Environmentalmeasures for enhancing public health: chloroquine
Biology and Medicine, 1 (3): 39-43, 2009 eISSN: 09748369, www.biolmedonline.com The influence of chloroquine administration on antioxidant levels, oxidant marker and total cholesterol in Wistar rats AC Achudume
Institute of Ecology and Environmental Studies,
Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria.
Abstract This study was undertaken to determine some biochemical changes of importance associated with chloroquine (CQ) treatment, using rat model of Plasmodium beighei berghei parasites. Chloroquine phosphate (5mg/kg body wt, dissolved in distilled water) was administered 3days per week for 8 weeks after infection by Plasmodium beighei beighei. The chloroquine did not potentiate any adverse effect on the formation of ascorbic acid-linked lipid peroxidation. The drug increased glutathione contents, but decreased protein and cholesterol levels. Chloroquine alone had no significant effect on malondialdehyde and alanine/aspartate transaminases, but decreased protein synthesis and cholesterol level. The characteristic biologic effects of CQ including the decrease in total cholesterol, protein synthesis, and stabilizer of lipid peroxidation as measured by malondialdehyde and the increased level of glutathione, may enhance the environmental measures of public health in cholesterol compromised individuals. Keywords: Chloroquine, cholesterol, hypercholesterolemia, roll-back malaria, public health, ascorbic acid-linked lipid peroxidation, hepatic transaminases. Introduction
the assessment of risks entailed by regular use
Chloroquine (CQ) has become increasingly
of chloroquine and (b) lack of resources for
ineffective largely because of development of
assessment of chloroquine for which data are at
resistance to the drug by malaria parasites.
Massive use of this drug to help eradicate
resistance to malaria infection has a multigenic
selective pressure, drug-resistance strain of
mechanism as widely believed (Schwartz 2003),
Plasmodium falciparum malaria emerged that
this association may govern other mechanism
gradually flourished (Wellems et, al., 2001,
that has potential benefit in cholesterol reduction
Medilinks 2002, and WHO/UNICEF 2003). The
Achudume and Eno 2000). Bioaccumulation and
chloroquine and some other older antimalarial
toxicity of chloroquine in lysosomal cells and
drugs prompted the introduction of more based
liver are well documented (Korolenko et. al.,
effective newer drugs such as the artemisinin-
1990). Our previous investigations showed that
combination therapy as well as the concept of
chloroquine deaccelerated NADPH-linked lipid
roll-back malaria (Li et. al., 2003 and Yamey
peroxidation (Achudume et.al., 1997). Similar
reports showed that CQ causes alterations in
lipid metabolism (Achudume et. al., 1998) and
essential to meet the social and economic goals
inhibition of cholesterol synthesis in freshly
of the endemic community and today’s best
isolated rat hepatocyte (Sewell et. al., 1983).
practice demonstrates that it can be used widely
Taking together, these results provide strong
in a cost-effective manner and with a high
evidence that CQ may still be valid as a drug for
degree of safety. However, a great deal remains
to be done to ensure environmental health and
glutathione (GSH) and hepatic enzymes [alanine
sustainable development and improved quality
(ALT) and aspartate (ASP) transaminases] as
indices of toxicity, exposure to low-level CQ
problems, particularly in developing countries,
was investigated as to whether it has potential to
are (a) lack of sufficient scientific information for
Biology and Medicine, 1 (3): 39-43, 2009
cholesterol compromised individuals. Many
suppression of parasitaemia was calculated for
workers had attempted dietary approaches
each day by comparing the parasitaemia in
(DASH) to lower cholesterol level which may
infected control with those of treated rats
reverse hypertension (Obarzanek et. al., 2001,
(Ayaiyeola et. al., 2006). The positive control
Ignatus et al 2006). Other study used Satin for
received infected erythrocytes and negative
the treatment of cholesterol (Caspard 2006) and
all these treatments have their drawbacks. They
either have long-term cardiac risk or elevate liver
decapitation. Livers were dissected out and
enzymes and cause myopathy as well as other
homogenized in TRI-R-STIR-R model K-43, and
side effects. None had studied the prophylactic
effects of CQ on lipid peroxidation, cholesterol,
GSH and liver enzymes to justify calls for public
health strategies to maximize the useful life of
The supernatant was dialyzed against ice cold
CQ. In the present study, an assessment of
distilled water and resuspended in 0.15 M KCl to
chloroquine as alternative to malaria treatment
an approximately final concentration of 20 mg of
were determined by measuring the levels of
protein per millimeter (approximately 1g of liver
antioxidant (GSH) and oxidant marker (MDA),
per millimeter (Siegler and Kararinoff 1983). The
and total cholesterol levels by analyzing percent
parasitemia to the liver enzymes in infected
thiobarbiturate. The reaction was initiated by
addition of ascorbic acid (Shimada et. al., 1979).
Materials and Methods
Reduced glutathione was determined by using
aliquots of liver homogenate (20%) diluted with
Adult male albino Wistar rats weighing between
190-200g were obtained from animals holding,
nitrobenzoic acid) was added to the supernatant
University, Ile-Ife. Animals were housed in
fractions and absorbance was measured at
ventilated group aluminum boxes (41x28x15 cm)
and illumination (12h light cycle starting at 6AM)
modified by Liu et. al. (2005). Total cholesterol
for at least 7 days before experiments. Animals
level was determined by using Liebermann
were maintained on Laboratory chow (Ladokun
Burechard reagent (Abell et. al., 1962). Protein
was determined by Lowry et. al. (1951) method.
deprived of food for 24h but given free access to
water up to the beginning of the study. Protocols
describing the use of rats were approved by the
An ANOVA fol owed by Dunnett’s test was used
Animal Care Committee of OAU, Ile-Ife and in
to compare treated groups to a control group,
accordance with the American Physiological
after verification of homoscedasticity and equal
Society’s “Guiding Principles for Research
Results and Discussion
The effects of CQ administration on ascorbic
All chemicals used were of analytical grade.
acid-linked lipid peroxidation, protein contents,
glutathione, total cholesterol, alanine and
dissolved in distilled water) was administered
aspartate transaminases is summarized in Table
orally for 3days before and after infection, i.e. 3
1. Chloroquine treatment for eight weeks did not
days per week for 8 weeks. The experimental
potentiate any adverse effect on the formation of
animals received a standard inoculum of 1x107
malondialdehyde in ascorbic acid-linked lipid
peroxidation. Chloroquine alone decreased
erythrocytes intraperitoneally (ip), following the
protein synthesis significantly P<0.05 and
methods of Makinde et. al. (1993). Blood
increased glutathione content. It has little or no
schizontocidal activity (Rane test) was evaluated
effect on the hepatic enzymes and significantly
after 3, 5, and 8 days post infection. This was
(P<0.05) decreased cholesterol level. In a
monitored by collection of drops of blood from
similar manner, Chloroquine with infected blood
the tail vein, followed by fixation, permeability,
staining and analyzed with a visible range flow
compared to control P<0.05. It increased
cytometer (Barkan et. al., 2000). The percentage
Research Article Biology and Medicine, Vol 1 (3): 00-00, 2009
Table 1: Effect of chloroquine administration on ascorbic acid-linked lipid peroxidation in subcellular fraction of rat liver Treatment Malondialdehyde Protein Glutathione Cholesterol ALT ASP 8 weeks nmol/30 min mg mg/ml mg/ml mg/100 ml mg/protein protein Control 0.12±0.1 13.29±0.62 0.300±0.10 12.65±2.49 0.33±0.020 .30±0.01 CQ plus Infected Blood 0.382±0.5 1.522±0.50x 0.843±0.21 2.51±8.1x 0.29±0.06 0.29±0.09 CQ alone 0.494±0.41 1.783±0.41x 0.735±0.26 2.32±1.6x 0.36±0.08 0.34±0.06
x Significantly different from control P<0.05 Table 2: Schizontocidal activity of Chloroquine on early infection
Treatment Dose Average % chemosuppression Mg/kg/day 3 5 8 days Control - 0 0 0 CQ 5 25±1.2 58.6±0.6 86.6±1.3 hepatic enzymes and significantly decreased
cholesterol level. The schizontocidal action of
chemosuppressive activity of Chloroquine was
CQ assessed its chemosuppressive activity is
greatly diminished (Table2). The percentage
chemosuppression was observed to increase by
described in literature (Makinde et. al., 1993).
synthesis, reduced cholesterol level while
Although the results presented did not relate
increasing reduced glutathione concentrations. It
sensitivity of CQ to resistant factors. The study
had no significant effect on ascorbic acid-linked
however, showed that CQ treatment did not
lipid peroxidation and ALT/AST transaminases
show any adverse effect on the formation of
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