Microsoft word - allergy shot p&p 06 jps.doc

Goucher College
1021 Dulaney Valley Road
Baltimore, MD 21204
410-337-6050/ fax 410-337-6051
Allergy Injection Policy and Procedure

Goucher College Health Center offers an allergy injection service for students receiving immunotherapy
ordered by their private allergist. Registered nurses are available to administer injections, coordinate the clinic
and consult with your allergist as indicated.
Allergy injection students must be currently under the care of an allergist. A minimum of an annual visit to your
private allergist is required. If you are just starting allergy injections, you must receive the first one from your
allergist. (There is a limit to the number of allergy injections given. For patients who require more than two
allergy extracts, we will refer you to an allergist’s office in the area.)
To utilize this service, please follow the steps below. If you have questions, you may call 410-337-6050 to
speak with an allergy nurse.
1. Before coming to school be sure you have the following from your allergist:
Current vials must be clearly labeled with the following:
Contents, Strength and Expiration date of each extract Injection schedule must clearly indicate the following: Prescribing physician’s name, address, phone & fax numbers Dosage and frequency of injections date of last injection. Instructions treatment and dose adjustments for reactions Instructions for dose adjustments for missed or late shots Date and reaction of last dose administered Copy of this policy and procedure reviewed and signed by your allergist 2. All allergy injection patients will require an allergy consult appointment with the allergy nurse before you receive your first injection. This appointment will take approximately 20 minutes with the nurse who will prepare your allergy chart, review your allergy information, and have you sign a release of medical information and the allergy injection policy. Once you have arrived at school, call the Health Center at 410-337-6050 to schedule your allergy consult appointment. Allergy injections will not be provided at this time. Please bring all vials, schedules and instructions when you arrive for your initial allergy consult appointment. 3. The student is responsible for providing current instructions, schedules, and allergy extracts to the Health Center. Students are also responsible for adhering to their schedule. Except in cases of illness, please make every attempt to come for the regularly scheduled injections for the best possible results of your treatment. Any student that misses three appointments without notification may have the privilege of obtaining allergy injections revoked. 4. Allergy injections are only given when a physician is present in the Health Center. Allergy injection clinic hours are available by appointment only. There are no walk-in allergy appointments. 5. A 30-minute wait in the Health Center is MANDATORY due to the possibility of a serious reaction. All students must remain in the waiting room until the injection sites are checked by a nurse. There are no exceptions. 6. Notify the nurse/staff during your waiting period if you experience any of the following symptoms: wheezing, shortness of breath, coughing, generalized itchiness, hives, facial swelling, flushing, dizziness, nasal congestion or sneezing. 7. You will be notified when the allergy extract is low. It is your responsibility to reorder and obtain replacement allergy extract. Allergy extracts must be mailed directly to you, not to the Health Center. 8. You are responsible for informing the Allergy Clinic staff of any changes in address, phone number, health conditions, 9. Vials left unused at the Health Center will be discarded after the expiration date. 10. Delayed reactions are possible. Persistent or severe symptoms require immediate medical attention by calling 911 and the Office of Safety and Security at 410-337-6111. For mild symptoms, take an
antihistamine as advised by your allergist (Allegra, Zyrtec, Claritin or Benadryl). Report any delayed
reaction to the nurse before receiving any additional injections.
11. It is recommended to wait 48 hours before and after allergy injections before receiving any other type of 12. Avoid vigorous exercise (jogging, gym workouts, etc.) at least one hour—preferably two—before and 13. Please refer to the fee schedule for allergy injections. Fees may be paid by cash, check, one card or billed to your tuition account at each visit. The Health Center does NOT bill insurance. I have read and understand all of the above. Student’s Signature_______________________________________ Date_________________________ To the Allergist: I am aware and agree to the above allergy injection policy for my patient, ______________________ Physician’s Signature _______________________________


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