L0112 health visiting service_desmopressin_eastberks_layout
What should I do about other Useful telephone numbers medicines my child is taking?
For further help and advice contact one of our
Remember that other tablets, herbal remedies
Desmopressin Bracknell Forest
Inform your GP or school nurse of any other
medicines or remedies your child is taking.
Indomethacin, Loperamide or Tricyclicantidepressants.
Windsor and Ascot T: 01753 636799 Always read the information leaflet provided by the manufacturer.
Office opening hours: 8.30am-5pm, Monday-Friday (reduced cover during school holidays). Length of treatment
To assess your child’s progress, Desmopressinwill be stopped every three months for aweek. If your child wets the bed during thistime, Desmopressin will be restarted and yourchild will continue to be assessed by theschool nurse. A structured, eight week
The Community Health Services of Berkshire East and Berkshire
withdrawal programme may be appropriate.
West are part of Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust as
The school nurse will discuss this with you.
Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust is committed to the
eight principles of the Data Protection Act 1998. We have
basis for holidays, school camps, sleepovers
implemented technology and security policies, rules and
measures to protect the personal data that we have under ourcontrol from: unauthorised access, improper use, alteration,unlawful or accidental destruction. For further informationplease contact the Data Protection Officer, 2nd/3rd Floor,Fitzwilliam House, Skimped Hill Lane, Bracknell, RG12 1LD. How is Desmopressin given?
If an alarm is not appropriate then the schoolnurse may refer your child to a community
Desmopressin can be given as a tablet or melt
Tablets can be swallowed whole, with a smalldrink. Your child will start on an initial dose of
How to use Desmopressin safely
one 200 micrograms tablet at night for two
correctly. Since it reduces urine production, it
nocturnal enuresis clinic. Following this it may
is very important that your child does not
Desmopressin – a treatment for
drink large amounts of fluid after they have
night-time wetting
Melts are wafers that dissolve immediately
Before starting Desmopressin treatment it is
Regular drinks (six to eight glasses) should be
when placed under the tongue. They are ideal
important that you and your child understand
taken during the day, up to one hour before
for children who have difficulty swallowing
From one hour before Desmopressin is taken
If after reading this leaflet you have any
until eight hours after, allow only sips to drink.
further questions please ask your General
If your child is regularly requesting more sips,
stop the Desmopressin immediately. Contactyour child’s GP or the school nurse at the
What is Desmopressin – and what does
nocturnal enuresis clinic for further advice. Do not use Desmopressin if your child has
Desmopressin is prescribed by your GP to help
diarrhoea or vomiting. It can be restarted
with your child’s night-time wetting, known as
nocturnal enuresis. Your child has beenassessed and found to produce more urine at
Are there any side-effects?
night than is normal for their age. This is
Side effects include headaches, feeling sick
Your child will be started on an initial dose of
(nausea), tummy aches and skin rashes. If your
produced by the kidneys, which will help your
should stop the Desmopressin immediately.
child to be dry at night. It can achieve one of
nocturnal enuresis clinic. Following this it may
be necessary to increase the dose to two melts
It is important to remember that side-effects
from Desmopressin are rare. Once Desmopressin
It is important that Desmopressin is taken as
• The number of wet nights significantly
possible for your child and to reduce the risk
• The amount of urine passed into the bed
If Desmopressin does not produce the positive
Desmopressin reduces urine production for
outcomes for your child, they will be assessed
eight to 10 hours a night. Your child may wet the
to see if a nocturnal enuresis alarm would be
bed if they remain asleep for longer than this.
Depression och insomni Milton K. Erman The Scripps Research Institute and the University of California School of Medicine, La Jolla, California, USA Att humörrubbningar och sömnstörningar är nära kopplade till varandra kommer inte som någon överraskning för den som är förtrogen med medicinen, religionen eller litteraturen. Redan 400 år f. Kr. kommenterade Hippokrates i sin Book o
Karácsonykor azonban hiába írtam be a keresôbe a szingli, meg a nyaralás szavakat. Egyetlen elfogadható találatom sem volt. Ahogy mentem sorba, viszont egészen érdekesnek tûnt a har-madik lehetôség: „Kattints – kezdôdhet a szerelem!” Egyértel-mû volt, hogy egy társkeresô oldalra bukkantam. Na, testvéreim, ez volt az a pillanat, amikor LeiLa Andersson egy vadnyugati mar-hag