
Code WZ001 150gm
(makes 25 litres)
For the treatment of wood boring insects.

Woodzone Insecticide is a super concentrate supplied in a small plastic container. The special micro- emulsion formulation leads to better penetration than obtained with the older traditional water based emulsified preservatives. It wil provide the necessary control and long term protection of wood against wood boring insect infestation for many years thereby giving confidence in any issued long-term Biokil Crown Chemicals formulations are al cleared under the Governments Pesticide Safety Precaution scheme and under the Control of Pesticide Regulations 1986, for use as directed and carries the HSE Bats: The active ingredients Permethrin has been accepted by the Nature Conservancy bodies as suitable for the treatment of roof voids where bats roost. However it is a legal requirement to notify the appropriate Nature Conservancy body prior to any treatment of roof spaces where bats have been identified. Treatment must not be carried out whilst bats are at roost (see Safety). Dilute the Woodzone Insecticide 150gm container with 25 litres of water. The diluted product can be applied by brush or spray at the rate of one litre of product per 3 to 4 square metres of timber surface to refusal. Alternatively, timber may be dipped for a minimum of 3 minutes. Timber to be treated should be reasonably dry before treatment. Any paint varnish or other surface coating should be removed. Any bark should be removed to increase penetration of the treatment.


1 litre of diluted product per 3 - 4 Sq metres To avoid risks to man and the environment comply with the instructions for use. *The COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) Regulations 2002 (as amended) apply to the *Avoid excessive contamination of coveral s. *DO NOT CONTAMINATE FOODSTUFFS, EATING UTENSILS OR FOOD CONTACT SURFACES. *This material and its container must be disposed of in a safe way. Al products supplied by Biokil Crown Ltd are of high quality. The Company however cannot govern the conditions of usage and application of its products and any warrant written or implied covers materials only. The information contained in this leaflet is given in good faith but no liability can be assumed by the Company for any damage, loss or injury or patent infringement arising from its use. Biokil Crown Limited : Unit 7 & 8 Stadium Ind Park *Do not empty into drains *Do not contaminate ground, waterbodies or watercourses with chemicals or used containers. *REMOVE OR COVER ALL FISH TANKS AND BOWLS before application. *UNPROTECTED PERSONS AND ANIMALS SHOULD BE KEPT AWAY FROM TREATED AREAS FOR 1 HOUR OR UNTIL SURFACES ARE DRY. *AVOID ALL CONTACT WITH PLANT LIFE. *COVER ALL WATER STORAGE TANKS before application. *ALL BATS ARE PROTECTED UNDER THE WILDLIFE AND COUNTRYSIDE ACT 1981. BEFORE TREATING ANY STRUCTURE USED BY BATS, CONSULT NATURAL ENGLAND, SCOTTISH NATURAL HERITAGE OR THE COUNTRYSIDE COUNCIL FOR WALES. *HAZARDOUS TO BEES. *DO NOT USE ON BEEHIVES OR BEEKEEPING EQUIPMENT. *WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after use. *KEEP IN A SAFE PLACE. *Keep out of the reach of children. *Keep away from food drink and animal feedingstuffs. *If swal owed, seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label.

HSE Reg No


All products supplied by Biokil Crown Ltd are of high quality. The Company however cannot govern the conditions of usage and application of its products and any warrant written or implied covers materials only. The information contained in this leaflet is given in good faith but no liability can be assumed by the Company for any damage, loss or injury or patent infringement arising from its use.

Source: http://www.damp-proofing-cornwall.co.uk/upload/Woodzone%20Insecticide%20TDS%20professional.pdf

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