry Zinger
strawberry, blackberry, pear, apple juice, ! hazelnut mylk, figs, cacao, vanilla bean, Creamy Green
almond butter, banana, date, almond mylk !! apple, orange, banana, hemp, lucuma, tocos, ! maca, bee pollen, vitamineral green, vanilla, Sunshine
strawberry, orange juice, banana, lemon, !! Mint Chip Mylkshake
! cacao nibs, vitamineral green, almond mylk ! !! Vital Green
spinach, blueberries, banana, spirulina, !! Warrior
Purple Prana
almond mylk, banana, date, almond butter, blueberries, blackberries, acai, banana, ! sprouted brown rice protein, maca, hemp KIDS DRINK SPECIAL (12 and under only)
pear, banana, cinnamon, bee pollen, ginger, 8
Cacao Jedi
Wheatgrass Juice - 1oz
! E3 Live - 1oz
Flu Fighter - 4oz
Beautifier - 4oz
lemon, ginger, honey, garlic, camu camu, aloe juice, E3 Live, strawberry juice, lime, All Kombucha &soda syrups made in house using organic herbs & raw cane sugar Lazerbeam Cream Soda
Maple Cardamom Shrub
Mu Tea Root Beer
Kombucha Gingerale
! kombucha, ginger juice, honey, sparkling Quetzal Cola
Strawberry Kombucha
our take on the original cola formula meant to uplift the spirit and sharpen the mind Organic Loose Leaf Teas
2.5 Love Hot Chocolate
vanilla rooibos, sencha green, yerba mate, ! raw chocolate syrup in choice of steamed peppermint, earl grey, jasmine, lemon, Longevity Latté
Medicinal Chai Tea
3.5 matcha, reishi, ginseng, ginkgo, hemp hearts,
herbal blend of warming spices, goji, pau d’arco, astragalus, reishi & chaga mushroom. ! !! Wellness Toddy
lemon, honey, ginger, turmeric, camu camu, jaga silk matcha with choice of mylk & ! Mayan Morning
cacao, coconut sugar, cinnamon, cayenne, Mama’s Magic
Joe’s Breakfast
Love Steamed Mylk
Seasonal organic beans locally roasted by Bows & Arrows All drinks made with double espresso Espresso
! Cardamom Latté
Arriba Mocha
espresso, raw cacao syrup & almond mylk choice of house-made almond or hazelnut ! spirulina, vitamineral green, cacao powder,


Microsoft word - bra - dos santos - bp decision - eng - final -27.01.10.doc

FÉDÉRATION INTERNATIONALE DE GYMNASTIQUE Decision by the FIG Presidential Commission Ms. DOS SANTOS Daiane (BRA), antidoping test performed on 2 July 2009, Nr. 3020542 A Facts: Ms. DOS SANTOS Daiane, born on 10 February 1983 and competing for the National Federation (« NF ») of Brazil (« BRA »), underwent an out of competition antidoping test. The urine sample Nr. 30205

Microsoft word - documento2

Fármacos y suicidio: Crisis en el control de los medicamentos Miguel Jara El sobrepeso nos puede conducir al suicidio y/o a problemas psiquiátricos graves, si consumimos para ello determinados medicamentos. La Agencia Europea del Medicamento (EMEA) ha decidido suspender la comercialización del preparado contra el sobrepeso Acomplia (cuyo principio activo es rimonabant), fabricado por el

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