Indian Journal of Drugs, 2013, 1(2), 63-69 ISSN: 2348-1684 CALOTROPIS PROCERA: AN OVERVIEW OF ITS PHYTOCHEMISTRY AND PHARMACOLOGY Shoaib Quazi*, Kumkum Mathur, Sandeep Arora Pharmacy Wing, Lachoo Memorial Col ege of Science and Technology, Shastri Nagar, Jodhpur, Rajasthan.
*For Correspondence: ABSTRACT
Herbal medicines have been used from the earliest times to the
Pharmacy Wing, Lachoo Memorial College of present day. The ethno pharmacology is as old as man himself.
Science and Technology, Shastri Nagar, Herbal medicines exhibit a remarkable therapeutic diversity.
Calotropis procera Linn. is an Ayurvedic plant which is used in
several traditional medicines to treat a variety of diseases. The
extracts from different parts of the plant have significant
therapeutic value. The whole plant when dried exhibits good
tonic, antihelmintic and expectorant activities. The roots also
Received: 11.11.2013
have similar activities and also act as an effective laxative. Accepted: 27.12.2013
Traditionally, the powdered root is used to treat bronchitis,
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asthma, leprosy, eczema, elephantiasis while the latex s used to,
treat vertigo, baldness, hair loss, toothache, intermittent fevers,
rheumatoid/joint swellings, and paralysis, The leaves are used
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to treat joint pain, and reduce swelling. Besides its Ayurvedic
use, Calotropis procera Linn. is also used as a homeopathic
medicine. In ancient Ayurvedic medicine the plant Calotropis
procera Linn. was known as “Rakta arka”. The pungent latex
extracted from the leaves and flowers of Calotropis procera is
processed and used in the commercial preparation of eye tonics.
phytochemistry; Calotropis procera Linn
properties. It is commonly referred to as ark,
frequently in Indonesia, Malaysia, China, and
Cwith important medicinal properties. It the Indian subcontinent as wasteland weed.
is known by various vernacular names like
The ark plant with white flowers is a superior
Swallow wort in English, madar in Hindi and
variety and is referred to as Calotropis procera.
Alarka in Sanskrit. It is found in most parts of
In India, it is found from the Punjab and
the world with a warm climate in dry, sandy
Rajasthan to Assam and Kanyakumari up to an
and alkaline soils. Calotropis is primarily
altitude of 1050 m. It grows abundantly in
harvested because of its distinctive medicinal
Rajasthan. It is found in waste lands and grows
as a weed in cultivated areas. It also grows well
ester. Chemical investigation of this plant has
on rubbish heaps, waste and fallow land, by
the roadside and in sand dunes. The inner bark
calotropursenyl acetate and calopfriedelenyl,
of Calotropis is used to make strong fibers
a norditerpenyl ester, calotropternyl ester
oleanene triterpenes like calotropoleanyl
manufacture of weave carpets, ropes, sewing
thread and fishing nets. Calotropis procera
Linn is an erect, tall, large, highly branched and
uscharin, calotoxin and calactin The plant also
perennial shrub or small tree that grows to a
has been investigated for the presence of
height of 5.4 m, with milky latex throughout
.Phytochemical investigation of the roots of
phytoconstituents, procerursenyl acetate and
Flower : Flowers consist of 5 small triangular
dirty white sepals, 5 thick ovate petals (1cm x
1cm) which are white at the base and purple at
mono-oleolyl-2- phosphate, methyl myrisate,
the tips and 5 purple tipped stamens, which
methyl behenate and glyceryl-1, 2-dicapriate-
Fruit: Fruits consist of green, spongy ovoid
fruits (follicles), up to 15 cm long by 10 cm
alpha-I -12, 20 (30)-diene-3 beta-yl acetate and
n-triacontan-10 beta-ol on the basis of spectral
papery light brown seeds with a pappus of
data analysis and chemical reactions. The root
white filaments up to 6 cm long on one side.
bark has also been found to possess α-amyrin,
Root: The root occurs in the entire condition.
β-amyrin , lupeol, β-sitosterol [9] and flavanols
The bark is separated from the wood 0.5-2.0
like quercetin-3-rutinoside.In the leaves,
cm. in diameter bearing rootlets with diameter
mudarine is the principal active constituent as
varying from 0.2 to 0.5 cm. externally whitish
well as a bitter yellow acid, resin and 3 toxic
grey in colour, wrinkled in the fresh condition,
glycosides calotropin, uscharin and calotoxin.
plenty of whitish latex exudes from cuts or
The latex contains a powerful bacteriolytic
wounds in the bark. Fracture is incomplete.
enzyme, a very toxic glycoside calactin (the
Leaf: Simple, opposite, sub-sessile, slightly
concentration of which is increased following
thick, fleshy, coriacious, 10-15 cm. long and 4.5
insect or grasshopper attack as a defense
to 6.5 cm. broad, broadly cuneate, obovate or
mechanism), calotropin D I, calotropin D I ,
obovate oblong, slightly cordate and auricled
calotropin-F I, calotropin F I and a non-toxic
at base with tuff of short simple hairs on the
protealytic enzyme calotropin (2 %-3 %). This
upper side near place of the attachment to the
calotropin is more proteolytic than papain, and
gelatin and casein. The whole plant contains
teraxasterol, gigantin, giganteol, isogiganteol,
proceragenin, while the root bark contains
benzoylinesolone and benzoylisolinelone. The
calotropenyl acetate, and multiflavenol and
The plant has attracted much attention due to
the latex contains uzarigenin, and terpenol
following biological activities: The previous
pharmacological studies include reports of
mg/kg). In the hot plate test, an increase in
anticancer, antifungal and insecticidal activity
the reaction time was observed only at 60 min
of C. procera (Ahmed et al., 2006). The flowers
after treatment with latex at doses of 25 (79.5
of the plant exhibit hepatoprotective activity,
anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic, and
controls and naloxone was unable to reverse
antimicrobial effects and larvicidal activity. The
this effect. It was concluded that the protein
latex of the plant is reported to possess
analgesic and wound healing activity as well as
Calotropis procera possesses antinociceptive
anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial acivity
activity, which is independent of the opioid
while the roots are reported to have anti-
Antifertility activity
The effect of an ethanolic extract of the roots
Analgesic Activity
of Calotropis procera has been studied in
A single oral dose of dry latex ranging from
albino rats to explore its antifertility and
165 to 830 mg/kg produces a significant dose-
hormonal activities. Strong anti-implantation
dependent analgesic effect against acetic acid-
(inhibition 100 %) and uterotropic activity was
induced writhing. The effect of dry latex at a
observed at a dose of 250 mg∕kg (1∕4 of LD50).
dose of 415 mg/kg is more pronounced than a
100 mg/kg oral dose of aspirin. In addition, dry
latex (830 mg/kg) produces marginal analgesia
Anti-tumor studies
in a tail-flick model which is similar to that of
The anti-tumor potential of the root extracts of
aspirin. The analgesic effect of dry latex is
Calotropis procera Linn., was investigated
mg/kg, which completely blocks the analgesic
aqueous (CW) and ethyl acetate extract (CE)
effect of morphine (10 mg/kg). However, the
effect of aspirin was not blocked by naloxone.
cancer cells was studied. Cellular proliferation
An 830 mg/kg oral dose of dry latex did not
activities were assayed by tetrazolium bromide
produce any toxic effects in mice and the LD50
(MTT) colorimetry. Morphological changes in
was found to be 3000 mg/kg (Ahmed et al.,
cancer cells were observed under an inverted
2005). Antinociceptive effect of proteins from
microscope and the cell cycle parameters were
Calotropis procera (Asclepiadaceae) latex using
propidium iodide staining. Treatment with the
nociception in mice. The latex protein fraction
extracts at different doses of 1, 5, 10 and 25
administered intraperitoneally to male mice at
μg/ml revealed that CM, CH and CE possessed
cytotoxicity, whereas CW had no cytotoxic
compared with the respective controls in all
cytotoxic effect (96.3 %) on Hep2 at 48 hr
assays. Inhibition of the acetic acid induced
abdominal constrictions was observed at doses
exhibited cytotoxicity of 72.7 and 60.5 %,
of 12.5 (67.9 %), 25 (85 %) and 50 (99.5 %)
mg/kg compared with controls. Latex protein
exhibited typical morphological changes of
at doses of 25 (39.8 %; 42 %) and 50 mg/kg
apoptosis. The results of flow cytometric
analysis clearly demonstrated that the root
extracts produced apoptosis of Hep2 cells
phases, respectively, and this effect was not
through cell cycle arrest at the S phase, thus
reversed by pretreatment with naloxone (1
phase. The results of this study indicate that
prevented the body weight loss in diabetic rats
the root extracts of C. procera inhibit the
and reduced the daily water consumption to
proliferation of Hep2 cells via mechanisms
values comparable with those of normal rats.
based on apoptosis and cell cycle disruption
Dry latex also produced an increase in the
(Rajani and Gupta, 2009; Lal et al., 1985).
hepatic levels of endogenous antioxidants,
Anthelmintic activity
namely superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase
The anthelmintic activity of Calotropis procera
and glutathione, while it reduced the levels of
Linn. Flowers, in comparison with levamisole,
thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS)
was evaluated in a series of in vitro and in vivo
in alloxan-induced diabetic rats. The efficacy of
studies. The in vitro studies demonstrated the
dry latex as an antioxidant and as an anti-
anthelmintic effects (P<0.05) of crude
diabetic agent was comparable with that of
aqueous (CAE) and crude methanolic extracts
the standard antidiabetic drug, glibenclamide
(CME) of Calotropis procera flowers on live
Hepatoprotective activity
mortality or temporary paralysis. For the in
The plant is a rich source of phytoconstituents
vivo studies, Calotropis procera flowers were
but there is no scientific basis or reports in
administered as a crude powder (CP), CAE and
recent literature regarding the usefulness of
CME to sheep naturally infected with a mixed
the root bark as a hepatoprotective agent and
sample of gastrointestinal nematodes. The
this prompted us to evaluate the root bark of
percentage reduction in egg count (ECR) was
recorded as 88.4 and 77.8 % in sheep treated
activity. An aqueous ethanolic extract (70 %) of
with CAE and CP at 3000 mg/kg body weight
Calotropis procera flowers was prepared and
tested for its hepatoprotective effect against
respectively. CME was the least effective
paracetamol-induced hepatitis in rats.
producing only a 20.9 % reduction in ECR on
Changes in the levels of biochemical markers
day 7 PT. It was found that Calotropis procera
flowers possess good anthelmintic activity
bilirubin, cholesterol, HDL and tissue GSH,
against nematodes, although this was lessthan
that exhibited by levamisole (97.8 %–100 %).
untreated groups. Paracetamol (2000 mg/kg)
It is suggested that further research be carried
out on a larger scale involving a greater
ALP, bilirubin and cholesterol levels and reduce
number of animals, doses higher than those
serum levels of HDL and the tissue level of GSH
while treatment with an aqueous ethanolic
extract of C. procera flowers (200 mg/kg and
400 mg/kg) restored the altered levels of
studies for drug development (Larhsini et al.,
biochemical markers to almost normal levels in
a dose-dependent manner (Ranab et al., 2002). Anti-hyperglycemic effect Inflammatory activity
Latex of Calotropis procera was studied for its
possessing potent anti-inflammatory activity
inflammatory reactions using pedal oedema
and air pouch models of inflammation in rats.
antihyperglycemic effects in rats with alloxan-
Subcutaneous injection of aqueous solution
induced diabetes. Daily oral administration of
(0.1 ml of 1%) of dry latex (DL) into the plantar
dry latex at 100 and 400 mg/kg produced a
dose-dependent decrease in blood glucose and
an increase in hepatic glycogen. Dry latex also
response was obtained 1 h after the injection
and was maintained for a further 1 h. The
alter the electrolyte concentration in the
intestinal fluid compared with castor oil-
an increase in vascular permeability that
Anti-convulsant effects
Inflammation was also induced in the 6-day-
The anticonvulsant activity of different root
old rat air pouch by injecting a 2.5 % solution
extracts of Calotropis procera was studied in
of DL. The latter model was characterized for
rats in order to evaluate the traditional use of
this plant. The anticonvulsant activity of
concentration, and wet and dry weights of
different extracts of Calotropis procera roots
granuloma. A time-course study indicated that
was studied using seizures induced by maximal
both the exudates volume and the weight of
electroshock seizures (MES), pentylenetetrazol
granuloma were at maximum on day 5 after DL
(PTZ), lithium-pilocarpine and electrical
injection while the protein concentration
peaked on the third day. Further, the two
chloroform extract of Calotropis procera roots
showed the most significant (P<0.01)
inflammatory effect of various drugs. It was
duration of hind limb extension (extensor
phase), clonus and also the duration of the
prednisolone while almost complete inhibition
stupor phase, compared with the controls. In
the PTZ test, the chloroform extract exhibited
cyproheptadine. On the other hand, in the air
a highly significant (P<0.001) effect, and the
pouch model, prednisolone was more effective
(P<0.01) effect compared with the controls by
delaying the onset of convulsions. The extracts
inflammation in different models could be
also inhibited convulsions induced by lithium-
pilocarpine and electrical kindling. The results
of this study indicate that the chloroform
Anti-diarrhoeal activity
extract and aqueous extract of Calotropis
The dry latex (DL) of Calotropis procera, a
procera roots may be beneficial in absence
potent anti-inflammatory agent, was evaluated
(petit mal) and tonic clonic (grand mal) types
for its anti-diarrhoeal activity. Like atropine
and phenylbutazone (PBZ), a single oral dose
Anti-microbial activity
We studied the antimicrobial activities of
decrease in the frequency of defecation and
chloroform and methanol extracts of seeds of
the severity of diarrhea as well as protecting
from diarrhoea in 80 % rats treated with castor
located in the forest area of Ghaziabad, India.
oil. To understand the mechanism of its anti-
The chloroform extract of Calotropis procera
diarrhoeal activity, we evaluated its effect on
seeds exhibited better antimicrobial activity
intestinal transit, castor oil-induced intestinal
while the extracts obtained from Calotropisprocera seeds were evaluated for their
electrolyte concentration in intestinal fluid.
possible in vitro antibacterial activities using
Dry latex produced a decrease in intestinal
Oestrogenic functionality
normal and castor oil-treated animals. Unlike
The effects of ethanolic and aqueous extracts
atropine, dry latex significantly inhibited castor
of Calotropis procera roots were studied on
oil induced enteropooling. However, it did not
the oestrous cycle and on some parameters of
oestrogenic functionality in rats. Both extracts
were found to interrupt the normal oestrous
inflammation in different models could be
cycle in 60 % and 80 % of rats treated. The rats
exhibited a prolonged dioestrous stage of the
Productivity of Calotropis procera and its use
inhibition of ovulation. The contemporary
in renewable energy
India has over 180 million of wasteland out of
progestinic preparation exhibited the same
effects in 100 % of rats treated. However, the
degraded and denuded lands arise due to soil
extracts had no oestrogenic activity when
erosions as well as secondary salinizations.
However Calotropis procera is a potential plant
ovariectomized rats (Zafar et al., 2005).
for bioenergy and biofuel production in semi-
Anti-malarial activity
arid regions of the country because it is able to
The ethanolic extracts of the different parts of
grow on such lands. The plant has a growth
Calotropis procera showed IC50 values ranging
potential of 2 dry tons to 40 dry tons per ha
from 0.11 to 0.47 mg/ml against P. falciparum
depending on the agro climatic conditions of
MRC20-CQ-sensitive. And from 0.52 to 1.22
mg/ml against MRC76_CQ-resistant strains,
regeneration potential and could be harvested
flower and bud extracts being the most active.
up to 4 times a year. The plant yields valuable
Although 220-440 times less effective than CQ,
hydrocarbons which could be converted into
these extracts deserve further study aimed at
diesel substitutes. The bio-diesel derived from
identification of the active constituents. The
Calotropis procera is free from NOx gases, S02
results obtained support the ethnobotanical
and Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) and
has high cetane value. Due to its enormous
potential for growth under adverse climatic
conditions Calotropis procera is suggested as
The plant is toxic and is one of the few plants
potential plant for bio-diesel production under
toxicity, the latex extracted from the stem has
traditionally been used to make poison arrows.
The latex is highly toxic to human eyes and
produces sudden painless dimness of vision
The World Health Organization has estimated
with photophobia. Latex of Calotropis procera
more than 80 % of the world’s population in
was studied for its inflammatory effects using
developing countries depends primarily on
herbal medicines for their basic healthcare
inflammation in rats. Subcutaneous injection
needs In recent years, ethno-botanical and
of an aqueous solution (0.1 ml of 1 %) of dry
latex (DL) into the plantar surface of the paw
especially those of plant origin, have received
produced significant inflammation. It was
much attention as they are well known for
observed that, in the pedal oedema model,
their efficacy and are generally believed to be
safe for human use. It is best to use the
prednisolone while almost complete inhibition
molecules to manage a variety of diseases. A
cyproheptadine. On the other hand, in the air
thorough review of the published literature on
pouch model, prednisolone was more effective
Calotropis procera shows that it is a popular
remedy in a variety of ethnic groups, as well as
Ayurvedic and traditional practitioners for the
treatment of a range of ailments. Calotropis
procera is suggested as potential plant for bio-
of Calotropis procer roots. Indian
diesel production under semi-arid and arid
conditions. Researchers are exploring the
therapeutic potential of this plant as it is likely
9. Rajani, M. and Gupta, S.K. (2009).
to have more therapeutic properties than are
Calotropis procera (Ait.) R.Br. root
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