Chemical-inducible systems for regulated expression of plant genes Jianru Zuo and Nam-Hai Chua
Chemical regulation of transgene expression presents a
Chemical-inducible systems for regulated gene expression
powerful tool for basic research in plant biology and
are extremely useful for basic plant biology research and
biotechnological applications. Various chemical-inducible
biotechnology applications. For example, the ability to
systems based on de-repression, activation and inactivation of
activate a specific gene trait in the field by using chemicals
the target gene have been described. The utility of inducible
might circumvent the problem of saving of transgenic
promoters has been successfully demonstrated by the
seeds by growers. In response to basic research interests as
development of a marker-free transformation system and large-
well as commercial needs, many chemical-inducible sys-
scale gene profiling. In addition, field applications appear to be
tems have been developed in the past decade. Because
promising through the use of registered agrochemicals
this subject was intensively surveyed 2–3 years ago [2,3•,4]
our review will focus primarily on results published in thepast three years. We compare the relative merits of the var-
ious systems, describe their uses thus far, consider
Laboratory of Plant Molecular Biology, Rockefeller University,
strategies for future development and discuss their poten-
1230 York Avenue, New York, NY 10021, USA
Correspondence: Nam-Hai Chua; e-mail:
Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2000, 11:146–151 Desired properties of an ideal chemical- inducible system
Table 1 lists the desired properties of an ideal chemical-
2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
inducible system. Stringent chemical regulation of the
system requires many different properties. To prevent
uncontrollable expression, it is important that the chemical
inducer should not be a plant metabolite. Chemicals that
elicit physiological responses in plants or are otherwise
toxic should be avoided for obvious reasons.
Taking these properties into consideration, it is clear thatpromoters of plant genes whose expression is triggered bychemicals (e.g. salicylic acid or benzothiadiazole) [2] are
probably not suitable. These promoters are likely to have
Genetic manipulations by transgenic technology invariably
some basal level expression, and because of the various cis
involve the introduction of one or more transgenes that can
elements embedded in their 5′ upstream region, they are
turn on or turn off desired traits in plants. In many cases, con-
likely to respond to a number of physiological and envi-
stitutive promoters (e.g. the CaMV35S) [1] are used to
ronmental signals, in addition to the chemical in question.
transcribe a gene of interested. A major limitation of consti-
For these reasons, several laboratories have been engaged
tutive promoters, however, is that they cannot be used to
in the development of chemical-inducible systems using
investigate genes whose constant over- or under-expression
components derived from non-plant sources.
has deleterious effects on the plant. In the more severe cases,expression of a sense or anti-sense transgene in transformed
Artificial chemical-inducible systems
cells may be toxic, thereby blocking plant regeneration.
Chemical-inducible expression systems in plants, in gen-eral, are based on de-repression, inactivation, and
To a certain extent, the lethality problems can be partially
activation of transcription of the target gene (Table 2). All
overcome by using tissue-specific promoters. On the other
these systems contain two transcription units. Whereas the
hand, chemical-inducible systems for regulated gene
first unit employs a constitutive (e.g. 35S) promoter to
expression offer a more general and flexible solution. In
express a chemical-responsive transcription factor, the sec-
contrast to constitutive promoters, chemical-inducible sys-
ond unit consists of multiple copies of the transcription
tems are quiescent in the absence of inducers and
factor binding site linked to a minimal plant promoter (a
therefore will not inhibit plant regeneration. By the judi-
truncated 35S promoter in all reported systems), which is
cious application of inducers, it is possible to regulate gene
used to express the target gene. The properties of these
expression in transgenic plants at a particular developmen-
systems are briefly summarized below.
tal stage and for a specific duration. Furthermore, the useof an appropriate promoter to express the chemical-respon-
De-repression system
sive transcription factor can further restrict the target
The bacterial tetracycline repressor (TetR) binds to the
transgene expression to specific organs, tissues, or even
tet operator in the absence of tetracycline. Upon associa-
tion with tetracycline, TetR is released from its operator,
Chemical-inducible systems for regulated expression of plant genes Zuo and Chua 147 Desired protperties of an ideal chemical-inducible system in A list of chemical-inducible systems in plants.
High specificity with respect to inducers
High dynamic range of response with respect to inducerconcentrations
Rapid switch-off following inducer withdrawal
Inducer not toxic and has no physiologic effects plants
(a) Zuo et al., unpublished data.
presumably due to the conversion of the dimeric TetR(DNA-binding form) to the monomeric form. Based on
containing tet operator sequences becomes silenced over
these observations, Gatz et al. [5,6] developed the first
time, presumably as a result of methylation of the tet oper-
de-repression system in plants. The target promoter is a
ator as originally observed in bacteria cells ([3•] and
modified 35S promoter, in which one and two copies of
references therein; see also [9••]).
the tet operator were placed upstream and downstreamfrom the TATA-box, respectively. In the absence of tetra-
Activation systems
cycline, overexpressed TetR binds to the tet operator,
Most inducible expression systems described in plants are
thereby preventing target gene expression. Upon binding
based on transcriptional activation. The most common
tetracycline, TetR is released from the operator, relieving
strategy is to constitutively or conditionally express an
the repression. The tetracycline de-repression system has
inactive chimeric transcription activator, which contains a
been successfully used for expressing a number of genes
heterologous DNA-binding domain (DBD), an activation
in tobacco, tomato and potato but it did not work in
domain, a nuclear localization signal (NLS) and, most crit-
Arabidopsis, which presumably requires a higher but
ically, the regulatory domain of an animal steroid nuclear
intolerable repressor concentration for efficient repres-
receptor. Regulation of steroid nuclear receptors has been
sion ([2,3•] and references therein). Another disadvantage
well documented, and the molecular mechanism appears
is that fresh tetracycline has to be supplied every other
to be highly conserved from insects to mammals. In the
day due to the short half-life of the inducer in plants,
absence of the hormone ligand, the receptor associates
making the system less convenient to use.
with cellular regulatory proteins, including HSP90, andbecomes anchored in the cytosol as a monomer. Inactivation system
Association of a ligand with the hormone-binding domain
In the tetracycline-inactivation system, the TetR repressor
leads to the release of HSP90 from the receptor. The
was converted into an activator (tetracycline transactivator
receptor subsequently dimerizes, translocates into the
[tTA]) by fusing it to the acidic activation sequence of her-
nucleus, and binds to the target DNA. As the hormone
pes simplex virus protein 16 (VP16). The target expression
inducibility appears to be transferable when the regulatory
cassette contains multiple copies of the tet operator
domain is fused to a heterologous DBD, and also because
sequence. The expression of the target gene is therefore
plants do not have an analogous hormonal system, steroid-
dependent upon binding of tTA to the tet operator, which
based transactivation systems have been used in a number
occurs in the absence of tetracycline. Introduction of the
of studies [4]. The regulatory domains of the mammalian
latter results in the release of the tTA–tetracycline com-
glucocorticoid receptor (GR; the GVG system) [10], estro-
plex from the operator, thus turning off target gene
gen receptor (ER) ([11•]; J Zuo, Q-W Niu, N-H Chua,
transcription [7]. This transcription-inactivation system
unpublished data) and an insect ecdysone receptor [12••]
has been used in both tobacco and Arabidopsis, and appears
have all been shown to give relatively tight control and
to be very useful for the study of gene product stability [8].
high inducibility. The GVG chimeric factor contains the
Upon turning off the transcription of a transgene by apply-
DBD of the yeast GAL4 transcription factor (G), the acti-
ing the inducer, the turnover of the transgene product can
vating sequence of VP16 (V), and the regulatory region of
be assessed. A negative control by the inducer, however,
the rat GR (G). In transgenic tobacco plants, the expres-
makes the system less practical to use than a positively
sion of a luciferase reporter gene driven by the target
controlled system because plants have to be maintained in
promoter is stimulated over 100-fold by treatment with
the presence of tetracycline in order to turn off transcrip-
dexamethasone (dex), a synthetic GR ligand. The system
tion. An additional complication is that the promoter
has been successfully used to express a number of genes in
Plant biotechnology
different studies (see below). Major shortcomings of the
In addition to the examples described before, the intact
GVG system appear to be dex-dependent toxic effects in
Aspergillus nidulans AlcR activator was used to control the
some cases, and the induction of defense-related genes
expression of target genes in plants using ethanol. In trans-
([13•]; N-H Chua et al., unpublished data). The effects
genic tobacco plants AlcR stimulated the expression of a
appear to occur in transgenic lines with high expression
chloramphenicol acetyltransferase reporter gene upon
levels of the GVG transcription factor (T Aoyama, N-H
induction by ethanol to a level corresponding to 50% activ-
Chua, unpublished data). Although the cause of these
ity of the 35S promoter, whereas the background was
effects is still under investigation it might result from bind-
nearly undetectable [14]. Pending development of non-
ing of the GVG transcription factor at high concentrations
volatile inducers, this system appears to hold promise for
to plant cis-elements with sequence homology to the
GAL4 recognition site. One solution to this problem is toselect for experimental lines that express moderate or low
The dual-control inducible system
levels of GVG, and use as negative controls empty vector
The drawbacks of the de-repression and inactivation sys-
transgenic lines expressing the same level of GVG as
tems prompted Gatz and co-workers [9••] to develop a
dual-control inducible system by combining the advan-tages of these two systems and eliminating most of the
An ER-based inducible system has been developed by
disadvantages. A chimeric transcription activator TGV was
Bruce et al. [11•]. The transactivation domain of the maize
made by fusing the TetR DBD (T) to the regulatory region
activator C1 was inserted in the activation domain of the
of the rat GR (G) and the VP16 transactivating sequence
human ER, and this ER–C1 fusion gene was controlled by
(V), and the resulting factor is therefore subjected to dual
a modified 35S promoter. The target expression promoter
regulation by tetracycline and dex. In a dex-dependent
contains four copies of ER element (ERE) fused to a min-
fashion, TGV activates the expression of a reporter gene
imal 35S promoter. In stably transformed maize BMS
driven by a synthetic promoter consisting of multiple
(Black Mexican Sweet) cell lines, the activity of a luciferase
copies of the modified tet operator sequences placed
reporter gene ranges from undetectable in uninduced cells
upstream of a 35S minimal promoter. This dex-inducible
to 14,000 relative light units upon a 48 hour induction with
activation is similar to the previously reported GVG system
estradiol (see also below). Another ER-based inducible sys-
[10]. When dex is removed and tetracycline is applied, the
tem, designated the XVE system, was recently developed
system is promptly switched off as association of tetracy-
by using the DBD of the bacterial repressor LexA (X) and
cline renders the chimeric factor incapable of binding
the transactivation domain of VP16 (V) (J Zuo et al., unpub-
DNA. The redesigned target promoter, modified by elim-
lished data). The target promoter consists of eight copies of
inating putative CG methylation sites, resolved the
LexA-binding sites upstream from a 35S minimal promot-
problems caused by methylation of the tet operator over
er. The expression of a reporter gene can be readily
generations, but the cost is a higher background expres-
induced by estradiol 3–5-fold over that of the 35S promoter
sion. In addition, because structurally similar activators and
without detectable background expression. The GVG-like
the same inducer (dex) were used, the TGV system may
toxic effects have not been found in the XVE system. This
have similar side effects as the GVG system.
system, however, appears to be deregulated in transientlytransformed soybean cells (T Klein, J Zuo, N-H Chua,
Present and potential applications
unpublished data), presumably due to the presence of
Conditional overexpression studies
An example is the conditional expression of the bacterialavrRpt2 avirulence gene under the control of the GVG sys-
All of the systems discussed above employ chemical induc-
tem in transgenic Arabidopsis plants carrying the RPS2
ers that are not suitable for field applications because of
disease-resistance gene [15]. Induction of the avrRPT2
the toxicity of dex, estradiol and tetracycline to the ecosys-
gene by dex led to a hypersensitive cell-death response.
tem. This restriction, however, appears to have been
These transgenic plants offer the opportunity to investi-
partially overcome by the efforts of Martinez et al. [12••],
gate the molecular events surrounding avrRPt2–RPS2
who have developed a non-steroidal agrochemical-
gene interaction. Because the latter leads to plant death,
inducible system. In this new system, the hybrid activator
these transgenic lines can be used to isolate for mutants
contains transactivating sequences from GR and VP16, the
blocked in the signaling pathway leading from the
DBD of GR and the hormone regulatory domain of the
avrRPt2–RPS2 gene interaction to cell death, thereby
Heliothis virescens ecdysone receptor. In transgenic tobacco
identifying components in the pathway.
plants, the activator induced the expression of a reportergene over 400-fold, corresponding to 150% of the activity
Other than lethality, expression of transgene in the sense or
of a 35S promoter. The system is highly responsive to
anti-sense orientation can lead to physiological adaptations of
RH5992, a non-steroidal ecdysone agonist that lacks phy-
transgenic plants, thus masking the true gene functions. This
totoxicity and is currently used as a lepidopteran control
problem is most powerfully illustrated by the recent example
agent on a range of crops. A main drawback of this system
of the TIR1 gene. Estelle and co-workers [16] found that
is the relatively high background expression.
transgenic plants expressing a 35S–TIR1 transgene (thus
Chemical-inducible systems for regulated expression of plant genes Zuo and Chua 149
being constitutively expressed) had no apparent phenotype.
transgenic plants without using an antibiotic resistance
On the other hand, transgenic plants carrying a GVG–TIR1
marker. The ipt gene of Agrobacterium Ti plasmid is known
construct produced more lateral roots in the presence of dex,
to cause cytokinin production in transformed cells leading
similar to wild-type plants treated with auxin. These results
to shoot regeneration. The uncontrolled production of
confirm the role of TIR1 in the auxin response pathway.
cytokinins, however, causes developmental abnormalities,and the transgenic shoots were unable to produce roots and
Co-suppression studies
their flowers were infertile. Recognizing the shoot-regen-
Yoshizumi et al. [17] used the GVG system to express the
erating potential of the ipt gene, Kunkel et al. [19••] placed
antisense strand of the Arabidopsis CDC2b gene. Inhibition
it under the control of the GVG system [10]. Agrobacteria
of CDC2b expression upon dex induction resulted in short
carrying the GVG–ipt construct were used to inoculate
hypocotyls and open cotyledons of the transgenic plants
tobacco leaf disc in a medium without auxin and cytokinin.
grown in the dark, and these phenotypes were fairly corre-
No shoot regeneration was observed in the absence of dex.
lated to the level of the antisense gene expression. Their
By contrast, in the presence of the inducer many shoots
results revealed an important aspect of the CDC2b func-
regenerated, which were developmentally abnormal, for
tion in the light- and hormone-regulated seedling growth
example, inhibition of root growth, the loss of apical dom-
inance and sterility. These shoots were transferred to amedium without the inducer, and after several weeks nor-
Conditional genetic complementation
mal plants developed, most of which were found to be
Plant genes that affect development at an early stage (e.g.
transgenic. This work demonstrated the feasibility and
embryogenesis) may also play a role in later stages of
potential of using a chemical-inducible system to regulate
development. Mutations in such genes arrest early devel-
expression of genes that promote plant development.
opment, thus precluding investigations on their possiblelate functions. Such a mutant can be transformed with the
DNA manipulations
appropriate coding sequence under the control of a chem-
Chemical-inducible systems can be used to activate specif-
ical-inducible system. In the presence of the inducer,
ic recombinases (e.g. cre and flipase) for nuclear DNA
transgenic plants will be able to undergo early develop-
remodeling in transgenic plants (see [20] for more compre-
ment. Withdrawal of the inducer at a later time will allow
hensive discussions). Depending on the configuration of
evaluation of the late functions of the gene product.
the recombinase binding sites, the target DNA can beinverted or evicted resulting in activation or inactivation of
Identification of downstream target genes
transgenes (S Moller, N-H Chua, unpublished data).
Chemical-inducible systems provide a very important tool
Organelle DNA can be similarly manipulated with a recom-
for investigating the sequence of events that ensue upon
binase appended with the appropriate transit sequences.
transient perturbation of the gene under their control. Basedon theoretical considerations, we can expect two classes of
Generation of chimeric plants
downstream target genes: firstly, primary response genes,
Specific organs of transgenic plants carrying a chemical-
the expression levels of which are effected in the absence of
inducible system can be treated with the appropriate
new protein synthesis; and secondly, secondary response
inducer to activate gene expression only in the treated
genes, which require new protein synthesis to change their
organ. In this case, however, the induced expression is only
transcription rates. Identification of genes from the first class
transient. On the other hand, using a chemical-inducible
requires that the regulatory gene product itself (transcrip-
cre/lox system one can create transgenic plants that are
tion factor, kinases, etc.) be directly placed under chemical
genetic chimera; this can be done by a confined treatment
control. In the case of a transcription factor, fusing a steroid
of organs/tissues with an inducer, thereby permanently
regulatory domain to it will render the activity of the fusion
activating or inactivating the transgene in the treated
protein dependent on the appropriate steroid. In the pres-
organs/tissues. The resulting genetic chimera may provide
ence of the inducer and a protein synthesis inhibitor, only
new information on the mechanisms of long distance sig-
the primary response genes are activated, which can be
identified by methods such as differential display. An exam-ple of this is the identification of a NAM-like gene as an
Ablation of specific cells
immediate downstream target of AP3 [18]. More recently,
Cell ablation is an important tool for investigating cell
Bruce et al. [11•] used an ER–C1 chimeric factor to condi-
fate specification, cell lineage and cell–cell interactions
tionally overexpress two transcription factors, CRC (a fusion
during plant development. Traditionally, this is carried
factor between C1 and R) and P, which are believed to be
out by laser ablation of a cell or a group of cells in ques-
involved in the flavonoid pathway, thereby identifying a
tion, followed by tracking the effects of ablation on
large number of downstream target genes.
development of other cells (reviewed in [21,22]). Thistechnique, requiring an expensive and highly specialized
Marker-free transformation
facility, however, can be replaced by fusing a cell-specif-
A novel use of chemical-inducible systems has been
ic promoter to a toxic gene (e.g. dipthera toxin) and the
reported by Kunkel et al. [19••], who were able to select
cells are killed at the onset of the specific promoter
Plant biotechnology
activity. The incorporation of a chemical-inducible sys-
merits are difficult to assess at this time. In general, VP16
tem will allow one to investigate cell fate and lineage at
appears to work well in a number of species.
The regulatory domain not only confers tight control and
Conclusions and future challenges
high inducibility to a system, but also provides the diversity
The development of chemical-inducible systems for tight
of inducers that can be used. A regulatory domain with a high
control of plant gene expression is a challenging task and is
binding affinity to its cognate inducer is preferable, as only
the subject of considerable current activities. Because the
low concentrations of inducer would be required for activa-
components for such systems are usually derived from
tion. For example, the hormone-binding domain of the ER
non-plant sources, progress in this area depends to a large
binds estradiol with a very high affinity of 0.05 nM [26] as
extent on discoveries of chemical-responsive transcription
compared to ~10 nM for binding of dex to the GR [27]. In
factors in other organisms. Based on the published exam-
theory, the regulatory domains of many mammalian nuclear
ples, some general rules have evolved that would be
receptors (e.g. thyroid hormone, androgen, vitamin D3, and
helpful to the future development of new inducible sys-
peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptors) can be incorpo-
tems. For expression of the target gene, the 35S minimal
rated into chemical-inducible systems for plants. Several of
promoter was used in all cases, which ranges in length from
them may not be suitable, however, because they bind to
–60 to –31 at the distal end of the promoter. A longer min-
chemicals present in plants (e.g. peroxisome-proliferator-
imal promoter (e.g. up to –60) [12••] will enhance the
activated receptors bind to linelenic and linoleic acids, and
overall promoter strength but it will also lead to a higher
androgen receptors may bind to intermediates of the brassi-
basal expression level. On the other hand, a shorter mini-
nosteroid biosynthetic pathway) [28]. In some cases, an
mal promoter (e.g. –31 to +1) [14] has the opposite effect.
inducible system that works in one species may not function
In most cases (e.g. the GVG, XVE and TGV systems),
in others. It is therefore prudent to first test the activity of
truncations to around –46 to –48 appear to be optimal for
candidate regulatory domains in plant cells before using
low background activity and high inducibility.
them as a component of the chimeric transcription factor.
The transactivator tTA binds to tet constitutively but this
As mentioned before, most of the systems reported thus far
interaction is disrupted by tetracycline or its derivatives.
are unsuitable for field applications because of the chemi-
By mutagenesis, tTA can be converted into the so-called
cal nature of the inducers. Further work should focus on
reverse tTA (rtTA), which now requires the association of
systems suitable for applications with transgenic crop
tetracycline for DNA binding [23]. Baron et al. [24] devel-
plants, with particular emphasis on agricultural chemicals
oped a new system that co-expresses tTA and rtTA in
(e.g. insecticides and safeners; the latter chemicals are
HeLa cells; the DNA-binding domain of the latter was also
used in agriculture to render crops tolerate to herbicides)
modified in order to recognize a variant tet operator
that have already been registered for field usage. An addi-
sequence upon association of doxycycline. This new sys-
tional interest would be to develop multiple-inducible
tem allows one to reversibly control the expression of two
systems to independently regulate several target genes.
genes in a mutually exclusive manner. Unfortunately, rtTAdid not work in transgenic tobacco or Arabidopsis plants for
References and recommended reading
unknown reasons [2]. Thus far, the choice of the DBD is
Papers of particular interest, published within the annual period of review,
fairly restricted, confined to those derived from well-char-
acterized transcription factors of bacteria (e.g. TetR and
LexA), yeast (e.g. GAL4) and mammals (e.g. GR and ER).
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This review article focused primarily on the development of chemically induciblesystems derived from non-plant sources. The copper-inducible system, which is
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Case Response Rubric -- “The Problem with Hoodia” Q 1: What is the problem in “The Problem with Hoodia”? Given what you know about the world, what are the issues (environmental, economic, cultural, political, etc.) influencing the problem? Global Awareness: Knowledge of the interrelatedness of local, global, international, and intercultural issues, trends, and systems.
Drugs for Alzheimer’s disease How and where can you get the drugs? The drugs that are currently available are not a cure and do not stop the The drugs are available on NHS prescription from progression of the disease. They may, however, temporarily ease some approved hospital specialists according to strict of the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease in some people. criteria. Treatme