On the day when you schedule your in-office procedure you will sign a surgical
consent form that reviews the risks of the specific procedure that you are planning. You will be given your prescriptions at this visit and a copy of this instruction sheet. If your scheduling is handled by phone then your prescriptions will be mailed to you. 1-2 Days Prior to procedure:
Begin taking the Ibuprofen (Motrin) 800 mg every 8 hours starting 24 to 36 hours
prior to your scheduled procedure. Make sure to also take the Ibuprofen the morning of your procedure. Eat regular meals including the day of your procedure. Day of Procedure:
Make sure to eat breakfast. Eat lunch as well if your procedure is in the afternoon. This will help decrease nausea caused by the medications and the procedure.
Take one or two of the Percocet capsules approximately 1 to 2 hours prior to your
procedure. A responsible adult will need to drive you to the office. ( If you tend to be very sensitive to Narcotics then you may take just one of the Percocet capsules)
Use the B&O suppository approximately 1 to 2 hours prior to the procedure. This
Please arrive promptly at the time scheduled on your instruction sheet. Please
realize this is approximately 60 minutes prior to the planned time of your procedure. It will take us at least this amount of time to properly prepare you for your procedure.
A pregnancy test may be performed on a urine specimen.
You will be given an injection of Toradol. This is a non-steroidal anti-
inflammatory medication. (Similar to Motrin)
The Vaginal tissues will be cleansed with an Iodine solution. A local Anesthetic
of Lidocaine, Xylocaine, or Carbocaine will be injected into the cervix. After allowing 10 minutes for this to take effect then the procedure will begin. Quite frequently you will still experience some cramping and discomfort during the procedure. If the discomfort becomes severe then let your doctor know.
Most patients are able to leave the office within 15 to 20 minutes. A responsible
Continue the Ibuprofen 800 mg every 8 hours for at least 24 hours after the
You may also need to take additional Percocet capsules; 1 or 2 capsules every 6
You may also be given a prophylactic antibiotic to take for 5-7 days after the
Nausea is quite common on the trip home from the office. The nausea should
resolve once you are able to get home and rest. Prescriptions: Some are optional
Ibuprofen 800mg—Every 8 hours as needed
B&O Suppository—One prior to procedure
Percocet— 1 or 2 capsules every 6 hours as needed for pain
Zofran or Phenergan—One every 4-6 hours as needed for nausea or vomiting
Doxycycline 100 mg—Twice a day for 5 days
Sexual Intercourse and Tampons for 2 weeks after Ablations.
Heavy lifting, Straining, or Exercise for 24 hours after ANY procedure.
Mild pelvic pain and cramping is typical. Staining on a pad for 2-4 weeks is not
unusual. Please call if any symptoms become severe. Please Arrive at ________________ on __________________ Your procedure is scheduled @ ___________on ______________ Patient Signature____________________________________ Scheduler Signature__________________________________
'Tell me, and I shall forget. Show me, and I shall maybe remember. Make me part of action, and I shall understand and keep it in mind.' Update Munje primary school De 3 nieuwe klaslokalen zijn al gebouwd en de bouw van de nieuwe watertank wordt nu gestart. Mister Ali Hamza (hoofd van de school) schrijft ons o.a. in zijn laatste mail: “Our goal is to provide quality education for future inde
Generative Migration of Agents F.M.T. Brazier; B.J. Overeinder; M. van Steen; N.J.E. WijngaardsDepartment of Computer Science, Faculty of Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam;de Boelelaan 1081a, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands Abstract Agents, and in particular mobile agents, offer a means for application developers to build distributed applications. Incurrent agent systems, mobility