Research & MDP Courses Publications
B.E. (ECE; College of Engineering, Osmania University)
Academic Experience: around six years at IIM Indore and XLRI
Industry Experience: over a decade - largely spanning stints in consulting and business
development in India, Middle East, Europe and USA. Held leadership positions in India and the UK.
Firm growth, evolution, and Internationalization
Applications of Cybernetics & Complexity in firm growth and decisions under uncertainty
Founding and Sheltering of new ventures
Born Global firms – internationalization paths and processes
Publications/ Articles/ Cases: Journal Papers
Chandrashekhar, G.R., 2009, Unraveling firm competitiveness: a life cycle perspective;
Competition Forum 7(1): 39 – 47 (this article shall also appear in a future issue of Advances in Competitiveness Research)
Chandrashekhar, G.R., 2006, Examining the Impact of Internationalization on Competitive
Dynamics; Asian Business & Management 5 (3): 399 – 417
Chandrashekhar, G.R., & Srinivasan, R., 2005, Founding Time and growth of firms; New England
Journal of Entrepreneurship, Special issue on Measurements, Fall 8 (2): 21-30
G R Chandrashekhar, 2011, Influence of Founding conditions on Growth of Firms; Lambert
Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. Saarbrucken, Germany; ISBN 978-3-8433-7949-6
Conference Papers
Chandrashekhar, G.R., 2011, Research intensity and new venture growth; annual ICSB Global
Entrepreneurship Conference, George Washington University, Washington DC, USA
Chandrashekhar, G.R., & Srinivasan, R., 2010, Conceptualizing sheltering for new ventures
research; Strategic Management Society research workshop and conference, IIM Bangalore
Chandrashekhar, G.R., & Srinivasan, R., 2009, Conceptualizing sheltering for new ventures
research; Society for Entrepreneurship Scholars (SES) annual conference and manuscript boot camp, Johns Hopkins University, Washington DC, USA
Chandrashekhar, G.R., 2004, Reverse Internationalization as a strategic response to
Internationalization – an examination of IT Firms; accepted for presentation at the 2004 international conference of the Global Business and Technology Association, Cape Town, South Africa
Chandrashekhar, G.R. & Jain, A.K., 2004, Developing a conceptual foundation for the
internationalization process of the firm; Academy of International Business annual conference, Stockholm, Sweden
Chandrashekhar, G.R. & Jain, A.K., 2004, Developing a holistic foundation of
growth of the firm; published in the Regional Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research - CD ROM, AGSE – BABSON, Melbourne, Australia
Chandrashekhar, G.R. & Akbar, M., 2003, Theory of growth of the firm:
Innovative influences; proceedings of 3rd international conference on
entrepreneurship and innovation, University of Central England & IIM Bangalore
Chandrashekhar, G.R. & Akbar, M., 2002, Theory of growth of the firm:
Competitive influences; conference volume of 5th biennial conference on entrepreneurship, EDI Ahmedabad
Field Cases
Darling Pumps Pvt Ltd ------- ECCH – 810-042-1; 2010
Morepen Laboratories – betting on Loratadine ------- ECCH -- 810-043-1; 2010
Ranbaxy Laboratories – a venture turned multinational (2008)
Infosys Technologies – growing with opportunities (2005)
Prologix – a passionate venture (2005)
Trigent – testing waters carefully (2005)
Invited Articles and Book Reviews
Chandrashekhar, G.R., 2006, A perspective on Viable Systems Model, Power People, 1 (1): 8-9
Chandrashekhar, G.R., 2011, Book Review of ‘Female Entrepreneurship in East and South East
Asia: Opportunities and Challenges’ by Philippe Debroux, Asian Business and Management 10(3): 461-462
Homepage/Curriculum Vitae/Downloads: Under construction
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