Gluten sensitivity masquerading as systemic lupus
erythematosusM Hadjivassiliou, D S Sanders, R A Gru¨newald, M Akil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ann Rheum Dis 2004;63:1501–1503. doi: 10.1136/ard.2003.017947
azathioprine, ANA, double stranded DNA (dsDNA), and
Case reports: Three patients are described whose original
extractable nuclear antibodies (ENA) were negative.
presentation and immunological profile led to the erroneous
At the age of 17 she was referred to an adult SLE clinic. On
diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus. The correct
examination she had a psoriatic palmar skin rash but nothing
diagnosis of gluten sensitivity was made after years of
else of note. Immunological testing disclosed negative ANA
treatment with steroids and other immunosuppressive drugs.
and ENA, dsDNA of 92 IU/ml (0–60), ESR of 29 mm/1st h,
Conclusions: The immunological profile of IgA deficiency
IgA deficiency, and normal C reactive protein (CRP). The
and/or raised double stranded DNA in the absence of
possibility of gluten sensitivity was considered on the basis of
antinuclear factor together with raised inflammatory markers
the history and immunological profile. She tested positive for
and symptoms suggestive of an immune diathesis should alert
IgG antigliadin antibodies, and a subsequent duodenal
the physician to the possibility of gluten sensitivity. The
biopsy confirmed gluten sensitive enteropathy. A gluten-free
presence of an enteropathy is no longer a prerequisite for the
diet was started, azathioprine was stopped, and the steroids
diagnosis of gluten sensitivity, which can solely present with
withdrawn. Six months after the introduction of the diet she
extraintestinal symptoms and signs. Knowledge of the diverse
was asymptomatic and receiving no drugs. Her ESR was
manifestations of gluten sensitivity is essential in avoiding
normal and the skin rash had resolved.
Case 2A 53 year old woman developed blurred vision, headache,and generalised weakness at the age of 20. She improved
Glutensensitivityisastateofheightenedimmunologi- spontaneously within several weeks. A year later she
cal responsiveness to ingested gluten in genetically
presented with identical symptoms and was treated with a
susceptible people.1 It represents a spectrum of diverse
course of adrenocorticotropic hormone. Three years later she
manifestations, of which gluten sensitive enteropathy (also
was admitted with a history of recurrent severe headaches,
known as coeliac disease (CD)) is one of many.2 We describe
heaviness of her legs, and asthenia. Investigations disclosed a
three patients who were diagnosed and treated for systemic
normal computed tomography (CT) brain scan, visual evoked
lupus erythematosus (SLE), but investigations years after the
responses, and cerebrospinal fluid examination, a slight
original presentation and diagnosis led to the correct
increase of anticardiolipin antibodies, raised rheumatoid
diagnosis of gluten sensitivity and treatment with a gluten-
factor, and dsDNA, but no ANA. An iron deficiency anaemia
was attributed to menorrhagia. A brain magnetic resonanceimaging (MRI) scan showed extensive white matter abnorm-
alities not typical of multiple sclerosis. In view of the
immunological picture and the presence of circulating anti-
A 20 month old girl presented with poor weight gain,
cardiolipin antibodies a diagnosis of SLE associated with
intermittent malaise, and sweating. She was a normal
antiphospholipid syndrome was made. She was given aspirin
delivery at term. She had chicken pox at the age of 4 months,
but remained symptomatic with episodic headaches and
which coincided with the onset of her symptoms. Weight
gain was poor, but motor development was normal. She was
A few years later she complained of generalised arthralgia.
intermittently sleepy and irritable, with tantrums and breath
There was no evidence of active synovitis. She was treated
holding attacks. On examination she was pale and irritable,
with steroids and methotrexate. She continued to complain
with mild flexural eczema. She was on the third centile for
of fatigue and headaches, which tended to be unilateral and
height and weight. Abnormal results included a raised
very severe. Examination showed a left sided cataract with a
erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) of 70 mm/1st h, weakly
divergent squint, mild left hemiparesis, and gait ataxia.
positive antinuclear antibodies (ANA), IgA deficiency, posi-
Repeat MRI showed extensive white matter abnormalities
tive smooth muscle antibodies, and raised anticardiolipin
with mild generalised atrophy. An immunological profile
antibodies. Urine analysis and complement levels were
showed IgA deficiency, raised dsDNA antibodies, a minimal
normal. Her parents reported a facial rash, attributed to sun
rise in anticardiolipin IgG antibodies, no ANA or ENA, and
normal inflammatory markers (ESR and CRP). She had
On the basis of the available evidence a diagnosis of SLE
circulating IgG antigliadin antibodies and the HLA typing
was made, and treatment was started with steroids. Therewas some improvement in her overall clinical state, but theESR continued to fluctuate. At the age of 4 she was noted to
Abbreviations: ANA, antinuclear antibodies; ANF, antinuclear factor;
CD, coeliac disease; CRP, C reactive protein; CT, computed tomography;
have poor enamel on her teeth and required teeth extractions.
dsDNA, double stranded DNA; ENA, extractable nuclear antibodies;
At the age of 6 she developed steroid related side effects and
ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging;
azathioprine was started. While receiving steroids and
Hadjivassiliou, Sanders, Gru¨newald, et al
DQ2, which is seen in 90% of patients with gluten sensitive
IgA deficiency is 10 times commoner in patients with
enteropathy. A subsequent duodenal biopsy was normal.
gluten sensitivity than in the healthy population.10 Given that
She was diagnosed as having gluten sensitivity with
all other gluten related antibodies are of the IgA class
neurological manifestations (gluten ataxia, headache, and
(endomysium and tissue transglutaminase), IgG antigliadin
white matter abnormalities on MRI).3 She was advised to
antibodies in this context are the only marker of gluten
start a strict gluten-free diet. Six months after the introduc-
sensitivity. The high sensitivity of IgG antigliadin antibodies
tion of a gluten-free diet her headaches subsided and the
in relation to the whole spectrum of gluten sensitivity (with
or without an enteropathy) is highlighted by those patientswith no enteropathy but positive IgG antigliadin antibodies,
who have the same genetic susceptibility (DQ2) as those with
A 54 year old woman originally presented at the age of 40
CD.8 In view of almost 100% specificity antiendomysium
with persistent headaches. She was found to have a raised
antibodies will only be positive in the presence of an
ESR (60 mm/1st h) and mild neutropenia. Temporal artery
enteropathy. The common association with other auto-
biopsy was normal as was a CT head scan. Two years later she
immune diseases, the raised inflammatory markers, and
was referred because of epigastric pain. Gastroscopy and
the symptoms suggestive of an immune diathesis which
abdominal ultrasound were normal. She had a raised ESR,
characterise gluten sensitivity often result in a clinical and
high globulins, negative antinuclear factor (ANF), and
immunological picture that may lead to an erroneous
abnormal liver transaminases. An abdominal CT scan was
diagnosis, as illustrated by these three cases.
Patients with CD developing SLE and vice versa have been
Nine years after the initial presentation she complained of
reported, highlighting a possible association.11 12 Another
pruritus and intermittent facial oedema. She was diagnosed
report has shown that up to 23% of patients with CD have
as having urticaria. There was no history of arthralgia,
raised anti-dsDNA.13 This reflects our own experience of
photosensitivity, or previous thrombotic episodes. She had an
patients presenting with neurological dysfunction due to
ESR of 76 mm/1st h, raised dsDNA at 301 IU/ml (normal
gluten sensitivity, in whom an increase of anti-dsDNA
range 0–60 IU/ml) but negative ANF, positive rheumatoid
antibodies was seen in up to 20% (unpublished observation).
factor, normal complement levels, neutropenia of 0.9 (range
1.6–6.56109/l) but no lymphopenia, raised anticardiolipin
The prevalence of antigliadin antibodies in patients with
antibodies, and a negative Schirmer test. Her CRP was
SLE has been reported to be 23%.14 None of these patients
normal. Her main complaints were a headache and abdom-
had an enteropathy on biopsy. The conclusion was that there
inal discomfort. A diagnosis of SLE was made. She was
is no association between CD and SLE, but an association
between gluten sensitivity and SLE cannot be excluded. More
A year later she was reviewed by the gastroenterologists
likely, however, is the possibility of misdiagnosis of SLE in
who performed a colonoscopy, which was normal. A detailed
patients with gluten sensitivity. Although it is important to
review 13 years after the original presentation suggested that
be aware of the possible clustering of autoimmune diseases in
the immunological picture (raised dsDNA but normal ANF,
the same person, it is more important to consider gluten
neutropenia, high ESR) in combination with the gastro-
sensitivity in the differential diagnosis of clinical scenarios
intestinal symptoms and persistent headache might be
such as those described above. Screening for the whole
suggestive of gluten sensitivity. Immunological tests showed
spectrum of gluten sensitivity may be easily and cost
that she was positive for IgG and IgA antigliadin antibodies
effectively undertaken by measuring circulating antigliadin
and had the HLA typing DQ2. She refused duodenal biopsy
antibodies (IgG and IgA), with endomysium and tissue
but agreed to the introduction of a gluten-free diet. Her
transglutaminase antibodies being used as a marker of the
headaches and gastrointestinal symptoms have since sub-
presence of an enteropathy. Failure to do so may not only
deprive the patient of the correct diagnosis and treatment(gluten-free diet) but also result in the unnecessary use of
long term immunosuppressive drugs, with their associatedmorbidity.
Gluten sensitivity has been likened to ‘‘a many-headedhydra’’ because of its diverse manifestations.4 Although most
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
physicians may be familiar with the classic presentation of
gluten sensitivity as an enteropathy (CD), it is worth bearing
M Hadjivassiliou, R A Gru¨newald, Department of Neurology, The Royal
in mind that the prevalence of CD in the ‘‘healthy’’
population in European countries5 6 and the USA is as high
D S Sanders, Department of Gastroenterology, The Royal Hallamshire
as 1%. Therefore, for every patient presenting to a gastro-
enterologist with the classical presentation of one or more of
M Akil, Department of Rheumatology, The Royal Hallamshire Hospital,
diarrhoea, abdominal discomfort, bloating, weight loss,
steatorrhoea, and/or anaemia, there are eight patients with-
Correspondence to: Dr M Hadjivassiliou, Department of Clinical
out gastrointestinal symptoms (silent CD).7 Furthermore
Neurology, The Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Glossop Road, Sheffield
gluten sensitivity may solely present with neurological
S10 2JF, UK;
dysfunction (ataxia and peripheral neuropathy being thecommonest).2 Only a third of patients presenting with
neurological dysfunction due to gluten sensitivity will haveevidence of an enteropathy on duodenal biopsy.8 The
presence of an enteropathy is no longer a prerequisite forthe diagnosis of gluten sensitivity. Small bowel mucosal
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2 Hadjivassiliou M, Gru¨newald RA, Davies-Jones GAB. Gluten sensitivity as a
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no enteropathy have antigliadin antibodies and HLA type in
3 Hadjivassiliou M, Gru¨newald RAG, Lawden M, Davies-Jones GAB, Powell T,
keeping with gluten sensitivity (for example, cases 2 and 3).
Smith CML. Headache and CNS white matter abnormalities associated withgluten sensitivity. Neurology 2001;56:385–8.
A gluten-free diet appears to be effective in the treatment of
4 Hadjivassiliou M, Gru¨newald RA, Davies-Jones GAB. Gluten sensitivity: a
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5 Sanders DS, Patel D, Stephenson TJ, Milford-Ward A, McCloskey EV,
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SAUFLEY, C.J., and ALEXANDER, LEVY, SILVER, MEAD, GORMAN, and JABAR, JJ. [¶1] Christopher H. appeals from a judgment entered in the Superior Court (Cumberland County, Cole, J .) affirming the judgment of the District Court (Portland, Eggert, J .) ordering his involuntary commitment pursuant to 34-B M.R.S. § 3864 (2009). Christopher H. contends that his due process rights were violated bec
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