Text(s): Class novel; short stories; extracts Unit: Narrative structure
Outcomes: Reading journal; narrative planning Text level objectives Sentence level objectives Word level objectives
All text level objectives are from year 5 for year A of the cycle
Sentence level objectives cover all of years 5 & 6 objectives
Word level objectives cover all of years 5 & 6 objectives
Spelling Strategies Proof-reading
Y5 W1 Y6 W1 to identify miss-spelt words in own writing; to
Y5 S3 to discuss, proof-read and edit their own
keep individual lists (e.g. spelling logs); to learn to spell them;
writing for clarity and correctness, e.g. by creating
Y5 W2 Y6 W2 to use known spellings as a basis for spelling
other words with similar patterns or related meanings;
Y5 T2 to compare the structure of different
connectives, simplifying clumsy constructions;
Y5 W3 Y6 W3 to use independent spelling strategies,
stories, to discover how they differ in pace,
Y6 S5 to form complex sentences through, e.g.:
-building up spellings by syllabic parts, using known prefixes,
- reading back complex sentences for clarity of
-applying knowledge of spelling rules and exceptions;
Y5 T4 to consider how texts can be rooted in
the writer‘s experience, e.g. historical events
- exploring how meaning is affected by the
and places, experience of wartime, friendship,
sequence and structure of clauses.(Grammar for
-using visual skills, e.g. recognising common letter strings
and checking critical features (i.e. does it look right,
Y5 T9 to develop an active attitude towards
Grammatical Awareness: Punctuation
reading: seeking answers, anticipating events,
Y5 S6 to understand the need for punctuation as an
aid to the reader, e.g. commas to mark grammatical
boundaries; a colon to signal, e.g. a list. (Grammar
Y5 W9 to collect and classify a range of idiomatic phrases,
clichés and expressions, e.g. the more the better, under
Y5 T13 to record their ideas, reflections and
Y6 S6 to secure knowledge and understanding of
the weather, past his prime, given up the ghost, taken fora ride, not up for it, put on a brave face, over the top, beatabout the bush, in for a penny, par for the course, puttinghis back up. Compare, discuss, speculate about
Y5 T14 to map out texts showing development
- parenthetic commas, dashes, brackets.
meaning/origins and check in dictionaries; use in own
and structure, e.g. its high and low points, the
writing and be aware of when it is appropriate to use
links between sections, paragraphs, chapters. Y6 W7 to understand how words and expressions have
changed over time, e.g. old verb endings -st and -th andhow some words have fallen out of use, e.g. yonder,thither.Y6 W10 to understand the function of the etymological
dictionary, and use it to study words of interest and
Text(s): Class novel; short stories; extracts Unit: Narrative structure
Outcomes: Reading journal; narrative planning Text level objectives Sentence level objectives Word level objectives
All text level objectives are from year 5 for year A of the cycle
Sentence level objectives cover all of years 5 & 6 objectives
Word level objectives cover all of years 5 & 6 objectives
Spelling Strategies Proof-reading
Y5 W1 Y6 W1 to identify miss-spelt words in own writing; to
Y5 S3 to discuss, proof-read and edit their own
keep individual lists (e.g. spelling logs); to learn to spell them;
writing for clarity and correctness, e.g. by creating
Y5 W2 Y6 W2 to use known spellings as a basis for spelling
other words with similar patterns or related meanings;
Y5 T2 to compare the structure of different
connectives, simplifying clumsy constructions;
Y5 W3 Y6 W3 to use independent spelling strategies,
stories, to discover how they differ in pace,
Y6 S5 to form complex sentences through, e.g.:
-building up spellings by syllabic parts, using known prefixes,
- reading back complex sentences for clarity of
-applying knowledge of spelling rules and exceptions;
Y5 T4 to consider how texts can be rooted in
the writer‘s experience, e.g. historical events
- exploring how meaning is affected by the
and places, experience of wartime, friendship,
sequence and structure of clauses.(Grammar for
-using visual skills, e.g. recognising common letter strings
and checking critical features (i.e. does it look right,
Y5 T9 to develop an active attitude towards
Grammatical Awareness: Punctuation
reading: seeking answers, anticipating events,
Y5 S6 to understand the need for punctuation as an
aid to the reader, e.g. commas to mark grammatical
boundaries; a colon to signal, e.g. a list. (Grammar
Y5 W9 to collect and classify a range of idiomatic phrases,
clichés and expressions, e.g. the more the better, under
Y5 T13 to record their ideas, reflections and
Y6 S6 to secure knowledge and understanding of
the weather, past his prime, given up the ghost, taken fora ride, not up for it, put on a brave face, over the top, beatabout the bush, in for a penny, par for the course, puttinghis back up. Compare, discuss, speculate about
Y5 T14 to map out texts showing development
- parenthetic commas, dashes, brackets.
meaning/origins and check in dictionaries; use in own
and structure, e.g. its high and low points, the
writing and be aware of when it is appropriate to use
links between sections, paragraphs, chapters. Y6 W7 to understand how words and expressions have
changed over time, e.g. old verb endings -st and -th andhow some words have fallen out of use, e.g. yonder,thither.Y6 W10 to understand the function of the etymological
dictionary, and use it to study words of interest and
Text(s): Plays of known texts
Outcomes: Scene or short play to be Unit: Plays performed Text level objectives Word level objectives Sentence level objectives
All text level objectives are from year 5 for year A of the cycle
Word level objectives cover all of years 5 & 6 objectives
Sentence level objectives cover all of years 5 & 6 objectives
Standard English Spelling Strategies
Y5 W1Y6 W1 to identify miss-spelt words in own writing;
- the conventions of scripting (e.g. stage
Y5 S2 to understand the basic conventions of
to keep individual lists (e.g. spelling logs); to learn to spell
standard English and consider when and why
- how character can be communicated in words
Y5 W2 Y6 W2 to use known spellings as a basis for
spelling other words with similar patterns or related
- how tension can be built up through pace,
Y5 W3 Y6 W3 to use independent spelling strategies,
Y5 T18 write own play script, applying conventions
• avoidance of non-standard dialect words
learned from reading; include production notes;
-building up spellings by syllabic parts, using known
Y5 T19 to annotate a section of play script as a
prefixes, suffixes and common letter strings;
preparation for performance, taking into account
Direct and reported speech
-applying knowledge of spelling rules and exceptions;
pace, movement, gesture and delivery of lines and
Y5 S5 to understand the difference between direct
-building words from other known words, and from
and reported speech (e.g. she said, “I am going”‘,
awareness of the meaning or derivations of words;
Y5 T20 to evaluate the script and the performance
she said she was going‘), e.g. through
for their dramatic interest and impact.
- finding and comparing examples from reading;
-using visual skills, e.g. recognising common letter strings
- discussing contexts and reasons for using
and checking critical features (i.e. does it look right,
1. Technical terms included, e.g. stage directions,
- transforming direct into reported speech and vice Y5 W10 to use adverbs to qualify verbs in writing
2. Characters are clearly distinguished through
versa, noting changes in punctuation and words
dialogue, e.g. timidly, gruffly, excitedly, using a
3. Characters, and their relationship to each
Y5 S7 from reading, to understand how dialogue is
Word Origins/new words etc.
set out, e.g. on separate lines for alternate speakers
Y6 W8 to research the origins of proper names, e.g. place
in narrative, and the positioning of commas before
names such as -borough or -chester, surnames such
4. Standard and non-standard English used as
as Donaldson, O'Donnell and MacDonald, the days of
appropriate to character, e.g. distinguishing
the week, months of the year, names of products, e.g.
models of cars, names of sportswear, names of
in court and a judge talking at home.
5. Punctuation used effectively to indicate
Y6 W9 to understand how new words have been added to
the language, e.g. trainers, wheelie.Y6 W10 to understand the function of the etymological
6. Narrative told mainly through dialogue without
dictionary, and use it to study words of interest and
(from Teaching writing, narrative, poetry and plays
Text(s): Plays of known texts
Outcomes: Scene or short play to be Unit: Plays performed Text level objectives Word level objectives Sentence level objectives
All text level objectives are from year 5 for year A of the cycle
Word level objectives cover all of years 5 & 6 objectives
Sentence level objectives cover all of years 5 & 6 objectives
Standard English Spelling Strategies
Y5 S2 to understand the basic conventions of
Y5 W1Y6 W1 to identify miss-spelt words in own writing;
- the conventions of scripting (e.g. stage
standard English and consider when and why
to keep individual lists (e.g. spelling logs); to learn to spell
- how character can be communicated in words
Y5 W2 Y6 W2 to use known spellings as a basis for
spelling other words with similar patterns or related
- how tension can be built up through pace,
• avoidance of non-standard dialect words
Y5 W3 Y6 W3 to use independent spelling strategies,
Y5 T18 write own play script, applying conventions
learned from reading; include production notes;
-building up spellings by syllabic parts, using known
Y5 T19 to annotate a section of play script as a
Direct and reported speech
prefixes, suffixes and common letter strings;
preparation for performance, taking into account
Y5 S5 to understand the difference between direct
-applying knowledge of spelling rules and exceptions;
pace, movement, gesture and delivery of lines and
and reported speech (e.g. she said, “I am going”‘,
-building words from other known words, and from
she said she was going‘), e.g. through
awareness of the meaning or derivations of words;
Y5 T20 to evaluate the script and the performance
- finding and comparing examples from reading;
for their dramatic interest and impact.
- discussing contexts and reasons for using
-using visual skills, e.g. recognising common letter strings
and checking critical features (i.e. does it look right,
1. Technical terms included, e.g. stage directions,
- transforming direct into reported speech and vice
versa, noting changes in punctuation and words
Y5 W10 to use adverbs to qualify verbs in writing
2. Characters are clearly distinguished through
dialogue, e.g. timidly, gruffly, excitedly, using a
Y5 S7 from reading, to understand how dialogue is
3. Characters, and their relationship to each
set out, e.g. on separate lines for alternate speakers
Word Origins/new words etc.
in narrative, and the positioning of commas before
Y6 W8 to research the origins of proper names, e.g. place
names such as -borough or -chester, surnames such
4. Standard and non-standard English used as
as Donaldson, O'Donnell and MacDonald, the days of
appropriate to character, e.g. distinguishing
the week, months of the year, names of products, e.g.
models of cars, names of sportswear, names of
in court and a judge talking at home.
5. Punctuation used effectively to indicate
Y6 W9 to understand how new words have been added to
the language, e.g. trainers, wheelie.Y6 W10 to understand the function of the etymological
6. Narrative told mainly through dialogue without
dictionary, and use it to study words of interest and
(from Teaching writing, narrative, poetry and plays
Text(s): Class novel; short story; extracts
Outcomes: 2 story beginnings;reading journal; Unit: Aspects of narrative new scene or character written into a story Text level objectives Word level objectives Sentence level objectives
All text level objectives are from year 5 for year A of the cycle
Word level objectives cover all of years 5 & 6 objectives
Sentence level objectives cover all of years 5 & 6 objectives
Audience and Purpose
Y5 S4 to adapt writing for different readers and
Spelling Strategies
Y5 W1 Y6 W1 to identify miss-spelt words in own
purposes by changing vocabulary, tone and
- through dialogue, action and description;
writing; to keep individual lists (e.g. spelling logs); to
sentence structures to suit, e.g. simplifying for
younger readers (Grammar for Writing Unit 35);
Y5 W2 Y6 W2 to use known spellings as a basis for
- through examining their relationships with
spelling other words with similar patterns or related
Direct and reported speech
Y5 S5 to understand the difference between direct
Y5 W3 Y6 W3 to use independent spelling
and reported speech (e.g. she said, “I am going”‘
Y5 T10 to evaluate a book by referring to
she said she was going‘), e.g. through:
- building up spellings by syllabic parts, using
known prefixes, suffixes and common letter
Y5 T11 to experiment with alternative ways of
discussing contexts and reasons for using
opening a story using, e.g. description, action
- applying knowledge of spelling rules and
transforming direct into reported speech and
- building words from other known words, and from
vice versa, noting changes in punctuation and
awareness of the meaning or derivations of
established authors and classic‘ texts;
Y5 S7 from reading, to understand how dialogue
- using dictionaries and IT spell-checks;
is et out, e.g. on separate lines for alternate
Y5 T13 to record their ideas, reflections and
- using visual skills, e.g. recognising common
speakers in narrative, and the positioning of
predictions about a book e.g. through a reading
letter strings and checking critical features (i.e.
Y5 T15 to write new scenes or characters into a
Synonyms Active and Passive
story, in the manner of the writer, maintaining
Y6 S2 to revise earlier work on verbs and to
consistency of character and style, using
synonyms, e.g. angry, irritated, frustrated, upset;
understand the terms active and passive; being
paragraphs to organise and develop detail.
collect, classify and order sets of words to identify
able to transform a sentence from active to
passive, and vice versa;Y6 S3 to note and discuss how changes fromactive to passive affect the word order and sense
Adverbs Y5 W10 to use adverbs to qualify verbs in writing
of a sentence. (Grammar for Writing Unit 45)
dialogue, e.g. timidly, gruffly, excitedly, using athesaurus to extend vocabulary. Text(s): Class novel; short story; extracts Unit: Aspects of narrative
Outcomes: 2 story beginnings;reading journal; new scene or character written into a story Text level objectives Word level objectives Sentence level objectives
All text level objectives are from year 5 for year A of the cycle
Word level objectives cover all of years 5 & 6 objectives
Sentence level objectives cover all of years 5 & 6 objectives
Audience and Purpose Spelling Strategies
Y5 S4 to adapt writing for different readers and
Y5 W1 Y6 W1 to identify miss-spelt words in own
purposes by changing vocabulary, tone and
- through dialogue, action and description;
writing; to keep individual lists (e.g. spelling logs); to
sentence structures to suit, e.g. simplifying for
younger readers (Grammar for Writing Unit 35);
Y5 W2 Y6 W2 to use known spellings as a basis for
- through examining their relationships with
spelling other words with similar patterns or related
Direct and reported speech
Y5 S5 to understand the difference between direct
Y5 W3 Y6 W3 to use independent spelling
and reported speech (e.g. she said, “I am going”‘
Y5 T10 to evaluate a book by referring to
she said she was going‘), e.g. through:
- building up spellings by syllabic parts, using
known prefixes, suffixes and common letter
Y5 T11 to experiment with alternative ways of
opening a story using, e.g. description, action
- discussing contexts and reasons for using
- applying knowledge of spelling rules and
- transforming direct into reported speech and
- building words from other known words, and from
vice versa, noting changes in punctuation and
awareness of the meaning or derivations of
established authors and classic‘ texts;
Y5 S7 from reading, to understand how dialogue
- using dictionaries and IT spell-checks;
is et out, e.g. on separate lines for alternate
Y5 T13 to record their ideas, reflections and
- using visual skills, e.g. recognising common
speakers in narrative, and the positioning of
predictions about a book e.g. through a reading
letter strings and checking critical features (i.e.
Y5 T15 to write new scenes or characters into a
story, in the manner of the writer, maintaining
Active and Passive Y6 S2 to revise earlier work on verbs and to
consistency of character and style, using
synonyms, e.g. angry, irritated, frustrated, upset;
understand the terms active and passive; being
paragraphs to organise and develop detail.
collect, classify and order sets of words to identify
able to transform a sentence from active to
passive, and vice versa;Y6 S3 to note and discuss how changes from
active to passive affect the word order and sense
Y5 W10 to use adverbs to qualify verbs in writing
of a sentence. (Grammar for Writing Unit 45)
dialogue, e.g. timidly, gruffly, excitedly, using athesaurus to extend vocabulary. Text(s): Class novel; short story; extracts Unit: Aspects of narrative
Outcomes: 2 story beginnings;reading journal; new scene or character written into a story Text level objectives Word level objectives Sentence level objectives
All text level objectives are from year 5 for year A of the cycle
Word level objectives cover all of years 5 & 6 objectives
Sentence level objectives cover all of years 5 & 6 objectives
Audience and Purpose Spelling Strategies
Y5 S4 to adapt writing for different readers and
Y5 W1 Y6 W1 to identify miss-spelt words in own
purposes by changing vocabulary, tone and
- through dialogue, action and description;
writing; to keep individual lists (e.g. spelling logs); to
sentence structures to suit, e.g. simplifying for
younger readers (Grammar for Writing Unit 35);
Y5 W2 Y6 W2 to use known spellings as a basis for
- through examining their relationships with
spelling other words with similar patterns or related
Direct and reported speech
Y5 S5 to understand the difference between direct
Y5 W3 Y6 W3 to use independent spelling
and reported speech (e.g. she said, “I am going”‘
Y5 T10 to evaluate a book by referring to
she said she was going‘), e.g. through:
- building up spellings by syllabic parts, using
known prefixes, suffixes and common letter
Y5 T11 to experiment with alternative ways of
opening a story using, e.g. description, action
- discussing contexts and reasons for using
- applying knowledge of spelling rules and
- transforming direct into reported speech and
- building words from other known words, and from
vice versa, noting changes in punctuation and
awareness of the meaning or derivations of
established authors and classic‘ texts;
Y5 S7 from reading, to understand how dialogue
- using dictionaries and IT spell-checks;
is et out, e.g. on separate lines for alternate
Y5 T13 to record their ideas, reflections and
- using visual skills, e.g. recognising common
speakers in narrative, and the positioning of
predictions about a book e.g. through a reading
letter strings and checking critical features (i.e.
Y5 T15 to write new scenes or characters into a
story, in the manner of the writer, maintaining
Active and Passive Y6 S2 to revise earlier work on verbs and to
consistency of character and style, using
synonyms, e.g. angry, irritated, frustrated, upset;
understand the terms active and passive; being
paragraphs to organise and develop detail.
collect, classify and order sets of words to identify
able to transform a sentence from active to
passive, and vice versa;Y6 S3 to note and discuss how changes from
active to passive affect the word order and sense
Y5 W10 to use adverbs to qualify verbs in writing
of a sentence. (Grammar for Writing Unit 45)
dialogue, e.g. timidly, gruffly, excitedly, using athesaurus to extend vocabulary. Text(s): Range of poems Unit: Poetry
Outcomes: Two contrasting poems Duration: 2 weeks Text level objectives Word level objectives Sentence level objectives
All text level objectives are from year 5 for year A of the cycle
Word level objectives cover all of years 5 & 6 objectives
Sentence level objectives cover all of years 5 & 6 objectives
Y5 T6 to read a number of poems by significant
Word Order Vowel Endings
Y5 S1 investigate word order by examining how far
poets and identify what is distinctive about the
the order of words in sentences can be changed:
ending in vowels other than the letter e‘.
Y5 T7 to analyse and compare poetic style, use
- which can be deleted without damaging the basic
of forms and the themes of significant poets; to
respond to shades of meaning; to explain and
- which words or groups of words can be moved
justify personal tastes; to consider the impact offull rhymes, half rhymes, internal rhymes and
Y6 W4 revise and extend work on spelling
- the different word classes, e.g. prepositions;
patterns for unstressed vowels in polysyllabic
Y5 T8 to investigate and collect different
- re-expressing sentences in a different order;
- the construction of complex sentences;
- adapting texts for particular readers and
Y5 T16 to convey feelings, reflections or moodsin a poem through the careful choice of words
Y5 T17 to write metaphors from original ideas orfrom similes. Text(s): Range of poems Unit: Poetry
Outcomes: Two contrasting poems Duration: 2 weeks Text level objectives Word level objectives Sentence level objectives
All text level objectives are from year 5 for year A of the cycle
Word level objectives cover all of years 5 & 6 objectives
Sentence level objectives cover all of years 5 & 6 objectives
Y5 T6 to read a number of poems by significant
Word Order Vowel Endings
Y5 S1 investigate word order by examining how far
poets and identify what is distinctive about the
the order of words in sentences can be changed:
ending in vowels other than the letter e‘.
Y5 T7 to analyse and compare poetic style, use
- which can be deleted without damaging the basic
of forms and the themes of significant poets; to
respond to shades of meaning; to explain and
- which words or groups of words can be moved
justify personal tastes; to consider the impact of
Y6 W4 revise and extend work on spelling
full rhymes, half rhymes, internal rhymes and
patterns for unstressed vowels in polysyllabic
the different word classes, e.g. prepositions;
Y5 T8 to investigate and collect different
- re-expressing sentences in a different order;
- the construction of complex sentences;
- adapting texts for particular readers and
Y5 T16 to convey feelings, reflections or moodsin a poem through the careful choice of words
Y5 T17 to write metaphors from original ideas orfrom similes. Text(s): Examples of notes; recounts of events, activities /
visits related to other curriculum areas; news reports
Unit: Notetaking and recount
Outcomes: Notes for recounts; two recounts of same Duration: 3 weeks event for different readers Text level objectives Word level objectives Sentence level objectives
All text level objectives are from year 5 for year A of the cycle
Word level objectives cover all of years 5 & 6 objectives
Sentence level objectives cover all of years 5 & 6 objectives
Word Order Word roots, prefixes and suffixes
Y5 S1 investigate word order by examining how far the
Y5 W6 to collect, and investigate the meanings and
order of words in sentences can be changed:
spellings of words using the following prefixes: auto,
• which words are essential to meaning;
bi, trans, tele, circum; (Spelling Bank p.43)
• which can be deleted without damaging the basic
Y5 W8 to identify word roots, derivations and
spelling patterns, e.g. sign, signature, signal; bomb,
• which words or groups of words can be moved into a
bombastic, bombard; remit, permit, permission, in
order to extend vocabulary and provide support for
Cohesion : Proof-reading and connecting devices
Y5 S3 to discuss, proof read and edit their own writing for
Y6 W5 to use word roots, prefixes and suffixes as a
clarity and correctness, e.g. by creating more complex
support for spelling, e.g. aero, aqua, audi, bi, cede,
sentences, using a range of connectives, simplifying clumsy
clude, con, cred, duo, log(o)(y), hyd(ro)(ra), in,
constructions (Grammar for Writing Unit 34);
micro, oct, photo, port, prim, scribe, scope, sub,Y6 S4 to investigate connecting words and phrases:
tele, tri, ex; (Spelling Bank p.58).
- collect examples from reading and thesauruses;
Y5 T24 to write recounts based on subject,
- study how points are typically connected in different
Y6 W6 to investigate meanings and spellings of
connectives: therefore, notwithstanding,
- classify useful examples for different kinds of text - for
furthermore, etc.; link to sentence level work on
e.g. an account of a field trip, a match, a
example, by position (besides, nearby, by); sequence
(firstly, secondly.); logic (therefore, so, consequently);
identify connectives which have multiple purposes (e.g. on,under, besides); (Grammar for Writing Unit 46)
Y5 S8 to revise and extend work on verbs (see Y4
record of what has been read, listing cues
for a talk, and to build on these notes in
Audience and Purpose
- tenses: past, present, future; investigating how different
Y5 S4 to adapt writing for different readers and purposes by
tenses are formed by using auxiliary verbs e.g. have,
changing vocabulary, tone and sentence structures to suit,
e.g. simplifying for younger readers (Grammar for Writing
- forms: active, interrogate, imperative;
- person: 1st, 2nd, 3rd. Identify and classify examples
from reading; experiment with transformingtense/form/person in these examples discuss changesthat need to be made and effects on meaning.
Text(s): Examples of notes; recounts of events, activities /
visits related to other curriculum areas; news reports
Unit: Notetaking and recount
Outcomes: Notes for recounts; two recounts of same Duration: 3 weeks event for different readers Text level objectives Word level objectives Sentence level objectives
All text level objectives are from year 5 for year A of the cycle
Word level objectives cover all of years 5 & 6 objectives
Sentence level objectives cover all of years 5 & 6 objectives
Word Order Word roots, prefixes and suffixes
Y5 S1 investigate word order by examining how far the
Y5 W6 to collect, and investigate the meanings and
order of words in sentences can be changed:
spellings of words using the following prefixes: auto,
• which words are essential to meaning;
bi, trans, tele, circum; (Spelling Bank p.43)
• which can be deleted without damaging the basic
Y5 W8 to identify word roots, derivations and
spelling patterns, e.g. sign, signature, signal; bomb,
• which words or groups of words can be moved into a
bombastic, bombard; remit, permit, permission, in
order to extend vocabulary and provide support for
Cohesion : Proof-reading and connecting devices
Y5 S3 to discuss, proof read and edit their own writing for
Y6 W5 to use word roots, prefixes and suffixes as a
clarity and correctness, e.g. by creating more complex
support for spelling, e.g. aero, aqua, audi, bi, cede,
sentences, using a range of connectives, simplifying clumsy
clude, con, cred, duo, log(o)(y), hyd(ro)(ra), in,
constructions (Grammar for Writing Unit 34);
micro, oct, photo, port, prim, scribe, scope, sub,Y6 S4 to investigate connecting words and phrases:
tele, tri, ex; (Spelling Bank p.58).
- collect examples from reading and thesauruses;
Y5 T24 to write recounts based on subject,
- study how points are typically connected in different
Y6 W6 to investigate meanings and spellings of
connectives: therefore, notwithstanding,
- classify useful examples for different kinds of text - for
furthermore, etc.; link to sentence level work on
e.g. an account of a field trip, a match, a
example, by position (besides, nearby, by); sequence
(firstly, secondly.); logic (therefore, so, consequently);
identify connectives which have multiple purposes (e.g. on,under, besides); (Grammar for Writing Unit 46)
Y5 S8 to revise and extend work on verbs (see Y4
record of what has been read, listing cues
for a talk, and to build on these notes in
Audience and Purpose
- tenses: past, present, future; investigating how different
Y5 S4 to adapt writing for different readers and purposes by
tenses are formed by using auxiliary verbs e.g. have,
changing vocabulary, tone and sentence structures to suit,
e.g. simplifying for younger readers (Grammar for Writing
- forms: active, interrogate, imperative;
- person: 1st, 2nd, 3rd. Identify and classify examples
from reading; experiment with transformingtense/form/person in these examples discuss changesthat need to be made and effects on meaning.
Text(s): Examples of notes; recounts of events, activities /
visits related to other curriculum areas; news reports
Unit: Notetaking and recount
Outcomes: Notes for recounts; two recounts of same Duration: 3 weeks event for different readers Text level objectives Word level objectives Sentence level objectives
All text level objectives are from year 5 for year A of the cycle
Word level objectives cover all of years 5 & 6 objectives
Sentence level objectives cover all of years 5 & 6 objectives
Word Order Word roots, prefixes and suffixes
Y5 S1 investigate word order by examining how far the
Y5 W6 to collect, and investigate the meanings and
order of words in sentences can be changed:
spellings of words using the following prefixes: auto,
• which words are essential to meaning;
bi, trans, tele, circum; (Spelling Bank p.43)
• which can be deleted without damaging the basic
Y5 W8 to identify word roots, derivations and
spelling patterns, e.g. sign, signature, signal; bomb,
• which words or groups of words can be moved into a
bombastic, bombard; remit, permit, permission, in
order to extend vocabulary and provide support for
Cohesion : Proof-reading and connecting devices
Y5 S3 to discuss, proof read and edit their own writing for
Y6 W5 to use word roots, prefixes and suffixes as a
clarity and correctness, e.g. by creating more complex
support for spelling, e.g. aero, aqua, audi, bi, cede,
sentences, using a range of connectives, simplifying clumsy
clude, con, cred, duo, log(o)(y), hyd(ro)(ra), in,
constructions (Grammar for Writing Unit 34);
micro, oct, photo, port, prim, scribe, scope, sub,Y6 S4 to investigate connecting words and phrases:
tele, tri, ex; (Spelling Bank p.58).
- collect examples from reading and thesauruses;
Y5 T24 to write recounts based on subject,
- study how points are typically connected in different
Y6 W6 to investigate meanings and spellings of
connectives: therefore, notwithstanding,
- classify useful examples for different kinds of text - for
furthermore, etc.; link to sentence level work on
e.g. an account of a field trip, a match, a
example, by position (besides, nearby, by); sequence
(firstly, secondly.); logic (therefore, so, consequently);
identify connectives which have multiple purposes (e.g. on,under, besides); (Grammar for Writing Unit 46)
Y5 S8 to revise and extend work on verbs (see Y4
record of what has been read, listing cues
for a talk, and to build on these notes in
Audience and Purpose
- tenses: past, present, future; investigating how different
Y5 S4 to adapt writing for different readers and purposes by
tenses are formed by using auxiliary verbs e.g. have,
changing vocabulary, tone and sentence structures to suit,
e.g. simplifying for younger readers (Grammar for Writing
- forms: active, interrogate, imperative;
- person: 1st, 2nd, 3rd. Identify and classify examples
from reading; experiment with transformingtense/form/person in these examples discuss changesthat need to be made and effects on meaning.
Text(s): Instructions linked to other curriculum areas Unit: Instructions
Outcomes: Instructions to be tested Duration: 1 week Text level objectives Word level objectives Sentence level objectives
All text level objectives are from year 5 for year A of the cycle
Word level objectives cover all of years 5 & 6 objectives
Sentence level objectives cover all of years 5 & 6 objectives
Imperative form
Y5 W5 to investigate, collect and classify spelling
patterns in pluralisation, construct rules for regular
instructional writing and the past tense in recounts
and use this awareness when writing for these
- add s to most words; and es to most words
- change f to ves; when y is preceded by a
Y5 T25 to write instructional texts, and test
Cohesion : Proof-reading and connecting
-when y is preceded by a vowel, add s‘.
computers, design briefs for technology, rules
devices Y5 S3 to discuss, proof read and edit their own
writing for clarity and correctness, e.g. by creatingmore complex sentences, using a range ofconnectives, simplifying clumsy constructions(Grammar for Writing Unit 34);Y6 S4 to investigate connecting words andphrases:
- study how points are typically connected in
- classify useful examples for different kinds of
text - for example, by position (besides,nearby, by); sequence (firstly, secondly.);logic (therefore, so, consequently);
- identify connectives which have multiple
purposes (e.g. on, under, besides);
AUTUMN WEEK LITERACY PLANS Independent Task Shared Reading / Writing Evaluation
INDIANA UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF NURSING BACCALAUREATE PROGRAM-BLOOMINGTON CAMPUS S471—Restorative Health Related to Multi-System Failures: The Practicum Weekly Patient Note Name__Brittany Rowe___________________________ Patient Story/Background/History: ***** Pt is a 55 year old male, who was found ‘down and out’. He presented with mental status changes and bilateral
Client/patient consent to treatment: My signature acknowledges that I have read the following and agree to receive the treatments or series of treatments listed below. I, ________________________________________________________________, consent to and authorize: Jeanne L. Whitman, CCE, CME, to perform ultrasound and electrotherapy (DermaWave) treatments and other services. Reason for