Business Intelligence Solutions for Pharma.
fragmentation problemThe pharmaceutical industry is awash with sales
and marketing data, but getting instant access to
this information to solve business problems is often
fraught with difficulty. This paper discusses some
of the issues involved and some possible solutions.
About the Authors: Data Intelligence is a software product and services provider for the pharmaceutical industry, specialising in market research and sales force effectiveness solutions. Read more at:
Each new report or analytical request from
The pharmaceutical industry is awash with sales
management may mean hours, or even days, of
and marketing data, but getting instant access to
collating data to answer what appear to be simple
this information to solve business problems is often
business questions. Significant effort is spent
fraught with difficulty. An immediate and fundamental
massaging the data into a usable format – such as
obstacle is that answering even simple business
an Excel PivotTable – leaving little time to utilise the
questions usually requires several sources of disparate
information itself. Even for those companies who have
invested significant amounts of time and money on building a data warehouse, it is often the case that
Typically, a pharmaceutical company will source
adding new, or modifying existing, data sources can
sales and marketing data both internally from
lead to significant expense and change that does not
in-house systems and externally from several different
fit within the timescales of the business. Factors such
providers. Data providers themselves do not have a
as bridging and complex data modelling all contribute
completely integrated view of the sales and marketing
to the time it takes to integrate the disparate data
pharmaceutical universe; some specialise in primary
sources into one database. Business consumers of
care markets, some in secondary care and others
the data such as senior managers, brand managers,
have limited coverage in both. Further fragmentation
sales managers and sales representatives simply
in data sources occurs between national and
sub-national data. In addition, it is rare for a data provider to even supply a single, integrated view of all its own available data sources.
A second, related problem is that pharmaceutical
business information analysts have to contend with data delivered through a number of different
proprietary software tools. Indeed some providers supply one tool to deal with one type of data and
another tool to deal with a different type of data. On top of this, pharmaceutical companies have their
own internal software tools to extract the data from a
job. This leaves the analyst with little time for real analysis of cause and ef ect in markets – relegating important analysis of the behaviours of a market to a “nice to have”.
Determining the effectiveness of a given promotion may require
According to a survey from PA Consulting the average
different sources of data, both internal and external. Sources to
implementation costs of a Data Warehouse are £1.25m [1].
answer this question can include retail and hospital sales audits
Conspectus Magazine also reports that Data Warehousing
(of which there are numerous types), primary care promotional
projects frequently run into seven digits and have a 65%
audits, up to three secondary care promotional impact audits
and internal cost and activity data.
Data providers have historical y developed their
The pharmaceutical industry faces a common
products and solutions around single data sources,
problem in the fragmentation of sales and marketing
focusing on one particular outlet or market sector at
a time. Furthermore, this approach is often inherent in the way the data provider’s business is organised
• Significant amounts of time being spent
– in contrast to the consumer’s need for a broader
inappropriately preparing and formatting data
view of the pharmaceutical universe. Internal y, pharma companies also have operational database systems
• Proprietary solutions handling only one data
focused on single data sources, such as ETMS, CRM,
financial or HR data – al of which can be applicable to
the sales and marketing teams. These factors combine
• Opportunities lost because the behaviour and
to hinder the provision of a ful picture of al the sales
characteristics of pharma markets cannot be
and marketing data in one easily accessible database.
analysed quickly enough to ensure that sales and marketing investments can be channelled efficiently.
Another challenge is that historically the technology available within open-market reporting and analysis
tools has not been able to cope effectively with the complex pharmaceutical data models. This has led
to data providers developing various proprietary tools
Ideally, any pharmaceutical company requires all its
that handle only their own particular types of data.
sales and marketing data in a single, shared database easily accessible through dashboards, standard
Finally, pharma companies have struggled to bring
reports or an analytical query tool. Adding or changing
real pharmaceutical data and technical knowledge
data sources should be a relatively straightforward
together internally to implement a truly integrated
task that simply “plugs in” to the single overall
picture of all their possible sales and marketing data
database. This goal is achievable if all the entities
sources. Unlike other industries such as finance and
and events that represent the market are correctly
manufacturing, little outside specialist knowledge has
modelled into a single, unified pharmaceutical sales
been available to help. Hence pharma companies are
and marketing data universe. Modelling the data is of
reliant on their own internal IT and marketing teams for
course only half the solution, since the next step is to
their knowledge of the business problems, underlying
build this data model into an appropriate database
technology that grants any user – wherever they may be located – rapid access to the data.
OLAP databases are specifical y designed for this purpose – organising data into business “dimensions”
against which facts (“measures”) may be reported – and represent a very attractive technical foundation
from which this goal can be met. Dimensions and related measures are grouped together into “cubes”.
This provides a far more intuitive interface for navigation and analysis of the data than that normal y found in
traditional relational databases. In addition they provide many opportunities for pre-calculation, which leads
to significantly faster response times than alternative
technologies – vital for interactive data analysis.
extracting and combining data into a single, integrated picture.
Typical y, Data Warehouses are not flexible enough to handle
OLAP is a particular type of database technology designed
changes rapidly enough to meet the business need. This can be
for fast reporting and analysis of data in terms the business
caused by the underlying data model not taking into account the
typical y understands. OLAP stands for On-Line Analytical
ful universe of data and so the initial design has inevitably only
Processing. A more comprehensive introduction to the subject,
focused on the initial data to-hand.
written by OLAP analyst Nigel Pendse, can be found on the OLAP Report website [3]
Some typical examples of analyses that can be built
and run in minutes, or indeed seconds, using an integrated OLAP cube are listed below:
fragmented data sources into a single unified cube.
1. Impact of sales representative promotion on prescribing/product usage: a business information
The following diagram illustrates an extremely
analyst can quickly identify which markets appear
to react faster to rep promotion, in terms of script
promotion, than others. Measures from different
“For Zoton, show me the achievement of target in Feb”
audits can also be quickly “sliced” into the analysis to gain different perspectives on the same question. For
example, by simply switching measures, an analyst
could quickly analyse the impact of rep promotion
on retail or hospital sales growth. Furthermore, the analyst could then slice in measures from primary care
audits to see if hospital recommendations influence the prescribing behaviour and ultimately sales in the
2. Competitor intelligence: using an integrated data cube an analyst could start to analyse where rival corporations are focusing their efforts – by markets, by retail or hospital sector, or
both – and how that is changing over time. Industry
trends can be quickly shown by “drilling” between different time periods – years, quarters, months. Also, by simply slicing a company’s own data into
his company’s activities versus the industry.
Once all a pharmaceutical company’s sales
3. Hotspots of influence: by having a range
and marketing data is integrated into a single cube,
of typical sub-national audits integrated into a cube,
the business information analyst can step back from
it is possible to see quickly where hospital specialists
reviewing a single audit at a time. Instead, a complete
are influencing the prescribing habits of GPs.
and coherent picture of all the data is available at his
Hospital recommendations from one audit can be
or her fingertips. OLAP’s “speed-of-thought” queries
easily compared to sub-national prescribing activity,
(typically sub-three seconds) enable the market
leading to identification of which hospital departments
researcher to rapidly investigate “cause and effect”
in which markets have significant influence over
across all the combined data sources. Dimensions
primary care prescribing. Sales representatives’
can be “drilled into” to help explain underlying
efforts can then be effectively targeted.
behaviour. They can also be rapidly sliced and diced so that different perspectives on the same business
The list is by no means exhaustive. Indeed, the fully
question can be instantly compared. However,
integrated sales and marketing cube would have
without a fully integrated OLAP cube, market
dozens of dimensions and potentially hundreds of
researchers will often avoid performing analyses
different attributes, meaning that the number of
involving multiple data sources since the extraction,
potential analyses is almost boundless. It should also
transformation and bridging effort required frequently
be noted that as well as market researchers, there will
be a wide variety of other users of such an information resource – all with differing needs. As such, the tools employed to cater for these different users cannot be limited to a single interface – something to consider when choosing an OLAP platform.
Al OLAP platforms have the basic capabilities of dimensional
A dimension is a container for one or more related attributes.
model ing and fast response times. However, specific capabilities
For example ‘Geography’ is considered to be a dimension
are required of a platform for integrating the complete set of
whereas ‘Brick’ and ‘Territory’ are considered to be attributes
Pharma sales and marketing data. These include intel igent
aggregation, rich dimension model support, dimension applicability, advanced calculations, dynamic views, open interface and flexible data take-on capabilities. Al of which are now supported in Microsoft’s latest OLAP technology, Analysis Services 2005.
With such a powerful information resource available a pharma company should no longer have to face
This white paper merely scratches the surface of
the data fragmentation problem. Instead, a complete
solving the fragmented data problem in sales and
picture of the market should be immediately available
marketing that pharmaceutical companies face.
for any market research question, saving significant
Data Intelligence has developed a suite of products
amounts of time as well as improving the return on the
and services to overcome these challenges:
PharmaANALYTICSTM is the innovative technology
platform developed by Data Intelligence, which leverages the very latest Microsoft OLAP
technology, Analysis Services, to provide a single integrated sales and marketing cube.
PharmaANALYTICSTM has been designed by a team of experts with significant experience in
the pharmaceutical market research industry. To date, PharmaAnalyticsTM models over twenty
five pharmaceutical sales and market research
syndicated, customised and internal data sources and harmonises them into a single, tightly integrated
• Market Review – Leveraging PharmaANALYTICSTM
Market Review is designed to offer best-practice
reporting to service the individual needs of the marketing fraternity. Rapid development, utilising our
technology framework, ensures that the expected benefits are realised in a short timescale thus
through a thin-client web front-end.
• XLCubed – Data Intelligence is proud to partner
with XLCubed, a leading provider of front-end dashboard, analysis and reporting tools. Leveraging the power of the PharmaANALYTICSTM platform and Excel, XLCubed’s tools are easy for anyone to use, and powerful enough to quickly progress an analysis from seeing what is happening to clearly understanding why.
• Implementation – Implementation of the
Modelling your customised secondary data and own internal data sources into PharmaANALYTICSTMDeveloping customised dashboards and reports on a choice of front-ends aligned to you and your user’s needsTraining of end-users on Market Review and XLCubed Ongoing production of your data sources within the PharmaANALYTICSTM platformSecure hosting of PharmaANALYTICSTM, Market Review and XLCubed for your business Day-to-day support
References:[1] Implementing a business-driven approach to data warehousing,[2] Risk Free Business,[3] The OLAP Report, Nigel Pendse,
The last word: Thank you for your interest in this free paper. We welcome your comments, feedback and suggestions and would be delighted to hear about your experiences in this area.
How to reach us: If you want to learn how Data Intelligence’s innovative PharmaANALYTICSTM platform can rapidly help you to provide a ful y integrated and usable solution for your company’s sales and marketing data please feel free to contact us:
We would be happy to provide a free initial consultation and demonstration of our PharmaANALYTICSTM platform at your site. Business Intelligence Solutions for Pharma.
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