Not everyone is sexually active. It’s for you to decide when or if you wish to be sexually active. Deciding whether or not you are ready to be in a relationship or to have sex is an important decision and takes thoughtful consideration. Sexuality is a normal part of being human and should be enjoyed, but you have to keep in mind what your values are. What are your goals and priorities in life at the moment? Ask yourself what sexual activity means to you and if you are ready. Sexual activity is a personal choice and you need to do what is best for you.
So you just found out you’re pregnant. You may experience common feelings of shock, anger, sadness, anxiety, confusion or happiness. It is important you first sort through your emotions in order to start thinking realistically and weighing Things to think about before making a decision about what to do:
1. Think carefully about what your responsibilities are. 2. Talk to someone you trust, like your parents, boyfriend, doctor or a friend. 3. Never let anyone talk you into a decision. The decision must be your own! 5. What kind of life can you offer a child? 6. What are the financial realities? 7. What are your personal religious beliefs and values? 8. Do you have the time to raise a child and study? 9. Do you have social support of family and friends? 10. Are you in a stable relationship? Or does that even matter to you? There are many aspects of your life that will have to be considered as you deal with this important issue. Trying to sort out everything on your own is very difficult. We suggest that you contact your student health clinic and student counselling office as soon as possible to get the help and support you may need. There are many different types of birth control methods available, however it is recommended that you discuss your options with your doctor so you can make an informed decision on what will work best for you. Remember that protection from STIs and birth control are two different things. If you are not using condoms, you will not be protected against STIs. Below is a list of birth control methods:
Birth Control Pills - Affects hormone levels, prevents egg
- It is 98% effective against pregnancy. (Females)
- Have to remember to take it every day. - May experience spotting, nausea, tender breasts, moodiness, headaches and weight gain. - Some other medications may interfere with the pills’ effectiveness. Birth Control
- Thin patch that is placed on your skin. - Do not need to remember to take a pill - Doesn’t protect against sexually (Ortho Evra)
- Not as effective for women over 198 lbs. The “morning
- Does not affect future fertility and is after” pill
- Can be difficult to obtain, often need a prescription, depending on where you live and some doctors don’t give it out. - A flexible 2-inch ring that is inserted (NuvaRing)
into the upper part of the vagina once a (Females)
- It is a pre-lubricated pouch that lines (Females)
- Reduces risk of sexually transmitted infections. - They are 79% - 95% effective against pregnancy. - Latex or polyurethane sheath that fits - Some people are allergic to the latex. transmitted infections. - Easy to obtain and are often free. Depo-Provera
- May experience spotting, weight gain, mood changes and headaches. Cervical Cap
rubber with domed top. It stays in place pregnancy. be removed until six hours after ejaculation. - It blocks sperm from entering the uterus. Withdrawal
transmitted infections or pre-ejaculation. - Requires self-control, experience and trust. Have you felt like you’re trapped in a body of the wrong gender? Sexual and gender identity development is unique in all of us and is merely a feature of you as a whole person. Your gender identity is just as natural to you as your sex. Your sex is defined by your physical characteristics, while gender identity is the gender you feel you are, regardless of your physical characteristics. Transgender
Sometimes people who are born male identify themselves more with females, or vice versa. This characteristic is inborn and is known as transgender. This doesn’t mean you are gay, and has nothing to do with your sexual attraction preferences. Cross-Dressers
This is quite different from transgender as cross-dressers don’t actually identify themselves as another gender, but like to wear the clothes of the opposite gender. Transsexual
People who surgically alter their body to suit the gender they feel is better fitted to them. Whether transgendered or not, gender is in your mind, not your body. It’s just as normal a part of life as the air we breathe and is not considered a mental disorder. HOW DO I KNOW IF I'M GAY, LESBIAN OR BISEXUAL? Sexual orientation can be complex and multidimensional. Some people may be solely sexually attracted to their own sex and they are considered gay or lesbian. However, some homosexuals have heterosexual attractions and some heterosexuals have homosexual attractions. There are also people who are sexually attracted to both sexes equally and they are called bisexual. The feelings that attract them to the same sex have been there since they were born and are perfectly normal. Although some gay or lesbian people may have some attraction to the opposite sex, the attraction to the same sex is much more intense and significant in homosexuals. However, just because you’re attracted to the same sex doesn’t necessarily If you are not sure if you are gay or lesbian, you may want to ask yourself a few questions:
1. Do you have frequent sexual fantasies about persons of the same sex?
2. Do you feel more emotionally connected to persons of the same sex?
3. Are you more attracted to persons of the same sex?
If you don’t have a clear answer to the above questions, that’s ok. Sexual orientation develops over time and there is no reason to rush into labeling yourself! Sometimes people experiment during their college/university years, and that’s ok; just practice safe sex. Eventually you will just know what your main sexual orientation is. COMING OUT (GAY, LESBIAN, BISEXUAL OR TRANSGENDER) It is important to share your feelings with people you can trust or with a local support group. Talking will help you to accept yourself and deal with the public transition when the time is right. Remember to be proud of who you are and for having the courage to be who you were meant to be. Often coming out can be a stressful situation. If there is a local gay, lesbian, bisexual organization in your community, they may be able to help you. HERE ARE SOME TIPS TO MAKE COMING OUT EASIER: Say aloud “I AM GAY!” and see how it feels. Never come out to others when you are angry or to hurt someone. Be sure to be in a private, comfortable environment. Join a gay/lesbian support group; if there are none in the community there are a million online! Make sure you’re sober when you tell your family and friends. Don’t bring your partner with you when you tell your family, that may be too much all at once. Know that there are always going to be people who will never accept it. Be ready to give people their space to accept things. Be prepared for loving acceptance even if you don’t expect it; people can surprise you. Be prepared for an earful of questioning. Be prepared for ANY reactions. Have resources for them like brochures etc. Don’t expect immediate acceptance from everyone.


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Status of Introduced Plants in Southern Arizona Parks Dimorphotheca sinuata D.C. William L. Halvorson, Principal Investigator U.S. Geological Survey / Southwest Biological Science Center Table of Contents: Dimorphotheca sinuata D.C. . 3 African daisy, cape marigold, sun marigold, Star of the Veldt, glandular cape marigold .3 synonymous names of the species:. 3 species

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