What does it do How do you take it Other information acetaminophen
3000 mg daily. Drink 2-3 liters of fluid per day when taking. Avoid other medications con-taining acetaminophen
Side Effects: rash, GI bleeding with chronic use, liver damage with overdose and alcohol use >3 drinks/day citalopram
to see benefit. Do not stop this medication without discussing with your health care provider
Side Effects:Fatigue, insomnia, nausea, dry mouth, sexual dysfunction, may cause suicidal thoughts in people under 25. docusate
Side Effects: prolonged use may cause fluid and electrolyte imbalance dexamethasone Steroid - Side Effects:increased appetite, weight gain, increase blood sugars, insomnia, depression, eupho- ria, increased risk of infection, decreased muscle mass, hypertension, osteoporosis (long term use) granisetron
chemotherapy. Place patch on clean skin on the arm. Do not cut the patch
Side Effects: Headache, constipation, weakness, dizziness, fatigue Hydrocodone and acetaminophen
take more than pre-scribed and do not take additional Tylenol.
Side Effects: Sedation, constipation, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, respiratory depression
10 — Ben and Catherine Ivy Center for Advanced Brain Tumor Treatment Ben and Catherine Ivy Center for Advanced Brain Tumor Treatment — 11 What does it do How do you take it Other information What does it do How do you take it Other information ibuprofen phenytoin Side Effects:Abdominal pain, , nausea, GI bleeding, affects platelet function, inhibit bone growth after levetracitam Side Effects:Rash, fatigue, visual changes, dizziness, gum tenderness/ bleeding, may affect folic acid, vitamin D and calcium levels in the body
without discussing with your health care
Side Effects:behavioral symptoms, drowsiness, headache, vomiting, weakness Side Effects: Abdominal cramping, diarrhea lorazepam sulfamethoxazole/ trimethoprim Side Effects:sedation, respiratory depression, amn Side Effects: Rash, GI upset, nausea polyethylene glycol zolpedem
Take only when you can get 7-8 hours of sleep.
Side Effects:Itching, abdominal bloating, nausea, diarrhea, flatulence, cramping omperazole
Proton pump inhibitor Take on an empty stom-
Side Effects:abnormal dreams, anxiety, confusion, headache, drowsiness, lightheadedness, amne-
Side Effects: Headache, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, dizziness oxycodone
taking this medication. Do not take more than instructed. If it is ineffec-tive contact your health care provider. Side Effects:drowsiness, dizziness, itching, nausea, constipation, confusion, hypotension, blurred vision ondasetron Side Effects:Headache, constipation, diarrhea, fatigue, dizziness pantoprazole
Proton Pump Inhibitor May be taken with or
Side Effects: Headache, diarrhea, abdominal pain, flatulence, rash12 — Ben and Catherine Ivy Center for Advanced Brain Tumor Treatment
Pág 1 de 14 LIST-CNAD-001 Rev: 07/00 Lista de Substâncias e Métodos Proibidos1 de Janeiro de 2007 (Data de Entrada em Vigor)Ratificada pelo Grupo de Monitorização da Convenção Contra a Dopagem do A presente lista é composta por 20 páginas, incluindo os anexosA utilização de qualquer medicamento deve estar limitada a uma SUBSTÂNCIAS E MÉTODOS PROIBIDOS EM COMPETIÇ
Versión para imprimir Imprimir Las farmacias de Internet burlan las medidas decierreEn 2010 se cerraron 88 portales de la Red.- FACUA detecta 28 páginas web dedistribución ilegal de medicamentos CAROLINA GARCÍA - Madrid - 08/06/2011 La Asociación de Consumidores en Acción (FACUA) ha identificado 28 páginas web que suministranmedicamentos en España de forma ilegal. "El objet