Comprehensive Family Dentistry Mark A. Gustus, D.D.S. Please comPlete the following confidential information I N S U R A N C E
Date _________________________________________________________
Insurance Co. __________________________________
Employee Name _______________________________
Address ______________________________________________________
Employer _______________________________________
City ___________________ State _____________ Zip ______________
Group # _______________________________________
Home Phone # _______________________________________________
Birth Date ______________________________________
Business Telephone ____________________________ Ext.___________ ➧
Cell Phone # _________________________________________________
Date Employed ________________________________
SS# or ID# ____________________________________________________
ID# ____________________________________________
Birthdate _____________________________________________________
Married____ Single____ Divorced____ Widowed____ Child____
Insurance Co. __________________________________
Employee Name _______________________________
Employer _______________________________________
Group # _______________________________________
Birth Date ______________________________________
Date Employed ________________________________
ID# ____________________________________________
yOUR: Name _________________________________________________
Occupation ____________________________________________
Employer _______________________________________________
G E T T I N G T O K N O W y O U
Business Address ________________________________________City _______________________State _____ Zip______________
Purpose of this appointment ________________________
Is another member of your family, or relative a patient
at our office? ______________________________________
Name _________________________________________________
Referred to us by ___________________________________
Occupation ____________________________________________
Employer _______________________________________________
Business Address ________________________________________
Person to contact for emergency ___________________
City _______________________State ______ Zip______________
_______________Phone ______________________________
Business Telephone _______________________Ext. _________
Closest relative not living with you ___________________
_______________Phone ______________________________
H E A L T H H I S T O R y
1. Do you have pain from any area of your mouth?
3. My last physical examination was on_____________________________________________________________________4. Are you now under the care of a physician? _____________________________________________________________ Yes _______ No ________
Physician’s Name _______________________________________________________________________________________
Address __________________________________________________________________________________ Phone # _______________________________
5. Have you been hospitalized or had a serious illness within the past 5 years?
6. Are you now taking any medication, drugs or pills?
If yes, please list those drugs: ____________________________________________________________________________
7. Are you allergic or have you reacted adversely to any of the following medications: (Please circle if yes)
8. Are you aware of being allergic to any other medication or substance?
9. Have you ever had: (Please circle if yes)
Mitral Valve Prolapse (MVP) Radiation Therapy
AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)
10. Do you smoke? Yes ___________No _____________________ How Much? ____________________________________11. Do you have any disease, condition or problem not listed above that you think we should know about?
If yes, explain? ___________________________________________________________________________________________
DENTAL HISTORy 12. Date of last dental examination __________________________________________________________________________ 13. Have you had orthodontic treatment? (Braces)
14. Do your gums bleed when brushing your teeth?
15. Have you ever been told you have pyorrhea (gum disease)?
16. Have you ever had professional instructions on dental home care?
17. Is any part of your mouth sensitive to temperature, or pressure?
If yes, where? ____________________________________________________________________________________________
19 Do you have any unpleasant odor, or taste, in your mouth?
20. Do you have any pain or soreness around the eyes, or ears?
21. Are you dissatisfied with your teeth and their appearance?
Yes _________ No __________ If yes, What month? ________
CONSENT: The undersigned hereby authorizes Doctor to take radiographs, study models, photographs, or any other diagnostic aids deemed appropriate by Doctor to make a thorough diagnosis of the patient’s dental needs. I also authorize Doctor to perform any and all forms of treatment, medication and therapy, that may be indicated in connection with (Name of Patient) _______________________________________________ and further authorize and consent that Doctor choose and employ such assistance as he deems fit. I also understand the use of anesthetic agents embodies a certain risk. I understand that responsibility for payment for Dental Services provided in this office for myself or my dependents is mine, due and payable at the time services are rendered. I understand that by signing this consent form, I am giving my consent to your use and disclosure of my protected health information to carry our treatment, payment activities and health care operations. Please understand that failure to pay any unpaid balance in a timely manner may result in collection and attorney fees.
Signature ______________________________________________________________________
Relationship to Patient __________________________________________________________
COMUNE DI ALBIGNASEGO Verbale di deliberazione della Giunta Comunale N. 19 del 27/01/2000 L'anno duemila , addì ventisette del mese di gennaio , alle ore 18,20 , nella Residenza Municipale di Villa Obizzi , si è riunita sotto la presidenza del Sindaco Lanfranco Casale la Giunta Comunale. Partecipa all'adunanza ed è incaricato della redazione del presente verbale Il Segret