As much as we LOVE to stick needles into our guys
and ask them dirty questions, there’s an actual reason
why we continually collect this info from our partipants.
groups with PMS volunteers to learnabout their experiences at the clinic.
Just down the way from the PMS clinic is Pitt’s
Department of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology,
where much of the research involving the data we
collect from our volunteers is conducted. Research
information to increase the satisfaction of volunteers,
performed there often leads to papers published in
to improve the quality of services we provide, and to
medical journals, which can hopefully lead to new ways
strengthen our ability to keep volunteers in the study.
of understanding how to fight and eventually cure HIV.
The groups were lead by Mark Friedman, a trained
One of the most interesting recent findings from our
focus group facilitator who is not affiliated with the
researchers involves the role B cells play in spreading
PMS. Below are some of the questions we asked and
HIV infection throughout the body*. B cells are a lot
the major findings we got from the groups.
like T cells - they are the cells responsible for producingantibodies in response to infections. When a virus
What are the main reasons why guys first come
invades the body, B cells and T cells spring into action. to the Men’s Study? a) to get tested to determine their HIV status, b) to take care of their own health, c)
Although B cells do not become infected with HIV the
their concern for their community, and d) the perception
way that T cells do, our research found that B cells
that their involvement will be safe and confidential.
play an important role as an accomplice in HIV’stakeover of T cells. What are the major reasons why guys stay in the study? a) this is a way to stay healthy (e.g., health
B cells internalize HIV, carrying it around in the body
and transmitting HIV to T cells. Our research foundthat a particular protein (called DC-SIGN) carried by
the B cells acts as a “bridge” that HIV uses to reach
the surface of T cells. Without this protein, HIV had a
We hope that this study can open new areas of
Charles R. Rinaldo, PhD, Principal Investigator
Anthony J. Silvestre, PhD, LSW, Co-Investigator
research on the role played by B cells on spreading
HIV in people who have the virus and can assist in
William G. Buchanan, MM, Contributing Editor
coming up with new drugs or forms of therapy aimed
Bridget C. Calhoun, MPH, PA-C, Contributing Editor
Marcy Holloway, MPAS, PA-C, Contributing Editor
at exploiting this path of HIV transmission from one
Ashley G. Woodson, Production AssistantNEWS AND NOTES is published by the Pitt Men’s Study.All information and opinions are the sole responsibility of
*Info for the article referenced in this story is as follows:
the the Study and do not necessarily reflect the policies or
Rappocciolo, G., Piazza, P., Fuller, C.L. Reinhart, T.A., Watkins,
views of the University of Pittsburgh or the National
S.C., Rowe, D.T., Jais, M., Gupta, P., and Rinaldo, C.R., Jr. DC-SIGN
on B lymphocytes is required for transmission of HIV-1 to Tlymphocytes. PloS Pathogens 2:e70, 2006. THE PITT MEN’S STUDY PICKS YOUR GONORRHEA DRUGS BECOMING LESS EFFECTIVE
The CDC recently announced that gonorrhea, the 2nd
most common STD in the United States, is now resistant
to the class of antibiotics known as fluoroquinolones
Multicenter AIDS CohortStudy (MACS for short).
The only class of drugs left to combat this infection arecephalosporins. Experts fear that gonorrhea will
eventually become resistant to those too because of
sites continually conduct studies based on data and
the overuse of antibiotics in humans and animals, thus
leaving doctors with no antibiotics to treat the disease. Drug companies have been slow to develop new
PMS is now leading a MACS-wide study of the
antibiotics since they are not as profitable as drugs for
relationship between the structure of the brain and the
ability of study participants to perform tests of memory,learning, problem solving and other measures of brain
The CDC reports that in 2005 there were 350,000
reported cases of gonorrhea in the USA and estimatesthat there are probably at least twice as many people
Under the direction of James T. Becker, Ph.D., who
infected. Since 2000 the incidence of resistant
has led the neuropsychological study at PMS since its
gonorrhea has jumped from less than 1% of the reported
beginning, the four MACS sites will enroll 160 men in
this study of brain structure and thinking.
Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted infection that can
A select group of participants, both HIV-infected and
infect the penis, vagina, mouth, or anus. Ejaculation does
uninfected, will be contacted at each site based on such
not have to occur for gonorrhea to be transmitted or
factors as their participation in MACS, age, medical
acquired. The incubation period can range from 1 week
to 1 month. The initial symptoms include discomfort inthe penis, a thick white, yellow or green discharge from
Because PMS has more uninfected participants than
the tip of the penis, and pain or burning sensation when
the other three MACS sites (Baltimore, Chicago, and
urinating. Gonorrhea infection following anal sex can
Los Angeles), Pittsburgh will have an especially
result in anal discharge, anal itching, anal soreness,
important role since we have the most men who can
bleeding, and/or painful bowel movements. Infections
serve as “controls” for the other sites.
in the throat may cause a sore throat but usually causesno symptoms.
Participants will undergo approximately one hour ofMRI scanning to take very detailed pictures of the brain.
Although many men have signs and symptoms with
In addition, each participant will complete a series of
this infection, some do not. If you suspect that you
tests of memory, learning, problem solving, etc.
may have been exposed to gonorrhea, please discuss
Participants will, as always, be compensated for their
testing and treatment options with your doctor or visit
Pittsburgh will analyze all the data, the results of which
Using condoms during anal and vaginal sex to prevent
will be presented at scientific meetings and in scholarly
HIV infection should also protect one from gonorrhea.
However, the infection can be transmitted throughunprotected oral sex as well.
This is very important work that may lead to newresearch endeavors that will also be led by PMS.
(Information used in this article was reported by NPRin April 2007). KNOW YOUR MEDS !
Here at the Pitt Men’s Study, we love to ask a lot of questions about our participants’use of prescription drugs, those that are HIV-related as well as those that are not.
To facilitate this, we include a sheet with your appointment letter on which youcan record any medications used since the last visit. We hope our men will fill outand bring this with them to their appointments. It’s surprising how many mencannot recall their medications, even those for conditions such as HIV, heart disease,diabetes, etc. Our study is most effective when we collect detailed and accurateinformation, and we ask all of our men in the MACS study to please make theeffort to do this – it makes our data stronger, and can lead to new findings.
But there’s another good reason for knowing what meds you take: the unlikely but real likelihood of suddenlybeing taken ill or being involved in an accident. Anyone who is taking medications routinely for a specificmedical condition should carry a list of them in his wallet including the drug name, the dose and the frequencytaken. In case you require emergency medical care, such a list alerts doctors to medical conditions you have thatcould influence exactly how they treat you. You should also list the name and phone number of your primarycare physician as well as any doctors treating you for any chronic conditions. This knowledge could make yourrecovery easier and possibly save your life.
It’s another bothersome task (and perhaps a reminder of something you’d just as soon not dwell on), but it surehelps us, and most importantly, it might help you. FOCUS GROUPS continued from page 1
screenings), b) altruism (wanting to help fight HIV/
What are some things that PMS could do to
AIDS; maybe help create a breakthrough; being
increase the likelihood that volunteers will keep
supportive of other men; wanting to simply make the
coming back? a) staying in contact with individuals
world a better place), c) the warm, friendly, caring,
who stop coming, b) greatly increasing communication
dedicated, knowledgeable, and professional staff, and
concerning the impact of the study (state the
d) the confidentiality of the PMS and how safe it feels
difference that volunteers are making; continually
communicate the purpose and accomplishments ofthe study), c) provide volunteers with more health-
What are the major reasons why guys drop out of
related information such as information about current
the study, or lapse from time to time? a) personal
treatments and their possible side effects, and what
factors such as depression, addiction, and lack of
people can do to take better care of themselves, d)
motivation, b) AIDS fatigue or the feeling of being
make communications with volunteers more “user-
burned out by such a devastating epidemic, c) moving
friendly” (briefer, in non-scientific terms).
out of the Pittsburgh area, d) sometimes having anotherpriority in life that must come first.
We are using this information to improve our study. Specifically, we are going to gear our newsletter
There was a unique theme among many African-
toward giving more information as to the impact of
American PMS volunteers. Several of these men had
the study and the research that has come out of it.
experienced what they described to be hardship (abuse,
We’re also getting ready to offer regular health alerts
discrimination and/or poverty) in the past. Most of these
- via both email and snail mail - to interested men
men had overcome this hardship. These volunteers
who wish to stay informed of current health concerns
strongly felt that volunteering for PMS was a way to
stay healthy and to keep fighting adversity. CHANTIX: A NEW SMOKING-CESSATION DRUG
help you. The pharmaceutical company Pfizer hasdeveloped varenicline (Chantix), which was approved
by the Food and Drug Administration in May 2006 onan expedited basis (fast tracked). The expedited
Smoking cigarettes is bad for your health — bad for
approval was due to results of studies showing
your heart, bad for your brain, and bad for every other
impressive rates of smoking cessation among more than
organ that keeps you alive. Yet, many people still do it;
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)estimate 44.5 million Americans smoke cigarettes.
Chantix has two important benefits. First, it reduces
Why? Because tobacco companies have invested an
nicotine withdrawal symptoms; and secondly, it blocks
unbelievable amount of time, effort and money in
receptors in the brain from absorbing nicotine, making
making sure that once you start, you can’t stop!
smoking less enjoyable. No other medications used forsmoking cessation (Zyban, Wellbutrin, etc.) have both
There are tiny receptors in the brain for nicotinic acid,
or nicotine, which is the addictive chemical in cigarettes. The nicotine stimulates the brain to release dopamine,
Chantix is prescribed for a period of 12 weeks during
a hormone that makes people feel good. Over time,
which the dosage slowly increases. The most common
the brain becomes dependent on the nicotine, making it
side effect of Chantix is nausea. Many patients are
very difficult to stop smoking, even when experiencing
able to continue taking the medication if they stay at
shortness of breath or difficulty breathing.
the lower dosages and by taking the pills with food. Chantix should not be used by women who are pregnant,or by women trying to get pregnant.
Chantix can be used safely in people with HIV infectionand those taking medications for HIV infection. Healthcare providers frequently monitor kidney functionin patients taking Chantix, but that is done easily with aroutine blood test.
The cost of Chantix can range from $100-$140 per monthand may be comparable to what is spent on cigarettesper month depending on the number and brand ofcigarettes smoked. Unfortunately, the cost of Chantixis not currently covered by most insurance companies. However, check with your individual insurance companysince some provide coverage if other methods ofsmoking cessation (such as antidepressants or nicotine
For those determined to quit, the method of “cold
turkey” may be effective, but only if they can overcomethe common symptoms of withdrawal (which include
If you are interested in quitting smoking, please discuss
jittery feelings, frequent headaches and cravings for
all your options with your healthcare providers, and
cigarettes). For others, use of nicotine gum, nicotine
remember, the best results are obtained by using
patches, hypnosis or antidepressants may be helpful.
pharmacologic therapies (such as Chantix) along with
It has been estimated that most people need 3 or 4
smoking-cessation counseling and support from people
attempts before they are successful at finally kicking
If you have not been able to quit, it’s never too late totry again! And now, there is another option that may
positive patient advocates. The goal of the project is
“not for people to have less sex but more sex and
healthier sex,” said Fisk. “By assessing risky behaviors,counselors help people change their behaviors to meet
The Pitt Men’s Study, along with co-sponsors Pittsburgh
AIDS Center for Treatment (PACT), PittsburghTreatment Evaluation Unit, Allegheny General
Fisk pointed to studies that show that 25% of the 1.1
Hospital’s Positive Health Clinic, and GlaxoSmithKline,
million Americans infected with HIV are not aware
presented the first of a series of HIV Educational
that they carry the virus, and that this group is most
likely to transmit the virus. Another 25% know theyhave HIV but are not in care, and they are also more
“For over 23 years, the Pitt Men’s Study has been at
likely to transmit HIV. Fisk’s goal is to “get people
the forefront in educating our community on prevention
tested and into care and help them have a healthy sex
of HIV infection,” said Dr. Charles Rinaldo, Pitt Men’s
life and good drug [taking] habits in order to reduce
Study principle investigator. “We are here to serve the
community by addressing your needs and conveyingthe latest information related to your health.”
A panel of experts that included Dr. Riddler, Mr. Fisk,Dr. Piontkowsky of the Positive Health Clinic and Dr.
PACT physician and PMS medical director Dr. Sharon
Deborah McMahon of PACT then answered questions
Riddler, who spoke about advances in HIV treatment,
first discussed a new formulation of Kaletra that doesnot need to be refrigerated, making it more useful in
Reprinted from Out, May 2007, with the permission
countries where refrigeration is a luxury.
Dr. Riddler then turned her attention to the recentlyapproved combination drugs Epzicom, Truvada and
Atripla that are new formulations of existing drugs.
The members of the Community Advisory Board
Atripla includes three medications and represents a
were honored at the Study’s annual holiday party at
major advance in treatment – a one-pill-per-day HIV
the home of Dr. Anthony Silvestre. Dr. Rinaldo spoke
warmly of the Board members dedication to thehealth of our community and their commitment to
Additionally two new protease inhibitors were approved
the study. His comments were greeted with much
in 2007: Aptivus and Prezista. Both drugs must be given
enthusiasm by those attending the event. Members
with Norvir twice a day and have shown good viral
of the Board are Co-Chairs Mr. August Pusateri
suppression in a significant number of those taking them
(Buzz) and Mr. Bill Kaelin, and members Dr. Paul
Alercon (on leave), Ms. Kathi Boyle, Mr. BradleyBurns, Mr. Michael Crawmer, Mr. Chuck Honse,
There are two new classes of HIV medications: co-
Ms. Cyndee Klemanski, Mr. Floyd Patterson, Mr.
receptor inhibitors (Maraviroc) that target one of the
Christopher Taylor, Ms. Chris Tripoli, Dr. Manny
two receptors HIV uses to infect T cells and integrase
Vergis, and Mr. Richard Vinski. Staff members Jeff
inhibitors (Raltegravir) that stop HIV’s genetic material
Toth and Ashley Woodson were also thanked for
from fusing into the T cell’s DNA. “These are the first
new classes of oral HIV antivirals in ten years, “Thishas special significance for those whose HIV strain
In the past year, the Board has been working hard to
has become resistant to most if not all of the currently
support data gathering related to meth use and its
impact on unsafe behaviors as well the Study’s workon the impact of HIV medications on heart function.
Stuart Fisk from the Postive Health Clinic then spoke
The Board has also been advocating for increased
about “prevention for positives.” Patients at Allegheny
funding from the Governor for HIV prevention and
General Hospital’s Positive Health Clinic are offered
anti-bullying programs in the schools.
individual and group counseling by one of two HIV-
Planning on picnicking this summer? There’s more to look out for than just ants!
While enjoying the warm weather, picnics, and barbecues, be sure to protect yourself from getting sick. Foodpoisoning is caused by eating foods contaminated with harmful bacteria and usually causes diarrhea, abdominalcramping, nausea, and vomiting. Summer outdoor eating may increase your chances of eating foods that canmake you ill. In order to decrease your risk of food poisoning, follow these simple recommendations:
• Always wash hands before eating – use
• Never eat raw meat or fish – This includes
warm soapy water and vigorously rub hands
popular dishes such as sushi, raw oysters,
together for at least 30-45 seconds.
• Be sure to rinse all fruits and vegetables to
• Don’t thaw meat at room temperature –
remove pesticides and bacteria – Even fruit
Instead, thaw in the refrigerator ensuring
and vegetables that don’t look dirty may
that the drippings won’t come in contact
• Always cook red meat to 165 degrees –
• Never use any item past the expiration date
– Before buying any perishable items check
sure to check the color of the inside before
the expiration date and make sure you plan
serving. Keep cooking until it’s no longer
periodically inventory items in therefrigerator to make sure nothing has
• Always cook poultry to 180 degrees – It’s
always a good idea to use a meatthermometer to be certain safe temperatures
• Don’t eat cheese that has mold on it – When
buying cheese of any kind read the labeland make sure it has been pasteurized.
• Never eat fruits with soft spots that show
refrigerated – Dairy products should not
signs of mold – When buying fruit, choose
pieces that are not quite ripe so that if they
the fridge right before they’re needed and
aren’t eaten for a few days they don’t spoil.
• Never use raw eggs in mayonnaise or ice
cream – Always substitute frozen eggproducts that have been pasteurized inrecipes that call for raw eggs. When eatingfood prepared by someone else ask if raweggs were used in the preparation.
• Never eat soft-boiled or sunny-side-up eggs
– Runny eggs are undercooked and cancause food poisoning.
As always, eat well-balanced meals that include food from all food groups, and limit your intake of alcohol. Remember, foods contaminated with harmful bacteria don’t always look or smell spoiled. When in doubt, throw it out!
Fifty-one thousand Ameri-cans will be diagnosed this
The Southwestern Pennsylvania Healing Weekend
(SPHW) has been scheduled for June 8-10, and will be
held at a peaceful mountain retreat center. The primary
goal of the Weekend is to provide relaxation, information
and camaraderie for those infected and/or affected by
The SPHW is funded by a combination of local AIDS
The incidence of melanoma is increasing by nearly 4%
service organizations, churches and businesses willing
a year, and melanoma is the most prevalent cancer
to support the on-going battle against HIV and AIDS.
among the 25-29 year age group. Decreasing your sun
The SPHW continues to grow and is known for providing
exposure, using sunscreen, checking your skin monthly,
fun-filled opportunities for meeting new people, sharing
and being checked yearly by your doctor are ways to
personal experiences, and personal growth. Special
activities include workshops, massage, bingo,motivational speakers, bonfire, and a variety of stress
When going outside, always use a waterproof sunscreen
reduction activities. A series of 12-step meetings will
of SPF 30 or higher (rated for both UVA and UVB),
also be planned for those who are interested. The cost
apply it heavily 30 minutes before going out in the sun,
of the weekend is $250.00 and includes 2 nights of
and reapply every 90 minutes. Make sure you cover
double occupancy lodging, all meals, evening snacks,
every area that is exposed including the ears. Don’t
admission to all workshops/activities and entertainment.
stay out in the sun any longer with sunscreen than you
A limited number of partial scholarships (ranging from
$175 - $225) are available for those who complete anapplication and are in need of financial assistance. The
Don’t forget to use sunscreen when taking a trip and
deadline for registration is April 30, 2007. Those
make sure to protect those parts of you that will be
completing a registration form after the deadline will
exposed to the sun while inside the car (like your face
and neck and that arm and hand you like to hang outthe window!). There are also shirts that filter UV rays.
Brochures for the SPHW are available at local HIV/AIDS service organizations and treatment centers.
With early diagnosis, similar to many other cancers,
Additional information and the scholarship application
melanoma is treatable in the early stages. Go to <http:/
can be found within the brochures. For more information
/> for more information on how you
please contact Bridget Calhoun at the Pitt Men’s Study
(412) 624-2008 or Don Finch at Persad Center (412)441-9786, Ext #303. We hope to see you there!
The Pitt Men’s Study will be out and about this summer. Youshould come and hang out with us!
First off, we’ll be at the Memorial Day Festival on May 28 in South Park. We’ll alsobe manning a table at PrideFest, which is held on June 16, 2007 on the North Shore. At both events we’ll be handing out informational materials, condoms, and lube as wellas answering any questions you might have. --ALERT--
Gay and bisexual men are still being infected with HIV. The Pitt Men’s Study wishes to remind youabout the possibility of becoming infected by alerting you to the most common reasons given by menwho become infected.
• Some men have become infected because they believe that their partner is HIV negative.
But we know that some men who claim to be HIV negative are simply wrong about their status; some deliberately mislead or rely on old information that is no longer valid. Some men think that sexual partners who appear to be healthy are not infected, but this is not necessarily so. One should treat every sexual partner as if he is HIV positive and only engage in those activities that he would perform with someone he knew to be HIV positive.
• Depression and alcohol/drug use - especially meth and cocaine - lead otherwise cautious men to engage in risky sexual behaviors. It is important to be especially cautious during sex when you are feeling down or are under the influence of alcohol and drugs. Those who may have mental health, alcohol or drug problems should consider seeking professional assistance through the Persad Center or a private therapist who has experience dealing with problems related to maintaining safer sex behaviors.
• Not using a condom during anal sex is the most significant risk factor for HIV infection
among gay and bisexual men. Those who engage in anal sex should use a latex condom with a water-based lubricant every time they have anal sex. Insertive partners should consider withdrawing prior to ejaculation to provide even greater protection to their partners.
Each person needs to assess the risk that he is willing to take. It is important that a long history ofnegative HIV status not create a false sense of security. No one should use a negative result tocondone unsafe behavior. As we all cope with living with HIV, we need to support each other andnot let our guard down.
If you have not been to the Pitt Men’s Study within the last six months, you are encouraged to call 412-624-2008 (or toll-free at 1-800-987-1963) to schedule an appointment. We also continue to enroll new volunteers for free and confidential HIV screening; please encourage your friends to call the above numbers for information on joining. Volunteers who wish to attend our educational sessions for a second time also may call to schedule. Members of our clinical staff can offer you advice on safer sex and HIV prevention. Remember: Prevention is still the best way to combat HIV
La mirada del tigre: acerca de la transferencia en pacientes adictos 1 Observaba la marcha bamboleante y, casi con asombro, esa convicción corporal de superioridad cuando entró al consulto-rio. Su relato se extendía alrededor de las bondades de un estadoespecial cercano al éxtasis al que nunca podría acceder con miconocimiento intelectual exento de experiencia. Como muchasotras
La cambiale di matrimonio FARSA GIOCOSA IN UN ATTO DI G. Interpreti: ROSA MORANDI , NICOLA (Tobia Mill in veste da camera, berretto Personaggi da notte, che porta con una mano un mappamondo e nell'altra tiene una TOBIA MILL, negoziante: basso comico (prende la lettera e, riconoscendo SLOOK, negoziante americano: basso CLARINA, cameriera di Fanny: soprano.