Purim express form-letter 2013

This year we will be celebrating the holiday of Purim on Saturday and Sun- 28041 Hawthorne Blvd., Suite 202-203 Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 day, February 23rd & 24th. On Purim It is a special Mitzvah to send gifts of
food to friends known as Mishloach Manot. This beautiful tradition promotes
unity and friendship amongst the community at large!
To help facilitate this Purim gift exchange, we are once again offering ever
popular UPS “United Purim Shuttle Service” which is sure to create a festive
spirit and enhance this wonderful tradition. Cut off date for this year’s United
Purim Shuttle order is Monday, February 18.
Here's how it works.
For $5.00 per recipient, a group of volunteers will prepare a beautiful Purim
gift package to be delivered on or before Purim to the person(s) you select
from the enclosed list of names. A card with your name and all other sender's
names will be included along with the basket. For $250 you can send to the
entire list enclosed.
If there are fewer than 5 senders the recipients will re-
ceive a Purim card acknowledging your donation to the Jewish Center.
NEW! You can automatically reciprocate with those who send you a
Purim gift. Also, you can purchase gift boxes at $18 each for your family
and friends outside of the community.

Enclosed is a list with names. Please check the box next to the name. If you
would like to send a Purim package to a name not on the list please feel free
to add the name in the enclosed form.
Special Mitzvah - Send a Purim Gift to an Israeli Soldier
This Purim send a Purim Gift basket to a soldier in Israel. Show your solidarity
with the Israeli soldiers who are putting their lives on the line. Make their Pu-
rim a Happy one!. Again, we are offering an opportunity to send a Purim gift
to a soldier in Israel. For only $18 you can have a personalized Purim card
with your name attached sent to an Israeli soldier.
Best wishes for a Happy & Joyous Purim
Sincerely Yours,
PS - You may place your order or donate securely on-line at www.JewishPV.com
Number of NEW recipients added
Yes! I would like to reciprocate any Purim gift sent to me
Yes! I would like to purchase Purim gift boxes ($18 each)
Number of Purim gifts for Israeli soldiers Add NEW recipients names not on the list
Name:_______________________________________ Name:_______________________________________ 1 Address: _____________________________________
Address: _____________________________________ City, State, Zip: ________________________________ City, State, Zip: ________________________________ Name:_______________________________________ Name:_______________________________________ 2 Address: _____________________________________
Address: _____________________________________ City, State, Zip: ________________________________ City, State, Zip: ________________________________ Name:_______________________________________ Name:_______________________________________ 3 Address: _____________________________________
Address: _____________________________________ City, State, Zip: ________________________________ City, State, Zip: ________________________________ 3 ways to send your order
Payment form
I will pay with: Check Credit card Please Bill Me Mail: 28041 Hawthorne Blvd #202 | RPV | CA | 90275
Please charge my credit card: VISA MC AMEX exp date: Online: www.jewishPV.com
Fax: 310.544.7138
Total Amount: $_________
All donations are tax deductible and will help the less fortunate as well as continue the growth of the

Source: http://www.jewishpv.com/media/pdf/714/Hted7147537.pdf

Electronic decision support system demonstrations

2ND G-I-N CONFERENCE 2004 What sources of information are GPs using for prescribing? Speaker: Bruce Arroll, University of Auckland, New Zealand Additional authors: F Goodyear-Smith, D Patrick, J Harrison and N Kerse.; University of Auckland, (This study was funded by the Ministry of Health, but the opinions are those of the authors.) The general practitioners information resources an


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